Pancreatitis Diet Recipes

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pancreatitis diet recipesPancreatitis diet recipes is a brand new category on this site and my hope is that you’ll find it to be helpful in your journey to better health.

Most pancreatitis diet recipes you can find on the internet are not safe. They are conjured up by those who really don’t know what can be eaten in relative safety and what foods should never be eaten.

When coming out of an acute attack I’ve heard of people being fed  or told they can eat some of the most dangerous foods, by hospital employees (doctors, nutritionists, etc).

Those who suffer from chronic disease have no real guidance. They have no guidance because, let’s face the truth, you are worth more sick than well.

If you’re well you don’t visit the hospital ER rooms. You don’t need routine office visits. You don’t need prescription drugs or surgical procedures.

It is absolutely amazing to me how little the medical profession knows or is willing to tell about what is safe and what isn’t safe for pancreatitis patient to eat. This holds true for nutritionists as well. As a result …

Safe pancreatitis diet recipes are extremely hard to find.

This new site category will endeavor to bring you a variety of decent tasting foods you will be able to enjoy in relative safety. Remember …

If you are still experiencing symptoms because you have not healed it is best to eat what I have termed as a modified vegan meal plan.

The Modified Vegan

vegetables for pancreatitisModified vegan simply means your food comes from plant sources, not animal sources. True vegans do not eat animal products however …

They do eat foods that you and I should not.

Just because something grows in the ground or on a bush or tree which grows in the ground doesn’t mean it is safe. If you haven’t read my post on pancreatitis diet basics you should do that. You should also read all the other posts about diet.

Vegans eat high fat foods such as nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds are not safe. They eat and use oils in cooking. Oils are not safe. They eat avocado, coconut, soybeans and soy products which are not safe. Not for those of us who suffer with pancreatitis.

Once you have healed enough to be symptom free you can then begin to explore the short list of relatively safe animal foods. Now …

IF you have had only one mild attack and there isn’t a lot of damage or an underlying cause that hasn’t been addressed (be advised a pancreas doesn’t simply wake up one morning and decide to become inflamed) you have an extremely good chance of healing totally, never having to worry about chronic disease but …

pancreatitis-diet-recipesIF you are suffering from chronic pancreatitis or you have had more than one or two acute pancreatitis attacks and have not yet been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis (even though you have ongoing, unrelenting symptoms) I would highly suggest the first place to start should be to begin a food diary.

You will quickly note that this section is a little premature if you really want to learn what you should and should NOT eat. Rather than take my word for it doing a proper food diary is the ONLY way you can learn what foods work for you and what foods do not work for you. Then …

This section containing pancreatitis diet recipes will become a valuable resource.

Directions for prep and doing the actual food diary should be followed exactly or you will really never know for absolute sure what works for you and what doesn’t.

Have you ever noticed how old folks get windy, leave the course or original thought and then take forever to get back on track? Anyway …

This category will definitely contain some “modified vegan” recipes to get you started on your journey.

It’ll likely contain all types of recipes, eventually.

Main course dishes, side dishes, deserts and more.

Praise God I have a few ladies and guys who are willing to share their recipes so we can get this show on the road!

In fact I’m gonna let one show you a couple recipes.

Now the first recipe needs some substitutions and eliminations.

First you need to substitute ground chicken for the ground beef, NO fat cheese for the regular cheese and eliminate the butter. The second recipe needs substitutions and eliminations as well and I’m willing to bet you can figure out which ingredients need be switched and which need to be eliminated. 🙂

Anyway …

Eventually there will be enough recipe variety to keep your diet as lively as possible and still be relatively safe. If you desire to put the food diary on the back burner for now (not advisable) and dive right in you can certainly do that.

I say I don’t know how to cook but in all truth I am able to throw together some dishes that really are decent. The problem with my cooking style is I rarely follow a recipe. I simply put in a little of this, a little of that and somehow it comes up ediible! At least most of the time. So what I’m saying is that I’m a “dumper” not a Martha Stewart!

As a result I’m going to have to do some cooking, actually write down what I use, how much and give directions. Some of my stuff is to die for while other food ideas not so much lol.

If you like apple sauce I make chunky apple sauce that tastes like really good apple pie filling.

organic_bakedbeansIf you happen to like beans I have an easy recipe anyone can master.

If you can open a can of beans and dump them on a plate you can do this recipe!

More recipes are coming soon (real ones not funny videos) and you’ll find some good eating right here at BeatingPancreatitis.Com 🙂

Recipe Category


40 thoughts on “Pancreatitis Diet Recipes

  1. Anna Senior

    Please forgive me if I’ve missed it somewhere, but how about bread?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Anna – bread is good, everybody loves good bread but you have to be careful because as far I as I know it is almost impossible to make bread without oil. So all commercial breads have some sort of oil, sometimes lard, which is worse. That is why bread has fat grams. Some have as little as 1 gram per slice while others have 2 or 3 grams.

    2. susan cadriel

      I have an amazing bread recipe- NO OIL!!! Will find it & post Literally, flour, yeast, salt, water
      Everybody loves this bread!

      1. Full_Nelson

        Did you find the recipe? Or did I miss it on here? I am very interested! Thanks!

          1. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Craig I apologize for being so slow in responding. Right now I have no safe bread recipe. The best I can do is to say the grocery store and look for whole grain breads not the white crap. One of my favorites used to be Orrowheat winter wheat. It was awesome and had about 1 gram of fat per slice. Or some other whole grain bread with low fat per slice.

  2. Kathy

    Hi HG – here is a recipe we really like for baked brown rice and lentils. Hubby has had no pain eating it. He is almost healed from his APA a month ago, just needs to make sure he has some mini meals during the day, if nothing more than a few saltines.

    2 c broth – chicken or veggie.
    1 c water
    1 c lentils, rinsed
    1/2 whole grain brown rice, uncooked
    1 small onion, chopped
    2 tsp Italian seasonings – I add additional rosemary (powdered)
    2 garlic cloves, minced
    1/2 c shredded carrots – I add more
    optional, if you can handle the fats – 1 c shredded cheese

    1. In a 13 x 9 baking dish combine all of the ingredients, except the cheese
    2. Cover with foil and bake at 300 degrees for 1 hour and 10 minutes
    3. Remove from oven and carefully remove foil. Spread the cheese over the beans mixture and bake for an additional 20 minutes. I just remove the foil and let cook the 20 minutes without the cheese.

    We will be adding sliced, cooked mushrooms to the next batch. Makes a great meal in itself if you add diced, cooked chicken. We also added to our tacos (made with whole wheat tortillas and shredded chicken breast). Seems to be pretty versatile.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Kathy – Thanks! That sounds yummy. I have had several people tell me they have found good tasting NO fat cheese! I have yet to find it 🙂

  3. Sharon

    I wanted to ask if using No Salt (Salt Alternative) is a good option verses Kosher Salt?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Sharon – In regards to pancreatitis I don’t think it matters what kind of salt you use. I use sea salt but regular old salt works fine. I have never found spices to cause problems in fact many are highly anti-inflammatory and good to use.

  4. Self employer as Psychologist

    do you can indicate a company wish people with pancreatitis could buy the recipes please?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Self employer as Psychologist – I don’t have any recommendations regarding recipe books. There really isn’t any safe recipe books (that I know of) for pancreatitis patients. I suggest you learn what foods are safe for you and then develop your own recipes using those foods. IF I were a really good cook I’d develop recipes for people but I’m not what I’d call a good cook lol

  5. Chris morley

    This is not entirely correct, the chronic pancreatitis cook book does take into account oils,fat content etc, and gives you the recipes to help, a small change is better than no change,

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Chris are you talking about this book? The reviews are terrible! I don’t know of many specific pancreatitis diet cookbooks. Most are written by people who have no clue, are still sick, or had a parent or family member die and thought they’d pass on info that may kill someone else. THAT’S WHY I don’t recommend too many cook books. This book has better reviews (actually several good ones). I’ve never read it so I have no clue whether it is in fact good or not. AND … I can tell you from experience it usually takes BIG change to get well and stay well but we all have to do what is right for us. I hope you are well.

  6. Beverly Blaha Lanfear

    Recently diagnosed with pancreatitis. I was hospitalized for 5 days. Out of town running from Hurricane Harvey and ended up in the ER. The doctor wants me to have an MRI done to check for Gallstones. Can’t get into my doctor until the 25 of this month (September 2017). Okay..told to eat low fat. I need recipes. Complete recipes like casseroles. Might make it easier for my husband to eat. Plus this is what he needs too. He is type 2 diabetic. I did good cooking healthy until my father passed away five years ago. Mom lives an hour away. Daddy did everything. Needles to say I practically live there helping her and not eating right! I order a doctor recommended pancreas enzyme and hopefully will get it in the mail today.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Beverly – dang it certainly sounds like you have been going through some bad times. I’m sorry. What recipes I have are FEW and are posted on this site. I don’t eat casseroles because most contain too much fat or are not gluten free (I’m a celiac).

      1. Beverly Blaha Lanfear

        Hi! Not sure if I am celiac yet. I have every symptom of celiac and probably have for years. Constipation, diarrhea, you name it. Dr. did a sigmascope years back and diagnosed me with IBS. Trying to get my follows ups scheduled! OMG what a nightmare. My hubby and I always had PPO health insurance, but due to him getting laid off last year we were forced to go with an HMO. We lost all our specialists! I am arguing with our insurance company now! LOL Okay scheduled on the 25th with my primary doctor so he can tell me what GI I can use to do the MRI. What happened to my rights choosing who I want?? ((ka-thud!)) 🙂

        1. Beth Potter

          was diagnosed with IBS also, turned out I was lactose intolerant…was an invasive procedure and wrong diagnosis. I have learned to take more control of my health and not trust doctors so much!.

  7. Heidj

    Is there a good alternative to cooking with olive oil? I like to roast veggies in the oven and I put a lil olive oil and seasoning on them. What can I use instead?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Heidj – I wish I could tell you I have a safe substitute for olive oil but I do not know of any. I like roasted veggies myself and have to do them without oil. I simply use a non-stick baking pan and sprinkle the seasonings on. It works but isn’t quite the same at first.

      1. Marie

        I have found that organic extra virgin olive oil spray or coconut oil spray, used lightly, is a good alternative.

  8. Full_Nelson

    Hello there! I have been suffering from CP for a little over 3 years. It became a lot worse the last 6 to 8 months. With many many hospitalizations…
    I was always told no fatty, greasy, fried foods; and no red meats! I cut those things out and still had attacks that became worse and worse every 2 weeks! Yesterday my regular family doctor was talking to me about the enzymes I am currently taking. I was not ever prescribed any until just last month after all this time..I was put on zenpep. Anyways, he was telling me that if I cut out carbs and starches and only ate lets say for example broiled/boiled/or grilled chicken 5 times a day…my pancreas wouldn’t work and I would not need to take the enzymes. The pancreas only works when you eat carbohydrates, starches etc. Yes it is VERY difficult to eat all the time like that. But all this time of suffering without enzymes and I am just now learning not to eat those things??!
    So that means carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes-well actually any root based vegetable is out! Just wanted to share..did not know if that was known. Some of the recipes had carrots etc in them. But as I said it is very difficult to cut everything out like that! Best of luck to fellow sufferes! We will get through this. XO

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hey Full_Nelson – I’m glad I don’t depend upon your doctor for my survival. You may want to do some serious research (your own) and learn exactly what your pancreas does and doesn’t do and which enzymes it produces to break down foods and what types of foods those specific enzymes help break down.

  9. Medical Matt

    Would also be interested in any pancreatitis-safe diet recipe book out there. Solid post btw The Health Guy. While there are definitely general rules to use as a starting point, there is still a good amount of variance with pancreatitis, so often the best resource is a food diary that can reveal particularly risky or helpful food items, as well as other eating patterns (quantity, timing, etc.) Thanks for this post and discussion.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Medical Matt -I agree about the food diary and that is exactly why I created a post on the proper way to start a food diary 🙂

  10. Sashmonsterr

    Hello, my husband has chronic pancreatitis w pseudo cyst…. doctor said his pancreas is now failing and dosen’t look good. I stumbled onto your page… and it’s an amazing source of information, and were greatly appreciative. The hardest part is knowing what exactly to eat. He can’t stomach greens all that well, seems to really increase his pain in pancreas.. no reason why, so he tends to shy away from them. It would be amazing if there was a good trusting cookbook out there, for some meal ideas… this is all so new to us… thank you… for all this valuable information truly appreciative!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Sashmonsterr I am sorry to hear your husband is ill with this stuff and pseudocyst(s) do complicate things and make healing more challenging but greens (leafy greens, veggies) usually are not a problem. But it also depends upon how they are cooked and what is put on them or with them for example: greens by themselves, steamed, using no oil in cooking or dressing with only salt and pepper for taste are safe having almost zero fat. By the way the two enemies are fat and alcohol. High fat foods do not work. Beef, pork, lamb, duck, goose, etc all have too much fat. SKINLESS breast of chicken is best for meat, white meat fish (cod, bass, perch, pollock, etc), beans, peas, lentils are good sources of low fat/no fat proteins. So look at what was eaten with those greens. If the greens were fried with bacon it was the bacon that caused the problems not the greens. Or if you served steak, roast, ham etc with those greens it was the meat(s) not the greens. Invest some time on my site and learn what works and what doesn’t and how to start a food diary.

  11. Denise J

    everyone you have to realize, what one food may help one, may not help another. doctors are seriously clueless. eating a lot of vegetables contain a lot of fiber, especially high fiber foods really taxes the pancreas, which is a no, no. can lead to constipation which leads to inflammation. juicing may be one way to getting a lot of your nutrients. I eat nothing raw and don’t even attempt to eat starchy veggies. we are all so different. keep a food diary and start with eating one food at a time and see what happens. keep a food diary as recommended is very necessary. substitute no oils but my. lay off the bread too.

  12. Outthis

    I find that tuna canned in water works, with spinach or broccoli and whole grain brown rice have not given me any flare ups. I’m trying to find out how to use the ginger correctly because I bought the juice and the whole ginger . I went through hell two weeks in a row for two day periods with pain need some help anyone please!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Outthis – Sorry for the slow response. Sometimes I’m fast, sometimes not. This is fishing season 🙂 Tuna in water (Bumble Bee one serving can) says it has 1 gram of fat but Tuna usually has quite a bit more than that. IF it works for you that’s great cuz it is very good food (nutritious etc) and the rest is fine too (very good actually). You are picking up very good eating knowledge. About the ginger and other supplements such as vit c, grape seed extract, curcumin/turmeric – dosage is test and see. Always start low dose and work up cuz vit c, grape seed extract, turmeric/curcumin and ginger (ginger is in same family as turmeric) are all potent, highly anti-inflammatory antioxidants which, even though all are non-toxic (won’t kill you in high doses) they all can cause detox symptoms so start sloow/low and work up until you receive the desired effect.

  13. Outthis

    Thanks for the reply a couple of questions what is the best way to soothe the pain when a flare up happens had a couple in meaning 2 within the last few weeks this usually happens when I have salmon but the one I think came from the chicken I ate. My stomach felt bloated very painful but I drunk some Pedialyte and it helped me go to the bathroom is this a good choice for probiotics

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Outthis – Salmon is often offensive to folks who are inflamed because it is high in fat. Good fat but fat is fat and too much fat causes problems so if it offends quit eating it and try other less fatty fish such as cod, pollock, bass, perch, rock fish etc all of which offer some fish oil and omega 3’s but have far less fat. A nice filet of cod may have only 1-3 fat grams. NOW about that chicken. White meat is again best (less fat) and it needs to be skinless. EVERYTHING needs to be cooked without oil of any kind so get quality non-stick cookware. Pedialyte is a great choice! 🙂

      1. Outthis

        Thanks Mr Health Guy blessing to have you in this time of need. I will keep you informed on how it’s going, but if you have any other recommendations as far as putting on some healthy weight because I lost like 15-20lbs so which foods, supplements or anything else you know of will help in this regard.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          You’re welcome. It takes awhile to heal. Stay away from high fat foods. Ibuprofen helps resolve inflammation. IF you hurt, don’t feel well do NOT eat. Do NOT drink alcohol. FAT and ALCOHOL are the two worst enemies. Prescriptions drugs for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease can often cause acute pancreatitis. So don’t just pop pills cuz a white says to do it. ALL diabetes drugs except real insulin cause acute pancreatitis. Heart disease drugs such as statins and ace inhibitors cause acute pancreatitis. And the list goes on. Think modified vegan for awhile. I say modified because vegans use fats in cooking and they smother their food in fat (sauces etc). They eat nuts and seeds all high fat. Supplements and how I use them can be found on my site.


    I must say, I absolutely love your writing style! Plain English! I came across your blog looking for safe foods to eat with my issues. Stomach issues, food allergies, POTS, and now pancreas issues. I am on Zenpep. Just started that 4 days ago, and its like magic, almost. I just had upper and lower scopes done because of terrible stomach pain, not able to eat more than 4 or 5 bites of food, lost a lot of weight. Stomach is great, nothing on the lower scope. But doc then gave me samples of Zenpep, and I was able to actually eat more than a few bites. He also gave a list of low FODMAP foods, but quite a lot I am “allergic” to or are not good for the pancreas. Frustration abounds! I would like to more vegetables but am allergic to potatoes, and therefore anything starchy, including corn, rice and wheat and a lot of medicines, which I have noticed over the last few years. Also, a lot of spices bother me, like oregano and basil. I’m beyond frustrated on what I can eat. I must start a food diary, I can see that now. I realize you are not a medical professional, but sharing your experiences is just as valuable, if not more so. Thank you for putting things in terms that can be understood!


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