Tramadol Isn’t As Safe As You Think

By | June 8, 2015
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tramadolTramadol is a synthetic opioid drug, similar to natural opioids derived from poppy seeds, such as morphine. It is marketed under names such as Ultram, Ultracet, ConZip, Ryzolt, Rybix ODT, Zydol and Zamadol. Are you using Tramadol for pancreatitis pain? You may want to reconsider or at least be extremely careful using it because …

When John Bowker left his 57-year-old wife, Lizz, alone in their bedroom, she seemed to be in perfectly good health yet when he returned just six minutes later, she was dead. And her death wasn’t caused by a sudden heart attack, stroke or aneurysm. In just six minutes she had become another victim of Tramadol, a dangerous opiate pain med that’s so cheap and widely prescribed that you or someone you love could be taking it right now.

Tramadol is sending patients, many of them seniors, to emergency rooms in record numbers, and death rates have tripled in just a few short years. Experts are warning that if you don’t quit the drug fast, it could trigger a serious brain condition and potentially lethal event know as serotonin syndrome that’s often nearly impossible to spot. It can turn fatal in a hurry.

When the FDA approved Tramadol 20 years ago, it was supposed to be less addictive and cause fewer stomach problems than the other long-term painkillers on the market.

But in reality, Tramadol (Ultram, Ultracet, ConZip, Ryzolt and Rybix ODT) has proven to be a living nightmare for many of those to whom it was prescribed.

The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has found that Tramadol is sending at least 27,000 people a year to the ER, a number that’s increased 145 percent since 2005. And research on Tramadol use in Florida found that deaths linked to the drug have tripled since 2003.

And Tramadol seems to pose the greatest danger to seniors, the very people the drug most intended to help. One of those victims was an 84-year-old woman whose doctor prescribed Tramadol for lower back pain. Before long, she was suffering from common side effects like shortness of breath, confusion, depression, anxiety, loss of appetite, and very high blood pressure, which eventually landed her in the ER. Read the rest of the story here.

Keep in mind it may not be affecting only seniors. From what little research I have done while writing this post it doesn’t seem to discriminate between age, and, the usage of antidepressants, which many pancreatitis sufferers are prescribed, dramatically increases the risk for both seizures and serotonin syndrome.

187 thoughts on “Tramadol Isn’t As Safe As You Think

  1. Christina Carsrud

    I have been using Tramadol retard for 10 years because of fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. The doctors in Germany discourage use of Ibuprofen ,Exedrin etc., because of damage to kidneys, liver etc.
    The last 2 years the doctor switched me to Tilidin retard because of nausea. According to WHO opoids and morphine are much better for stomach ! Retard form will not make one addicted.
    But thanks for all the info, very helpful. Been living with first gallstones since 2000 and after the removal of the gallbladder suffer from chronic pancreatitis. It first started again by 2009.
    Greetings, C.Carsrud

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Christina – Just because the WHO thinks opioids are better for the stomach (yep that’s why they make many people puke) or your doctor is worried about bleeding, kidney failure, liver damage (all extremely rare) doesn’t mean Ibuprofen or other NSAIDS aren’t the answer. Tramadol, Tilidin, Tylenol, opioids and most likely your next door neighbors spring tonic don’t do diddly squat for inflammation. Pancreatitis IS inflammation. It’s inflammation of the pancreas. If you don’t address that inflammation the result is unnecessary suffering. PLUS large numbers of people die EVERY year from overdosing on opioids. A lot less die from NSAID usageage. It’s your life and you, like everyone else, has to choose their own course. Thanks for your comment I appreciate your views.

      1. SD-PN

        Ibuprofen isn’t an NSAID, Tylenol is! Do you even know your meds?

        1. Phillip Bogle

          You are an idiot!! Of course Ibuprofen is an NSAID !!!!! Very dangerous spreading false med info online! Go read a medical book,!!!!

        2. Lbc

          No… You are wrong.. Ibuprofen IS NSAID Tylenol is not… However… You might want to recheck your numbers on NSAID deaths… As celebrex,Vioxx, have high numbers of death associated with them… As well as motrin, and Advil…. More than tramadol…

          1. The Health Guy Post author

            Lbc – First of all the commentor SD-PN is not me. I know Ibuprofen is an NSAID. I also know that NSAIDS (including aspirin) cause more deaths and this is to be expected due to the fact that Ibuprofen, Naproxen and aspirin are extensively used, abused and easily obtained OTC. NSAIDS can cause serious gastrointestinal issues (bleeding) and most (not aspirin) can cause blood pressure spikes and heart attack. THAT fact is exactly why I have told people who use Ibuprofen to stop pancreatitis pain and acute pancreatitis to be cautious. Ibuprofen does knock out pancreas inflammation but it comes with risk. The percentage of deaths due to NSAIDS is relatively low about .02% most likely far lower than that of Tramadol due to more NSAID users than Tramadol users.

        3. Tami

          What? Ibuprofen absolutely IS an NSAID, just like Tylenol. And, it’s the most widely used NSAID. Do you know your meds?

          1. Paula

            Yes ibuprofen aka motrin, advil, etc. is an nsaid (nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug) acetaminophen aka tylenol is not an nsaid………Paula, RN

        4. Jay

          You should read an ibuprofen bottle before you comment! My bottle says (NSAID) on the label


          Ibuprofen IS an NSAID which stands for non steroidal anti inflammatory drug. Tylenol (if taken in large doses is bad on your liver) IS the safest pain killer out there. Moderation is the key. If you need something everyday, you have something underlying going on and need to see your dr. None of these drugs, opiate based or OTC should be taken daily for any long period of time. NSAIDS destroy your stomach ( colitis and other serious stomach problems) Tylenol destroys your liver. Opiates are highly addictive. Tramadol causes seizures as well as a host of other problems. Of the above mentioned, there are no good choices but living in pain in not a choice either. So I guess what it boils down to is each individual deciding which side effect is worth taking one of these meds for. Each to his own I guess. There is no magic pill. All drugs have some type of side effect and each individual’s body can respond differently to all of them.

          1. brenda

            Well said.The most reliable answer I saw so far..

          2. Diamond

            Inconstantpain, thank u,I’ve been on tramadol sense 2012 from back and foot surgery, I knew the side affects n the side affects of other pain pills, I choose tramadol because it’s nowhere near like percacets and OxyContin which is what they wanted me to take, I lost my brother in 2008 from OxyContin and I just lost my baby brother in March of this year to overdose of percacets so I choose tramadol it helps me with my pain, my dr. also sat me down n talk to me about all the pain killers that we’re out there, I think it’s very very important for dr.s to take the time like they use to n talk to there patient about the pros n cons of pain killers n it is the patients decision as to which one they chose, thank u again for ur comment.

        6. Christy

          SD-PN. I regret to inform you that Tylenol is not an NSAID, it is Acetaminophen. Ibuprofen, ie, Advil, Motrin, Anaprox (Naproxen), are all NSAIDs, and are all anti-inflammatory drugs. Call and ask a pharmacist! I have been in the medical field for 35 years, the last 5 in Orthopedics and can tell you this is true!

        7. EMD - CRPS

          SD-PN – Ibuprofen IS an NSAID. Tylenol isn’t. I think you need to learn your medicine. I know as I’m allergic to all NSAIDs

        8. Tracee

          Ibprofin is an nsaid Tylenol is NOT thats why pregnant women can only take Tylenol because nsaids can cause Rye Syndrome in infants!! Google it

        9. Isabella

          Tylenol is not a NSAID, Ibuprofen is. I’m allergic to NSAID’S incld ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin etc. Do you know your drugs?? Do your research before you bash someone else!!!

        10. Sheryl

          Do you know YOUR meds? On the bottle of Ibuprofen I have, it saysON THE BOTTLE IT IS AN NSAID!

        11. Liz

          No Ibuprofen is to a nsaid. Tylenol isnt. I’m allergic to nsaid and I can’t take ibuprofen.

          1. kathy tracy

            my dr gave me xr tramadol today im scared he said its better than perocet

        12. Trixy

          Tylenol is an antipyretic which is use for fevers and a pain. Ibuprofen is an nsaid use for inflammation just like aleve advil. Please know your stuff before calling other idiots. I am a nurse.

          1. susan

            I was in nursing 28 yrs,and I take Tramadol.I have had no side effects for the past 20 yrs.I’ m allergic to everything and this helps me,I guess we all have to choose our own way!

        13. Sarah Jennison

          Tylenol is not an nsaid. Motrin (ibuprofen ) is. Non Steroid Anti Inflammatory Drug. Acetaminophen does not fall under nsaid.

        14. CMS

          Actually, it’s the opposite. Ibuprofen is a NSAID (NON-STEROIDAL ANTI INFLAMMATORY DRUG). Tylenol is not. That’s why it’s not used alone to treat any disease with inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis, pancreatitis, etc)

        15. Janet

          Ibuprofen is an Nsaid talisman not. 6 years to get masters in nursing.

        16. Disturbed

          You’re a darned uneducated idiot. Please research and know your facts before expressing your viewpoint.

        17. Jodie

          Do your research please before posting wrong information. Ibuprofen IS an NSAID. Tylenol is NOT.

      2. Cindy

        As one who has damage of kidneys I could tell you how much ibuprofen / Tylenol I’ve taken, and now how much Kidney function I have left. I’m just one. We never know what these meds are doing to the other organs until the damage is done..

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Cindy – I’m sorry to hear you have damaged kidneys. NSAIDS can and do cause organ damage and death. I agree. ALL drugs can be dangerous. Some are worse than others. Thank you for sharing.

      3. Howard Techau

        NSAIDS actually kill more people than any other class of drugs. In addition many people suffer from the damaging effects of these drugs, kidney failure, liver damage, hemorrhages, etc. Another thing you may not be aware of, which is opioid overdoses are lumped together into the same category as illegal drug overdoses. For example, fentanyl is a fairly cheap drug on the street and it is often substituted for heroin by many drug dealers. Keep in mind that fentanyl is at least 10 times stronger than heroin. When a toxicology report is done on a person who has overdosed on this, they are counted as an overdose from prescription drugs when in fact the person was not a patient, but an illegal user. This happens a great deal. A chronic pain patient rarely becomes addicted to opioid drugs. Statistics show that between 95% – 99% of chronic pain patients do not become addicts. Opioids give many a better quality of life.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Howard – not sure where you get your info especially on the chronic pain patient numbers/% but you should do more research. I can tell you from over 3 years of talking with pancreatitis patients that quite a few become addicted to pain meds. Thanks for sharing your opinion and visiting. 🙂

          1. Chailine Markey

            Sorry Health Guy, there is a huge difference between dependency and addiction. I personally have 4 autoimmune diseases which includes chronic pain. When it comes to chronic illnesses, most NEED pain management. Just as we (the chronically ill) need medications like methetrexate or predisone our pain must be addressed as well. Yes we are dependent on pain meds but also just as dependent on our biologics, steroids, etc. Addiction in chronic pain patients with legitimate, diagnosed illnesses do not suffer as much addiction as you would have folks believe. It is the undiagnosed, those that are suffering pain and Dr’s can no longer provide pain management because they cannot find whats wrong, or find the patient should be healed; these are the folks that end up becoming addicts. They are cut off instead of weaned and at this point labeled a drug seeker. Which they very well may become- unless they are lucky enough to find a Dr. willing to run tests to actually find the problem. It took me 3 years to be diagnosed with Rheumatoid disease, 10 years from time of dx until I finally gave in to pain meds. I was lucky I had a good Dr., but also that I was sero positive for RA factor in my blood work. Many are sero neg.; meaning they need a group of diagnostic tests to determine RA including x-rays, mri and blood work- many Dr’s don’t bother and assume it’s lifestyle choices that are causing symptoms. So these folks suffer for years, changing doctors, meanwhile in severe pain. This isn’t exclusive to RA- most autoimmune diseases are on the rise yet it still can take years for a proper dx and that includes lupus, stills, RA, POTS, Fibro…and even worse diseases like RA can be severe enough to not just cause perm. damage to joints, but also soft tissues and organs- these diseases have had a rise in mortality, yes you can die from these diseases even with treatment. So before you make a blanket statement re: chronic pain diseases and addiction, maybe understand the addiction process and how people with legitimate pain and dx’s get treated like drug-seekers even though it has been well documented that pain meds are necessary.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Chailine – Everybody has their own opinion regarding certain things and you are either right in your opinion or wrong. You happen to be wrong. Dependency is NOT different from addiction and I’ll give you a real easy way to understand that addiction and dependency when talking DRUGS is the same. You yourself mentioned “They are cut off instead of weaned.” If you aren’t addicted (physically or mentally dependent) there is no reason to be weaned. I can take aspirin every day for 6 months and abruptly stop and have ZERO effects. That is NOT possible with Tramadol or any other narcotic drug. Do you understand why? BECAUSE your body has become dependent upon the drug, addicted. A rose by any other name is still a rose! But feel free to believe your own wrong opinion. 🙂

          3. Christy

            Feeling worried now. Have been on tramadol for around ten years for pancreas pain as it’s the only one that works. Should I be stopping it. Advice please thankyou ?

          4. The Health Guy Post author

            Christy – If Tramadol is working for you and it’s the only pain med that does and you’ve never had a problem you’re probably ok. I didn’t write this short post to instill fear, just to make those who suffer from pancreatitis and use it to be aware of possible side effects. IF it were me I’d call my pharmacist and ask him/her about the drug. They know way more than me about possible side effects, interactions with other drugs etc.

          5. Kels. Mom

            I lost my pancreas and spleen to pancreatitis and I have been going to pain management for 4 years now. She says you become dependent on the drugs for relief. But that is different from addiction. She can bring me off them slowly with no side affects. I live in pain every day from the surgery and the pain is from scar tissue. I do not feel well any day of the week but I am alive and I am grateful for the pain relief. I suffered so bad the first year of the pancreas attacks I was hospitalized 8 times in one year. The attacks destroys my pancreas it started destroying the other organs and the spleen was destroyed. In the 3 years I fought the attacks I was in hospital about 15 to 16 times. I wish I had known about this site then. It might have saved me from the last 5 years.

          6. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Kels Mom – I’m sorry to hear you’ve had such a rotten experience. You are way worse off than me (more damaged). I can’t say I know your pain cuz I don’t – oh ya I KNOW the pain but not yours with that amount of damage. There are others who “stalk” this site lol who have similar damage as you. I have a forum too where you can set up a profile, meet others, swap stories, even chat in real time (I think lol). The forum has not caught on yet, only a few members have posted etc. BUT I’m hoping the other couple hundred who have signed up will begin to participate 🙂

        2. Andi

          Howard, a voice of reason! Amen! Chronic pain sufferers will become psychically dependent on opiods after long term treatment but that is a far cry from being an addict. There is a distinct difference, Health Guy. I’m a member of many chronic pain support groups and have suffered chronic pain myself for 23 years. Chronic pain sufferers just want to feel normal, addicts just wants to feel high.
          BTW, do people read these posts? I ask because how many people does it take to tell one person that Ibuprofen is an Nsaid. Still giggling.

          1. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Andi – Yep you and Howard should get together and become best buddies lol. Being physically dependent on a drug isn’t the same as an addiction? What do you think an addiction is exactly? You can be a member of all the support groups you want but that doesn’t make you intelligent, knowledgeable or correct. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

          2. Neal Borenstein

            I just can’t believe food spend all this time writing stuff!
            Just feel good be well and listen to The Health Guy! With all the people this man has helped including myself for anyone to feel it necessary to give this man a hard time should take a look at them themselves in the mirror and ask why?? Why?? Why?? This gentlemen is only good! Only good things! He is a true blessing! In fact if you looked up the word BLESSING in the dictionary his picture should be one of the pictures next to the definition. BTW Paul, Health Guy, thank you for getting all that info to me on the vitamin D. Have got had an episode since I stopped taking it in that large quantity. Now I get it in 5000 unit measures in a capsule open it up and put it right into my Protein Shake every morning!
            Thanks so much for all you do! If u are ever in Arizona please come to my restaurant called Chompies…let me know and I will make sure to take care of you first hand. Thanks Neal

          3. The Health Guy Post author

            Hey Neil! I am glad to hear you are feeling better. 50,000 units of Vitamin D daily is a boatload. I’m sure your doc put you on that amount because you were so low in D but shazam! that was a full toxic load! I am glad to hear 5,000 units is working better and that lowering your Vitamin D dose has stopped your acute pancreatitis attacks. Thank you so much for the kind words. If I am ever back in AZ again I will let you know. Take care and stay well 🙂

      4. Patient.Not.Addict

        NSAIDS CAUSE ULCERS AND GERDS terrible! Tylenol causes 80,000 deaths a yr, far more than anything the lady before me knows or the opioid faked stats even per yr…u know the “big epidemic but where are they” kinda,thing.. Unless you have the addiction gene, you take your opioid pain medication as prescribed less than 2% become addicted (due to said gene) & unless you plan on snorting it or injecting, taking it with alcohol it IS SAFER TO TAKE. WHO IS CORRECT. Propaganda instills fear and poor judgment. I’m sorry your having all these issues. I’m listening to knowledge w/o propaganda myself. Ps. Ultram/Tramadol withdrawal is said to be worse than heroin withdrawal, it’s bad news all the way around.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Let’s face it – Drugs are NOT safe! If big pharma makes it it is gonna make you sick or kill you.

        2. Tracy

          TRAMADOL IS HORRIBLE TO GET OFF OF! WORSE THAN HEROIN! I am living proof! Was absolutely horrible for me

      5. Janet

        I take Tramadol Daily for Chronic Pancreatitis. Are you saying that’s good or bad?

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Janet – all drugs have side effects. Even aspirin will kill a person if enough is taken. Some drugs are worse than others. All this article was intended to do was to let people know that Tramadol has some side effects.

      6. Debra Lockhart

        WORLDWIDE OPIOID FEAR of the 21st century. Now, heroin is included in opioids as many drug addiction reports, programs, clinics and so on do not just say heroin, now it’s opioid or opiates when it’s largely, almost exclusively heroin as the problem and issues of most all addictions, overdoses, and deaths. Opioid was never an issue until the 21st century when it was decided to include heroin in all reports concerning opioid or opiates.

      7. duffy dennis

        Dude, you are dangerous! Stop this crap before someone reports you to the FCC!

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Duffy feel free. If you think writing opinion backed up by scholar articles is dangerous hop to it. By the way the FCC won’t do anything. If you were half as intelligent as you think you are you’d at least know to report me to my state’s AG. Try that too. Nothing there either. Hey I have an idea, why don’t you go do something to yourself that is physically impossible. 🙂

    2. Brenda Allshouse Handley

      I’ve taken Tramadol off and on since the late ’90’s for back pain. I’m taking it now 100 mg. 1 to 2 X a day PRN. I have taken heavy opioids when my back was in worse shape and was bouncing off walls from being doped up. I started seeing a very good chiropractor who helped me to feel better without heavy medication. I’m not advocating chiropractic. It just worked for me. To help my pain at this time, Tramadol continues to work for me. I am not afraid of it due to my long term use and results. It’s too bad that others suffer from it. I still maintain that patients look into further research before deciding to toss it out as an option for pain management.

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Hi Brenda – Thank you for commenting and sharing. You have voiced one of the best comments so far and you make perfect sense. Nothing is perfect, especially when it comes to pain management. Drugs, ALL drugs are dangerous. The pharma industry has a knack for creating drugs that kill more people per year than wars. If they took a completely harmless, natural and necessary vitamin like vitamin C and turned it into a presription drug I am almost certain it would harm or kill people. But again your thoughts and recommendation regarding patients who use Tramadol is spot on. Thanks for visiting 🙂

      2. Tom

        I agree I have been taking it for several years. I need it to get through working and I only take it when I work.. Who writes this nonsense… All meds have the potential to kill anyone as does 95% of the food we ingest daily…

    3. Tracy Thibodeaux

      Christina Carsrud, I too had my gallbladder removed and then suffered from chronic pancreatitis. My gas to enter I logo at later found stones in my common bile duct. After removing them I am fine and pancreatitis is gone. Just thought I would share this information it may help. Good luck

    4. duffy dennis

      I was going to comment on the complete lack of replacement ideas (after saying, “don’t take …”) but I now see how F’d up this goofball is and am happy to have him pretend he is smarter than our stable genious leader, I think they are tied!

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Hey Duffy LOL Nice name! Did you know that low IQ people tend to swear, revile, and try to elevate themselves above others because they feel so inadequate that shame follows them like a continuous stench?

  2. J R

    No author!! If someone is not willing to put their name and reputation on the line, I would be very wary of any thing stated. And, all the misspelled words leads me to believe that the anonymous author is uneducated.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hey JR You must be simply magnificient! A legend in your own mind. And a spelling expert to boot! Hot damn sam! If you don’t like my info don’t read it! And if you are taking Tramadol good luck to you. I usually don’t approve turd comments but in your case I thought I’d make an exception 🙂

  3. bonnie

    ive been taking tranadol for 4 years now for restless legs and its the only thing that works for me i take one pill at bedtime which is 75mg and thats all i take and it doesnt do nothing to me but stop my pain in my knees from OA and stop the legs from hurting and going crazy i got off of it for a year and no side effects then i started it again cuz nothing would stop my legs from being restless i have no problem with it

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Mike – not true.

        Tramadol Hydrochloride Extended-Release is available in 100 mg, 200 mg and 300 mg extended-release capsules.

        100 mg Capsules: White capsule imprinted with blue ink “G 252” on cap and “100” between lines on the body

        200 mg Capsules: White capsule imprinted with violet ink “G 253” on cap and “200” between lines on the body

        300 mg Capsules: White capsule imprinted with red ink “G 254” on cap and “300” between lines on the body

        You can find more about Tramadol here.

    1. susan wilson

      bonnie have you tried Indian Tonic Water for your restless leg syndrome i have and find it really good sometimes just a good drink can sort it long enough for me to get to sleep, has to be INDIAN tonic water, hope it helps,

      1. Nanci Smith

        Susan, I have never heard of Indian tonic water. Where do you buy it? I would be very interested in knowing this. Thanks!

        1. Jammie

          My mom also suffers from RLS. She just uses normal tonic water and mixes it with grape juice or grapefruit juice. It is a stout drink, but has been off all meds for 7 yes.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Mary Ann – THAT is a great question. IF you ever doubt the harm prescriptopn drugs do just ask yourself: “Why would personal injury attorneys, who work on a commission basis (usually 30% of the take), are willing to pay all expenses (including TV ads) etc in order to have an opportunity to win IF there weren’t good cases to litigate?” Then of course there are articles like these (buried but there) that tell the story. I quote: “106000 (76000-137000) had fatal ADRs, making these reactions between the fourth and sixth leading cause of death.” Read the whole study here. I’m thinkin “follow the money.” Drugs are HUGE business.

  4. Beckysue

    I was taken for pancreatis an can no long take cuz know I have seizures all caused from this drug… I try to warn people of this but each to there own

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Beckysue – Sorry to hear you have had problems. Thank you for your comment that may help others avoid a similar occurrence.

      1. James

        Ĺ)I was working when i “blacked out” and fell 14ft from my ladder. I crushed 3 vertebrae, broke 6 ribs (causing a punctured lung) and broke my right shoulder blade. I was out cold for about 30-45 mins before the customer found me and called 911. They brought me to the hospital where they had to do surgery to repair my broken back. I now have 2 rods and 12 screws in my back and attend physical therapy 3 times a week, until i am abIe to return to work. I am very lucky to be alive and not paralyzed. My ladder was still standing up-right when I fell which leads me to believe that the tramadol caused me to have a seizure. My mother was taking tramadol as well when she had a seizure too. Luckily she was at ground level when it happened.

          1. Jenifer Markoe

            I also ended up having a seizure on tramadol. I end up falling and hitting my head on the driveway causing a concussion and had 15 stitches in my scalp. I also had a chronic pain specialist who refused to prescribe Tramadol after several of his patients went into kidney failure. A lot of doctors think that it’s the new pain pill and it’s so safe but like many medications you can have some real problems with it. For some people it works great but I don’t think it’s a real safe drug to take long term.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Jenifer – Thanks for sharing your experience with Tramadol. It doesn’t sound like it was fun. I appreciate your visit and comment. 🙂

  5. Sharleen

    Ive been taking this drug for almost a year now….. i have major low back pain and FAI….. basically chronic pain due to herniated discs and spinal stenosis and severe disc degenerative disease….. been dealing with those issues for 9 years now….. i am only just turned 31…. them had more tests done and found i have FAI…… dont know if anyone knows of tbos condition but it is impingements of the hips… and basically i was born with it and many dont realize they have it till its in the advance stages… went unnoticed for 30 years…. so basically have bone spurs on my hip bone ball joint sockets… cushioning between the joints and bone and have to have surgeries to have the bones shaved down……i am a waitress and have three children my options are limited….. i just know i have to keep moving and my doc….. has me on 168 50mg a month…… i want her to switch to somthimg else but i always get the same answer we dont want you to be addicted to pain pills cause i am so young…if you wede in you 40s or 50s she said she wouldnt mind but what do i do….. need input plz

    1. Barry

      Low dose Norco !! It’s an opiod for pain but you can still function and it’s considered a happy drug for pain because of the serratonin !! Ask your pain management doctor about it !!

  6. Kristy wagner

    I’ve been taking trams since 2008 after a severe car wreck. Lately they just make me sick anymore. They have me on 8 tablets daily 50 mg each. However I started having seizes and my anxiety is through the roof. So now I am taking 3 tablets a day and am slowly decreasing them ?? I might have a gastro problem too. My stomach is emptying slow. Thank you for this article

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Kristy – sorry to hear you have had some rough times. It sounds like you are still having rough times. I hope you are able to feel healthier soon. Thank you for commenting 🙂

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Valerie – No I am not saying Tramadol causes inflammation. Tramadol causes a ton of problems including addiction, seizures and death.

  7. mariah martinez

    I got this prescribed for a gunshot wound a week ago. But I haven’t taken it. And after reading this I don’t think I will. Its painful but bearable. So I don’t think I need it anyways.

  8. linda

    I am stage 4 cancer and doing well when I did have a problem they gave me oxys and stomache meds and meds for constipation. after seeing 3 different doctors, one finally listened to me when I told her that the narcotics left me hung over for 20 hrs, and I was taking half of the lowest dose. after hearing me she prescribed tramadol and it was a godsend for me. I am no longer needing it but for 3 weeks it left me in a functional state until I recovered and no longer needed it. on top of the cancer I had a bout with sciatica that was really bad thus the pain meds.

  9. william keever

    My Dr. Put me on Tramadol for lower back and leg pain. 1 pill at bedtime but each time I take it my Stomach hurts like a Fury. I can’t handle the abdominal pain. It keeps me up all night and then I’m half dead all day.

    1. mark

      You have to eat before of when you take it. Try that. I have the same problem and eating helps. I’ve been on it for over two years and it’s not the wonder drug that doctors claim. Dont ever just stop taking it. I find if you replace it with a norco for a few days it helps to control my body from needing more to control the pain. That’s my biggest problem with this medication. After taking it for a long period of time it required me to take more to control pain which increases the side effects. Ive never had a seizure or anything close just alot of anxiety.

  10. Kerry Botbyl-Bryan

    My doctor prescribed Tramadol for me for nerve damage pain, i am 58 years old and after reafing this about the Tramadol i feel i no longer want to take tj..

    1. Barry

      Talk to your pain management Doctor about Norco for pain !! They have it in low dose , and different strengths as needed !!

  11. Glenda Redmon

    I am shocked to hear this! I have fibromalgia and have taken Tramadol for over 10 years thinking it was safe! Now what do I do for my pain?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Glenda – I don’t know. It depends upon risk versus benefit. You could always do your own research to determine whether or not Tramadol is right for you. And research other pain relief options. You may want to consult with your doctor as well.

  12. Stayingpositive

    I have been on tramadol for 15 years for fibromyalgia, recently diagnosed with RSD, hyperacusis, paroneal tendinitis, migraines and questioning lupus now. For the last 3 months I’ve been getting 240 tramadol of 50mg a month. This was not my dose for the past 15 years but I took myself off the percs and no doctors would help me do that. This article and others I have read truly concerns me. But at the same time, what does a true chronically ill, pain patient do when I don’t want narcotics, tramadol is apparently dangerous, there aren’t many options.. ……

    1. Tiffany

      I’ve been on it for 16 yrs. I get deathly sick without it. I’m 41 and so need off these
      I don’t recommend ultrams to anyone

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Hi Tiffany – sounds like you will need guidance from a doctor to help you ween off the Tramadol. Thank you for your visit and comment. I wish you better days. 🙂

  13. Audrey Odie Hutchinson

    Oh my glob people put down the pills and pick up the medical marijuana !!! You are killing your livers and brains !!! Take something natural !!! Don’t even at all try to say anything negative about my reply. Instead educate yourself on better healthier forms of medicine ✌?and btw holy shit Christina if you had to stop taking that stuff tmro no choice I hope you realize you would die with in 72 hours…….. Your body will shut right down !!

    1. jenn

      That is dumb marijuana kills brain cells and you act stupid nor do you function right so ya let smoke weed cause it’s so much better….

  14. Redjem3

    I have taken this for 2 yrs now for Fibromyaliga, the only side effect I have noticed is painfully slow bowels. I was taking 100 Mg 3 times a day, but I chose to wheen myself off 1 dose for now hopefully another dose after reading this. I also take Naproxin and Gabapenten both 2 times a day. I have been prescribed Prilosec for acid, which I’m not sure if has increased due to meds or just our GMO foods we are fed. Trying to get off it as well, I went to every other day. (Ever wonder why sooo many are suffering from acid reflux? And Fibromyaliga?) I’m not sure what the alternative medication is now for my pain. I do have medical marijuana, but it renders me useless in the day, most helpful at night for pain and sleeplessness. The rich corporate world loooves to feed us pills to make the big bucks, with no regard what so ever to our “health”. With helpful info like this we need to make better choices for ourselves since no one else will or can… Best of health to you all
    ✌& ?

  15. GINA

    Everything in moderation. Every medication you take has possible side effects. You need to find a drug that helps you with the least amount of side effects. You should always check the side effects, dosages, and interactions with other drugs, foods and medical conditions. I believe this is a limited article, but it also obviously informs those without enough ambition to explore this drug on their own. I have chronic illness and have used Tramadol for approximately 12 years; however, I do not use it or any otc on a regular basis as they ALL damage your body to some degree. Be sure to use your brain…it’s your most valuable body part.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Gina – yes, you are correct. Prescription drugs do have side effects. This article is limited in scope. You have voiced one of the best comments so far and you make perfect sense. Nothing is perfect, especially when it comes to pain management. Drugs, ALL drugs are dangerous. The pharma industry has a knack for creating drugs that kill more people per year than wars. If they took a completely harmless, natural and necessary vitamin like vitamin C and turned it into a presription drug I am almost certain it would harm or kill people. But again your thoughts and recommendation regarding patients who use Tramadol is spot on. Thanks for visiting 🙂

  16. Thomas Freeman

    My dr gave me trammodol for osteoarthritis pain in my lower back. I’m also insulin dependent diabetic. Pancreatitis concerns me. What other pain reliever should I ask himabout taking instead of trammodol?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Thomas – Thanks for commenting and sharing. I have pancreatitis and you certainly don’t want it so I understand your concern since Diabetes increases the risk. Many people, who have been damaged by pancreatitis become insulin dependant. Praise God I haven’t yet had that much damage but it could happen and becoming insulin depedant concerns me. I’d really prefer that never happens. So I emathize. In regards to a substitute for arthritis pain I know many people use NSAIDS like Ibuprofen which I use to stop the inflammation of acute pancreatitis. It works in fairly large doses but NSAIDS, like Ibuprofen, are NOT safe either. They can cause spikes in blood pressure and even heart attack. It’s risk versus benefit. BUT there may be a solution you could try which is curcumin. Curcumin is non-toxic. In larger doses it works as well as NSAIDS, relieving pain due to inflammation. It is extremely helpful in eliminating the inflammation and that is why it works for pancreatitis. Grape seed extract does much the same thing and is also non-toxic. I, personally, prefer grape seed over curcumin for pancreatitis but curcumin may be better for arthritis. Both can cause digestive discomfort in those who use them in larger doses but neither has killed anyone to my knowledge.

      Fish oil has also been known to help relieve arthritis pain. Yeah I know that sounds weird but I know it works for my mom and others. A combination of fish oil and curcumin may work nicely and neither are toxic or kill people. It’s just a thought. I’m not a doctor. I just do a lot of reseach type reading lol 🙂

      Do NOT just stop taking Tramadol. It’s addictive and if you have taken it for sometime you may need to titrate off the drug. Check with your doctor for advice about a different drug for substitution and/or weening off of Tramadol. Good luck!

  17. Diane Murphy

    I have been taking Tramadol for about 10 years. My doctor gave it to me to control the pain from the diabetic neuropathy in my feet. I don’t abuse it and I do feel that is it probably detrimental to a lot of people. I will pass this on to my daughter because she has pancreatitis and she was to my knowledge taking Tramadol. I don’t feel that the person who kept saying retard was very smart it just kind of showed his ignorance or her ignorance. Plus it was rude and disrespectful.

  18. Sara

    I been on tramadol for 5 years , for arthritis, pain ,should I stop taking them. .? And how ?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Sara – I can’t answer your question because I am NOT a doctor. I’m just a messenger lol. If it were me I’d do some research on Tramadol and have a heart-to-heart with your doctor. You can find some info here about Tramadol to start your research. Good luck. P.S. after taking Tramadol for 5 years DO NOT just stop taking it! You’ll need a doctor’s supervision.

    2. Barbra

      The detox is horrible. You have horrible restless leg, crawling of the skin, headaches, muscle spasms, the feeling of wanting to punch something, sleepless nights, mood swings. When I detoxed, i had just ran out so i had no choice, and my doctor moved out of the country. But if i were you i woukd do it slowly. Say if you take four a day,start by decreasing it by a half a day.. maybe see if your doctor can give you something to help you detox off of it. Cause quitting cold turkey is one of the most difficult experiences I ever went through.

  19. Nicola Armstrong

    I was on tramadol for years for lower bk pain…I slowly built them up and became highly dependant on them…when I realised how many I was taking in a day I stopped them completely WOULD NOT RECOMMEND WITHOUT GP ATTENTION! !!!@ i went quickly into withdrawl and had to cold turkey off them the withdrawl symptoms were the same as if detoxing from heroin it was a living nightmare…. gladhen to say I’m free ov them now but wouldn’t recommend them for anyone for anything…. HATE the drug with a passion xxxx

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Nicola – Thank you for sharing and commenting regarding your experience with Tramadol. I appreciate your visit 🙂

  20. Michael

    I have been taking Tramadol for many years. I so far as I know have no side effects that I know of. I am supposed to take it every 6 hours for pain. 100 mg at a time. I normally only take it in the morning and at night. 100mg at a time. I take it for leg pain, muscle twitches, and back pain. I have these issues from a genetic neuropathy like MS or Parkins.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Michael – Thank you for taking the time to share and comment on your experience with Tramadol. Thank you for visiting 🙂

  21. Evelyn Boone

    Wow now this has me concerned and wondering. My daughter at age of 25 passed away unexpectedly in Jan due to a seizure. Autopsy showed lesions approximate 3ml long on left side of brain. She has been on Tramadol for many years off and on (more on than off) for lower back and pain after gall bladder removal. Could this medication lead to her death in any way? Could it of caused her seizure?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Evelyn – I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter. Tramadol can induce seizures. It can also cause death. I am NOT a doctor nor an authority on Tramadol. Here is where you can get more info to start some of your own research. You may want to really dig in and find out answers to your questions. Good luck and again, I’m sorry for your loss.

  22. Ashley Brown

    I have been on tramadol since I was 19 (I’m now 27) yea it is very addictive and the withdrawal is terrible and can even be fatal. However if you take it in moderation and as prescribed you will be fine. It also lowers blood sugar another side affect that has just been discovered. Tramadol like any other pain medication comes with pros and cons. My best advice is to talk to care provider to make sure this medication is right for you. Personally it has helped me more than other pain meds I have been prescribed in the past. Medication works different on different people. You just have to find what works for you best.

  23. Cr

    I was prescribed tramadol and doctor switched me to norco after a week as the tramadol caused severe migraines and a lot of throwing up and made my breathing a lot slower. Took norco for almost 2 months and now my doctor has switched me to zofran and fiorinal. I’m afraid to take the fiorinal after finding out more about it.

  24. kathy clutter

    I was prescribed this once for pain from shingles. It was a nightmare. Told to take only half now, I do believe .50 and the other when I got home. Dam near didn’t make it home, 20miles. Got home ,heart racinn,,sweating, shaking and passed out on my couch! Half a dose! Good thing my son who was a cna was there and saw the whole thing happen. Will never take again!

  25. Yvonne Richey

    I had been on Tramadol,for almost year for the pain with Rheumatoid Arthritis, I had 1 episode in 2014 where I had a fixed eye set and my let hand and arm was shaking hard and fast, I could not speak nor move. It lasted about 45 minutes… then in August 2015 I had another episode this time I was at my sisters home and she is a registered nurse/ with masters … She and I were sitting on the sofa chatting and I remember thinking what is she saying and then I had the eye set once again, not being able to communicate, paramedics were called this time . I had no control over my body my pupils were fixed water flowing from eyes… b/p was high and Med-flight was called and I was transferred to a trauma hospital and was in hospital for 3 days ..all kind of test ran and nothing could be found wrong… the conclusion was the Tramadol…stopped them and have had no problems since..Bad medicine..but my thought process is not as quick, my motor skills are slower…my quality of life has decline progressively…

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Yvonne – I’m sorry to hear you have had rough times. Thank you for sharing your Tramadol experience for it may help someone else. I appreciate your visit and comment. Thank you 🙂

  26. Nichole

    I have used tramadol almost 6 years due to back pain and I must say it’s the only medication I’ve been prescribed that doesn’t make me feel like a zombie or make me feel sick. It helps, I’m also an avid user or ibuprofen, tylenol and those both are also said to cause liver disease.. everything is bad for you so in my opinion if it works for you stick with it and maybe drs can suggest to elderly to not take it since it seems to solely affect them.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Nichole – Thank you for sharing your Tramadol experience. I agree prescription and OTC drugs simply aren’t safe yet do provide benefit in many.

  27. Christine Galindo

    I don’t usually like adding my two cents in, but someone asked why Dr’s prescribe meds if they are harmful and bad.

    I hate to say this but a teacher of mine (a retired Dr.) once told out our class that Dr’s are basically doing the lets try this and see if it helps. Not all people respond the same way to meds and it usually takes a few tries to get something that helps. Not all people are the textbok case. And ailments are not alike in everyone. So in a way it can be a guessing game.

    As far as the meds they (in my opinion) are usually marketed after a trial period of a control group of “x” amount on people on real drug some on a non medicated pill. Then distributed to pharmacy’s and Dr’s given x amount of perks to push said medication. (That I’m not sure is true as I said in my opinion).

    I have taken Tramadol for cronic knee and ankle pain. It helps aleiviate some pain not all. I have noticed the more active I am the more the muscles seem to help take pressure of my joints. It didn’t hurt less I think just being active helps keep me from dwelling on the pain.

    As all medications they should be temporary and as needed (prn) and not a miracle drug to take on the onset of any discomfort. But as all things are they can be habit formin, and most have side effects that are not that great either. So be careful.

  28. Elizabeth Colby

    I can’t take tramadol gives me irregular heartbeat and hives shortness of breath etc. But for some reason I can take norco , I have two herniated discs five bulged discs in neck/back scoliosis and fybromyalga and I’m 26

  29. Howard Smith

    One must remember that everyone is not the same when it comes to eating, drinking, and taking medications. This drug has helped millions of people. It has also helped me when nothing else did and I am grateful that after 5 years of pain I have something that I can take that will knock it back when needed. With that being said, NSAIDS nor Tylenol do not agree with me nor do they work with my body chemistry and therefore I can’t take them. Any drug or substance is dangerous if the person can’t tolerate it. Please get the facts correct before presenting them in a bad light. Not all things are as they seem.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi again Howard – my facts are correct. Tramadol is NOT as safe as people are led to believe. It causes seizures. It causes serotonin syndrome. It’s addictive and it causes death. Those are the facts. If you wish to keep disputing the facts take it up with someone who cares. I am simply a messenger to those suffering with pancreatitis, who definitely do NOT need another situation or two that could cause them to become sicker than they already are or put them in the ground because they did not have all the information. Maybe you pop any pill some drug company makes or a white coat tells you take. There are others who would like to know the actual risk versus benefit should they decide to take the drug Tramadol. I’m glad it works for you. I hope it continues to work for you but there are others, BESIDES you, who have commented on this exact post, who have shared stories that are not as pretty as yours! Does everyone who takes Tramadol die? NO! Does everyone who uses NSAIDs die or have unpleasant side effects? NO. I don’t and I’ve used NSAIDs for years. I think most intelligent people “get it” in regards to various drugs reacting with people in different ways. So give it a rest dude and have a nice day! 🙂

  30. Prairie Kittin

    I was prescribed tramadol for pain. My daughter was also prescribed it for pain. We both got addicted. The withdrawals are absolute hell! Once you are on this stuff, it’s extremely difficult to get off it. I managed to kick it. I don’t know if my daughter ever got off it or not. Her doctor told her, “Either take the tramadol or suffer through the withdrawal. There’s nothing we can do.”

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Prairie Kittin – Sorry to hear you are another person with a less than favorable experience with Tramadol. Thank you for commenting and sharing your experience.

  31. Teresa Meeks

    Tramadol is deadly and highly addictive. I know people struggling to get off of it.

    1. Tammy

      Any pain medication can be addictive. That is why it is important to take it as prescribed and control use of it. It is people allowing themselves to get addicted. I have never allowed myself to be dependant on it.

  32. Brenda W

    I have chronic pancreas for years many things tried. I am taking dilaudid 2 mg for pain I don’t care for but I get into horrible pain Help what should I take …….

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Brenda – I think you already found the post that shares what I do whenever I have a problem. I’ll answer more of your questions about chronic pancreatitis, pain relief etc in my reply to your other comment. Thanks for visiting. 🙂

      1. Tracy

        I take 4 ibuprofen every night before bed.
        It helps me relax and get a better nights sleep.
        Is that dangerous for me to do that ?
        I am 6ft 4in and weigh 250.
        I do manual labor every day.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Tracy – Four 200 mg tabs is a healthy dose of Ibuprofen. If you don’t have health issues that would warrant Ibuprofen I’d steer clear of it. I personally only use it when I absolutely need it. Ibuprofen along with other NSAIDS in it’s class can cause high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, bleeding and kidney failure. Aspirin is also an NSAID BUT it is in a totally differnet class and somewhat safer. ALL drugs can be dangerous. Even aspirin has been known to cause death. Again IF you do not have a health issue that would warrant the usage of Ibuprofen find another way to relax – like meditation. Meditation won’t harm or possibly kill you. 🙂

  33. Sandy

    Actually what causes the serotonin syndrome is if you take it WITH certain antidepressants. They react against each other—I’m an RN of 30 years and take Trammadol, I had a serotonin reaction when my dr prescribed an antidepressant with it. It was not a pleasant experience. I researched it and discovered there are warnings not to take them together. I still take Trammadol with out problems

  34. Tammy

    I have been using Tramadol for close to 4 years for fibromyalgia and arthritis. Nothing over the counter works for me.I have a lot more pain when its cold and less when its warm. I only take the Tramadol when needed. It works great for my pain. The only problem I had with it was taking it on empty stomache..It made me nauseous and threw up. So now,I always take it with some kind of food. All drugs give some kind of side effect and it all effects people differently. And I have heard that long term use of Tylenol,Ibuprofen,ect..can cause organ damage. I would gather as much information as possible for any meds that needs to be taken long term.

  35. Darla Burbank

    I happened across this article while looking for advice on how I treat my Cambridge V Chronic Pancreatitis due to pancreas divisium. I was diagnosed in February this year. And if I hadn’t had acute pancreas attack back in September of 2015 due to exasperation of my condition from a year of stress taking care of a bedridden family member, I might not have caught it until it was too late. My pancreas has calcified and I am being put through stents and painful injections from a pain management doctor. Plus a therapist they want me to see , and primary for other health issues that I now know are from this pancreas issues not being treated before now. I’ve had cardiac arrest for no reason, respiratory failure several times for no reason, kidneys injured, spotted liver, tachycardia with two heart ablations’ to correct a rapid heart rate. Calcium build up in my arteries because of high triglycerides in blood. Caused femoral artery clot, and I have had two by pass surgeries on that. I’m on Creon,,ranitidine ,probiotic, miralax, buspirone,, losartan,, and percocet. I have to see 4 doctors now and it’s exhausted me physically and financially. I need help to know what doctors are necessary or not necessary. And medications that I should take or shouldn’t, and these procedures with stents, they went in to take them out and I thought the doctor said he did and I was draining good so another one wasn’t needed right then, so I get the surgical procedures report in the mail and learn that the stents had dislodged and longer visible, do they come out naturally without harming your insides’? Do you have any knowledge about the spinal injections to the pancreas? I didn’t let them give me tramadol after watching my daughter go through complete hell trying to get it out of her system. She started having seizures and mentally depressed, at one point I had to rush her to the hospital because her face distorted like she had a stroke. She is still suffering from the effects of this medicine and it’s been two months now that she went off of it. My husband has been taking it for ten years and now that he’s read this he’s scared because he’s had problems and he takes Prozac with it. He has severe depression and anxiety now since taking the Prozac with it. My daughter and husband need to get checked by their docs. Sorry I laid all this on you at once! I’m overwhelmed and this is my first contact with anyone who knows about my health problems.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Darla – No need to apologize. I understand your concerns. The problem is I’m not a doctor and although I have some knowledge about pancreatitis I don’t have the expertise in pancreas divisum to answer your questions. So I’m the one who is in need of apologizing. I wish I could be more help.

  36. tonja armstrong

    Every time I turn around there is some lawsuit or some concern raised about pharmaceuticals. Well, all the ppl who are raising concerns or questions ….. Dont yall think its about time to research herbal treatments ? Plants were puton this earth to use and they are way less espensive.

    1. Peppus Bennus

      Plenty of herbs have made their way into mainstream medicine. At that point, they get called “medicine”.

  37. Michelle

    I have been taking Tramadol off n on for the past 20 yrs. about 4 yrs. ago started taking on a reg. basis. I have very high blood pressure,ahxiety,manic,diabetic n in the last 4 yrs. have had 4 bad seziures. ur message makes me question things. ty

  38. tap082gym117

    The ONLY safe alternative is medical Cannabis. Never been ONE reported case of death from overdose, and the side effects aren’t really all that bad. There are a LOT of drugs you can’t drive while taking, what is one more, so long as it works?
    My girlfriend takes 13 pills a day, including tramadol. 6 of them, are for the neuropathy, and pain. The other 7 are for the side effects of the 6 that just barely do anything.

  39. Hugh Jardonn

    If you don’t know the difference between the words “affecting” and “effecting” then I have cause to wonder about your accuracy in what you write about.

      1. Patrick

        I think we need to be careful dispensing more advice than we are qualified to give. For those who are curious, tramadol is unique among opioid agonists in that it also inhibits the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine (SNRI), which produces a higher concentration of these neurotransmitters in the synapse. This enhances it’s pain relieving action, and is what can make this drug cause serotonin syndrome when it’s either taken at too high of a dose or you take it along with an SSRI (a certain class of antidepressants). We don’t know for sure, but I imagine the fact that it’s an opioid agonist as well as an SNRI contributes to the severe withdrawal symptoms when you don’t properly wean yourself off this medication.

        Compared to other drugs in it’s class, tramadol is safe. Opioid agonists all carry the risk of side effects, dependency and/or addiction.

        It has to be said that the fact that you equivocate dependency with addiction immediately tells me that you aren’t qualified to talk in an informed way about this subject. Virtually all medical associations and clinical practitioners distinguish between the two. Addiction is compulsive drug use DESPITE harmful consequences in terms of work or social life, while dependency is the body either adjusting to the medication and needing a higher dose to achieve the desired effect or experiencing withdrawal symptoms upon sudden discontinuation of a drug. Chronic pain patients, patients who take antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and really any CNS-acting drug has the potential to experience some form of withdrawal upon sudden cessation of the drug. We wouldn’t call these people addicts, unless you want to redefine the term entirely or render it meaningless. Of course their body will habituate to the presence of the drug.

        Don’t believe everything you read online. That’s the takeaway here.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Dear Patrick – I know you are probably an educated man, maybe even one of those white coats who let me suffer for years with undiagnosed celiac disease and then when it manifested as acute pancreatitis couldn’t figure that out either. I really enjoyed reading your comment. It actually sounded like you might know what you were talking about until you mentioned there’s a difference between dependency and addiction. Maybe in white coat kingdoms but according to the dictionary they are synonyms. IF you do not know what a synonym is – A synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language. Words that are synonyms are said to be synonymous, and the state of being a synonym is called synonymy. The word comes from Ancient Greek syn (σύν) (“with”) and onoma (ὄνομα) (“name”). Now go to your dictionary and learn. Oh and if you use an online dictionary it most likely isn’t correct because those who published it may not have the qualifications. Anyway – you have a glorious day Patrick and please waste your time somewhere else. 🙂

          1. Patrick

            I don’t think it serves anyone to be pedantic, but just an FYI, there are two things to consider in deciphering the meaning of a word, the dictionary definition, and connotation. Anyone who has studied language closely, or lived life and paid attention, probably knows this, including you.

            You tell me if this makes sense to you. A patient with lupus may be given prednisone (a glucocorticoid) if their platelet count is low, or if they have a flare up. After use at a certain dose for a certain period of time, some glucocorticoids will shut down the body’s own production of endogenous glucocorticoids. Withdrawal symptoms will certainly be experienced upon discontinuation of the drug. Is this person an addict? Do you think it’s a useful clinical distinction to create a separate category of dependence that entails harmful or destructive use of a drug in ways that harm one’s physical, social or emotional well-being? This is the basis for the distinction between dependence and addiction. The prednisone user should not be conflated with the opiate user who seeks a high, often at his/her own peril. Does that make sense?

            I am sorry that happened (with celiac disease and pancreatitis). I am not a doctor, but a pharmacist. And oddly enough, I think many medications should be avoided unless it’s absolutely necessary to take them, including opioids. Anytime you start messing around with natural processes in the body, inhibiting this or that enzyme, increasing the concentration of this neuromodulator, even in well-studied drugs, the long-term effects can frankly be unpredictable and highly individualized. A simple polymorphism (change in the structure of) one of the common enzymes by which many drugs are metabolized can turn someone’s cure into another’s poison.

            Some doctors are genuinely narcissistic, selfish assholes who got into medicine for self-glorification or money. Some mean well, but due to the state of our health care system can’t provide the level of care they want to. I am just as fed up as many of you are with the behavior of Big Pharma and with our health care system in general.

            I think the dangers of opioids in general and tramadol in particular should be discussed more openly with patients. Many patients aren’t educated on the side effects of drugs that many deem safe, but carry certain risks. Singulair is a good example. It is viewed as extremely safe by most providers, but it carries some degree of risk for suicidal ideation. This is almost never communicated to patients, and this drug is often given to kids and teenagers.

            But you have to admit it may not be helpful to sound the alarm quite as strongly as you did. I think it makes sense to let people know that just because a drug is routinely prescribed and often carelessly dispensed doesn’t mean it’s totally harmless. But to be an alarmist and overexaggerate the dangers may just serve to dissuade someone from taking it whose improved quality of life justifies any potential risks from taking tramadol. It may lead to stigmatizing those people as addicts.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Ok Patrick – I’ll concede. What you say is true in regards to certain medications. Someone certainly doesn’t aim to use prednisone, clonidine, metoprolol and various other drugs to achieve a high yet long-term use deems the patient needs to be titrated when coming off to avoid unwanted side effects. So like I said, I’ll concede since you made a valid point. I apologize for being abrupt, even rude. You’re obviously a nice guy. Yet here’s the thing …

            This post has gotten a ton of attention from people it was never even written for. I was addressing pancreatitis patients. I don’t blog about common back pain, spinal injury, fibromyalgia or a myriad of other conditions that create the potential need for pain management. I blog about MY experiences with acute and chronic pancreatitis. I blog for those people who are like me. I share what I did to beat pancreatitis and live pain free. In regards to qualifications …

            Everyone who reads my blog knows I am NOT a doctor. Everyone knows that if they decide to copy what I do they do it at their own risk. The interesting thing is this. Many who do follow or copy what I did and do, get well. So what right? Many of those folks (read the comments on various posts) were suffering. Their doctors did nothing, or very little. Their doctors didn’t and don’t know how to actually stop an acute attack. Or how to get and keep their patients well. All doctors know is NPO, hydrate and medicate with opiates. They do NOTHING, excepth NPO, that addresses the inflammation. They let the pancreatic enzymes continue to devour the pancreas until the inflammation subsides or gets worse. Unless the patient suffers severe acute with infected necrosis and organ failure they don’t seem to be much help. They have no clue about diet. I could go on and on.

            Patrick, as far as being an “alarmist or overexaggerate the dangers” these people who are inducted into the pancreatitis hall of pain don’t need more problems! They don’t need serotonin syndrome. They don’t need seizures. One doctor who “gets it” describes pancreatitis pain as the most horrific pain one could imagine. Worse than cancer etc. Pain is our reality. Pain and puking. Sometimes puking so much you swear you just saw your toenails in the toilet bowl. So …

            We don’t need more problems caused by big pharma drugs. Yet some pancreatitis patients who suffer due to being filleted like a fish (whipple, pestow, resection even debridement etc) have a real NEED for potent pain meds. And they do become dependent, addicted. No – They aren’t like common street addicts looking for their next fix but they do become addicted to opiates because they just need something to help them bear the pain. I KNOW their pain. Thanks to “qualified white coats” I suffered dozens of mild and moderate attacks before I found a doctor who could diagnose with any competence. Now I have to contend with CP (chronic pancreatitis). Couple that with the fact I was born a celiac, had celiac symptoms ever since I was a kid and my doctor, who never could figure out why I was sick, decided I was a hypochondriac and told my parents the same and … Because of his incompetence I also became a victim of pancreatitis – I have very little faith or use for the medical profession. Think of it this way …

            Pancreatic cancer can be one of the most painful if not the most painful cancer. Why? Because pancreatic cancer causes acute pancreatitis! Anyway …

            I’m tired. I’m done with this. Thanks for your comment.

  40. Teresa

    I’ve been on tramadol for 15 yrs or better and it’s very addicting and for those who say if you take it as prescribed you won’t get addicted I know better. I take 50 mg 3 times a day. I’ve had back surgery 3 times. After reading all about this drug I’m trying to slowly cut down till I can come off it if it takes 6 months. As far as the ibuprofen , my brother in law took 16 a day and nearly died with bleeding ulsers. It’s rough to live with pain everyday of your life!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Teresa – thank you for sharing your Tramadol experience. 16 Ibuprofen a day is a LOT of Ibuprofen! That’s 3200 mgs (16 x 200 mg tabs). That is the UPPER dose limit and NOT safe.

  41. Connie L

    Husband has been on Tramadol for years to maintain pain of psoratic arthritis….zero problems thus far. He has weened off of it several times and can barely function physically without it due to pain from arthritis

  42. Patrick

    The Health Guy, I’m not one of those who think doctors or pharmacists have a monopoly on medical knowledge. In all probability, you know more than I and many doctors about managing pancreatitis through diet. I get frustrated as well that doctor’s tend to focus on pharmacotherapy to the exclusion of other interventions, like diet. I think that’s a symptom of a larger failure of our health care system in general, which is driven by profit and the need to see more patients per hour.

    I only ask for measured criticism. I am critical of Big Pharma, but I also recognize that not all drugs are bad or poisonous. We have some truly miraculous pharmaceutical interventions that save lives. Back in the 1970s – 1980s, pharmaceutical companies were run by researchers and scientists, and their outlook was very different. Did you know most pharmaceutical companies back then were against advertising drugs to the public? Can you imagine that now?? Everything changed once the bean counters (business and finance professionals) took over running these companies. They are disconnected from the real business and the primary aim is to make money. This has happened across multiple industries in the U.S., and is very unfortunate.

    Anyway, I only worry about the warnings being too strong. It is true Tramadol can be dangerous, but if taken at the prescribed dose without concomitant use of drugs that increase levels of serotonin or norepinephrine at the synapse, it is usually safe. I still wouldn’t take it flippantly, but many on this forum are clearly benefiting from this drug in ways that outweigh any potential risk.

    Hope things work out for those suffering from pancreatitis. I worked in an ER for awhile, and those who came in with it really suffered with overwhelming pain. I think people like you are a valuable resource to fill the gaps left by busy and hurried doctors who only prescribe drugs and don’t really try to mitigate the problem through diet or lifestyle changes.

  43. Wendy

    Would tramadol show up in the blood stream as a narcotic????

  44. Ina

    Ok now. I need to clear something up here. Tramadol is not a synthetic opioid. I am allergic to both natural AND synthetic opioids and they WILL kill me if I take them. Tramadol is the ONLY scrip pain med that I can take without a reaction. Do you really think my doctors would prescribe me something that will kill me?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Ina you are wrong. Tramadol IS a synthetic opioid. LOOK IT UP. Learn before you speak. And in regards to “Do you really think my doctors would prescribe me something that will kill me?” I let this NIH article answer that for you. Read this if you dare.

  45. Ina

    Ok. So after re-reading all of the tramadol info out there, tramadol is a narcotic in the same category as an opioid but is not a synthetic opioid. You can ONLY get three different doses; .5 mcg, 25 mcg, and 100 mcg but itbis recommended to not take more than 400 mcg a day. Tramadol does have many extremely scary side affects and it is best NOT to take it with other prescription meds, alcohol, or even OTC meds of any kind with tramadol, ibuprofin and Tylenol are fine in small doses once in a while. While tramadol, just like any other prescription pains meds, is addictive. But if used properly as prescribed, a person can safely take tramadol on a daily basis. I will say this though. Scaring people unnecessarily about POSSIBLE side affects and making then think that thpse side affects WILL happen is not responsible as no doctor would not prescribe if the side affects outweighed the benefit of the drug to the person taking it

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      I guess these guys are wrong cuz they say it is a synthetic and binds to opioids receptors. Read here. It is good to see that you have done SOME research; increasing your knowledge is a good thing.

  46. Janet McColley-Franklin

    So far Tramadol hasn’t had any side effects and I’ve been on it for 2 yrs or more. Tylenol on the other hand made my liver enzymes high to where they were going to do a biopsy. No doctor told me it was from the Tylenol Drugs, no matter what you take has side effects, they may have bad side effects for some people but not others. I take it for arthitis pain and fibromyalgia.

  47. Drea

    I had kidney stones twice and to me that was far worse than what I went through when I had my kids. I would never wish kidney stones on anyone, but the second time I had to go in for them, the Dr gave me Tramadol to take home for comfort. I have never been so thankful for painkillers till then. Never had I heard of it or ever knew it existed. Any other time Drs would always give me codeine for other times i had pain for other situations and i would never end up filling it. I rarely to never take pain killers but the two times ive tried codeine because i was in severe pain, i refused to use it after. It makes me so sick. But Tramadol (For me at least) give me no problems what so ever and ive only needed to use it maybe for two days. The day I got out of the ER and the day after and Im done.

    I recently ended up with severe Strep Throat, or thats why the Dr’s think it is visually but at this point i think it was something else which is leading into pancreatitis. I can eat maybe 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes and a Jello cup but it takes me about 3 hours to eat it. I get sharp shooting pain into my chest (literally end up leaning forward grabbing my chest), left rib cage and my back (shoulder blade region). I am hoping to get that checked into next week.

    I just wanted to say that I have had no issues with this medicine though the times I used it were short. An ex of mine, his father had damaged his shoulder and a Dr gave it to him. He drinks like a viking and has never lived a very healthy life and he use it for maybe a month and gave up drinking during the time. He decided not to use anymore out of fear of becoming addiction because he decided to look into the effects that “could” happen with this drug. There is risk with any medicines whether small side effects or not, but not everyone’s body is the same. “No one is the same” and with that being said this page that I ran across sounds more like fear mongering to me. Someone could drink far too much water and die. Abuse of any drug can cause someone to die or become severely ill. There is so much about the body that Dr’s do not know about. The world is still far behind in many things medically. There is no way a Dr can draw blood and get a whole listing of what all mediation is meant for one person and not for another. Living in general has it’s risks.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Drea – fear mongering? Really? It’s an absolute fact (according to research from NIH) that prescription meds KILL over 100,000 people per year in the USA. We lost 58,000+ in Vietnam, a war that lasted 10 years! So when it comes to prescription drugs I don’t consider warning people of possible danger fear mongering. Yet, we all have our own opinions. Anyway … much of what you have said is true. I’ll give you that. Thanks for visiting 🙂

  48. paulstanway

    Hi Health Guy. I guess most people take opiates for pain relief. Understandable, but they should be used as an absolute last resort – tramadol is very addictive and, in my experience, doesn’t even work that well for pancreatitis pain. Have you discovered capsaicin cream? I found out about it fairly recently for pancreatitis and its been VERY effective – like, stupidly, unrealistically so. I’m pretty sure it reduces inflammation as well.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hey paulstanway – yes capsacian (cayenne pepper) is extremely anti-inflammatory. It reduces inflammation and is used in creams to help those who suffer from arthritis. I’ve never tried the cream for pancreatitis pain but will take your word it helps. It only makes sense since it is an anti-inflammatory compound.

  49. Joyce Broyles

    Hello Mr God Send: …You were amazingly helpful 31/2 years ago when my daughter, Kazzi had her first pancreatic attack…She just had another, but this time they told us it was her gallbladder and it was functioning at only 8% so they removed it and also performed IOC on her pancreases and took a liver biopsy. After wards all enzyme’s sky rocketed. Her pain was and still is excruciating…even though all enzymes now have gone down tremendously and all test (Hidya Scan and x ray } look as all is well . nothing to explain pain. If you have Any insight we would so appreciate it. We came home from hospital last night after a 12 day stay. Thank you again, we So hope we hear from you soon. God Bless you for what you do. Joyce

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Joyce – sorry to hear your daughter is having more trials. IOC seems to carry risks similar to ERCP, especially in those who have already experienced acute pancreatitis. All I can suggest is what I’d do which is: Ibuprofen (one 800 – 1000 mg dose and then 200 – 400 mgs daily until inflammation and symptoms resolve), a fast (water and supplements), then in a few days when better juicing for a few days, then trying safe solid foods. I’d do 200 mgs of grape seed extract 4 – 5 times per day and around 4000 mgs of vit c daily

  50. Peppus Bennus

    Just another alarmist article on the internet. My qualifications? I’ve been prescribing it for 16 years.

    People, talk about your medications with your doctor. If you don’t trust your doctor, get another opinion. But for the love of god, don’t rely on opinion pieces from random strangers on the internet.


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