CREON: Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy

By | June 16, 2022
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Pancreatic Enzymes - CREONCREON is a pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy for those whose pancreas no longer produces enough enzymes due to acinar cell destruction.
Enzyme replacement is prescribed to those who have suffered damage to their pancreas and they have developed EPI or Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency.
The pancreas damage, that causes EPI or Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency can come from several conditions or disease manifestations which are:
1. Acute Pancreatitis
2. Chronic Pancreatitis
3. Cancer of the pancreas
4. Cystic Fibrosis
5. Crohn’s Disease
6. Celiac Disease
IF you have suffered acute pancreatitis and find you are nauseated, vomit, have pain or all those things after eating, your attack(s) may have damaged enough acinar cells (they produce pancreatic enzymes) that you likely need to consider CREON Replacement Enzymes which may be very beneficial and necessary for you to digest food properly.

CREON Offers Nasty Side Effects

vomiting caused by CREONUnfortunately many people who take CREON suffer nasty side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach/abdominal pain. Everything you didn’t want more of right?
If you don’t believe me just do a search for CREON side effects. You’ll get all the info on what CREON can do for you.  🙂  Many times it simply takes time to adjust to the new medication. But many times that is not what happens and who wants to pay hundreds of dollars, per month, to puke?
That’s exactly why I usually don’t promote Big Pharma prescription drugs but you need to be able to eat and absorb nutrients. When it comes to nausea meds and/or digestive enzymes – well – they help, a lot in many cases. Yet …
You do have an alternative and that is good quality over the counter supplement enzymes. Not only do these supplement enzymes contain the same enzymes but they are a LOT LESS MONEY!
IF you don’t have insurance or your insurance won’t cover CREON or another brand name prescription enzyme replacement the supplement enzymes will become a valued friend.

Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Alternative

Enzyme replacement supplementNow Foods Super Enzymes capsules is porcine based with 2960 USP units of Lipase so one of them is about equal to CREON 3,000. The tablet version has less lipase at 1600 USP units.
I prefer and use the capsule version.
Either one enables you to start low dose and increase if needed. Super Enzymes will compete with the other prescription pancreatic enzymes as well.
If your doctor has prescribed a much higher dose there is also another viable option that has 17,750 USP units per capsule called Vital Nutrients Pancreatic Enzymes AND …
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Pancreatin Is Derived From Pigs

CREON is made with porcine pig enzymesBOTH of the above enzyme replacement products are made from porcine (pigs) because they are actually the closest to human enzymes. What I’m saying is that IF you have an actual allergy to pork these may not work for you.
The above replacement enzymes do NOT contain any form of alcohol like most of the prescription enzymes. Yes, CREON and some other prescription enzymes contain small amounts of alcohol. The alcohol is not the same as what people drink but it’s alcohol and alcohol does NOT make a damaged pancreas happy.
I have read various posts and comments on my site and in my support group where CREON (and similar drugs) can seem to cause problems in some folks, problems such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and pain. AND …
Not Enough CREON Or Too Much?
CREON is prescribed by doctorsI thought that it was likely due to a doctor either prescribing too little or more likely too much in dosage, thinking if a little is good more is better like some do with antibiotics etc (sometimes I think they enjoy making people sicker). 
I have also read where some people are allergic to porcine products (pork) which can of course still be a possibility BUT … THEN …
A member, of my support group, Cori Rachael, posted that CREON contains alcohol (cetyl alcohol) which of course is really interesting since alcohol causes acute pancreatitis. But then …
Big Pharma uses snake venom in prescriptions as well. Snake venom peptides are used to make ace inhibitors which are prescribed for heart failure patients and those with high BP. Don’t believe me? Google: snake venom in ace inhibitors.
That venom seems to cause acute pancreatitis in some patients and when they discontinue the snake venom they feel much better. So …
CREON may be needed after taking Lisinopril which causes acute pancreatitis

CREON may be needed after taking Lisinopril which causes acute pancreatitis because it contains snake venom

If you are on an ace inhibitor such as Lisinopril and nobody seems to know WHY you are having recurrent acute attacks you may have just found your answer. Anyway …
CREON Can Break Your Piggy Bank!
As I mentioned earlier CREON is expensive!
If you don’t have insurance coverage or good insurance CREON could be a real budget killer unless you somehow qualify for a program to get them free (Medicaid) or you can check the CREON site for an option to receive discounted or even free CREON.
I personally prefer the supplement enzymes because they are far less expensive and they do not contain even traces of alcohol. Go here for Now Foods Super Enzymes.
For higher amounts of Lipase and less pills per meal go here for Vital Nutrients Pancreatic Enzymes.

2 thoughts on “CREON: Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy

  1. Coralline

    Can the NOW Super Enzymes be sprinkled onto food or put into a smoothie instead of taking the capsule?
    Please let me know.
    Thank you!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Coralline … I am so sorry I haven’t responded until now. I keep forgetting to get on here and check for comments cuz my support group keeps me kinda busy and I am trying to write a book as well. Anyway … no, please don’t do that because those enzymes will likely burn your throat and cause all kinds of issues. Those enzymes are powerful, similar to acid. Again I’m sorry for responding so late.


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