Category Archives: Acute Pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis can become very serious very fast. If you are experiencing the sudden onset of moderate to extremely severe abdominal pain, with or without nausea and vomiting go to the ER.

Autoimmune Diseases That Cause Pancreatitis

  Autoimmune Diseases that cause pancreatitis is our discussion today. Autoimmune diseases can and do manifest as either acute, recurrent acute or chronic pancreatitis. As a pancreatitis and autoimmune disease patient, I have had many cases or attacks of acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis flares that have been likely caused by autoimmune diseases. By the… Read More »

Viruses Cause Acute Pancreatitis? The Role of Viruses in Causing Acute Pancreatitis

  Do viruses cause acute pancreatitis? As someone who has been studying acute pancreatitis for many years I can say with certainty that viruses cause acute pancreatitis. I have searched for and read about a lot of cases of acute pancreatitis. I’ve talked with people from my blogs and my support group. And many say… Read More »

The Role of H. Pylori In Pancreatitis

What’s the role of h. pylori in pancreatitis? If you are looking for information regarding the roll of H. Pylori in pancreatitis you can rest assured you have found the right site and article. I have often stated, in response to questions about undiscovered causes of pancreatitis, that there is ALWAYS a cause for pancreatic… Read More »

Ibuprofen the Risk Vs Benefit In Pancreatitis

In this article “Ibuprofen the Risk Vs Benefit In Pancreatitis” I’m going to do my best to explain why I believe Ibuprofen is the best first line of defense when the pancreas is inflamed. I have previously written about my usage of Ibuprofen for pancreatitis but it seems that many are showing undo concern. Thank… Read More »

Learn Which Foods Trigger Acute Pancreatitis Or CP Flares

Learn which foods trigger acute pancreatitis or CP flares. This is extremely important and can only be accomplished in a reliable way by using a food diary. In a previous post called: Do certain foods cause pancreatitis attacks? I discuss the fact that in normal people foods do NOT cause acute pancreatitis or CP flares but in those… Read More »

The Pain and Suffering of Pancreatitis

Many of your family and friends do NOT understand the pain and suffering of pancreatitis. They most likely have NO CLUE how bad it can be to suffer an acute pancreatitis attack, especially if it falls in the moderate to severe category. Yet even MILD acute attacks can be the most painful experience imagined while,… Read More »