Author Archives: The Health Guy

About The Health Guy

Paul Miller, AKA The Health Guy, has been living with and beating pancreatitis for over 40 years. He was diagnosed at the age of 25 with both acute and chronic pancreatitis and is now 67. What you read on this website is the truth and nothing but the truth.

Ibuprofen the Risk Vs Benefit In Pancreatitis

In this article “Ibuprofen the Risk Vs Benefit In Pancreatitis” I’m going to do my best to explain why I believe Ibuprofen is the best first line of defense when the pancreas is inflamed. I have previously written about my usage of Ibuprofen for pancreatitis but it seems that many are showing undo concern. Thank… Read More »

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI)

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, often called pancreatic insufficiency or EPI, is the inability of your digestive system to break down and properly digest the foods you eat. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency or EPI is characterized by the pancreas NOT producing enough pancreatic enzymes (protease, amylase, lipase) to promote normal digestion and the need for pancreatic enzyme supplementation.… Read More »

LOW Fat Hot Cocoa (chocolate)

How would you like a nice cup of LOW Fat Hot Cocoa? You know, hot chocolate! When the chill is in the air something chocolate, cooking on the stove can smell, well, delicious and … On winter evenings there is nothing like a good cup of hot chocolate! For those who have pancratitis, can tolerate no… Read More »

New Recipe Category

I was thinking of adding recipe pages (a whole category) because people have been asking for quite sometime whether I have a cookbook or one I recommend and … I don’t. I have never seen an adequately safe cookbook for pancreatitis victims. And recently some ladies have put the bug in my ear about starting… Read More »

Learn Which Foods Trigger Acute Pancreatitis Or CP Flares

Learn which foods trigger acute pancreatitis or CP flares. This is extremely important and can only be accomplished in a reliable way by using a food diary. In a previous post called: Do certain foods cause pancreatitis attacks? I discuss the fact that in normal people foods do NOT cause acute pancreatitis or CP flares but in those… Read More »