Beating Pancreatitis With Prayer Requests

By | February 15, 2015
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prayer-request-healingIf you or someone close to you suffers from pancreatitis and would like to post a prayer request please post your request using first name only (under this post) in the comments section. PLEASE … KEEP this post comment section for prayer requests and prayer request results or healing stories due to prayer ONLY. Now …

Let’s all pray for each other because I know there are many reading this blog who are suffering due to pancreatitis and could use the help of Almighty God and the Lord Jesus to get through the days, weeks, even months when pain and other symptoms bang at your door. After posting your request many of us will lift your name (first name), your spouse’s name or child’s name up in prayer to the Lord Jesus and God the Father. Don’t be shy, we can all use the healing power of prayer at times and Jesus is always faithful.

“And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” – John 14:13

Note: Just because you do not see replies under your request does NOT mean that I or others have not seen or have not prayed. Make your request known with just a first name (God will know who you or they are) and I along with others will lift that request to the Lord.

“The LORD sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.” – Psalm 41:3

“Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” – James 5:14

“O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me.” – Psalm 30:2

“Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor Me.” – Psalm 50:15

I want you to listen to an amazing story about what God can do in someone’s life when we believe, when we pray, when we are “right with God”, saved through His Son Jesus. It’s important that you truly understand how powerful Almighty God is, what He can do for His children. Nothing is impossible for God, NOTHING. And He is waiting for your call. He wants to help you through the storm.

WHY Am I Sick?

God sometimes allows satan to test us. He allowed Paul to be tested. If you recall Paul talked about a “thorn in his side.” Paul never said whether that “thorn” was an illness or a temptation. “Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me, to keep me from exalting myself!” 2 Corinthians 12:7 and …

God allowed satan to literally destroy Job’s life and health. Yet Job remained faithful and God restored Job twofold! “The LORD restored the fortunes of Job when he prayed for his friends, and the LORD increased all that Job had twofold.” Job 42:10


Some believe that because they are inflicted with illness that God is cruel. Yet God is NOT cruel. Satan is cruel. Satan rules the earth right now. God has allowed that rule for a time. But I’ll share with you a secret: “Therefore be watching carefully how you walk— not as unwise, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. For this reason, do not be foolish ones, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get-drunk with wine, in which is wild-living, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to each other with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making-melody with your heart to the Lord, giving-thanks always for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to our God and Father, being-subject to one another in the fear of Christ” Ephesians 5:15-21 Disciples’ Literal New Testament (DLNT) And …

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

“Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.” – Philippians 4:6-7

praise God in the stormAs hard as it may be to give thanks and praise to God for pain, agony, disease, or some other kind of testing, when you do, interesting and wonderful things can happen, for God seems to love and bless those who thank and praise HIM at all times, even when they are in pain and agony. After all …

Anyone can be thankful for GOOD things. It is easy to thank God for His generous blessings that bring us joy but He knows full well how hard it is to be thankful in ALL things, good and bad. “Be still, and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10 is powerful. It tells us that no matter what is happening in our life, God is all powerful, all knowing, all loving and in total control. We may not understand WHY things happen to us but He does, He knows and He rewards those who love, honor, obey and praise Him and His Son, in all things. So if and when you feel ill …

“Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you” – Exodus 23:25

Have The Faith Of The Centurion

One of the reasons we may not realize favorable requests of God is that we simply don’t have faith. He responds more favorably to those who possess faith that moves mountains. The Centurion had such faith.

“When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help. “Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralyzed and in terrible suffering.” Jesus said to him, “I will go and heal him.” The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” When Jesus heard this, he was astonished and said to those following him, “I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! It will be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that very hour.” – Matthew 8:5-13

” Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” – Mark 11:22-25

Handling The Stress Of Pancreatitis

I worte a post about handling the stress of pancreatitis. If you haven’t read it you may want to consider doing that now. You may also want to read another post about what I can only call a blessed healing miracle. I would also urge you to watch this video by Kerry Shook as he explains how much God loves you and wants to help you in times of great need and stress.

[youtube nze5th0U8TM]

Kerry Shook Ministries

Are YOU Saved By The Blood Of Jesus?

Try this, if you haven’t already given your life to Christ, do so now, He died for you. He wants to give you the gift of eternal life and all you have to do is to confess you are a sinner, ask forgiveness, repent (refuse to do sin again) and ask Christ to take control of your life. But you might say: “Why do I need to do this? I am good, I do this for so and so and I believe all people will go to heaven etc , etc. Well …

Two reasons. (1) You can’t please God otherwise. No matter what you do you can not earn eternal life and escape death (hell, the lake of fire). (2) Eternal life is a free gift offered by God as a solution to sin. Again, you can NOT earn it via works, good deeds etc.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” – Ephesians 2:8-9

We were all born with original sin due to the fact that Adam and Eve sinned creating a huge bridge between God and man. God warned them: “but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die” – Genesis 2:17 and Eve listened to the serpent (satan) instead of Almighty God. Eve ate of the banned tree and she also gave Adam fruit from the tree to eat as well. They both SINNED against God! God cast them from the Garden of Eden. There was now the loss of fellowship with Almighty God and the impending death, eternal death. This created a NEED for an acceptable form of resolution.

God’s Word says: “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” – Romans 3:23

“the wages of sin is death” – Romans 6:23

“Throw out the worthless slave into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” – Matthew 25:30

“I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.” – John 8:24

God clearly says you are a sinner. The wages of sin? Death! Final, undeniable death in the lake of fire. “Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire” Revelation 20:14. God’s Word says you need salvation, that Jesus is that salvation.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” – John 14:6

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.: – Romans 6:23

But … But … But … HOW Could A Loving God Send Anyone To Hell?

This is such a great question and one I hear often from folks who are not believers (Jesus followers). They simply don’t accept that God will allow them to choose their eternal destination. I’m not what I’d call a good preacher so I am going to let Robert Morris explain to you the answer to that tough question. Listen carefully (start at 4:28 video time which is the actual start of the message) your eternal destination is at stake! 🙂

[youtube _aEYHkNs9-w]

Robert Morris Ministries (The Blessed Life)

Once you have excepted Jesus as your personal savior you need to repent. Repent means to change. “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death” 2 Corinthians 7:10. Worldly sorrow is being sorry because you got caught doing something you shouldn’t. Asking for forgiveness simply to avoid death, hell, the lake of fire is worldly sorrow and leads to death because your only concern is what happens to you. Godly sorrow is the sorrow that stems from your heart because your sin(s) hurt God. Being sorry for your sins because they hurt God, asking Jesus to come into your life, forgive your sins with the attitude of Godly sorrow and repentance brings salvation, a gift from God.

Then, and this is important …

Thank Him for your salvation and worship our powerful God in song even when you feel like death warmed over. You may be surprised at the outcome. I have some song suggestions:



God has a plan for you. I don’t know what it is but …


“For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” – Jeremiah 29:11

God Disciplines Those He Loves? 

Yes! God, our Spirit Father disciplines us just like a loving “flesh” father may have disciplined us from time to time. As children of God, if we continue to disregard His commands, He may choose to discipline us. I should have put this thought under the section “Why Am I Sick” but frankly I was just reminded of this fact while I was updating this section. Anyway in Hebrews 12 we are told or reminded that God will discipline us if we backslide or simply disregard His commands and  or His will for our lives. If we decide, after becoming saved, to retake control of our lives, instead of letting Jesus control our lives, God may take steps to bring us back on track.

And have you completely-forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as sons?: “My son, do not be thinking-lightly of thediscipline of the Lord, nor losing-heart while being rebuked by Him. For the one whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He whips every son whom He accepts” [Prov 3:11-12]. – Hebrews 12:5-6

“You are enduring [your trials] for discipline; God is dealing with you as with sons. For what son is there whom his father does not discipline? But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons.” – Hebrews 12:7-8

“Furthermore, we had fathers of our flesh as discipliners and were respecting them— but shall we not much more be subject to the Father of [our] spirits and live?  For the ones were disciplining us for a few days according to the thing seeming good to them; but the One does so for our benefit, so that we may share-in His holiness.” – Hebrews 12:9-10

Our Father God does and will discipline His children, those He loves!

Like I said earlier, right now He may be testing you to find out how strong your faith in Him is; whether you grow closer to Him through prayer and a strengthening of your faith or if you pull away. You see God wants His children to worship Him. Not money, not your job or profession, not even your family. God EXPECTS to be number ONE in your life. He expects your faith to grow. He expects you to pray, to seek His counsel, His Kingdom.

“But be seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” – Matthew 6:33

If you seek Him, His Kingdom and forget worrying, complaining or seeking worldly treasure and you FIND HIM, He will then add EVERYTHING you need, that is good, that is His will for you in your life. Our Father God want’s you to have everything He can provide!

“I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and go out, and shall find pasture. The thief cometh not, but that he may steal, and kill, and destroy: I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd layeth down his life for the sheep.” – John 10:9-11

He may be testing you to determine your exact strengths and how He will use you for His work in order to reap for his harvest while bringing glory to Him and the Kingdom. Your pancreatitis may be the tool you can use to bring others to Christ, your testimony that God’s Holy Spirit can use to bring lost souls to the cross and the saving blood of Jesus. How cool would it be for you to bring your family, your friends or some stranger you meet to the saving grace of Almighty God thus making it possible for them to know God’s plan, abundance and eternal life?

IF you have never accepted Christ as your persoanl savior, He, Father God, may simply be trying to get your attention so that you will call on His name so that you can be saved through the cross, the blood of Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit of God. So that you can expell the chains of sin, the torments of satan and enjoy a NEW life as God’s adopted son/daughter. And …

To that end I say Hallelujah! Praise God!

100 Songs of Praise and Worship

David Jones was kind enough to record and post 100 songs of praise and worship that you can use for praise, worship or simply enjoyment while doing various tasks on your computer. I work at home online so this kind of thing gives you and me 3+ hours of praise and worship music for our Lord.

May God richly bless you, heal you and hold you in His arms.

335 thoughts on “Beating Pancreatitis With Prayer Requests

  1. Lorie

    Praise the Lord, you are truely doing what He asks us to do, know him and love him, and spread his word… and your encouragement and wisdom to those who suffer from pancreatitis is your special way of using your talents to help others. Thanks be to God.

    1. Neal

      Neal Borenstein I would love to be prayed for as I suffer from pancreatitis. I also have an appointment Wednesdsy with a hemotologist due to a blocked portal vein that goes to the liver! Please help me!

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Neal – Done. I will pray for you. Make sure you get right with God. “Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” 2 Corinthians 5:20-21. If you have already accepted Jesus as your personal Savior ask the Holy Spirit to show you any uncomfessed sin and confess it with true repentence. “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death” 2 Corinthians 7:10. The difference between Godly sorrow and worldly sorrow is Godly sorrow means you are sorry for hurting God with your sin, not caring about yourself or consequences. Worldly sorrow is the sorrow you express because you got caught which means you are only sorry you got caught and face retribution not actually sorry for committing the deed, the sin.

        1. Rena

          I want to ask for prayers for myself. I suspect I have pancreatis. I go tomorrow to see my doctor. Please pray for me.

          1. Rena

            Thank you for your prayers….I will pray for you as well.

        2. Drew

          My Dad Henrique, also known as, Henry and grand Dad

          He is in Hospital with pankreatitis, alone with no family around to comfort him. I kindly ask prayers that he makes himself right with God to fully restore him back to health. That his wife (my beloved mother) Pat can hastily be by his side.

          From his son + family who loves him

          Rita, Erik, Szilvia, & Drew

        3. Luiza Menezes

          Thank you this is an eye opener. This is will change my prayer style only with God’s grace for I always fight with God for my current situation and that he is not bringing me out of the pit.

          1. The Health Guy Post author

            Luiza – God loves you so much! Read John 17 and pay particular attention to verse 23. Jesus asks His Father (our Heavenly Father) to love us just as He loves His Son Jesus! Can you imagine that? God, THE Almighty creator loves us just as much as he loves His only Son!

        4. Brenda

          Please pray for mead I have Chronic Pancreatitis. Diagnosed a few months ago through EUS. Taking Vicodin for pain and prescribed Zofran for nausea. Zofran doesn’t work for me and the nausea is horrific. I have had a horrible week and half with nausea and pain. See doctor in a couple of weeks. I have asked for healing and been prayed over. My faith is all I have

          1. The Health Guy Post author

            Brenda- Prayers up! “I, the Lord, am your healer Exodus 15;26; “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds” Jeremiah 30:17 Brenda – We, as believers, have been given authority over snakes, scorpions (devil and demons), sickness and disease. “Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.” Healing of disease is a matter of belief. Faith moves mountains and Jesus says in Mark 11:22-27 that is we SPEAK and believe we will have what we say. God bless you. 🙂

          2. Brenda

            Thank you so very much for your prayers and God’s authority over the healing of my body. Please keep the prayers going for me.

    2. The Health Guy Post author

      Lorie – Amen! We certainly do have the one true powerful God to forgive us, protect us, and heal us! All glory and honor is His through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I can remember some terrible times and our Father God protected me. His Holy Spirit led me first to Ibuprofen, then to diet, then to grapefruit juice and then to the supplements that in combination with diet help heal the damage done by pancreatitis. It’s ALL God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. ALL glory and honor is theirs. I truly believe that without the loving arms of my savior I’d be dead now. Not just dead, but dead in sin as well. And that’s as dead as dead can be. Yet, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” – Philippians 4:13, even beating pancreatitis. 🙂

      P.S. I have no clue why this reply did NOT post under your comment Lorie but I tried to do several things including unapproving your comment then reapproving and redoing my response but nothing has seemed to work!

    3. Ann

      Please pray for complete healing. I have sphincter of Odi.
      And it’s debilitating.

  2. Bryan

    My family and I went through very difficult times at Christmas with my triglycerides being over 6000 and doctors telling my wife just days before Christmas that I may not make it to see Christmas. Life truly hit it’s most difficult poInt in my wife and I’s marriage. However, through prayer, diet, and meditation we have turned a corner. I am vegetarian now and on a very strict diet. Since leaving the hospital my wife and I have had a “do or die” mentality. I am not afraid of death as I am aware that I algae been saved by grace and know where I will spend eternity. However, I would live for you to pray that we continue to stay string in our new lifestyle and give thanks with us to God for the trials and healing that have been offered in our lIves. We may not know why things happen but we are thankful for every day that we have with each other. Thank you.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Bryan it is great to hear that through Christ you and your wife have found healing for you and a strengthening of your marriage. As Christians we have the supreme advantage. We know that death is not death because “Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11: 25-26 and then Jesus overcame death for us all by dying on the cross and rising 3 days later; “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” 1 Corinthians 15:55 and so death doesn’t hold power over us. In fact “we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord” 2 Corinthians 5:8. This knowledge of the promises of Christ coupled with faith gives us “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:7. Praise be to God for your healing, your turning a corner! It’s ALL because of Almighty God! We will be glad to continue holding your name up to God in prayer, both you and your wife. Stay well 🙂

  3. Melissa Rodney

    I would love a prayer for my husband Mike, reading your articles has given us hope. Thank you again for the work you are doing to help guide people with pancreatitis.

      1. Roy

        Please pray for my son.We have been to the er in a new town where we moved to.He started having severe nausea and vomiting with pain in his stomach and shoulder.With no help from the er after being there for 12 hours.He was discharged and I took him to an urgent care office.They treated him in less than 2 hours and advised me to get him to er or new Dr if not better .He felt he had pancritis.I am asking for prayers .Came across your blog during a search.Thank you so much for this blog and advice.Asking for prayer.Thank you.God bless.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Roy – We will uphold your son in prayer and please read Mark 11:22-24. Pay close attention to what Jesus says – He says to SPEAK (say) and believe. The power of life and death are in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21) so speak life over your son. Get two or more believers to pray with you and lay hands on your son for Jesus said “Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:19-20 – Please let us know how your son is doing. Here are some Bible Healing Verses

  4. Neal

    My wife bought me a bottle of grape seed extract at Sprouts! It is the mega 250mg grape seed extract by Now! it does not have calcium like the other ones I bought from you have. Ok to take I usually take 200 mgs twice a day 2 pills. Twice a day! Thank you

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Neal! Either works. I simply suggest the Now Foods 100 mg VCaps because: (1) I use it myself (2) you get TWO supplements in one 100 mgs of grape seed and 300 mgs of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). I’m not concerned with the small 36 milligrams of calcium per cap. (3) Those just starting out on grape seed may suffer “cleansing effects” which can be unpleasant, especially when large doses are used at first instead of working into the higher doses needed for theraputic results. ANY good grape seed extract formula, without other toxic vitamins and minerals, is good. So whatever works well for you Neal is a good thing 🙂

      1. Neal

        Thank you so much! You are truly a blessing! You are a gift from God! I can’t thank you enough for getting me out of pain! To know i can eat healthy and not worry that I am going to have pain! Before even if I ate healthy or unhealthy it didn’t matter….I got to a point where I was ready to give up on eating period!

        1. Neal

          Tomorrow I have to go to a Hemotologist because I have a blocked portal vein that leads to the liver..,not sure why it’s blocked but my Gastro dr mentioned something about them trying an anticoagulant to resolve the issue. I was also reading that they can do a procedure similar to angioplasty on a clogged artery to clear the vein if indeed that is the real issue.. It’s strange because I don’t drink! But I have also had a gastric bypass, a splenectomy, an appendectomy, an the removal of my Gall bladder. I also was only born with the right lobe of my liver… The left love shows that it is absent on an ultrasound. Also very strange. Unless during one of my surgeries they removed my left lobe and are selling it on the black market.(lol). Anyway just wanted to give you an update! Kept sending your prayers my way! Thanks so much, Neal

          1. The Health Guy Post author

            You will have prayer, as you wish. And God will work some more healing miracles in your life. I know it. Just believe, believe in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and their power, glory and mercy. 🙂

        2. The Health Guy Post author

          You are most welcome Neal! I am glad you feel better! Praise Almighty God! Praise Jesus! It Is ALL God Neal. ALL glory, honor and praise be to God! The Holy Spirit of God led me to everything I have shared on my blogs and other pages.

  5. Rebecca

    My name is Rebecca and I would greatly appreciate your prayers for my complete healing from pancreatitis. I am praying for you as well. This site has been a marvelous blessing.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      You have it Rebecca! And thank you for your prayers as well. I, and everyone who has pancreatitis can certainly use more prayer for healing, safety and continued health. Thank you! Get well and stay well! 🙂

  6. Jim

    I am currently experiencing a flare up of acute pancreatitus. And was doing so well for so long. I’m fasting, taking the supplements and ibuprofen, but I am alone. I could sure use prayers right now. The Lord as healed me so many times. I know that for a fact. Blessings to all and thanks for this website.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      You have it, prayer I mean. I hope you are feeling better by now Jim. Dang I am sorry I wasn’t on the site when you were in need. I’m sorry.

      1. Jim

        It’s okay. I’m much better. The 800 mg of ibuprofen really did work. Thank you for that. This site is a great comfort and I’ve learned so much. You’ve helped a lot of people in pain and should be proud of that.

        Thanks again.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Praise the Lord Jesus! It is all God, not me. I am glad you are doing better and that the things God led me to learn and use help others as well.

  7. Teresa

    I was so full of fear that I cried when I came across this site as it gave me comfort and hope. I have been going to doctors for many months now, trying to investigate my digestive/gut problems and have just found out that it is most likely acute or chronic pancreatitis. Im not sure what to do about it yet but please pray that it is minor and especially nothing serious (like cancer). Please pray that this can be cured with God’s grace, mercy and in His glory. Please pray that I am not debilitated by fear and that I can conquer this is Jesus name. I humbly ask for God’s forgiveness for any lifestyle or food/alcohol consumption that may have lead to it. I am 43, I have a beautiful 11yr old daughter and am married to a wonderful husband (who’s mother died of cancer). Please pray for me. Thank you.

  8. Myriam

    Hello Paul, you have truly been a Godsend. Hy hubby was just discharged 48 hrs ago after 7 days in hospital w severe acute pancreatitis. I’ll hold out w benefit of the doubt until we see the GI again and I ask directly but I doubt he was given any antinflammatories (unless they were in the IV?). Although they did give him massive amounts of dilaudid/ativan…which i put a stop to after 72 hrs of hallucinations. After perusing your site I gave him 400mg ibuprofen (although GI doc not excited about it) and even that smaller amount stopped the pain. We’ve started on the curcumin/C and grapeseed arrives today. After 1 day of crappy broth the hospital gave him pot roast (yep) and his pancreas promptly sent it back. Since we’ve been home he’s progressed from the veggie broth to eating some steamed veggies to banana to quinoa for protein…and hasn’t needed digestive enzymes. You are a blessing…most comprehensive info I have found…and I do my research. Please pray for Roy. His lungs were impacted, he has 2 pseudocysts but it seems the other organs are “ok”. Bless you and your considerable contribution to the welfare of your suffering brothers and sisters.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Myriam 🙂 sorry to hear Roy is ill and having to travel a rough, nasty road but PRAISE GOD! he too is being helped with the info our Lord led me to find. That part is awesome news. You may want to run down to your local Fred Meyers and pick up some Sovereign Silver Colloidal Silver 8 Ounces because it may keep his 2 pseudocysts from becoming infected and may also help prevent any infected necrosis that may occur in the next several weeks due to any pancreatic necrosis (dead tissue) resulting from his severe acute pancreatitis attack(s). I need to do a post on colloidal silver because it is awesome stuff and it does not expire like most drugs, supplements etc. The shelf life is almost forever. It isn’t something to use every day but it kills bacteria and viruses (personal experience on this) in proper doses. And … Bacteria and viruses do NOT become immune to it! So, whatever you’ve heard about colloidal silver being useless, don’t believe it. It is awesome stuff. I put the link in so you’d know exactly what silver to buy. It’s about $4-$5 more at Fred Meyers but he should have it now, not in 10 days. IF it were me as soon as I got it I’d take 3 times what is recommended on the bottle each day while the 2 pseudocysts remained. I’d also take a lot of grape seed extract (400 mgs 3 or 4 times per day, 1000 mgs of C 3-4 times per day, 500 mgs of curcumin 2 – 3 times per day) with 200 mgs of Ibuprofen (daily for at least a week). In a week if I felt a lot better I’d drop the ibuprofen and see how things went without it but would continue with the other supplements until I was well and the 2 pseudocysts had resolved. Not saying they will resolve but hoping they would, without any complications such as infection. Once the 2 pseudocysts had resolved I’d cut the supplements in half and drop the colloidal silver. Remember, this is just what I’d do not what Roy should. I can not give medical advice.

      I’ll also keep Roy in my prayers because with God ALL things are possible! “And having looked at them, Jesus said to them, “With humans, this is impossible. But with God, all things are possible”-Matthew 19:26.

  9. Myriam

    Shortly after sending the above post, Roy was hit w/another acute attack. Against doc wishes we went for the 800mg ibuprofen and pain almost nil 75 min later. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will be asking many questions at the GI office this afternoon. God bless.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Praise The Lord! Do me a favor don’t tell your doc where you got the info. If he’s a goofball he may look for this blog, report me for giving medical advice without a license, and, then nobody would be able to know the truth. I try not to give what could be construed as medical advice but I am walking a very fine line. 🙂

    2. Neal Borenstein

      I will take The Health Guy over my doctor any day of the week! Man has done absolute wonders for my health! He is a blessed man! Thanks Neal

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Thank you Neal! The thanks and praise is ALL God’s! He led me to everything I have shared. ALL the glory, honor and praise to Almight God! 🙂

  10. irene

    My name is Irene, prayer will be appreciate it I truly believe in the power of prayer!

  11. Mary

    Hi, I just want to thank you so much as your site is the only one that has given me hope. I was discharged last week from the hospital with my second bout of AP. My first case, 14 months ago was brought on by an ERCP ( gallstone blocking bile duct needed removal) My blood pressure was high so they started me on BP meds. I’m 42. I ate and drank normally thereafter with no problems until two weeks ago when another attack of “mild” AP landed me in hospital again – this time the docs think it was caused by my BP meds. I don’t know what to think. I have 4 young kids and am greatly discouraged. I am feeling o.k. , but am terrified of another attack and another hospital stay away from my young kids. I am terrified of developing chronic pancreatitis. This site has given me so much hope, and now I know that I can be proactive about things.
    I am writing all your names down and will be praying for you all by name. God is healer!
    Thank you, thank you so much!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Mary 🙂 thank you, we will keep you in our prayers too! And blood pressure meds can cause acute pancreatitis. lisinopril is an example. I would think that a pancreas that had already been damaged by AP due to a gallstone or ERCP would be even more likely to be inflamed by medications known to cause pancreatitis in healthy individuals. Here is a list of common BP drugs. You can do a side effects search on your particular one(s) looking for “pancreatitis, infalammation of the pancreas” under the “side effects” sections.

  12. Daisy

    I don’t know what I believe, but I want to leave a prayer request for myself, and my friends son we call him Gullie (I don’t know his real name haha) I followed everything u wrote about, and on Tuesday was super hungry had no safe food and ate a grilled chicken soft taco from Pollo loco. Bad idea!!! I was in the hospital yesterday to confirm my thoughts, lipase was elevated again but not enough to keep me. I started my fast, and ate 1 cup of jello because I was very dizzy from not eating, maybe not a good idea again. But now I’ve decided to stick to water and maybe 1 glass of natural organic juice (made at home) I can not fast for longer than 24 hrs since my blood sugar drops. So, please pray for Gullies (he’s only 14 with these issues) and myself. Thank you

  13. irene

    Thank you so much for your prayers, may God continue to bless you. Even though I go to bed in pain sometimes I continue to thank God for pancreatitis healing. Thanks again Irene.

  14. Rose

    I could use some prayers that I can figure out what not to eat to keep the pain away

  15. Evan

    Hi my name is Evan. Would like prayer. I have had pancreatitis several years ago as a result of a medication trial. Awful time but I won’t try to go into detail. Woke up this morning not feeling so good but seems to be ok now. Coping with feeling it may come back not easy – please pray that it wont and for feelings of apprehension.

    I suggest that others pray and those on here pray for one another as I assume is already happening.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Evan, hope you are feeling better soon. Prayer coming your way. And you are right. We should be praying for all the people on here because prayer is powerful. God is powerful and when we pray He hears. 🙂

  16. Sheila

    I would like to request prayer for my 17 year old daughter, Savannah. She has suffered from Chronic Pancreatitis since she was 9 years old. She has a condition called Pancreatic Divisum and just last year underwent her 3rd pancreatic operation called a Peustow Procedure. We hoped this last procedure would be the cure all. However, she was just released from the hospital yesterday with another minor attack in which she suffered severe diarrhea, moderately elevated lipase and dehydration. Her surgeon thinks her pancreas may be becoming insufficient, but the gastro team did not think so as of yet. We will be following up with blood tests and fecal tests looking for vitamin deficiencies and fat in her stool to make a final determination as to whether or not it is becoming insufficient. We knew this would most likely be what she would face, but hoped it would be much later in her life. Your sites have provided me with some additional information to discuss with her doctors. I am hesitant to order these supplements without first talking to her doctors. On the bright side, the doctors say that her sugar levels are all normal, which says that her endocrine functions are still working. We have been told that about 40% of her pancreas is damaged, with most all the damage to the tail end. It is heartbreaking seeing your child’s life interrupted with such issues. Thanks for sharing your experiences and what has worked for you. I will keep your links saved and will surely reference them time and again.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Sheila, Savannah will receive prayer. You will too cuz I know you must be drained, frustrated and hurting too. Stay strong 🙂

  17. Jazz Valet

    April 16, 2015
    To The Health Guy –
    I am pushing 68 & do not face, nor tweet, nor etc., so I’m not sure how to use a blog. But – long story shortened – in Dec 2014 I had a cholescystectomy after a near-fatal pancreatitis attack (lipase 16,000) after 3 years of being symptom-free on URSO Rx for gall bladder sludge/crystals. We found your website after following hospital instructions for these past 3 months without much improvement & repeated flareups (CT scan shows huge region of fluid that needs to drain out, leaving probably 50% necrosed). Thank you for pointing us in a new direction which we started this week. My very important reason for writing so soon is a post on your site of March 15, 2014 by “Donna” re her husband on “PPI Omeprazole.” In the fine print, under Possible Side Effects for Omeprazole in boldface print no less is “PANCREATITIS.” One of the few PPI’s that does not include this warning is PANTOPRAZOLE Rx which I use. Donna & your readers should be warned (and always read those long, boring, docs that come with an Rx…). Hope you can pass this on to all your followers somehow. Let us all keep PRAYing for ourselves and each other for sure (Job 42:10). I hope my 1st ever blog attempt gets through! Thanks again, Jazz Valet, JAX, Florida

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Thanks for the heads up Jazz. Praise God you made it through that acute pancreatitis ordeal. Severe acute pancreatitis is nasty stuff. God bless you and you’ll be in prayers. 🙂

  18. Chrissy

    Wow! Awesome site here. I was diagnosed with “a little more serious than mild” pancreatitis and possible ulcer. No gallbladder and I don’t drink so not sure exactly why the pancreatitis .
    So these two things make it a little trickier for what to take/eat.
    I am a Christian and believing God for a complete restoration. But He also wants us to be wise in our health . So I found your site.
    Thank you so much for the awesome info!
    God Bless!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      You’ll receive prayer Chrissy. Not having a gallbladder doesn’t mean anything in regards to taking (whatever) or eating. Whether you had mild acute or severe acute the only difference is the degree of damage. If you are alluding to multiple organ damage (kidney as an example) or you now have diabetes then yes, your eating and drinking would be a bit trickier. Otherwise those who have had severe acute without such problems seem to do well. But of course your health is between you and God. I will pray you experience recovery or at least God’s peace. 🙂

      P.S. Quick question has anyone checked you for SOD? The reason I ask is females who have had gallbladder surgery are prime candidates and SOD (sphincter of oddi dysfunction) causes acute pancreatitis.

  19. Jenny Pleschka

    I have been waiting for a kidney transplant and now I have chronic pancreatitis. My Liposides are up to 2ooo now so many different site for the diet. As I am already on very strict diet for my kidneys I had to increase red meat for my kidneys but on these sites say no it is dangerous It is so frustrating I pray to God to help me he has always been there for me . I belive in prayer groups. I am asking if you could also give prayer for my health. Thanking you kindly JENNY

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Jenny kidney disease makes things much more difficult. It is way out of my league. You will have prayer coming your way.

      1. Rick

        Jenny, so sorry that you are having this issue. I pray that you heal, now. The course in miracles says that sickness is a defense against the truth. The truth is you are a holy child of God, created by Love to be love. It also says there is only one problem and that is the belief that we are separate from God/Love. Love created you like itself. In Louise Hay’s book, heal your body it say’s Kidney problems stem from criticism, disappointment, failure, shame, reacting like a little kid. These are the mental causes, (we are creating our reality with our minds) She also gives an affirmation. Divine right action is always taking place in my life.
        Only good comes from each experience. It is safe to grow up. Then there’s the Golden Key.
        Whenever you think about a problem, shift your mind to God instead, forget the problem and only remember God. I send you my Love, My prayers and my angels!!!

  20. Stasi

    I’ve been having the longest attack of my life for the past month and would like to request prayer help. I don’t know how I can do the diet since I have multiple sensitivities from a leaky gut and can’t eat beans or grains of any sort without feeling really ill. I had quit eating the broth which is supposed to heal the gut, but I think I’d better start again and just skim off the fat.

    Right now I’m having (heated) raw eggs in tea several times a day and steamed vegetables which is doing fairly okay (the pain isn’t as severe) but I am still in some pain. I can’t have the pain relievers either, but I’m starting on the curcumin and grape seed extract today. Will that be enough to heal in your opinion? I could switch to only whey peptein but I stay very hungry and can’t do it longer than a day without feeling like I’ll go crazy!

    Thank you for sharing so much good information! God bless you and I will pray for everyone here!


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Stasi you will certainly receive prayer. As for your attack it sounds to me like you really need to invest time reading my blog because #1 if you are in a full blown attack you shouldn’t be eating. And you should seek medical advice especially if you have been ill for an entire month. #2 broth of any kind that contains fat is a no-no. Pure vegetable broth only (no meat of any kind) and those raw eggs in tea probably aren’t the best idea either. Egg whites are fine, yolks contain 5 grams of fat EACH. If you are sick egg yolks usually don’t work well. How do you know you have “leaky gut?” Have you been diagnosed with leaky gut and if so what caused it?

      The grape seed extract and curcumin will definitely help but they work best when coupled with a proper diet for pancreatitis.

  21. Stasi

    I forgot to mention that until yesterday I was also eating meat (low fat) once a day and I had experimented with cod liver oil when a muscle test seemed to say it was okay. I am having such a hard time figuring out what to do about fat when the wisdom around my other conditions says I need it to heal. So far I seem to be fine with the raw eggs, will watch it closely.

    I have felt better just since placing the prayer request, even though it hasn’t been approved yet! The power of prayer intention even is awesome! Thank you God!

  22. Viktoriya

    My name is Viktoriya. Please pray for me. I am pregnant 29 weeks and I am having the flare up of my chronical pancreatitis now. It is hard because I need to eat enough so the baby can grow. And I don’t know if I can take supplements right now, so I need your prayers for me and for the baby.

      1. Viktoriya (Ukraine)

        Thank you, Rena, so much! You are in mine.

  23. Viktoriya (Ukraine)

    Thank you, The Health Guy! I really appreciate what you’re doing. I read the Bible the evening I wrote a comment here and started feeling better at night and in the morning. I also started taking curcumin even though there is a recommendation to get an advise from the doctor on the bottle. But doctors here don’t know anything about pancreatitis. So, I will just try little steps and trust in the Lord. I still need prayers since I am feeling severe pain now again. Thank you!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      You are welcome Viktoriya 🙂 Keep reading your Bible. I really like psalm 91 and 1 Peter 5:7. Remember to seek forgiveness for any sin. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you any unconfessed sin in your life and anyone you haven’t forgiven for something, anything that Almighty God would find offensive and could be called sin and then confess it and ask forgiveness. Forgive those who have hurt you. IF you haven’t done so I would suggest asking Jesus to come in to your heart as your Savior and Lord. Pray. Pray for comfort, wisdom, understanding. Pray for others, pray for your own needs as well. Praise and Thank God for His blessings, even for your condition because you know that He has a plan and He makes everything work together for good. I and others will continue to pray for you. 🙂

      1. Viktoriya (Ukraine)

        Dear Health Guy! Thank you for all your prayers and advices. I have already accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord. I love the Lord with all my heart. But I know I need deliverance, because I sinned so much and had to do with occultism. But I will continue praying and confwssing my sins.
        Have a blessed day!

  24. Charllotte

    Hi healthy guy

    I would like to ask for a prayer request
    My name is Charllotte
    Its been months of constant pain in the upper left side epigastric that goes through the back
    I still dont have a diagnosis since all test are normal
    Gastro suggested psychiatrist
    But God is sufficient and he help me with my anxiety
    Im praying and thanking him for healing
    But sometimes the fear takes over
    Pls pray for me
    Thank you

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Charllotte your request will be answered. Go find another doctor. Most are horrible, inept, pill pushers. I have met three really good ones during my 60 years of life. That is one every 20 years. They are out there, just rare.

  25. Donna Kilcrease

    Health Guy, My name is Donna. I have not been diagnosed with pancreatitis but I think I have some sort of problem with my pancreas. I have had a problem with high blood sugar for several years. I have never actually been diagnosed with diabetes, but I have been given some diabetes medications from time to time. Nothing has worked for me. The last time I was given glyburide. I was told it was very safe. I had my doubts but I started taking it. I looked for information about it on the internet and found that it said aspirin would intensify the effects. I usually take Bufferin every morning for body aches and pains. I had to stop the Bufferin because my blood sugar was getting so low I would think I would faint. I kept taking smaller and smaller amounts of the glyburide and I was still having these episodes of low blood sugar. I thought to myself one day after a very bad episode that I had to stop this or it was going to kill me. When I would have the very low sugar episodes, I would have to eat something very sweet to get over it. So I was having these very low and then very high spikes of blood sugar which is exactly ,what according to everything I have studied about diabetes, you don’t want. So I quit taking the very small amount of the glyburide I had been taking, and started reading about it. I learned it affected your pancreas and now my blood sugar is almost twice what it was before I took the glyburide. I know it has affected my pancreas, I have this uncomfortably full feeling in the top part of my abdomen and I have a vague pain after I eat. I don’t think I have a full blown case of pancreatitis, but I have something. I am so glad I found your post, I thank God every day for health that he has blessed me with all my life, and it saddens me to think I might have unwittingly done something to hurt my body that God has so wonderfully blessed me with. I have read a lot of your information, and I will be trying it. Thank you and please pray for me because I know prayers are a very powerful tool for the ones praying and for the ones receiving them. God Bless You!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Donna, diabetes meds do cause acute pancreatitis but trust me you would definitely know something was wrong. It isn’t a subtle or vague condition in regrads to symptoms. You’ll receive prayer and make sure you let your doc know that you do have some kind of issue that needs addressed. Glyburide is one of the few diabetes drugs that I haven’t been able to link to AP. If I find something I’ll let you know. May God richly bless you 🙂

    2. The Health Guy Post author

      Ok, Donna I found ONE article that suggests that glyburide may contribute to acute pancreatitis BUT I can’t read the article without becoming a memeber so I am not linking you to it. I found a couple other articles associated with the article I can’t read yet so far they are very vague in regards to what diabetes drugs may be offenders. However, I do know that metformin, januvia, acotos, byetta (off market) and victoza all have history of causing AP in a small percentage of folks.

  26. Mr G.

    Hi, I was diagnosed with Chronic Pancreatitis 7 months ago, I am always terrified with the symptoms, i start to lose hope then i remember who I serve, he is the almighty and he will heal everyone including myself who is reading this, please pray for me family.

    God bless,
    Mr G.

  27. Laura

    I would love prayers for my husband, Doug. This website has given us a glimmer of hope where we thought there was none. Thank you for this. He’s been suffering for years and he’s only 26. Nothing the doctors have done has helped. I bought the supplements you recommend last night for him to start today. I’m praying for God’s mercy and comfort. I know He guided me to this website and I am so thankful and hopeful for the first time in a long time.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Laura sorry to hear that Doug has joined the pancreatitis hall of pain. I’ll certainly pray for Doug and I’m sure others will as well. His diet is also important. 🙂

  28. zoila


  29. Monica

    Mónica. Please pray for me and for my dear friend Patricia’s daughter. Thank you.

  30. Gail

    I am a child of God but ask for prayer for myself to be healed of this continuing pancreatitis pain and discomfort. I will also pray for you and the others requesting prayers here. We need each other. Thank you and God bless.

  31. Deb Beaver

    Please pray for my son, Jacob. He has had 10 episodes of acute pancreatitis since August 2014, at age 19. He is now 20. I am devouring your posts and will share this site with him when he gets home from work. I’m also headed out to buy a juicer! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and inspirations! God bless you and I will be praying for you, as well.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Thank you Deb 🙂 Sorry about your son. Doesn’t sound like he’s having a good time. Prayer on the way.

  32. Raymond Karitons

    Dear health guy would you please put me on your prayer list asking for me to be healed of pancreatitis and the stomach problems I have I will pray for you also.I thank god I have found your site you are very encouraging and positive regards,Raymond K.England

  33. Jenny Castillo

    My name is Jenny Castillo and I was just diagnosist with pancreatitis. Pray for me so that I can beat this and thank you for sharing this important information.

  34. Jeanne McNaney

    Please pray for my husband Joe. He just was released from the hospital with another acute attack of pancreatitis. He had a stent put in June and he’s been in so much pain. God Bless you

      1. Jeanne McNaney

        Thank you for praying!! What supplements do you recommend? God Bless you- he is home now after having to be readmitted to the hospital for another week. Do you recommend ibuprofen every day or during flare-ups?

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Jeanne – You’re welcome. Glory to God! Glad to hear the good news 🙂 Ibuprofen just for bad times (acute attacks, bad flares, short term usage to fight inflammation). The supplements are listed here.

  35. Oona Mustonen

    I have suffered ESP since 2008, and I got diagnosis just lately. Now I am going to get more tests. I suspect I have chronic pancreatist. Would you pray for me. Mrs. M

  36. Marcia

    I was just diagnosed a couple weeks ago; someone posted your website on one of the support groups for Chronic Pancreatitis. I’m still learning how to deal with this awful illness. I was very happy to see prayer mentioned. I am a Christian and believe God heals; he just doesn’t always choose to for reasons we can’t understand. Prayers appreciate & I will do the same. Blessings.

  37. Melisa Fite

    Please pray for answers to healing for my friend with pancreatitis and liver disease.

  38. Marcia

    I see your posts about prayer, getting right w/God, etc., but I’m having trouble with all your comments, etc., using what I consider to be gutter language. Why do you feel that’s necessary? No, you’re not taking the Lord’s name in vain, but it’s really very tacky. It distracts from any message you may be sending re: prayer, just in my opinion perhaps.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Marcia – I agree. I didn’t say I was perfect. And, if you’ll notice I’ve been trying to be less “tacky.” However, I don’t have time to go back and re-write every post. THAT ain’t gonna happen.

  39. Lindsay Pruitt

    Hi everyone,
    My name is Lindsay and I am in need of prayers today. My acute attacked started yesterday and the pain has been pretty rough. I have been suffering from this for a few years now. My first attack was in 2011 while I was deployed to Afghanistan. We only had a month left but we went home but I was medivaced out and was in the hospital for a month. I am proud to say I survived that ordeal and the opioid dependence that followed. This is the worse attack I’ve had since then. I’m so glad I found your website, this information is a life saver. I am trying to go about this without having to be hospitalized so please pray that I am given the knowledge and treatment needed to do so. Thanks and God bless.

    1. E.H. Valet

      Prayer from here also. Most people know that The Gideons primary mission is to place Bibles in the traffic lanes of life ( you might have been given a pocket sized one when you went through the Military Entrance Processing Station ), but most don’t know that our second most important activity is to pray for others, and I will bring you to the attention of my Brother Gideons at our weekly prayer breakfast. If the Health Guy – – whose recommendations for naturopathic remedies I have been following with great success for almost 8 months – – will allow me to give y’all a reminder warning too; if you are having severe pains, you should go to an Emergency Room and get a blood test for your lipase count and get monitored for at least several hours. Acute pancreatitis can kill you. And it can all go south really fast. I know because the last thing I remember in the ER after my ambulance ride to Mayo Clinic Hospital 12/3/2014 was the ER Doc asking me, “What does your Living Will say about resuscitation procedures?” Then the 3rd shot of morphine kicked in and I don’t remember the next 36 hours. My lipase level was 16,000 just an hour after I had felt perfectly normal when mowing the lawn; morbidity rate up there is about 40%… . None of us like being hospitalized, but with chronic pancreatitis it can prolong your life. And GOD hears our prayers; when it comes to chronic pancreatiitis I use Psalm 143:11 “For the sake of thy name O Lord, revive me; in Thy righteousness, deliver my soul from trouble.” Jazz Valet

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Amen to that Jazz Valet – I agree with you on ALL counts, including the reminder warning. AP is nothing to fool around with. I have ALWAYS pointed out that people who think they are having AP should get emergemcy medical care asap. And the 91st Psalm is a cool Psalm – as you know Jazz the whole Psalm is about God’s protection.

  40. Sandra R.

    Dear Health Guy, Please pray for my son, Jay, who is recovering from an acute attack of pancreatitis. Off and on, he’s had digestive problems for years—but never had a clear diagnosis until this attack. Unfortunately, he wasn’t told to be careful when he left the hospital and he is still having pain after he eats. He has lost a lot of weight because he is afraid to eat much which is concerning. I’ve mentioned this site—but he has to be open to it—thanks for your faith and good works…this is a wonderful place to find so much information and support.

  41. Debabrata Biswas

    “God bless all of you, who are suffering Pancreatitis”

    Pray for my only son, Hindol Biswas. he has suffering Pancrease Divisum at the age of 6 years. Now he is 10 years of age.

      1. Wesley

        My name is Wesley (45 years old) and I have an “unrecognizable” shriveling pancreas, according to an expert surgeon and other doctors. I’ve been hospitalized for my pancreatic attacks. I had an attack this week and thought I was OK after a couple of days but had another attack. Have been eating chicken broth but now am feeling hypoglycemic. Pray my other organs aren’t shutting down and that I will be okay with soft foods soon. I’ve been recommended for some scary surgery but am hoping to delay that with God’s help. Surgery is risky and may not work which could lead to scarier surgery which may not work and leave me in a very short time to live on earth.

  42. Rebecca

    It’s so important to pray for one another as we battle with this condition and seek to heal and remain well. Again, I am so thankful for this site and will be praying for others here. Please continue to pray for me. So thankful for Jesus Christ my Saviour never leaving nor forsaking myself nor my child during my personal battle with this issue.

  43. Kyle

    I would like prayers for my beloved Christina as she has been battling reoccurring acute pancreatic attacks. Her first was nearly fatal. She is young fun loving woman with so much zest for life. This disease has been very difficult for her. All prayers will be greatly appreciated and the favor will be returned I assure you. Thank you so much and God Bless you all.

  44. Brandi

    I send prayers to everyone suffering with pancreatitis (or any chronic illness for that matter). I have been praying daily for healing for my husband as he has been diagnosed with it, and has been suffering the painfulness of it all over the past few months. I want to say, THANK YOU Health Guy for your information on this website! Thank you, thank you, thank you! He has started taking turmeric to help with the pain of the inflammation, and for the past week he has noticed a difference in pain levels (1 to 10 he was at a 12). He also started back on ibuprofen after a month of being off it due to doctors orders (doctor was wrong), this has also helped the pain. So as a pancreatitis victim yourself, thank you for the post confirming the use of ibuprofen has an aid to combating the inflammation/pain. We have also taken to juicing, which I do believe also promotes healing of the pancreas. I pray for everyone and their families, my husband, as well as you. While everyone may not have the will power to follow your diet and supplement advice strictly, bless you for providing it to those in need. Even if they follow just parts of it, they will have a better handle on this illness than if they were to just listen to the unknowing doctor most have.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Brandi – We’ll pray for your husband, and , you cuz you have the stress to contend with. Thanks for the kind words. May God richly bless you both 🙂

  45. cessalene

    I would like to ask for prayer for my father; Cesar who is having pain in his pancreas. Healing for my father Cesar in the mighty name of Jesus … everyone; say Amen.

  46. Michele

    Praise God & His perfect way of guiding me! Thank you for your obedience to Him
    I’m a Mom to 4, have owned a flowershop for 26 yrs, (which is dedicated to God & was my mission field), finally found my true love, & was ready to move into the next chapter of my life, only to discover 2 yrs ago that next chapter would nearly kill me, drain every penny I had (I have no health insurance), & tear my family apart.
    I have spent the last 3 hrs sitting here reading everything I could find from you
    My journey for tonight ended here,
    I look forward to giving you a mighty praise report soon as I start following your advice.
    I’m not the best at remembering bible verses etc but my mind keeps going to something about not looking to man for healing & answers so as I follow your advice, I am mindful that you are a messenger, so to say, for God, thank you
    Please lift me in prayer along with my family that God will restore my health, finances, and all to His glory, amen

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Michele – I and probably others will lift you up in prayer to our Almighty Father. One of the greatest promises Jesus gave us (born again, saved Christians) can be found in Mark 11:22-25. God does not change. He is the same today as He was at the creation of the world. That means that God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the same today as they were thousands of years ago. God is a healer, Jesus is a healer. Jesus healed during His time on earth. He doesn’t change so He heals now too. Verses on healing. God will give you peace, blessings and better health. Make sure you ask for what you need and believe you have it. Jesus promised in Mark 11:22-25. God wants you to ask Him for “your daily bread.” Your daily bread includes everything you need to live a healthy, happy life. 🙂

    2. Geno Valet

      Psalm 143:11 was given to me during my month in the hospital:… “for the sake of your name, O Lord, revive me; in your righteousness, deliver my soul from trouble.” A prayer for you, Michele, from FL, G.

  47. John

    Please pray for me, John as I battle this disease that I caused myself (via drinking) I have been sober 4 days and while it’s not a long time I am confident with prayer and dedication I can kick the drinking habit. Also pray for my wife who has had to endure so much as I almost completely destroyed my life. She has been such a wonderful help to me. Blessings to you all

    1. Brandi

      Prayers of healing and strength for you both, never give up.

  48. GregA

    Holy Father in Heaven,,AMAZING and WONDERFUL YOU ARE! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT! Lord, please forgive me for neglecting my health. I am sorry! Thank you for protecting me through my ignorance and stubbornness. Lord,,PLEASE Heal Me! Heal my Pancreas! Heal my Liver and any other Digestive Organ or processes that is not working properly in my body. I love You but I am not in a hurry to meet you face to face just yet. I just want to be here with my family Lord. I want to watch my children graduate College, attend their weddings, hold and care for my grandchildren and hopefully Great Grandchildren! Above All,,Your Will Be Done. On a side note,,,anyone reading this,,if you would,,please pray for me,,,and thank you! GOD BLESS

  49. Joey


    Would like to be Prayed for still awaiting lab results and can’t get ultra sound untill a week unless I pay for the emergency room visit of course but everyone seems to be thinking pancreatitis due to drinking so here I am learning what I might have not drinking and wishing things would at least move along to find out what is wrong with me .

    1. John

      You have my prayers. Learning to live without the alcohol is difficult, especially when dealing with all of the other changes we have to make when living with pancreatitis, but it can be done! Stay strong. God will see you through, my friend.

      1. Joey

        It’s not the booze that’s hard it’s the milk and cheese I haven’t drank booze in 10 days no withdrawal but I sure would love to chug a gallon of milk . Do they make a milk substitute that’s safe ? I haven’t had a lot of time to read all this blog yet.

        I have two more days untill ultra sound and then I will know what’s going on I don’t think it is pancrititst but have been treating it as if it were as I read about it anyhow that’s not really important what is important is that threw all this pain and doctors and worry about money I came to this sight when they said probably pancrititst and by doing so I prayed and prayed and forgave people and thanked god for what he has given me I stopped hurting long enough to go for a bike ride with my daughter and I thanked god and Jesus for that 20 minutes free from pain and then it hit me an overwhelming sense of love and for awhile I knew everything was going to be ok and it brought tears to my eyes it was so intense and I have now began looking for a church to go to so would just like to thank the websight creator for helping me get to know personally Jesus is real and god is real and thank you john for your prayers .

        I’m still in pain I’m still worried about bills but not as much and I know somehow or another it will be alright.

        (Sorry for spelling and lack of punctuation it’s hard to type on a phone .)

        Thank you all

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Joey – Praise God! Thank you fo sharing! It is absolutely awesome what Almighty God does for His children. And He will ALWAYS be with you! Joey – God promises to never leave or forsake you.

          “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” – Deuteronomy 31:6 Then in verse 8 … “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” – Deuteronomy 31:8

          In Isaiah 41:10 God says this: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Then in Isaiah 41:13: “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”

          Then in Joshua chap 1: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

          Anyway I find all the comfort I ever need in knowing that my heavenly Father is always with me. Always watching over me. In fact, He gives His angels charge over me and every Jesus follower has angels guarding them too! Psalm 91: 11-12 “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.”

          Our Father God is AWESOME and has given us salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. Welcome to the family of God Joey! You are now an adopted son of the one, true, living God! Praise Jesus!

          P.S. – To answer your question “Do they make a milk substitute that’s safe?”
          Hey there is fat free milk and it works for some (not all) people.

          1. joey

            this will hopefully be my final update!

            the clinic doctor was wrong in her assumption of pancreatitis i am on the verge of getting it she now says

            i had an ultra sound wich pointed at kidneys just got done with a ct scan wich found kidney stones i guess

            i dont really know much about medical stuff i just hand all the tests and paperwork to my mom who was in medical field, so who knows for sure right now untill next clinic appointment.

            i am still booze free and still eating healthy i will probably have to get surgery for the stones according to my mom but it looks like i do not have pancreatitis like the clinic lady originally said

            thank you all for your prayers and thank you for this websight and thank god for this whole ordeal i truly beileave that all of this was all part of a plan to get my attention and get me close to god i left out some experiences i had in the second post i made but i know God is real becuse of them and all this .

            thank you all again .

            now im off to pray and read the bible and praise God .

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Joey! Hey your doctor being wrong about pancreatitis is good news! Stay off the booze (just in case), do what it takes to stay well, keep seeking God’s will through His word and have an awesome life! Feel free to drop in anytime you want. God Bless you Joey! 🙂

          3. Raymond

            prayer said for joey may god bless you with his healing.

  50. george dowling

    Thank you so much, I am a believer that has witnessed many miracles and divine interventions. since March I have had CP. Constant moderate pain. Doing all you recommend since June 1st. No change yet. I know it takes time. One question: Does a no fat diet mean no fat at all, zero, until the pain is gone. Pray for me as I thank God for your site.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi George – sorry to hear you have CP. You’ll get prayer. I’ll happily lift your name up to the Throne of Grace. Ok yeah – IF it were me and it was – I’d go what I call “modified” vegan for about 6 months (NO fat). Vegans eat stuff that right now probably isn’t good for you. They use oils, nuts, coconut, avocado etc all of which just do NOT work for most. Are you taking the supplements (grape seed extract, curcumin and vitamin C)? You may have to increase your amounts of each until you see results. If it were me I’d also add one or two 325 mg aspirin a day into the mix or 200 mgs of Ibuprofen 2x per day. keep me posted on your progress.

  51. Jennifer

    I’m a believer trying to get a diagnosis for my pain, which I’m convinced is CP. All tests are coming out negative. But I feel some better w digestive enzymes. Sadly, my mom (78) was just diagnosed w inoperable pancreatic cancer–so that’s facing me every day, too. Currently, on day 3 of fast but still in pain. Created an entire chart w your recommendations so I can follow them. Never had the full-on pancreatitis w nausea and vomiting. But I’m struggling w fear and worry as well as pain and just feeling awful. Have a special needs daughter, Gracie, who depends on me. And, I have to confess, that I’m feeling some trauma at starting a completely new lifestyle. But I keep remembering your mantra: “Don’t whine.” Having a hard time staying my mind on Christ instead of these negative circumstances . . . Thank you for your site.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jennifer – I’m sorry to hear that both you and your mother are not well. I’ll be more than happy to lift you and your mother up to the Throne of Grace in prayer. I’m sure others will as well. Hang in there, God has a plan for you. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 let me know how you are doing in a week or two.

      1. Raymond

        Prayers said for Jennifer and her mum may god bless and heal you both.

  52. Michele

    Thankyou for this website. I pray that your gift will return to you in full–pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. Please pray for Daniel, experiencing third acute pancreatitis attack due to alcoholism. Please pray for the healing and restoration of his relationship with Jesus, his healing from alcoholism and the healing of his pancreas. I am believing “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” ~ Matthew 19:26

  53. Jennifer

    My young son-in-law, Cameron, is in the hospital right now, diagnosed with acute pancreatitis and gallstones. He is really sick and can use all the prayers he can get. I found your website researching ways he can restore his health once the crisis has passed. Thank you.

      1. Jennifer

        Thanks! His lipase is down from 14,000 on Saturday to a little over 1,200 this morning. He will have his gallbladder removed as soon as the lipase is below 1,000, maybe tomorrow. He has been sick for 3 years off and on, being mis-diagnosed with acid reflux. All came to a very scary and life-threatening head over the past weekend. Now that we have a diagnosis, we are hopeful for restoration.

  54. Megan

    I am out of the hospital again after my 7th round of Pancreatitis. I am just 30 years old and live a clean lifestyle- I am in the worst health in my life. I need prayer that I can find a way to eat and not get sick.

  55. GiGi

    My dad Charles just got out of the hospital with acute pancreatitis and he has lost a lot weight and it terrible pain please pray for him. He never drank and he didn’t even eat fast food much but his diet was mostly meat.

  56. Melvin

    Hello Health Guy, Greetings and Gods blessings for such a divine work you are doing. Your blog is been a great hope for me from last one year otherwise knowing the future of CP life has changed to worst stage. Please pray for me that I may get healed to go back to the good old days.Melvin

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Melvin – thank you for the kind words. Prayers are forthcoming. May God bless you back Melvin and give you peace. 🙂

  57. Shannon

    Hello Brother, just a quick note to say thank you for your efforts here – for His Kingdom and the betterment of your fellow man. I am someone who has benefited from the information you have provided on your website. It has helped me to not feel alone in this, it has reminded me of how fortunate I am through reading others testimonies, it has helped me to become accountable for my health, it has equipped me with knowledge, it has given me a game plan and so much more. As I reflect on what you have done here I could not help but think of James 2:14-26; I am grateful for your faith and I just wanted to say keep up the good “work”. Giving thanks and praying for you! In Christ, Shannon

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Shannon! THANK YOU! You have no idea how important your comment is to me! I was talking with our Glorious Abba Father this morning explaining that I wanted to be obedient and do His will. You know He had to ask me THREE times to share what He taught me with others. And once I complied I found so much suffering. I never realized how many people suffered with pancreatitis or exactly how much they suffered. And the suffering never seems to end. I mean more and more people are being brought to this site which means I see more and more heartbreaking stories (sometimes the heartache gets to me) but the GOOD news is that some are finding relief and healing thanks to our God and His Glory. Anyway …

      YOU, my sister in Christ, just gave me a word from our Holy God! He spoke to me through you! And only He knows how much I needed to hear His Word regarding His will and my small part in faith with works. So THANK YOU! God will bless you Shannon for blessing me, in fact I’ll ask Him to bless you so much you won’t be able to contain all His blessings. 🙂

      1. Shannon

        Thank you for the thoughtful reply; your prayers are very much needed and appreciated! I am truly grateful that He used me to speak to you. I wish you the very best and look forward to watching how He grows your ministry here. God bless you, Shannon

  58. rebecca

    I could use prayer for healing as I am having a flare up. Scary. Hate the places my mind tends to go during these situations. The Lord Jesus is faithful and He is will deliver His children. Thank you again for the website and sharing so freely.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Rebecca – while we pray for God to touch you get some Ibuprofen, grape seed extract, curcumin (if you don’t have gallstones or SOD) and vit C. There are posts on this site about how those products help. 🙂

  59. Victoria

    My name is Victoria. Been having ongoing problems for the past year. Doctors seem baffled by my problems…still no diagnosis except for one attack of pancreatitis And possible Lyme disease. I feel the attack was brought on by antibiotics and supplements (so I have stopped all meds/supp) as I don’t drink alcohol. However, the last few days pain in my left side under my rib cage radiating to my back is back. I also have muscle twitching which never stops. I am beginning to wonder if it could be due to malabsorption issues.

    I’m becoming very skeptical as I have been from doctor to doctor to doctor with not a single one either wanting to help me or run an initial test and no further investigation. I went from a healthy working individual to just plain sick with a bunch of issues in a matter of a few days at the end of August last year. I am scheduled for MRI of my pancreas with the 2nd GI doc I have been to. I was told by another doc in the ER I never had pancreatitis just some inflammation and I needed to learn to cope with my symptoms and did nothing but sent me home.

    All I know is I am sick and continue to get conflicting information or no help at all. God is my only answer and hope! Please pray for me as I will all of you! May God bless you and keep you I ask in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen!!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Victoria – I understand your frustration. I went through the same thing with doctors. All I can say is don’t give up. find a doctor who will actually act, think and work like a doctor and in the mean time we’ll pray for you. Almighty God, the GREAT Physcian, is a healer. He healed people in ancient times and He still heals today. He is the same now as then. He doesn’t change (Malachi 3:6). By the way UNLESS you have SOD the supplements I recommend will do nothing but help you if it is pancreatitis. They will also help SOD (sphincter of oddi dysfunction) but ONLY grape seed extract and vitamin C because curcumin seems to irritate the SO by increasing bile flow and can cause it to spasm in some cases (not good). It may well have been the antibiotics because some have been known to cause acute pancreatitis. Tetracycline, doxycycline (broad spectrum antibiotics), sulfasalazine (sulfa drugs), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (combination sulfa drug) are common antibiotics, cytarabine (cancer drugs) and OPIATES (morphine, etc) are class 1 (class 1 is most likely to cause) – Erythromycin (broad spectrum antibiotic), acetaminophen (COMMON analgesic) are class 11. Anyway … Get diagnosed!

  60. Sheree

    Please pray for Gavin. He had acute pancreatitis which the Dr said could turn chronic if he had 1 more drink. He’s had several more since then and hasn’t been 100%. He could also get cirrhosis. He has fatty liver. He is 40 and a new Christian Spirit- filled but doesn’t want to talk about God yet, read Bible go to Church or listen to Christian music. We agree for his complete healing and deliverance in Jesus’ Name! Amen!?

  61. John

    Please pray for Lucy. Recently diagnosed with pancreatitis. We’re not sure if it’s chronic of not. This young lady has been through so much. Rabies treatment, poisonous snake bite, two concussions, ovarian cysts/tumors. In a way, the pancreatitis diagnosis provides some answer. Thank you for your prayers.

    1. Ricardo

      Hi john yes i will pray for lucy i know what she’s going through my son also has pancreatic attacks may god puts his right hand on her pains and heal her from all sufferings.

  62. Ricardo

    Please pray for my son his 15 years and suffers from pancreatitis attacks

  63. Luiza Menezes

    Please pray for my Mom- Bonifas Menezes for healing of Pancreatitis, Acidity, Inflammation.

      1. Luiza Menezes

        Bro Health Guy thank you so much please continue prayers. This site is informative and Blessed

  64. Gayla

    Hi i have received so much information on this website…its awesome. Im on the supplements and will let you know how it goes. God is a good God and doesn’t want me sick. He took carried my sorrows and took my infirmities on the cross. You are so right in letting people know that they need to confess Jesus as Lord and confess any sin and repent of unforgiveness towards others. That’s when God can work when we are repentant and humbled.

  65. Please pray for my mother

    Please pray for healing of my mother Maria Nancy of Vallejo Ca. She has been readmitted to the hospital for pancreatitis. May the doctors by Gods grace care for her and accomplish what needs to be done. She has been ill since Sept 2016. They did not know what to do other then give her pain meds. She needs a real great big miracle to completely heal her and a total loosening of the infirmity off of her. By Jesus Christ I believe he can turn things into good for her. I believe Jesus can heal her. Thank you very much for your prayers.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Prayers will be lifted to the Throne of Grace (Abba Father God) for your mother’s healing. 1 Peter 5:7, Mark 11:22-29, John 14:14

  66. Dixxie

    Prayers please, I just realized what I have. I have not been to the doctor, but I am going to stop alcohol and change my diet. Thank you SO much for all of your information!!

  67. Wendy

    Please pray for my Matthew who suffers with pancreatitis. I pray it stays at bay and doesn’t flare up again in Jesus holy name.

  68. David

    David, missionary to Japan just spent three weeks in hospital with severe pancreatitis, gall bladder not removed, found your site while searching my iphone. Please pray for a complete miracle in Jesus name…

  69. Jenylyn pitogo


    Hi everyone! I am currently in the hospital due to inflamed pancreas.i am waiting for other tests tomorrow.but right now,i am requesting your prayers. I trust the Lord that he will heal me. In Jesus name,Amen.

  70. Sarah

    Hi there, I was in hospital for two weeks in January with acute pain which was undiagnosed at the time but I’ve now been shown to have severe pancreatic insufficiency. I’ve just had a flare up this weekend and am in pain. I’ve become underweight and have malnutrition. I’ve got a four week wait for the gastro clinic, unless I can get them to bring it forward. I’ve been in such huge pain and it’s hard to get the doctors to do much other than say take painkillers. I’ve also been recently told I am coeliac. Please pray for healing for me and that I strengthen my faith and trust in the Lord. Thank you.

  71. Rhonda

    Hi again HG…I just posted my story on your beating pancreatitis blog site…then I seen your PRAYER request blog….yes please PRAY for our whole family…my sister that just passed away last friday from complication from her pancreas has a huge loving family that is broken hearted…..I think of the poem footprints in the sand and know GOD OUR FATHER has a heavy burden carrying all of us right now but he loves us all and will carry us and comfort us…… I LOVE THE LORD and understand my sister is with him and has a new body free of pain and is with all her loved ones that passed before her….. but its still hard on us left behind… are a very special person to take the time to put all the info up that you do about pancreas disease….and the time to PRAY FOR ALL OF US…thank you soooo much…………………………………………………………………

  72. Donald Smith

    The Doctor’s say I have gastritis and chronic pancreatitis . At times I’m in so much pain. Pray for me sister and brother. God is good!!

  73. Madhuri

    Pray for sanjay he is having pancreatitis. He lives in
    mumbai in bhayander

  74. Maheshnadigoti

    Sir I m knowing wat disease I m having my stomach is always fatal my mind is not working I m getting day by day pray for me everyone

  75. Celines Caelum

    God Bless you Paul, I found your site while doing some research for myself. I’m a 35 year old female who hasn’t had any previous medical conditions but haven’t been diagnosed with pancreatitis but I believe my blood work is showing this may be the case. I will see a gastro this week. CT SCAN & ULTRASOUNDS ARE CLEAR but amalyse up to 550. Lipase at 170 UL.
    Please add my name to your prayer. I’m a Jesus lover & Gospel believer.
    I’ve read your advice but if you have further insight on the info I gave, pls let me know.
    Thank you for sharing your story!
    To Christ be the glory, forever.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Celines – you are added to the prayer list. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Let us know how your diagnosis goes. Your amylase is definitely higher than normal, so is the lipase but not quite 5x the upper limit of normal (depending upon who is doing the lab work). Most docs need to see at least 250-300 lipase elevation for an acute pancreatitis diagnosis. BUT that certainly doesn’t mean there isn’t pancreas inflammation. Let us know what transpires and I will pray you are healed soon to the glory of God. God bless you back 🙂

      1. Celines Caelum

        Thank you Paul!! – I will keep you posted by next week.
        BTW – I was beyond filled with gratitude when reading your message & your response!
        Do you believe CT Scans & ultrasounds are accurate at seeing inflammation & details of these organs, liver pancreas?

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Celines – yes CT is very good – ultrasound is good too. Endoscopic ultrasound is very good at seeing smaller areas of damage.

  76. Sreelakshmi

    Pls pray for my cousin suffering with chronic pancreatitis as he z having severe pain and weight loss

  77. palika

    I want prayers for my brother ,Laksiri.He is suffering from chronic pancreatitis.Most of the time he has pain…he can not eat..sleep does not come to him.He tells that he feels his body is burning.Tomorrow he is undergoing ct scan and MRCP.God only can help us at this difficult situation.We are helpless..please pray for him…I believe in Jesus and his love .God will put him back to good health..pray for him….

    1. Brenda

      My prayers are with you and the family. I too suffer with Chronic Pancreatitis. Continue to lean on our Heavenly Father.

  78. Edie

    Please pray for Ted to heal pancreatitis , pneumonia, and inflammation. Thank you

  79. Colleen Clowers

    Health Guy, bless you for this blog. My mom started with this nightmare 7/19/17. Her last round at the hospital here in Reno Nevada was a complimentary 36 day stay, for which each time the introduced food to her she would experience a full on attack. Finally, they decided to send her home on a TPN for 2-4 months.
    We just saw the “specialist” today. He is clueless. He told us my mom is the 1% anomaly. He made a referral to Stanford for her, telling us that this one is for the smart ones! He also scheduled her for an ultrasound endoscopy. Not sure about spelling…. This is to take place, God willing, 11/2/17. She was released with lipase at 400, today they are at 1000.
    I suggested that if enzymes treatment tricks the pancreas into not producing enzymes, why not take them and see if that influences her lipase count. The specialist studied me for a long while, and finally said…. Why not? So, we are going to try that and he told her to stop the occulyte shots….(spelling?)
    Its so sad that modern medicine is still so in the dark and so many continue to suffer. You are a ray of light, as well as your followers. I hope you are well.

  80. Dian

    I suffer from severe pains, I am really scared, but I trust in our Lord, in His great mercy. I do believe the Lord has a good plan with my family. Please pray for me, I do need your help.

      1. Dian

        Many thanks for your prayers, today I have felt better. MRCP will be done next week, will update. I have prayed for you.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Dian – Praise God you are feeling better and thank you for praying for me! I can use all the prayer I get! Let me know what the MRCP shows 🙂

  81. Natalie Davis

    I was just diagnosed with CP at 34. I don’t know why I have it. I’m frightened and saddened at the life changes this requires and afraid I cannot live up to it. Please pray for me.

  82. Kimberley

    Good evening , I’m looking for prayer for my pancreas and my health as I have been recently diagnose with pancreitis , I don’t know the damage this has cause to my other organs I. And even eat without pain or sickness but I’m praying for a miracle and I have young children and they need me . Thank you and god bless you

  83. Kimberley

    Thank you , I wish I knew what caused this as still getting tests I don’t drink or smoke and I have no gullbladder
    They never seen high levels drop so fast to normal in 25 hrs
    Any guesses

  84. J

    Please pray for me. I have children. I have to live. I need a miracle. In Jesus name. Amen

  85. Claudia Malec

    Hello…I am very grateful for your dedication and all the information you have provided to all of us suffering with this horrible thing. As I sit and write request for prayer …I am terrified and in pain. My weight loss is frightening and my gastro acts as if it’s nothing. I haven’t eaten in two days…I am weak and despondent. Please pray for me..I have prayed for years now and my hope is dimming. They just gave me Creon but I haven’t even had an EUS yet. They are diagnosing me with CP based on my slightly elevated lipase and pain/weight loss. I have purchased the grapeseed extract and vitamin C however, based on tour recommendation, I am holding off on the tumeric until SOD is ruled out I guess. Please pray for me…I would be so grateful. Thank you and God bless you. I am taking motrin for pain and zofran for nausea but it doesn’t seem to work. My friend who also has idiopathic CP was told not to take Motrin…so I am perplexed, I never drank but my grandfather had pancreatic cancer, I am so scared.

    Kindest Regards, Claudia

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Claudia – Prayer is on it’s way. Motrin, Advil (both Ibuprofen) usually work well for most people. But it often takes more than the suggested 200 mg dose at one time. Depending upon how inflamed the pancreas is it could take up to 1,000 mgs at ONE time to get the inflammation to begin resolving. 800 mgs usually works to get rid of acute pancreatitis inflammation but sometimes 1,000 mgs is necessary. If your CP pain is in the same realm as AP pain you may be looking at the need for more than just 200 mgs (suggested dose on a commercial bottle). Give everything to our Lord. Give Him all your cares (1 Peter 5:7) because He loves you. In fact, He is crazy about you! Read John 17

  86. Brenda

    My GI doctor says no more Advil for my Pancreatitis pain but instead Tylenol. In your opinion can ibupophen harm the pancreas?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Brenda – this isn’t the section for questions etc – only prayer requests but I’ll answer this one time. IMHO Tylenol is useless for anything more than a mild headache and causes liver failure far to often. I have not seen any valid scientific evidence that states Ibuprofen has caused pancreas damage EXCEPT in one case of intentional overdose (2800 mg bolus). Please read the whole article before drawing a conclusion. Ibuprofen will increase blood pressure, can cause heart attacks, can cause GI tract bleeding, kidney and liver damage. NSAIDS seem to draw fire when none is warranted but high doses and long-term usage can cause problems. It isn’t safe (no drug is safe) but Ibuprofen definitely helps to resolve pancreas inflammation.

  87. Norman Bryars

    Please pray for Norman. It’s confusing what all needs to be done to alleviate the pain and easier said than done to stick with the plan.

  88. Anonymous

    Please pray for randy. He has been dealing with pancreatic issues for a couple of decades, compounded by a tear in his pancreas from a traumatic injury. The tear reopened after it had barely closed so now there is an open tear with scar tissue around the edges. He is in excruciating pain all the time. I know that God is in control and I praise Him that I found your website a few hours ago. i have already ordered all the supplements. The diet will be hard for him. Pray for strength and commitment to follow the protocol of diet and supplements. Pray for healing. And pray for wisdom regarding an ercp to clear a possible blockage in the pancreatic duct.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Anonymous – Randy will be lifted up to the Throne of Grace in prayer. Please keep us all posted regarding healing progress. 🙂

  89. Shelby Reynolds

    I would like to ask for prayers for my dad- David. He’s my best friend in this world. Doctors are sucpectong chronic pancreatitis at the moment- but I would love prayers that it isn’t. Hoping it is something as simple as the gallbladder. Please pray, I have faith God can handle this!

  90. Natalie

    Asking for prayers as all of you I too have CP among other health issues and due to the loss of my partner 2 months ago I am in extra pain and in the darkest days of my life which is saying a lot. Bless you all . Thank you ?

  91. Janine

    Would appreciate any prayers offered. I am a week out from my first AP attack. I’ve made big, overdue changes in my life and hope that I am not too late. I have two beautiful children and a great husband who need me. Need strength and healing. Thanks so much.

  92. Majhi Sravan Kumar

    Hi All this is Sravan from India.. I am suff from Pancreatities, Dear all my sisters, mothers, and brothers, kindly pray for me to get it cure from this deadly disease.. Please

  93. Grace

    Hi health Guy,
    I would be very grateful if you could pray for my healing. I was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis 3yrs ago because of pancreas diversium. since then I get an attack every six months even though I don’t eat fatty food, no diary etc. I am loosing weight every day. thanks for your prayers and the good job you are doing. God bless you.

  94. Allison

    Please pray for me. I’ve just begun this journey, but low lipase (12) and amylase (27) numbers. Symptoms are only soreness around the abdomen. I’ve never had AP and am scared I have CP.

  95. Kimberly

    I have recently been diagnosed with pancreatitis and in my search for info, found this blog. Please pray with me to give this to God, so he can heal me and that I may be a better servant to Him.

  96. Sheryl

    Greetings to all my brothers and sister in Christ. I am in Western Australia. I recently had 2 very bad attacks of Pancreatitis *unbeknownst to me what the attacks were*. Went to hospital, had cat scan, ultra sounds, blood tests *lipase count was 1050* and diagnosis was Chronic Pancreatitis with calcium deposits on Pancreatic head. Drs of course spoke “spirit of fear” over me, want me to have Endoscope and “treatment”. I am not in any pain but do have acid reflux. I do NOT want to have any more tests currently, as I believe I AM healed by JESUS and I want to wait a couple of months for the Lords healing to take place. I know “healings” take TIME, creative miracles are instant. Then I shall have an endoscope and another blood test which is show im healed. Of course the Drs are not happy with me, reporting me to the Health Department because I have cancelled endoscope appointment. If I have it now the Drs will find bad things, speak bad things and the spirit of fear is trying its best to make me lose faith. Could I humbly ask my Body of Christ to pray for this Miracle Total healing for Chronic Pancreatitis. Its a generational curse, as my father had problems, my sister had her gall bladder removed. God hasn’t bought me this long in life 64, to let me have this issue. I AM HEALED IN JESUS NAME and my Testimony will be to Glorify Jesus AMEN..

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Sheryl – I will stand in agreement with you that you are healed in Jesus’ Name because it is written “by His stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24 and He bore our infirmities, diseases, curses and sins. God bless you and give you His peace. 🙂

  97. Meg

    Can you please pray for my husband -Harsh.
    He has chronic pancreatitis and the main pancreatic duct is mildly dilated.
    We are going for CT scan tomorrow and I just want to pray that nothing is serious in his case
    Please pray to God to heal my husband.

    Thank you so much.

  98. Carla

    Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Because of COVID19 I have been unable to get appointments for help for my pancreatitis and other medical issues. I’ve been using resources like this Blog to help guide me. Please pray for me that God show me mercy and heal me in Jesus name. Thank you.

  99. Mary

    Good Evening,

    Thank you so much for your sharing and obedience to the Lord. This is a very encouraging post. I was diagnosis with diabetes first and then CP. I am praying for everyone on this page and also Facebook. Please keep me in your prayers as well.

  100. Helle

    I’m asking to be prayed for to heal pancreatitis and colitis ulcerosa. Thank you.

  101. Kathleen

    December 8, 2020


    I am writing to request prayer. I am 70 years old. I am a born-again Christian. My Surgeon wants to do a Distal Pancreatectomy, a Splenectomy (with lymph nodes taken also), and Gallbladder removal. My CA19.9 test came back positive and high at 50. I don’t want to have this surgery because it is very dangerous, and leaves me vulnerable to all sorts of infections, etc. I feel like once the surgery is done, I will go downhill fast; and that once the Surgeon does his job, I will be abandoned and left on my own to fend for myself. I also have a very hard time trusting the medical industry. In addition, my husband is in denial and just not an emotionally-supportive kind of guy—though he is a practical and reliable man who loves me with a passion. He has been instrumental in dropping me off and picking me up from the many appointments, tests, and procedures that I have had lately. I am feeling very overwhelmed, afraid, nervous, anxious, and worried about having this surgery done, especially during our current Covid-19 Pandemic. I am supposed to see my Surgeon again, and get 4 Vaccinations on December 29. Please pray for clarity in my decision-making and understanding of all of the medical information that I need to know. Please also pray that I will remain steadfast in keeping my eyes focused on God and that He will release me from fear, worry, and anxiety, and that He will give me His believing faith, strength, healing, calmness, clarity, wisdom, and peace during this journey.

    Thank you for listening, and thank you for praying for me. Know that I truly appreciate it.

    Love in Christ,


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Kathleen – I am so sorry I have been late responding. Of course I will pray for your healing, peace, decision wisdom etc. Again, I am sorry for my late, slow response.

  102. Annette McCullagh

    Please pray for Pete McCullagh who has severe Pancreatitis, day 6 in hospital, receiving a lot of therapies in ICU, yesterday he was slightly less reliant on therapies and remains very ill, place your Healing hands on him Gof

  103. Susan

    Please pray for my husband Daniel. He had surgery (Whipple) to remove the head of his pancreas in March of 2019, and has been continuously losing weight ever since. Just today we were told he has chronic pancreatitis and a new spot on his kidney (potentially cancer). Thank God no pain, but weakness from under-nutrition. Amidst conflicting advice about diet from different doctors, I’m afraid we have made bad choices and made things worse. Please pray we can turn this around, with God’s help.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Susan I will definitely pray for your husband Daniel. Nothing is to big for God to handle! Trust in Him and keep your eyes on Jesus and the promises in the Word. We fight against evil in spiritual warfare Ephesians 6:12 and Jesus gave believers the authority to heal and cast out demons. Speak the healing Word over Daniel out loud. Rebuke, cast out the spirit of fear, the spirit of death, the spirit of infirmity and speak to the mountain (problem) as Jesus teaches in Mark 11:22-24.

      Spiritual Warfare Verses
      Believers Authority Verses
      Healing Verses
      God’s Promises to/for believers

      Worship Song

      1. Susan

        Thank you Sir for the kind reply and inspiring Bible references. We have been impressed with your tasty recipes. Daniel is diabetic and his heart is in slow “afib” chronically and has not responded to the attempts to restore a normal rhythm. He cannot take ibuprofen because they have him on blood thinners to reduce risk of stroke. He is not having pain or nausea from the CP, just severe low energy and weight loss. It isn’t easy to tell what foods he reacts to, but I think once our juicer arrives we will have to back down to just juice for a while and start that food diary you talk about, adding things slowly. I am afraid for him to lose more weight, he is already under weight significantly. God is in control and is not surprised by any of this! We trust Him to bring us through. Thanks again for this information, our different doctors have different ideas about what he should be eating, and we were puzzled. You have lived it, and your testimony is helping immensely. Thank you.

  104. Belinda

    I had to have femoral hernia surgery a year ago and the CT showed “scarring on the pancreas”. Doctor didn’t even comment. I am having fairly severe symptoms of pancreatitis and can’t really eat. I found your website looking for what might help with pain. Ibuprofen makes sense to decrease inflammation. Please pray for me brothers and sisters. I am praying as well, but “where 2 are gathered together”. God bless you all.

  105. H.

    Thank you so much for providing all this information. I’m trying to find out all the information I can for a close relative. If you could keep her in your prayers, I would greatly appreciate it as I believe God brought me to your website to understand what foods should be avoided. God bless you for all that you are doing.

  106. Holly

    Please pray for my 22 year old daughter, Breanna, who is currently in the ICU on a ventilator. Prayer has been working wonders for her so far, and I ask for more prayers and prayer warriors to agree with me in prayer for her healing! THANK YOU, AND THANK YOU LORD JESUS!

  107. Tihomil

    Please pray for my pancreas to heal, the damage was done intentionally and usually fatal. I had an OB experience afterwards to make sure no one did that to anyone else; please pray that I may receive more help to stop anyone from being harmed in this matter.

  108. Tessa

    Please pray for my daughter Taylor, she is suffering with pancreatitis. Thank you

  109. Gomathy

    Please pray for 31 years old person who is admitted in hospital for chronic pancreatic nearly a week he spent in ICU still in critical stage. Need your group prayers for healing. Thank you creating this post. We all pray for to god. Thanks for your support. We trust in lord thank you for your prayers..

  110. Wanda Wells

    Please pray for me and my gastroenterologist’s appointment this Thursday, 2/10/2022 at 1:30 pm. I had some sort of attack last Thursday night, and it scared me. It was after a heavy meal plus two brownies made with vegetable oil. Google has scared me, but I know God is bigger than Google. I pray in Jesus’ name that it is something manageable and not terminal. I have been crying a lot and praying a lot. Single, 49-year-old mother of five and grandmother to two. Many of them are still dependent on me. Please pray for me, my kids, and my grandchildren. Thank you.

  111. Brenda

    Please pray for me as dealing with the nausea and pain with Chronic Pancreatitis. I was diagnosed over 4 years ago after many misdiagnosed years in pain and visits to the ER. I get so down and depressed not knowing if I will have a good or day day. It effects my life including my husband’s as well. Thank you for prayer and any words of encouragement.

  112. Paul

    Please pray for my Granddaughter 23 years only, who has been diagnosed with this disease called Pancreatitis just last week. After hearing the results from her Doctor, she’s been crying and very upset and very sad, and devastated, knowing that bottom 2 parts are damaged and cannot be treated. She’s been having this acute pain for last 5-6 years and every time she went to doctors they gave her painkillers to subside the pain, none of these idiots bothered to send for some tests, scans, ultrasound or MRI, it could have been caught earlier n perhaps treated. She knows its life threatening hence Extremely sad all thevtime, she used to be so happy n chirpy, but not anymore.
    Sorry for these harsh words, but I myself feel so helpless and sad I can’t help her, but just pray.
    I request you all to please pray for my Dearest Granddaughter Crystal that God Almighty heals her completely and I trust in my Jesus, coz He is the Healer and Heavenly Physician.
    Thank you all for your prayers.

  113. Sandi Thompson

    My name is Sandi. Please lift me up in prayer. I was diagnosed with Chronic Pancreatitis about a year ago and was in constant pain requiring many trips to the hospital and quite a few admissions. THEN I found your website a few months ago and started taking the Grape Seed Caps from NOW Foods. What a difference!!! I’ve been pain free for 40 days, which is the longest I’ve ever gone without pancreatic pain! Thank you, and Thank You Jesus!!! I take 6 caps a day at this point.
    Do you have any supplement suggestions that might help the cysts on my pancreas? Also, I lost 25 pounds and can’t seem to get any of it back. Any suggestions or ideas for weight gain? It’s hard to get the calories when you have to eat low fat stuff.
    Thanks again, and have a Blessed day!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Sandi! Of course we will lift you up in prayer. Glad to hear that you too are experiencing good results from the supplements. IF you aren’t already taking vit C and curcumin I’d suggest those as well. The cocktail helps resolve the inflammation. Once the inflammation is totally resolved healing can take place. Of course the LORD can heal you at any time just by speaking it done. Diet is extremely important. Nothing that offends (alcohol and fat) should be consumed. NO alcohol. Very little fat and only from plant sources until you feel more well. Once the inflammation resolves the pseudocysts may resolve as well. Remember I am not a doctor and can not prescribe treatment.

  114. Sandi Thompson

    Thanks so much for the prayers! I do take Vit. C. I have a 500mg blend of turmeric (root) and curcumin (turmeric extract from the root, standardized to contain 95%Curcuminoids). It also has 3 mg Black Pepper Extract (from the fruit) standardized to contain 95% Piperine (2.85mg). The directions say to take 1 a day. What are your thoughts on this blend, and how many capsules a day would “you” take personally? I know you’re not a doctor and I don’t want you to get in trouble, but I highly value your opinion!
    I’ve been very good with watching my fat intake, and I don’t drink any alcohol (thank you Lord), so no problem there!
    Thank you again for the prayers, and for such a fantastic website!
    In His Love, Sandi

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Sandi … my cocktail consists of vit c, grape seed extract and curcumin. All three should eventually (work up to it) be consumed 4x daily so that your pancreas is continually bathed in anti-inflammatory goodness. Vit C should be 500-1000 mg caps, grape seed extract 100 mg caps and the curcumin is fine at 500 mg caps. IF you are still experiencing pain and or other symptoms at 4 times daily then increase the grape seed extract, slowly, one dose at a time, not all four at once, until you feel the results you want. Keep in mind the supplements aren’t miracle cures that allow you to eat whatever you want. You need to follow an appropriate diet and take the supplements, probably for life, if you want to stay well once you heal.

  115. Sandi Thompson

    I’m so sorry. Just realized I posted this in the Prayer Request section. Let’s just chalk that up to having a Senior Moment, shall we?

  116. Charlotte

    Would so appreciate some healing prayers. Dealing with an acute pancreatitis that will not seem to resolve. Started after covid so not sure of cause. They want to remove my gall bladder since I had small amount of sludge – I thought it was from weight loss but who knows. Covid can also damage gall bladder so anyones guess.
    Trying to turn it all over to a higher power to know what to do.

    Thank you


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Charlotte … I’m sorry I am responding so slowly, especially when you’ve been ill. Of course I’ll pray for you. Gallbladder sludge actually causes more acute pancreastitis and flares than do actual stone of much larger size. Sludge is comprised of very small sand like stones.

  117. Bethany

    Hello I am a nurse in a hospital and one of my patients is a very young lady and is suffering from severe pain from pancreatitis as well as cysts. She is going for a cyst drainage procedure tomorrow and I prayed for her at her bedside even though she feels hopeless about I told her that Jesus wants to do a miracle for her and I declared all pain to cease and for healing.
    But I need your prayers if you could lift her up to Father God I feel so much that Jesus can do a healing miracle! Please stand with me in agreement and prayer that she will receive full healing!

  118. Bethany

    I made a post here but it disappeared. Oh well I will repost since it got lost. I am a nurse in the hospital and one of my patients is a young lady who has severe pain from pancreatitis and has cysts on her pancreatitis. She is going for a procedure tomorrow to drain the cyst, and I prayed for healing at her bedside and she let me pray for her even though she feels hopeless about the situation. I said Jesus is the ultimate physician and he can heal you and do a miracle for you! All we have to do is call on his name. Her boyfriend made a joke about Jesus saying GI Jesus which I thought was so funny. But anywho her name is Elizabeth and I need the power of my prayers, would you lift her up to Father God in heaven who will surely bring full miraculous healing to her and stand with me in agreement? She is much too young to be suffering this much and my heart just wants her so much to be fully healed. Thank you kindly I will be continuing to pray for her healing!


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