Beating Pancreatitis

IF you are searching for quality information about beating pancreatitis you have found the right site. You ARE in the right place because beating pancreatitis is possible.

The medical community will most often do their best to help you however in regards to pancreatitis I have found them sorely lacking in ability and knowledge. Let’s face it …

Doctors, for the most part, are highly intelligent. They have to be in order to learn everything they need to know to graduate medical school and begin practice BUT …
Beating Pancreatitis

They are human. Some may think they are omniscient but the truth is they are human, they make mistakes and they do not know everything about every disease or condition even IF they specialize.

What IS Pancreatitis

pancreatitis-informationPancreatitis is a disease condition wherein the pancreas becomes inflamed. Keep the words inflamed and inflammation in mind because they are the whole secret to healing.

Damage to the pancreas occurs when pancreatic enzymes are activated BEFORE they leave the pancreas and enter the small intestine. They attack and devour the pancreas often causing damage that is difficult to heal. But …

If you have been diagnosed with pancreatitis (acute or chronic) and are serious about healing and living pain free this page and site is for you so grab something non-alcoholic to drink and pull up a chair and get comfortable because you are about to learn how I have and am currently beating pancreatitis. 🙂

The Pancreatitis information on this site is especially for those of you who have been diagnosed with acute or chronic pancreatitis. The spouse of someone who has pancreatitis may also find it helpful as well. Hopefully it’ll come in handy if you find yourself needing  basic or in-depth pancreatitis information about the disease itself. So …

Like the movie “Kindergarten Cop” we are gonna play a game called “what is the pancreas and what does it do?” In order that you might learn about your pancreas. It is important to know what your pancreas does, its function and reason for being, so that you can understand why you are sick and why you may experience certain symptoms and complications.

learning pancreas anatomy and physiology is like eating-an-elephantThis is the pancreatitis information your doctor will never tell you simply because he/she likely doesn’t believe you have the brains to understand it nor do they have the time in 10-40 minute appointments to explain it all.

I’ve invested years learning what I know about the pancreas and , trust me on this, I still don’t know everything. I never will. I guess what I am saying is you can get a “basic knowledge” fairly rapidly but learning the in-depth stuff takes time so don’t get discouraged. AND there is a lot to learn so how do you eat an elephant? ONE bite at a time.

This site (beating pancreatitis) will be a work in progress. By that I mean it may never be quite done. It will, at some point, contain a lot of pancreatitis information, such as research articles written by scholars, what I think are the best sites on the Internet for basic and in-depth pancreatitis information, quality videos, all in one spot so you can visit, click links and learn at your leisure.

Pictures Of The Pancreas

Here is a fairly good, detailed diagram of the pancreas. A real human pancreas looks a bit different.


More Pictures of the Pancreas

If you are like me you want to know everything about your condition and sometimes it is difficult to find really good, quality information. The Internet is an awesome resource but it is also full of junk, even dangerous material when it comes to information in regards to pancreatitis, especially information about a proper diet and how to heal the pancreas in the event of damage but …

Pancreatitis Information LibraryThis page will not really deal with diet and healing. You can find that stuff on other pages of this site. Think of this page as a “library resource.”

Some of the stuff I read is interesting, some boring, some complex, some resources you have to register a free account to obtain. There are also others that charge a fee but I will not be posting any info from those unless the free “abstract” contains excellent information about pancreatitis  without the necessity of buying something. Again the cool thing about this site is that the pancreatitis information is top notch quality, correct and up-to-date , yet free information and I want to keep it that way.

If I have never told you, I appreciate the fact you visit my site and I sincerely hope you find it to be a quality resource. In fact I hope you find this beating pancreatitis site something you never again want to be without. If there is a subject you’d like me to cover and include in this resource or as a blog post please leave your suggestion in the comment section of THIS page and I’ll do my best to fulfill your request.

What Is The Pancreas and What Does It Do?

Pancreas Location Picture ImageThe pancreas is an important organ located underneath the liver and gallbladder with the greater part behind the stomach. The head nestles in a pocket created by the duodenum and the tail touches the spleen. See the image to the right.

The pancreas is tasked with producing enzymes (protease, amylase, lipase, nucleases). These enzymes help breakdown foods, turning those foods into usable components.

Protease, which is actually a group of enzymes (trypsinogen, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase), converts proteins into amino acids.

Amylase converts carbs and starch into simple sugars, glucose.

Lipase converts fats into fatty acids and glycerol.

Nucleases are enzymes that digest nucleic acids.  The word “nuclease” represents any nucleic acid breaker, and like the enzymes referred to as proteases there are a few different ones that our pancreas secretes.

The following video will not only entertain you but will teach what you need to know about the pancreas. This will give you a better understanding about your pancreas which will in turn re-enforce why it is so important to heal it if it is damaged.

What Is Acute Pancreatitis?

acute pancreatitisThere are basically two forms of acute pancreatitis which are classified by the orthodox medical community as mild and severe. Mild acute pancreatitis can be very unpleasant with recurrent attacks due to alcoholism, gallstones, medications, high blood fat levels etc causing enough damage to push the condition into a chronic state. Severe acute pancreatitis can be life threatening with a mortality rate as high as 50% due to infection, bleeding and organ failure.

acute pancreatitisAcute pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas tissue. According to many medical authority sites most people recover completely after mild acute pancreatitis but if doctors paid more attention to what their patients told them they’d know that far too many patients do not fully recover, especially when they follow a doctor’s advice in regards to diet.

Due to the amount of catastrophic damage severe acute pancreatitis patients often have problems the rest of their lives because the damage often causes chronic pancreatitis. Recurrent mild acute can do the same thing.

This video, along with the pancreatitis information on my site, is not intended for you to diagnose yourself or treat pancreatitis. You should always contact a doctor if you think you are ill.

Pancreatitis Causes

gallstone-pancreatitisThe most common cause of pancreatitis is the passing of gallstones that become lodged in the common bile duct at the ampulla of Vater and cause acute pancreatitis. 

Alcohol consumption is another cause. Certain people are prone to alcoholic pancreatitis. The name alcoholic may be misleading because the gene variant may mean that one doesn’t have to be an alcoholic to get pancreatitis from drinking alcohol. In fact according to the article if you have the variant chronic pancreatitis can come from any form of pancreatitis not just alcoholic pancreatitis.

Traumatic abdominal Injury, sustained from something such as a car wreck, bad fall, gunshot wound or a 200 pound full back slamming into your gut at full speed, is also a known cause of pancreatitis.

Cancer of the pancreas often causes pancreatitis. In fact I have read where doctors say that pancreatitis pain is the cancer pain without the cancer yet how would they know if they have never had either? Maybe some listen to patients?

Pancreatitis InformationOther causes include:

  • autoimmune disease (autoimmune pancreatitis)
  • genes (hereditary pancreatitis, alcoholic pancreatitis)
  • medications (the list is long)
  • exposure to certain chemicals
  • surgery and certain medical procedures such as ERCP
  • virus infections like mumps
  • bacteria such as H. pylori
  • high blood fat levels
  • sphincter of oddi dysfunction
  • pancreatic abnormalities such as pancreas divisum
  • venom from scorpion sting, bee sting, and snake bite

I imagine there are other factors for causation as well.

Chronic Pancreatitis

chronic pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis is caused by damage from acute pancreatitis. Some types of pancreatitis such as autoimmune, hereditary and alcoholic pancreatitis can actually present first as or with “chronic” pancreatitis symptoms. Chronic pancreatitis often escalates to acute pancreatitis especially in those individuals who do not quit drinking alcohol or watch their diet fat intake. High fat diets are a cause for misery in many people with pancreatitis who do not know the facts or simply don’t care. I can’t imagine people choosing misery because they do not want to give up their high fat foods and/or alcohol yet …

I actually spoke with one female doctor who was a member of a support group that was actually looking forward to having her pancreas removed surgically. She obviously didn’t know how to heal her pancreas herself. Correct knowledge can often save a lifetime of pain and regret. Surgery, especially radical surgery, should be considered carefully and done only when all other avenues have been considered and deemed unacceptable for patient recovery and/or survival. THAT is my unprofessional opinion only (again I am not a doctor) but my opinion is based upon the fact that MOST people I have chatted with who have undergone surgical procedures from debridement to resection to complete removal (TP/AIT) often end up with more pain and additional complications than those who do not have surgical procedures.

steatorrhea-floating-smelly-turdsThe enzymes are synthesized and secreted from the exocrine acinar cells. When the pancreas sustains damage to these cells the pancreas is then compromised and its ability to produce enzymes becomes impaired. When this happens you may feel bloated, nauseous and vomit after eating a meal. You may also experience diarrhea or have foul smelling stools that float like little brown or clay colored boats, sometimes with fat globules attached (steatorrhea).

The pancreas is also tasked with producing insulin. Pancreatic islets, also called islets of Langerhans, are tiny clusters of cells scattered throughout the pancreas. Pancreatic islets contain several types of cells, including beta cells, that produce the hormone insulin. Your body uses insulin to move the sugar (glucose) obtained from food from the bloodstream into cells throughout the body. The cells are then able to use the sugar for energy.

When enough of your pancreatic islets have been destroyed by damage or surgery you become diabetic. This brings on a whole new cascade of events that could take place creating more symptoms and suffering.

Autoimmune Pancreatitis

Autoimmune pancreatitis is a whole different animal in some ways because it usually starts out with symptoms that resemble chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. In fact autoimmune pancreatitis is often misdiagnosed as pancreatic cancer. The good news that it often responds well to steroid treatment. The bad news is that treatment isn’t fun from what I understand and it simply seems to go into “remission” only to return at a later date.

Autoimmune pancreatitis can present entirely on its own or it can be associated with a various number of other autoimmune diseases including sclerosing cholangitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism, sarcoidosis, and Sjogren’s syndrome.

Pancreatitis Information Resource Material

Pancreatitis Information ResourcesThe link below will take you to my Pancreatitis Resource Material. It will eventually be like an online pancreas library lists of medical sites, surgical sites, scientific research articles and more that you can use to learn almost everything you meed to know about your condition.

Once you possess a good knowledge about pancreatitis it is easier to understand common sense approaches to healing your damaged pancreas which can be found in other places on this pancreatitis site.

Pancreatitis Resources

By the way my resource page will most likely always be a “work in progress.” Whenever I find new, exciting information or something i think you should know I usually blog about it but I’ll also probably post that pancreatitis information here as well.

WHY Listen To Me About Beating Pancreatitis?

why listen to me about pancreatitisI was diagnosed with pancreatitis, both acute and chronic, in 1979 and was told I might have 10 years of life left to live. Quite frankly I didn’t much care for that prognosis nor did I look forward to the horrible pain and other symptoms that come with acute pancreas inflammation and chronic pancreatitis. As a result beating pancreatitis became my top priority.

The ONLY qualified reason I can think of in regards to WHY you’d want to listen to me by devouring every page and post on this site is because I have done it. I beat the condition. I crushed it. Glory to God! He gave me the knowledge, I received it, took action and beat chronic pancreatitis into remission.

What does this mean to you?

If I can beat pancreatitis you may be able to as well so …

I am going to share with you everything I have learned over more than 30 years of beating pancreatitis (Read Terms of Service). But, please understand this fact: 

Beating pancreatitis is NOT an easy task but if you want to live pain and symptom free, heal your inflamed pancreas and live a better life you may be able to reach your goal of beating pancreatitis by learning what I did to get the job done.

Why Have I Started This Pancreatitis Blog?

pancreatitis-remedies2020-04-06 15_17_50-pancreatitis keyword searches 4-2020I have created and started writing this pancreatitis blog because I was shown that there are literally THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of people world-wide who are suffering from this condition. 1.5 MILLION monthly searches as of April 6, 2020. People who are hurting looking for answers to their pain and suffering.

People who are suffering like I was until I discovered what works to become healed, not cured, but pain and symptom free and able to live a pretty normal life.

For that reason, to help others, is WHY I share what I was shown, through divine intervention (Praise God!) the secrets that work to heal the pancreas and beat pancreatitis. Again I charge NOTHING for the information and I pay for the hosting and other expenses of this site via ad revenue and amazon commissions. In other words you don’t have to buy my book (there isn’t one), you don’t have to buy ANYTHING from me! Just get well 🙂

Maybe this information on how to beat pancreatitis may help a few people to heal and live an almost normal, productive life without being butchered by some surgeon. That is why I started this beating pancreatitis blog.

The information on this blog comes from years of dealing with acute and chronic pancreatitis. I had ONE doctor, ONE out of FOURTEEN, who was finally able to diagnose my condition which ultimately led to my “school-of-hard-knocks” learning experience. What exactly did I learn?

health knowledge

5 Powerful, Must Know “Pieces Of Knowledge” For Beating Pancreatitis 

These 5 powerful pieces of knowledge will help you understand exactly what is going on with your pancreas and more importantly what you can do to help heal it.

1) What happens to your pancreas during an acute pancreatitis attack?

2) The #1 strategy I use to stop an acute pancreatitis attack in less than 90 minutes.

3) What to eat for pancreatitis and more importantly what NOT to eat.

4) How to create a pancreatitis food diary and do it right. If you don’t do it right you’ll simply be wasting your time and more importantly you’ll never really know what is safe for you to eat and what isn’t.

5) The supplements for pancreatitis that when combined with an appropriate pancreatitis diet will usually put out the fire of inflammation and begin pancreas healing.

As you read this pancreatitis blog you’ll learn about foods that will help heal your pancreas, relieve your chronic pancreatitis pain (and other symptoms) and also help you avoid another acute attack.

You learn about the juicing diet that makes it easier for your small intestines to absorb nutrients. This can be especially helpful for those with absorption issues.

The Information On This Beating Pancreatitis Blog Is Free

Free-infoEven though I have been told I should write a book about beating pancreatitis I have no intention of doing so.

There is a reason for that which is:

I totally believe God guided me to what I have learned about beating pancreatitis.

You may or may not believe in God Almighty. That is entirely your prerogative but since I totally believe God led me to these beating pancreatitis solutions, while protecting me from death, and taking into consideration He didn’t charge me one dime, I can see no other way than to return His kindness except by doing likewise. That is why this information about how to beat pancreatitis will be free for as long as I can manage it.

Word Of Warning!

nausea, vomiting, abdominal painAt this point I must caution you about other information you may find on the Internet.

There are some people selling books with dubious information (one is actually called beating pancreatitis). These well-meaning people have either had a relative who DIED from pancreatitis or now have pancreatitis themselves yet have NOT healed (are still symptomatic) or have never had pancreatitis. In any case of this nature …

Not to be crass or hurtful but learning from someone whose relative DIED (if the information was good the relative may still be alive) or someone who is NOT symptom free or someone who has never experienced the awful pain and illness that comes with acute and/or chronic pancreatitis or can not or does not offer solutions that make sense is like learning how to manage your finances from your uncle who has filed bankruptcy 3 times. Tell me does trusting that type of information make sense to you?

As far as I am concerned most doctors fall into the last category. They attend school for years in order to “practice” medicine yet most can not even diagnose pancreatitis unless it slaps them in the face and then they miss the OBVIOUS solution for healing. However …

As this condition becomes more and more prevalent doctors are challenged to learn more about this condition and they are beginning to learn more than the basics they are taught in school.

I am NOT a doctor. I can not prescribe a course of treatment to beat pancreatitis. I can only tell you what I did, why I did it and how I did it. When it comes to beating pancreatitis you will have to choose your own course and if you do choose mine – YOU DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Beating Pancreatitis My Way

beating-pancreatitis-my-wayBeating chronic pancreatitis is going to entail adherence to a strict regimen which will include a modified vegan, low fat diet and certain supplements. Both the diet and supplements will most likely be needed for the rest of your life, unless you wish to become ill again once you have accomplished pancreas healing. For some reason healing the pancreas does not cure the condition once damage has been done.

Pancreas healing will be much more difficult for those who have sustained large amounts of pancreas damage due to severe or moderate acute pancreatitis. Even a significant number of mild acute pancreatitis attacks may cause damage that is difficult to heal. Yet as I have said before …

Beating pancreatitis is possible. I have done it, so unless you have been totally butchered by some surgeon or simply do NOT change your eating habits and quit drinking alcohol I am fairly certain you will soon know the joy of better health. In fact …

When it comes to beating pancreatitis I’m rootin for ya!

One Favor Please …

If you like this beating pancreatitis information please do me a favor and “like” my blog, pages and posts on Google+ and Facebook. Tweet it, Pin it and so on. I’m not sure exactly how much doing so helps my site to rank in search results but I know it helps and I’ll appreciate the help! You’ll find the “like” and “share” buttons at the bottom of each page or post.

Thank you! 🙂

Good luck and God bless you!

P.S If you would like to receive any new beating pancreatitis information I might post that doesn’t hit my blog, some funny stuff from time to time, my Beating Pancreatitis Facebook Pages and and new support group you can find the links on this resource page.


591 thoughts on “Beating Pancreatitis

  1. Amanda Wagner

    You know your stuff, and u are so good at helping others. God blessential you

      1. Avi

        Hi Healthy guy, you deserve an applaud. I am not sure but I think I recovered from my chronic pancreatitis. I have gained 19 kg in the last 8 months and pain free after loosing 40kg and 5 years of misery and daily pancreatic pain.. All because of you. It feels like heaven now after 5 years of struggle with 2 times internal bleeding, pseudocyst, 50 attacks of acute pancreatitis. 50 times in ER. 5 times in ICU. Thinking of my painful past gives me a shudder. I can now eat all kind of food and can digest it. But most of the time I follow what healthy guy suggested. It’s tough to follow but after 2 years of rigorously following healthy guy and his blog I finally survived. To all, I say one thing – just have faith good times will come. Don’t loose hope. It’s nightmarish I know as I have gone through every second. This blog will save you. I survived death as all my 20 doctors lost hope.

      2. R Grover

        Hi Health Guy,

        Thank you for giving the helpful information on your website and the gift of HOPE that healing is possible to pancreatitis sufferers. God bless you!


        1. The Health Guy Post author

          You’re welcome RG – and it’s true! There is hope. People who were sick before finding this site are now well or at least better. I wish I could say everyone but I can’t. Nothing is perfect but many see good results. So are you next? 🙂

          1. R Grover

            My teenage son was recently diagnosed with acute and chronic calcific pancreatitis. His symptoms had been missed (diagnosed as gastritis/acidity) for over a year by many doctors until one doctor finally did the right blood test. The information in your website is helping him.
            Finally, God is the greatest healer and I have faith in Him.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi R Grover YES! God is the great Physician and our healer! I am glad the info is helping your son that is God’s doing and His Glory!

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Kathryn – diagnosed with what? You sound excited. I remember when I got diagnosed with acute and chronic pancreatitis it was like “wow cool, I really am sick and it isn’t in my head” lol

          1. Michelle

            This is exactly how I feel and literally say to the doctors. This isn’t in my head and I am not crazy!

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Yep Michelle – it actually feels good to know we aren’t crazy! It is sad when we get happy about knowing why we are sick.

          3. Belinda

            Hi HG

            Just wanted to say thank you again for everything you have done to help & educate us. I stumbled on your page in 2016. Not sure if it’s still active or I’m accessing old publications because I got an error message but I pray you are well. Blessings to you of good health & an abundance of wealth, love & joy!

          4. The Health Guy Post author

            Thank you Belinda! Yep I’m still here and kicking lol … I do seem to be somewhat slow in answering. I often forget to check my site for comments but I’m doing good thank you. I hope you are well?

    1. Jeanne Hoadley

      My daughter is in ITC with Pancreatitis, her blood is very high, why would they allow her sugary drinks

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Hi Jeanne – sorry to hear your daughter is not well. Sugar doesn’t SEEM to cause pancreatic inflammation even though it is inflammatory. I’m not saying that soda pop is great, in fact, I avoid it but when I did drink it (pop) and use sugar I did not notice any problems that could be directly associated with sugar. I still use brown sugar, molasses, honey etc with no problems.

        1. Jeanne Hoadley

          Thank you to The Health Guy, your reply was very helpful. I took in a home made Vegan meal for my daughter because I read it was good to heal the Pancreas and asked a mail nurse if he would allow my daughter to eat it and he said “it wont make any difference to her , it doesn’t work” and started talking about all fat rich foods he likes in front of her. Am I wrong in thinking that fat is bad for her while she is ill and recovering from Pancreatitis
          Best wishes

          1. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Jeanne – fat is bad. Alcohol is bad. IF she is in the hospital with acute pancreatitis she would do better on juice (V8 or fresh organic veggie juice) for the first few days, after her pain and other symptoms resolve, before solid food. Then the vegan food (no fat at all) to see how she tolerates it. I’d also get her some grape seed extract. And I’d ask her doc to give her Ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory).

        2. Ericka Poppe

          Duh! It can cause your daughter hyperglycemia if she’s not already diabetic

        3. Barbara

          Hi Health Guy,
          It’s Barbie from Big Bear. I was diagnosed with Cronic pancreatitis April of 2016. I really need a list of foods to avoid and ones to cure. I will write them down and cherish them. My mother passed at 41 of pancreatic cancer but she smoked and drank.My insides feel solid and I have been getting nauseated lately. Please give me a good and bad list.

          1. The Health Guy Post author

            Barbara – there are posts on this site that already list good and bad foods. Look to the right for a section called “categories.” Check the drop down menu for diet info and start reading. I hope you find the info you need so you can begin to heal and feel better. 🙂

      2. Jeanne Hoadley

        Hi Mr Health Guy, thank you for all your info, very helpful. It turns out my daughter has a large pseudo Cyst on her Pancreas. She has been in agony for three months and tomorrow she is at last having it drained. She was told that it could rupture at any time, which can course Sepsis which in turn can be fatal. She has been living at my house with her daughter for a month because I was so frightened the Cyst would rupture. Can you believe the hospital has left this so long knowing it could be fatal, they admitted to my daughter that it has been one mess-up after the other. Thank you again

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Jeanne – when it comes to the medical community I can believe almost anything. Even though I have had some rotten personal and family experiences with doctors etc I have come to understand that most really try to do a great job often achieving some great wins but sometimes it just takes way too long for the light to come on or simply doesn’t work out. Since your daughter was to have her cyst drained on the 31st I hope that went well and she feels better by now. 🙂

    2. Deborah Mccauley

      Hi is there somewhere I can buy all the info on this site in a book?

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Hi Deborah … funny you should ask because people have asked me to write a book for years and I have said no but I have recently changed my mind and will be putting all the knowledge I have into a book that will be available on Amazon and other platforms I hope in the near future. When it is available I’ll post it on my site here with a link to it so you may want to follow my blog. Thank you for asking.

  2. Liza

    Hi- what are the effects of chewing tobacco in regards to pancreatitis? I can’t imagine it can’t be good but my husband is stubborn and for some reason he came across your website & is finally honestly starting to make positive changes!!!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Liza – I smoke. It doesn’t seem to bother me. I used to chew when I was in the Corps but not since so I can’t say BUT I would guess that swallowing some tobacco juice accidently would not be a good thing. I’m glad your husband is making some changes. Hopefully he’ll begin feeling better. 🙂

      1. Brian Wiggins

        Hi Health Guy thanks for all of the info! I’m curious, I know you smoke.. just wondering how much you smoke? Thanks

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Brian – I don’t smoke nearly as much as I used to. I used to smoke two – three packs a day but over the last 10 years I am probably averaging a half a pack per day and frankly I am seriously thinking of quitting. It’s probably too late for preventing any cancer issues but stopping could always help my heart health improve.

          1. Mark

            Time to quit I did after 48 years who knows it may help. Just quit my pain meds no vices anymore got to get a handle on this before it kills me. Great Blog I was doing the fat free diet and we raise our own meat I know the fat content. Nobody told me I had to do this they just said take Creon and watch your diet?? Still trying to find out more on the Grape Seed I would give it a try but don’t know yet how much and where to get it. Thanks for the good information wish I would have found this site 5 years ago!

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hey Mark – grape seed extract is awesome. I wouldn’t go without it. It is my workhorse supplement. Diet, grape seed extract, vitamin C and curcumin. You can get all the supplements at any good health store. You want “stand-alone” formulas. As far as dosing everyone is different. The more damage your pancreas has the higher the doses you’ll need to see results. I’d start slow (low dose) because the supplements can cause digestive distress at first in some folks (due to detoxing). I’d increase the doses weekly until I saw the results I wanted. Sometimes it takes a healthy dose of each to get there. Diet and supplements are the key and Ibuprofen for pain flairs etc.

  3. Lee DeLeon

    I had type II diabetes and my A1C was bouncing between 8 and 10.5. I had, had enough so over 1 year i lost 100lbs dropoed my A1C to 6.5 and got off all insulin. After 3 months i went hypoglycemic with my numbers going to 30 or less. I was also disgnosed with Advanced Chronic Pancriatitis. The specialist thought maybe a rumor inside my pancreas but nothing there. I only eat some fruit, veggies, and light meat. I stream everything and yet i suffer.suggestions?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Lee – sorry to hear you aren’t well. Congrats! on dropping 100 lbs! Ok you said …
      “I only eat some fruit, veggies, and light meat”

      What is light meat? What types of meat do you eat?

  4. Cheryl Beckstead

    How did “they” determine you actually had epi? I was diagnosed w/sibo, small intestine bactera overgrowth. But, I’ve done a billion (not really ) treatments and still major problems. I was in the hospital once for pancreatitis. In shorter wording, how do I know if I have it?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Cheryl – somewhere on this blog there is a post about pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). It is a fairly recent so should show under recent posts other check the categories. I think that post may answer your questions. 🙂

      1. Chandra

        My name is Chandra I have chronic pancreatitis from acute I am suffering from 9 I suffering from chronic pancreatic divisom. Or it’s different chronic pancreatitis

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Chandra – sorry to hear you have been suffering for a long time. Pancreas Divisum is different than chronic pancreatitis. Pancreas Divisum in a birth defect where the pancreatic duct does not form properly into one continuous duct but instead is separated into two segments. In people who are symptomatic the defect can definitely cause acute pancreatitis and or chronic pancreatitis.

    1. Alayna DeFalco

      Fat is fat when it comes down to what we have. Nonfat milk or any nonfat dairy is good. (As long as lactose isn’t a problem)

  5. Pari hernan

    Your website is very helpful. Do you have best practices on not allowing this illness to affect your daily life like work?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Pari hernan – Thanks glad you like the site. I’m not sure what you mean by “Do you have best practices on not allowing this illness to affect your daily life like work?” BUT if you are well enough to work, then work. If not, don’t and do what it takes to get well enough.

  6. Chris

    Thank you for taking the time to answer all of our questions. I just had a stent put in my bile duct so next week they can see where to zap me for shockwave lithotripsy. Do you know anyone who has had this procedure for a pancreas stone and how long does it take to recover? Just the little bit my surgeon messed with my pancreas while putting in the stent kept me out of work for 3 days. They will do another ercp to take out the fragments and remove the stent. Not looking forward to that at all!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Chris – No I haven’t heard of anyone having this (shock wave lithotripsy) done for stones in the pancreas (pancreatic calcification). It’s a treatment for kidney stones. WHY exactly are they doing the procedure? Is the stone blocking something? Will you die without the procedure? Please keep us posted. I’ll be interested in knowing what transpires.

    2. Olgs

      Chris I did the shock wave therapy. That was fine and not painful but if the earp is not done well.. that will be the source of problems. If that happens 7-10days bed rest. If not good to go 4 the next day

  7. Nancy

    Hey there! 11yr old has slight to moderate pancreas insuffiency now after having acute recurrent pancreatitis. Diagnoses in 2014. No enzymes quite yet. Few more tests to see if it’s beginning stages of chronic pancreatitis. However, doc recommended a trial use of Antox from pharma Nordic in the UK. Have you heard of this at all or been recommended to use it??
    Nancy Noud

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Nancy – sorry to hear your 11 year old son has to go through this stuff. I first saw research about the antioxidants used in Antox in about 2010. There was a study done (the first I believe) by an East Indian doctor named Pramod Kumar Garg. His research was published by Gastroenterology in 2009.

      “Study medication
      The antioxidant supplementation included daily doses of 600 μg organic selenium, 0.54 g ascorbic acid, 9000 IU β-carotene, 270 IU α-tocopherol and 2 g methionine (Betamore G, Osper Pharmanautics, India). The compliance and timing of the medication were monitored at each visit of the patient by questioning the patient and relatives, evidence of the empty boxes of the drug/placebo, and capsule count.”

      The above excerpt is from that article. Later, another study was published this time using curcumin as well. The only two antioxidants used in either of those studies that are good are vitamin C and curcumin. I also use grape seed extract because it contains strong polyphenol flavonoids that are highly anti-inflammatory. So …

      I have been using Vitamin C, Grape seed extract and curcumin since 1994 (vitamin C and Grape seed) – 1996 (added curcumin). Almighty God led me to these antioxidants long before medical science began catching up. Approximately 13/14 years before. What bothers me about Antox (and why I’d never use it) is that it contains Methonine which in high doses can cause brain damage. Let me quote WebMD “Too much methionine can cause brain damage and death.” Selenium is also toxic and “builds up” when too much is taken. I could go on but leave it to doctors to use toxic ingredients when non-toxic ones are available and actually better.

      Now, nothing is totally safe. Vitamin C, grape seed extract and curcumin can all cause digestive upset in large doses. They are powerful antioxidants and can cause “detox symptoms” but as yet (at least I have never found any direct correlation) none of them has killed anyone whereas the same can not be said for those used in Antox and that is exactly why I do not and would not use Antox. THAT does not mean I’m right. I’m just a guy who reads too much lol

      I hope your son improves. 🙂

      1. rvkphysio

        So much great info on your blog. I’m glad God has given you the gift of writing and sharing your knowledge.

        Thanks for sharing!

  8. Johnna

    I,m 7 days into an acute pancreatic attack. I was not hospitolized. I tryed to eat a piece of wheat bread & a couple bites of rice with garlic & pepper because i got really dizzy.I woke up with pain in the night.I assumed my pancreas was healing & I could try & eat. I just made a fruit smoothie with red grapes ,apple and melon. Is this going to be trail & error? Am I hurting myself more by eating before my Pancreas is healed?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Johnna – how do you know it is an acute pancreatitis attack? Have you previously been diagnosed? If so and you know for sure you should be in the ER. Eating during an attack is not good. The pancreas needs rest. Please get checked out.

  9. Deijaneira

    Im going threw this alot right now but still have not been diagnosed with anything, its been 18months and im independent 17yr ive had about 17 er visits, 6 different gps from 6 different drs, been picked up in nz & aus from the ambo almost near dying and theyve found nothing, my bloods have come back near normal everytime, just high n white cells, get kept in for observation then dismissed with some ibrufeon. ive been prescribed and given nearly all the ‘best drugs’ every single time, it got to the point where morphine fed threw a iv., codeine, tramadol, acupan, alot i cant remember but these drugs i will never ever take again or forget how they make me feel!! Now i cant even cosume natural sleeping pills without feeling the need to itch right threw to my insides. After one would stop working theyd up the mg and the dosage. I try not let it get to me, but im loosing it somebody who knows about this crappy diagnosis could you please help me?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Deijaneira – I know how frustrating it can be, to be sick, and not know what is wrong; to hear different opinions from different doctors; most of which don’t make sense. I wish I had the answer but I don’t. All I can say is don’t give up. Find a doctor who wants to find out what is wrong and then let them get to it.

  10. surg12

    Would you say surgery is completely out? What would you say are the indications of allowing yourself to “be butchered”?

  11. Jeanne Hoadley

    Thank you for comment, it is very helpful, though now it is thought my daughter may have Type 1 Diabetes

  12. Anda Giorgio

    Hi there, thank you so much for the invaluable advice and support on this site!!. My mother has pancreatitis and she is in and out of the hospitals 🙁 she has gallstones (some were taken out already) and I am looking at Golden Paste GP to see if that would help.(turmeric, coconut oil, black pepper and water – made to a paste, and taking 1 teaspoon a day.). I am in touch with the Turmeric Group Users, but there isn’t anyone there who used it in pancreatitis. Would it help my mum, if she takes is regularly? (She is still overweight, has a pace-maker and had her spleen removed, plus swollen/heavy feet)….oh, parents! ???? please advise on GP, if suitable. Thank you. Anda xxx

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Anda – sorry to hear about your mother. The curcumin, black pepper and water are fine. Ditch the coconut oil. ALL oil is bad. It is pure fat and fat makes a damaged pancreas very unhappy.

      1. Anda Giorgio

        Hi there, thank you for taking your time to reply each one! what about citrus fruits – oranges, mandarins, satsumas etc. Lemon juice for flavoring food? xxx

  13. Barbara

    Hi i dont seem to get any help from my doctor complain for years how i was feeling being told you have this with out any help to help cure please can you help me told i have a shrinking pancreas what to eat and not to eat would be a help

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Barbara – atrophy of the pancreas is caused by several conditions (diabetes, chronic pancreatitis) and supposedly old age. Check the categories on the right for diet and read the posts to learn what to eat and what not to eat. Has anyone told you why your pancreas is shrinking?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Darren – I don’t know of any safe meal replacement shakes. Ensure clear seems to work for some. It is the only Ensure product without oil. But in regards to regular meal replacement shakes I’m sorry but I don’t know of any at this time. I’m not to fond of low fat myself but I’m even less fond of pain, puking, organ failure and death which are all possible with acute pancreatitis brought on by eating high fat meals when the pancreas is already damaged.

  14. Barbie

    Hi,I appreciate your help.I watched my mother suffer with cancer of the pancreas when I was 13,she was only 41 yrs old when she passed.
    I have had a strange feeling under my right rib for over 4 yrs.This past April 2016 I had a CT scan in the ER …The Dr. Was nice enough to tell me first off no tumors were seen.What a relief!!
    So for the last 7 months I’ve been watching what I eat ,using turmeric, red pepper,ginger,garlic and black pepper.Well,2 weeks ago my income was cut down which makes it hard for me to buy everything I need.So this puts added stress on me daily. I also take Creon when I eat. So can you simply the list of suppliments I need to buy,veggies n fruit to eat also please.I am a 64 year old woman that’s not ready to go yet.Thank You so much.B.Thumbs Up.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Barbie – Almost all veggies and fruits are safe EXCEPT for soybeans (soy products), avocado, coconut. Anything high in fat is not safe. Anything containing alcohol (mouthwash, vanilla extract, cold remedies) is not safe. IF I could only buy one supplement I’d choose grape seed extract. It is my personal workhorse product.

      1. Candice

        Health guy, may I ask why soy beans are not ok? What about protein shakes with soy in them?

  15. Jeanne Hoadley

    My daughter has been offered to have her Gall bladder removed but the surgeon said it may or may not work, sounds very hit and miss. So far they haven’t even found gall stones (she’s had scans)

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jeanne – if there are no stones or sludge visible on scans it may be because everything (stones and sludge) was passed before the scans or she doesn’t have them at all. I personally wouldn’t have my GB removed unless there was clear evidence to indicate the need. Of course you (and your daughter) need to do what y’all think is best.

    2. Tonya Schaefer

      How much grape seed extract should a 18 year old take for pancreatitis and should it be taken at certain times of the day? with a meal?

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Hi Tonya – try a loading dose of one (1) mg per pound of body weight. If he/she weighs 100 pounds, 100 mgs. Then work up (increase) on a weekly basis until he/she gets results.

  16. Jeanne Hoadley

    Thank you so much for your feedback, very much appreciated Mr health Guy

  17. Jeanne Hoadley

    Hi Mr Health guy, I have only just picked up your reply, to my email about fat and Pancreatitis. Thank you so much for your information, I really appreciate it. Just recently my daughter has been diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes caused by the Pancreatitis, she has been in hospital for over a month, in the last week she has had 4 Hypos night time and one day time, surely just before sleep a small snack of slow release carb would stop that happening in the night
    Thank you again

  18. Candice

    Hi Health guy, it would be so awesome if you joined our facebook groups, ( the groups people join for pancreatitis so many people dont seem to realise the importance of sending you a message on your page. But we do try to share it often. I sent you a fb message a while ago too. Not sure if youve had time to read it yet. I am still struggling to understand this disease.

    My First question is this, why is it that all acute cases seem to become chronic even after one attack?

    Secondly my lipase has finally come down to more normal levels after 3 months yet I am still in extreme pain. Trying to eat mushy food for a while again and I did fast and ate jelly for a few days. Lipase stayed low though so not sure if it was an attack or not, no vomiting. If the lipase is coming down and staying down is this a good thing or totally irrelevant?

    Then lastly a bit of an odd question, If your stool floats I was told this is a sign of malabsorbtion, yet my fecal elastase test was normal. Is this even possible? Because I know something isnt right. I bloat after eating nearly anything. I am concerned what the excess gas inside your intestines does to your body. Is it normal to bloat with pancreatitis issues?

    Thank you:)

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Candice – I haven’t seen your message. I apologize. I’ve been locked out (FB jail) of one account for several weeks. The other is still working.

      Question #1: “why is it that all acute cases seem to become chronic even after one attack?”
      Answer: that’s a really good question. according to the medical community 80% of one-time, mild acute pancreatitis attacks heal with no further complications. I can see that being possible as long as there isn’t an underlying condition that is causing the problem which has not been addressed successfully. the problem lies in the fact that many doctors have difficulty diagnosing AP let alone finding the cause unless it happens to be so blatant it slaps them up side the head (gallstones that show on scans). 10-40%! of acute pancreatitis cases get diagnosed as idiopathic (depending upon the sources read), with an average of 20%. Idiopathic means the docs have no clue as to cause. And so when the cause is not addressed there can be recurrent bouts of AP which means damage on top of damage (happened to me. heck it took 14 docs just to diagnose me. 13 couldn’t figure out what was wrong. this fact caused me to have attack after attack with more damage being piled on top of the previous damage. luckily more and more people are being diagnosed correctly the first time in an ER). Anyway … it is my humble opinion that even a small amount of damage, that doesn’t show up on CT etc, can eventually come back to bite someone under unfortunate circumstances (they don’t heal properly or fast enough before turning to a regular diet).

      Question #2: “If the lipase is coming down and staying down is this a good thing or totally irrelevant?”
      Answer: According to everything I have read lipase levels normalizing is a good thing and signals the resolution of inflammation. However, lipase doesn’t always rise or stay increased with mild cases of CP and in the most advanced cases where the pancreas is burned out (does not produce enzymes) they don’t increase in either acute attacks or chronic flares because there isn’t any enzyme production.

      Question #3: “If your stool floats I was told this is a sign of malabsorbtion, yet my fecal elastase test was normal. Is this even possible?”
      Answer: Yes, floating, oily, foul smelling stools (steatorrhea), can be caused by pancreas damage but did you know that stools will float because they contain gas? It true! In fact gas is the most common reason stools float. Unless they stink to high heaven and/or you see an oily film on the water or globs of fat hanging on your stools I wouldn’t worry.

      Question #4: “Is it normal to bloat with pancreatitis issues?”
      Answer: Yes.

  19. Candice

    I also wanted to ask how you were diagnosed as Chronic, what was the criteria?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      I guess the doc who diagnosed me found enough evidence of damage on CT and endoscopy that he told me I’d be chronic and within 10 years unable to eat anything. Anyway he must have been right because I can’t go off my diet and supplements and stay well. I learned that the hard way.

      1. Kris Waters

        thg… thanks in advance for all your info as you have no idea how your blog tremendously helped me starting about 6 yrs ago.. but i was curious also, what caused your pancreatitis?? for me, it was too much alcohol and very high tryglcerides… i’m sure this is on your blog somewhere but just curious to what you think or know was the root cause of your pancreatitis..?

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Kris – I’m glad to hear the blog helped. Good news is always welcome 🙂 I got hurt playing high school football (abdominal injury) and was told my season was over (doc’s orders) so when I got sick I remembered that, mentioned it to the doc who diagnosed me but there was such a time lag, that in retrospect, it didn’t make good sense. In 2009 I was diagnosed as a celiac. All the childhood illness and weird stuff started to make sense. Come to find out celiac disease, when undiagnosed for years, can cause all kinds of interesting things and can manifest as acute pancreatitis. I have to admit there is nothing concrete in regards to a cause in my case. But there has to be one (a reason) because the pancreas simply doesn’t wake up one morning and decide to cause problems without provocation.

  20. Candice

    Sorry, last thing I hope:) I found a fat free, sugar free protein drink. The protein content is 14g per 250ml drink. My question is, we place a lot of emphasis on fat and sugar with this disease but does your pancreas not also break protein down? Would it be safe to drink this at all?

    I had an EUS done to try and diagnose chronic pancreatitis, they found a few ‘granules’ which I would imagine is calcification due to my attack? But the one Dr says it was less than 3% and in size they were 2.5mm ( in opinion this is big? ) but she says its not. They wont diagnose me as chronic on this one find. Thats also why I was wondering what tests you had done to diagnose chronic? How many years after your last attack, did it take for you to feel fairly normal again? And I was wondering are you diabetic? Do you think cutting out all whet products would help? Im just struggling to gain weight, I weigh 85 pounds currently.

    Kindest Regards

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Here are more answers Candice …

      Question #1: “we place a lot of emphasis on fat and sugar with this disease but does your pancreas not also break protein down? Would it be safe to drink this at all?”
      Answer: Fat & alcohol are the two primary enemies of a damaged pancreas. Large amounts of protein at one time can also cause problems with some. I have never been able to point a bad finger at sugar except that it is highly inflammatory (the processed white stuff) and cancer feeds on sugar. If we were to cut out all sugars we wouldn’t be able to consume fruits or vegetables because they all contain sugar. And most fruits (except avocado and coconut) are safe choices. In regards to the protein drink make sure you read the label carefully because many/most contain oil. Ensure clear seems to work for most folks.

      Question #2: “what tests you had done to diagnose chronic?”
      Answer: CT and endoscopy

      Question #3: “How many years after your last attack, did it take for you to feel fairly normal again?”
      Answer: Around a year

      Question #4: “are you diabetic?”
      Answer: No

      Question #5: “Do you think cutting out all whet (i’m guessing you mean wheat?) products would help?”
      Answer: No. Unless you are a celiac like me or allergic to wheat I see no benefit in going wheat or gluten free

      1. Candice

        Thank you so much fro your prompt responses!! Is the oil in the shakes bad even if it says 0.3g fat per 250ml drink? Dont want to go spend a fortune on a product that is bad for me. I have had the oil in the stool but yet the malabsorbtion test came back clear. So weird and frustrating. I am drinking soups and a thinned out porridge for the next few days just to be safe. And my diagnosis was idiopathic, although there is a general consensus between my Drs that a medication I was on at the time caused this. The thing is I stopped the meds and still have problems up until now. I guess I am trying to figure out if this means I am chronic or not as my Drs cannot agree on this. On the Fb groups everyone seems to be chronic. But yes maybe it will take a year to heal. I have been told to take something called moringa oliefera as it is a clean and very potent antioxident ( not made in a lab) All natural product and I have been told to combine it with Ambratose. Have you heard of this at all.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hey Candice – Pancreatitis FB groups are full of people who have chronic pancreatitis. Well people usually don’t hang out in support groups unless they have a loved one who is sick and so look for answers. For the most part I found pancreatitis support groups (i joined several) full of sick, frustrated and angry people (I understand the frustration and anger) who liked to give advise to others (usually wrong) which helped everyone to stay sick. So I left and haven’t been back. Moringa oliefera is a south asian tree that grows like a weed. The leaves are chalked full of nutrients and phytochemicals. I’ve never tried it but I would think it could be very beneficial. One thing that concerns me is that the leaves, etc, contain oil. It is even used in cooking in some countries. Oil, any kind, is pure fat. So it may be better to locate a powdered formula (capsules, tablets) and try it after researching the fat content. Ambratose on the other hand looks to be empty promises.

  21. Jeanne Hoadley

    Sorry Mr Health guy I thought they might be connected, some people who suffer bouts of Pancreatitis end up with Type 1 Diabetes
    Best wishes

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      No reason to be sorry Jeanne – your thoughts are correct, diabetes is definitely connected. Diabetes seems to be a risk factor for pancreatitis and damage caused by pancreatitis often causes diabetes.

  22. Barbie

    Hi,thank you for your advise .In what form do I buy the grape seed oil,and how much how many times aday? I drink. Aloe vera juice and white grape juice,is water the best for flushing my organs out. What would you suggest for a healing daily diet?
    I didn’t mention my pancreatitis is chronic..I keep losing weight.Anything I can eat so I can rid myself of this,to repair my organ. I also have swollen lymph nodes in my neck.I would rather get remedies from you then another prescription. to mask things.Bottom line is…I want to be my old self again and gain weight and want to leave the house.
    Thank you so much for chairing your recovery.I would love to be a success story of yours.I will follow everything you tell me to a tee.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Barbie – Grape seed oil is not good. Grape seed extract is the ticket. Start out with one dose per day (100 mg) and work up on a weekly basis until you feel results. Water is great for flushing toxins and staying hydrated. Diet and supplement info can be found on this site (check the categories on the right). If your lymph nodes stay swollen for more than a few days you should have them checked out. If you have specific questions that you find are not answered somewhere on this site please ask. I would like you to become a success story because it glorifies Almighty God – He gets all the credit because He taught me what I know. I would like everyone who suffers with pancreatitis to become a healing success story!

      1. Coatsy

        Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Your site gives me hope. I’m just beginning my pancreatitis journey.
        I’m 31 years old, female, (was a) social drinker, exercise regularly, and don’t eat all that great. Or didn’t until now.

        The second week in October I began feeling a pain under my left rib cage that wrapped around the flank to my back. I thought it was a pulled intercostal so I had my chiropractor begin some myofascial release. It continued to worsen and after 3 weeks of constant pain, I began to have loose stools. I finally sought medical attention with my PCP.

        My amylase was 143 so they sent me for abdominal CT. Their only finding was a “prominent” pancreas. They prescribed Nexium and said to give it two weeks. I had my pancreatic enzymes re-checked two weeks later and they were normal. I still continue to have the pain so they sent me for a HIDA scan yesterday. My gallbladder is functioning at 64%, so this isn’t the cause. Now I’ve been referred to a gastroenterologist. I’m guessing the next step might be an MRCP? An ER doc I know said he thinks it’s maybe a stone stuck in the bile duct.

        I had been drinking protein shakes and drinking broth but I won’t be drinking protein shakes anymore after reading this thread.

        I’m so over the pain and mine just began a couple months ago. Thanks again for your information. I’m so glad you learned how to beat this evil disease and give all the glory to God. I Praise Him!l and know He will pull us all through this.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Coatsy – Sorry to hear you have been having some health issues. Pancreatitis certainly isn’t any fun. God gets all the glory because He deserves it! I’m not smart enough to discover all He has led me towards and taught me. I am glad to hear that you are doing better, healing is good!

  23. Candice

    Hi Health guy, Do you perhaps know how wide your pancreatic duct should be? Mine was 1.7mm they told me that is good as they dont like seeing it more than 5mm, But is 1.7mm not too narrow maybe?

  24. northman

    Hi HealthGuy

    A dear relative of mine detected a few days ago a tumour on the pancreas on abdominal ultrasound; it is not confirmed whter it is cancerous or not; a CT scanning has yet to confirm what it is. We are really scared. Can a non cancerous tumour of the pancreas be a sign of pancreatitis? I mean; are patients with a tumour found on pancreas diagnosed with pancreatitis? I know so llittle and I am so scared.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Northman – I understand the fear for your relative. Pancreatic tumors can manifest as pancreatitis. Keep us posted. You might also visit this page and request prayer. There is power in the name of Jesus and prayer.

      1. Northman

        Thanks I am praying of course. We all hope that it is not cancer. Even though pancreatitis is not desirable, anything is preferable to it being pancreatic cancer.

          1. Northman

            The result from the CT scan came in. It was a cyste and nothing more. We are very relieved. The prayers helped it seems.

  25. Candice

    Hi Health guy, me again. I am so sorry for bombarding you with messages. Ive told you my story before but I desperately need advice. I had one attack in August but I constantly feel as though I am on the verge of another attack. I never know. So I get my lipase tested to see. I have found I have to fast almost weekly to prevent what feels like an oncoming attack. My pancreatitis is idiopathic. For the last two months I am having major digestive issues ( i am not sure if you ever experience this?) I had a faecal elastase done but it came back normal despite visual signs of malabsorbtion. Whenever I eat anything my stomach rumbles and hurts for hours, lots of air bubbles in my tummy. It isnt stopping its getting worse. I weigh 85 pounds and still dropping. I cannot live this way constantly fasting to prevent attacks and always in severe pain when I eat. I saw my Dr today to tell her how overwhelmed I am by this disease and the fact that I cant put weight on and still losing. I had an EUS down and it showed minor changes. Not enough for her to worry and because the faecal elastase was normal she says I am being ridiculous worrying about Chronic pancreatitis. Yet she diagnosed me with it. My lipase remains higher than it should be 89 today. Shes told me I am not a Dr and I know nothing and the pain I am feeling could now be from irritable bowel syndrome or Crohns disease because my colon was mildly inflamed in colonoscopy. The issue is that the pain I feel is where I felt pain since my first attack. That pain never moved or changed except that it got worse. Why oh why is it that the scans are not showing anything? How can I be in this much pain if the scans are still clear?

    She admitted that chronic can take years to show, but she says I need to see a psychiatrist to address the pain. She thinks this pain that started after acute pancreatitis is now in my head. She told me I MUST STOP reading food labels and just eat. She said only God can prevent a 2nd attack and I need to live my life and that by avoiding fat I am driving myself insane. She says she is going to have me admitted due to the weight loss because I am not listening to her.

    What am I supposed to do, I am going through hell as it is. I am in pain whether I juice food or not and its always after I eat. and its high up under my ribs and in my back. I told her I am 100% sure its my pancreas and she told me I am not a DR theres no way I can know that.

    Surely I need to consider finding a DR to remove my pancreas as extreme as that sounds, and I know that you become Type one diabetic and with it plenty health risks. But how on earth can I go on like this, being unable to eat for months on end. I have been taking your supplements since September now and Moringa Oliefera and I drink kefir. But nothing , I mean nothing is helping me and the scans are coming up clear. Now they say I must eat normally. My family are crying daily because I am getting sicker and sicker and fading away due to the lack of proper food. If I am still in pain on a low fat diet how can I possibly introduce normal foods like meat or milk or butter ever again. And at the same time, I cant live the way I am living now as it is becoming dangerous. I was very thin when I started with this so I didnt really have weight to lose. I have seen 3 dieticians but they keep telling me I have to eat normal healthy foods, Ie nuts, olive oil, coconut oils, flaxseed, avocado. All of these things are very dangerous. I am living with the daily consequences of one attack as it is. If there is anyone with help or advice I would really appreciate it. I am a born again Christian and been pleading with God since this started. I have a two year old son and I am about to lose my job due to being constantly off sick with pain or diarrhea. Something I really cant help.

    Is my only solution removing my pancreas do you think. I m not sure how long I can live at this weight that is dropping weekly ( lost 1kg a week since august)

    Any advice at all I would appreciate. This sickness has cost me about R50k since August. Im running out of funds for Drs. 🙁 I am 29 years old.

    Kindest Regards

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Candice I apologize that it has taken me so long to answer but I needed to pray about what I was to say to you. Don’t worry about how many messages or comments you write. I’m here for ya. I don’t know everything and don’t claim to know everything. In fact, I know very little. Yet I do know that 85 pounds is a tad (understatement) light. I know you are worried, sick, frustrated and scared but if it were me I wouldn’t be looking to remove my pancreas just yet.

      As a born again Christian you are a child of the King, the Most High God but more than that; we are brothers and sisters of Christ who died for us. Because Christ died and rose from the dead in victory over Satan, sin, death and disease, those who believe and trust in Him have been given a wonderful gift … we are adopted children of the Most High God. We also have an inheritance (through Jesus Christ) which is the Kingdom of God. What does inheritance mean? …
      noun: inheritance; plural noun: inheritances

      a thing that is inherited.
      “he came into a comfortable inheritance”
      synonyms: legacy, bequest, endowment, bestowal, provision; More
      birthright, heritage, patrimony;
      “a comfortable inheritance”
      the action of inheriting.
      “the inheritance of traits”
      synonyms: succession to, accession to, assumption of, elevation to
      “his inheritance of the title”
      And …

      We, as believers, have the title “child of God.” This is a fact as it is written in John 1:12. It is extremely important to understand, thoroughly, what this really means. Jesus, in Matthew 7: 7-11, teaches us to ask, seek and knock (there is much more to this than meets the eye). Ask according to His will, seek His Kingdom and be persistent by asking until you get what is asked for and … He goes on to teach us that the Father will give us ALL good things that we ask for. Wouldn’t you give your son any good thing he asked for if you could provide it? God can and will provide every good thing (that which is according to His plan for you, His Word, His character and His will). Now …

      Mark 11: 22-26 is one of my favorite Biblical promises from Christ to His true followers (believers, disciples). In this passage there are two keys. We must speak and believe (pray for and declare what we want and believe that it will take place). To His disciples Jesus gave power (I believe disciples exist today). He gave his disciples then and I believe He still does today the power to cast out demons and heal the sick (Matthew 10:1, John 14:12).

      Bible verses about healing.

      You know God loves you so trust in God. Lay your cares upon Him. Lay your pain, suffering and future at the cross. Ask Him what He wants you to do about your illness and everything in your life. Keep asking until you have an answer.

      Ok …

      There are several things that I’d do (knowing what I now know, which isn’t everything but is more than many) IF I were experiencing your symptoms is to:

      1) Get tested for celiac disease for no other reason than to rule it out but also because you have certain symptoms that may indicate its existence. Your doc even mentioned possible IBS. Your doc doesn’t know why you have pancreatitis (idiopathic) and celiac disease not only attacks the small intestinal villi but can also attack other organs (liver, pancreas, etc) because it is a systemic autoimmune disease. It can also manifest as pancreatitis. For you it is a simple blood test. If you come back positive a gluten free diet could change everything. Do NOT go gluten free before you are tested. By the way lipase can be slightly elevated in celiac disease.

      2) Stop the kefir – it has too much fat and could be part of the problem (symptoms).

      3) Try white meat fish like cod, pollock, perch etc all of which will provide more protein, vitamins and minerals than kefir without nearly as much fat. Beans, peas, lentils, egg whites all provide protein without fat. You do need to eat. You are too thin but I also understand your concern, pain and worry about another attack. Yet, dying of starvation is NOT the goal.

      4) You mentioned that you are taking the supplements. BECAUSE they do NOT know why you had an acute pancreatitis attack IF you are taking curcumin stop the curcumin just in case the reason for your attack has anything to do with the gallbladder or sphincter of oddi. In case it is CP (minimal change) causing your continued pain I’d increase the vitamin C and grape seed extract until I saw results (less pain and symptoms, preferably no pain).

      Your doc may have good intentions but from what you said, that your doc said, it is blatantly obvious that she has no knowledge of what diet can mean with a CP patient (she diagnosed CP right? Your EUS scan showed some minor changes right?) and may not be familiar with minimal change chronic pancreatitis. But don’t simply discount her. After all she did get an M.D. degree. And she may be somewhat narrow minded when it comes to a patient’s thoughts she could be (even though unknowingly) on the right track with the IBS thing. Again, if she has NOT checked you for celiac disease have her do so. At least that can be ruled out or in which ever the case may be.

      1. Candice

        I really appreciate your reply and prayer, thank you!!! My dad also says we must pray until God gives us an answer. Im struggling to not give up. I have been tested for celiac- negative:( But My colon was inflammation biopsy so they are saying Crohns possibly I asked if Crohns causes pancreatitis and they said no. But I am not sure. Regarding the kefir, I uses water grains so they are in fat free milk or water. Trust me I am far to scared to put them in full cream milk. I remember so clearly leading up to my attack that I would drink coffee in the morning and have terrible pain which I though was an ulcer. Took ulcanic and that made it worse. Then I had chicken the one day and got very sick but thought the chicken was off. Three or 4 weeks later I had a chocolate and that set the full blown attack off, but I assume I was already sort of having attacks in mild forms with the coffee and chicken. I am so grateful for your site and advice.The Dr wanted to try put a stent in but from reading and doing research it seems a stent buggers your pancreas up even more. Ive always been very thin because I guess I had fast metabolism, my mom and sister are very thin too. When I reduced the fat intake. It became so much worse. I will keep praying thank you so much!! Going to read every verse you have linked now. Kindest Regards

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Candice – I am GLAD to hear you were tested for celiac disease and found negative. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Now …

          Since I am always wary of answers doctors give I find myself doing research when I think there may be a reason for it. Crohn’s, according to your doctor, can’t possibly cause pancreatitis yet this article “Pancreatitis in inflammatory bowel diseases” published by NIH seems to disagree. It seems that pancreatitis (both acute and chronic) can manifest from IBD itself (not common but it happens) and drugs used to treat forms of IBD such as Crohn’s and UC definitely do cause pancreatitis. In another article “Acute pancreatitis in patients with Crohn’s disease: clinical features and outcomes” you’ll read similar discovery results. This is all just for your edification as I am not a doctor. I just read too much lol 🙂

        2. Judith Mirie Marquez

          Candice — You may test for celiac and be negative; however, you may be gluten-sensitive (NCGS). I am, and also have IBS. You must also heal your gut so it is not leaky, and this takes time; eating properly because any amount (the size of a pinhead) can set the whole thing in motion. I have been eating GF for the past 5 years, and have experienced tremendous relief from intestinal gluten-related issues, which included fatigue, muscle aches, bloating and depression. I still have some issues related to the IBS; exercise, prayer/meditation, deep breathing help. It’s a life-long process! Don’t give up 🙂 There is a lot of good info on Hope this helps!

      2. david a Wilm

        Hi , I have minimal change pancreatitis and its chronic.. and what I’ve learned through tons of reading and personal experience is that Wheat (gluten) and Casein (milk) are both inflammatory and should be avoided if possible by everyone. There are so many products now that can be substituted like almond mile, and gluten free bread, my thought is why not give it a try and see how you feel.. if it works what difference does being diagnoses make, just go with what works.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi David feel free to do whatever you want. I have to be gluten free because I am a celiac but for those who do not have a gluten issue that demands abstaining from gluten I see no reason to do so. It severely limits the choices for good tasting food. Most commercial GF foods suck in my opinion. GF pasta is horrible. GF bread doesn’t even taste like bread. But again if you feel it (abstaining from gluten) is a benefit by all means enjoy!

  26. Barbie

    Hi health guy, I just read that protein drinks are not good for chronic pancreatitis. I drink the Premium protein 30gms protein 1 gm sugar 160 calories mixed with blueberries, raspberries ,strawberries ,kale and spinach with a dash of cinnamon and oatmeal.blended it great.can you suggest something more beneficial for me.Thank God for you,Barbie

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Barbie – Many people can’t tolerate protein drinks (because of oil, fat and/or whey content) but if you are doing well on it that is GREAT! Why change what is working?

  27. Caey McCraw

    dear Health guy, I was diagnosed with pancreatitis aug 2015 after having a whipple procedure at uva in charlottesville,, va. They had found a mass on the head of my pancrease and I had a stricture in my common bile duct. thought it was cancer, thus the whipple. the mass was found to be benign and I did good for 8 months, then I started having pancreatic attacks 1 in march, 1 in july 1 in august 1 in sept, 2 in nov the last one lasted 10 days, my labs are normal with only slight elevations of lipase now. I found your site and am going vegan. I see what supplements Im suppose to take. How do I get protein, my doctor said to drink carnation instant breakfast low sugar with skim milk, what do you think?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Casey – it doesn’t sound like you have been having much fun. Usually safe protein can be achieved with beans, peas, lentils, egg whites and Ensure Clear (only safe protein drink) while doing the Vegan deal. Once you feel decent you could also try some white meat fish (cod, pollock, perch, bass, rock fish) which is high in protein and really low in fat.

      Question: “my doctor said to drink carnation instant breakfast low sugar with skim milk, what do you think?”
      Answer: I think if you bought the Carnation Instant Breakfast called “Light Start” (the powdered mix version) and used NO FAT milk to mix it with you get 13 grams of protein (milk +mix) and should do ok. The “ready made” forms that I checked out all contained oil, not good. Ensure Clear comes “ready made” with 10 grams of protein (only ready made protein drink without oil).

      I’m going to pray that Jesus heals you. 🙂

  28. Anda Giorgio

    Hi there, with Christmas approaching, are the Brussel Sprouts a yes or a no in acute pancreatitits? (Boiled and server with a bit of salt only). Please advise. Anda Xxx

  29. Jack Spratt

    Hi Mr health guy,

    Firstly i would very much like to say a big thank you to you for your web site. You have given me the mental control and information to take stock of my situation and carry on with my life with almost no consequences other than some small sacrifices in diet (unless i do something stupid of course). This makes the condition however serious it may be to be almost completely controllable. A position that most people with serious conditions would no doubt envy so you have made me feel lucky and for that you have my unreserved thanks.

    I have in my researching CP come across a very interesting study which i would like to share with you. You may or may not already have seen this but it does seem that there is certainly even more hope for the not to distant future, although i know it can and probably will be several years before anything happens. Anyway have a look and let me know your thoughts.

    I do however have a couple of questions regarding a few weaknesses that i have and am very interested to know what you think.

    Zero fat yogurt – I love this stuff but is it ok in your experience??
    White bread – crusty and toasted with some chopped tomatoes and garlic
    white rice – i just don’t like brown but will eat it if its the only option
    Chilli spice in meals. I have been making an excellent tinned mixed bean, Steamed chicken and vegetable chilli with white rice. (basically just all that with a tin of chopped tomatoes)
    Jacket potatoes instead of boiled
    Jelly mixed with fruit. I will miss a christmas trifle but if this is ok i’ll be very happy.

    Lastly what are your thoughts on therapeutic oils on the skin for other ailments?? Any harm in that?

    Thanks again Mr Health guy and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jack – You are most welcome. 🙂 Thanks for the article it definitely is interesting. All the foods you listed should be fine. Oils on the skin are fine just not in cooking. Merry Christmas to you and yours 🙂

  30. Daisy P

    Dear Health Guy,

    Thank you so much for the information on your site. I believed that it saved my life, especially the tips bout taking ibuprofen to stop the pancreas from self-digesting during an acute attack and what to supplement with afterward.

    In the last three years, I have had several bouts of acute pancreatitis caused by gallstones, each one worse than the last. Yet what really tipped it over the edge was earlier this year when I drastically changed my diet: I went from very healthy (no processed foods) to low-carb near-vegan, thinking that would help. But instead of getting increased health, I got worse and worse, and my gallstone problems got unbelievably bad.

    I knew this change for the worse was connected with my change in diet — the timing was unmistakable — but I didn’t know how until after praying one day I stumbled across the link between iron deficiency and gallstones. It was just a single line in some online article, but it was like sirens went off. When I googled “iron deficiency and gallstones” I came across study after study that said the same thing.

    Simply put, if your liver doesn’t have iron — or enough iron — to make enzymes, it can’t hold the cholesterol and bile salts in suspension and they precipitate out: gallstones. The gallstones then block some duct or another and presto, recurring pancreatitis with increased risk of severe complications and mortality.

    And that was the key. After we went vegan (because you know I dragged my better half with me :)) I got to a point where I couldn’t stand to see another leafy green salad — and leafy greens are where the iron is in a vegan diet, and I think I am probably one of those people that doesn’t process non-heme (plant-based) iron very well either, which also complicated matters. I was eating a varied, healthy plant-based diet and killing myself with it.

    But now that I have been supplementing iron (and D3, which I was also very low in) for a few weeks it’s getting to the point where I’d never know I ever had a gallstone. It’s nothing short of a miracle, and I mean that sincerely. It’s like the stones are melting. I will still do cleanses (the olive oil thing, which has always helped my own symptoms regardless of any “saponification” of the oil involved) but I feel better than I have in many, many months.

    Please, *please* let your readers know what I found out the horribly hard way, that the four “F”s of gallstones (fat, forty, female, fertile) are an almost direct overlap with the beginnings of iron deficiency in a lot of women — and Vitamin D3 too, which is just as important. If I had only known I could have spared my pancreas a lot of damage. I’m healing it with juicing and *careful* supplementation, but it could have killed me, and I’ve never heard a doctor mention that link, nor was I obviously anemic. If their gallstones aren’t caused by low iron and/or D3, this won’t help at all — but if someone visiting your site is suffering from gallstone-provoked pancreatitis and is also “fat, forty, female, or fertile” this may be the exact thing that turns it around.

    I would add that iron supplementation is not to be undertaken lightly; it’s one of those things — like Vitamin A — that can be supplemented to the point of toxicity, but lack of it can be tested for easily, and iron-rich foods of both plant and animal origin can be easily added to the diet without danger as long as people with gallbladder problems also watch out for the fat. You don’t have to be anemic or have all the symptoms of iron deficiency to be suffering gallstones from it, so anyone in doubt who thinks this might be their problem should take any low test result and/or symptoms of iron deficiency seriously and NOT wait for anemia to try adding iron to the diet. Finding out this one simple thing, the link between iron and healthy bile, has saved my life and my health, not to mention my gallbladder which I’d very much like to keep, thanks.

    So thank you again for writing what you have written and sharing your hard-earned lessons with the rest of us, because I fear to think what would have happened if I hadn’t known how to manage pancreatitis at home (no insurance), and I give God the glory for all of it. Maybe this will help someone else as well. Many blessings to you!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Daisy P – WOW I just learned something from you that I did NOT know. THANK YOU! Possibly a Word from God I would think! I had to check out your info and you are right on! Iron deficiency can indeed cause super bile saturation forming cholesterol gallstones, especially in women. I think I’ll write a post regarding this find but until then I am including some research from NIH (National Institute of Health – PubMed) that backs up what Almighty God led you to find. Thanks again. 🙂

      1) To study serum iron levels in patients of gall bladder stone disease and to compare with healthy individuals. Read here

      2) Iron deficiency enhances cholesterol gallstone formation. Read here

      3) Patients with iron deficiency anemia have an increased prevalence of gallstones. Read here

      The best source of iron (heme iron from hemoglobin which the body absorbs and uses more easily) comes from animal meats (chicken, turkey) and fish. So graduating from a total plant based diet non-heme iron (vegan) to a more iron rich diet is obviously beneficial. That is the reason I only suggest going vegan for at most 6 months; to hopefully avoid situations of this nature (vitamin and mineral deficiencies – B12 as an example which only comes from animal based foods). Plant based foods such as leafy greens (spinach), beans, lentils, peas etc all contain iron in fairly good amounts yet it is non-heme iron which the body finds more difficult to absorb and use.

      Thanks again Daisy! 🙂

      P.S. By the way Vitamin C enhances iron absorption.

      1. Daisy P

        All the glory goes to Him! I just did the suffering and begging. 🙂 But I think you see what I saw — once you have that link, the evidence is overwhelming, and the overlap between the risks for gallstones and the risks for iron deficiency are absolutely incontrovertible. It’s not an exaggeration to say my jaw was hanging open when I saw what came up on just the first page of a Google search on “iron deficiency and gallstones.”

        Because I’m that age, gender, etc I think my gallstones were iron related all along, frankly, and it was inevitable that as my iron deficiency became more serious, the gallstones did as well. It’s the body’s coping mechanism when in lack to rob a resource from a secondary process (such as bile production) to sustain a primary one (such as hemoglobin production) — I have no proof but I would not be at all surprised to find that’s what happened to me over the last three years, and why I wasn’t anemic even when my iron deficiency was severe enough to cause grave gallbladder and pancreas problems.

        Just so you know, I do take my iron with Vitamin C, and also drink a lot of green juices that combine Vitamin C with plant iron. It’s a very deep physical hole I’m digging my way out of; weeks later I still have a lot of weakness and even some occasional residual pain in the pancreas (not a twinge of gallbladder, though — yay!) but even so, everything is getting better, *slowly*, day by day. Iron supplementation can’t be rushed. I hope when you write your post you explore that, because it’s no good climbing out of one hole just to fall into another. 🙂 I researched the living daylights out of it before I did it, but it’s safe enough if you’re aware of the risks.

        I’m SO glad this information blessed you, and it’s my sincere hope that it blesses others too. Having been given such riches, I can’t keep them to myself any more than you can! 🙂

        Thanks again, and have a wonderful Christmas — I look forward to reading whatever you come up with!

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Daisy P – you are so right. ALL the Glory goes to God, our rock, our fortress, the one true living Almighty God who heals all our diseases and so loved us He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him as Savior and Lord will have eternal life. No more pain, no more tears, just total joy in the presence of God Almighty.

          Your info (I believe a Word from God) did bless me and I am sure will bless others as well. Thank you. Merry Christmas and God’s bountiful blessings to you and yours during this season when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

  31. Jeanne Hoadley

    Ericka, thank you for your comment. My daughter has since become Type 1 Diabetic, she has had 7 Hypos since being in hospital. on one occasion a nurse made her eat 10 sugary biscuits( just in case) she had a hypo in the night, which personally I think is totally wrong
    Thank you

  32. Anda Giorgio

    Hello there, is beetroot a yes or a no in pancreatitis, please? Boiled or oven roasted?! (Not the pickled one). Thank you, you are such a wonderful resource!! Bless you ??

  33. Candice

    Hi Health Guy

    I hope you are well. I was just wondering what your thoughts are on these supplements?

    Research studies
    Polyphenols in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease and acute pancreatitis: the missing ingredient in enteral and parenteral nutrition formulas?
    Gut. 2006.
    This article focuses on four polyphenols with established anti-inflammatory properties: resveratrol, epigallocatechin gallate, curcumin and quercetin. In rodents, ingestion or systemic administration of these agents inhibits Nuclear Factor Kappa B-dependent gene expression and induces Phase II anti-oxidant and detoxifying proteins. Conditions prevented and/or ameliorated by these polyphenols include inflammatory colitis and acute pancreatitis. Polyphenols also attenuate ischemia-reperfusion injury and endotoxemic sepsis, which play a role in the development of multiple organ dysfunction in severe acute pancreatitis. We suggest that the addition of polyphenols to artificial nutritional formulas would improve the outcome of patients with inflammatory bowel disease and acute pancreatitis in need of enteral or parenteral nutrition.

    Pancreatitis natural treatment questions
    Q. Can lipoic acid or serrapeptase help with chronic pancreatitis?
    A. I don’t know about serrapeptase but it is possible alpha lipoic acid, as an antioxidant, may be helpful. Pancreatitis is a serious illness that needs to be addressed by accepted medical means since it can lead to serious consequences if mistreated.

    Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), 100 to 200 mg at bedtime, for antioxidant and immune activity. CoQ10 might help the blood clot. By helping the blood clot, CoQ10 might decrease the effectiveness of warfarin (Coumadin).
    Alpha-lipoic acid, 25 to 50 mg twice daily, for antioxidant support. Taking alpha-lipoic acid in the presence of a Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency can cause serious health issues. Alpha-lipoic acid may also interact with certain chemotherapy drugs.
    Specifically The Alpha lipoic Acid

    Kindest Regards

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Candice – Polyphenols are highly anti-inflammatory. Grape seed extract (the good stuff) is 90 – 95% polyphenols. Resveratrol is found in grape seed extract so there is no need to buy another supplement. Curcumin is also a polyphenol compound. In fact those are the two most powerful polyphenol compounds around. That is why I use them. Vitamin C works synergistically with polyphenols and helps them to be powerful longer. ECG (epigallocatechin gallate) can be had by consuming a nice cup of green tea. Fruits and vegetables also contain polyphenols.

      1. Candice

        Hi Health guy. Im sorry for the constant bombardment. Thank you for your reply. I have a few more questions that I see no one has asked. Have you heard of alpha lipoic Acid and low dose naltroxene? Secondly as I have mentioned before im stilk very ill. Ive had this for 5 months now and still no improvement. Weight is falling off me. I was always very thin and stayed the sane weight 102 pounds without even trying for 10 years. Im now in the low 80s. My family and drs say that I desperately need to stop limiting my fat intake. But they dont understand. Even 3g of fat per meal hurts me for hours to days. I get a flare weekly and have to fast due to.the extreme pain. My question is what are your thoughts on the TP/IAT? Ive increased my proteinibtake with fish eggwhites and protein shakes and porrigde but stikk nothing. Abd it hurts like crazy to eat all the having to quit my job and sell our home now due illness.rare diseases South Africa have started a campaign to try help me raise money to get to America to see if drs there can help me as I am in South Africa and have a 2 year old who desperately needs his mom. At what point do I consider the TP/IAT?

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Candice – No need to apologize for asking questions. I apologize for not always having answers that help.

          Question #1: “Have you heard of alpha lipoic Acid and low dose naltroxene?”
          Answer: Yes on ALA but I have no idea whether it is of any benefit for pancreatitis. I had to look up low dose naltroxene. Again I can’t say whether either would work.

          Questions #2: “My question is what are your thoughts on the TP/IAT?” and “At what point do I consider the TP/IAT?”
          Answer: TP/IAT is a grueling surgery for both patient and surgeon and there are few surgeons who are even qualified to perform the surgery. You have to qualify for the surgery (meet criteria). I have never been able to find long-term outcome research (ten or more years after the procedure). Most of the people who have had it done (blog about it etc) have not reached even the five year mark. I can NOT even suggest what you should do in that regard. TP/IAT is something you need to talk with a qualified surgeon about.

          I know you are avoiding high fat foods and eating doesn’t set well with you. Are you taking grape seed extract, curcumin and vitamin C? I know these work in the right doses (everyone is different in amount requirements). If you are not using those I’d be trying them before resorting to surgery but that’s just me. I hope God blesses you this new year 🙂

  34. Kate

    I’ve been diagnosed with hiatal hernia and chronic pancreatitis with recurrent flare due to alcohol I’ve quit btw just wonder will my hernia impact my pancreatitis and put me in more flare ups thanks for input

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Kate sorry you have been diagnosed with CP. I don’t know whether a hiatal hernia has any connection to CP or AP. I wouldn’t worry too much about it (I know easy to say but not do). Ok, I just had to look for an answer cuz well I was curious and I have found that in RARE cases hiatal hernia has been connected to acute pancreatitis.

      1) Hiatal Hernia – read
      2) Hiatus Hernia: A Rare Cause of Acute Pancreatitis – read
      3) Acute Pancreatitis Secondary to an Incarcerated Paraoesophageal Hernia: A Rare Cause for a Common Problem – read

      BUT here’s the deal and just my two cents …

      I think it is more likely that the drugs used to treat hiatal hernias, gerd etc (proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole) are the more probable cause of acute pancreatitis. But who really knows for sure? I can only go by the professional articles that I find and read. Again the incidence is very low. In fact, PPI’s are used to treat acute pancreatitis in some instances.

      1) The risk of acute pancreatitis associated with acid-suppressing drugs – read
      2) Lansoprazole-induced acute pancreatitis – read
      3) Acute pancreatitis associated with omeprazole – read

      Conflicting evidence (for and against) make it difficult to know what is actually truth. I hope you have a happy, blessed new year 🙂

  35. Karyne Robb

    Hi Health Guy,

    I was wondering if maybe you would be able to help me. I went into the ER almost a week ago. I’ve been having pain in the left side of my abdomen, and not really been able to eat, no appetite. They ran tests on me and told me it’s not pancreatitis, because with pancreatitis, the lipase levels are high, but for some reason, mine are lower than normal. Does that sound right to you? Can lipase levels be low and you still have pancreatitis?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Karyne – Yes, one can have acute pancreatitis and have no elevation in lipase but it is RARE. There are several conditions that low lipase levels could indicate. One is damage to the acinar cells of the pancreas. Acinar cells produce pancreatic enzymes. Damage from pancreatitis can cause low levels of enzymes but this is usually seen in a highly damaged pancreas from acute pancreatitis or long-standing chronic pancreatitis. Certain forms of IBD (irritable bowel disease) can also cause enzyme deficiency (EPI). EXTREMELY low levels of lipase (even zero production) for no apparent reason could indicate pancreatic cancer. IF your lipase was extremely low I would hope your physician explored more possible conditions.

      1. Karyne

        Thank you for your response! I found I have a fatty liver, so I’m taking the necessary steps to try to reverse it. But it is still weird that my lipase levels were low. My pancreas was normal during my CAT scan. Although from time to time I do feel pain in my upper left abdomen. I’m not sure how low extremely low is. What is extremely low?

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Karyne – In answer to your previous comment (scroll up) I linked you to a study that tells about low lipase and what is considered too low and possibly a problem. Anything less than 5 U/L

  36. Jeanne Hoadley

    Hi Health Guy should a person with a pseudo cyst on the Pancreas that has bouts of Pancreatitis be eating hot piri piri sauce on food
    Mr Health Guy

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jeanne – Chili sauce (depending upon what is in it other than the chili pepper) may or may not be good. Chili peppers, cayenne pepper, etc are all highly anti-inflammatory (a good thing).

  37. Lisa Dobson

    Hi Health Guy…

    It’s been a year since I was hospitalized for chronic pancreatitis for 10 days…Since I have chronic pancreatitis from stones, it has been an on going adventure to learn everything about this disease, including how to eat low fat and eat well so that I don’t have repeat performances…I just wanted to share with your readers something that may help those like me that went from eating loads of fat to thinking I would never be able to eat some of my favorite foods again. I purchased a Power XL air fryer 5.3 qt for my boyfriend for Christmas. Tonight, I made a blooming onion in it and it was wonderful…I thought I could never have something like that because it is typically deep fried…We have made French fries, chicken breasts, and they have all been amazing, and all fat free except for the tiny bit of fat from the chicken breast. You can make almost anything in it and if you tweak the ingreadients….ie use egg beaters with no fat vs. eggs, or almond milk vs milk…I’m loving it. Plain and simple… with chronic pancreatitis… fat is the enemy but there are so many things that can be made without it….I’ve also learned to make brownies that are amazing from pureed black beans and brownie mix (yep that’s it) and they come out so good for those that have a sweet tooth…I will probably never have chicken wings and cold beer again, but let me tell you, there is lots of great tasting stuff… I wish the very best to all those still trying to get through the worst part of this…my first step to really getting better was this web site…I can’t thank you enough for helping me educate myself on the do’s and don’ts of pancreatitis…thank you so very much Health Guy for all you do for us…I gained so much more from you than I did from the many doctors that don’t seem to know all that much about this sickness. Education and discovering what your body can tolerate is the key to this…everyone is different…I can only tolerate 5grams or less of fat per meal…Wishing all who share this disease the very best and a healthy 2017!

    Lisa D

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      You are very welcome Lisa and it sounds like you are doing much better? I’m glad! I always love hearing GOOD news! Stay healthy and thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Many people won’t tolerate whey protein, especially in large amounts. All you can do is test for yourself and if you haven’t done a food diary (including the prep) testing won’t do any good because you’ll never know what foods are actually to blame for your pain/symptoms. 99.9% of the time the offending foods will be moderate to high fat foods or contain alcohol.

      1. Sarath

        thank you brother but i want to try sugar free and fat free protein what about that

  38. veronica

    Hi Mr. Health Guy. I am 43 years and a social drinker. I was just recently diagnosed with alcohol induced acute pancreatitis. I was told to halt my social drinking and was wondering why my diagnosis is alcohol related ?I have friends who drink way more than me and are fine. My AP only lasted two days with hospital stay. How can I prevent any future attacks?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Veronica – some people have a genetic variant that predisposes them towards alcoholic pancreatitis. IF you happen to have that genetic variant you do NOT need to consume heavy amounts of alcohol. Social drinking could be more than enough to cause problems but unless they did genetic testing I don’t know how they could know that but since the two most common causes of acute pancreatitis are gallstones and alcohol the knee-jerk diagnosis (if no stones are seen) is usually alcohol or idiopathic. It may be wise to quit drinking.

  39. Jayne Mitchell

    Hi Paul! I sent you a message via this page a day or two before Christmas. I’m guessing you never got it?

  40. Jayne Mitchell

    Yes that is what I sent you! I never got an email notification and when I checked page one of your blog, my message and your reply were not there! Is there another page or tab I should be clicking on? God bless you and all us CP folks.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jayne – I have heard this from others and I think it may have something to do with the updates of WordPress. You may have to re-follow the site posts or comments or both. You can do that by selecting the appropriate boxes in any comment section. God bless you back! 🙂

  41. Jayne Mitchell

    Hi Lisa Dobson! I enjoyed your post and have similar issues as you. I can only tolerate about 5 grams of fat per meal.. Would you be interested in communicating with me via some other medium? If not, I understand, but it’s nice to have a friend in deed and in need. Thanks, Jayne Mitchell

  42. Desire Rodriguez

    Again, I’d like to say thank you for all the help and insight. Kinda, strange question. So I had a severe attack day before thanksgiving, i was told by the doctors I was lucky to not be in the ICU. I have been extra careful with everything, & as a procaution they removed my gallbladder 4 weeks ago. I started back at the gym with just 45 minutes of brisk walking and weight lifting. I also do an hour of water aerobics. So, I’ve been having slight attacks, I haven’t doubled over in pain, but I have had to sit for 20-30 minutes trying to allow the pain to calm down. Is this from the exercising, or could it be still something i am eating?
    Regular day consists of oatmeal or low fat yogurt, fruit, raw veggies, brown rice , chicken or turkey, sometimes I’ll do deli meat. I try my best, but these small attacks are what I started with and one day full blown and thrown into the hospital for the week. Should I be concerned?
    Again, thank you. I read about supplements that you take and I plan on getting some today. I currently do not take anything.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Desire – Since you were diagnosed with severe acute pancreatitis? Is that right? It will certainly take longer than 8 weeks to heal. Heck it takes longer than 8 weeks to totally heal from a mild attack. Just because you may get released from the hospital in a few days doesn’t mean you are healed. It simply means you are well enough to go home. You may be a tad premature on doing that much exercise. Since you remember what your warning signs were before the acute attack I’d pay attention and back off from whatever is causing those signs. Deli meats aren’t always safe either. Give yourself 6 months at least to heal. Stay well. 🙂

  43. Sarath varma

    Hello healthy guy – i have pancreatitis from the past five years but from the past attack i got a severe pain in right quadrant abdomen,now the pancreas pain is gone but the right side pain remains same it has been 1 month now im feeling the same pain i think the fire in duodenum descending part can u tell me the reason for it and a better solution for this

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Sarath sometimes it takes quite awhile to heal after an acute attack. I don’t have a good answer about the intestine pain except to suggest you see your doctor.

  44. Natalie

    Hello my son has even experiencing pain in his left side of stomach since age of 11 he’s now 15 last year he was finally diagnosed with pancreatitis after his amalyze levels were over 1000 he’s gone on to have another 3 attacks in the last year and they have found a gene mutation spink 1 they have said he has ideopathic pancreatitis which is not chronic as of yet he has decided to go on a trial for a year of taking antioxidants or magnesium or even a dummy tablet looking for foods to avoid and eat to help his everyday life he has niggling pain everyday but copes fine at the moment

  45. Jayne Mitchell

    Hi Paul! I hope you’re well. Do you have any feeling pro or con about bone broth? I see one on that has less than one gram of fat. It’s supposed to be good for gut health but our guts aren’t normal…

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jayne – You can certainly try it to see if you tolerate it. I’d only use chicken or turkey bone to make broth (just the bone). When I make soup, chili or whatever using skinless chicken or turkey I always cook the chicken (boil it) for 15-20-30 minutes (most of the fat cooks or is drawn out) and then dump the water and fat down the drain and then replenish the water, cook more, add whatever I want and then eat it. But that gets rid of the fat (most of it) and then creates soups and other stuff with a lot less fat.

  46. Susie

    Thank you Lord for allowing me to find this site!! I can finally make sense of all this that is happening to me!!! Because the only thing the Dr’s told me to do is stop alcohol!! Well I did and the pain continued ! I went and saw my Dr. 6 weeks after being hospitalized for 5 days and thousands of dollar later walked into his office after paying $78 he sits down asked how i was i said i was alright but not back to normal. He hopped up said i was cured and wish me the best of luck!!a week later i had attack. This was in April 2016. I found your post on pintrest about 3 weeks ago i have been taking the supplements for about 2 weeks knock on wood no attacks. But i am having stomack cramps w/ diarrhea. I read in one of you articles vit “c”. May be the cause I am taking curcumin grape seed , vit c and enzyme morning and nite. The cramps wake me up around 3am Any suggestions? And once again THANK YOU!!!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Susie – sometimes people experience some “detox” symptoms. They are usually gastrointestinal type symptoms (like yours) and you can either cut down on doses or work through until they resolve. Those supplements are extremely strong antioxidants. What happens is that if the body is full of toxins (common) from things we eat or ingest, the environment, etc (free radical damage) and those antioxidants push out the toxins too fast one can experience some unwanted symptoms. Some people may even have to break off for a week or so and re-start.

  47. Shar

    I started the low fat diet in October and have not cheated once but I just started on the grapeseed extract recently. Are there any side effects I need to be aware of ? Also I am taking Lactulose which I recently started and I can not find out if there is any fat in it. Another question is I am trying to find the vatimin powder you take on your blog and the dosage you mentioned and can not seem to re find it. Thanks so much for all your help, Shar

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Shar – grape seed extract can cause some digestive upset in those who take large doses without working up. It is an extremely powerful anti-oxidant and when toxins are pushed out of the body too fast an overload can occur causing flu-like symptoms. That’s why it’s best to start with a low dose and work up in dosage on a weekly basis. Lactulose is simply prescription milk sugar. No fat that I am aware of. It is used to treat liver disease and constipation. You can find info on the multi (vitamin/mineral powder) under the category about supplements (right side of page).

  48. Jeanne Hoadley

    Thank you Mr Health Guy. My daughter is feeling so much better now, which is lovely to see, she will have the Stent removed in six weeks. The good thing in all this is she has lost nearly three stone, a great start to a healthier way of living (I hope). I feel that what and how you eat has a great deal to do with this problem, as she has never drunk alcohol and doesn’t have Gall stones , there has to be a reason, her diet has been poor.
    Best wishes to you

  49. Audrey

    So glad We found you. Common sense concludes that these principles are Basic precursors to for the Cure of pancreatic cancer.

  50. Jeanne Hoadley

    Hi Mr Health Guy
    I suppose when you’ve lost a Granddaughter, through NHS negligence, when your brother almost died through negligence, and when a second Granddaughter picked up an infection in the hospital after her birth and died, also more minor family incidence have happened, its hard to trust hospital staff, even though you know there are good ones doing their jobs properly, its hard to put your trust in anyone.
    Best wishes

  51. Desiree

    Hi Health Guy! Thank you so much for all of this information, for sharing your work and research here, and for responding to all of us. I am just starting out on this journey, I am Celiac and my doctor expects I have CP after a few months of ab/back pain and recently elevated lipase/amylase results. I hope you will continue to maintain this site, I feel as though it may save me.
    God bless…Desiree

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Desiree – wow we have the same issues. I am celiac too. Are you on a GF diet? How long were you celiac before diagnosis and when were you diagnosed? Thanks for the blessing and God bless you back 🙂

  52. Jeanne Hoadley

    Mr Health Guy since my last message my daughter has become ill with a serious infection and is back in hospital. We are praying for her. It’s early days, but I am so glad I said she needs to go back into hospital
    Best wishes Jeanne

  53. Vintage

    Dear Health Guy,
    After my second liver flush, I had a wonderful three-week repreive from pancreatitis. Then I ate some slightly stale pecans and I was right back in the pancreatitis nightmare.

    But what has brought me back here today is that I want everyone who is able to get to read a 1998 research article from the UK. You will either have to go through your university, a hospital library service, pay for it outright, or your local library (if it is extremely helpful) in order to get to read it. This research absolutely parellels everything that the Health Guy has been teaching us. It starts with two case studies, listing factors that led up to their pancreatitis, and how (about six months of) antioxidants stopped their pain. I haven’t finished reading the paper myself yet, but I just couldn’t wait to come here and share it with you.

    I will paste the name of the article and the summary below, so you can find a way to obtain the rest of it somehow. And I will sign off, again with gratitude to the Health Guy.
    59, Suppl. 4, 1998
    Issue release date: November 1998
    Section title: Paper
    Digestion 1998;59(suppl 4):36?48

    Chronic Pancreatitis at Manchester, UK
    Focus on Antioxidant Therapy

    McCloy R.

    Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, UK

    * The Manchester ‘oxidant stress’ hypothesis for the development of pancreatitis accommodates published information on both chronic pancreatitis and acute pancreatitis. Oxidant stress, mainly from reactive xenobiotic metabolites, is perceived as the pivotal pre-morbid problem in chronic pancreatitis and, by depleting glutathione, targets the exocytosis mechanism of the pancreatic acinar cell. Inhalation exposure to petrochemical products is identified as an independent risk factor in patients at Manchester Royal Infirmary, where some 50% of patients referred have non-alcoholic disease. This paper describes the development of antioxidant therapy, using supplements of methionine, vitamin C and selenium, and its validation in a placebo-controlled trial, followed by a retrospective cross-sectional study in 94 consecutive patients for an average of 30 months. Antioxidant therapy emerges as a safe and effective medical alternative to surgery for painful chronic pancreatitis.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Vintage – Yep antioxidants are awesome little angels. Be advised that methionine and selenium are both toxic at high doses. That is why I use grape seed extract, vitamin C and curcumin. All 3 are non-toxic. And grape seed extract and curcumin are much stronger antioxidants yet again non-toxic! I appreciate your comment affirmation. Thank you for posting! 🙂

      P.S. here is another study using the same antioxidants as the one you posted.

  54. Jayne Mitchell

    I have noticed that if I don’t eat everything very fresh like fruits and vegetables it will set off an attack. So any vegetables etc. that have been sitting in my fridge for a little while I have to toss. Not worth the risk.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jayne – fresh is best. ALL fruits and vegetables contain polyphenols. Polyphenols have an alcohol molecule. When fruit ripens, bananas are great example, the sugar turns to alcohol. Yet before that happens they are perfectly safe. I would imagine the same process takes place in vegetables to some degree. So fresh is safe, old not so much.

  55. Vintage

    Yes, “totally!”, Health Guy. I learned 40 years ago not to take those horrible, toxic “supplements”, marketed to us in a “chemically pure” form, completely separated from their natural synergists. No, no, no. When I read “selenium”, I think Brazil nuts. When I read, methionine, I think “fish and turkey”. I forget that many people don’t know this. Good catch! Thanks for protecting ‘already sick’ people.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Vintage – Brazil nuts contain very large amounts of selenium. Use sparingly. I am linking you to an NIH article (read the section “Health Risks from Excessive Selenium”). Selenium is necessary but only in small amounts.

      1. Muneeza

        Dear healthy guy! My husband who is only 38 diagnosed with acute pancreatitis in feb 2016, I have had few conversations with you regarding how can we beat this we strictly followed your supplements and diet for two three months and he was back to normal in few weeks time. But in june his father passed away and we kind of forget his situation and we were busy with family. He started eating normal diet I.e. fat, red meat everything, he never had any problems and pain, one day he started having pain, bloating and we thought it is just minor gastric problem, he had some test done and they showed his lipase amylase levels slightly high, dr. Gave him some gas medication and he was just fine, during last month he had severe pain and we went to new doctor as. Recommend by some family, he got the test done again his lipase and amylase levels were slightly high, he also got the ultrasound done, it showed swollen pancreas with few mm. Dr. Prescribed him antibiotics for a month an he is also taking ceron 1000, he is having no pain, his appetite is good, no fever, no nausea but I have a major concern his seems to be loosing some weight, form past one month we are strictly following fat free diet and now from one week he is taking the supplements also, I m really worried whether his pancreas are damaged or not, how can one make out if the pancreas are damaged and what should be done to avoid further complications. Please please please advice us, we have a eight year son, I am really afraid as I hav researched that it is a life threatening illness, please sir help me and show me the right path. Thanks

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Muneeza – I have to say that what you are telling me – husband got well in a few weeks with diet and supplements then months later went OFF the diet, ate normally and in a few months was again experiencing symptoms, lipase level elevation and swollen pancreas on ultrasound – this does not bode well for complete healing and being able to eat normally again. I could lie to make everyone feel better but I won’t do that. Also his doctor has him on creon for a reason. Obviously there was damage to the acinar cells (they produce the pancreatic enzymes). The good news is that acinar cells can regenerate as long as the inflammation is resolved so that healing can take place. That doesn’t mean your husband may ever eat normally again it simply means that he might not need creon forever but I can NOT say that with any degree of certainty. It may be beneficial to get back on the no fat, low fat diet and supplements and stay on them both so that the pancreas inflammation resolves and his symptoms resolve as well. I understand your concern about the disease/condition but if he goes back to a proper diet and supplements and abstains from alcohol he could enjoy many more years of life. After I was finally diagnosed properly I was told I might have 10 years yet here I am (by the grace of Almighty God) 37 years after diagnosis, still alive and kicking. So be of great courage things may work out fine 🙂

  56. Vintage

    I believe that the forms of selenium called “dietary supplements” in this article are toxic. For my body’s selenium requirements, I eat a few Brazil nuts.
    Selenium and Healthful Diets…
    * Includes a variety of protein foods, including seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, legumes (beans and peas), nuts, seeds, and soy products. Pork, beef, turkey, chicken, fish, shellfish, and eggs contain high amounts of selenium. Some beans and nuts, especially Brazil nuts, contain selenium.

  57. Vintage

    I’ve been taking Major Bupleurum Formula Dietary Supplement (Da Chai Hu Tang) from a company called Herbal Science. A Vietnamese herbalist in Garland, Texas chose this one for me. It has helped me a lot. These are the ingredients:
    Bupleurum chinensis, Rheum officinale, Scutellaria baicalensis, Pinellia ternata, Paeonia lactiflora, Zingiber officinale, Zizyphus jujuba

  58. Kate

    I cant seem to find where you have your cure at? I don’t have Facebook. Can you email me a link or the cure that you followed ASAP, I’m in a lot of pain? God bless

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Kate – I’m sorry to hear you are not well (understatement right?). Links to food diary (including prep), diet, supplements and how to stop the pain in 90 minutes or less (usually) are all on this exact page. There is NO cure. BUT doing the right things will give you an opportunity to heal, maybe even completely if you have had only one acute attack and it was mild. Supposedly 80 of people who have one mild attack heal with no more problems (according to the medical profession). If you have specific questions ask and I’ll help all I can. God bless you back 🙂

  59. Vintage

    I’m back posting because the Da Chai Hu Tang (described in my above post) has continued to help me. I’ve had pancreatitis for three years, since being hit by a car. I’ve suffered terribly, just like most people here. But this herbal combination is giving me my life back. I’m down to taking only three capsules (all at the same time) once a day. I’ve been able to drink milk and eat smoked turkey leg from the deli with no attack. I’m still taking everything that the Health Guy recommends, but in lower doses. I don’t know why the Chinese herbs are working, but they ARE working. Please, if anyone else has success with the Da Chai Hu Tang herbal combination, give your feedback. Pancreatitis is devastating.

  60. Vintage

    Hi Dear Health Guy,
    I’ve been eating tamarind pods lately as a laxative. I got tired of prunes and prune juice. Then I did some reading on tamarind and found that tamarind seed is very good for the pancreas. Here is a link to one of many research articles that recommend tamarind seed for pancreatic health. The flesh of the pod is chewy and sour. The seeds are inside the flesh of the pod. They are hard and shiny…and must be cooked to be edible.

    Research on rats shows that tamarind seeds are good for the pancreas.
    Anti-inflammatory action of Tamarind seeds reduces hyperglycemic excursion by repressing pancreatic β-cell damage and normalizing SREBP-1c concentration

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Vintage – thanks for the article link. I did some checking and Tamarind may help diabetics or those who are constipated. I couldn’t find any research that would indicate it may be helpful for pancreatitis but who knows?

  61. Kim

    Hello healthy guy, 3 years ago I had an attack of pancreatitis and I was in hospital for several weeks. After multiple tests they found a small cyst on my pancreas as well. I continue to have what I believe to be “pancreatic flares”.My gastro does not believe they are related to my attack but they feel the exact same as my attack, just not as painful. How can I get my gastro to believe that this may be related?


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Kim – next time you see your gastro ask him/her if they have ever had an acute pancreatitis attack. If they say no (probably the answer), then ask how would you know what the pain of an attack or flare feels like? The pain I get feels exactly the same as when I had my attack how do you explain that? Watch them stammer and sputter on that one lol Don’t be afraid to call them out. If he/she tries snowing you (or asks you what medical school you went to – I’ve said Harvard before lol) with some off-the-wall garbage that doesn’t make sense find a new doctor.

  62. Vintage

    Eating bread made from brominated (bleached) wheat flour gives me a pancreatitis attack. Almost all bread sold in grocery stores is made with brominated flour. I’ve now bought organic whole wheat flour to make my own bread. Health Guy, you have avoided the pitfall of eating brominated flour since, due to your celiac disease, you don’t eat any kind of wheat flour. So, this warning is for others, like myself, who can eat wheat. Everybody–look up “brominated flour” and see what a harmful toxin it is.

    “Alloxan causes diabetes because it spins up enormous amounts of free radicals in pancreatic beta cells, thus destroying them.”

  63. Peggy Corlee

    Is SOD different than pancreatitis or does it cause it. Is it treated the same way.I’m on my 5th GI doc. They don’t have a clue what to do with me. They look at me like I have 3 eyes. It’s so discouraging. I have also learned that it causes trouble breathing, which I have complained to doc about. An article I read said if you have pancreatitis it causes the lungs to not carry the proper amount of oxygen in the blood.I have suffered for years and am going to try your plan. I truly think God sent your articles to me after prayer.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Peggy – I’m sorry you are ill. I have to ask have you been diagnosed with SOD? It is different than pancreatitis however it can and does cause acute pancreatitis. SOD can be mild, moderate or severe in symptoms (pain, nausea, vomiting etc) which could be very similar to acute pancreatitis symptoms. I wrote an article about sphincter of oddi dysfunction. You can also google it to learn more. SOD isn’t treated the same way as acute pancreatitis because as far as I know SOD itself is not life threatening unless there are complications (e.g. acute pancreatitis). SOD can be debilitating (symptomatic). As far as treating SOD …

      The medical way can be dangerous (ERCP with sphincterotomy) but I have found quality info (The Lord leads me to it) that backs up my hypothesis that a low fat diet will help. I’d also bet that the same supplements (grape seed extract and vitamin C) and anti-inflammatory medication (ibuprofen) will help SOD just as they do pancreatitis and an inflamed gallbladder. IF you have been diagnosed with SOD do not use curcumin or turmeric (even in cooking) because it increases bile flow which could cause the sphincter to spasm. Do NOT use narcotics because they too can and do cause the sphincter to spasm. Spasms can lead to acute pancreatitis.

  64. Peggy Corlee

    Thank you for your answer. Yes I’ve had 3 ERCP’S. Your web site has given me more info than any other. I appreciate it so much. I have ordered supplements you recommended and will go on low fat diet. The doc wants me to take morphine. Think I’ll pass for now and try your natural way. God bless you Health Guy.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Peggy – Thanks for the kindness and you are welcome. It is likely a good choice to avoid morphine (narcotics) because they are addictive and norphine was used in combination with another drug called prostigmine (Nardi test) to diagnose SOD in the old days before ERCP and high tech radiology tests. The Nardi test often caused pancreatitis.

  65. Terry

    I was wondering if you are ever completely pain free or will it always be some days are better than others. I started the supplement regiment you recommended and I have noticed some relief but I’m never completely pain free.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Terry – yes I am pain free most of the time. It takes a while for things to all work out. The supplements are potent and work but by themselves (without a proper low fat diet) may not get the whole job done. You will probably need both diet and supplements to become pain free.

  66. Rene

    I was wondering if you take Vitamin D3, I just got Diagnosed with Chronic Acute Pancreatitis and my levels of Vitamin D3 were low in the 20’s. Dr told me to take Vitamin D3, but I read that taking Vitamin D3 might cause Hypercalcemia, What are your thoughts on this?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Rene – yes I do take D3. Being a celiac along with pancreatitis I am usually deficient in several vitamins and minerals if I don’t take supplements to compensate for my lack of nutrient absorption. Too much vitamin D can be toxic to your pancreas so large doses should be avoided. 500 – 1,000 units per day should be sufficient. It usually takes a lot of D to cause Hypercalcemia.

  67. Rene


    I was just diagnosed as having Acute Chronic Pancreatitis, but I have had it for 3 years, I was also told that I am Vitamin D Deficient, do you take vitamin D or do you think I should take or just get it naturally, I started taking your recommendations on Diet and the supplements. Please can you give me your input on this subject matter.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Rene – I saw your other comment with questions and addressed them a few minutes ago. Let me know how the diet and supplements work for you. I hope you are feeling better soon 🙂

  68. Jan

    Health Guy- My question is, have you heard of duodenitits being a complication of chronic pancreatitis then contributing to liver inflammation? If it were you, would grape seed being as it is very bitter be something you would still take if your duodenum and stomach were very aggitated from all the inflammed organs? cannot eat anything except for broth and miserable.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jan – I’ve heard of duodenitis causing acute pancreatitis but not the other way around, yet. Read the first paragraph under “clinical picture” of this article and you’ll see that AP can be a complication of duodenitis. Anything ending in “itis” is an inflammation so anti-inflammatory supplements such as grape seed extract should help. Liver inflammation would probably be helped with grape seed extract as well but curcumin and milk thistle would be more helpful. I’ll do more checking and if I find something more I’ll make sure you know.

      1. Jan

        Thank you for your input. It seems SOD, duodenitits, gastritis, have been complicating my pancreatitis. I had my pancreatic duct collapse and an ercp to open it back up with sphincterotomies but have not been able to get things under control and am in miserable pain. I am starting your supplements and diet plan and looking forward to seeing what may happen. Also, do you think some of these supplements can help autoimmune by chance? Sorry if I have repeated, I have read through a lot of your blog but keeping it all in my head is another thing. lol Thank you for reaching out and sharing;-)

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Jan – you’re welcome. I definitely know that SOD can and often does cause acute pancreatitis as does duodenitis on occasion. Sphincterotomy can cause scar tissue to form which causes the sphincter to spasm. This doesn’t always happen but it does happen. You asked “do you think some of these supplements can help autoimmune by chance?” I think that any type of condition that is associated with inflammation can be helped by the supplements. Since you have SOD it may be wise to avoid curcumin or the root it is extracted from which is turmeric because it can increase bile flow which could cause the SO to spasm. Grape seed extract should be helpful. If you can take Ibuprofen that may be helpful as well for SOD.

  69. Wanda

    Great information you have shared – thank you ! Is Oatmeal porridge alright to eat

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Wanda – thanks for the kind words. Yep oatmeal is fine by itself or with some fruit, sugar etc. Milk may cause problems for some people (even no fat).

  70. Brian

    I have a question.
    Have your or your readers ever been cautioned about taking a prescription drug “Lisinopril” used for blood pressure regulation? Suppose to be baaad!
    I am a newer member to this elite club of pancreatic issues. Yippee…Age 56, health up to my recent first acute attack was good, not overweight, very active, not a big drinker. My diet was ok by today’s standards. Mostly home cooked all sorts of great stuff, a few beers a few times a month, minimal hard stuff. I weighed a 185 on a 6-foot frame. After my recent, almost 4-month battle with 3 acute attacks and ever increasing stays in the hospital my weight dropped to 155 lbs, that really annoys me! During a recent follow up exam I was advised to no longer take this drug as it has been thought to be a drug that has the ability to negatively affect the pancreas in a big way. I see a bit about this online, but not as much as would be expected. Regardless, I stopped the taking of this pill and just added it to the oh so long list of what not to intake. I was fortunate enough to have my initial attack diagnosed for what it was “acute pancreatitis” The Dr’s and specialist concluded that it must be idiopathic. All tests, scans, MRI’s and endo’s good, no family history.
    What I have found though is that they are not even close to being able to impart the absolute imperatives of diet….I mean….severe diet modification in order to not become a repeat customer!!! Had this been “hammered” into my head the first time, I might not have got to know all the ER techs on a first name basis after all the repeats, but then again who knows? I do know that after thee discharge sequences the “diet issue” was never once given the priority it obviously deserves, further to the point during my time entire time hospital beds this was a low priority item.
    Thanks for creating and mainlining this excellent site.
    Regards to ya 🙂 PG

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Brian – Sorry to hear you’ve joined the club. I’m glad you like the site 🙂 Yes, Lisinopril (Ace Inhibitor) has been shown to cause acute pancreatitis (Google Lisinopril + pancreatitis). Lisinopril is made from the venom of the South American lance head (bothrops), locally known as the Jararaca. This species of snake is responsible for most of the deaths due to snake bite in South America. Lisinopril along with its siblings (ace inhibitors) include a peptide from the snake venom. Snake venom, scorpion venom, spider venom can all cause acute pancreatitis so who with a brain would create a drug with it? Worse yet doctors do not tell their patients because most don’t even know!

      1. Brian

        Thanks for the info on Lisinopril…..that is a strong combination of poison extracts all in one little pill. One that is supposed to keep a person healthy. Why/how could this be….stunning!

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Yes Brian I find it (using poison to treat people) interesting as well. Big Pharma always tries creating concoctions that usually cause more problems than they cure. The only exemptions are antibiotics which do save tons of lives. Yet they too can be dangerous.

  71. Alex

    Hi Mr.H.G.

    “Question #2: “what tests you had done to diagnose chronic?”
    Answer: CT and endoscopy” What kind of endoscopy diagnosed
    your CP.?

    Few weeks ago I had a CT scan, EGD (upper abdominal endoscopy)
    blood test, all normal.I can’t eat and of course loosing weight.This is
    an ongoing problem (10 yrs)I usually I put myself on a diet and few later
    back to normal. but not this time.I was told by GE eat.If I touch fat food
    I’ am ill.(never womit, just can’t eat and having upper abdominal pain)
    I am scared that I got CP.I’ve never been diagnosed with AP. I had an
    MRI in 2014Ultrasound in 2015.CT scan 2015.All normal. I do not drink.
    Is it possible to have CP and not knowing it. after all this test? Thanks
    for taking your time reading my post.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Alex – I know it’s frustrating to be ill and really not know why and have doctors tell you that you’re fine, when you’re not fine at all. I can not tell you how many people come to this site (having previously had one or more bouts of AP) and ask if they could have CP because they continue to be ill even though their doc says they are well. Since you have never been diagnosed with AP it is even more difficult for doctors to arrive at any definite diagnosis, especially when tests show nothing apparent.

      You asked “What kind of endoscopy diagnosed your CP.?” I can’t tell you, I didn’t ask but I don’t think they had EUS in 1979 so I am gonna say it was a combination of the endoscopy and CT scan that was done at that time. Unfortunately I can’t ask that doctor because he is no longer in my area, if he is even still practicing. You also asked “Is it possible to have CP and not knowing it. after all this test?” Anything is possible, even if not probable. There are forms of pancreatitis that many times start off with CP like symptoms instead of AP symptoms. Alcoholic, Hereditary and autoimmune pancreatitis can all start off with mild CP like symptoms. All I can say is hang in there, keep close tabs on what is happening to you and notify your doc of changes.

  72. Rhonda Watts

    Hi Health Guy – I actually located your blog four years back when I had suffered yet another acute attack after having been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis in 2012. I had listened to doctors and took the pain meds but was still miserable so I looked for other options and found your site. I feel very blessed that I did because your information has given me my life back. I adjusted my food drastically.. nothing with fat at all and no alcohol. Like you have mentioned sugar it not the best for me but not as horrid as fat and alcohol. So THANK YOU for being such a wonderful soul to share your history and solutions. Your efforts are deeply appreciated.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Rhonda – THANK YOU for sharing your success! I love hearing good news! I sincerely appreciate it because it gives hope to others, especially those who are new and find this site. I give Almighty God all the glory because He deserves it. Thank you again. Stay well 🙂

  73. Cody Hanson

    Can I have ground turkey? How about a small amount of hummus on sandwich?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Cody – turkey is on my list of safe foods but since it does boast more fat than chicken one needs to be cautious and test. Hummus may or may not work because most recipes contain olive oil. Oil is not good for those of us who have pancreas damage. Again tread cautiously.

  74. Vintage

    I’m climbing my way out of the abyss of the pancreatitis nightmare. And I come here to share my failures, successes, and whatever else I think might be of use to those who have this affliction. Thanks, Healthguy, for giving us a place to meet, and for your faithful presence to see us through our crises.

    Here are two more things that I believe bring on my attacks: 1. molasses and, 2. white vinegar when it is derived from petroleum rather than from fruit or grain. I offer these short quotes and the links to their sources on the internet.

    “…So, molasses is worse than refined sugar as it carries with it all the bad qualities of refined sugar plus the added toxins.”

    “In the report “The History of Vinegar” by Hubert A Conner, Department of Physical Sciences, Northern Kentucky University and Rudolph J AllGeier, Wheaton Place, Catonsville, Maryland, it states:…
    “Beginning  in  the  early  1950s, increasing  amounts  of  synthetic  ethanol from ethylene (derived from natural gas) were substituted for fermentation  fermentation  ethanol  for  vinegar  production  in  the United  States and other parts of  the world”.

    (Links removed – I don’t like linking to off-the-wall sites with erroneous content)

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Vintage – this really isn’t a “forum” page. It isn’t a support group where the blind lead the blind. I’m glad you are climbing out of your nightmare but avoiding molasses and vinegar probably isn’t the answer. In fact molasses isn’t a trigger. I eat a lot of it 🙂 Regarding molasses as a “junk food” simply shows the ignorance of the author of your linked article. Molasses is loaded with nutrients (molasses contains vital vitamins and minerals, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin B6, and selenium). Molasses contains no fat, no alcohol. I’d suggest you look for a different trigger for acute pancreatitis. The same holds true for most vinegar, white (distilled) vinegar is the exception. It is junk and should only be used for cleaning windows lol

  75. Vintage

    Apple cider vinegar is wonderful. The point of the link was that, oftentimes, what is called “white vinegar” is a petroleum product, rather than being from fermented fruit or grain, and that the vinegar from petroleum products isn’t good for you.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      I would certainly agree apple cider vinegar is great and completely safe. White vinegar maybe not so much – I mean who wants to eat or drink something that may contain remnants of oil or gas?

  76. Carol deliso

    What helps with the nausea. I don’t have pain, just horrible nausea.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Carol – Grape seed extract helps but when it is real bad the only thing that really helps is a good anti-emetic (prescription nausea medication. Phenergan (promethazine) is good. Here’s a list of possible nausea meds. When needed I use promethazine suppositories (it is hard to puke up one) and Prochlorperazine. I always keep them around in case. Call your doc and get some good nausea meds.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Hilma – if you have acute pancreatitis you should not eat. You should seek medical help (ER). If you have HAD acute pancreatitis and it has resolved there are various posts on this site that deal with food choices. I hope you are feeling better soon 🙂

  77. Salman

    Hello Mr. Health Guy,

    I am suffering from chronic pancreatitis and have been living on almost 0 fat diet. I have undergone ERCP 5 times already since I was diagnosed 2 years ago. The doctor has just remove my stent last week and wonder if there is any medicine or supplement to keep the duct open. Thank you for your help…

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Salman – I am going to have to apologize because I’m not going to be much help to you in regards to your question. I don’t know of any medication that will help keep you duct open and I don’t know if any supplement will either. I wish I could be more helpful.

      1. Ben

        Hi health guy

        I would like to thank you for all the information you provided here. God bless you.

        I’m 26 years old, and I have some of the CP symptoms. I did take some tests ( blood test, ultra sound) and the results were fine. However, the pain is still there. Sometimes I just can’t sleep easily. It started January 2017. Unfortunately, when the stool test came out in February. It turned out I had H pylori bacteria. I followed my doctor advise, and took medicine for that. I took the stool test again. On march, and it came back negative. So I’m totally healed of the bacteria. But, I do still have the upper/abnormal pain. my doctor believes I don’t have a pancreas issues. However, I did not believe that. When I told my doctor that the pain is still there, she replied: ” you might have this for the rest of your life as a result of H pylori bacteria damage to your stomach. So she just advised to me to eliminate the amount of fat I take. Anyhow, I started taking your suggested supplement two months ago, and honestly I started to feel better and energetic. The reason I believe I have CP cuz I consumed much of alcohol last year.

        I’m confused at this point, what would you suggest? Keep taking the supplements?
        And another question, I go to the gym everyday, and I take Whey protein. Is protein whey good for pancreas?

        Thanks in advance.


        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Ben – You’re welcome, thanks for the blessing and God bless you back! 🙂 Yep keep taking the supplements and adhere to a pancreas friendly diet (low fat). About the whey protein – some people tolerate it some don’t. If you do, it is good.

  78. Kaushambi

    Hi Health Guy! I had written to you earlier about my mom’s condition. She has had three attacks of acute pancreatitis so far. We have consulted doctors and nobody has an answer as to why she has recurrent attacks. However, she has now been put on these very strong anti-oxidant medicines called Betamore-G. She takes them regularly and has been maintaining her diet. Her last attack was in January 2017. But she was doing fine after that. All scans showed up normal. Only for the last one week or so, she’s had extreme physical exertion and has been very stressed. She ate something for breakfast yesterday which was a little heavy and got acidity and there was some amount of gas formation. But, she also complained of a slight back pain, the kind she has had earlier. Usually this kind of pain, if persistent for long, leads to an attack in a couple of weeks or so. She’s doing better today, but says that the pain is mild, but keeps coming and going. I am scared out of my wits because it’s just been 3 months since her last attack. Are such minor flare ups normal due to wrong diet? Any advice/guidance will be helpful. Many thanks!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Kaushambi – I understand your concern and yes diet goof-ups can cause what are known as flairs and flairs should be taken as a warning sign. The only thing I can say is:

      1) Be careful about her diet
      2) Have her doctor find out why she is having recurrent AP. There is always a reason. It just has to be discovered.

  79. Brandon Moore

    Hey there Health Guy. First off let me say thank you and praise GOD! This page is a blessing and an island of solitude in a sea of confusion when it comes to pancreatitis. I count myself among those lucky enough to have pancreatitis without a diagnosis (yet). I have been to 3 different doctors and the ER once with my pancreas pain (intense upper left quadrant pain radiating around the ribs and into my back and many other of the textbook symptoms). A week and a half later at another doctor they finally decided maybe this inst acid reflex or an ulcer and sent me straight to the ER given my symptoms and how fast my heart rate was. The other doctor before just said my WBC was a little high and that I “seemed dehydrated”. Anyway,

    Someone finally tested my lipase and amylase and gave me a ct scan once I got to the ER. They found “nothing wrong” but my excruciating pain said otherwise. I later learned through your website that my enzyme levels were probably normalized already by the time I got to the hospital a week and a half after the first attack. I’m going to see a GI specialist in a week but I’m afraid of doing more damage in the meantime as my pain hasn’t subsided. The worst part being the pain that radiates to my back.

    I fasted for 2 days (only water) before introducing veggie juices, grapefruit juice, and the supplements you suggest. I’m now on my second day of doing this and was starting to see real progress. I was having less pain until all the sudden my severe pain returned in my back and stomach (like the first attack, since the pains always kind of there to a lesser degree).

    My questions are,
    1. Did I break the fast too early given that I still had pain when i began juicing? Is that why my pains flaring up right now?
    2. Should I stop the juices, water, and supplements and do a complete fast since I seem to be possibly having another attack? If so how long?
    3. Should I take the supplements during this second fast?
    4. should I take more ibuprofen? I took 1000mg last night and 400mg right now when my pain spiked.

    Sorry it’s so many questions but your site has been such a blessing and I feel like asking the doctors sure hasn’t been helping!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Brandon – First let me say you need to get diagnosed. IF you are still really ill (like on the 5th) you should probably go to the ER. Now to answer your questions ….

      1) You may have broken off to early, especially if you still had pain but it was decreasing.
      2) You should go to the ER if you feel like you are having an attack of AP.
      3) Yes
      4) Yes but again you should visit the ER

      Feel free to ask questions anytime Brandon 🙂

  80. Brandon Moore

    I forgot one more question.
    Does pain mean there is a flare up? Or is it just just residual inflammation? How long does it take to go away after an attack?
    I ask because I don’t want to confuse residual pain from an attack with another attack.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Brandon residual pain is usually a lot less than a full blown attack of AP. Residual inflammation can hang on for weeks, especially if it isn’t treated properly with diet, Ibuprofen and the correct supplements.

  81. Mark

    Hi HG,

    I have been on the zero fat diet for about a week now, along with the recommended supplements, with almost complete resolution of symptoms. Still have little twinges of pain, but thankfully the nausea is gone. Question-is all fat bad, in any amount? If I add 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil to the pan while making an egg white omelette, is that too much? My doctor suggested a low-fat diet, not a no-fat one. It’s impossible to go completely fat-free, as most foods contain natural fat; perhaps the answer is a no-added-fat diet, with zero processed foods.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Mark – it is always good to hear good news. I’m glad you are feeling better. A no fat diet is achievable but can only be done by going what I call “modified vegan.” Vegans eat fat just not animal fat. Most leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, tubers and legumes (except soybeans and peanuts) are free of fat. But you’re right it isn’t easy to go no fat. And it isn’t good to go no fat for a long periods of time because some vitamins (e.g. A, D, K, E) are fat soluble and need fat to be absorbed. It really is a crap shoot!

      Question #1: “is all fat bad, in any amount? If I add 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil to the pan while making an egg white omelette, is that too much?”
      Answer: ALL fat is NOT bad UNLESS you have a damaged pancreas. For normal people fat, in moderation, is great. It is the preferred source of energy for the body. Some fats like olive, flax, fish and krill oil contain omega 3’s and are actually highly anti-inflammatory UNLESS your pancreas is damaged.

      Question #2: “If I add 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil to the pan while making an egg white omelette, is that too much?”
      Answer: I would NOT try or test olive oil or any oil until you have healed (no symptoms for at least a couple months). Then test at your own risk. Some people will tolerate a small amount, some won’t.

  82. Lynette

    Hi Health Guy. I am new to your pages. I have a unique situation. I never had the original pain that most have when experiencing an acute attack. I was losing weight gradually and then quickly. It got to the point where I knew the weight loss was something so went to my GP, smart guy who ran the blood tests right away along with CT scan, MRI and colonoscopy. He found it quick. WBC, amylase and lipase were all high. And a spot on pancreas from CT scan. Too late, I was already too underweight to be hospitalized which totally sucked as I am in between a rock and a hard place. Before, it was always just nausea and then the pain came. I have what I think is a great GI at the UofM in Ann Arbor. She did more scans and ERCP but found the pancreas spot was gone. Now I am assuming I have CP because the pain is constant. I try to watch what I eat but I am 5’5 and 98 pounds. I can’t afford to lose any more. Just never had a break to give my pancreas a break. I have done research upon research to find out the root cause along with my Drs. No luck yet but they are still not giving up. Im not sure how to give my pancreas some relief without losing any more weight along with not eating so much because of the pain but I force myself. I am doing the low fat diet. Only skinless chicken for main source of protein. While doing research, I think its something missed in my biliary tree but could be wrong. Havent had to go to ER yet but think everyday about packing my bag to go. My pain level is around a 7 constantly. Even on days that I eat very little good stuff just cant get rid of the pain. So afraid I wont make it out of the hospital. Any suggestions? I dont know how much you are familiar with the biliary tree but I will state what my test show. Pancreatic parenchyma abnormalities consisting of mild atrophy in the entire pancreas. A bile duct draining Seg 7 inserts on the cystic duct near the confluence of the cystic duct and common hepatic duct. A small seg 4 duct drains into the right posterior hepatic duct. There is more but that seems to be what stands out. I go back to my GP and GI in a few weeks but not sure I will hang in there that long without making that dreadful trip to ER. Do you think I should be in the hospital? Every time I manage to gain a little weight, I lose it and actually go under my previous lowest weight. I am back and forth on the hospital thing. I hate hospitals. I know my Drs would love to admit me but are so worried about my weight. BTW, I am taking low doses of Creon and I take Norco for my really bad back but just doesnt seem to help. I also take Xanex and Celexa because this mind thing gets horrible at times. Any advice at this point would be greatly appreciated. I am thinking about trying the grape seed. Should I at this point?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Lynette – wow sounds like your illness started similar to mine. Nausea came first, then pain. Anyway … I agree at 5″5″ and 98 pounds you don’t have much room to wiggle but eating is NOT going to resolve the inflammation. I’m thinking that with your pain at a constant 7 you should definitely get medical attention (ER) to see if you have AP again. Hopefully you are already there.

  83. sarath

    hello healthy guy,
    Is there any replacement for alcohol to get the same pleasure which in not bad for pancreas.

  84. Jackie

    Good Morning Health Guy,
    I stumbled across your blog last night as I was desperately casting around for help. 17 years ago I had a Whipple surgery to removed a cyst adenoma on the head of my pancreas. It was discovered after several bouts of what seemed to be food poisoning, pain, nausea, severe bloating. 4 incidences occurred after an evening that included loads of guacamole and some alcohol. This occurred when I was 35 years old. Since the age of 20 I have abstained from meat, chicken, fried foods, junk food and have lead a healthy lifestyle as a “fish” eating vegetarian, a big time runner and weight lifter. The Dr claimed that had I been a “normal” eater I would have likely presented myself to him many years sooner. Needless to say, I haven’t touched an avocado in 17 years. Anyway, since that surgery I periodically have my stomach sort of “go off” and I am hurting for several days, experiencing general malaise, unable to eat without pain and nausea and I have long suspected these were mini pancreatic flare ups and something I have to live with. After a full 7 days I am always feeling better. Well, now I am 53 and the past 10 months I have been having more and more incidences along with significant back pain and strangely, very itchy soles of my feet. At one time my lipase was at 1300 and I was directed straight to the ER. Since then I have “flares” but lipase and amylase appear normal as well as liver tests, confounding the docs. I had a pancreatic MRI recently and what’s left of my pancreas seems to look ok. I have had every blood test you can think of as other complaints include collarbone pain, shoulder pain and sometimes severe joint pain all over. That said, when I am feeling well, I am an avid surfer, very active, still eat very well, I do drink periodically (2 drinks per week roughly) and I realize that has to stop.
    I am tired of the endless parade to different doctors and need to take matters into my own hands. I intend to get started on the supplements you have suggested and wondered if there is anything else you might suggest? Not sure if you have dealt with post whipple patients and their complaints.
    Thank you for all of your efforts regarding this complex organ and for getting your message out there.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jackie – there are a few folks that stop by from time to time who have had a Whipple procedure. I hope the supplements help. It sounds like your diet is pretty in tune. Do you have any idea how many fat grams per meal you consume (is that something you have tracked)? Have you ever been checked for or diagnosed with an autoimmune disease?

      1. Jacqueline

        Good Morning, No I am not sure about the fat grams but should make a diary. I am fairly fond of cheeses, mostly goat and sheep but still…. I have been checked for autoimmune and have had some preliminary markers show that perhaps something is going on but whenever they take the next step with the labs, they are normal. My physician concludes that in all likelihood my pancreatic duct is dilated which is not uncommon many years post whipple. He says the invasive surgery to confirm and correct is very dangerous and not worth the risk unless I am sick all of the time which I am not. He has prescribed a super low dose (5 mg) of desipramine to help relax the duct. Been on that one month and have had one 6 day episode of the usual pancreatitis like symptoms. I will give it more time along with the supplements, a complete ban on alcohol and keep my fingers crossed. Thank you!!!!

  85. RG

    Hello HG….I just found your blog….I am writing this with a broken heart and have a sad story to tell you….last wed may 10th 2017 my sister age 67 went into the ER with unexplained stomach pains…she had never been diagnosed with any type of pancreas problems…plus she was a very Christian lady and had never drank or smoked in her life….maybe a little over weight but really no bad eating habits……the hospital did testing on her and finally did a CT scan and in the end did diagnose her with pancreatitis…. they told her she should probably stay in the hospital for a few days but it was totally treatable. and after 2 days the doctor told her that her blood work came back and her pancreas count was way down and she would probably be going home the next day….well about 2 hours after he told her she could probably go home the next day… on Friday may 12th 2017 she passed away from a rupture…the nurse went to check on her and found her unresponsive and they couldn’t bring her back……evidently the CT scan couldn’t see a rupture 2 days before when she had been admitted???….the doctor on staff said she is in a one percentile of people that this happens to..(kinda like it was a freak accident) and said there was nothing they could have done to stop it………and like I said in the beginning she had never been diagnosed with pancreas trouble in her life…..lets say we are all in SHOCK…….im wondering if there was any signs that she could have looked for that would have led her to seek a specialist out (other than a tender tummy at times she really had no symtoms before the day she had to go into the ER with the severe stomach pains……. or any advice you can give to all of us to prevent something like this happening again? I am her sister and have been having stomach and back pain for several years now so I am def. a lot spooked by all of this and worry about others in our family…. thanks soooooo much for all the info you are putting out here about this complex organ in our bodies that seems to be very misunderstood or not understood at all by a lot of people…..I never knew how much what we eat and drink could affect our pancreas….thanks abunch again…

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Rhonda – I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your sister. I will pray for you and your family. I understand your personal concern and since you are experiencing discomfort (pain) you may want to get your concerns addressed by your GP. He/she can order some tests to either rule in or out any pancreatic issues. Be sure to explain why you are concerned (your sister’s passing).

  86. Rhonda

    THANKS HG…..its comforting to know there are people out there like you that can offer information about this illness…..seems like there are an lot of people who either have pancreas troubles or know someone who does….I am a 56 year old female and have never really thought to much about my pancreas and how the sugars and fats that we ingest affect it..until my sister died from the rupture…I wish I would of been educated at a way earlier age about the damage that happens when we eat and drink the bad stuff….and thank you for the PRAYERS….there are never enuf PRAYERS…we are comforted knowing our sister is with JESUS but we sure miss her….its only been a little over a week since she passed away… I know with our LORD we will get thru this….GOD BLESS YOU…YOU ARE A SPECIAL PERSON TO TAKE THE TIME FOR EACH PERSON THAT CONTACTS YOU FOR PRAYER!!!!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      You’re welcome Rhonda – Thank you for the kind words 🙂 I will continue to pray for you and your family. In the mean time here are some of my favorite verses that will enable you and your family to have God’s comfort and peace. In Mark 11:22-24 Jesus teaches us that if we have faith and SPEAK what we want to happen we will receive what we declare and ask for. In Philippians 4:6-7 we are told “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Again in Philippians 4:13 we are told that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” And in verse 19 “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” I like that chapter of Philippians. And I have found that when I speak The Word of God in prayer He (God Almighty) really takes action! He loves you, your family and me and as His children He wants us to have every good thing!

  87. Mark

    Just a note to let you know I am back on normal food now, gained 15 pounds and found another problem making me sick inside my small intestines to cause real bad bloating. I quit sugar in my 10-15 cups of coffee a day. I used to put 2 table spoons of sugar and was sorta living off it??? The day I quit sugar by that night no bloating and have not bloated in over 15 days so the sugar was causing it. Looked it up seems some of us have more bacteria in the small intestines then we should. I do and it was causing the sugar to ferment big time!!! Not that I went from over 13 pills a day the VA gave me along with 9 Creon Pills a day to eat I only take one pill it is for pain at night called Nortripaline and I only take a low dose. It was not hard to quit the drugs including the 4-5 pain meds a day when I decided to do it. Best thing that ever happen to me I feel so much better off all those drugs and my pancreas is working again after 5 years of this crap due to the pills making it worse! Now I have to watch what I eat I gained 20 pounds and had to lose 10 and it is now hard to keep the weight off cause I now enjoy eating again. I still take your supplements you mention as they sure can’t hurt plus blended fruit Juice Drinks every morning. Thanks Again for the Site! Mark

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      You are very welcome Mark and it is AWESOME to hear that you have gained some weight and are doing so much better! Thanks for the update! 🙂

  88. Nuris Tavarez

    Hello Health Guy!
    I wrote to you last year regarding my Pancreatitis journey. Well, I finally was diagnosed as having Minimal Change Chronic Pancreatitis (Early Pancreatitis). I have followed your diet and supplement suggestions and I am happy to say for the most part I hardly ever suffer with debilitating pain or nausea. Yaaay!!! Lol
    I recently had my annual physical and my PCP said my tryglicerides were high obviously due to genetics and not my health diet. He said they were not high enough to go on RX meds though. I was wondering if I can take FishOil supplement to help as I read they can make a big difference in my levels. Since it is “Fish Oil” the word oil just scares me! Lol
    I also read that MCT oil can be safe for pancreatic patients in very small amounts for cooking. Any thoughts on that as well? I really appreciate all your input, research and knowledge on this dreaded disease… To save the least your input, research & recommened regimen have saved my life!!!! Thank you is just not enough!!!!!!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Nuris Tavarez! Thank you for the kind words I am super glad to hear you are feeling better most of the time. That is awesome 🙂 Anyway regarding oil – oil is oil. It’s pure fat so using it, any type can be chancy. I’d say get your fish oil from fish. Try salmon, sardines, trout, mackerel, tuna IN SMALL amounts. Cod is a decent source of fish oil with far less fat content.

  89. Theresa Myers

    Hi, I know I’ve had a few pancreatic attacks. No blood work but as a medic w/no gallbladder I don’t think it was anything else. I spent a few weeks just letting the swelling & tenderness go down & got the vitamin C, but not the grape seed extract or curcumin. I couldn’t find the grape seed at the local Walgreens & just noticed the curcumin today. I will also get 8 juice. I like it. I don’t drink alcohol do to fear of getting nauseous & set off a vomiting spree for 10-12 hours. I don’t eat much meat & hate fat!;) I do love milk and usually get 2% now. It calms my stomach & eases the rotten taste of some of my opioids I use for severe arthritis & spinal fusion, replaced knee and at 62 cannot hack anymore surgeries. Pain sucks my life away. Do I have to give up my milk. I get stressed just thing about it. I also use Nestle Quick chocolate powder. It helps me to not get nauseous from meds. Any advice on the two things I enjoy that make me feel good. Also doc put me on statins & I had multi dysthymias & swore to never take again. The bp rx made me like I was choking & I don’t want to keep eating pills. Please help me if you can. I’m sorry for the lengthy letter. I don’t want bp rx and won’t take statins ever again. I thought it was going to aide a heart attack. God bless you for helping so many people.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Theresa – If milk works for you I would guess you don’t have to give it up however I would suggest 1% or no fat milk. But whatever works for you. I personally try to stay as low fat as possible which means less than 25 grams of fat daily and usually not more than 5 grams per meal. Just as my diet pages suggest I only eat fish and chicken, sometimes turkey (animal meats). I also eat egg whites. I am mostly plant based in diet. I try to take as few drugs as possible (only when needed). I take a lot of grape seed extract. I drink a lot of grapefruit juice. I also drink vegetable juice and coffee lol. A plant based diet sprinkled with fish, chicken and egg whites is the best way to go for me. I know you are a previous medic or emt but you should do your best to discover what is wrong so I’ll suggest the ER when appropriate. If you have specific questions I can help with just ask. Thanks for the kind words 🙂


    So far I wish u had been my Dr. 10 yrs ago. Just diagnosed 2mnths ago. No one could figure out what u have in the 10min of starting to read your blog. I aplaude u. Amazing wisdom, I thank you. GOD has a very special place for u in heaven!!. Ps. I would love for u to hear my story but it would be a 10 chapter novel and u would need a comfortable chair, cig and a glass of wine. SHARON

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Sharon – Thank you for the kind words. You do know I am not a doctor right? 🙂 Hey IF you decide to write your story, you could always email it to me (my contact info is on the menu bar) and if you give me your approval I could copy and paste it to a blog post with you as the author. I’m not promising I’d do that but hey I have read some good stories! I’ve got a chair, smokes and coffee – so I’m good to go in the reading dept lol

  91. Dewey crow

    Hey there health guy… I was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis 4 yrs ago… I am hypertensive and taking meds for hbp. The Dr took me off of one of my blood pressure meds and put me on a different one.. had a ercp done in Dec of 2016 and had gall bladder removed in Jan 2017. Went two month with no pain. Since March it’s been about every other week in the hospital. I have changed my eating habits.. I don’t drink alcohol at all.. we don’t do fried foods at home. We either bake or grill our food.. the gi dr I see put me on a med called creon.. it’s a lipase med.. the last two times in the hospital I went acute to chronic.. the gi dr said I don’t have cancer but my pancreas is damaged.. thus the change of diet.. I’m still having bad pains in my abdomen.. it sucks.. my gi dr has sent me to another gi dr that is talking about putting a Stent in the spinster from the pancreas duct to the intestine.. is this a going to be a good thing to have done or is it going to be worse on me?? I have a hard enough time just going to work and doing my job… so if you could enlighten me with some info if you could on that.. I am trying so hard to live a better life so I can watch my grandchildren grow up.. I still have a life to live but it’s hard when I’m sick all the time or in the hospital.. thank you for your time. Any advice would be really helpful..

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Dewey – Man I am sorry to hear you are ill. It sounds like you may have sphincter of oddi dysfunction which may have caused your acute pancreatitis? Or was that definitely a gallstone that got stuck? Anyway it sounds like they want to stent the SO is that right? Or the sphincter in the pancreatic duct itself? I need more info to give an educated opinion but as for now, from what little I know, I’d be digging deep into info to see if it is 1) worthwhile because if I remember correctly only about 50% of procedures done in that area work and give the patient relief and 2) Complications used to be high and scary. BUT … do NOT rely on my opinion because I am NOT an expert. I am not a doctor. I’m just a guy. I wouldn’t even think of advising you on this type of procedure because I’m not qualified. Yet from what little I know I’d be asking the surgeon some very specific questions such as:
      1) Why exactly do I need this procedure?
      2) How many of these has he/she done?
      3) what % are completely successful?
      4) How many patients have you had (%) that experienced major complications? Minor complications? and what were those complications?
      5) If I were your dad, brother or son would you tell me to do this procedure?
      6) If it were you with my problem would you have the procedure done?

      And, like I said, I’d do some real deep digging to find out all about the particular procedure so make sure you know exactly what it is by name(s).

  92. Prem

    Hi my name is prem. I am facing with chronic pancreatitis. Last 2 year .can you please help me to recover from this

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Prem – Thank you for vising. Calm down take a breath. Everything will be ok. Everything you need to know to help you relieve your chronic pancreatitis symptoms can be found at this site. Invest some time reading. Use the category drop down box at the right to choose what sections interest you most. If you have any specific questions please ask. I’ll do my best to help. 🙂

  93. Raymond

    HI is it ok to mix tumeric powder in water and drink it instead of taking curcumin sups?

  94. Raymond

    A few questions.
    1. About the supplement cocktail – curcumin, grape seed and vitamin c. Do you take this only when you have an attack or can you do this daily, as a life style and to ensure you have a heathy pancreas and don’t ever suffer an attack?

    2. Since you’ve been taking the full supplement cocktail of curcumin, grape seed and vitamin c, have you ever had inflammation of the pancreas?

    3. I know diet is also key but when you’re taking the supplements can you also occasionally do a cake or burger or fish and chips or a burrito? Or will this cause an inflammation?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Raymond – good questions so let’s get to them …

      #1 – It’s a great cocktail for both. Using the supplement cocktail (if one has sphincter of oddi dysfunction they should not use curcumin or turmeric) as a lifestyle definitely keeps pancreas inflammation a memory but it usually needs to be coupled with a proper diet.

      #2 – No and yes. I had a major attack in 2006 or 2007 after dumping the supplements for a year (stupid move) and I ate some stuff 3 days in a row that I shouldn’t have eaten – those smoked turkey sausages that are stuffed in pork casings. I missed the pork on the label. And then a few years later I ate too many peanuts (I cheated on my diet). The last was while on the supplements but it was a small, minor bout.

      #3 – Ironically I did cheat before the bad attack in 2006 or 2007. I paid dearly. NOT worth it! I have since curtailed my cheating and I didn’t cheat often but I did pay twice for doing so. I do NOT suggest cheating! The attack in 2006 or 2007 whichever year it was was bad. I should have been in the hospital. I filled the toilet with blood once and was very sick for 12 days and felt horrible for 4-6 weeks. I do NOT want to repeat that. Those are the only two times in YEARS. My worst 3 years were 1979, 80, 81. Those were nightmare years.

  95. Raymond

    So the two attacks you had, one in 2006 or 2007 and the other a few years later, happened because you had cheated and gone off your diet and/or supplements.

    So you can convincingly say that had you continued faithfully with your supplement regime and had you not succumbed to temptation, you probably would not have had those two attacks.

    Another question. So when you are in the middle of an attack you should not eat anything but only have water right? And then a few days after the attack you can start juicing? Again, no solids. When can you start having solids?

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Yep – Raymond I can convincingly say that had I continued faithfully with my supplement regimen and had not succumbed to temptation, I probably would not have had those two attacks. And I can tell you I really wish I had done what I knew I should have. It would have saved me a LOT of pain and illness.

      #1 – “So when you are in the middle of an attack you should not eat anything but only have water right?”
      Answer: 800-1200 mgs of Ibuprofen and go to the ER. Do NOT be like me. Go to the ER if you think you are having an acute attack. And if you do the Ibuprofen (which I would definitely do) make sure you tell the ER staff.

      #2 – “And then a few days after the attack you can start juicing?”
      Answer: depends on how bad the attack is – it is even difficult for doctors to know how bad the attack is without tests and of course severity will determine how long you are NPO (without food, etc).

      #3 – “When can you start having solids?”
      Answer: After the pain and symptoms are gone and you tolerate juice for a few days without symptoms.

      You’re welcome. Anytime 🙂

  96. Raymond

    Could you please tell me what dosage of vitamin c, curcumin and grape seed extract do you take and how many times a day?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Raymond in regards to supplement dosing this IS an area where people are different. If someone is large 6’5″, 230lbs will need more than someone who is 5’5″ and 130lbs. Someone with more damage will need more in order to control the symptoms from that damage. The best I can tell you is to start wit a lose dose of each and work up on a weekly basis until you see and feel the results you want. The reason I suggest starting slow and low is (even though the supplements are non-toxic themselves) some people experience a “detox” or cleansing which can cause unpleasant symptoms at first if they jump in with large doses. Those supplements are very powerful antioxidants and they purge toxins. IF that purge happens too fast it can actually make one sick. That is not the desired effect. There are simply too many variables to say what doses will work for you. Start at 100 mgs of grape seed extract, 500 mg of C, 500 mgs of curcumin and stay there for a week and see how you feel. Work up from there but work up by adding another pill so that you are doing 100 mgs of grape seed extract twice a day instead of once daily, then 3 times etc until you see the results you need. If you get to 3-4 times daily then you could add another cap per dose or on just one at a time. I hope I explained that ok.

  97. Raymond

    Thank you so much for the information. Glad I found this site.

    So you have been living with chronic pancreatitis for almost 40 years now. It is possible to live with this condition and live pain free.

    What tests were done to confirm your diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Raymond – tests were med history – how many acute attacks, a CT and endoscopy. Yep 38 years since diagnosis. More than the ten years he (my doc) alluded too lol Oh and he gave me a glucose tolerance test too – that sucked. I had to drink a bottle of sugar lol Actually it ALL sucked. It was a 3 year stretch of SUCK.

  98. Ryann

    Hi Paul. I came across your blog tonight while sitting here in intense pain and fighting off a panic attack. I have no diagnosis yet for my pain, so of course I’m googling my symptoms. I hope I can find the strength you did to fight this. It will be a year on the 21st that my pain has started. Ive been to countless doctor appointments and had a few procedures done, only positive was stage II endometriosis. I had that removed and my rib and abdominal pain continue on a daily basis with absolutely no relief from any medication so far. The radiating pain across my ribs gets worse after eating. I feel like a can’t breathe and start to panic and just want to die. I recently started to see a psychologist to help with my bad thoughts so I don’t go into panic mode. Hoping to find answers in PA!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Ryann I’m sorry to hear you are ill with no idea why. That is frustrating. Can you go to the ER Like now? They may get a handle on what’s wrong if they see you while you are ill.

      1. Peggy Corlee

        Hi Ryann: I literally feel your pain. I’ve had same pain for many years. Docs can’t tell me why I am having trouble breathing. My Many GI docs have sure let me down.My GP is sending me to a pain clinic but I wont take opioids so don’t know what they will come up with. I white knuckle my way thru every day. Blessings and good luck. Peggy

    2. Patricia

      I also have breathing issues with pancreatitis. Had endometriosis removed and have hiatial hernia. My Dr explained that some people have sensitive/shy diaphram and will subconsciously take shorter breathes defensively which trains the lungs, wrongly, not to expect to fully expand and having pancreatitis AND hiatial hernia, yup, shy at least in my case. There are breathing excersize technique videos on you tube and one is a reset breathing technique that works if done once or twice a day. Also one not mentioned there is where you growl deep like a bear on full exhale (working the diaphram) and bear down your tummy muscles then upon inhale lean back arms up and back to stretch abdominal wall making more room for lung expansion. Relax tummy muscles each inhale when breathing normally.
      Hope this helps.

  99. nicole

    Hello. I left a comment and then signed up for your blog at the sane time. Did you receive it or do I need to resend? I understand it may take you some time to reply. Just checking thanks

  100. Kate Dusch

    Hi Health Guy, I’m so glad that I just found your website! I got sudden, severe abdominal pain after a bad reaction to colonoscopy prep 4 years ago. Couldn’t eat or drink anything for weeks. I think docs checked for pancreatitis but, didn’t find anything. Had an EUS about a month and a half later that showed some small pancreatic cysts but, nothing else. Lost lots of weight/very ill for year or so. Fast forward to now and 4 GI doctors later-none can figure out if I have SOD (had gallbladder out in 2006) and/or pancreatitis. I suspect SOD because morphine, given in ER started horrible, painful upper right quadrant spasms. Latest doc thinks I have SOD and thought I probably had an acute episode of pancreatitis. Wants to do another EUS to test for chronic pancreatitis because of symptoms-upper stomach pain, burning, some nausea and under left and right rib cages, hard to eat at times. A previous endoscopy showed a hiatal hernia and bile reflux gastritis as well. Is an EUS the “gold standard” for diagnosing chronic pancreatitis and if so, I wonder why the first EUS didn’t show anything after the possible first acute pancreatitis attack? SOD and pancreatitis have so many similar symptoms-it’s all so confusing and it seems like many of my docs didn’t want to deal with it. One told me to take Gavascon…ugh! Sorry for the long post. Thank-you for your website!!! Kate

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Kate – You said “Had an EUS about a month and a half later that showed some small pancreatic cysts but, nothing else.”
      Pancreatic cysts, as far as I know are not normal. They may be the cause of pain and symptoms and then there is the morphine issue. It may be very wise to have another EUS, possibly a CT as well in order to compare findings. (remember I am not a doc so I’m just talking out of my hat lol). CT is considered the “Gold standard” but EUS seems to pick up smaller issues that a CT can miss. EUS seems to be a bit more specific for CP, especially minimal change CP. Please let me know what they find and think and I wish you much better health! 🙂

      1. Kate Dusch

        Thank you very much and I will let you know what they find.

  101. Rick Cloar

    Hey Health Guy,
    Inspired by your pages as i search for answers!
    In 2013 i had my first dose of pancreatitis just didnt know it was pancreatitis as i layed with my head in the bed on my knees only to curve the severe abdominal pain slightly for around 7 hours or so, this passed then life as norm followed till maybe 4 or 5 months later when it had taken over at work and my co workers had to send me to local small town hospital ( i was in and out of consciousness mostly out)they said i was being medvact to to a larger hospital in the region and no answers to what was going on with me other than extreme pain in side and back ( i have a high pain tolerance but this was no match)found myself in a hospital bed after 4 or 5 days with Drs surrounding me stating i have AP and cannot drink another drink of alcohol…EVER! I admitted to drinking beer in many times in large quantities but told Docs hey, if your saying life or death, i get it…i have been alcohol free ever since ( Docs released me on 8 th day from hospital with high doubts for me) now at 4 years and 2 months later ish ,i recently had another attack ( no alcohol has been consumed on my part) seemed like i was surely going to hospital again but my loving wife did research and had me quick to drink water ….it worked ! Pain and cramps lessened so far a whole day now but 2 to 3 days of AP.
    I have never been to any check ups or have even tryed educating any further until now, i figured they said quit drinking and so i did, i have always told myself i never wanted to feel that pain again and yet here it is, its back…i was almost ready for the ride to the doctors ( i value my life but have no coverage just like last time , still paying down the nearly $60,000 ,almost have it paid from last time and just weeks away from getting new coverage)
    Sorry about the lengthy book here but its all i really know, other then they said i had a small black mass near center of pancreas they werent sure of.i dont know any numbers or anything else the morphine was in full swing throughout the process..i know from reading your blogs i will be going with the low-no fat diet and that i hope to find a good specialists soon but any other advice is certainly welcomed
    Thank you for listening and may God bless you!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Rick – I do not want to cause undo concern but did anyone really check out that “small black mass near center of pancreas?” A biopsy? When was the mass seen? Was that two years ago or recently? There is a form/type of pancreatitis that can look like a mass on the pancreas called autoimmune pancreatitis. My first thought and goal would be to pursue that small black mass to find out what it is.

  102. Raymond

    A few questions about food. Can we eat the following: brown or parboiled rice, blueberries on oatmeal, some fruits, green or camomile tea, lentils and eggs whites?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Raymond – You asked: “Can we eat the following: brown or parboiled rice, blueberries on oatmeal, some fruits, green or camomile tea, lentils and eggs whites?” Yes, those are all fine and usually safe foods as long as they are not combined with unsafe foods.

  103. Dominique DeChiara

    Hey Health Guy,
    Your blog is a great wealth of info, im grateful to have found it.
    Here’s my story. Last June I was hospitalized with idiopathic acute pancreatitis. I spent 4 days there and was released as soon as my pain was bearable. I immeaditaely cut out alchohol and started a low fat diet. It’s been a year and I’m not better. I’ve lost 75 pounds due to having little appetite, I have constant lightheadedness and back pain on my left side and left ribs. I started seeing a Gastroenterologist shortly after I was released because I wasn’t improving at all. He diagnoses me with IBS and chronic gastritis and fills my hands with meds and sends me on my way. He’s sure that my back pain isn’t related to my pancreatitis but it’s been there since my first attack. He recommends I continue my regime and check back. That’s it. I’ve had a HIDA scan, CT’s, a while back, and recently an upper endoscopy which caught the gastritis.
    The reason I’m posting is this,
    Within the last couple days I’ve had bad diarrhea, horrible nonstop nausea, have been shaking badly, and have a pit of anxiety in my abdomen right where my pancreas is, with occasional twinges of pain. I haven’t felt this unwell since last year. Except the first time I was in so much pain I couldn’t even sit up straight. Im wondering if this is another flare up- just manifesting differently than last time? I’m at my wits end. I just want to know if I should go to the hospital or wait it out. Because I have literally zero appetite right now I’ve forcing down water applesauce and jello. I’m only 20 years old, but I just don’t know what to do. Thank you 🙁

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Dominique – I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner – IF you are still ill when you get this go to the ER and get checked out. Let me know how you are.

    2. Dominique DeChiara

      I’m still feeling zero appetite, nausea and overall generalized anxiety. I plan on heading to the hospital tonight if it doesn’t lessen. I’ve been feeling this way since Thursday, and since then I’ve lost another 5 pounds so now I’m at 100. I went and saw my gp on Friday and they did a bunch of bloodwork, CBC, CMP, and my amalyse and lipase levels. Unfortunately the bloodwork won’t be back until Monday or Tuesday. All they did when I went was prescribe me Ativan for my anxiety, but it hasn’t helped much so it makes me think something other is going on.
      Do you have any tips on what I should do? I feel so overwhelmed by this disease.

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Dominique – one thing you may want to do is get your GP to write you a prescription for promethazine or prochlorperazine (antiemetics) and get either the quick dissolve (under the tongue) or suppositories so that you don’t vomit the drug back up before it works. Good anti-nausea meds are very helpful. Don’t get Zofran, it doesn’t work all that well according to those I have heard from who have taken it.

      2. Patricia

        Have your regular Dr check your cortisol, ACTH and vitamin D levels to rule out adrenal insufficiency. Emergency room Drs won’t test usually because it is a Time specific test and you have to fast for the morning one and it has to be done at exactly 8 a.m. another one will be done at 4 p.m. but you are able to eat after 8 a.m. . It follows your circadian rhythm so it must be exactly done at those times. The type of doctor who treats for adrenal insufficiency is an endocrinologist.

  104. Danielle

    I’m new to this scene and was recently told after 6 months of strange symptoms that I have 2 out of the 3 gene mutations that cause an increase risk of having CP. All imaging test came back normal so before this disease progresses I’d like to stop it in its track. Also getting married in 2 months so the timing couldn’t be more perfect! (Sarcasm). Other than the supplements, I heard Aloa Vera juice was a good product for soothing the pancreas. Have you heard of this? Before CP I followed a vegetarian diet and would drink a glass of wheat grass once a day. I’m hoping it’s still ok to drink. Lastly, one of the biggest “losses” I’ve been experiencing is the inability to exercise due to it aggravating the pain. Do you know if once the inflammation goes down, if people are safely able to exercise again?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Danielle – sorry to hear you have joined the club but on a brighter note Congrats! on your upcoming wedding. 🙂 In regards to Aloe Vera juice I have read mixed reports. Some say it is good others say it can cause digestive problems due to toxicity. If it works for you that’s a good thing right? Wheat grass is fine. When I was really ill exercise didn’t work out well. After healing I was good to go so I guess my answer is yes, eventually you should be able to resume exercise.

  105. Raymond

    Hi Health Guy. I’ve been having a lot of problems with diet. Since you have been living well with pancreatitis for so long, would you mind telling me what you typically have for breakfast lunch and dinner?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Raymond – I don’t have a set eating schedule. I eat when I’m hungry and I eat weird stuff. I might have a banana, apple and coffee for breakfast. Or some veggie juice. I may simply have coffee and eat some pancakes and egg whites later. Today I had grapefruit juice and coffee. Then I ate a couple bananas. Then a lot of watermelon (I love watermelon). Then I had a nice piece of cod, sweet potato and veggies (carrots, broccoli and snow peas). I just eat what sounds good at the time. I’m not one who has to have breakfast, lunch and dinner or eat at specific times. Sometimes I eat a good amount e.g. 3-4 pancakes (plate sized) with 4 egg whites, sometimes I don’t eat much during a day, kind of a little mini fast to give my pancreas a rest so it doesn’t get ticked off because I eat too much lol. You can make pancakes without oil etc – I use gluten free quinoa flour, gf nutritional yeast, salt, cinnamon, no fat milk and fry them in a good non-stick pan. They weigh a ton but taste pretty good. In your case you could do the same using regular flour.

      1. Raymond

        I am having difficulty finding the white grapefruit juice. However, I did find Ocean Spray 100% grapefruit juice which is made from both white and pink grapefruit. Is this okay?

  106. Raymond

    So you don’t put any sugar in the pancakes? And apples, bananas and sweet potatoes are fine? They don’t elevate your sugar levels?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Raymond – I don’t put sugar in mine because I dump real maple syrup all over them but you certainly can if you like. Apples, bananas and sweet potatoes are fine. I don’t worry about sugar levels because I don’t have diabetes. People with diabetes probably have to use more caution in regards to sugar.

  107. Raymond

    One more question regarding water consumption. Is there a limit to how much water you can drink with CP?

  108. Raymond

    Hi Paul.This is regarding digestive enzymes. My doctor prescribed Creon but when I saw the price I flipped. Why do doctors say Creon is the best and prescribe them? Are the enzymes you use (Now Super Enzymes) just as effective as Creon and have they worked well for you?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Raymond – Creon is powerful. Nothing you can buy over-the-counter can even compare in strength but Creon is expensive. But for those who have a lot of damage it may certainly be the more appropriate choice. Now Super Enzymes are extremely weak when compared to Creon but one can always take more than one and yeah they work for me. I can take one (light dose) when eating something that digests easily or I can increase to two or three or four if more is needed, like when eating a lot of protein or you have cheated on fat grams per meal. That is something you can’t do with Creon – you can’t adjust the dose yourself as far as I know.

      1. Raymond

        Thanks Paul. All this is very helpful. More questions.

        When you first got AC and CP you were using ibuprofen for the pains. Do you still use them on a daily basis like you do the grape seed extract etc or only when there is pain?

        I have been suffering for 3 months now but hoping all this kicks in and I can manage the condition. How long did you go through pain and suffering before you got on top of the contain with diet and supplements?

        Final question. Is Advil a brand of ibuprofen? What other brands of ibuprofen can I take?

        Thanks in advance

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Raymond – you’re welcome 🙂 ok …

          Question #1 – “When you first got AP and CP you were using ibuprofen for the pains. Do you still use them on a daily basis like you do the grape seed extract etc or only when there is pain?”
          Answer: Only if I have pain. Ibuprofen isn’t safe. I only use it when absolutely necessary, which, praise God, isn’t often (years ago).

          Question # 2 – “How long did you go through pain and suffering before you got on top of the contain with diet and supplements?”
          Answer: I had 3 really LOUSY years. It took awhile to learn. I’m a slow learner lol 🙂

          Question # 3 – “Is Advil a brand of ibuprofen? What other brands of ibuprofen can I take?”
          Answer: Yes, Advil is a “brand name” for Ibuprofen. Motrin is another “brand.” Generic is simply Ibuprofen.

  109. Johan

    Put cp in “remission”….. Do you believe that yourself? You are a dangerous ……. Dangerous to the people who believe dat your stupid (in many ways) diet and ‘information’ would help them. You should be in jail!

    You are frustrated that health care professionals actually are educated people who (most of the time) know what they are talking about, while you are just some ….. uneducated army soldier who never acomplished anything in his whole life. And now your stupid blog for you is a way to feel important (at least for stupid people who believe in your crappy stories). When you look how much of your crap is scientifically proven then not much of it would pass the test. You are one big joke!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Johan – I detect some animosity. If that word eludes you it means anger. Thanks for your opinion. I’m sure it’s priceless. 🙂

      1. Jayne Mitchell

        I follow Paul’s advice and live a pain free life. I’ll never be able to thank him enough. And how gracefully he handles every situation. I wish I could give him a big hug for sharing all his valuable knowledge which he researched for years and freely gives it to help others with CP.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Jayne – thank you for the kind words. It is NICE to hear you are doing well. I am truly glad to hear that! God owns the glory! 🙂

      2. Charlann

        I think that what your doing for others is amazing. Keep it up!!! Ignorance is bliss. Some people can never be pleased!

  110. Raymond

    CP is a terrible condition not just because of the physical pain it brings but because of the psychological problems such as depression. Sufferers need all the emotional support they can get. One of the things is to give people hope and positive energy and encourage them to keep fighting. Forums such as these do that and I’m grateful for the support Paul and others are providing. Individuals who have negative energy and a bleak hopelessness about everything should not be allowed to participate in these forums as they bring others down. Preach your gospel of pessimism and intolerance elsewhere.

  111. Raymond

    Hi Paul. I wanted to tell you a bit about my situation and maybe you could offer some advise. I have been suffering from a neurological condition for 8 years for which doctors have found no cause. But what they did succeed in doing was damage my kidneys and possibly pancreas by giving me a whole variety of medication. I was hospitalized early this year for a severe bout of my neurological problem that included tremendous head pressure and dizziness. While in hospital doctors did all sorts of tests to find out the cause and injected me and feed me all kinds of medication. A week into it, I started getting severe pain in the mid chest and ribs every time I had medication. The doctors said it was gastritis and fed me gastritis meds which made thins worse. A few days out of hospital and at home, I started experiencing a burning sensation in my right back – from lower back to midway. I also started getting pains in my left ribs. I thought it was my kidneys so got back into my kidney supplements – many years back the meds had impaired my kidneys and it had declined to 40% and declining and the doctors said I was going to be on dialysis in a few weeks. I defied them by healing my kidneys through supplements. Okay so I started my supplements but they did heal the pain. I also started noticing that when the pain came and I stopped eating the pain went away. One night I had an egg sandwich and I suffered all night. So I did research and found that it could be the pancreas. So at one point I stopped eating for a week. One night I had bad pain and went to the ER. They did blood tests and ultrasound and said everything is normal and there’s nothing wrong with you. I begged them to hospitalize me and put me on drips but the doctor acted as if I was making it all up. Now the pain became constant – stomach pain, back pain and pain in the left ribs. Went to another doctor and he did the bloods and ultra and said they were normal. Said there is nothing wrong with you. Saw another doctor – all normal but said doesn’t mean it can’t be pancreas. He said it could be pancreas but needed a CT. So did CT and all normal. I am currently not in severe pain but I do get slight pain in the left ribs after I eat. There is backache. I have lost a lot of weight. But I have been benefitted greatly from your blog by eating small meals and the right things, taking all the supplements. I think had I not done these things I would have been in tremendous pain and a worse situation. The worst things about this is how doctors say “there’s nothing wrong with you” or act as if I am making this all up. The worst feeling is the feeling of helplessness. I have not been diagnosed with CP but all the symptoms are clearly there. I really don’t know what to do. Another CT? Will it reveal anything? So helpless. Any thoughts Paul?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Raymond – It definitely sounds frustrating. Obviously there is something wrong in the digestive area because eating causes pain. Unfortunately many digestive conditions exhibit similar symptoms so it could be anything. IF it were me I would start a diary. I’d record what I ate at every meal and when symptoms appear; exactly what they are, when they appear (time after eating) and what order they come in. I’d do this for at least 30 days so there is a pattern that emerges. Then I’d make an appt with a good doc and give him/her the diary (stating you want it back) and that you want to know without any guess work what is wrong. Until someone discovers the problem it can’t be resolved.

  112. Vintage

    Hi Health Guy. I’ve been doing well for several months, but then, out of the blue, I got bloat (three episodes), putting me on the verge of a relapse. I think I’ve figured it out. I took a supplement that had “modified cellulose” in the ‘vegetarian’ capsules. Researching, I find that ‘modified cellulose’ can cause bloating. Other bad things that get added to supplements and to spices are: Magnesium Stearate, Corn Starch, Hydroxypro­pyl Methylcell­ulose, Cellulose, and Silicon Dioxide. For those who don’t remember me, I suffered terribly for three years, but I’m better now,…always hoping the pain will stay gone.

  113. Vanessa Romero


    First of all thank you for your wealth of knowledge and experience.

    I have/had, not sure which is the nature of my question, my first bout of mild acute pancreatitis. I went to an urgent care center where they diagnosed me but it wasn’t severe enough to warrant a hospital stay. I have discomfort in my left abdomen, burning, radiating to my back, but not crippling. No vomitting, nor nausea. I cannot eat solid foods however, it has been 3 days on a liquids only diet. I tried a thicker broth and pain immediately ensued. My question is how long I need to maintain the clear liquid diet, and if I notice pain or discomfort after eating a specific something, I need to rule that out for right now? I am drinking a lemon, tumeric, ginger, cucumber juice ever hour or so and I feel relief immediately. Is this enough to sustain me until my pancreas heals enough to handle more solid foods? I saw that you previously mentioned that if you are experiencing an acute attack that juicing is off limits until it is over. How does one know if they are at the beginning, middle, or end of am attack? I feel like I got through the worst with just some residual pain amd soreness coming and going, but resolved with the juice I mentioned previously.

    Thank you in advance for your time!


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Vanessa – sorry to hear you have been ill. Since it has taken me so long to respond I hope you are much better by now. Broth should only be of a vegetable nature (no meat broth). You said: “I am drinking a lemon, tumeric, ginger, cucumber juice ever hour or so and I feel relief immediately.” That is a good combination. Once your symptoms have resolved and have been gone for several days you could start juicing. Veggie broth would be good too. If those go well for a few days then some light, zero fat, solid food (rice, veggies etc). It would be a good idea to find out why your pancreas was inflamed so that the cause can be addressed.

  114. Raymond

    Hi Paul. I needed some advice on diet. I’m trying to
    vary my diet as it is getting quite depressing. Can I make pancakes in the morning with some kind of flour other than white refined flour – say quinoa or something? Of course no milk or butter and only egg whites. Also how about muffins with the same kind of flour and no added butter etc? Is there a safe kind of flour to have with pancreatitis? I’m also a little confused about bread. Some say you can eat it while others say no. Do you take bread and pasta?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Raymond – sure pancakes are fine just make sure you have a good non-stick pan for cooking them. unless you are allergic to normal wheat flour or are a celiac any flour should be safe. Bread and pasta are usually safe. Commercial breads sometimes use lard so read the ingredients. Find one made without lard and with as little fat per slice as possible. Give it a try and see how it works for you. Pasta is usually fine but be careful what you put on it.

  115. Raymond

    Paul would please be able to give me the recipe for your pancakes?

    1. The Health Guy Post author


      1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour (about 2 grams of fat)
      3 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder
      1 teaspoon salt
      1 tablespoon sugar
      1 teaspoon of cinnamon (optional)
      1 egg white
      3 tablespoons of applesauce OR half a smashed up banana
      1 – 1 1/4 cups of NO FAT milk (if you tolerate it) or use water

      Combine dry ingredients first then add the wet ingredients adding the milk or water last because you can control the batter thickness better that way.

      Use a good NON-STICK fry pan on medium heat to cook those cakes. Then smother them in pure organic maple syrup 🙂

  116. Anurag Subramani

    Paul someone recommended to me to take protein powder. The whey protein that body builders take. Do you know if others with CP take this and if it is safe?

  117. Raymond

    Paul is it okay for someone with CP to drink herbal teas like chamomile and peppermint and perhaps others?

  118. Vintage

    Today, I read Daisy P.’s (above) posts of December 12 and 13, 2016. I was happy to see that she did the liver flushes with olive oil, and is having success in recovering from pancreatitis. I do liver flushes, too. The first successful one that I did after getting pancreatitis was the turning point in my recovery. Also, I want to add that besides eating enough iron, we can ‘loose’ iron if we have parasites. And parasites promote gallstones. I kill my parasites with wormwood, cloves, and green black walnut hull tincture.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Vintage – I am glad you have had success with “flushing” but I do not and can’t recommend it because of several reasons:

      1) Epsom salts used in flushing is toxic in the doses used
      2) The amount of olive oil used can cause acute pancreatitis in those who have a damaged pancreas
      3) Passing gallstones can and does cause acute pancreatitis when they get stuck in the common bile duct or pancreatic duct

  119. Daniel oh

    Hi I’m 20 years old. I had pain here and there but 2 week ago til last week I had mild but constant pain in my left side abdomin. And some nights it was agonizing I couldn’t sleep. I have nausea every time I try to drink or eat or even when I’m not drinking or eating. Soft stool and some diahrea. I had one night sweat. I’m fatigue. My lymph nodes seemed to be a bit swollen on my neck. Weight loss. As of now, I don’t have pain. But still the fatigueness, nausea, bloating, etc. I changed my diet conpetely last week. I’m going to the doctor soon. I’m very depressed. Help

  120. brian miller

    Thanks for the continued good advise? Can you advise what the best super enzyme would be? There are so many choices!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Brian – Now Foods Super Enzyme capsules seem to work the best for me. The capsules have more lipase to break down fat that the tablets.

  121. miroslav

    Hello my friend.I want to thank you for saving my life.Now I feel better and the key to beat pancreatitis is grape seed extract and diet.The larger dozes of GSE are better when there is a pain.Now I am taking 5 times a day 400 mg of GSE.When I have I increase doze and pain is gone.I want to report for some incredible effect on GSE.I have a problem with DNA fragmentation of my spermatozoids and my wife could not get pregmant and aborted several times. GSE resolve this problem and now I have wonderful child and my wife is pregnant again.GSE is a miracle.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi miroslav! Long time since you have commented! It is GREAT to hear you are feeling better and congrats! on your new child and the new addition coming! COOL man! Good news is always nice to hear 🙂

  122. Nickers

    Too much information on this website, I, well, Love it! love the fact that you put so much time to explain every little thing and reply to all these comments, I’m not yet diagnosed, have a bit of symptoms tho,…

    just wanted to THANK YOU!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Nickers you are welcome and yes, there is a lot of info. I hope it helps you to feel better. Make sure you get evaluated by a doctor. 🙂

      1. Nickers

        Yeah, I so much appreciate what you are doing, All the information for FREE, I pass by your website almost everyday, so helpful and no negativity here. I have a few questions, is it a problem to eat 0% fat Cheese? I ate one today, I didn’t feel anything horrible. what about natural yogurt, contains almost 2% of fat, I don’t feel pain after eating these at all, I mean it doesn’t get worse, I don’t ask my doc because tbh I don’t trust them., yet to be diagnosed.
        I’ve added more oats to my diet as I guess I’m losing weight, tbh, I’m hungry all the time, must be because I’m eating a few amounts of fat? this is just so frustrating ‘cuz at the same time I’m recovering from mononucleosis since last year, so debilitating!by the end of the month, I will probably have my grape seed extract with digestive enzymes (a bit of financial probs). meanwhile I’m eating alot of grapes and chew on their seeds 😀 What brand of digestive enzymes do you suggest? there are plenty of them ,I was thinking about NOW Pancreatin 10X200 mg Or Source Naturals Essential Enzymes 500 Mg Vegetarian Capsules.
        Sorry for bothering you alot, GOD BLESS YOU! and sorry for my broken english 😛

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Nickers – you are most welcome and do not worry about your English! It is just fine 🙂 No fat cheese works for some people. So does no fat milk and yogurt while others have problems with dairy products. If it works for you that is a good thing! By the way mononucleosis and other viruses can cause acute pancreatitis. I use Now Foods Super Enzymes (capsules because they contain more lipase). Hope you are feeling better soon 🙂

  123. Raymond

    Hi Paul. Did you lose a lot of weight at the beginning? What steps can you take to stop weight loss and actually gain weight?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Yep, in the beginning I lost weight Raymond. It is hard to NOT lose weight when one is sick. So the first step is to get well.

  124. Raymond

    Another quick question Paul. Is it okay for people with pc and/or diabetes to use Stevia?

  125. Claudia Bowen

    Hi, thank you for your site I come back to it regularly, thought I was getting things under control then suddenly, I began feeling more and more tired. Went to Dr blood results are, everything is normal even my lipase 65, HOWEVER, my AMYLASE is 3086!!! I am not having attack symptoms, hardly any pain so I feel like I can say I’m not having a cp attack but I am extremely drowsy. Sleeping loads. Not losing weight, some nausea that’s all. I’m being referred to a liver specialist and am still keeping up w my gastro but was wondering if you had insight. Grasping at straws for answers it’s been months. Ty for your time.

    Diagnosed Jan 2017 28 yrs old I’m vegan control my fat intake, take supplements and creon and bentyl.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Claudia – Pancreatitis can often cause amylase level increases (P-Amylase). S-Amylase can become increased when other organ tissues (salivary glands) are involved and yes liver conditions can cause amylase to increase. Fatigue is also common with liver issues. Keep us posted please.

  126. Robert Perez

    I believe I had an attack on Sunday Evening, I didnt feel stabbing with a knife pain, but a annoying left side abdominal pain, and extremely bloated, and left side visably swollen… I dont have Ins and lost my job recently, so I just dealt with it, I did take 800mg of Ibuprofen every 8 hours as directed on the bottle for me anyways, and in 24 hours I felt better and the swelling went down completely.. but then ate something and felt a very small discomfort comeback… and I eat very small and just water but keep taking the 800mg which makes it go down… Im on day 3

    Please help advise if you can…

    my friend who has had it before but with pretty severe pain, said the doctor told him the pancreas had to completely stop working to completely stop the inflammation, he freaked me out

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Robert – IF what you had was a minor/mild acute pancreatitis attack the Ibuprofen is an excellent choice and fasting (nothing by mouth but water and Ibuprofen) for several days will “rest” the pancreas and help healing.

  127. Raymond

    Hi Paul. Could you give me some advice on foods please?

    1. Can you/do you eat some cereals an if so what brands could be ok?

    2. There is so much diversity of opinion out there on so many things. Some mentioned eating granola bars. I used to love them. Are there brands I could still eat?

    3. What about milks? Do you take some kinds of milks – almond etc?

    4. What about potatoes? If so, how do you cook them?

    5. What do you snack on? Can you/do eat some likes of desserts?

    6. Lastly, pastas and noodles? You views to choices on those?

    Sorry for the long list.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Raymond – let’s answer each question:

      1) Look at the ingredients and check for oil (palm, soybean etc). Check fat grams per serving. I try to avoid oil whenever possible but some people tolerate a little now and then. I don’t eat cereal anymore but old fashioned oat meal used to be a favorite.
      2) Granola has more oil/fat than other cereal types but you can always try them to see if they work for you. Like I have said some people tolerate more fat than others. Just be careful when experimenting.
      3) I can tolerate some fat free milk every now and then. Others do not work for me but like I said some people tolerate more fat, some less.
      4) Potatoes are fine. Cook them anyway you like. Just don’t make a safe food unsafe by using high fat stuff in cooking (oil) or in serving (butter, bacon, sour cream etc)
      5) fruit
      6) Pasta, noodles are fine.

  128. Raymond

    Thanks Paul. And again, sorry for all the questions. But it’s quite comforting talking to you. Cheers.

  129. Brenda

    Please pray for me as I have Chronic Pancreatitis and am having an attack today with major pain and nausea.

  130. Bernie

    Paul, is it ok to take krill oil ? I have been diagnosed with moderate chronic pancreatitis.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Bernie – Some people tolerate fish and krill oil while others do not. It is usually too much oil/fat. If you try it make sure you watch how you feel, especially after a few days of use. If you take it daily and see no problem within a week or more I would guess you are good to go 🙂

  131. Cheryl Smith

    Hi. I am very interested in learning your method. My husband is suffering from chronic pancreatitis right now and has off and on for years. Six years ago he was an alcoholic and was in the ICU with a ten event chance of survival. He ended up with abscesses on his pancreas that required several abdominal drain tubes and near starvation with a NG feeding tube that went past his stomach into the small intestine. After almost a year the last tube finally came out. He has been alcohol free since then, but the diet is another story. He had had flare ups off and on over these last few years but they are becoming more frequent. I am going to try your methods because the poor man needs relief somehow. I mentioned turmeric suppliments to his dictor but they wouldn’t endorse the idea due to the fact he is also diabetic and takes anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation.
    At this point I don’t see the harm in trying, they are no help as far as the pancreatitis is concerned. He is suffering and I believe this is going to kill him if we don’t do something. I need to learn about vegan diets and juicing as I know nothing about either and we have been meat and potato people for ever! I will be reading your blog for guidance. He also has stage 3 kidney disease. Do you know if any of the supplements could effect his kidneys? We have a lot of work snd research to do it seems. Thanks for the info and pray he gets some relief.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Cheryl – sorry to hear your husband isn’t feeling well. It is always possible that supplements (even foods) could and or will pose a problem for those who have kidney disease. I am not qualified to answer at length. I wish I could be more help.

  132. Sandra

    Hi.. is there any way to find out more about your information .. I don’t have Facebook.

  133. Kristi

    How did you beat it? I’m not seeing any information? I’m in the hospital now with this. They have no clue why I’ve gotten this. I also have kidney disease from have septicemia due to five open bowel surgeries that I had to have due to an initial anastomoses leak. I’m depressed tired of being in the hospital every two weeks. I don’t eat fried foods, fast fooods, excessive sweets, sodas and I don’t drink. I’m not understanding why this is happening to me and desparate please help me. ?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Kristi – WOW I know you are an ill woman and I am sorry. 5 open bowel surgeries? Is that due to anastomosis leakage from one initial surgery or systemic disease (cancer, etc)? I know you are feeling very desperate but I am not a doctor and considering your situation (way out of my league) I am very apprehensive about answering but … your pancreatitis could have been caused by the infection (septicemia), or the antibiotics used to fight the infection or the surgeries themselves can be a cause (not real common). I would suggest you let your medical team do what they do and you may want to consider asking God (prayer) for healing. I’ve seen Him do some cool things and have heard what He has done for others. There is a section of this site devoted to God if you are interested. Oh … you asked: “How did you beat it? I’m not seeing any information?” What I did is all on this site in various places. Look to the right you’ll see a “category” section with a drop-down menu.

  134. David Fescier

    I have chronic pancreatitis but they don’t know why, nothing appears to show up they believe it may be auto immune pancreatitis but there not sure….anyway, I am 6’4 and was at 185 now I;m at 145 due to my stict diet question,…..I need more protein and was told that chicken and turkey was safe and ok to eat so as long as I don’t cook it in fat, I usually just grill the hell out of it and eat it dry….I only use a light canola spray on it in fact I use canola spray for cooking banana pancakes…I eat a lot of bananas that are not really ripe yet since I A1C levels are pre diabetic but that is due to the fluctuation of the pancreas…..doing everything else correctly, grape seed, curamin, Vit C ect….
    All that being said any opinions on my meat eating…hate to do it but really do need the protein, I also do lots of egg whites (one or two with yokes here and there.) and also beans…..

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi David – yeah chicken and turkey breast are fairly safe when cooked without oil and up out of the fat that drains off the birds. The dark meat has more fat content than the white meat. So the white meat is safest. White meat fish (Cod, Pollock, Bass, Perch, Crappie) is an excellent low fat source of high protein. Chicken, fish and beans are the best and safest sources of high protein foods. Egg white are great too but one white only has 4 grams of protein so you need like 6 or more to give some protein content.

      I usually am over cautious simply because some folks do not tolerate fat well and I know what an acute attack could mean so it is my personal belief that erring on the side of caution is more prudent. You can always test stuff (different foods) to see how you tolerate various things. Just be careful.

    2. Jayne Mitchell

      To David, I managed to put on weight by eating at Subway. The turkey sub has the thin sliced turkey, pile on the veggies and mustard or just vinegar, it’s a low fat yet caloric sandwich. I can also eat California roll sushi when we go out. I order it without sesame seeds to reduce fat. The small amount of avocado doesn’t bother me. I also make low fat muffins with oats, bananas, applesauce etc. I also make chocolate muffins with cocoa powder. Lots of recipes on Pinterest for low fat eaters.

  135. Nickers

    hi paul,
    It’s me again! I’m doing better , experiencing less pain, have lost alot of weight though, so fed up with all the comments I get from friends ( OMG, you’ve become so skinny, ARE YOU OK?! EEEEEEEAT!!!!! ),
    so frustrating )’:

    I was wondering If I can consume small amounts of seeds, like chia seeds, flax seeds and etc, to get some great nutritions out of them!!! Do you consume any kinds of nuts at all? or seeds in general….

    Thanks paul, Today finally, I ordered my grape seed extraxt caps and grapefruit seed extract caps! can’t wait til I can start taking them.
    I’m planning on getting enzymes too, but when I have enough money, hopefully soon!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Nickers 🙂 Glad to hear you are doing better! And yes when ill (especially digestive tract conditions) it is difficult to keep weight on. I remember I was either afraid to eat, too sick to eat or a combination. Seeds and nuts both contain high amounts of fat. It’s good fat but still fat so it is best to be cautious. Yes, I eat SMALL amounts, every now and then. It is not something I do daily. Just sometimes and like I said in very small amounts (4-5 almonds). Be cautious.

  136. Norm

    May God bless you HG for the time you have put into this site and the experience you are sharing to help others with this terrible condition. I’m still trying to ascertain which foods trigger my inflammation (alcohol is definitely the top trigger), but I have found that, without question, the supplements make a huge difference. And, ibuprofen is a godsend during an attack. Again, great site that has been instrumental in my education. I’m convinced that I now know more about managing pancreatitis than most docs.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Norm – Thank you for the kind words and blessing. The BEST way to determine which foods are triggers for you personally is to do a fast with food diary prep and then start the actual diary. The Lord bless you and heal you in Jesus’ Name.

  137. Bernie

    Hello again Health Guy. Just want to thank you for your site…I’m taking 538 mg of Tumeric once a day and 400 grape seed extract once a day , plus a multi vitamin which includes vitamin C and drink a fair amount of grapefruit juice and it seems to be very helpful! I have a question. If I have a “stomach ache”/pancreatic pain does it necessarily mean that there is damage being done to the pancrease because of that pain?
    I was given a diagnosis of moderate chronic pancreatitis about 3 years ago and since I have started drinking your ” cocktail ” and have reduced my fat intake and curtailed my alcohol intake I have felt much better.
    I can still have a couple of drinks a couple times a week and not have any pain…but the question again is….when I do have that rare time of minor pain around the pancreas area…is there damage being done to my pancreas? Sorry for the wordy post….thank you once again!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Bernie – Since you still have pain that mat be due to residual inflammation if it were me I’d take another grape seed extract and curcumin AND I’d stop ALL alcohol intake. And yes, it is very possible damage is being done especially if it is due to the alcohol consumption. Alcoholic and hereditary pancreatitis are the two forms most likely to form calcium deposits (pancreatic calcification). Seriously I’d quit drinking. 🙂

      1. Bernie

        Thank you once again! I will take another dose of the grape seed extract and the curcumin. Does it matter if I split the doses or take them at the same time?
        Also, it’s interesting that you mentioned hereditary pancreatitis because that I’ve never given that any consideration. I’m not aware of pancreatitis in any of my family members and then going forward if that is something to be considered I may want to discuss it with my kids.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Bernie – split does are usually best for continued, long-term inflammation control because it gives inflammation fighting help to the pancreas at two, three or even four times during the day depending where you are in dosage but, sometimes, if you are having a flare or there is still inflammation doubling the dose is more effective. So it just depends.

          Hereditary pancreatitis isn’t common and those who get it have a genetic variant that shows up with genetic testing. But unless you have been tested and diagnosed I wouldn’t be visiting with your kids about it. No sense in worrying them about something that isn’t diagnosed and may never happen.

  138. HP

    Hi HG,

    I had an attack came up last Weds so I took 800 mg Ibuprofen and grapeseed, tumeric, the pain was gone after 90 mins so I tried to go to work (actually I wanted to call in but my spouse complained that I did not want to work) I was so in pain that night while working and had to have Thursday off, everyday I took 800 to 1600 mg Ibuprofen and the cocktail to get myself to sleep for just some hours, Friday I came back to work and was in much more pain, Saturday morning I had to go to Urgent Care and the doctor said I had to go to ER right away but I didn’t, I could not afford that as I am the only one who work for two persons. So from Weds I took Ibuprofen 800 mg to 1600 every day and today I am still in pain on and off, the Ibuprofen still works but it took longer and the pain was not totally gone like my first try, I have fasted from Saturday morning, just water to swallow the pain killer and the cocktail. I have a question is it safe to have Ibuprofen at large dose for the next few days as I seem to be arlegic with Aspirin. I start to feel so dizzy because of no food for 3 days, can I drink just a lillte bit of white grapefruit juice? I try to stay away from hospitals because I know exactly what I am going to go through in there, I have no luck with the doctors and don’t want to waste my hard earned money on that. Besides I can’t stand someone complaining
    I don’t work and spend money, it is becoming so emotional for me, sorry I still whine as I am still breathing, I know its not right 😉 Thanks a ton for your helpful imformation. God blesses You!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi HP – you should have gone to the ER like you were told to do. I know I have said I do things like avoid doctors as much as I can BUT I am NOT right on that subject (especially if you have acute pancreatitis)! I know you have said you have no luck with doctors and trust me I know what you mean but you need medical care. Please, go get help.

  139. HP

    Thank you HG, I am waiting for the Ultrasound and blood test results, the doctor asked me to stop the Ibuprofen and he gave me Ranitidine. I am still using tumeric, C and grapeseeds for the pain. I start to have clear liquid and eat a bit. I hope I get better soon and won’t have to go to hospitals 🙂

  140. Barbara Horner,RN

    Excellent insight into the culprit, Pancreatitis.

    I am a Registered/Health Coach.

    I recommend and do lots of research regarding a person’s issue.

    A man moved to my community last year. He had chronic Pancreatitis. He was pale and obviously malnourished.

    I have been an endoscopy nurse for over 30 years and an out of the box thinker. I believe the body can heal itself through diet and a holistic approach.

    I suggested enteric coated enzymes and probiotics. Over the period of a year he has gained 30 pounds . The enzymes were breaking foodstuff ,down so it could be absorbed. The probiotics helped to make the gut healthier.

    Since Fat is the big culprit, I recommended he take lipase enzyme as well as proteolytic enzymes.

    He is still doing well and has avoided any attack of pancreatitis .

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Barbara – thanks for helping others with their challenges. Good story, thanks for sharing. I always like to hear good success stories and so do others 🙂

  141. Vintage

    Yes, Barbara Horner, I like your focus on healing, so that a person can gradually begin to enjoy some variety in foods while avoiding an attack.

  142. PH

    Hi – I had pancreatitis last year but okay now and no longer need to take my enzymes. I have several unopened boxes of the enzymes and am not sure how best to dispose or donate.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi PH 🙂 Awesome to hear that you are well! Stay that way 🙂 If they are prescription enzymes dump them into used coffee grounds and throw them in your garbage. Same thing with store bought unless you know of someone who could use them.

  143. John Wrobel

    Hello, I’ve had a pancreatitis attack several years ago when I had to spend 5 days in the hospital. On my last blood test my lipase level came back at 120, 2 times the norm for that lab. My Amylase levels are perfect. I have no pain but I am worried about going full blown again. I’m taking the supplements and oding on grapefruit juice and watch my diet. Is there any other suggestions you can offer besides starving myself? I also recently had a cat scan of my abdomen and pelvis area and will be returning to the doctor on the 23rd of this month. Thanks!!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi John – I apologize for being late in responding. You have probably already been to your doc and found out what the tests have indicated? I don’t know of much to do other than what you are currently doing. Diet, grapefruit juice, supplements and maybe some Ibuprofen at times is about all one can do to keep problems at bay. I gotta ask why did you have acute pancreatitis several years ago? Did they find a cause? Were they able to rectify it? Anyway, I hope you received good news.

      1. John Wrobel

        Healthy Guy,
        Thanks for your reply, I sincerely appreciate it. They said it was brought on by alcohol abuse and I had to stay in the hospital for 5 days with no food or drink till my levels came back to normal.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          IC so what did you hear from the doc regarding your tests? Did they look at your pancreas? From what I’ve read they have changed the base lipase levels to a high normal of 140. I’m guessing that isn’t real bright but hey I’m not a doc and there are certain conditions, other than pancreatitis, that can cause lipase to elevate. Your doc may be looking for another cause.

  144. Miroslav

    My friend I will die soon.I overdosed grape seed extract and I can’t tolerate it anymore.I tried to take 2 g per day and something happened in my head. Since then I have awful headache when I take GSE . It happened 2 months ago and every time I take it I have headache.I also have GERD when take GSE. I feel awful burning in my stomach.Without GSE I can’t live because pains in pancreas are awful.The dead is close. I have little child and my wife is pregnant but I live in nightmare.I am so afraid.Thanks for your advice
    -you saved my life but now nobody could help me.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Miroslav – stop taking the grape seed extract. I have never heard of anything like you are speaking of from using grape seed extract but stop taking it. You may want to see a doctor as well. Seriously, go see a doctor!

      1. miroslav

        Doctors are idiots. They can not help me.I read that GSE increases nitric oxide and in great quantity nitric oxide can damage the brain.Few times I I have taken even moreGSE but this time something wrong happened and the result is nightmare.I have all symptoms of migraine..And bfore that I never had such headache.I take triptan for headache but it inlamed my intestins.Caffeine helps with headache but I cant take it because my intestins are infllamed.Probably I just have no luck.My stomach also is upset.Thank you for you advises

  145. Kavita

    My husband was 48 he had accute pencriatic attack in may 2017 .He was still in bed condition 3 operation is done n nit properly eat he had food pipe in stomach but not able to take proper food I don’t have proper guidance when recover I am waiting doc. Says it is cure but take time .N when he eat after 5 minute he vomite green colour thik liquids n give ans?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Kavita – I am not a doctor. It sounds like your husband has been very ill. If I understand correctly he has had 3 surgeries on his pancreas and was on a feeding tube? Is he still recovering from surgery? Is he still on the feeding tube? I’m guessing he is not on the feeding tube since he eats and then vomits is that correct? What is he eating?

  146. Philippa

    Hi. My 90 year old father has had pacreatitus 3 times . He’s had his gall bladder removed and he doesn’t drink . He’s been told to go on a low fat and sugar diet . This is not specific enough for a man in his 90s who’s set in his ways . He has a sweet tooth and loves butter . I also have had pancreatitis a few times so assume it can be hereditary. I’m trying to think of ways to persuade him to change his diet . Dry difficult . Any suggestions please

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Philippa – yes there is a form of pancreatitis that is hereditary. The only thing I can suggest may seem somewhat mean but IF he were my dad I’d ask him how he liked his last acute pancreatitis attack and then have him tell you if eating his normal diet is worth that, even dying. Sometimes it just takes bringing a person into reality. He can change his diet or continue to suffer more attacks. And if it is hereditary pancreatitis that particular type is prone to calcification and higher cancer risk.

  147. Linda Jackson

    I don’t see anything about sugar on here. From what I understand when you have pancreatitis sugar is a big problem. I am just asking because I am really trying to understand this.Just diagnosed with this and told to stay away from sugars. Was that a problem for anyone? Everything has some sugar in it.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Linda – I really don’t know why people seem to think sugar is a problem. The two major food problems are alcohol and fat. If one has diabetes sugar could be a problem but otherwise I don’t see a reason for concern.

  148. Clyde Larson

    I’m a stage 2 Pancreatic cancer survivor. Doctors declared that im now cancer free and i’m so glad to hear that. Since then marijuana products like bonzaseeds has been a great help to me so i decided to grow my own marijuana for my personal use only. But growing marijuana requires more knowledge and need to understand its life cycle. I have encountered many different problems in growing myself but that doesn’t help me stop from growing my own herbal medicine.

  149. Ed Dobbins

    Hey HG,
    Thank you for all your insight, i have been reading these threads and your blogs for days now. I was in the hospital about 5 days ago and they said i had mild pancreatitis because my lipase levels were elevated. Of course severe abdominal pain and wrapping around my back was pretty bad. I was never hospitalized and was put on clear liquid diet for 3 days. i had a ct scan at the hospital and everything was normal besides a little inflamed pancreas. Day 3 went to the docs blood test liapse was higher but ultrasound found no gall stones or blockage and all my organs are function at the proper level. Doc said to hydrate well and have a bland diet for a week and come back for another blood test to see if my level is down. Yesterday i ate the wrong thing (uncle bens cheddar and broc rice) and i was thrown in another attack (yea i know it was stupid) i took 1000mg of Tylenol every 6hrs didnt touch it the first few hrs so i took 1 oxycodene and barely took the edge off. Took my last Tylenol dose at midnight and woke up feeling sore but attack free. I ate a piece of wheat toast and a glass of grapefruit juice and a cup of coffee, so far so good. I have printed out your daily meal plan and i will follow it to the t. My question is should i take Advil instead of Tylenol to reduce the inflammation? I hop all this is just a mild thing and will go away after dieting well. The cause, i suspect my very bad diet, high fats and greasy fried foods for the past 15yrs or so finally caught up, I am only a social drinker so i know that could not be it. Any insight to the cause? Im pretty sure it was my diet because when i say awful it was awful no vegetables what so ever and sweets and greasy food for a long time! I appreciate any feedback! Thanks!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Ed, sorry to hear you have joined our club. Ibuprofen works a lot better at resolving inflammation than Tylenol. Neither drug is safe so I want the best results when I use a drug. I’m not saying it couldn’t happen but I have never seen any bona fide info from a reputable source that indicates diet is an original cause of acute pancreatitis with that said diet AFTER acute pancreatitis is a whole different story! When inflamed or damaged or both diet becomes extremely important because FAT and ALCOHOL then cause problems, often bad problems. By the way, if one (you or me) has the genetic variant that predisposes us to alcoholic pancreatitis we could be an occasional drinker and trigger acute pancreatitis or it could present with more chronic like symptoms as alcoholic pancreatitis is known to do on occasion. So, your bout may have been from an underlying condition/source. It would be beneficial to know for sure what caused it so that if possible that underlying condition can either be resolved or contained. The primary causes are gallstones/sludge, alcohol, drugs (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc the list is quite long), snake/spider/scorpion venom, viruses, medical procedures (ERCP and others). Other causes include excessively high blood fats, autoimmune disease (celiac disease, crohn’s, lupus, sjogren’s syndrome and more), cancer etc etc etc. You asked for feedback lol 🙂

  150. Vintage

    I’ve found bread that doesn’t have brominated flour! It’s made by Alvarado Street Bakery in California. They ship, if you can’t find it at your grocery store. I think that the brominated flour found in most commercial breads and noodles was “bringing on” some of my pancreatic attacks.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Vintage – you do know that commercial bread, any bread contains fat right? Most breads contain 2-3 grams of fat per thin slice so if you chow down on bread, well, it could be the fat! 🙂

  151. Mary

    my dog is dying from pancreatitis and now diabetes. Is there any supplements for dogs. Dogs aren’t supposed to eat grapes so I am leary of grape seed extract supplements. I have an appointment at homeopathic vet next week but doing my research now. He is losing weight really fast and not absorbing nutrients. I just ordered tumeric/cumin for inflamation but not sure what to do. he is on special food but for bowel inflamation and just switched to glucose management which has corn and wheat in and Im leary about that too. Poor little fella can’t win. I am ready to do chicken and brown rice for him with supplements. I have a b12 capsule I am going to give him that absorbs in lower intestine. I’m desperate to help him. He doesn’t seem to be in pain . Doc wanted to give pain meds but changed mind =she doesn’t want him too drugged up. (conventional vet).

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      I’m sorry to hear about your dog Mary but I have to confess dog pancreatitis is not my thing. I know some stuff like FOOD (FAT) does cause pancreatitis in dogs whereas it has never been proven to be an originator in humans and yes some foods (grapes, onions, garlic, chocolate, coffee, alcohol and more) are toxic to dogs. I apologize but I am not of any help in the case of your buddy.

  152. DeeQ

    Hey HG. I have been struggling with bouts of AP for the past 2 years. Been to the ER about 9 times, and admitted for 4-7 day stays 5 times. Alcohol use in my case brought everything on, which I have ceased all use since January (for a while I played around with my idea of “moderation,” not a successful mission.) I am currently in the hospital now and believe this has got to CP territory. Although not sure if I will be officially diag nosed. This time, due to the repeat bouts, the margin for error with food is much less than last year and fats I ate including lite coconut milk in a soup I made plus canola oil in a stir fry back to back days were likely the cause. I am really trying to stay hopeful for when I get out – they are still doing an ultrasound tomorrow to check for stones and question of psuedocyst. I plan to add the supplements u suggest. I’m hoping this and stricter diet will keep me out of the hospital for a while. I eat a lot of Asian food and wonder if you have had people consistently report issues with soy sauce (as you warn) also miso, kimchi and other fermented foods. Another question is smoking, I haven’t quit the cigarettes, like you… but the consensus from the medical world is cigarettes speed the progression of the disease almost without question. Just wondering your thoughts.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi DeeQ – sorry to hear you are not feeling well (understatement right?). Fats do cause problems especially when the pancreas is already inflamed. Soy sauce contains alcohol. I’ve seen alcohol free soy sauce but whether it’s any good or not I have no clue, haven’t tried it cuz it isn’t gluten free either lol. I can not say smoking is good because let’s face it each cigarette has about 3,000 cancer causing chemicals yet I didn’t seem to have problems pancreatitis wise because I smoked yet who knows I may die of pancreatic cancer 🙂 I did quit smoking last September so I have been smoke free for about 6 full months and quite frankly haven’t noticed one single benefit yet. I do still have some nasty cravings for a smoke now and then – is that a benefit? LOL From everything I have read in about 10 – 15 years I should have less cancer risk! So if I’m not dead yet from age related illness that could be a good thing! 🙂

      1. DeeQ

        Well, you’ve made it this far. About soy sauce, there is a type called Tamari that is GF. I’m gonna continue to “control” test it since I enjoy my Asian meals that I can still cook. Anyway, got out if the hospital but got some bad news while there. CT scan impressions given to me include a 4cm solid mass on the head if my pancreas!!! I have to have a ultrascan scope next week and I’m SCARED out of my mind.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi DeeQ – thanks for reminding me about Tamari! I’ll have to see if I can find and try some. I can understand your fear. Keep me posted. Would you mind if I prayed for you?

          1. DeeQ

            You may… having a biopsy in a week or so. I’m hoping it’s something related to the pancreatitis and not cancer. It just all of the sudden popped up I’ve had 3 other CT scans in the past 3 months and they didn’t see it on those.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            DeeQ – I will pray that the mass disappears and you should as well. Autoimmune pancreatitis often shows up as a mass looking ominous on CT. Keep us posted.

  153. Snickers

    Hi Paul ,
    Hope you’re doing good ,
    I’m fine no pain, just not a great absorption ):

    I recently did a blood work and things were in normal range , besides I had pain when the doc did some palpations on my abdomen ,especially where my pancreas sits. She said well there’s inflammation though she didn’t give me any advice, like seriously …thanks God you made this website, God bless you!

    Doing my best to keep my weight steady after losing alot of it, though it’s so hard. ..specially giving the fact that I’m vegan, it’s horrible lol I need more calory rich foods ,I’ve discovered that oats are giving me almost pale stools ,so I’m considering to reduce the amount and see if it changes :/ but it means less calories…

    Anyways , my friends keep telling me that I should at least take whey protein powder :/
    Do you think it’s necessary? And is it OK to take more enzymes ? I take now foods enzymes without ox bile and etc.

    Thanks alot.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Snickers – glad to here you are doing better but since you still have abdominal tenderness you may want to consider grape seed extract, vitamin C and maybe low doses of ibuprofen such as 200-400 mgs daily in order to resolve that inflammation. I’d keep the oats and you could TRY whey protein to see how you tolerate it. Make sure the formula you use does NOT contain oil, many of those protein formulas do so be sure to read all of the ingredient list. I hope you get well healed and feel really good soon. 🙂

  154. Theresa Myers

    Hi Health Guy, I’m too shaky to flip you the bird so we can just pretend I did. OK? ? I wanted to share the Hibiscus flower tea, I use sugar. I could hardly believe it feeling like it pulled my gut tighter but in a comfortable way! All I know is it brought relief. My friend bought mine at the first part of Schnucks like a “Health Food” area. I bought several bags from Mexican grocer online under the name Jamaica flowers for tea. Just plop a handful into water jug and it works just sitting in the refrigerator! I hope you enjoy & it helps if you have a flare up. Thanks for sharing what helped you to help yourself. God bless you.?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Theresa – I forgot – curcumin in appropriate doses can be as potent as an antiinflammatory such as Naproxen or Ibuprofen yet without the issues. YET, HIGH doses can cause stomach issues (nausea, vomiting) so it is best to titrate up slowly.

  155. Georgie

    The social media icons that pop up on all your pages are quite distracting and impair ability to read your information. I have 3 such sets right now

  156. Vintage

    Hi Health Guy,
    I’m glad you are still here online, giving hope and help to others who are struggling to save their lives from pancreatitis. When I find something good, I come here to share. Recently, I decided to get rid of any noodles (spaghetti, macaroni) that are “enriched”, because that “enrichment” is actually just harmful chemicals that cause inflammation. Recently, I ordered DeLallo Italian Organic Whole Wheat Pasta Sampler Kit and am happy with the product.

    The article,”The Hidden Truth About Enriched White Flour” by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACB, says that enriched white flour causes “increased oxidative stress, and depleted antioxidant activity, while contributing to high blood pressure.”

    Keep up the good work, Health Guy.
    – Vintage

    P.S. Delallo also has gluten-free, though I personally don’t need gluten free.

  157. Joseph Delgado

    Do you still take pancreas enzymes replacement pills?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      No. I no longer seem to need them. I am almost positive that due to my adherence (for the most part) to my strict low fat diet and use of highly anti-inflammatory herbal supplements (grape seed extract, curcumin and vit c) that acinar cell regeneration has taken place. There are scholar type reports available that indicate the pancreas can and does regenerate certain cell structures which is good news to those who truly want to heal and are willing to do what it takes to get the job done. Am i saying that everyone will be able to regenerate? No. But from what I have found (research) I think it is entirely possible for some to experience good results.

  158. Mary Jo Anderson

    My son is 13 yrs. old and was just released from the hospital with his fourth episode of acute pancreatitis. This began when he was 8 yrs. old. The last time he had an attack, he went into sepsis. Afterward I saw some of the very best doctors in the US. One took his gall bladder out and two months later he had another attack. Not one of these many doctors told us to put him on a low fat diet. In fact, at one of the very best children’s hospitals in the nation, the doctor told us (in front of our son) that he can eat whatever he wants, that diet didn’t matter, and that this would just keep happening to him. I just want to scream when I think of what I had been feeding him. This has shaken us to the core. We are people of faith and I know God is good all the time. I believe that is why he brought me to you. As I was by his side this last time in the hospital, I came across your website. I feel as though it is an answer to so many prayers. We have started him on low fat, supplements, and enzymes. I am crying as I write this because I am so scared for my son. Thank you for giving us hope. If this works for him, I vow to help anyone else in our community suffering with chronic pancreatitis by sharing your story and method for healing. I so appreciate your straight forward way of speaking and not sugar coating the situation. My sister said instead of looking at this negatively, look at it as a new adventure of eating well and feeling well. I agree. Thank you so very much and God bless your life and efforts.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Mary Jo – I am sorry to hear that your son is not well. Does anyone (doctor) know why he originally had AP at 8 years old? I don’t know how nerve wracking and painful it would be to be a mom and watch her son suffer but I imagine it sucks. It is tough on both of you. If diet, supplements and Ibuprofen work for him let me know. The info on all 3 are on this site I like hearing success stories. I’ll also pray that your son does better. God is awesome! So keep praying. And always remember how much He loves you and your son. He gave His Son for you and your son. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Rest in Him. Trust in Him. With God nothing is impossible. God bless you both 🙂

      1. R Grover

        Hello Health Guy,

        There are a lot of similarities between Mary Jo’s and our experience. My son was also hospitalized at one of the best children’s hospitals. The doctors were very insistent that his gallbladder should be removed (although there were no gallstones). The doctor asked him to have a high calorie diet and we were not advised to follow a low fat diet. I also shudder at the thought of what I was feeding him then. I understand a parent’s nightmare and anguish – no parent should ever have to go through this. Your blog has helped tremendously – what gives me hope as well is that people can heal fully after years of suffering by following your diet and supplements. As I mentioned in my other post, my son used the grapeseed, curcumin, vitamin c, and also supplemented with the elemental diet (Vivonex with flavor packets), pancreatic enzymes and some Ayurvedic herbs (triphala, licorice). I pray to God the greatest Healer for all to be healed fully. Thanks again for your blog and sharing your wisdom and experience. God bless you!

  159. Mary Jo Anderson

    During an acute attack, how much and how often do you recommend drinking the white, unsweetened grapefruit juice? Thank you!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Actually Mary Jo – during an acute attack your son should be in the ER. I can’t give advice but IF it were me I’d take nothing by mouth except water (needs to stay hydrated) and 800 mgs of Ibuprofen. IF you have grape seed extract, curcumin and vit C those as well. But the ER would be best.

  160. Leona Carpenter

    My sister has pancreatitis, migraines,and diabetes and is on multiple medications. I’m trying to tailor that fits all those needs plus the side effects of severe constipation. Are Stevia brown sugar blend and chia seeds safe for her to your knowledge? Any knowledge you may have would be so gratefully appreciated!!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Leona – I apologize I am so late responding. Most seeds such as chia, flax, sunflower etc have too much fat but some people can tolerate a few seeds and/or nuts while others can not. constipation my be helped with water, fiber and colace or a combination.

  161. Mark E. Armstrong

    So, how do I Access this info? I used to run the top5plus5 website that dealt with pancreatitis. With Facebook I decided to kill the website, but over the many years of doing research you are making a bold statement, but do agree if you get pancreatitis you can recover and live a normal life with modifications.

    If you are telling me someone with chronic pancreatitis can be cured, I would have to balk at that and look at your research to verify.

    Ive been in contact over the years with Dr. Sutherland who invented the islet transplant surgery in 1975. I’m sure he and many others would be interested in your research. Have you reached out to Dr Cotton to discuss your findings? They are both reachable although Dr. Sutherland is pretty much retired, but everyone still loves his input.

    Years ago someone contacted me and many others saying he was writing a book and would I mind being involved, telling my story. I agreed,but when the book was released, the book came across as, if you read this info you would be cured. Many details of my story were changed, and I had to contact the publisher to have my stuff removed from the book.

    So how do I get this info?

    Back in 1987 stationed in the Philippines, I woke up and thought I was dying, and I was. Spent the next year in the hospital, 3 surgeries where with each surgery, they would removed a 2 liter size psuedo cyst from my pancreas and i would wake up with drainage tubes which would drain over a cup of fluid each day out of each site.

    A few years later I became diabetic and was in constant pain. Spent the next 25 years in and out of ER for pain relief. It was miserable

    Then I said fuck it. Cut out all the narcotics for pain relief and went to eating RSO for flair ups.The RSO does wonders. Rick Simpson oil. It is legal in my state and it does wonders.

    Good luck and I’m looking forward to seeing your info

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Mark – It sounds like you were military so thanks for your service. From your story you’ve also had major pancreas problems. I’m glad to hear you discovered something that worked for you. I don’t tell people there is a cure. According to medical practitioners 80 % of those who have one MILD acute pancreatitis attack heal up with no further issues. Whether that is true or not I can’t say. As far as I know there is no cure for chronic pancreatitis whether it is minimal change or severe in most cases it still progresses. However, I have been lucky enough to find a way to stop/halt or put that progression into remission. I simply share what I did, do etc. IF people do what I do they do it at their own risk for I am NOT a doctor nor have I been medically trained. In regards to talking with doctors about what I know? LMAO! LMAO! Most doctors would never listen and even if they did they would find a way to screw up the regimen. For example, I’ve known about the power of antioxidants for years. Approximately 24 years ago I discovered that certain, NON-toxic antioxidants could pretty much eliminate pancreatitis symptoms in the proper amounts. Then in 2009 some doctor named Garg, in India, discovered that certain antioxidants work ok in some patients. You can find his trial studies online. Naturally he used supplements that are toxic in large doses! That’s what I love about the medical community – why use non-toxic supplements that really work when one can use toxic supplements that kinda work? Anyway … I have no desire to discuss my research with the medical community.

  162. Sarah

    Hi, this may sound stupid, but I can’t stop wondering how pancreas works and what’s good for it and what’s not. I’ve read that onions, curcumin, garlic, many spices and other foods are too powerful if you suffer from pancreatitis. And yet, the same foods seem to be the best thing you can eat if you wanna take care of your pancreas and avoid pancreatitis and cancer etc. Is it with pancreas like with other organs ; heart, lungs and muscles that it needs excercise to function well? If you have pancreatitis, you need to give your pancreas a rest and maybe these foods are too much to handle? But is resting really good for the pancreas? And why people have so different experiences about what suits the pancreas and what doesn’t? Is it a matter of scartissue or calcification? I’m really confused and would appreciate your view on this.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Sarah – Most people including doctors make the pancreas a really obscure organ that is difficult to understand and impossible to repair when in actuality it is fairly simple yet, yes, in some ways complex. BUT your pancreas is pretty much the same as my pancreas (before damage). It’s about the same size, looks the same, weighs the same and performs the same functions. The pancreas is a multi-function organ that is NOT easy to view on scans because it hides behind, between and next to other organs. BUT it is about the size of a ballpark wiener. It has several functions including the production and dispersal of pancreatic enzymes that help breakdown and digest food. Anyway …

      Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas due to some cause. There is always a cause. The pancreas never wakes up one morning saying “Wow! I am in the mood to create havoc and mayhem so I am gonna whack my human host with some vile sickness and watch him/her squirm for awhile.” That never happens but the whole secret to treating pancreatitis lies in the fact that it is an inflammation process and everyone seems to forget that. If the inflammation is addressed and treated properly the inflammation resolves, so do the symptoms and damage halts.

      The only good thing the medical community does with the average pancreatitis patient is to take away food thereby resting the pancreas but they should also be addressing the inflammation with heavy doses of anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen because again once the inflammation resolves so do the symptoms and damage halts. And once damage halts and inflammation is eliminated then true healing can begin. Every effort should also be taken to find the cause because again, there is ALWAYS a cause and if possible that cause should be addressed and eliminated. Make sense?

      Anti-inflammatory foods (once back on a solid diet) are one of the best defenses against the pancreas becoming inflamed again. The worst things one can swallow are high fat foods and alcohol when they have a damaged pancreas. BOTH are extremely toxic to a damaged pancreas. If one has the genetic variant that predisposes him/her to alcoholic pancreatitis any amount of alcohol consumed could trigger an unwanted response; acute alcoholic pancreatitis. There are many more causes, gallstones for instance’ Also high blood fat levels, viruses, venom (snake, scorpion, spider, jellyfish, etc), drugs and more. Sorry I got off track … Anyway …

      Onions, turmeric, garlic, cayenne, and many spices like them are highly anti-inflammatory. So are the supplements vitamin C, grape seed extract and curcumin (from turmeric). The right foods can heal a damaged pancreas the wrong foods can cause misery, acute pancreatitis, more damage and even lead to death because of induced inflammation. Now understand food is NOT an original cause. Food only becomes an enemy AFTER damage. And the ONLY two enemies found in foods are FAT and ALCOHOL.

      1. Miroslav

        Hello my friend.Again I have acute pancreatitis.I was on your diet,but my pancreas is infllamed again.I dont know why.Probably due to banana(kiwi caused me twice acute pancreatitis),or because I pushed hard belly in pancreas area.I have hiatal hernia and I tried to push it down.In the same area where is pancreas.But almost 20 days I can not manage with this attack.I take 3 grams per day GSE,theraracurmin and glycine.But I can not heal my pancreas.Before I have attacs so many times and always GSE helped me a lot.But this time nothing help me.I can feel the breath of death.My children will become orphants.I am still alive only because of your advice,and thanks for that.But what is wrong this time?I dont know.I feel better for a while and then the pain is here again.I feel how pancreas produce gas.And I can feel the infllamation.
        I can not take NSAID because I had the worst pancreatitis attack in my life when I took it.
        The term of using GSE is untiĺe november 2018.Could it lost his strength?It is produced 2 years ago.

        1. Miroslav

          Hello my friend.Now I understand my problem.I do not have AP but l have damaged the same nerve which is painful due to pancreatitis.It is very unusual but this is the true.I will take curcumin and GSE and hope that the pain will diminish.

          1. The Health Guy Post author

            Well Miroslav I guess in some respect that is good news. At least you know why you have pain. I do not know whether that will improve.

        2. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Miroslav – long time since you have visited. Sorry to hear you are still having difficulty and suffering. The Grape seed extract is likely still good but there is always a chance it has lost potency. I am sorry I have taken so long to respond.

  163. Richard

    …. Also ive seen people say suger need to be limited if u have pancreatitis, this true?



    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Richard sugar is inflammatory yet I have never been able to directly relate sugar to problems. I do eat brown sugar instead of white. I also use more molasses and wild raw honey both of which offer more nutrients with honey also offering anti-microbials as well.

  164. Coco

    Dear The Healthy Guy, I was just diagnosed with CP and I am devastated. Mine is alcohol related so guilt and shame I have been feeling is unexplainable. Knowing some people have this devastating disease without fault of their own made me feel even more terrible. I found your site, I started to see a glimmer of hope, so thank you so much. You are truly a God’s send. I have started no-fat diet and taking all the supplements you mentioned in your blog. My nausea and pain still come and go (it’s been about a month). You mentioned that you lead pretty normal life. Do you still get to work, travel, play sports, etc? I have three children whom I need to take care of, and my husband and I are about to split up. I’m not sure I can continue to provide them a normal life that they deserve. Thank you in advance for your response.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Coco I am saddened to hear you have CP. I understand your apprehension but there is always hope. When I was younger yes, I worked, played, traveled. Now not so much. It was difficult to stay well traveling because eating out is always an iffy deal. You never know how your food is actually cooked and good food contains way too much fat (fat brings out flavor). If you still have nausea and pain that usually means you have inflammation. IF it were me I’d do several things: 1) I’d take some Ibuprofen (strong anti-inflammatory drug) to see if that helped. I’d try 400 mgs at first. 2) I’d also increase the dose of grape seed extract. It is highly anti inflammatory and also help nausea from pancreatitis. 3) I would quit beating myself up. The past is the past, learn from it and move on.

      1. Coco

        Thank you for your response, really appreciate it. It’s comforting to know that I can at least hope that someday I will have somewhat of normal life. Pain and nausea have been debilitating and constant, sometimes I feel like losing my mind. I purchased all the supplements you had on your site (the other site i believe). Currently I take 2000mg of vitamin C, 1500mg curcumin, 1500-2000mg of grape seed extract, along with multi vitamin, calcium, garlic, ginger. I have minimized my fat intake down to 5-10mg per day. I also fast a few occasions. I take 400-800mg of ibuprofen whenever I feel the wave of pain is coming but it usually doesn’t do much. I ended up needing to take oxycodone. i take zophren for my nausea for pretty much every 4-5 hours. When I first started taking oxy, I only took one 5mg and it lasted almost all day, but just within 3-4 weeks, I have to take one 15mg every 6 hours to function, it is very scary. I am worried that I will soon run out of options.

  165. Coco

    Hi Healthy Guy,
    Sorry it’s me again. It’s been about 4 weeks since I started your diet/supplement regime, there has been some good days and bad days but overall my symptoms seem to have gotten worsen as time goes by. Today I feel like my pancreas is on fire even after I took 15mg of oxycodone. I don’t want to give up and am hoping it will eventually work. My question is how soon after you started your regime did you notice difference if not completely normal? I’m fasting today by the way. Thank you.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Coco you never have to apologize to me for posting questions/comments. I happen to enjoy helping people find relief and healing. I do it for you and people like you because I know the suffering involved but I do it mostly for the Lord God. If you are getting worse that means there is inflammation, There may also be something you haven’t mentioned that is causing suffering. Were you told you have a lot of damage (ducts, beading, loss of some of your pancreas etc)? Do you have calcification? Cyst(s)? All those things make healing difficult. I kinda answered most via your first comment so read what I said and see if adjustments help. If you are taking vit c and curcumin too increase those as well just be careful with the curcumin because it can cause nausea and vomiting at higher doses so go up slow. I wouldn’t think you’d need more than 500 mgs 4x daily. I’d do the grape seed and vitamin c 4 x daily as well in similar amounts.

      1. Coco

        So my case is strange (or maybe not), doctors first couldn’t find anything wrong with my pancreas. All my blood test results were normal (lapase was 20 – somewhat lower). I had my CT 6 weeks ago where they found a small cyst at the tail of my pancreas. MRI followed soon after, but got not much more info other than the cyst was most likely not cancerous, could possibly be pseudocyst. Otherwise doctor thought my pancreas was healthy while I am barely functioning with pain killer. I had endoscopic biopsy ultrasound procedure two weeks ago and final analysis for the fluid is still pending (over 2 weeks!). Doctor who performed the procedure told me my pancreas looked normal (again!). But based on visual inspection of the cyst and all my symptoms leads him to believe that I have CT. Since my last message, I started to taking Enzyme (the one I found on your website) before meal. I am not sure what else I can do to help my pancreas. I’m in pain and nauseated pretty much all day.

        Mr. Health Guy, how soon did you start noticing difference in your symptoms after you started all the diet/supplement? I know everyone is different but would like to know there is timeline i can look forward to. Also, I understand that you only take ibuprofen for your pain, but have you ever taken any opioids before? How often do you take ibuprofen these days? Do you take any prescription drugs (currently or sometimes) or do you recommend me one?

        I apologize for so many questions. I feel so alone in this journey, so it’s nice to have someone to talk to…so thank you for caring.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Coco – Cysts on the pancreas most always cause problems (at least the people who have visited this site have had issues), unwanted symptoms (pain, nausea, vomiting) and those symptoms are usually difficult to resolve. I remember one lady who had a large pseudocyst of pancreas yet she did NOT have symptoms and ate anything she wanted without regret but she isn’t the norm at least not from what I have learned. However there are inflammatory and non-inflammatory cysts. Were you ever diagnosed with acute pancreatitis? From what you have told me and the symptoms you have described it may be prudent to get a second opinion from a pancreas specialist. Since Ibuprofen and the supplements do not seem to be helping the cyst must be of the non-inflammatory kind. You can always try more grape seed extract, cucumin and vit c but they do best with inflammation and your lipase of 20 doesn’t scream inflammation. It also doesn’t scream PC which can often result in lipase levels of less than 5, even 0. Yet, damaged pancreas cells from long-standing CP can also cause lipase levels to decrease. I am not a doctor so I am just thinking out loud but like I said it may be prudent to get another qualified opinion from a pancreas specialist. I am sorry I am not more help.

          1. Coco

            Thank you so much Mr.Health Guy. You have been a huge help. You seem more knowledgeable than any doctors I have met so far about pancreatitis. So if you think the cyst is causing these symptoms would you recommend removing or draining it? Doctors don’t think it is, since mine is very small 8mm. I need a relief from this pain and I’m willing to try anything at this point. You asked if I ever had AP… no I haven’t. I have had abnormal/back pain on and off for 3-4 years. But pain was always dull and went away on its own within few days, so I never worried too much about it it, but looking back they must have been beginning of PC, and I continued to drink, such a shame. Anyways what do you think about Cyliac plexus block procedure? Do you think I’m a good candidate? Any other procedure I can try? I’m desperate for pain relief. Thank you again for all of your help and support.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Coco – In regards to removing or draining the cyst or any procedure I am going to stand on what I suggested previously; that you get a second opinion preferably from a pancreas specialist. I really think it is important you do that as soon as possible.

  166. Coco

    Thank you. I’m seeing Gastroenterologist on 12/5, will see what he says. I’m just hoping for pain relief without opioids, whatever it takes. You are such an inspiration to me and gave me hopes. I will definitely stay in touch and keep you updated. Thank you again for all of your help.

      1. Coco

        Hi Health Guy, Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. For some reasons, I didn’t get (or missed) a message notification in my email. So gastroenterologist said he doesn’t think I have pancreatitis while all my symptoms and my heavy drinking past are screaming “pancreatitis” it’s frustrating. BUT he agreed to prescribe medications that he normally prescribes to pancreatitis patients, and as you might guess they are working. I now take PERTZYE, Lyrica, Creon, and Amitripline daily and Tramadol as needed. I was told to take Tylenol for pain but they did absolutely nothing. Unfortunately Ibuprofen doesn’t do a job like they do for you. However I’m completely off of oxicodone, and I’m so happy! I also received a full oncology report regarding my cyst. DNA shows no sign of cancer mutation (something like that). The report even mentions that the cyst can be a pseudocyst. But doctors don’t want to diagnose unless it shows in imaging. I will have another MRI in April. I was also referred to psychologist, basically suggesting some of this is in my head. I am continuing to take all the supplements you recommend and drinking grapefruit juice daily. I really hope one day I will be all medications free and live a normal life like you. One question, while my pain is controlled by meds for most part, I’m still having terrible diarrhea:( Any suggestions? Anyways thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your help. Your are my inspiration, and your story helps me a lot when I feel down and just want to hide. You are truly God’s send.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Coco – I am glad to hear the doc put you on meds that help, that is a good thing, so is getting off oxycodone. I know you probably enjoy the relief the new meds provide. I am pretty sure that cyst is causing most of your problems. I will pray the Lord heals you. I don’t have a good suggestion for the diarrhea except Immodium. You can get it over the counter at any walgreens etc. I wish you a safe, blessed and Merry Christmas. May God bless you and give you His peace. 🙂

          1. Coco

            Dear Health Guy, thank you for your prayer, means a lot. My cyst is only 1cm so doctors don’t think it’s causing anything, but I believe you are right. But what can they do? I know you don’t usually believe in procedures that invade pancreas unless it’s life threatening. Thank you for the suggestion for my diarrhea. I will buy Immodium today:) Also I just read that you have Rheumatoid Arthritis and have been suffering with pain. I am so sorry. My heart dropped when I read that, and I’m asking God why. I know life can be a beast, but why this happens to someone like you. I am not sure this is a place to discuss this but I don’t know how you keep your faith so strong after all this. I get angry and sad even thought I (my lifestyle and choices) caused my own miseries. I’m just so very sorry. I don’t know much about the disease so can’t be much help. But please know that I will be praying for you for your health, happiness, and you beat Rheumatoid Arthritis. Well one quick new development on my end, I was at dentist the other day, she thought I might have oral cancer. I have had sores in my mouth that haven’t healed over 6 months, and they started to spread:( She ordered a biopsy. Anyways I hope you have a blessed Christmas as well. Please take good care of yourself and feel better soon. Thank you again for all of your help. Your biggest fan, Coco

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Coco – I have to admit sometimes my faith wavers but I rest in the fact that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” – Philippians 4:13 and “My God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” – Philippians 4:19 AND one of these days we, who trust in Jesus Christ as savior and Lord, will one day reap the Glory of God, in His Kingdom for eternity and … there will be no more tears, no more pain, no more disease. We will have new, supernatural bodies and we will forever live in the House of our Lord God Almighty. I’ll get to hug my Savior Jesus just like Peter did when Christ resurrected and met them all at the lake shore. I look forward to all the wonders our great glorious God has prepared for those who love Him. And I thank you very much Coco for keeping me in your prayers for I can always use prayer; GLORY to GOD! I know you are going through the storms but Praise Him during the Storms for He is faithful and loves you more than you can ever understand. I will pray for you as well asking our merciful Lord to protect and keep you and heal you. God bless you Coco and Merry Christmas 🙂

  167. Jayne Mitchell

    Hi Paul, I just want to say hello and thank you once again for this site. I’ve had a very good year thanks to your supplement and food advice. I never eat foods that I know will make me sick. Not worth it. I also make sure to take the vitamin C, turmeric (curcumin), and grapeseed extract at least twice a day. I tried cutting back to once a day and had problems so I realized I can’t do that. I hope this finds you well and I wish you a Merry Christmas and healthy pain free new year!
    Much love, Jayne Mitchell

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jayne! Great to hear from you on my FB site and here. I am truly happy to hear you have had a very good year. That is Praise the Lord awesome 🙂 I’ve had a few issues this year but not from my pancreas. I learned (was diagnosed via blood tests and rheumatologist appt’s) after a severe bout of joint pain (lasted 5 months and no I didn’t go to the doc until a couple months after the flare subsided – yearly appt) I have yet another autoimmune disease (Rheumatoid Arthritis) I have to contend with. But as long as I don’t have another 5 month flare like the last one (there were days I could barely move) everything will be fine. Things could always be worse, trust me on that – oh ya you KNOW! Have an outstanding, happy, safe, MERRY Christmas and New Year. I pray for you as I do others. God bless you and and His peace be with you and your family. 🙂

      1. Jayne Mitchell

        Oh I’m so sorry to hear about your possible RA. I will pray for your continued good health and pain free joints. These bodies our soul inhabits can be so challenging. Praise God and know that His loving arms are where we all will find freedom one day.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Jayne – Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. I couldn’t ask for a better gift GLORY to GOD! Thank you and I will keep praying for you as well. Stay well and God bless you! 🙂

      2. Aaron

        I had a bout of acute pancreatitis in 2017 I recovered from the attack but now I have a disease called avascular necrosis. It’s in my hips, knees,ankles,elbows,and shoulders. I’m not sure if you heard of this disease it’s where the blood vessels in your bones get clogged and the bones begin to die I hear that pancreatitis can put you at risk for this disease. The sad part is it doesn’t always show on an X-ray they have to do an mri I guess it’s something to be aware of and keep an eye out for. It usually happens at the ends of long bones but can affect other bones it’s a very painful and nasty disease. Not sure if you have heard of this disease or if it has any links to pancreatitis. Supposedly when the fat doesn’t get broken down it can enter the bloodstream and potentially clog arteries and vessels. Just thought I would see if you had heard of it or anyone who has it and I read your post about your rheumatoid arthritis just wouldn’t be a bad idea to make sure it isn’t avascular necrosis.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Aaron – no I had never heard of it but I know now thanks to you! Thanks for the heads up. I am sorry you have it it doesn’t sound fun. I doubt my doc knows about it but he did test me for RA and that’s where the tests point and then he sent me to a rheumatologist. She is pretty cool and knowledgeable and I asked her if she was sure I had RA and she showed me the tests and explained why she was pretty sure it is RA. I’m not to worried cuz after reading about avascular necrosis I don’t think I have it BUT I’ll certainly ask if it is a possibility next time I see her or my primary.

  168. Vintage

    Hi Health Guy. I’m glad to see that you are continuing your good work, helping many helpless and suffering people.
    Regarding RA I just wanted to help you in any way possible.
    I hope to see you here for a very long time.

  169. Niky

    Hi Paul how are you doing? Happy new year!
    First of all I Wanna THANK YOU for all you’re doing, your advices have certainly made a big difference in my overall health, since I started taking your advices carefully I’ve no pain or nausea (sometimes I don’t take extract caps).it’s been a year since I started feeling bad, yet I’ve no diagnosis and my doc thinks that I have a mild pancreatic insufficiency but she refused giving me any enzymes for a year and now that I’ve convinced her that I need enzymes she prescribed me creon 10k, every capsules digests like 7 grams of fat, that’s what I read on the internet, she told me that I should be taking 1 or 2 caps x day, like seriously???? ?
    I’m just so lost.

    I was wondering if my meal has no fat just plain protein should I be taking enzymes? If so I don’t know how many becuz I usually try to have around 30 to 50 grams of protein.

    Like today for lunch I had 2 slices of whole wheat bread less than 1 gram of fat, a tuna can another 1 gram of fat and 500ml of albumin which has zero fat but 55 grams of protein in total i had like 2 grams of fat and 75 grams of protein. If you had this meal how many caps would you take assuming that you’re using your enzymes not mine?

    Thanks a lot again you’ve become my point of reference, my doc doesn’t seem to be understanding me at all. I’m still so sad and can’t believe that I’ve CP, I always tried to eat clean, train and stay away from smoke and alcohol, can’t seem to be able to find the cause.
    My last year CT scan showed nothing and my blood works were all fine. Since I’ve got this I sometimes have problem with falling asleep like I’ve restless leg syndrome it’s certainly affecting my quality of life…

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Niky – First I need to apologize for such a SLOW response. I needed a break. And you are most welcome! It sounds like you are feeling better “since I started taking your advices carefully I’ve no pain or nausea” so all I can say is AWESOME! I have a question … if you are feeling much better (no pain, no nausea) and that happened without Creon? Why take it? That stuff is really strong and expensive however for those who need it it is really a decent drug. IF you try it I’d start out with 1 cap per meal (IF the directions are two per meal) and see how it goes. Sometimes docs prescribe too much and they make people sick – too much is not good. IF you really don’t need them I would take them at all but only you and your doc know that for sure. IF you REALLY need the enzymes they do contain lipase to break down fats but they also contain protease and amylase to breakdown proteins and sugars respectively. Stay well 🙂

  170. Coco

    Hi The Health Guy,

    I hope you had a blessed holiday season. I think of you every so often, and you continue to be in my prayers. How is your RA?

    I have a question since someone else just asked you about enzyme. I have been taking Creon three times a week for meals, and also taking Super Enzymes (the one you recommend on your site) for snacks in between. Like you mentioned, Creaon is a very expensive medicine. Do you think OTC enzymes supplement helps just as much as Creo? I’m not sure you have any knowledge as to how they are different.

    I recently had Celiac Plexus Block procedure. I’m not sure if it helped or not. I was hoping for a miracle but it sure wasn’t. I still take Lyrica as needed. I will keep you posted if anything changes.

    Anyways, I hope your health is doing better. Thank you.

    Your biggest fan Coco

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Coco – Thank you for keeping me in your prayers! I need all of those I can get and will receive them gladly! I am good thanks for asking. I still have some joint pain of course (hands) but nothing like that 4-5 month flare Glory to God!. That was quite interesting lol. If you are interested I just opened a Facebook group for Christians

      You asked: “Do you think OTC enzymes supplement helps just as much as Creon?”
      Answer: For those who need to completely replace their enzyme production due to the loss of a lot of acinar cells from resection or disease or both they are the ticket. Prescription enzymes contain the same enzymes but in much larger amounts. You’d have to take a handful of Now Super Enzymes to replace one low dose Creon pill. So do they help as much? I think they do the same job effectively for those who need a boost in enzymes but don’t need the power of Creon. Creon is much more potent.

      I’ve heard a lot of folks say the same about the Celiac Plexus Block procedure. IF you had that done I am guessing you still have a lot of pain. How much damage do you have? Are you taking grape seed extract, curcumin and Vit C? Those may help and if you are you may need to increase the dosages until you see benefit. This site may be down for a few days I am switching servers so if I don’t answer right away that’s why.

      1. Coco

        Thank you for your quick reply. I’m so happy to hear you are doing much better, praise God!

        Thank you for clarifying the difference between Creon and OTC enzymes. Creon makes my stool loose… perhaps they are too much as I consume very little fat these days?

        My pain has been much less since I last talked you in December, but since I scheduled the Celiac Plexus Block procedure over a month ago, I went ahead and had it. I have been taking one 75mg LYRICA 1-2/day to manage my pain. My ultimate goal was to completely taper off any pain medications therefore I thought the procedure would help me to do that.

        This probably doesn’t surprise you but I have not yet officially been diagnosed with pancreatitis. I’m scheduled to have another MRI in two months to see if doctors can find any damages this time. I will keep you posted.

        Yes I have been following your supplement regimen, V-C, Grape seed extract, curcumin – the exact same brand I found on your other website (My Experience Living w Pacreatitis).

        Last but not least, I will definitely check out your FB page, thank you for inviting me:)

        I hope and pray your health continues to get better.

        Your biggest fan Coco

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Coco – I apologize for the long wait for a response I moved my site to another server and it just got completed. I am glad to hear your pain is less than in December yet I will keep praying and believing that God will make you pain free, even healed. If you haven’t been diagnosed with pancreatitis why were you prescribed Creon? Do you have pancreatic insufficiency? Has anyone checked you for celiac disease or other IBD? I’m asking cuz I don’t remember.

  171. Megan

    Hello Health Guy,

    I am very blessed to be reasonably healthy 99.5% of the time, which is Grace because I haven’t always treated my body as the miraculous temple it is…in 2016 I was dx w mild Ulcerative Colitis and put onto Salofalk suppositories 1G/d. I hated the idea of being on meds forever so I was never very good at taking them consistently. Ffw to January 2017 and I went to the ER after a week of indigestion (felt like I ate too much ALL week) and end up that my lipase was over 3000 (they stop measuring after that) and I am admitted w acute pancreatitis. I swear it was the salofalk, though my GI completely disagreed! Anyway, I was released a few days later and went on to have months of symptoms including steatorhea (sp?) and weight loss. I am already a small lady averaging at ~100lbs and 5’6”. They tested me for everything including autoimmune pancreatitis and celiac and who knows what else and it was left as idiopathic acute pancreatitis. But with the continuation of symptoms the GI finally ordered me an MRI for September 2018 to look for pancreas divisium (which wasn’t seen)….but there is evidence of damage congruent with chronic pancreatitis. What finally gave me relief of symptoms was starting CBD oil (I’m in Canada where medical cannabis is legal, as now also is recreational cannabis though I don’t partake). Also, I am medication free currently and won’t go back on the salofalk even if my dr said it couldn’t possibly have caused the AP.
    I guess my question is: why don’t I feel pain? Not that I’m not grateful that I don’t (I’ve heard and read it’s horrifically painful), but it concerns me that I don’t have a cue that there’s an issue/flare/inflammation. Any suggestions of what else to look for?

    Thank you for taking the time and energy to share all of your valuable experience and information. Before having acute pancreatitis I don’t think I even thought about my pancreas even once! Ugh

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Megan – I have read where Salofalk (post trials) has been suspected of causing pancreatitis but here’s the catch inflammatory bowel disease will also cause pancreatitis in some folks so it is difficult to tell which is the true cause because as far as I know IBD is the only reason Salofalk is used. Catch 22. It is amazing that all you felt was indigestion especially since you also show indications of chronic pancreatitis. Most people have pain with many also experiencing nausea and vomiting and more. I’ve heard a lot of good things regarding CBD oil for pain, etc. Symptoms can vary but the hallmark is usually a lot of pain. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal distention, diarrhea, fever, sweats, low/high bp, fast heart beat – pain, did I mention pain lol? Be GLAD the good Lord saved you from the pain!

  172. Vintage

    Hi Health Guy,
    I’m glad to see you are still here,…here and helping people. I’ve had yet another relapse with my very chronic and acute pancreatitis. (Mine was caused by a car accident, internal injuries, and a broken back, hence harder to cure to most.) I was out of grapefruit juice when it hit this time, and with no one to send to the store. But I had a fresh grapefruit in the fridge. I thought of you and our co-sufferers and wanted to write to remind everybody that the white part of the grapefruit, just underneath the orange-colored peel, has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. For painful pancreatic attacks, eat a fresh, juicy grapefruit along with quite a bit of the bitter white part. I’m better already. Thanks for keeping your blog open and lovingly serviced.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Vintage – Yes I am still hanging out here. Sometimes I neglect the site but I try to keep up. Sorry to hear you have been ill. Yes grapefruit seems to work. I’m glad you are doing better. 🙂

  173. R Grover

    Hi Health Guy,

    Thank you! I also wanted to let you know that I have purchased one of the supplements through your website and will continue to do so. Very grateful for the information on your website and the support you provide through your blog.


      1. R Grover

        The site is filled with so much useful information – thank you for keeping it up and running!
        My son had an ERCP procedure done about two months back with pancreatic sphincterotomy and stenting for one week. Before the ERCP procedure he only had pain during meals and was able to tolerate solid foods. Since the procedure he has developed constant pain and can only eat liquid foods. Now he gets reflux at night and needs pain killers. I was reluctant to have the procedure, but we were pressured by several doctors to have it done. His enzymes were elevated before the ERCP, but the liquid diet has brought them down within normal limits. However, the constant pain is troublesome. It is usually low- grade but some foods trigger an increase. I wanted to check if anyone has experienced this after ERCP.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi RG – Unfortunately a lot of people experience unwanted, even dangerous side effects/complications after ERCP and pancreatic sphincterotomy and stenting almost always causes some lasting problems e.g. pain, nausea, vomiting etc etc etc. WHY was the stent put in place? Did your son have a duct blockage? I am wondering why several doctors pressured you for a procedure (pancreatic sphincterotomy and stenting) that can be very risky. Did they surgically cut the pancreatic sphincter (to open it) as well before placing the stent? Anyway I have heard people mention pain, nausea, etc after stenting and I am almost sure it is the stent itself that causes the problems which means your son may have to deal with the symptoms for as long as that stent is in place. I could be wrong. So be kind if you ask your son’s doctor about why he is presenting with symptoms when his blood work is decent.

          1. R Grover

            Hello Health Guy,

            We have been following your advice regarding supplements and a very low fat diet over several months. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience on this blog! I want to let you know it has helped my son heal. I want to share what my son did over the last few months and hope it will be helpful for others:
            1. Supplements grapeseed, vitamin c, curcumin, multivitamins and minerals as you have described.
            2. Elemental formula (Vivonex ) for a few weeks.
            3. Ayurvedic supplements – Triphala (which is known to protect from pancreatic cancer as well) and Licorice.

            Most of all, we prayed daily and had great faith that God would heal my son. We are very thankful to God for His kindness. I pray that everyone can be healed and cured from this disease.

            Now my son is following the low-fat diet that you have recommended including vegetable juice and continuing to take all the supplements. Your website is a great resource for anyone suffering from pancreatitis. I purchase the supplements through your website to support this site and hope it will continue to run and help the thousands that are suffering from this disease. I have a question regarding how to prevent, stop and reverse calcification in pancreas (it can also occur in non-alcoholic pancreatitis) and am interested in knowing if any supplements/herbs could be recommended for this.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi R Grover! Great to hear your son is better Praise God! THAT is awesome. Yes, like you said calcification can happen in any form of pancreatitis but seems to be the most prevalent in alcoholic, hereditary and gallstone types. Anyway … I do NOT know of any supplement that might help. I have mentioned to others who have asked that IF it were me I would try chelation with EDTA because it has been proven now to pull calcium out of arteries thereby reducing even removing arterial plaque. So, I am guessing it may remove the calcification (stones) that form in the pancreas. I have no clue but you can get edta via amazon and there are suppositories (fairly expensive but far less than IV chelation) AND could be as good as IV chelation. It would take 3 days (3 suppositories = ONE IV chelation) to equal ONE 4 hour IV chelation treatment. EDTA in pill form is a lot less expensive but would take even longer to work if the idea even would work at all. I would try to find a chelation doctor and ask if he/she thought that edta would pull calcium out of the pancreas like it does the arteries. Go to ACAM dot org for more info. They would know who you might chat with.

  174. Manifa Osman

    Dear Sir,
    I don’t know about the other people using your website. But, the point is if your things are so helpful then why don’t you contact the medical community and help them so that they could give your guide to people who are lost and who don’t have your website address? I don’t know about the validity of your things but if they are beneficial they must be given to give light upon the lives who need it.

    Manifa Osman

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Manifa Osman – I t is funny you should ask such a question because through people who have visited, used the info and became well and have actually taken my stuff (copied it/printed) to their doctors it now seems that the medical profession has begun to catch up. Medical sites that used to have HORRIBLE even DANGEROUS info regarding diet and other stuff have now changed their sites to read so much like mine they may have well just copied my stuff word for word. So to answer your question I never had to because other people did it for me lol

  175. Vintage

    I’m so sorry that the stent is causing pain to R Groover’s son. Can it be removed?

    I’ve used your remedies for five years now, Health Guy,…ever since being hit by a car gave me internal injuries and pancreatitis. I’ve added a couple of things to my fight for survival. Kratom (Maeng Da strain) is legal in most States. It kills pain. I purchase it online. I take a level teaspoon in water, to avoid taking ibuprofen. Also, I put a few drops of oregano oil in an empty capsule and swallow it with water. It kills bacteria. Research articles always tell about veterinarians giving it to animals, not doctors giving it to humans. It’s wonderful. But do your own research.

    Keep up the good work, Health Guy. You have helped many more people than those who have actually posted here. You have encouraged people to think outside the box and not loose hope, even when their doctors might be clueless.

  176. R Grover

    Hello Health Guy,

    Thank you – I am looking into the website you referenced. I also found information regarding magnesium and vitamin k2 – these supplements may be helpful in preventing soft tissue calcification.

    Thanks to Vintage – I am sorry to hear of the accident and hope that healing happens soon.

    It was interesting to hear about the pancreas research studies referenced elsewhere in your blog – hopefully researchers are making progress in this area.

  177. Niky

    Hi Paul,
    How have you been? I hope you’re doing better with your RA, I’m a physio so I understand how awful it can get.

    I was wondering if you know that if we are at a very high risk for developing Diabetes?
    I was reading an article and it kind of scared me tbh, I’d rather have CP whole life than developing Diabetes. I don’t want to imagine these two together.

    Anyways I’m doing good, thanks to your awesome website and the amount of information that you provide FREELY. I do my best to take my C vit with OPC even though tbh sometimes I forget to take the latter. I can say that 99% of times I’ve no pain, sometimes my poop is not that good and it floats or it’s sooo bright….and surprisingly I have yet to be diagnosed… This is so sad.
    I was wondering if MRI would be a good tool of diagnosis.

    Sometimes I get really sad because I still don’t understand how I got this miserable even though I was an athlete and NEVER EVER ate any junk foods outside. I feel dead after mid-day… So I’ve decided to work only part-time, not so good I’m sure you know why.

    Thanks Paul, sorry I had to unburden this to you, I feel ignored and not understood.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Niky – the RA seems to be ok. Thanks for asking 🙂 My hands hurt most of the time but nothing serious. No repeat of the 5 month ordeal when I could hardly move at times. It is a good thing cuz I won’t take those nasty drugs that could end up causing more trouble than the RA anyway … about you. You sound down. You should be HAPPY with being pain free 99% of the time! THAT is a good thing! I stick diabetes in a corner of a box and rarely think about it. I figure if I haven’t got it yet I probably won’t and besides why worry? Chances are VERY good that if YOU were gonna have it you’d have it already. Yes, it is true that if people do not get their CP under control and into what I term as remission, that the chronic inflammation could damage enough islet beta cells to cause diabetes but unless you are constantly ill I see no reason to worry. AND yes MRI and/or EUS could possibly help in the diagnosis of CP but again with a pain free state 99% of the time why even bother? Unfortunately the low fat diet plays hob with energy because the body burn fat as fuel (energy) and when we don’t eat enough fat (because it makes us sick) we often suffer fatigue. We are between a rock and a hard spot in regards to the choice between fatigue and illness. Niky if you are interested I started a new support group and you can join it here:

    2. The Health Guy Post author

      Oh and Niky I did not mean to sound like I was discounting your concerns. I certainly do understand them. I am one of those who try not to cross bridges until it seems necessary so if I lead you to think I didn’t care that was not my intention. I know you are concerned about CP, diabetes and wonder why you are being challenged with health issues. I simply don’y have any real good answers. Yet worry doesn’t help. 🙂

  178. Kathy Hartwiger

    The Health Guy, I was in the hospital June 2018 two days, Nov. 2018 a week then Dec. thru Jan. 2019 22 days all from acute pancreatitis, & 2 pseudo cysts that grew on my pancreas all caused by gall stones & infection. I had a total of 6 surgeries all due to the infection, on top of that I was diagnosed with cancer last Nov. before my second attack. I had to wait for my pancreas to Heal before they could do surgery for cancer. By March 2019 I got the OK for surgery at that time I had 2 more surgeries first dealing with cancer & they removed my gall bladder. I had 2 follow-ups April & August 2019 now I have to have blood work done again by my PCP because my oncologist said my glucose level is elevated. I read some of your reviews & was not happy to hear that pancreatitis can return even after your gall bladder is removed. I do not drink so that was not the cause. I hope I do not end up with diabetes or another pancreas attack. I am on Creon, Probiotic, Multi-Vitamin recently started taking Cinnamon capsules. Is there anything else for diabetes? I am having my blood work repeated, PCP Doc feels if I watch carbs & sugars depending on the results I maybe OK. Praying for good results with all this. I am glad I found your site. Thank You.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Kathy – you have definitely been through the wringer. I am sorry you have suffered. With the damage you have received diet is going to be very important because the two main enemies of a damaged pancreas are alcohol and fat. Since you DO NOT have diabetes I am gonna suggest that you focus on staying that way by eliminating any more damage via acute pancreatitis (more attacks). That is gonna take an elimination of fat in your diet. High fat foods should be avoided. I suggest no more than 5 grams of fat per meal. THAT is no easy task. Some people tolerate more, some are not even able to tolerate 5 grams per meal without being ill. I take grape seed extract and vitamin C. Both are excellent at resolving inflammation. I’d start low dose on both and work up until you are consuming 400 mgs of grape seed extract and 500-1000 mgs of C 3x daily. IF that isn’t enough I’d increase to 4 x daily etc etc etc. Ibuprofen would be very beneficial in 200 – 400 mg doses a couple times daily to keep inflammation at bay.

  179. H Bill

    Health Guy
    I’m wondering why the Now Super Enzymes have a warning on them that says do not take if you have pancreatitis or pancreatic insuffiency? Can you explain this to me. I have very low lipase levels and cannot digest food.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi H Bill I do not see that warning or caution anywhere on the bottle. It wouldn’t make sense. Check again I have just looked at the bottle I have here and both the capsules and tablets online and the only thing I have seen is “do not eat the freshness packet” lol

      1. H Bill

        Check and click on the images on the top left. It won’t let me copy and paste. It does not say it I don’t think on I live in Canada. I have lost a about 25+ pounds and doctors have done all kinds of tests including an MRI and can’t seem to find anything except diverticulosus and just say must be irritable bowel. My stools float and losing a lot of weight. The Now super enzymes are the exact same ingredients except in the US they don’t have the warning on them. I don’t understand why? Also do you take probiotics and should that be included. Just trying to figure this out. Also what about coffee?

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          H Bill – I can’t answer precisely why the warning is on in Canada except that countries differ in their health categories. A lot of things in other countries are classified as drugs instead of supplements. They may not want to lose revenue from Creon etc, who knows? Probiotics may be beneficial. I don’t use them. I drink a lot of coffee.

          1. Hbill

            Hi again, I might add they also on all digestive enzymes in Canada say not to use long term. Have you ever heard that taking digestive enzymes can make your pancreas not work or become “lazy” and actually contribute to pancreatitis? I have been taking plant enzymes not the ones you take for about 8 years but they don’t seem to work anymore?
            Check out John Douillard on life spa and search dangers of digestive enzymes. Also wanted to ask about fiber? Do you add extra fiber?

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hbill – you asked:

            1) “Have you ever heard that taking digestive enzymes can make your pancreas not work or become “lazy” and actually contribute to pancreatitis?”
            Answer: No. Enzymes are NEEDED if your pancreas is damaged enough so that it is not able to produce enough on its own. That’s why they prescribe Creon and other expensive prescription enzymes. There are a lot of contributory causes but as far as I know replacement enzymes are not one of them.

            2) “I have been taking plant enzymes not the ones you take for about 8 years but they don’t seem to work anymore?”
            Answer: This is more of a statement of fact as you perceive it. IF plant enzymes no longer work for you you probably need to graduate to the more powerful non-plant forms.

            3) “Also wanted to ask about fiber? Do you add extra fiber?”
            Answer: IF you are asking whether or not I use a fiber formula such as metamucil my answer is no. I eat way more fiber than is necessary. Most vegetables are high fiber foods. I eat a lot of vegetables. They are also low in fat and high in nutrients.

  180. Hbill

    Blessings to you Health Guy.
    Thank you for all you do to help others! May the Lord bless you richly. I am a believer as well but with living life on my terms and not staying connected to the vine I am now desperately wanting to connect with God again on an intimate level and hear his voice. I am having trouble in this regard. There are so many voices in this world trying to take our focus from the ONE we need to hear. I also recognize we have an enemy who wants to keep us distracted and worried and full of fear. Sometimes I feel so lost. I don’t just want to be a believer but I want to be a follower!
    So sad sometimes we have to go down so far before we realize our need for God every day! We are in a war for our souls. I pray I will find a way back to him. Having said that in regards to vegetable do you eat mostly raw or cooked? Also what would you put on your oatmeal if you don’t use any kind of milk?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hbill – let me address the oatmeal thing first. I used to eat oatmeal every morning and years ago I used milk (low fat). I have always liked it with molasses, honey and sometimes ginger too. Then milk started bothering me. So I cut it out and just used the molasses, honey and ginger but it still made me nauseous. I noticed bread did the same. Rice and veggies with bread never used to make me sick but it did so I told my doc and he asked me to go to the lab again for another blood draw. Anyway … turns out I have celiac disease and ALL grains cause me problems and because I had had it so long (since childhood) it had made me lactose intolerant (that’s why milk didn’t work). Anyway … I used to love oatmeal but I no longer eat it cuz it doesn’t work anymore. ALL grains wheat, barley, rye, corn, oats, rice and more cause me problems. So, I am grain free BUT NOT by choice.

      Now about reconnecting with Almighty God. Just ask Him to forgive you. Re-affirm your trust in Jesus and give Him your life (everything). Offer Him everything you have your house/home, money, job/profession, family and give Jesus complete control of your life and live for Him according to His plan and His will and doing that will automatically grab the Father’s attention. There is nothing you have done that won’t be forgiven. Ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit. Start reading God’s Word daily asking the Holy Spirit to guide you and teach you. Get close to God and He’ll get close to you. Talk to Him and He’ll talk to you. Love Him, Trust Him, Obey Him, Worship and Praise Him. Ask Him for everything you need, about everything, what you should do, etc. He wants to be involved in EVERY part of your life and in EVERYTHING you do. Once you understand how much you are loved by the Father, His Son and His Holy Spirit you’ll find yourself wanting to be in His presence all the time, talking with Him, enjoying Him, Praising Him and being grateful for everything because without Him and His will that you live you wouldn’t even take your next breath. If I can help ask. God bless you brother 🙂

      P.S. We are both members of the family of the Most High, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Jesus IS Lord and if you are IN Jesus you are an heir, royalty, a child of the King!

      1. hbill

        Health Guy thank you so much for those encouraging words!!! I am trying to do that but am consumed with fear and worry over my health. I know that is not what God says to do. I have lost so much weight and am so malnourished. I’m not sure what I should eat anymore. Not able to digest even with the enzymes I’m taking now. So if I’m correct you just eat vegetables not sure if cooked or uncooked or both and meat. Is this correct? Is there any other foods that one could add? Doctor’s here don’t seem to be any help. I have quit alcohol but still smoke quite a bit and because I’m so worried and fearful all the time I smoke more. Anything you can help me with please do. I will try even harder to fix my mind on God and his power and might and surrender my life in totality as much as I possibly can! I have not lived a good Christian life and sometimes it feels like God isn’t interested in me because I have not abided in him.
        Remember me if possible in your prayers. I so appreciate your kindness. Many Blessings to you!

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          HBill = You’re welcome. Again, God is madly in love with you. Jesus suffered untold, unspeakable agony and DIED in your place for your sin. John 17 will show you exactly how much Jesus loves you. All you have to do is give your life to Him, trust Him and obey Him. Here are some Bible verses about worry and what to do about it. You can read and meditate upon them and God’s Word will help give you peace. That is another benefit of giving everything to God – His peace. He gives you peace. The only animal proteins I consume are skinless chicken breasts, white meat fish such as bass, perch, crappie, cod and pollock. Once you heal up you could try some tuna, even salmon (lots of fish oil) which may have too much fat but some tolerate it. By the way I have a pancreatitis support group called “Beating Pancreatitis Support” on Facebook. Yes, I eat a lot of veggies, cooked and raw. Lots of fruit. So my diet is mostly plant based. I will definitely remember you in prayer. God bless you back! Oh and about that thing you told me – no worries! We’re good. I had a suspicion anyway 🙂

  181. hbill

    Hi Health Guy,
    I surely hope I have not offended you in any way! I really appreciate your help. Sorry I’m asking so many questions but you have been through this and I trust you. I have upgraded to the stronger enzymes and bought Grapeseed extract, vitamin c and multi and tumeric. My questions are: How long did you have to stay on the enzymes before you were able to stop them and how did you know when you did not need them anymore did you have to gradually decrease or switch to a lower potency? 2. With the Grapeseed if you only weigh 90lbs (have lost 30#) would I take less than stated? Also same with tumeric. I know you stated not everyone will experience the same thing but hoping.
    Do you still have to eat a low fat diet? I’m so undernourished I’m not sure what to eat anymore besides boneless chicken and vegetables. Are raw vegetables and fruit ok? Thank you so much for all you do to help.
    Also I smoke a lot and am having difficulty with this one. I know this is bad. Have you smoked and if so any tips on how to quit would be appreciated.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Howdy hbill – How would you offend me? when you have been nothing but friendly and nice. And you can ask all the questions you need to ask. Ok … Now to the questions.
      1) I still take enzymes but I only seem to need them with high protein meals or when I pig out 🙂
      2) The supplements vit c, grape seed extract and curcumin are strong so I recommend starting with a LOW dose and slowly increasing until you see results. One pill each once per day for a week, increase to two the next week in divided doses like one morning, one evening etc. if you add another make it mid day, and if a fourth is need before bed and then if more is needed add to the other doses already in place. People are different in this due to weight and actual damage so it is trial and error to find the correct doses.
      3) Yes I still eat a low fat diet. It’s more like a lifestyle.
      4) Yes, raw vegetables and fruit are fine – be careful of avocado, coconut, soy beans and soy products, nuts and seeds for ALL are high fat. Fat, especially co-called good fats may be good for normal people but those who have a sick pancreas they are trouble. oils too – all oils. Most of this is on my site.
      5) I smoked too, for years. I quit a little over 2 years ago. Cold turkey. Wasn’t easy.

      Just keep your eyes on Jesus and speak the Word of God. I speak this often “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” Philippians 4:13

      I also have a small group for believers:
      The Bible Chapel Prayer and Praise Group
      I t is small, growing slow, but I try to keep people fed with the Word.

  182. DoingBetter

    I have an interesting story to share in case it helps a few of you. After 6 years of Chronic Pancreatitis a surgeon about to cut out my Pancreas had me try Mitrazapine based on a paper that recently came out, “Centrally Mediated Disorders of Gastrointestinal Pain”. I started to feel better a week later and after a few weeks was able to try some foods that would have sent me into an attack. After 18 months of the medicine I went off of it and can have a normal healthy diet now (including fat and meat on occasion) and even have some light alcohol (1-2 glasses a month) which would have been unthinkable a few short years ago as a sip of wine would give me an attack and a week of pain. I am terrified of it returning so I eat an extreme amount of anti-inflammatory vegetables and foods which keeps me feeling great.

    For 6 years I thought I had chronic pancreatitis and only the recommendations of this site helped me at all and allowed me to gain weight and work again. I had seen gastroenterologists at Stanford and Duke and had been given a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis after repeated procedures so I was fairly certain of my condition, but only the recommendations of this website seemed to help any.

    One odd thing for me is that I seemed to have more extreme symptoms than described in this site and after a few years had to eat just egg whites and rice with a few green onions three times a day. Any other meal triggered a reaction and it seemed to be getting worse with time. I had to even use my own frying pans as when I would visit family if they cooked with lots of butter and if I used their pans, even washed, would still give me attacks. I was like a human fat detector. I had even tried putting myself on feeding tubes two different occasions to see if I could heal the condition going with food for weeks or months, but no success.

    I had finally had enough, researched different surgeons to have my pancreas removed and flew out to meet one. This saint of a surgeon had me try this repurposed antidepressant medicine ‘Mirtazapine’ before accepting a fee to cut me open and remove my organ. He had happened to read a paper called “Centrally Mediated Disorders of Gastrointestinal Pain” which had just came out the pervious month. The theory is after my real episode of pancreatitis, my nerves in my stomach ‘froze’? into the state of permanent pancreatitis and this mimic’ed the state of chronic pancreatitis for me. The Mirtazapine reset the nerves in my stomach and allowed me to eat food, they don’t really understand how it works yet but thats the best guess. I had seen the best doctors in the country for six years and spent tens of thousands of dollars on procedures trying to get better, to have a doctor try me on an old medicine that cost $9 and now I feel pain free and healthy. Life is crazy. We were praying like crazy and the timing I suspect was an answered prayer, thank you Jesus!

    I have no idea how common my condition is and I was reluctant to share because I don’t want to give anyone false hope but I felt I owed my story. This community and the diet is the only thing that kept me going for six years so I want to pay it forward a bit. Thanks for all you do and God Bless!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      DoingBetter – that is an awesome story! Yes, CP usually does get worse yet with lifestyle corrections (diet and supplements) it can be slowed, even reversed in some people but there is no cure so your story is very intriguing and I will definitely check out Mirtazapine and try to locate that article. Glory to God and Thanks for posting! I will pray for your continued health 🙂

  183. Daiana

    Hello Health guy

    I was hospitalized for Severe Acute Pancreatitis I Had a gallbladder removal in 2011 when I was 20 now I’m 29 when I was diagnosed for Acute pancreatitis I was there for 2 days 1/2 . I was discharged with meds to take at home Hydrocodone & to take Pantoprazole 40 mg once a day for 15 days . My enzymes were up to 300 The day I was diagnosed I have cut my eating habits I also been drinking lots of water but I also wanted to try your cocktail can you please explain how to drink it is it one glass a day ? Can I take it based in my diagnosis? Do I have to take the same amount of grape seed extract, vitamin c ( can the vitamin c be the pack of the Emergen-C ?), and curcumin same 4 times a day? … can I also do it even though I already started to eat fat- free food ? Is coffee okay to drink ? . Sometimes I get pain on my right side behind my rib cage is that ok ?….I’m Hispanic so a little salsa goes good with everything can I still eat spicy food? . I follow your breakfast but added to my egg whites chopped jalapeño,& diced tomatoes it wash delish. With a toast honey wheat bread. And I also tried the fish with corn I just get so hungry so i try to eat fruit or drink smoothies. I just don’t want to have another attack . I don’t want to leave this world without my one year old not being able to know who her mommy is and leave my other 3 boys by their self I want to live until all my kids graduate at least ?. Sending lots of prayers your way you’re such a nice person for helping all this people go through this I was so heartbroken laying in a hospital bed thinking the worst ?.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Daiana 🙂 sorry to hear you have joined the pancreatitis hall of pain. The cocktail isn’t a drink really it is Ibuprofen, grape seed extract, vit c and curcumin. However since your AP was caused by a gallbladder issue (stones) and you have had it removed you should NOT use curcumin or turmeric. The Ibuprofen, grape seed extract and vitc in combination should be sufficient to resolve any inflammation. But first – I am confused. How severe was the acute pancreatitis in 2011 when you were 20? Is that the time your lipase was 300 and you were in the hospital for 2 1/2 days or have you been hospitalized recently at age 29? I just need to know the exact deal and I am confused. Thank you for the prayers I need all I can get! 🙂

  184. Stacywal

    I do have a history of drinking. I have not had a drink in 8 months. My first few attacks were in 2016. Each time after a small amount of alcohol. They were mild. I had epigastric pain and would go to left side. The first one lasted a week. The second one was 3 weeks and the third one was 12 weeks. I did not really change me diet. I saw a gastro doctor and she performed an EUS in 2017 and was told my pancreas was normal.

    So fast forward to December 2019 I got another attack but this had nothing to do with alcohol. The attack is still going. It is nothing like an acute attack. It is episodic dull steady upper abdominal pain. I got another EUS and was told my pancreas was fine. They think I have functional dyspepsia. What do you think?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Stacy – It is difficult to tell but with your history whoever did the reading of your EUS may have missed something. The only thing I can suggest is to keep notes in regards to what happens with your symptoms etc. Be thorough, What makes it worse? Ho long do symptoms last? What exactly are those symptoms (per each occurrence)? Once you have a good list and time you can again approach your doctor with more info for him’her to use.

  185. joan sullivan

    Dear Mr. Health guy,
    mine is a long story but I will condense it.
    Had Whipple procedure 13 months ago with every infection/complication.
    Stents have been placed in several locations due to leaks, scar tissue and strictures, thus causing pancreatitis.
    Now I am on TPN feed and cannot eat.
    I am thirsty all the time and water does not quench thirst. I did start grapefuit juice, how much a day can I have?
    I am living on oxycodone! Now the inflammation from the pancreatitis has pushed on a kidney/dilated it and they want to stent it, which I refused. I am at high risk for infection/sepsis/death!
    Any advice is appreciated.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Joan – I am sorry to hear of your situation. It sounds like you have been through a tremendous amount of pain and agony. I hope you asked about drug interactions before drinking grapefruit juice because it is notorious for not playing well with prescription drugs. Has even been known to cause lethal interactions. So if you have not checked with a doc and pharmacist first please do so. I am NOT a doctor, so I can not give medical advice BUT … IF it were me I would find a way to dose myself with three supplements. 1) Grape seed extract which is highly anti-inflammatory. I use a formula that is only grape seed extract so I can take a lot of it without worrying about toxicity. 2) Vitamin C, only vitamin C for the same reason 3) Curcumin, again only curcumin for the same reason. THOSE people who have gallstone/gallbladder or SOD issues should NOT use curcumin. But those 3 supplements are all highly anti-inflammatory and work synergistically to resolve inflammation and usually when the inflammation resolves so does the pain and other symptoms. Ibuprofen is also extremely anti-inflammatory and in appropriate doses usually works better than opiates (oxycodone) for inflammation induced pain. God be with you Joan. I will pray for your healing.

      1. joan sullivan

        thank you for response and prayers. I cannot take ibuprofen at all because of whipple and kidney.
        What about black tea, herbal tea, coffee black of course?
        I am celiac too so there’s another issue when eating resumes. I am going to make the veg. broth today, but what about store bought veg. broth? I am going to Sprouts.
        How much Vit. C? I have 500 mg tabs I cut in half and feel like I should crush them. Your thoughts?
        I will check with my GI and Urologist regarding the other supplements first and I will check the grapefruit juice reaction with pharmacist. But I am so thirsty it’s hard not to chug it.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Joan I apologize for being so late in responding. I’ll answer your questions as best I can.

          1) “What about black tea, herbal tea, coffee black of course?”
          Answer: None of those bother me. I have found that my two worst enemies are fat and alcohol. Ok, three lol Gluten. Everything else seems to work ok.
          2) “I am going to make the veg. broth today, but what about store bought veg. broth? I am going to Sprouts.”
          Answer: Most store bought broths are not gluten free so for you and I it is best to make our own. For everyone else broths often contain too much fat.
          3) “How much Vit. C? I have 500 mg tabs I cut in half and feel like I should crush them. Your thoughts?”
          Answer: the 500 mg tabs are fine. start with one and work up on a weekly basis to about 2500 or 3000 mgs in divided daily doses

          I hope you feel better soon.

  186. Stacy

    Thanks for your response. I am proceeding like I have CP since the symptoms fit. I fasted for 4 days with water only then I drank V8 juice for 1 day. I felt like the tomato juice was too much for my acid reflux. I started a Food Diary. You stated begin when most of your pain is gone. I still have pain. Will it take a while for the pain to subside? Also, is Stevia Leaf Extract ok?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Stacy I apologize for the long response time. It often takes two or three fasts to get rid of the pain (depends upon damage). As far as I know Stevia is fine. I hope you are better soon.

      1. Stacy

        Just to give you an update. I fasted a 2nd time for two days. Around day 18 I could feel a difference. I thinking wow there is a long time between time that I am feeling no pain. I basically feel no pain now. I need to incorporate more food than I have but I am increasing little by little. I eat egg whites in morning with toast. I eat a lot of oatmeal with honey. I drink Ensure clear which gives me 8 protein. I eat pasta with tomato sauce. I eat baked potatoes with black beans and corn. My favorite is sushi. I bought the Bragg Soy Sauce and noticed that they make a product called they make a product called Bragg Nutritional Yeast Seasoning. A tablespoon will give you 5 protein for only 35 calories. People use it a cheese substitute. I think it taste good with the pasta. I will eat salad with balsamic vinegar. And probably my favorite pleasure is frozen plain soft pretzels. It is not killing me to eat this way. I will eat to live to avoid pain and see future grandkids. I do not miss alcohol. I miss pizza and mocha frappes.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Stacy – I am greatly pleased to hear you are feeling better! I miss pizza too! Keep up the great job and stay well. Live to see your grandkids grow up! 🙂

  187. R G

    Hello Health Guy,

    I hope that you are staying safe and healthy. I read today that a medicine called camostat mesilate has been used for over 30 years in Japan for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. It is being evaluated for treatment of COVID-19 now. I wonder if anyone has used this medication.

  188. RG

    Hello Health Guy,

    My son had developed mild pancreatic pain a few days back. He went off solid foods for the last three days and is feeling well now. We will follow your recommendation to go back slowly to a normal diet.

    Your site offers so much hope – thank you! My son always suffered from severe stomach pain regularly as a child and it was diagnosed as constipation, but we think it was a pancreas problem that went undiagnosed.

    He is taking grapeseed extract and curcumin regularly now along with triphala. Grapeseed extract and curcumin are powerful antioxidants that protect from so many other diseases, so nearly everyone in our family takes these supplements. I purchase some of the supplements from your site to support it so that it can continue to help so many others as it has helped us.

    Thank you again and God bless you!

  189. Stacy

    Hello Health Guy,

    I believe I have sub clinical chronic pancreatitis. I had a long lasting event starting 12/2019 until I fasted and begin supplement/diet the beginning of 05/2020. The main pain was gone in 3 weeks. However, I feel it linger to this day. Is that common? I heard you say it takes 6 months to heal (not cure)?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Stacy – sorry for the slow response. Yes, it does take time to heal. Diet and supplements are extremely important. But even if you do everything right it can take months to heal especially if you have had a lot of damage. Be patient. By the way – IF you had undiagnosed mild acute pancreatitis you could heal completely with no other problems, especially if the cause is known and rectified. IF it is chronic pancreatitis there is no cure but there is the ability to live pain free instead of in pain. It simply takes knowledge and a lifestyle change, a big one.

    2. Anon

      Hi Stacy,

      I have had a very similar episode to yourself, the last mild attack lasting 10 weeks and counting. How are you feeling now? How long after your second fast did you start to see an improvement? Have you remained pain free?

      HG – I have been on the supplements with the exception of ibuprofen and curcumin (due to acid/mild gastritis) for about 6 weeks now, with no real improvement. I keep upping my dose of Grape seed extract and am now on 6000Mg, should I keep increasing? I have stuck to a low fat diet in the main, but have had moments where the pain has got worse after eating, once eating bread and jam (probably too much fat and sugar) and once after eating too much in one day (I was taking high protein value shakes with low fat to increase calories but think it was too much as flared the pain). Problem is, that although it is trial and error with the food diary, every time I screw up, it seems impossible to reduce the pain, and I have been on so many fasts, the weight is dropping off me (I have lost 1 stone one the last 8 weeks). The pain is constant, and has been off and since April, with this last episode 10 weeks, previously the only thing that helped was nexium, however now even that has stopped working. Previously, flares were also related to spice and caffeine. I try and remain hopeful, and am dedicated to the supplements and diet, as will do anything to stop the pain and remain pain free, however I am starting to lose hope. Particularly with high grape seed dosage not working.

      Any advice from you both would be appreciated!

      Many thanks!

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Hi Anon – You are seriously taking 6000 mgs of grape seed extract daily with no results? One dose? 3 divided doses of 2000mgs each? And I have to ask … have you been diagnosed with pancreatitis and if so what form/types? AND how much damage?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi David – YES, I believe CP can be managed. I actually believe that in some cases it can be put into what I can only call remission. There is no cure for CP but with correct diet, some useful supplements and diligent effort I personally know one can lead a fairly decent, even pain free life for many years. So let us believe that is your future.

  190. Gene

    Thanks for your site. You’ve mentioned that an ERCP can be dangerous. Could you explain why?
    After my DX for AP for the unpteenth time, they gave gave me an ERCP where he found strictures in bilary duct. He put in a stent & removed a stone. 2 weeks later I was back. He did another ERCP, replaced the stent with a larger one. Said he got the liver flowing, but couldn’t get a stent into the pancreatic duct, & it was not flowing very good. After he consulted a top surgeon, they recommended the whipple procedure. Surgeon wont do it unless I quit smoking for 1 mo., and 3 mo. later I can’t stop. And I waffle back & forth on whether I want them to cut me open or not. OK, question #2, how can diet & supplements help my panc. duct? Obviously it has narrowed & is being somewhat blocked by stones. Thanks again

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Gene – ERCP is usually successful and often very helpful but in some cases (about 11% according to data) the dye or contrast they use often irritates the pancreas causing post procedure acute pancreatitis which always causes further damage sometimes extreme. There are other issues/complications as well such as accident perforations, infections etc. I am not sure diet and/or supplements will help your duct. I wouldn’t even be hopeful of that outcome. BUT what diet and supplements may do is to resolve the inflammation and keep it at bay if one is diligent and finds the right combination of both thereby offering relief without surgery. BUT I am not a doctor nor can I advise you on medical issues. I never even considered surgery nor was it offered or suggested because after I was diagnosed I never went back. The one good/decent doctor I found diagnosed me then left for Texas leaving me with the other idiots I had zero confidence in and so I learned how to live, with God’s supervision, pain free.

  191. Hector

    Hello again. I was diagnosed with anxiety and each day for me is horrible, because I don’t feel capable of working due my nerves. I’m takin clonazepan but what worries me is the next week diagnose . I’m afraid of people or meetings. I don’t know if my nerves will afect my pancreas also
    Thanks for your help

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Hector – I think you just answered the questions I asked you regarding your other comment. Again, calm down and see what the results are from your GI appointment

          1. Hector

            Hello my friend, I finally had ct scan and it showed normal pancreas size . But I still with floating stool pieces and losing weight
            Doctor said the enzymes values were some above the normal. I’m still scared I’m feeling useless. Can you give me some help? God bless you

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Hector – I am glad your latest CT scan showed your pancreas to be normal sized instead of inflamed. That’s a good thing. You must be healing. Read the articles on this site especially those about diet, alcohol and supplements. IF you have specific questions please ask. Have a happy new year!

  192. Stephen

    Hi I was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis last Thursday so trying to follow a strict low fat diet. I’ve read that pasta is bad which triggered one of my flare ups .how come pasta is bad for you??? When I was diagnosed I was not giving any information apart from eat a low fat diet and come back in 3 month for another ct scan.. Pleased I found your web page very helpful thanks..

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Stephen – I apologize for the slow response. If your pancreas is damaged a no fat or low fat diet usually helps heal the damage. Pasta, by itself, is usually not a food that is unsafe but what you put on your pasta (high fat meat sauces, cheeses etc) is a whole different story. Happy new year!

  193. Jai

    Hi Health guy,

    Really appreciate for managing this website and putting together all information.

    I am 35M. For past 6 years I have had digestion issues. If I eat Heavy meal, I pretty much have to eat light meal night time mostly fruits. Went to several doctors and did several tests and all came back normal.

    Fast forward this year I could sense I am having issues digesting food. To empty my stomach some times it used to take 3 days. I drink lot of tea which always helped my bowel movements but even with tea I started having bowel movement issues. I always felt after a meal, gas was struck in my chest never went from bottom. This February after not having bowel movement for 3 straight days, one morning after drinking tea, I had several diarrhea and burning feeling in the chest which stayed for a week. In April another attack happened this time same diarrhea followed by chest tightness for 2 weeks. I had no idea what was happening. Went to PCP and did normal blood work and sent me home with omyprozole. Since then I could not be myself some discomfort in chest but was not sure what was happening. In October another attack happened severe diarrhea and chest pain. Since then I have on and off chest pain which radiates from under ribs and radiates to back. I had abdominal ultrasound and blood work was done again and both look normal. Ultrasound didn’t capture full glimpse of pancreas was obscured by bowel gas. I am eating very light food with fruits and rice daily. I am having issues sleeping. Chest pain wakes me in the early morning. My stools are mixture of regular, oily and yellowish varies. I lost weight. No appetite. No energy. I am not taking any supplements. Dry mouth.

    I have GI doctor appointment coming up. Looking at the internet symptoms are close to CP.

    What would you recommend?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jai – One thing I’d do is fast … quit eating for several days and see if pain/symptoms resolved. Then when you chat with the doc you can tell him/her that info. Also make sure they know about your stool, appetite, energy etc. Don’t for get a complete symptom profile and when symptoms are most prevalent. The stomach emptying issue may be a sign of gastroparesis. Are you diabetic?

  194. Sifat

    My name is Sifat and i am 24 years old. I have chronic pancreatitis and found 2stones and my doctor refferred me to do an ERCP. I am from BD. What should i do? After acute attack i have gone 2 times for hospital for like 4 days!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Sifat – I apologize for the slow response I have no excuse. I’m sorry to hear you are not well. In your case I would do what the doc wants to do in order to remove the stones.

  195. Laurie

    I have been having indigestion since Oct. I have gallstones and had hida scan done in Jan. Normal function. I had an abdominal CT scan with dye in Dec. A few punctuate calcifications in pancreas other wise normal. The report said maybe from previous pancreas but didn’t say it was chronic pancreatic or further testing required. I have not been diagnosed CP. MY doctor hasn’t referred me to a specialist. I am concerned because I have read calcifications in pancreas are only found in CP. I have no symptoms of CP. I have never had an attack either. Should I push my doctor for a referral for more testing to see if I have CP? Can you have a few calcifications and not have CP? Super worried!!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Laurie – yes calcification is almost always associated with CP. Since you have gallstones you may have been passing them without significance but there may have been damage done. Since you don’t mention being constantly sick as a dog I wouldn’t worry a lot because it does absolutely no good but further testing may be beneficial in determining whether your GB should be removed or not. Just stay on top of it.

  196. Serghei

    Hello . I have thiss illness from my childhood . I did not know until now . I thinck is to late . I cant eat anythibck no potatos no pasta no sugar … just some oats and some egg whites . I have no pain and never had … I have left 10 %of pancreas left . no diabet yet . What you recomend. ?im 33 . Doctors are very cold people . I can tell know that they know what is wrong with you but dont tell you … bastards

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Serghei sorry to hear you have been ill. Yes doctors can be difficult. NEVER give up. As long as you breathe there is hope. I would recommend you read all the material on this site and consider joining my support group

  197. jbee

    I was diagnosed with Early Chronic Pancreatitis last week. I’ve never had an attack, just extreme discomfort under my ribs radiating to my back (that actually went away for several weeks). I had an Endoscopy Ultrasound and my pancreas has hurt since. I’m hoping the procedure just irritated it. I don’t have biopsy results yet.

    I’ve been replacing my evening cocktail with sparkling water and lime. Is this okay? Can I eat corn/chickpea tortillas? Are canned beans okay?

    I’m terrified and can use any encouragement.

    I have so many questions ?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi jbee! Sorry I am so late in responding. Sparkling water and lime should be fine. NO Alcohol in drink, food, drugs or mouthwash or skincare. FAT in food and alcohol anywhere are the two primary causes of continued or new inflammation in patients.

  198. Niru

    My daughter is 14 years old and had pain like gastric ulcer. This happened after the Pfizer vaccination. After 2 months of antacid and Physio treatment for backache, we could not resolve it. We met a gastro and took an ultrasound CT MRI that revealed she has swollen pancreas head to tail. Initially diagnosed as a mass on the head but during endoscopic biopsy found out it is not a tumour but swelling. Am nervous as to what the treatment would be for that.

    Why did she get it at this age? Swelling indicates what?

    Am so upset as a mother.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Niru … sorry to hear about your daughter. I know of another woman in ICU right now with extremely severe acute pancreatitis brought on by the “vaccine.” We are praying she lives. Swelling of the pancreas is a sign of inflammation. Inflammation of the pancreas is called pancreatitis. Pancreatitis can be mild, moderate or severe. I hope your daughter is well soon.

      1. Niru

        Thanks for your reply. My daughter took a second Mri and the swelling just shows a mild reduction. We have done biopsy and it says benign. I started her on Curcumin. Am praying her swelling reduces. Docs tested for igg4 auto immune and it came out negative. So they did not start on steroids. They have asked to do genetic testing.

  199. Steph B

    I want to share a message that has been spreading all over the internet that concerns the times we are living in. Whether you believe in God or not, this is a must read message!

    We can see throughout time how we have been slowly conditioned to come to this point where we are on the verge of a cashless society. Would it surprise you to know that the Bible foretold of this event? Don’t believe me? This may be the most imporant message you will read in these times…please do not ignore this!

    This messsage reveals what the Mark of the Beast is, and the meaning behind counting a number people have been pondering for centuries, 666. This message also shares why Barack Obama is the Antichrist. This is truly a message from God!

    In the Revelation of Jesus Christ given to the apostle John, we read:

    “He (the false prophet who deceives many by his miracles) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666” (Revelation 13:16-18 NKJV).

    Referring to the last generation, this could only be speaking of a cashless society. Why? Revelation 13:17 tells us that we cannot buy or sell unless we receive the mark of the beast. If physical money was still in use, we could buy or sell with one another without receiving the mark. This would contradict scripture that says we must have the mark to buy or sell. So, it deduces itself to this conclusion.

    These verses could not be referring to something spiritual as scripture references two physical locations (our right-hand or forehead) stating the mark will be on one “OR” the other. It once again deduces itself to this conclusion.

    Also, how could you determine who truly has a spiritual mark so that they may buy or sell? And, as you will read further in this article, to have the mark of the beast is the same to have the name of the beast, or the number of its name. You will begin to see even more clearly why this mark cannot be something purely spiritual.

    Here is where it really starts to come together. It is shocking how accurate the Bible is concerning the RFID microchip. These are notes from a man named Carl Sanders who worked with a team of engineers to help develop this microchip in the late 1960’s.

    “Carl Sanders sat in seventeen New World Order meetings with heads-of-state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the C.I.A. to discuss plans on how to bring about a one-world system. The government commissioned Carl Sanders to design a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world—a microchip that could be inserted under the skin with a hypodermic needle (a quick, convenient method that would be gradually accepted by society).

    Carl Sanders, with a team of engineers behind him, with U.S. grant monies supplied by tax dollars, took on this project and designed a microchip that is powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin. Without the knowledge of the Bible (Brother Sanders was not a Christian at the time), these engineers spent one-and-a-half-million dollars doing research on the best and most convenient place to have the microchip inserted.

    Guess what? These researchers found that the forehead and the back of the hand (the two places Revelation says the mark will go) are not just the most convenient places, but are also the only viable places for rapid, consistent temperature changes in the skin to recharge the lithium battery. The microchip is approximately seven millimeters in length, .75 millimeters in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is capable of storing pages upon pages of information about you. All your general history, work history, crime record, health history, and financial data can be stored on this chip.

    Brother Sanders believes that this microchip, which he regretfully helped design, is the “mark” spoken about in Revelation 13:16-18. The original Greek word for “mark” is “charagma,” which means a “scratch or etching.” It is also interesting to note that the number 666 is actually a word in the original Greek. The word is “chi xi stigma,” with the last part, “stigma,” also meaning “to stick or prick.” Carl believes this refers to a hypodermic needle (see photo).

    Mr. Sanders asked a Boston Medical Center doctor what would happen if the lithium contained within the RFID microchip leaked into the body. The doctor responded that if the microchip broke inside a human body, the lithium would cause a severe and painful wound filled with pus. This is what the book of Revelation says:

    “And the first (angel) went, and poured out his vial on the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore on the men which had the mark of the beast, and on them which worshipped his image” (Revelation 16:2).


    What I first want to mention, before I share what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me concerning the number of the beast, is that God confirms in threes. We can see this throughout scripture:

    “For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one” (1 John 5:7 NKJV).

    “and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:4 NKJV).

    “…Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!” (Revelation 4:8 NKJV).

    There are many more examples, but I thought I would just share three of them to make the point.

    Examining Revelation 13:16,17,18, the first group of three I would like to point out is that the mark of the beast is described in three separate verses, 16, 17 and 18.

    The next three I see is in verse 16, “He causes all…” is followed by three contrasting categories of people,

    1 – “both small and great,
    2 – rich and poor,
    3 – free and slave…”.

    Then unto verse 17, it opens with, “and that no one may buy or sell except one who has…”, followed by three explanations of what one must have to buy or sell,

    1 – “…the mark
    2 – or the name of the beast,
    3 – or the number of his name”.

    Now unto verse 18, we read “Let him who has understanding calculate…”, which is followed by,

    1 – “the number of the beast,
    2 – for it is the number of a man:
    3 – His number is 666”.

    The last three I see is the number “6” being used three times in a row. The reason I’m making this point about God confirming in three is because it is the key to unlocking how to calculate the number 666.

    Throughout the centuries there have been people trying to calculate numbers based on titles and names that come up to the number 666 to identify one person, the Antichrist; but from Revelation 13:18, I do not see where God is telling us to count up to 666, but rather to count the number of the beast. This number is identified as 666. So the verse is telling us to count the number 666.

    What does it mean to count? It means to add up. So how could we add up 666? Remember my previous point about God confirming in threes is key to unlocking the number 666. So logically, what would be the best way to count the number 666? To count it equally by using the rule of three based off the number.

    We cannot count it equally as 600+60+6, this would also bring us back to the start.

    We cannot count it as 600+600+600, or 60+60+60 because there are no zeroes in between or at the end of 666.

    The only logical option is 6+6+6=18.

    What is interesting is that the verse that reveals for us to count the number itself is verse 18 (there a total of 18 verses in Revelation Chapter 13).

    Another interesting point is the only two other combinations (making a total of three possible combinations) for placing a “+” symbol in between 666 are:

    66+6=72 and 6+66=72.

    Add both 72’s together and you get 144.

    Why the number 144 is worth our attention is because the verse following Revelation 13:18 is the first time in the Bible where the 144,000 are being described in detail:

    “Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads…” (Revelation 14:1).

    Now if you add up all three numbers from counting 666 by moving the “+” symbol around, it would be 72+72+18=162. What is compelling about the number 162, is, if you divide 144,000 by 162, you get 888. The name of Jesus in Greek gematria adds up to 888. The New Testament was originally written in the Greek language. Revelation 14:1 not only mentions the 144,000, but also the Lamb who is Jesus.

    Now what is interesting about the number for Jesus, 888, is that if you apply the same formula that was used to count 666, you get 8+8+8=24. Why the number 24? Revelation chapter 4 tells us there are 24 elders seated around the throne of God. This is the same throne where Jesus sits.

    Now if you take:




    you get 24+96+96=216.

    Take 144,000 divided by 216 and you get 666.

    Remember that this was the same exact formula we used to count the number 666 that ultimately brought forth the number 888.

    Here is a quick recap to demonstrate how this formula confirms itself as being the true way to count 666:

    1: 6+6+6=18 > 66+6=72 > 6+66=72 > 18+72+72=162

    2: 144,000 divided by 162=888

    3: 8+8+8=24 > 88+8=96 > 8+88=96 > 24+96+96=216

    4: 144,000 divided by 216=666

    1: 6+6+6=18 > 66+6=72…

    As you can see, it is perpetual. And remember that we consistently used a formula that worked in threes being the number that God uses for confirmation.

    Here is another mathematical confirmation: 144,000 divided by 6, divided by 6, divided by 6 (6,6,6) equals 666.

    So what could this mean? Well we know in this world we are identified by numbers in various forms. From our birth certificate to social security, as well as our drivers license; being identified based on a system of ruler ship. So it is possible that this RFID microchip will contain a new identification that has a total of 18 characters (6+6+6).

    “here the wisdom is, the one having the mind let him calculate the number of the wild beast, number for “of human” it is, and the number of it 666″ (Revelation 13:1, Greek Translation).

    The Greek word “anthrōpos” being used in verse 18 where it says “of human” is the Greek strongs concordance G444. The first two definitions of the word are “a human being, whether male or female”, and, “generically, to include all human individuals”. Could the number of the beast apply to all mankind?

    In the Greek (the New Testament was originally written in the Greek language), and other translations, you will notice the beast is described as an “it”, instead of “him”. The reason I’m making this point is because when a translation says “His number is 666”, this would imply a singular person, the Antichrist. But by saying “the number of it 666”, implies that it is of the beast system as a whole.

    We can know the number of the beast cannot be to identify products (like a new barcode) to buy or sell because scripture says we cannot buy or sell without the number of the beast. What am I getting at? There will be instances where you could buy something someone made themselves and it wouldn’t have a store branded identification on it. But for this number to be in our chips, that is where it must be to conclude ultimately that we cannot buy or sell without having the number of the beast. As previously mentioned in Revelation 13:18, the number of the beast (6+6+6=18) is a “human number”, definition “generically, to include all human individuals”.

    Truly a great division is taking place between good and evil—both spiritually and physically (riots, unrest, politics). If you take the current year 2020 and divide it by the number 666 (known for its satanic implications) you will get the number 30330. This number 30330 happens to be the number used to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Freaky? And one thing is certain, 2020 is truly being divided by Satan. He is the master deceiver and spreader of chaos. Jesus calls him the father of lies.

    So I looked up this number 30330 concerning Joe Biden, and I found this information:

    If you send a text to that number (at that time), you would get a response asking to support Joe’s campaign to take down Donald Trump, with one part in caps saying “CHIP IN >>” pointing to a link to go and donate.

    “CHIP IN”? Obama has used this phrase in the past on his twitter and people believe it is a subliminal message to receive the mark of the beast, that is to say the implantable RFID microCHIP that will go IN our body.

    Go to: to see all the proof!

    Is your name written in the Lamb’s book of life? Jesus says that we must be born again to enter the kingdom of God in the Gospel of John chapter 3.

    “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name” (Revelation 14:9-11).


    In the Islamic religion they have man called the Mahdi who is known as their messiah of whom they are waiting to take the stage. There are many testimonies from people online who believe this man will be Barack Obama who is to be the biblical Antichrist based off dreams they have received. I myself have had strange dreams about him like no other person. So much so that I decided to share this information.

    He came on stage claiming to be a Christian with no affiliation to the Muslim faith…

    “In our lives, Michelle and I have been strengthened by our Christian faith. But there have been times where my faith has been questioned — by people who don’t know me — or they’ve said that I adhere to a different religion, as if that were somehow a bad thing,” – Barack Obama

    …but was later revealed by his own family members that he indeed is a devout Muslim.

    So what’s in the name? The meaning of someones name can say a lot about a person. God throughout history has given names to people that have a specific meaning tied to their lives. How about the name Barack Obama? Let us take a look at what may be hiding beneath the surface…

    “And He (Jesus) said to them (His disciples), ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven'” (Luke 10:18).

    In the Hebrew language we can uncover the meaning behind the name Barack Obama.

    Barack, also transliterated as Baraq, in Hebrew is: lightning

    baraq – Biblical definition:

    From Strongs H1299; lightning; by analogy a gleam; concretely a flashing sword: – bright, glitter (-ing, sword), lightning. (Strongs Hebrew word H1300 baraq baw-rawk’)

    Barak ‘O’bamah, The use of bamah is used to refer to the “heights” of Heaven.

    bamah – Biblical definition:

    From an unused root (meaning to be high); an elevation: – height, high place, wave. (Strongs Hebrew word H1116 bamah baw-maw’)

    The day following the election of Barack Obama (11/04/08), the winning pick 3 lotto numbers in Illinois (Obama’s home state) for 11/5/08 were 666.

    Obama was a U.S. senator for Illinois, and his zip code was 60606.

    The names of both of Obama’s daughters are Malia and Natasha. If we were to write those names backwards we would get “ailam ahsatan”. Now if we remove the letters that spell “Alah” (Allah being the God of Islam), we get “I am Satan”. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

    These are just a few of many evidences why Barack Obama is the Antichrist. You can see many more in my article on the website above, as well as read about the dreams I’ve had concerning this man. I’m more than convinced that God has shown me that he is without a doubt the Antichrist, and we will see him rise to power in the not so dinstant future.

    Jesus stands alone among the other religions who say to rightly weigh the scales of good and evil, and to make sure you have done more good than bad in this life. Is this how we conduct ourselves justly in a court of law? Bearing the image of God, is this how we project this image into our reality?

    Our good works cannot save us. If we step before a judge, being guilty of a crime, the judge will not judge us by the good that we have done, but rather the crimes we have committed. If we as fallen humanity, created in God’s image, pose this type of justice, how much more a perfect, righteous, and Holy God?

    God has brought down His moral law’s through the 10 commandments given to Moses at Mt. Sinai. These laws were not given so we may be justified, rather that we may see the need for a savior. They are the mirror of God’s character of what He has put in each and every one of us, with our conscious bearing witness that we know that it is wrong to steal, lie, dishonor our parents, and so forth.

    We can try and follow the moral laws of the 10 commandments, but we will never catch up to them to be justified before a Holy God. That same word of the law given to Moses became flesh over 2000 years ago in the body of Jesus Christ. He came to be our justification by fulfilling the law, living a sinless perfect life that only God could fulfill; even bringing the law to it’s truest light by stating, “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:27-28).

    The gap between us and the law can never be reconciled by our own merit, but the arm of Jesus is stretched out by the grace and mercy of God. And if we are to grab on, through faith in Him, He will pull us up being the one to justify us. As in the court of law, if someone steps in and pays our fine, even though we are guilty, the judge can do what is legal and just and let us go free. That is what Jesus did almost 2000 years ago on the cross. It was a legal transaction being fulfilled in the spiritual realm by the shedding of His blood.

    Because God is Holy and just, the wrath that we deserve could not go unnoticed. Through the perfect righteousness and justice of God’s character, it must be dealt with, it must be quenched, it must be satisfied.

    For God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23). This is why in Isaiah chapter 53, where it speaks of the coming Messiah and His soul being a sacrifice for our sins, why it says it pleased God to crush His only begotten Son.

    This is because the wrath that we deserve was justified by being poured out upon His Son. If that wrath was poured out on us, we would all die and go to hell. God created a way of escape by pouring it out on His Son whose soul could not be left in Hades, but was raised to life on the third day and seated at the right hand of God in power.

    So now when we put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14), God no longer sees the person who deserves His wrath, but rather the glorious image of His perfect Son dwelling in us, justifying us as if we received the wrath we deserve, making a way of escape from the curse of death.

    Now what we must do is repent and put our trust and faith in the savior, confessing and forsaking our sins. This is not just a head knowledge of believing in Jesus, but rather receiving His words, taking them to heart, so that we may truly be transformed into the image of God. Where we no longer live to practice sin, but rather turn from our sins and practice righteousness through faith in Him.

    Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again'” (John 3:5-7).

    Come before the Lord with a contrite spirit, humble yourself, ask Him for His forgiveness, to receive the free gift of His salvation, to receive His Holy Spirit, so that you may be transformed into a new creature, into a child of the living God.

    There is a reason why the words of Jesus have been translated in to over 2000 languages, and nothing comes remotely close (the Quran just over 100), because there is a God in heaven who desires to have a relationship with you, to know Him through His word, as that is how we personally get to know anybody. There is a reason why it is the year 2021, because Jesus came to earth just over 2000 years ago fulfilling major prophecy causing a divide in our timeline.

    Jesus loves you! Seek Him while He may be found! We must repent and turn from practicing sin…for if we are not following Jesus, we are following the devil. There is no neatural ground. We are either living in the lie, or the truth. God bless you!

  200. Tamara Arn

    Thank you for your wisdom and sharing your experiences. I have CP and have been experiencing round the clock pain. I know you recommend fat free eating for 6 months but one needs fat to absorb certain vitamins and for brain health? What happened to your body and mind when you went fat free for am extended period of time? Also, thinking of trying an elemental diet for a few weeks. It can be fat free. Have you ever tried it?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Tamara, sorry to hear your are among the walking wounded. Not just 6 months if you have CP. 6 months after AP so healing happens. It’s for life with CP and I’ve been living on a low fat diet (12-20 grams per day) for 40+ years and I ain’t dead yet and unlike the majority in my support group who keep doing what doesn’t work I am pain and symptom free unless I cheat too much. I believe my pancreas is almost identical to yours or used to be before we had issues. For both of use it weighed about 80-100 grams, was about 6″ long, had a head, body and tail. It produced the same enzymes and hormones. NOW the only difference is the amount of damage. The more damage the less foods you’ll eat safely and/or without pain. Some people with large areas of damage or who have lost most of their pancreas due to severe acute pancreatitis with complications such as infected necrosis or surgical resection tolerate very few foods comfortably and fat is one substance that nobody with a damaged pancreas tolerates well. It’s all covered in my site (reasons why etc) but you are free to do whatever you choose. I know what works and I stick with that because it works and I don’t enjoy being sick. I hope you find relief and better health. Thank you for stopping by. My support group

  201. Melissa

    I just wanted to say thank you. Your diet and supplement recommendation (especially taking a disgestive enzyme) was literally a life saver. I was at a point where I could not work because I had no energy to move other than going to the bathroom.

    In addition to the increased energy, I no longer have the sporadic heart palpitations, hot flashes, nausea and vertigo. And I am finally putting on weight. Thank you so much for sharing your knowlege. You were able to figure out and solve naturally and wholistically what doctors have not been able to resolve with strong medications and invasive surgeries.

    Thank you again, I appreciate everything that you are doing for everyon.

    P.S. Do you think there might be a correlation between tooth infections and pancreatitis? I believe my root canaled tooth is infected and needs to be retreated. It so happens to be on the bottom right molar on the same side as the pancreas. Just curious about your thoughts.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Melissa! Glad the info was helpful. You asked: “Do you think there might be a correlation between tooth infections and pancreatitis?” Infections cause inflammation and inflammation can cause a disease state especially when chronic like periodontitis. There are articles that suggest periodontal disease can cause heart disease, cancer, including pancreatic cancer and autoimmune pancreatitis.

  202. R

    Health guy,

    Thank you for this wonderful blog that teaches people how to care for themselves properly when they have pancreatitis. When my young son was diagnosed with idiopathic chronic pancreatitis a few years back, I had absolutely no idea what to do! Doctors would say it was okay to eat, but my son could not eat due to the pain. Your blog gave me so much hope at the time. He is continuing to follow your low-fat diet guidelines and take the supplements, and this has helped him gain back much of the weight he had lost and to heal. One other thing that has helped him is Absorb plus shakes. They are formulated for people with Crohn’s but he found them very helpful during attacks.Based on our own experience, we agree that your diet and supplements are essential. Thank you for doing such as great service to those suffering from pancreatitis and parents looking for answers!

  203. Jos

    Hello The Health Boy

    Thanks for this blog!

    I had been removed my gallbladder 2 years ago. I have been told that curcumin is dangerous if you have gallbladder stones but if I don t have my gallbladeer anymore, i wander why shouldnt I be taking curcumin?

    Thanks a lot and sorry about my english ( i m from Spain)

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jos … yes if you have had gallbladder issues, stones, like you said and had your GB removed use curcumin with caution. It may be wise to avoid it because for some reason (nobody knows exactly why) those who have had GB issues then had it removed sometimes get SOD (sphincter of oddi dysfunction) which is irritated by curcumin and could cause more issues than you’ll want.

  204. Lorinda

    The Health guy: Thank God I finally found you again!! I lost your site, you had a different site b4. I was wondering if you have any friends with knowledge about chronic pancreatitis. I read the side effects of creon and I am afraid of it. They say there is no cure, I say my God reins over me!! Thank you and God Bless you, a light in the dark you are. 🙏 lorinda

  205. José

    Thanks for the answer!

    I have recently been diagnosed with Chronic Pancreatitis and I m going start your diet. I Will try withoud curcumin ( only grape and vitamin C). I think I am a strange case because I only had pain before GB surgery. Now I have a little atrophy, stricture and mild dilated Wirsung ( but without pain, thanks God). Do you know any similar case?
    Thanks for your attention ( I m still shock about diagnosed) You give me Hope!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jose … sometimes the diagnosis can be a shock. The diet and supplements should help. A lot of info is on this site but I must admit I have been somewhat negligent since starting my support group. It takes a lot of time that used to go to this site. You’ll find similar company (people with a similar diagnosis) in the support group

  206. Shaun

    I clicked on the what to eat and what not to eat and it won’t open. Is there any other way to get this? I’m inspired by this site!

  207. Giovanni

    Hi Paul! Glad to see you still helping so many people here! I came back to your site after it helped me enormously when I had my first bout of pancreatitis and was looking for answers. That was nearly 10 years ago and I had maybe 2-3 acute attacks brought on by alcohol and likely my pancreas divisum. I quit drinking and started a low fat diet along with enzymes and grape seed extract and eventually I was pretty much back to normal. The last few years I could eat whatever I wanted and be fine without any enzymes or grape seed (still never drink though), and basically forgot I had any pancreas issues. The last two weeks however, things seem to be flaring up again. I have a constant tenderness/feeling of bloating in my lower right abdomen and somewhat yellowish eyes. And that feeling of toxicity, where it just feel like things aren’t flowing properly down there, which is extremely disconcerting. I think it might be because I picked up a bad habit of using these nicotine pouches a few months ago when I was going through a lot of stress. I knew smoking was bad for the pancreas, but didn’t stop to think about how nicotine pouches might affect it. And sure enough once I did some googling it seems nicotine is actually the main culprit for why smoking is bad for the pancreas. This realization of my own stupidity triggered a huge amount of anxiety which only made my symptoms worse. I started the grape seed, ibuprofin, vitamin C, low fat regiments a few days ago. but I suppose I have a few questions for you:

    -Given that for the last 5 years or so I basically had no symptoms and no issues eating anything I wanted, I figured it is safe to assume my pancreas was in relatively good shape. Do you think 2 months of nicotine use could really do that much damage? Or do you think some other factors like stress, my diet (mostly healthy, but I would occasionally eat steak, pizza, ice cream, burgers, fries, pastries etc), lack of exercise (had an injury the last 5 months so I was not getting my usual exercise) just eventually caught up with me?
    -I’ve fasted for 2 days here now but still have this tenderness/slight bloating in lower right abdomen and slightly yellowish eyes, should I keep fasting until all symptoms resolve you think? Or is it OK to move on to beans/rice/egg whites?
    -When I had my past issues I remember the feelings of bloating/tenderness/pain more in my upper/central abdomen, seems odd now it is more in my lower right abdomen (to the right of my bellybutton), perhaps it could be something else even? I was also diagnosed with macroamylasmia and Gilberts syndrome due to high bilirubin which causes yellowish eyes and abdomen discomfort (in some people apparently), but it seems Gilberts is often misdiagnosed for people with other issues (or the symptoms are caused by something else at least).
    -I realize my anxiety makes me feel worse, after my first acute attacks it wasn’t until I got an MRI that showed there was little visible pancreas damage and finally found a doctor who had some idea what they were talking about that I started to feel better. Also, I had discovered your blog around the same time and was on grape seed and the low fat diet. My symptoms this time got worse immediately after I started googling the nicotine/pancreas connection as a wave of terror came over me thinking I might have undone all the progress I made over the years and would have to go back to my strict diet and supplements just because I got into a nicotine habit for 2 months! Have you noticed this same connection where your anxiety would make things much worse than they are? I know my symptoms now are real, but it is so hard to be hopeful when you feel this way and know how serious this disease can be..

    Anyways, sorry for the long post here, just curious to hear your thoughts on my situation! I suppose with the divisum I will always have to be cautious, so this time I intend to stay on the low fat diet and keep the grape seed and vitamin C regiment going for good. I just hope that these symptoms will resolve here within a few more weeks as I am moving to a new country in 2 months!

    Thanks again for all the help/hope you’ve given to folks like us!


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Giovanni … I apologize for being so late in responding. I have the beating pancreatitis support group that keeps me busy and I’m finally writing a book so I’ve been forgetful but I really have no excuse. To answer your questions I would think it all has a part in your renewed suffering. Pancreas Divisum is extremely difficult to manage when it becomes symptomatic. Many people who have pancreas divisum never have problems or at least nothing that becomes recognized until it’s bad. And since it’s like having a plugged flow vent or a bridge that’s not complete or washed out this means that the enzymes released every time you eat or drink don’t always find a way out, into your small intestine and so start autodigestion, digestion of your pancreas. Since almost EVERYTHING causes pancreatic enzymes to release it doesn’t always respond to diet well and can become a real source of misery. Yet … those who do change their lifestyle (food, etc) and formulate a low fat diet that works for them usually see relief of some sort as you obviously did. Stress is often a trigger for people as well. I imagine the nicotine doesn’t help either, especially if you noticed affects after starting. I’d recommend sticking to a low fat diet along with the supplements grape seed extract, curcumin and vit c. And if you have symptoms Ibuprofen and fasting (no food for a few days, just water for hydration). Also if you are not on any meds that would prevent using grapefruit safely (it sometime interacts with drugs badly) I’d suggest drinking grapefruit juice daily because according to a study it can protect the pancreas from acute pancreatitis. Again I apologize for this extremely late response. Wait … you also mentioned the pain in a different location, lower right? Is that correct? Did you have your gallbladder out or have you ever been told your sphinchter of oddi isn’t working properly? The sphichter of oddi can spasm and mimic pancreatitis in symptoms and it can also, like pancreas divisum cause acute pancreatitis.


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