Pancreatitis Diet: What’s a Pancreatitis Diet?

By | May 9, 2013
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pancreatitis-dietA pancreatitis diet needs to be as fat free as humanly possible which means a very, LOW fat diet. Unfortunately the body requires some fat content in our foods but you’ll need to learn which fats your damaged pancreas can tolerate and in what quantities. Your pancreatitis diet needs to be tailored to you just like a fine suit of clothes. And …

Many people who suffer from pancreatitis believe what their doctor tells them regarding what should be safe for their pancreatitis diet. They believe the nutritionist, the nurse, the sick people in their favorite support groups, the guy down the street that can’t even spell pancreatitis let alone give competent advice concerning a pancreatitis diet.

That is a HUGE mistake.

Pancreatitis is nothing to play around with or take lightly and neither is your pancreatitis diet.

If you have been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis and want to prevent recurrent attacks your pancreatitis diet – what you put in your mouth and swallow – is very important because …

Chronic pancreatitis can turn ugly at any time and result in acute pancreatitis. The death rate of acute pancreatitis reaches as high as 30% in severe cases complicated by infected necrosis.

“Mortality rates for hospitalized patients vary from 5% to 10% in most series. In patients with interstitial pancreatitis, mortality is close to zero. Mortality is substantially increased in necrotizing pancreatitis (less than 1% for interstitial pancreatitis, 10% for sterile necrosis, 30% for infected necrosis).” – Acute pancreatitis, Cleveland Clinic

Motality death rates and Radiology info

The above informational links should leave you with the knowledge that there is no doubt how serious your condition is or can become and that doing anything to promote recurrence or that may lead to a recurrent acute pancreatitis attack isn’t real wise. It simply isn’t smart to fool around with what I call acute pancreatitis triggers.

Pancreatitis Diet NO-NO’s

Pancreatitis-diet-NO-NOPancreatitis diet no-no’s or acute pancreatitis triggers are anything proven to lead to acute pancreatitis but in this post we are dealing with what goes into your mouth via your pancreatitis diet.

The acute pancreatitis triggers found in a poorly planned pancreatitis diet consist of two things:

  • Fat
  • Alcohol

Those two triggers are OUT when it comes to a pancreatitis diet.

We have already discussed alcohol and why you should never allow it in your mouth so I am not going to belabor the subject except to say it is never to be allowed in your pancreatitis diet. If you drink your risk of dying a hard, painful death is greatly enhanced.

I’ve found there is risk in eating. Food is NOT your friend when you have recurring acute and/or chronic pancreatitis so it is important to make sure you include in your pancreatitis diet only the foods that can be considered at least somewhat safe. The list is short. Now …

Right upfront I’m going to tell you that what you have read, heard or been told by just about anyone is probably wrong. This includes your doctor, dietician (I don’t care if he or she is a PhD), your mom, Mr.AnswerBag down the street, some YouTube video or the author of some book on how to survive pancreatitis. If the information is written or produced by:

  • A doctor
  • A dietitian
  • Someone who has never had pancreatitis
  • Someone who is now dead
  • The surviving spouse or relative of a dead pancreatitis victim
  • Anyone who has pancreatitis, is still sick and has NOT been pain-free for at least 5-10 years

The information, from any of the above sources, on a diet for acute or chronic pancreatitis and how to heal your pancreas is in all probability WRONG.

pancreatitis-diet-no-fatPancreatitis Diet Foods to Avoid

When choosing foods for your pancreatitis diet the following foods should be avoided like the plague. These foods are dangerous.

  • Red meat
  • Pork
  • Lamb
  • Duck
  • Cheese (all kinds)
  • Cooking oils (includes olive oil)
  • soy sauce (usually contains alcohol even if not listed on the label)
  • Margarine
  • Butter
  • Cream
  • Regular milk
  • Egg yolk
  • Nuts (all kinds)
  • Peanut butter
  • Cool whip (any other fake crap made with oil)
  • Coconut
  • Mayo
  • Salad dressings
  • Ice cream
  • Potato chips (any kind of greasy chips)
  • Processed foods
  • Trans fats (palm oil, cottonseed oil, coconut oil, hydrogenated oils or partially hydrogenated oils)

pancreatitis-diet-no-no'sIf it is oily, greasy and/or full of fat it’s out.

Yep, that means pie crusts made with lard (pig fat) are out. Shrimp Scampi, lobster dripping in butter are out. The lobster and shrimp are fine it’s the butter, oil, and fat that needs to go.

Rich cream sauces, gravies and the skin of chicken and turkey are all out. Yep, that means no biscuits and gravy, no mashed potatoes and gravy, no hollandaise sauce, no pasta primavera or alfredo.

If it is rich, creamy and or tasty it is most likely off the list of safe pancreatitis diet foods.

Are you beginning to get the picture?

If you are a steak and bacon lover like I was adhering to a pancreatitis diet is not going to be an enjoyable experience for a while. But the good news is, after a while it gets easier. You will become used to going without certain foods and cooking in certain ways in return for feeling like a half-way well human being.

If you enjoy pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and possible pancreatic necrosis, cysts, hemorrhage and death by all means disregard anything I am telling you. Afterall, it is your life.

pancreatitis-dietWhat Are Safe Foods For A Pancreatitis Diet?

When you think about solid food for your pancreatitis diet when you are NOT yet healed, think VEGAN until you no longer have pain. In fact I suggest a modified VEGAN diet (no meat, no dairy, no oil or fat) for 6 months or until you are healed enough to where you have ZERO symptoms. Once you no longer have symptoms (pain, nausea) you can begin to add in safe protein sources such as poultry and white meat fish.

Safe foods for a pancreatitis diet are few but include the following:

  • Fish (white meat fish such as cod, halibut, bass, crappie, pollack, orange roughy, talapia, catfish)
  • Seafood (lobster, shrimp, crab, scallops, clams etc)
  • Poultry (skinless chicken, turkey, grouse, pheasant, quail)
  • Egg whites (4 grams of protein per egg white, ZERO fat)
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, peas)
  • Vegetables (all kinds – leafy greens, tubers and cruciferous)
  • Fruits (all kinds EXCEPT avocado and coconut)
  • Whole grains (wheat, barley, oats, rice etc)
  • Spices (especially good are cayenne, garlic, turmeric, black pepper, ginger because all are anti-inflammatory)

If you are in pain (you haven’t healed) the above meat protein sources may also contain too much fat so tread carefully. When choosing from the above safe foods for your pancreatitis diet try to go organic to avoid GMO’s, chemical pesticides and other unwanted additives. You can buy organically raised poultry and wild fish. Both are harder to find and more expensive but in my opinion worth it.

pancreatitis-diet-tipsMore Pancreatitis Diet Tips

As you can see the list of potentially safe foods for your pancreatitis diet is short. It took me quite sometime to figure it all out. It’s a complete diet change for most people and isn’t easy but if you want to heal and stay healed you’ll do what is necessary. Again …

Think MOSTLY vegan.

The body needs at least 40 grams of protein per day and when you are sick that is difficult. You are going to lose weight until you heal. You will also most likely lose some muscle. Hopefully once you have been on a well planned pancreatitis diet for a time, have healed and are able to eat 3 meals a day again without pain, nausea and vomiting you’ll regain your weight. Here are more pancreatitis diet tips:

1- READ LABELS. Watch out for things like turkey sausage (any kind) because they use pork intestines for casing. I made myself very ill for three weeks eating turkey sausage cuz I didn’t see the pork casings on the label.

2 – Don’t fall for 99% fat-free bacon and bean soup, ham with split pea, or anything else that contains beef, pork, lamb or duck in any way shape or form and that goes for lunch meat – anything! Read labels. If it contains forbidden meat pass it by.

3 – Don’t Whine! Instead be glad you are alive. I personally can no longer eat wheat, barley and rye products or any type of food that contains them due to Celiac Disease. So if you think your pancreatitis diet is going to be difficult – try mine. Due to my situation my pancreatitis diet list of safe foods is most likely at least 100% smaller than yours. At least you can have pasta and good wheat bread while I have to eat them only in my dreams.

4 – Be sure to cook everything WITHOUT using fats or oils.

5 – Here’s a tool I use online to determine what foods have the most nutrient density and how much fat. Use it. If you read about broccoli you will see it is an excellent choice for a pancreatitis diet. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, cancer fighting phytochemicals and has almost 7 grams of vegetable protein in a large stalk and only 1 gram of non-saturated fat.

kentucky-fried-chickenA Pancreatitis Diet Does NOT Include Fast Food

No you can’t eat Kentucky Fried Chicken, burgers at Carl Jr’s, french fries from McDonald’s, burritos or tacos, or oriental foods made with soy sauce (contains alcohol). If you eat red meat, pork, lamb, duck, potato chips, foods containing alcohol and other high fat foods I’ve told you are dangerous – you deserve to be sick. In fact …

Eating out is dangerous, even at 5 star restaurants because short order fry cooks and even top chefs are probably not concerned with how your food is prepared, except that it looks good and tastes good. For example …

You order poached eggs on toast, no butter, and hash browns cooked without oil. IF you forget to have your hash browns cooked in a clean pan, not on the grill, you may become ill because the hash browns were cooked on a grill that had residual bacon grease or beef fat from the breakfast done before yours. A few hours or a day later while you are puking in the toilet and suffering pain you may wonder why.

Here’s a Fat Lesson

Keep in mind fat is NOT just fat when working out your pancreatitis diet. There are several different kinds of fat.

1- Saturated fat comes from meat sources (meat, broth, soup)  and dairy (milk, butter, eggs). It is totally different from fats found in vegetables and fruit. Meat and dairy fat, saturated fat, is the most detrimental to the pancreas when one has chronic pancreatitis and that is why they don’t work in a pancreatitis diet.

2 – Monounsaturated fat is found in olive oil, nuts and cooking oil. Yes nuts are extremely good for health but maybe not yours, especially in any amount over what could be considered extremely small. IF you are NOT healed avoid these fats.

3 – Polyunsaturated fat is plant-based fat. It seems to work fine as long as you are not in or just coming out of an acute attack. Nothing by mouth but water while in an acute pancreatitis attack and nothing for about 72 after it resolves. Then juice, only juice and water. Vegetable or fruit juice, until you feel like you are starving.

Post Acute Pancreatitis Diet

If you are just coming off an acute attack and you have had no pain or nausea for at least 72 hours and you are hungry try some organic vegetable juice. If you tolerate vegetable juice for 72 hours with NO symptoms then try veggies or some type of whole grain like brown rice or a combination of both in a small amount to see how it works out. This would NOT be the time to eat a triple-decker turkey sandwich!

How much daily fat should be in a pancreatitis diet?

Great question, glad I asked aren’t you? This is going to be a wishy-washy answer because you may be able to tolerate less than me or more than me depending on your amount of damage. After years on MY pancreatitis diet and the supplements I became able to eat almost constantly without any ill effects as long as I did not eat anything that was not on the list.

Heck, I felt grrrrreeeaat again! Then …

I screwed up.

I felt so good I said to myself: “Self, why are you still swallowing all these dang supplements? You are well, healed. Life is great!”

So I quit the supplements.

Bad choice.

Turky-Sausage-Potato-PeppersThe bad decision to stop taking my pancreatitis supplements took awhile to show up, about one maybe two years and one food choice screw up.

I think it was 2006 when I screwed up and ate smoked turkey sausage without reading the label. It is an experience I really don’t care to remember well enough to correctly date it. In fact …

I thought I might die.

It was one hell of an acute pancreatitis attack. It lasted for over 10 days. Recovery took another 2 – 3 weeks. The horrible pain would come on fast, I’d swallow 800 mgs of Ibuprofen and the pain would go. Next day, for no reason, it would be back with a vengence and …

I hadn’t eaten a thing.

Nothing by mouth but water.

I’d take my nausea meds and slam 8oo mgs of ibuprofen. The pain would recede in an hour and I’d just feel like I was gonna die but without the pain. I mean I felt rotten. Then it returned (11 episodes of acute pain all told) so I tried aspirin. That is when I found 1300 mgs of aspirin worked almost as well as 800 mgs of ibuprofen.

One time during the siege I had to take 2600 mgs of aspirin in one day (2 horrible episodes of acute pain that day). I would NOT suggest taking 2600mgs of aspirin in a day. It worked but I thought maybe I’d taken to much. All I could taste was aspirin, and I felt weird but that ended the acute pain attacks. However by this time, about 12 days into one of the worst times of my life …

I again had a lump in my gut that was very tender but after about 12 days of sometimes excruciating pain, I started to get better. Frankly I was close to giving in and going to the hospital so I am really glad that shit ceased. I still felt like death warmed over but I dragged my ass out of bed, got dressed and …

I went to the health store and bought more grape seed extract, curcumin and vitamin C. I’d have done that sooner but I was too sick to drive. Soon I was feeling much better but that last acute pancreatitis attack did more damage and now I can’t eat some things I could before the episode.

It’s been what probably 6 years since that acute pancreatitis attack and most times I feel pretty decent but it isn’t as good as it was before. I sure the hell wish I had kept taking my supplements and had read that label. But …

I also started drinking grapefruit juice again since I found (from researching) that it may have initially been what stopped my acute attacks in 1984 – 1985. The real healing didn’t begin until I started taking the supplements. That is when my abdomen healed the first time and the supplements have healed it again. Anyway …

I got off track, didn’t I?

How much fat daily in a pancreatitis diet was the question before I got off on a tangent.

15 grams of fat in 3 meals (5 per meal) is optimum with up to 25 grams total daily maximum. In other words you are going to set your daily fat consumption target below 1/2 the average American’s fat consumption in only one meal. In fact your target goal of 15 – 20 grams of fat per day, including snacks, will be less than 1/2 of the LOW end of fat gram consumption recommended by the Mayo Clinic for an average human which is 44 grams.

One stalk of broccoli and a skinless chicken breast (broiled) will provide tons of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, about 58 grams of protein and do it all with only 7 grams of fat. Eat the same meal with only 1/2 a chicken breast and you drop the fat count to 4 grams and still have a meal boasting 33 grams of protein. If you choose wisely you can eat nutrient dense, high protein, low-fat meals 3 times per day and stay around 15 – 20 grams of fat each day, including HEALTHY snacks and that IS what IS necessary. So …

Here’s the pancreatitis diet summary:

No bad, high fat content foods (red meat, pork, lamb, duck, mayo, butter, avocado, coconut, oils, etc). Keep fat content of each meal at 5 grams or less and have most of that fat come from plant-based foods. No alcohol.

Charlotte Gerson on Cancer and Disease

Eat right, be cancer free!

[youtube U7Ck9D45OT4]

Each of us who have suffered long-term with pancreatitis are, unfortunately, more prone to cancer of the pancreas. Even though the above video is geared towards cancer 89-year-old Charlotte Gerson, Max Gerson’s (who founded the Gerson Institute in 1977) daughter, has a lot to say. All of it good and all of it can be applied to pancreatitis and a diet for pancreatitis.

This video contains a fascinating 48-minutes of great information and perspective from someone who has dedicated her life to helping others overcome serious illness. Gain valuable knowledge by watching this video. It is 48 minutes of some of the best information you will hear.

Now I have said this before but let me say it again. A modified, highly anti-inflammatory, vegan diet which means no oil used for anything, no oily or high fat content foods like nuts and avocado should help you receive measurable relief but as you can see it wasn’t just the diet that helped me it was also the pancreatitis supplements because it wasn’t long after stopping the supplements that I made ONE mistake and had one of the worst acute pancreatitis attacks I can remember. So for me it takes BOTH diet and supplements in order to avoid being very ill.

I wish you wellness!

953 thoughts on “Pancreatitis Diet: What’s a Pancreatitis Diet?

  1. vanessa lammers

    Ibuprofen has not been kind to my sister and her daughter who both have pancrentitis, just a thought.

      1. Emily

        Hi, I’m 21 years old and had an attack Saturday at 2 am and went to the ER due to the pain and vomiting. I was seen within 45 mins to an hour from the time I had an attack. I was then admitted to the hospital for my lipase level was 2950. Prior to this happening i had been following a paleo inspired diet and had been doing okay and I say Okay because I had some tenderness and occasional slight flare up that was manageable with no medication which is probably caused from in between cheat meals. Then that Friday night I ate a greasy fatty meal. And was fine when I went to bed but was woken up with extreme pain that Saturday morning. I went on the no food or drink by mouth for 3 days. And for the first day had morphine for the pain but the remainder of my hospital stay i no longer took any medications, actually I took oxy codon twice for the headaches I developed from fasting during the second day. But after that none. I did an MRI and a CAT scan and they showed I had pseudocysts, something is surrounding my pancreas and inflaming it. And their is excess fluid. I don’t drink often at all or take medications or any of the common causes so doctors could not figure out the cause of acute pancreatitis. I’ve probably had 3 to 4 attacks in the past 2 years and my swelling normally goes down within a few hours. I always thought it was Gerd because of doctors telling me so. I’ve been to the ER and urgent care each of those times and never had my blood drawn so If I had it earlier I wouldn’t have known. As well as no gallstones or anything showing up out of the ordinary in the three ultrasounds ive had. I have an appt scheduled in two weeks for GI to do more tests on what’s going on. But in the meantime I would like to follow your diet. I love to eat strawberries , grapes, sweet potatoes, salmon with fresh herbs,cous cous and I eat a lot of bell peppers with onion and broccoli. Hardboiled eggs without the yoke. Are these foods okay to eat? I really would like to rid myself of this condition as well as supposed Gerd I have, Im average weight and height btw but losing weight still. Idk if that helps.

        Thank you

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Emily – sorry to hear you are not well. “strawberries , grapes, sweet potatoes, salmon with fresh herbs,cous cous and I eat a lot of bell peppers with onion and broccoli. Hardboiled eggs without the yoke. Are these foods okay to eat?” All of those foods should be fine EXCEPT the salmon, right, now, while you have inflammation and cysts. Salmon contains a ton of fish oil. Good for most but not so good for those with an inflamed pancreas. After you heal you could try small amounts of salmon. A better choice for now (AFTER you are completely over your AP) would be white meat fish like pollock, cod, perch and bass.

          I hate to be the bearer of bad news but with what you have said “I did an MRI and a CAT scan and they showed I had pseudocysts, something is surrounding my pancreas and inflaming it. And their is excess fluid.” there is little chance of healing to the point you are normal again. What I mean by that is normal as in never having had pancreatitis. You will most likely need to be on a low, low fat diet for life.

        2. Joan and Jim petrie

          I have had 3 very painful episodes of pancreatitis since December last. Go through the clear juice and saline IV. Home in 3 days — stay on diet as best I can. I am very very thin 122 lbs 5’10 so a real conflict arises

        3. Darrell

          Just returned from the E.R. @ 7:00am Tuesday, had back pain and stomach pain since Sunday afternoon. The E.R. doctor treated the pain, not the cause or effect of the pain. Had blood work done(everything’s fine), had CT scan, X-rays, etc. Was given morphine ( 4 times)and 2 30 minute bags of IV solution. Left with still pain in the stomach. Had an attack in Nov. 2015, the doctor( my doctor) gave me approx. 16 hours of IV solution, clear diet for 2 meals and when I checked out (after 24 hours), was 100% perfect. Didn’t have medication for pain, etc. No nausea, vomiting, etc. I guess it all depends on the Doctor and the treatment. I am back to work, about 95% pain-free, but some pain and keeping myself on clear liquids until the pain is gone. Hopefully by tomorrow! Thanks for the blog, very educational.

      2. Maria

        Ibuprofen is not good for the stomach ,I asked my doctor if I can take for pain she say not , I don’t think myself is any good taking those pills for stomach pain anyway!

          1. Maria

            Hello Health Guy : I would like to find recipes for pancreatitis sufferers. I am in a limbo , I am eating, fruits, soups, vegetables, juices, salads , but I would like to prepare food especially for me ,been trying in Google but not luck ,for example I prepare eggs (whites only) not yolk ,but how can I fried? I use PAM coconut oil is a spray no stick , 0 calories,0 fat,0 cholesterol 0 sodium but I am scare of another flare up, ,I had lost 13 pounds since I went to the ER ,I had a flare up one month ago, went to my DR. she told me to eat with moderation I try to avoid grease , spice foods, beef etc . but I still like to have the recipes ….is any book for us pancreatitis sufferers?

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Maria – I have never seen a good cookbook for those who suffer with pancreatitis. IF I were a chef (or even a good cook) I’d think seriously about creating one but what i do now is simply use any good cookbook and simply take out the ingredients I know make me sick. Of course that often ruins the recipe and food but what can I say. I’d rather feel good than eat well. 🙂

          3. The Health Guy Post author

            Jane – we’re good. Just remember these people have never had pancreatitis and IF I recall correctly had a parent who died from pancreatitis. I only read a small portion but read something about it being ok to eat red meat but if it bothers you to try something else – that along with some other stuff like instead of NO alcohol period I saw it say Little/No alcohol so in other words it’s ok to drink a little alcohol in some cases according to him/them/ whoever. Stuff like that is dangerous and makes me cringe. It seems their book is out of print (according to Amazon) so all I can say is YIPPEE!

            Only one customer review on Amazon for the book and here’s what it says:
            Top Customer Reviews
            1.0 out of 5 stars Worthless
            By johnnyforest on November 11, 2011
            Format: Paperback
            The book has no valuable information in it. It is a compilation of useless information with some personal stories. You can find more valuable information on the Internet.
            No real solution to this serious problem.
            Click here to see it on Amazon

          4. Stacey Wykes

            Hi Maria,

            You have to do a lot of recipe reading. You can search web for fat free vegan also to get ideas. I made a vegetable lasagne last week with only vegetables, ie spinach, pumpkin, zucchini layered with home made tomato pasta sauce with garlic, onion and basil (with some tobasco sauce) and lasagne sheets. I topped it with nutritional yeast instead of cheese. It was awesome. I also do vegetable, honey & garlic stir fry with turmeric boiled rice, also very tasty.

            Breakfast. You can also have oats with molasses or a little honey. We have a practically zero fat cows milk here in Australia and I don’t get sick from it at all. I have no fat Greek yoghurt too no troubles. Also egg whites, mushroom and spinach omelettes are another good one, or pancakes with blueberries and banana.

            I also do a big bake of vegetables on a Sunday night to snack on through the week such as potatoes, sweet potato, bell peppers, mushrooms, cauliflower, I use egg white instead of oil and flavour them with herbs, salt n pepper or and paprika.
            Plus I eat 2/3 serves of fruit a day. Just not over ripe.

            Try not to get overwhelmed I know it’s hard in the beginning. Once your starting to feel better you can eat these more solid foods rather than juices and soups.

            Take care,

          5. Stacey Wykes

            Thank you ? Happy to help others if I can in any way. Food can still be enjoyed fat free, just means no more packaged or take away foods. Those foods are really bad for anyone anyway, not just Pancreatitis sufferers.

          6. Jane Hall

            Thank you for the lasagne idea Stacey!
            Just trying to figure how you do your “big bake” because you mentioned using egg whites instead of oil. I just can’t get this into my head how to do.

          7. Maria

            Hello Health Guy: when I went to the ER , I had a Endoscopy they took some stones from my Pancreas (acute pancreatitis) my liver was infected, swollen too, ready to erupt,they keep me 3 days at the hospital, the only medication the gastroenterologist prescribe was Ursodiol 300mg, cost me $300.00 for one month doses ,I took it for 3 months spend $900.00 it is very expensive for me ! I can’t afford to buy not more ! I am taking Digestive Enzymes and the Grape Seed extract ,also drinking the White Grapefruit Juice , all that is helping me indeed, I thanks you so much and God Bless you ….

        1. Maria

          Thanks Jane Hall : I found that site couple of weeks ago I even make copies of the recipes, 88 in total….. but I was disappointed, it was what I was looking for ,I found those at the Pancreas Foundation ,thanks anyway Jane. ..Maria

      3. skarlettweb

        Same for me too. I can only take naproxen/aleve. Tylenol (ibuprofen) causes me major stomach pain–feels like it “eats a hole” in my abdomen. I have chronic pancreatitis and have had my gallbladder and part of colon removed. Lots of medical problems! I’m going to give this diet and supplements a try. Thanks so much for sharing!!

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          You’re welcome skarlettweb – let me know how the diet and supplements work for you. By the way Tylenol is acetaminophen. Ibuprofen is Ibuprofen but is also sold under various brand names e.g. Advil and Motrin. I hope you get well soon 🙂

    1. Woods

      My friend’s husband is suffering from acute pancreatitis- he’s very, very ill. His spleen, left lung, left kidney, bladder and upper colon, duodenum, and abdominal cavity have been impacted, and his pancreas is full of pseudo cysts that are quite large. He’s anemic, malnourished, filled with edema and dehydrated. He’s only in his mid-30s and basically has no quality of life at this point.

      I myself have an auto-immune disorder, however I decided to go against the traditional medical establishment, and 4 years later, I’m doing quite well. To that point, I believe my friend’s husband can get well, but only if he’s willing to change. Can someone this ill still heal their body to a degree? Are there any good support groups out there for people in this kind of situation? Any advice you can provide would be really appreciated.


      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Hi Anonymous 🙂 Sorry to hear about your friends husband he sounds like he IS very ill. There was a guy who was sicker than a dying dog, on a feeding tube and his wife was extremely worried. I don’t recall whether the story is somewhere in the comments on this blog or my other one at but it is on one of my blogs. Anyway it was sometime before thanks giving a year ago, not this past one but about a year but the one before if I recall correctly. But she started giving him grape seed extract (it may have been my whole cocktail) via his feeding tube. To make a long story short he ate Thanksgiving dinner with his family! It was an awesome story of God’s saving grace and answer to prayer. So do I believe it is possible to heal? You bet I do. Everything he needs to heal can be found somewhere on my two blogs. IF his healing is God’s will it’ll happen. Prayer, belief, the right diet and supplements can and do heal. It’s all up to your friend’s husband. Some people simply don’t believe they can heal and sometimes it really does seem like healing is not possible but anything is possible.

        I Found the testimony and it is somewhere on the other blog but here’s the story that I posted on my facebook page:

        Man On Feeding Tube Eats Thanksgiving Dinner!

        This is what I’d call a cool blog comment:

        Anonymous July 10, 2013 at 6:50 PM
        My Husband has a feeding tube and cannot take anything by mouth. He had a pancreatitis attack on 2/10/13. In and out of hospitals, now diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis. He experienced nausea & vomiting so bad, that they finally put a drain tube in his stomach, so that he would quit vomiting up so much bile, it can be drained out of the stomach into a bag now. His stomach is not working right now. My question is, can I crush up the “C” & empty the grape seed extract capsule into his formula to be absorbed through his small intestine? That is the only way right now, or I could inject it through his feeding tube directly with a mixture of purified water? Would this be okay? Thx, Susan

        The Health Guy July 11, 2013 at 8:39 PM
        Hi Susan great questions and I have to admit have never had it before. I would go with crushing the C and putting the C and the grape seed into the formula. It should absorb, don’t know why it wouldn’t but I guess you’ll find out. Let us all know how it works out. I wish you and your husband good luck and him better health smile emoticon

        Anonymous December 15, 2013 at 10:21 AM
        Hi Health Guy, I just want you to know that I was praying to the Lord so hard about my husband, when He guided me to you sight. I know this wasn’t by chance! My Husband was litterally dying. He couldn’t quit vomiting. I got the C Caps, Turmeric Curcumin & Grape Seed like you suggested. I emptied out the said amount into a little bowl and added purified water. I used a syringe to slowly inject into my Husbands feed tube, as putting it in formula didnot go over so well, clogged the tube line. Once we got going on this 4 times a day, it only took less than a week to start seeing a difference. First thing we noticed, is that the vomiting slowed way up. After a couple of weeks we noticed that he was not vomiting or feeling nauseated for the most. Steve kept saying that he was going to eat Thanksgiving Dinner with the rest of us, but I felt sick to my stomach wondering how he was going to take it when he finds out that he will never eat again. I was wrong and so were the Docs!!! To make a long story short, Steve ate Thanksgiving Dinner with the rest of the family and I have to say I’m still in shock. Now Steve is making up for lost time. I really thought I’d never see this day come, I only hoped for him to live and stop vomiting and feeling sick, so he could have a better life. Everyone thought that Steve was going to die. Now we see that he is going to live, thanks to God for sending us you!!! Can’t thank you enough, you truly were God sent… Susan

        I hope you all had a safe and happy Thanksgiving and will also have a blessed, safe and Merry Christmas smile emoticon
        296 people reached

      2. G davis

        read Dr Sircus’ article on pancreas, bicarb and diabetes.

      3. anthony

        what if ur on a budget eating healthy is kinda expensive things are not so cheap. i cant afford some of the healty stuff

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Anthony I know it is tough. But it will become worse (your health) if you don’t change your diet dramatically. It would be better to live on beans and rice every day (cheap, safe food) than die a horrible, painful death is this not true? If you sit down and map out a feasible cost effective plan, eliminate any unnecessary expenses (you don’t NEED 200 tv channels etc) and then reallocate that money towards your diet you’ll get there. Where there’s a NEED there is also a way to supply that need.

          1. Jennifer

            What if you are having reactions to grains. Right now I’m only eating white meats and vegetables and fruits. I have celiacs

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Jennifer – if you have been diagnosed as a celiac then you shouldn’t be eating grains, at least not wheat, barley and rye. I had to give up all grains (wheat, barley, rye, corn, oats, and rice) to become symptom free of celiac disease.

  2. Justin

    I was diagnosed with ap at the beginning of 2014. I have had 5 or 6 attacks since. I finally found your website, (thank God). Anyway, was wondering about consuming a few things after the fasting and v-8 days, which I completed. What’s your advice on skim milk? Soda pop? Candy with no fat or oils? I have been chewing gum the last couple of days, and read that it has 2 grams of sugar alcohol? Is this bad? What about other drinks, such as orange juice, and fruit juices?
    Thank you, any info will help.


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Justin! Congrats on completing the fasting and V8 term. I am assuming this is the cleansing step before creating your food diary? Or just trying to resolve pain and nausea? Anyway …

      IF it were me I’d go even further and try “fat free” milk. They didn’t have that years ago when I was really sick so I don’t know how it will work for you. I drink it occasionally now and seem to be fine with it.

      I used to drink soda pop as well but not a lot. No ill effects.

      Candy with no fat or oils should work.

      The gum with “sugar alcohol” may not be a good idea. I’d steer clear of the sugar alcohol and read the labels on anything sweet, especially sugar free stuff (dried fruits, candy, gum, etc) to check for sugar alcohol. Manufacturers use it as a cheap sweetener like they use hfc (high fructose corn syrup). If you see a weird named ingredient that ends in “ol” like sorbitol that indicates alcohol. By the way 2 grams is about 1/2 teaspoon. So that means each stick of that gum has 1/2 teaspoon of sugar alcohol. Doesn’t sound like much but sometimes it doesn’t take much.

      Fruits should be fine. All except coconut and avocado (way to much fat content). I’ve been meaning to write a post about fruit and the possible reason some folks say they do not tolerate it. Of course many folks in the support groups I used to hang in, usually the ones who complained about fruit, were still wolfing down steak, bacon, fries, and pizza so how they could tell with any degree of certainty that the “grapes” were the bad guy I have no clue anyway, bear with me …

      To me a pancreas is a pancreas. They are usually the same shape, size, weight and reside in the same area of the body. The function is the same. The only difference between yours, mine and someone elses’ pancreas lies in genetics, rare defects such as pancreas divisum and damage. One person may have the gene variant that makes them at risk for alcoholic pancreatitis, another the variant that causes high blood fat levels and then it is the actual damage done from pancreatitis that determines food tolerances depending upon severity and location of the damage.

      It’s the damage that may determine fruit tolerance. For someone with severe damage they may not tolerate RIPE fruit. Now when I say RIPE fruit I am talking about the time when a peach is absolutely incredible and juicy, when a banana is absolutely perfect and sweet because that is when the sugar may be turning to alcohol. When bananas start to spot you can peel them and sniff the fruit and actually smell the alcohol. Peaches make peach wine and brandy and we can go on and on but the point is fruit sugars turn to alcohol once they become what may be termed “nice and ripe.” So …

      Those people who have had a tremendous amount of damage from necrosis and/or surgical procedures may find “nice and ripe” fruit to be a problem but that can’t be anywhere near proven while eating high fat content foods. What I am alluding to is this: IF someone were to do what could be termed as my “cleanse routine” that needs to be done before creating a food diary and then tested one food at a time and wrote down the results they experienced for an entire week after eating that food (nothing else new can be introduced) and then experienced discomfort from eating a nice juicy peach I’d have to begin to think it may be the peach was producing some sugar alcohol and the sugar alcohol was the cause, not just the peach but the VERY RIPE peach with ALCOHOL content.

      Hopefully that made sense. I can be really long winded at times.

      1. Justin

        Thank you so much for responding so fast. I never thought about the fruit turning to alcohol. I’ll be sure to be careful with it. Yes everything did make sense. I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate your expertise. It’s so sad that we have to be put through this with no help from these people they call doctors. When I was in the hospital in January, once 4 days went by they told me I could eat. Having no idea where I stood with this diagnosis, and starving to death, I ordered a hot roast beef sandwich, mash potatoes with gravy, (gravy on the sandwich too), and a chocolate milkshake to wash it down. (Same for dinner 4 hours later before the kitchen closed.) Needless to say by midnight I was going into another attack. I told the doctor the next day what had happened, and he said “I told you to eat soft foods, it has to heal.” The nurse told me “soft foods is anything on the menu.” 5 minutes later the dipshit says I can go home, and my discharge papers say, “regular diet.” Unbelievable! So, needless to say, I was petrified to eat when I got home. I was eating pretty “clean” when I started eating again, not one drop of alcohol, and exercising 10 times a week. I had pain everyday, thinking it was healing, but every time I would “cheat” with cookies on a Saturday, it was pain on Sunday and an attack would start on Monday. So I would go backwards every7-10 days. Anyways, I’m rambling on, but I am finally talking to someone who understands what’s going on and is not telling me that I need to go to a doctor. Ha! Thank you so much again, and I’ll talk to you soon.


        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Justin – I have to say I have seen the medical community do and say some really STUPID things when it comes to preventing another acute attack of pancreatitis or even enabling healing to begin. I can’t believe these people go to school for years and don’t have enough common sense to figure out that allowing a patient, like you, who is just coming out of an acute pancreatitis attack and has been NPO (nothing by mouth) for several days eat a meal that is just asking for HUGE problems. Being told to eat “soft foods” is nothing less than dangerous because …

          FAT and alcohol are the major food triggers. Soups, broths, mayonnaise, butter, gravy, milk, soft boiled eggs, protein shakes, milk shakes, ice cream, yogurt, avocado and a myriad of others things one could eat, that could certainly be classified as “soft” foods, are or can be so high in fat content as to induce another acute pancreatitis attack, especially in those who are already inflamed.

          I’m not a doctor. I have said that many times however common sense should dictate to “educated professionals” that an acute pancreatitis patient coming off of NPO should never be allowed to eat fat filled foods anytime soon let alone as the first meal.

          You should have been tested with vegetable juice. EVERY hospital I have ever visited carries V8 juice. That should have been the first introduced food coming off of NPO. And you should have been told to stay away from fat and alcohol but your experience is repeated so often it is no wonder people have recurrent attacks until they are damaged enough to where they have chronic problems, I.E. chronic pancreatitis even if it is minimal change and doesn’t meet the “9 point criteria” for a classic chronic pancreatitis diagnosis. Some of the docs I have met in my life are so incompetent I swear they graduated from Cracker Jack University.

          Thanks for reading my blog and I wish you better times 🙂

          1. anthony

            i just want know if pasta sauce with meat flavoring there is no meat just the flavoreingin it

        2. Colleen Clowers

          This is my mother’s experience. Three tours at the local House of pain! Soaking I. This valuable blog! Praise Jesus for you Paul!

      2. Matk

        I am interested in the supplements that should be taken. Thanks in advance for any help…

          1. rvkphysio

            Can you resend the blog address please. I read so much here and I can not find it.

            I have a very long history about all by gut’s health. I started at age 2 and many surgeries and procedures to remove gall bladder stones. Then a bypass on the bile duct which worked for almost 20 years without any single problem (of course always avoiding deep fried and oily stuff but even alcohol. Unfortunately for the past 7 years I have been having stones and pancreas attacks. They thought the reason was the bypass, I had a huge surgery 2 years ago where they removed my bile duct and redid the by pass and now… 2 years later in a routine blood test I found lypase at 900. No pain or nausea neither vomiting, I actually live very well, working, exercising and enjoy a meal out here and there. However enzymes this time would not come down so I came back to my surgeon they found stones again, which they removed by ERCP and lypase counting are normal 3 days after procedure.

            Doctors says my pancreas look good for inside and does not look that I had so many pancreas attacks in my life. My diet is pretty clean since my first surgery at 9 years old,I rarely have dairy, no meat what so ever and lot’s of vegetables and fruits. I have a very sweet tooth so, try to create recipes with raw cocoa but I LOVE chocolate. Nuts and coffee are also part of my intake but after reading this all I guess I have to reduce it.

            I really trust God is a healer and he has sent his son to die for us. So I’m still hanging on my faith and believing my time to be healed will come.

            Well.. after that quickly description of my long history all that I have few questions:

            1- I have a dream to be a mother. Does anyone had experienced pregnancy after having pancreas issues? doctors say it should not be a problem. but I have a question mark in my had.

            2-what about coffee? how do you feel when taking it?

            3-I love chocolate as well, I don’t eat as much as I use to but hard to stay away for too long. Does any one take it?

            4- How do u feed the sugar cravings?or what is comfort food?

            5-Popocorn with done at home with almost no oil, sometimes I do even with water… should be a problem?

            6- Fibers are a problem?

            7-Grains? I love oats with cinnamon in the morning with my coffee… I eat a lot of quinoa as well.

            8- legumes? it bloats me big time, anyone else experience that?

            Looking forward to hear from you, good to know in a way that this is more common then I thought. Just wish doctors, nurses and nutritionist could now better about the diet.
            Every single time I’m in hospital I have to teach people what I can and what I can not have.
            God bless you all.


          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Renata – Wow you have certainly had some trying times. It sounds like Almighty God has certainly protected you. Trusting Him is always a good thing 🙂 Before I get started answering questions it sounds like you are new to this site so I will share what I know. Fat and alcohol are the two major enemies. You may want to consider adjusting your diet since you said “Unfortunately for the past 7 years I have been having stones and pancreas attacks.” Ok, did they take your gallbladder out? If not why not that usually gets rid of any gall stone problem. Bypassing the common bile duct, interesting – why was that necessary?

            Question #1: “I have a dream to be a mother. Does anyone had experienced pregnancy after having pancreas issues? doctors say it should not be a problem. but I have a question mark in my head.”
            Answer: I’m not a good person to answer since I’m a guy but there are some ladies that have been to this site that have mentioned being pregnant. Some have mentioned difficulties if my memory serves me correctly but I am gonna bow out on this one and let someone who is female and has actually been pregnant discuss the issues that concern you. I hope you find answers 🙂

            Question #2: “what about coffee? how do you feel when taking it?”
            Answer: I feel great while drinking coffee. I feel great after drinking coffee. I’ve never experienced a problem with coffee.

            Question #3: “I love chocolate as well, I don’t eat as much as I use to but hard to stay away for too long. Does any one take it?”
            Answer: I love chocolate too! It’s full of fat so I usually stay away 🙁

            Question #4: “How do u feed the sugar cravings?or what is comfort food?”
            Answer: You can create all kinds of goodies without using oil, fat, lard etc. It is possible to use applesauce in place of oil in cookie and cake recipes. It doesn’t always work perfectly but it does work nicely quite often.

            Question #5: “Popcorn with done at home with almost no oil, sometimes I do even with water… should be a problem?”
            Answer: Can the corn be popped without oil? YES! It can! Just add popcorn to a flat bottom pan, cover and pop it making sure it doesn’t burn. It’s exactly like popping it with oil but no oil lol

            Question #6: “Fibers are a problem?”
            Answer: No, fiber (fruit and veggies and legumes) is good!

            Question #7: “Grains? I love oats with cinnamon in the morning with my coffee… I eat a lot of quinoa as well.”
            Answer: ALL grains are fine.

            Question #8: “legumes? it bloats me big time, anyone else experience that?”
            Answer: Normal. Beans, peas, lentils etc often cause bloating in folks who are not used to high fiber foods. They are excellent, safe (cooked properly with any fat) sources of protein for those who have pancreatitis. NO PEANUTS! Or SOYBEANS (peanuts are legumes and high in fat. Soybeans are also high in fat.)

            Thanks for visiting! 🙂

            P.S. Blog address is in the address bar above

      3. Hemanth kumar

        Hi friends this is hemant from india and am 28 years old.I got attack November 6th 2015.
        From November 2015 to till now am in diet( low fat).no non veg and no coffees and teas and main thing is no curd rice.
        I dont have habits of drinks and smoking.
        Boss plz share with me

        Diet must continue for life long?
        In November 2015 in treatment my weight is 68kgs,in treatment itself reduced 9kgs and

        Now my weight is 54kgs so its normal or any problems in feature?


        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Hemanth – it all depends on how much you were damaged as to whether you’ll need to do a low fat diet for life or just a few months. You should check with your doctor to find out exactly how much damage you sustained. If you have had only one mild attack you could heal up completely and never have another problem. That would be a good thing. 🙂

  3. Christina

    I am sooo confused
    My doctor said no fruit, no dairy, no wheat diet. I am allowed veggies and all meats
    Than i was told if you only eat veggies but no carrots, peas, corn and all meats
    I’ve been using pure virgin organic coconut oil for years on my skin, teeth, cooking and now its not good for me…. this is hard

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Your doctor is an idiot when it comes to a diet for pancreatitis. The ONLY thing your doc got right was that dairy should be avoided and veggies are good. I’m right, your doc is wrong. Your doc probably never had pancreatitis, I have. Your doc is guessing, I’m not. So that’s about all I can say. It isn’t all that confusing. FAT and ALCOHOL are the two enemies. Wheat is only bad if you are a celiac. Here’s the real deal: Do what you want it’s your life, your pancreas. You need to make your own choices. If you do what your doc, your buddy down the street, that sick girl in your support group or your cousin Sally recommends I can tell you this: You’re gonna stay sick, maybe worse. Good luck Christina 🙂

      1. Maria

        Hello Healthy Guy: same here , after I went to the hospital , the Gastroenterologist the one who took some stones from my pancreas (I had acute pancreatitis) my liver and pancreas were swelling and with infection, ready to burst ,it was a emergency ….he told me I can eat everything….really Dr.? sometimes you can’t follow orders form them, in my case I didn’t believe it and thank goodness I choose to do my own research ,is when I found your column and here I am not cure but feeling much better , hoping soon I will be much better .Thanks I learn a lot form you I had a lot of info. Bless you ,Maria

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Maria – feeling better is good. Much better would be even gooder lol so I’ll look forward to the “much better” report 🙂

          1. Maria

            Hello Health Guy: I hope so too! you right feeling gooder will be great lol , it is just flare ups ,but I have faith I am going to be well soon . Be good to yourself …..

  4. Heather Kruger

    Dear Health Guy, I have been keeping to your diet. Oats & yoghurt for breakfast, provitas with bovril and apple & banana for lunch and then fish or chicken and veggies all steamed for dinner. But for the last few days have started getting a terrible pain under my right rib just after eating. Have been abdominal pain free since 18th March now when last hospitalised. Was diagnosed with CP due to fatty layer across pancreas due to eating fast food, alcohol abuse over the years, stones and calcification early January 2014 and am on Creon and taking pain meds too as well as supplements, i.e. grape seed extract, anti-oxidants, vitamin c, etc. Please can you help me. Professor and dietician says I can eat beef and lean pork but have decided rather not!!! Please can you assist me as I am not sure if the doctors here in S.A. know what they what they are talking about?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hey Heather – ok yogurt is not on my diet list. Nor are provitas (crackers) with bovril (beef extract spread). 🙂 Chicken must be skinless and cooked in a manner that it doesn’t sit in the chicken fat. Veggies only with salt, pepper or other spices (no butter, margarine or other mystery oily fat spread). Now pay attention if you want to have any chance of healing.

      1) Forget everything your doctor, nutritionist, preacher, rabbi, best friend, or the sick dude in your support group has told you it’s ok to eat.
      2) Forget what foods people think makes them sick. Most have no clue.
      3) Follow the yellow brick road one step at a time: Step 1 find the post that explains how to do your own pancreatitis food diary, do what it says. Step 2 re-read the above post about a proper pancreatitis diet. It’s simple, straight forward and there isn’t any maybes or what if’s. Step 3 get the correct supplements. Step 4 is actual application. You do it.

      The answers to all your questions and how to heal are on this blog but you have to read it, then do it. Just reading it doesn’t work. Just doing some of it doesn’t work. It’s an all or nothing kinda thing and that isn’t me dictating that it’s your damaged pancreas. So you only have one choice. Either do what works or look forward to being sick every month, every other month, whatever. It is all up to you. And remember …

      I’m not a doctor. I simply happen to know what works for me and seems to work for others who do exactly what I do. Not part of what I do, not half, not almost all, but everything, exactly like I have it lined out. if you can do that you have a chance of healing. If not well, good luck. And …

      Please refrain from doing two or three posts regarding the same info. I know you were diagnosed in January of this year with CP. I know what your doctor said you could eat. I know you are taking a combination supplement that has 360 mgs of grape seed extract. Now …

      Your grape seed extract should be ONLY grape seed or grape seed with vitamin C or grape seed with maritime pine back. NOTHING else should be with your grape seed extract. NOTHING no, b vitamins, no minerals, no other herbs. NOTHING but what I said. Once you have the proper grape seed formula you can increase your dosage without the worry of being poisoned with to much of something that is toxic.

      The next supplement is curcumin. The next is vitamin C. All of this info is on this blog already if you’d just look for it and read it.

      1. Darren

        Wow, you are the man. Where were you when I lest the hospital!! My story is like most others, 100% mortality rate. ;most organs shutting down, life support, I could go on and on. The treatment was torture, lol. We all know that. I was at a great hospital and they saved me, Drs call it a miracle(how do I take that). Anyways , I got enzymes and my diet was fat free(pretty much) in the hospital. And them you go home, I felt way better, gained strength and weight back, taking my enzymes and I started cheating a little on the diet.

        Present time, I’m having an attack now, not sure what to do? I’m tired , no appetite, stomach discomfort(tolerable)radiating to the back, vison blurred.

        Do I ride it out? When do o go to the ER? Its so so hard to describe my symptoms , . Now I’m very sure I’m having some flare UPS.I’m trying to rest and

        Eating very low fat foods
        Water Gatorade

        You are a lifesaver, for real

        So.. do I ride this out? Or and when to go back to the ER

        To all of us: strange disease, we are all in this together , ill be on here forever.

        Thanks again Health Guy and to all others in the PANC FAM.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Darren cheating on diet doesn’t work especially when there has been a lot of damage. I can’t tell you what to do, ride it out or go to the ER. The ER might be the prudent choice since you have already had organ failure and been on life support. No sense in playing with something that can turn dangerously ugly in a heart beat.

          1. Darren Pomplun

            Thanks for the response..
            I just had blood work last week, Dr said I was fine. So I assume IT can get bad in a week. Ill see doc soon for a CT scan and we will go from there.

  5. talkinguniverse

    Hi Paul ,
    My mom was doing well when i started this treatment of grape seed , curcumin and vit c …. She still on it but from last 1 month the pain is not subsiding ..i have tried putting her on strict liquid diet , even nothing by mouth etc . Note: she is following strict vegan diet with no oil .
    Now , i am kinda stuck she is on 4 pain killers each day .
    But the strange thing is that , she is hungry with no nausea or other symptoms “only pain”
    and sometimes eating food also helps in reliving pain .
    What do you think i should try ?

    To tell you some thing about her :
    Diagnosed chronic pancreatitis about 6 months back , have high triglycerides level
    she uses insulin as she is diabetic and she takes enzymes and supplements
    Her chronic pancreatitis was confirmed from the reports which showed a little shrinkage in pancreas , hence there were no other symptoms like calcification , gall stones etc

    Thanks for helping us !! God bless.

    Aakash ( India )

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Aakash you said she is taking enzymes. Is your mom on creon or another pancreatic enzyme med? The reason I ask is maybe they have her taking too much and that is causing the pain because eating sometimes relieves the pain, right? Just thinking outloud. Eating can also reduce pain in ulcer patients. Eating usually doesn’t reduce pain in pancreatitis patients, usually the exact opposite. If she is on a prescription enzyme med you may want to ask the doc if a lower dose may not be warranted. If it is OTC (over the counter) enzymes like I take maybe reducing the amount might work. Those pancreatic enzymes, especially prescription doses, are strong. Too much can be almost as bad, sometimes worse, than not enough. That is about all I can think of right at the moment Aakash. I hope your mom gets to feeling better. 🙂

  6. Usman Shafqat Chatha

    WOW its a lovely article…. i suffered acute pancreatitis just returned home after 10 days in hospital here in Pakistan now a days doctors have suggested me to take the diets u told …. i am still under way to be completely fine …. how many more days will it take me to be completely fit? i have 10 days of pain and treatment … in addition i have gall stones …. docs have said my gall bladder will surgically removed after i recover completely from acute pancreatitis …. ??

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Sorry to hear you are ill. Wouldn’t wish pancreatitis on anyone – it sucks. I can’t say how long it will take for you to heal. Everyone heals at a different pace and damage is never identical which means there is no way of knowing whether you will become completely well and fit. Sounds like you had gallstone pancreatitis? Hopefully your damage is not to bad and once the cause (gallstones) are removed you’ll heal up as good as new. You’ll know whether that is going to happen or not once the original cause is eliminated. Good luck to you! 🙂

      1. Usman Shafqat Chatha

        yeah … i have been effected due to the gall stones … docs says once i will be completely fine .. they will remove my gall bladder .. lets c tommorow i am going to have a checkup again with CBC glucose fasting FSH and PTH test results ….

          1. Usman Shafqat Chatha

            just returned from doc … he checked my ultrasound ct scan etc reports … he says i am recovered … now i can go for surgery to remove gall bladder … today after few hours i have setup a meeting with the surgeon … lets c … keep praying

          2. Usman Shafqat Chatha

            Hellow … The Health Guy .. I have got surgery couple of days ago to remove my gall bladder through laproscopy … it was full ov stones, i hope the pancreatitis may never return now … after 8 days i will go to doc to remove the stiches … my GI specialist has suggested to keep taking enzymes suppliments and low almost 0 fat/oil diet for another week… then he will monitor and suggest more … i need your prayers … i do not want another episode of pancreatitis ever …. i have never taken alcohol … but i used to eat a lot of spicy, food and fast food …. do u think taking spicy and fast food and eating too much of that at one time … can trigger pancreatitis???

          3. The Health Guy Post author

            I hope you heal up completely from the surgery and never have another problem. In the event that isn’t the case …

            Spicy food? Depends on the food not the spice. Spices are usually good. It’s the food they are in that is most likely the problem. Fast food (junk fries, burgers, tacos, that sort of thing is asking for trouble IF you have continued problems with your pancreas. The main enemies are food and alcohol. Since you don’t drink all you have to do is watch the alcohol content that may hide in various foods (vanilla extract in baked goods, alcohol in cold and flu remedies) and fat content.

          4. Usman Shafqat Chatha

            i am also surprised to know only a very few males gets gall stones, and even fewer gets pancreatitis due to gall stones ….

          5. The Health Guy Post author

            Yep, for some reason males seem to get gallstones and gallstone pancreatitis a lot less than do females.

    2. Maria

      Hello Usman : I had the gall bladder surgery gallstones too, very painful indeed, ,and a year later I had acute pancreatitis , I know how you feel .hope you feel better …Maria

  7. Heather

    Hi Health Guy, hope you are keeping well. I have been keeping to your diet but am struggling to go to toilet as there is not enough fat in my diet and am also struggling to pick up weight. I did see a homeopath as you suggested regarding the calcification (chelation) and am on her meds. Any suggestions regarding the weight gain would be appreciated. Still get pain from time to time in my lower back and under the right rib but not as extreme as it used to be. Regards

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Heather – so you are seeing some improvement in the pain. That is good.

      Does your homeopath have you on edta chelation? IV or oral? If so, I am really curious to find out whether it helps you or not.

      Constipation can sometimes be an issue when the diet is extremely low in fat. Drink more water, eat more fiber. Legumes such as lentils, beans and peas are rich in fiber, protein and b vitamins. The fiber should help but – You may have to try a mild laxative but it is more important to heal that pancreas by avoiding fat than it is to be a regular, easy pooper 🙂 Good luck.

  8. Tina desjardins

    Hi health guy,
    Thankyou for all the information. Here’s a question for you. I eat as you say fresh vegetables, fruits , lean chicken, white fish , beans etc., everything organic if possible. I understand that it’s very important to have fat for brain health though and that chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease greatly increases when the brain is deprived of healthy fat so I was wondering what you think about taking an omega 3 fish oil supplement. What are your thoughts on this matter?
    It would be an awful thing to have chronic pancreatitis and not be able to care properly for yourself and eat the diet you need.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Tina – Krill oil is better. Even better is to simply eat some fresh, wild Cod. Cod contains quality fish oil just not as much as oily cold water fish like salmon, trout, mackerel and sardines. I really wouldn’t worry about Alzheimer’s disease, especially if it doesn’t run in your family. If you are young, even early onset Alzheimer’s is years away whereas severe acute pancreatitis could be tomorrow with a 10% – 50% chance of death in hours or days due to infection and/or organ failure. I have a tendency to deal with the most deadly or potentially deadly threat at the time. I’ve been on the diet for what 32-33 years? I haven’t got Alzheimer’s yet but if I screw up I could have a severe acute pancreatitis attack tomorrow or the next day and be dead within a week or two or be so damaged I’d just as soon be dead. I personally worry more about pancreatic cancer than I do about Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. Chronic pancreas inflammation increases the risk of pancreatic cancer. That is a death sentence marked in months but, I try not to worry about stuff that may never happen. 🙂

  9. Missy

    Now I’m confused. I read contradictory things about coconut oil. I read it a MC fat, and the pancreas is not needed to digest. Any ideas?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Missy 🙂 – I know there is confusing, even dangerous info out there on the net. Everybody is an expert when it comes to pancreatitis, especially regarding diet and how to treat it successfully in a non-emergency scenario. Most haven’t had pancreatitis or they have it and are sick. Most doctors I have met don’t know it when they see it (can’t diagnose it) and even if they recognize it do not know how to stop it. Me I have it, I know how to stop it and I’m not sick. I seem to be pretty well healed up. Hopefully I won’t screw up and I’ll stay well. So …

      Here is what I think, actually know. Coconut is full of OIL. Oil is fat. Fat is bad. Fat is the enemy. ALL fat is bad, especially if your pancreas is still inflamed BUT damage also plays a factor. You may not have as much damage as me and may be able to tolerate more fat or you may have more damage and be able to tolerate less fat. Feel free to give it a go. Tell me how it works out for you. By the way I’m not trying to be rude or obnoxious. Everyone has to make their own choices. You can try it or not try it. I wouldn’t but that’s my choice. Good luck Missy, stay well. 🙂

      1. Missy

        Thank you for your comment. Apparently I got a virus a 6 years ago that caused my husbands appendix to go, and my pancreas to swell. *multiple misdiagnosis later* After an EUS, it turns out most would have healed fine. But, I have a curly duct. Now it has a stone “growing” in it. They can’t get it out with an ERCP (they tried), went to Mayo clinic. My “organic/natural” folks say that coconut oil and cinnamon can heal the pancreas. They said to use it in place of butter/oil as a better alternative. But, I got the jar it says 63%.fat!!! The EUS/ERCP says my pancreas doesn’t have much damage in terms of insulin areas. But, they did see evidence of moderate to severe attacks. It scares the heck out of me! The surgeon got all “happy” when he said yes you have a 7% greater chance of pancreatic cancer then non-chronic. 🙁 He said chronic pancreatitis, they believe, is cancer in disguise. It doesn’t help my great grandmother died of pancreatic cancer. I see my 7 kids (11 and under and cry). Thank you for your website it gives me much encouragement. After my last attack and they kept trying to dope me up (I refused hospital treatment). I saw you said use Ibuprofen during the flair up. It worked SOOOOO much better then the Tramdol/Tylenol 3 stuff. They just made me sleepy didn’t take away that fullness feeling. THANK YOU!!!!

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Missy – don’t let surgeons scare you about pancreatic cancer. LONG-term inflammation found in chronic pancreatitis patients does increase the risk but it isn’t so much of an increase that you can figure you are going to get pancreatic cancer. Surgeons want to make money. They don’t make the big bucks unless they are carving on someone. Since long-term pancreas inflammation has been linked to an increased pancreatic cancer risk it only enforces the the common sense solution of eliminating the inflammation, as soon as possible and of course keeping it from coming back. That takes a proper pancreatitis diet (low in fat, mostly plant based), anti-inflammatory supplements (grape seed extract, curcumin, vitamin C) and Ibuprofen or aspirin when needed.

          I am glad Ibuprofen worked for you. You’re welcome. 🙂 Ibuprofen isn’t safe. It can cause high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and bleeding (ALL RARE), so use it as sparingly as possible. In my opinion, anything with Tylenol (Acetaminophen) should be avoided. Acetaminophen causes liver failure in even smaller doses and it is in so much stuff that it is easy to take to much and totally ruin the liver. It is a real toxic substance endorsed by doctors, nurses etc BUT … the truth is finally coming out. IT IS DANGEROUS and destroys livers. The problem is that Acetaminophen is a very weak pain killer for anything more than a moderate headache. It may work to reduce fever and help a little headache but it’s not a powerful anti-inflammatory like Ibuprofen. The medical community thinks it is better than sliced bread but they don’t have to suffer the pain of pancreatitis and liver damage gives them another source of revenue. Yep I said that. I really do think that the whole mission of mainstream medicine is to make money – no matter what the cost. They don’t cure anything anymore – they “manage” disease and conditions. If they cure something, revenue stops. If they “manage” disease and conditions revenue flows. I personally don’t think that the medical community cares about quality of life, whether we live well or not. They don’t want us dead because revenue stops but they don’t want us well either because revenue stops. I could go on and on but I don’t want to bore you.

          Coconut, coconut oil and coconut milk all contain too much fat. As far as I know there isn’t a real good substitute for butter or cooking oil. You just need to learn to cook and live without butter and oil. Pam cooking spray, the original, claims to have ZERO fat. You could always try it and see how it goes. Stay well!

  10. Sonda

    Wow … This info is positive and scary at the same time. My new Dr says that food doesn’t cause Pancreatitis! How are we supposed to trust these people that we give our money to? My 3rd bout of Pancreatitis this year landed me in ICU for 2 weeks. I am still trying to recover and it is very hard to trust anyone.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Sonda – Your doctor is right in one instance and wrong in another. Food doesn’t CAUSE pancreatitis originally BUT high fat content food will cause repeat attacks once damage has occurred. ONCE your pancreas has been damaged many foods with fat content become the enemy. Alcohol (can cause original pancreatitis and repeat attacks) and fat are the enemies when one has been diagnosed with pancreatitis.

    2. Usman Shafqat Chatha

      as u know from my earlier posts i had a severe pancreatritis attack 3 months ago … been hospitalized for about a month and removed my gall bladder which was full of stones … etc .. but now my doc is bringing me back to normal diet …. i am very confused he says fatty food in less quantity will cause no problems … he also asked me i do not need to be over concerned about food … he asked me not to use grapefruit … while i have read on net every where theat grapefruit is best …. how cant i trust him? when he brought me to life when i was almost died???? by grace of GOD … i am taking some oily food in small quantity … so far no problems … got my Amylase levels checked couple of times … they are normal …. i am very confused ….

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        I understand your confusion. I can’t help you make a decision. You have to do that. If you can tolerate some fat, great. Whatever you do I wish you good luck and better health. 🙂

  11. Jhalak Dutta

    Your website is very much help full.. i had acute pancreatitis….

    sir can i drink green tea.? it has it bad for me ?
    secondly can i take fruit juices ? which are found in the shops branded as “Tropikana” or “Real” etc etc….these packed fruit juices are good or bad ?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Green tea is good stuff. It is full of anti-inflammatory antioxidants. Caffeine doesn’t bother me but if you can locate decaffeinated green tea (we have it here in the states) you could use that instead if the caffeine worries you. Fruit juices should be ok. 🙂

      1. Kim

        Wow! finally someone with sense. After bouts of illness all of my life, gallbladder removal,etc. They discovered I have pancreatic divism. 4% of people with this have trouble…lucky me! This year I have been in the hospital 5 times..the last my lipase was 15,000. I have an appt. with the Cleveland clinic next month.i hope and pray they have ‘the fix’ ! Thank you for understanding what it’s like and voicing the severely of this issue. Wish me luck!

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Kim, thanks for visiting. I wish I could tell you there’s a “fix” for pancreas divism but to my knowledge (which is limited) I don’t recall ever reading about a complete fix. BUT I do wish you luck and who knows maybe they have figured out how to rectify pancreas divism and it simply has not been published in an online format accessible to me. This site was last edited in 2012. As of that time there weren’t any quality strategies for fixing pancreas divism so think carefully before allowing a surgeon to start cutting. You could end up worse off than you are now.

          I would imagine you have done some research on your condition and know the basics or a lot more but here is on of my favorite “go to” sites for medical stuff cuz they are affiliated with med schools and the the info is used in training prospective med students. Unfortunately, after doing another search for “new” treatment regarding pancreas divism I found nothing new.

  12. joe mtz

    I got diagnosed with acute pancreatitus in june 2014. Prior to this I had been to the ER, in April, July and december of 2013. Every time I went they made me feel like I was after pain pills which I never took before ,because I am so against pain pills. Or I was until they relieved this pain.

    during the visits to the ER All they did was take an xray and say they could’nt find anything. On one visit teh Dr said it was constipation. Then I heard him say the same thing to the patients in the two beds beside me . You know the pain I was in. I was throwing up for days . The throwing up caused my pain to go away, All I got was that its constipation. I realized that every time I went to ER they followed a protocol, doing the same thing and finishing with just a pain pill RX.

    So I went to a different ER in a major hospital and I was really happy to finally have a diagnoses. Up until then I had never heard of pancreatitis but soon read as much as I could about it.. it wasnt a diagnosisto be happy about. But at least it identified the cause of my pain and gave me a chance to manage my pain. They still dont know the root cause.

    I have stuck to your diet but i am Diabetic so on top of watching the fat I also have to watch the sugar. Its very dificult finding things I can eat. I had been managing my pancreatic pain pretty good.
    But when I went in to the ER the last time when they finally diagnosed me, I was having this great pain in my right leg . they ignored the leg and took care of the pancreatitis.So right now I have great leg pain . My pancreatic pain is down to a 2 on a scale of 1 through 10.

    I want to thank you for this post cause it gives me guidance . I Know the diet you posted has helped me manage my pain.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Joe – You’re welcome to the info. I hope you continue to improve. You may wat to get the 3 supplements as well. those coupled with diet should result in vast improvement. PLUS since you are diabetic the grape seed will help protect your eyes and posiibly other organs from the effects of diabetes. It reduces cardiovascular risk associated with diabetes. Then there’s the problem of diabetes affecting the kidneys and eyes. Grape seed seems to help with both in some studies using rats as a model.

      1. Joe Martinez

        Thanks again .i will get the supplements
        I am using a grape seed cooking oil , it’ says no fat

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hey Joe you are welcome. About that grape seed oil. No fat is interesting because it is oil and all oil contains fat. If you go to this page and look at the info on the right you’ll note that grape seed oil contains some saturated fat and a fair amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat. In fact it is 97% fat. I’m not sure how one could have an oil that doesn’t contain fat. The interesting thing to note is that grape seed oil does NOT contain the beneficial flavonoids that grape seed extract contains because of the oil content (the polyphenol flavonoids are not fat soluble) and cold processing. You may want to use caution.

          1. Justin

            Hey guys, I bought grapeseed oil because it does say 0 fat on the bottle. I read the whole bottle at home, and there’s a chart on it that says “spray time” 1/4 second 0g fat 0 calories. 1 second spray, 1.5g fat, 15 calories, 2 second spray 3g fat, 25 calories, Crazy, isn’t it?

  13. Max

    Hi, Health Guy, thanks for the info in the article, it’s really helpful and timely for a person who was diagnosed with a chronic pancreatitis a day ago.

    I have got 3 questions:

    1) I am lifting weights in a gym, been lifting for 1.5 years now – but i had panc. attacks long before this so i don’t think it’s connected. I am using creatine as a supplementation – 5g a day – if you heard anything about it’s negative effects on your pancreas, please let me know.

    2) Also, since i am trying to make all kinds of gains, i am really interested whether i can eat the food from your list BUT high amounts of those foods – 3.5 kcalories a day for example – 300-400g of white chicken meat, and tonns of complex carbohydrates to get those 3.5 kcal – since i cant eat lots of fats. For example, my daily diet would be 400 g of wheat, barley, oats, rice, 400 g of white chicken meat and ofc some fruits/vegetables.

    3) You didn’t mention buckwheat in your list but i guess it’s also applicable

    Thanks for sharing your experience thus helping lots of people – i hope i gonna get rid of this disease and will be eligible to teach other people how to deal with it, using your and mine experince


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Max – sorry to hear you have CP.

      1) Creatine supplementation alters insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis in vivo, at least it did in rats lol. Whether the same happens in humans or not has yet to be determined. I have read where there is some concern that creatine supplementation may cause kidney, liver and heart damage in high doses but that has not been proven. Other than “possibilities” with no proof it seems that prudent usage is safe. However, keep in mind there is always a possibility that it isn’t so just keep track of what happens in your particular situation.

      2) In regards to your question about amounts of safe foods. Fat and alcohol are the nemies. An unhealthy pancreas (inflamed) may not tolerate large amounts of food at one time. You’ll have to “experiment” if body building is really important to you and any experimentation could have unwated consequences. I am NOT trying to scare you, just being realistic.

      3) Buckwheat should be perfectly fine. Any grain, vegetable, legume should be fine.

      Good luck!

  14. danny

    HI Health Guy:
    Is Fat free yogurt ok for pancreatic diet ? Can yogurt contain alcohol ?


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Danny – you can always give it (fat free yogurt) a shot and see how it works for you. I’m not sure if yogurt contains alcohol. Some manufacturers may use sugar alcohol as a “sweetener” but you’d have to read the label and look. Sorbitol is a common sugar alcohol.

      1. Dana Rudlaff

        Hi! It is my understanding sugar alcohol does not contain ethanol, which is what is found in alcoholic beverages. Are you saying sugar alcohols should be avoided?They occur naturally in foods and are from plant products. Thank you for your information.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Dana – yes sugar alcohol is still alcohol. Exactly what kind of alcohol I don’t know so I’ll take your word for it but it still causes problems. I learned that the hard way from eating ripe bananas. Peel a ripe banana (one that has a lot of spots and the peel is turning brown and sniff it. I can smell the alcohol and you will too. ANY over ripe fruit can technically be a problem due to the sugar turning to alcohol so it is best to eat fruit just before or as they become ripe – over ripe is not good.

  15. Janine

    I can’t believe I’ve found this website! I had pancreatic attacks and CIC since 1997. Finally after being “streeted” by the local ER many many times they diagnosed me with chronic pancreatitis in 2012. Calcifications to the head of the pancreas – unknown cause. I have a huge intolerance to fats and desperately need advice on how I can take a gel capsule of vitamin d or even grape seed oil without having a pancreatic attack!

    I seem to be able to add a small amount of oil to a large amount of a tomato based veggie dish, as long as it’s mixed well into the dish. But… these fat supplements seem to cause huge pains and I don’t know what to do. My vitamin D level has dropped to a critical 8 (30-100 is best). I began taking one 1,000 IU supplement 5 times a day, per doctor, and got very sick with abdominal pains and what felt like sludge in my colon that didn’t pass for endless days.

    Oh previously mention was made to the “spray” type fats. The reason they say 0 fat per spray is simply the FDA guidelines don’t count fat under a certain amount and they assume you will only use 1 or 2 sprays. A friend of mine buys 20 bottles a week and pours it on his food, believing it’s fat free:) Not. Just gov’t rules.

    Is the food supplement “Boost” safe? I’m at the point I need to replace fat soluable nutrients. It hasn’t caused me a pancreatitis attack but I never feel well anyway lately. I’m afraid I began to try different foods about a year ago. In 2012 I ate fruits and then made a dish with Hunts diced tomatoes, zucchini, kale, 5 black olives broken up in it and finally diced pre-baked white chicken breast. That was all I ate and it seemed okay. Then again my doctor had me on Tramadol and also valium to counteract the hyperactivity the tramadol caused. Now I’m on no medication, have moved to a place where there isn’t much of a kitchen and the appliances don’t work well (I’m broke!) so I’ve been eating bread with lettuce, tomatoes and turkey breast, ham (no additives in them), a hard boiled egg since they have health benefits (especially the yolk) and Bush’s vegan beans (probably too many additives). I feel like hell now and don’t know if it’s the change in diet. I still eat fruit and broccoli and brussel sprouts, other veggies.
    Is that an unsafe diet in your experience?

    Again, how can we take a capsule of fat? Isn’t fat safer for us if it’s spread throughout a large amount of food? In other words, when a “glob” of fat leaves the stomach doesn’t the pancreas sense it and send out too much Amylase and/or Lipase? Whereas 1 gram of fat in a piece of bread isn’t going to set off the pancreas. (i do feel bread isn’t helping me feel better but I was worried about lack of the B vitamins.)

    One last note. Above, someone mentioned that his or her Amylase levels were normal. It’s my understanding that the Only Time the Lipase and Amylase levels rise is during an Acute Attack and they can and will drop to normal within 3 to 5 hours of the attack. That’s why it took so long for me to be diagnosed! By the time the ER doc saw me and blood was drawn the labs had normalized.

    Love your advice. Help please.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Janine – sounds like you aren’t very well. Every now and then I take a vitamin D3 suplement (1,000 IU). It is called Natures Blend and is gluten free. It’s a tablet not a gel cap. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, like A, K and E and so it does need to be taken with a meal that has at least a little fat in order for the body to absorb it. So I take it when I have some chicken or fish. I do NOT add oil to anything when I cook and I don’t use any kind of oil for “greasing” the pan or pot or to enhance flavors. OIL is always fat. Fat and alcohol are the enemies. All meals and or snacks should contain no more than 5 grams of fat, preferably polyunsaturated fat (plant fat). Adding oil to your food is not a good idea and it doesn’t take much oil to make 5 grams of fat (1 tsp or less). Obviously you need to get your vitamin D levels up. 5,000 IU is a healthy dose. Is your supplement gluten free? It is necessary to check because it doesn’t take much gluten to cause a problem. Many prescription and OTC products are NOT gluten free. Here’s a resource I use to check. Be advised not all supplements, OTC drugs and prescription drugs are listed. Sometimes I have to google the product and manufacturer to find out what is used as “binders” and “fillers.”

      I checked out Boost. The original chocolate has 4 grams of fat and should be ok for one snack or one meal. The high protein version has 6 grams of fat which is pushing the envelope. Boost Plus has 14 grams of fat in that dinky 8 oz bottle. Boost Calorie Smart has 7 grams of fat and so does Boost Glucose Control. Boost Nutrition Bars have 7 grams of fat per bar and are NOT gluten free. By the way all of the other versions have “gluten free” indications, however, all but the original version have to much fat.

      To answer your question:”I’ve been eating bread with lettuce, tomatoes and turkey breast, ham (no additives in them), a hard boiled egg since they have health benefits (especially the yolk) and Bush’s vegan beans (probably too many additives). I feel like hell now and don’t know if it’s the change in diet. I still eat fruit and broccoli and brussel sprouts, other veggies. Is that an unsafe diet in your experience?”

      Ok ready? Here we go …

      The ham has to go. Pork is one of the worst meats you can eat with pancreatitis. If the package said 150% fat free I’d never eat it. Pork, beef, lamb, duck all have way to much fat but red meat and pork just don’t work at all. Turkey breast without skin should be ok unless you bought a “basted turkey.” Those puppies are not gluten free. IF you see anything with “hydrolyzed vegetable protein” (“The manufacturing process for HVP varies depending on the desired organoleptic properties of the end product. In general common vegetable raw materials used in the production of HVP include defatted oil seeds (soy, rapeseed), and protein mainly from maize, wheat, pea and rice.”) OR you are buying it as lunch meat or from the deli. That stuff is usually “pressed” meat which is turkey all beat apart and glued back together. The glue most always contains wheat which is gonna cause you, as a celiac, problems. Sashimi (fake crab) is the same. It is full of glue made with wheat. I learned all this crap the hard way (making myself sick) and researching for hours to find out why I was sick lol. The egg yolk may be a problem too. One yolk contains 5 grams of fat. One egg equals one whole meal. Bush beans, I love’em can’t eat’em cuz they are NOT gluten free (unless they have changed) and didn’t say “gluten free” on the label. IF the label does NOT say “gluten free” it may not be no matter what someone says. I liked bush beans so much I called the company to find out. Supposedly they were going to change some things so their beans were “gluten free” BUT I have never seen “gluten free” on a Bush label.

      The fresh lettuce, tomato broccoli, Brussel’s sprouts and other veggies should e perfectly fine. Anything canned, processed, pre-cooked, deli food are always suspect for gluten (unless noted as “gluten free” on the label).

      If I missed a question yell.

      Oh heck! Disregard the stuff about celiac disease and gluten. I mistakenly thought you were another lady who has pancreatic calfication and celiac disease. The rest about fat is highly applicable. By the way I also just noticed you said you were using grape seed oil. Again grape seed oil is oil and has 5 grams of fat per tsp. It also has very little nutrient value and is not the same as grape seed extract.

      Amylase and Lipase usually take 4 – 6 hours into an attack to rise. They often stay elevated for up to 7 days. Those with chronic pancreatitis can have slightly elevated enzyme levels without an acute attack. Once the pancreas has been destroyed enough, either by acute attacks or chronic inflammation, the enzyme levels may not rise at all due to the fact the pancreas is no longer able to produce them. This is called pancreatic insufficiency. When PI occurs most patients need high doses of creon at each meal.

      Again disregard the celiac info. The fat info is mixed in with it and I don’t want to rewrite this comment so I apologize you received more info than you asked for and doesn’t even pertain to you. The good news is that the Bush Vegatarian Beans should be just fine for you! Egg yolks, ham, oil not so much lol

  16. Wendy-Lee

    I had an attack a couple of weeks ago, and have been sticking to a liquidy sort of diet: pureed fruit (mostly pears seem to be ok) in juice, sometimes with “Boost” (is this a “no-no”?), and homemade broth with some pureed carrots and sweet potatoes. I also tried adding egg white to the broth after about 10 days, and that seems to sit well, too. I’m afraid to try anything else, and have lost 30 lbs! I had terrible pain the first few days, but now it’s just unrelenting acid that comes up my throat and nose. I’m taking metoclopramide, which is controlling the acid, but it’s a scary, scary medication that can only be taken for 12 weeks maximum; I’d love to get off of it as soon as possible. My big question is: the pancreatitis seems to be the result of some pain medications that I was taking for a kidney stone and subsequent surgery (I don’t drink alcohol, and had my gallbladder out 10 years ago) – am I going to have trouble with this the rest of my life?! Am I going to have to watch my diet this closely, or am I going to be able to go back to eating “normally” once I’m healed?? I’ve never eaten what I’d consider a high fat diet, but it was definitely higher in fat than the meal options listed here! Advice and info, please! Thanks,


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Wendy-Lee 🙂 hopefully you are feeling better by now. Original Boost is ok it has 4 grams of fat per serving but you are reaching the 5 grams fat limit per meal. The other Boost products have to much fat content coming in at 7 – 14 grams depending upon product. The home-made broth, pure vegetable is fine. If you make your broth with any kind of meat it may have to much fat. If it is beef or pork broth that is not a good thing. Chicken broth may even have to much fat.

      I don’t know if you’ll have to eat a restricted LOW fat diet forever. I don’t know your situation but if your CT scans, EUS etc showed pancreas damage you may have a whole new eating style to look forward towards. IF you have had more than one acute attack or if that attack was severe acute which usually always causes some real damage that sure isn’t a plus. I tried eating normally for awhile after I was all healed up – didn’t work out well. That probably wasn’t what you wanted to hear. You can always role the dice and test your luck. Like I said, a lot depends on how much damage you have sustained. I’m just guessing from what little you’ve said that you should get used to eating differently. It isn’t that bad. I don’t miss steak or roast or prime rib or bacon or a myriad of other things that don’t work. After a few years your desire for those foods will pass. Ok, maybe not lol

      1. Wendy-Lee

        Hi! Thanks for your reply. I am feeling much better but am still on a liquid diet in week 3 now because my pancreatic enzymes weren’t quite back to the normal range yet. I’ve only been dealing with a GP to this point (have an appointment with a GI specialist – the only one in our small town – in 2 months!); he said that the enzyme level was supposed to be around 50 (I’m not even sure which enzyme) and mine was over 80, classifying me as a very mild pancreatic attack. At the last blood test, the level had come down to 61. I took Flagyl a couple of weeks ago, for a suspected Giardia infection, and I’ve since read that this medication can also set off pancreatitis. I tried to eat some pureed yam with broth yesterday (Dr. said to start introducing pureed foods), and although it didn’t cause any pain or discomfort, there was a bit of bloating, and I could only eat about 1/4 cup and felt very full. I’m worried that my stomach doesn’t seem to be emptying properly (which I’ve read can also be a result of a pancreatic attack??) and bowels don’t work right either, leaning toward very sluggish almost constipated bm’s. I had a CT scan done several weeks ago, when they were checking for my kidney stone, but no one mentioned any problem with my pancreas; I was also told at this point that all my “enzyme levels” were fine, so who knows what that means? Perhaps the ER doctor didn’t think that “80” was high enough to class it as pancreatitis? I really only had bad pain for about 2 days. In the meantime, I’m feeling sorry for myself because I can’t eat anything, and fretting that it might be something more serious. Not much to do, I guess, until November when I see the GI specialist. I’m already on a restricted diet because I have interstitial cystitis, so am not relishing the possibility of adding super low fat to the mix. I appreciate your comments and advice!

  17. Wendy-Lee

    Oh dear …. just read all the info on this site (all of it, this time 😉 ) I’m surprised at the use of onions and garlic in the veggie broth … don’t know why I thought this would be a bad idea. I will add some to my own broth, thank you very much! I’m feeling a bit down about the juicing and supplements because of the diet I must follow for my interstitial cystitis, which includes no citric acid – vitamin C supplements and grapefruit juice are a big “NO!” or cause a lot of pain and spasms. The rest, I think I could do. I still have teenagers at home, and love to cook, so this will be an interesting transition. Are spices/seasonings off limits? I’ve read that “spicy” foods are not good … what kinds of spices are ok, and which are not? What about chicken or fish “crispy style” by coating in egg white, bread or cornflakes crumbs and baking?? I’m wondering about asking to speak to a dietician, but you don’t seem to have much faith in them … what should I look for/avoid in a diet made up “for me”? I also have recurrent oxalate based kidney stones which means no spinach, beets, blueberries, and a myriad of other “good” things …. this is going to be an interesting journey for this Canadian-German, loves to cook and eat, Mama! Thanks so much for all the info here …. invaluable. Blessings.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      I’ve personally never found any spice to be a problem. In fact many are down right helpful. Ginger, curcumin, cayenne (chili powder etc), paprika, rosemary are all anti-inflammatory, black pepper (helps curcumin absorption), the rest all seem to work with no problem. There isn’t a spice that I know of that contains fat. Garlic and onion are also anti-inflammatory. Garlic in pure raw form offers antimicrobial properties as well. Raw, fresh garlic on an empty stomach isn’t a good idea cuz it can cause nausea and vomiting.

      The “coating” of chicken and fish in egg white and cornflakes may or may not be ok. I’ve never done it. I envision the chciken fat being absorbed by the coating mixture which may cause problems. You can always try it and see how it works for you.

      The only things I suggest you be wary of are fat and alcohol. Meals should contain no more than 5 grams of fat with total daily fat intake at 25 grams. A dietician will have you eating more fat in one meal than you should consume all day. Other than that I think they are great. 🙂

  18. Doreen

    I had my gallbladder out last November. In March i was hospitalized for 7 days with pancreatitis. NPO and pain meds were my only relief. I cut out alot of fat and have never drank alcohol. But apparently, i didn’t follow no fat eating wee, and this month,, i had another attack. Looking back, i believe i have had other pancreatitis attacks going back 4 years. Your blog has been helpful learning what to avoid and i am working on it. One of my great loves was peanut butter. Do you have a healthy pancreas substitute? Someone suggested almond butter. Also, i have quite a bit of a sweet tooth. What do you suggest in the way of desserts? Any suggestions are appreciated.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Doreen, sorry to hear you aren’t well. You and I have something in common. I LOVE peanut butter but it doesn’t love me lol. It has a lot of fat. Almonds have a lot of fat as well so I wouldn’t think almond butter would be much better, maybe worse. The only thing that I can say may be a safe possibility for your sweet tooth is hard rock candy if you can find it. Most deserts are full of fat (pie, cake, cookies, pudding etc). Jello should be ok. Mix in some fruit and try that. I’m not a fan of jello so I always forget to mention it. Applesauce is good. I make a killer applesauce that almost tastes like apple pie filling and has zero fat. 8 granny smith apples, peeled and cored, cut into cubes and cooked in 1/2 cup of water, with 1/2 cup of dark brown sugar, some cinnamon, a tiny dash of salt, and a dash of molasses. You can increase or decrease the water, sugar, cinnamon and molasses to taste. I let it cook for about 20 – 30 minutes until the apples are nice and tender and the sauce is thick. I leave them in chunks some folks like them smashed up so you can do whatever you like. But I warn you I can hardly keep from eating the whole batch at once lol.

      Make yourself a pumkin pie without the crust. Pumpkin pie custard. Buy some Libby’s Pumkin Pie filling. There is almost zero fat in the mix but it calls for 2 eggs and condensed milk. I substitute non fat milk for the condensed milk and 2 egg whites for the whole eggs. Bake it in a pan until done and you have a “custard” that is pretty dang good with zero fat.

  19. Nikolai

    Hi Healthy Guy

    Thanks for sharing all the precious info on beating pancreatitis.

    It’s really confusing that the diets I’ve read on the internet say many wrong things like for example beans should be out and beef is OK.

    I want to ask two questions:

    1) If the problem with pancreatic diet is getting enough proteins, then is it safe to take protein supplements like this one (just a random pick of mine) ?

    2) Are hard-boiled eggs whites OK since the Internet says “No”? From your posts I get it that omelette cooked without is OK so hard-boiled should be the same

    3) Do all people with chronic pancreatitis tolerate hot spices like black pepper and chilli?

    4) Is food like canned beans, tinned white-meat fish OK for chronic pancreatitis, etc. (all tinned foods that are otherwise pancreas-friendly)? The Internet again says “NO”.

    5) Is soda or other fizzy drinks OK?

    6) Is it true that with pancreatitis you have to avoid foods with Es inside (artificial antioxidants, preservatives, emulgators, etc.)

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      You’re welcome Nikolai. Yep I understand your confusion. Most info out there, whether online or offline, is wrong. There are only two enemies, alcohol and fat. Anything that smells like alcohol probably is alcohol (alcohol hides in foods and medications) and if it tastes wonderful it is probably full of fat.

      1) Protein powder/formulas should be used with caution. Many contain oil and/or fat. Whey can be a problem for some. Make sure you check the fat content and read the label to determine where the fat comes from. Oil is not good.

      2) Hard boiled egg whites are fine. The yolks are a different story. One egg yolk has 5 grams of fat. Egg white have ZERO fat.

      3) I can’t say that ALL people with chronic pancreatitis tolerate spices like black pepper and chili powder. The minute I do someone will die from black pepper. It will actually be the steak they ate but they’ll blame the black pepper and try to sue me. Read the post on doing a proper food diary. Then after you have prepped properly start your diary and try black pepper on a batch of egg whites. See if it works for you then do the same with some other spice but … follow the directions for doing a proper food diary. That is the only way you’ll know what is safe for you and what isn’t. Spices contain ZERO fat and ZERO alcohol. They should be safe for you just like they are safe for me but who knows for sure? The food diary will take out the guess work.

      4) Depends on the canned beans. Pork and bean, NO. Vegetarian beens should be fine. Read the labels. Check the fat content. Same with the fish. Do a food diary.

      5) Soda pop should be ok. (food diary)

      6) I doubt it but the less chemicals and artifical crap you eat the better.

          1. Nikolai

            Hi Healthy Guy

            Sorry for bothering you again.

            After some research I bought this protein supplement:
            It has close to zero fat in contrast to supplements extracted from whey or soya so it should be OK.

            I would like to ask you a couple of things though:

            1) Does protein taken in this form puts less strain on the pancreas that protein taken in the form of boiled egg whites?

            2) Given that I take Creon enzymes for malabsorption of food, should I also take Creon when drinking this protein supplement?

            3) Should the pancreatic enzymes be taken before meal, during meal or after meal?

            4) What exactly causes the loss in weight in people with chronic pancreatitis: the lack of fats in the food, the lack of sufficient proteins in the food or the lack of sufficient calories in the food?

            Thanks in advance for answering.

            Best regards

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            No bother Nikolai. Hopefully the egg white protein powder will be fine. Egg whites are fine, no fat.

            1) I doubt there is much difference except that boiled egg whites have no fat at all
            2) Follow your doctors direction
            3) Pancreatic enzymes should be taken with meals but Creon is a powerful prescription form of pancreatic enzymes so if your are asking about taking additional over-the-counter enzymes you should be asking your doctor. Creon should be all you need.
            4) All of those you mentioned plus loss of appetite, malabsorption and any vomiting and/or diarrhea that might be a problem.

  20. Nikolai

    Hi Healthy Guy

    Thanks for sharing all the precious info on beating pancreatitis.

    I would like to ask if red grapefruit is just as good as white grapefruit in terms of benefits for the pancreas?

    Best regards

  21. miroslav

    HI-I want to ask you if is it safe to eat salads with wine vinegar or apple vinegar?Is it safe to eat bread?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Wine vinegar such as rice wine vinegar should be ok. I have never heard of a vinegar containing alcohol. Read the labels to be sure. Rice wine is another story. Apple cider vinegar is or should be fine. So salads with rice wine vinegar should work fine and be tasty cuz it’s kinda sweet.

  22. davidbuntix

    Hi ,
    My dad had acute on chronic pancreatitis in Jan 2014 . He is chronic alcoholic . He was given treat ment . he is diabetic since 13 years .now he is on insulin .he still takes alcohol . unable to stop him ,did every thing . last few weeks , heis getting fever ,most of times constipation problem , some times naussea , some times loose stools like diarrhoea. alomost stopped taking any solid food .
    taking sweet lime juice and some times bread .

    what shoud I do now please give me suggestions .

    praveen s

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Sorry to hear about your dad. If he won’t quit drinking there isn’t much that can be done except to enjoy the time you have with him.

  23. Chloe

    Hi Healthy Guy

    Thank you for creating and maintaining this wonderful website.

    I have CP with calcifications.

    Since I found your website three weeks ago, I’ve been following the diet you recommend. No alcohol, no meat, no fat of any kind. I’m on juices, rusks, peas, beans, lentils, broccoli, chickpeas, spaghetti, egg whites, honey and coffee. I carefully read the labels on all products just mentioned. I’m really strict with my diet, you can believe me.

    I also take the supplements: grape seed 3x180mg, curcumin 3x667mg, vitamin C 3x1000mg.

    Still, to avoid losing weight I try to eat 5 times a day: 3 meals and 2 snacks in between. However, I try to make sure the meals/snacks are not huge. I take Kreon – 50 000 per meal, and 25 000 per snack. I have appetite but often I get some pain in the right and/or the left abdomen, sometimes in the right of the back too, ESPECIALLY in the evening. I would rate it mild to moderate, and sometimes I take Aspirin or Ibuprofen to stop that pain.

    Why the pain, given the really strict diet, the supplements, the Kreon?

    It looks like the pancreas gets upset every time I eat. Could it be that my pancreas cannot handle 3 meals and 2 snacks per day?

    I thought Kreon enzymes take some of the workload off the pancreas? Should I reduce the quantity of food taken per day?

    Please tell me what you think.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Chloe – Your curcumin and vitamin C intake should be sufficient however if it were me I’d increase the grape seed extract to 800 – 1000mgs per day and see how that does to help the pain you still experience. I am guessing the calcification may be creating the pain but it’s only a guess. It could also be that 3 meals per day and 2 snacks are simply to many meals at this time in your healing process. It could also be a combination of the two. So again if it were me I’d increase my intake of grape seed extract and cut a meal and snack to see how that worked. You may have to increase the grape seed extract even more. It’s all trial and error to see what combination of diet (meals and quantities of food) and supplement amounts it takes to realize desired results. The more damage and/or complications the more difficult it is going to be to begin healing. Now …

      About the calcification. I’ve mentioned an off-the-wall idea before in other comments to other people who also have calcification. I do NOT know if my idea will work. But there have been some rogue doctors who think outside the box using EDTA to reduce the calcification found in those who have clogged arteries. It seems to work. I’ve actually talked with paitents who have heart disease and they said it worked for them. My thought is IF it dissolves or pulls calcium out of arteries why wouldn’t it do the same thing with the calcium found in the pancreas? I have no personal experience using this idea of mine simply because I don’t have an calcification as far as I know. It’s food for thought and something you may want to check into and learn more about. I don’t know where you live but if it were me I’d try to locate an M.D. or D.O. that does chelation and talk with them about it to see what they think. I would start by contacting someone at ACAM, they train doctors to do proper chelation protocol, and ask them if there is a doctor in your area you could contact. It may be a wild goose chase but it may also turn out to be the way to resolve the pancreas calcification.

      Good luck 🙂

  24. Dan

    What thoughts do you have on the food diary and timing, when it comes to watching for trigger foods? I’ve gone low fat vegan, but still have pain spikes. If a food doesn’t agree with any of us dealing with this, would it trigger inflammation right away, or could it be delayed for hours or even days?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Dan – foods can trigger immediate problems (within a couple hours) or take longer (24 – 48 hours) or take multiple consumptions (you may get by with one consumption but two or three make you sick). That is why the food diary (with proper prep) is so important. You can track a new food and eat it multiple times over a week period and then see what happens within that week and the next. I have found the only foods or ingredients that cause me problems personally are fat and alcohol. So to answer your question some foods may trigger immediate unwanted response but I have found those foods to be very few. Most of my acute attacks can be traced to MULTIPLE ingestions. The last attack I had (about 8/9 years ago) actually took 3 ingestions of one bad food within a week’s period. Now most folks would have blamed the beans and rice I ate the night the attack began but I in fact knew better. Neither beans or rice contain a lot of fat (a cup of beans and a cup of rice will have about 3 grams of total plant fat). The beans and rice didn’t contain alcohol. I eat beans very often because they are a great source of low fat protein. I know they are safe. Rice is also safe. So I looked for the culprit and found the turkey sausage was packed in pork casings. I should have read the label better. PORK is a very pancreas inflaming food and this taught me the hard way that even pork intestines (used for casings) are not safe.

  25. Dan

    Thanks! Very helpful insights. That food diary, with every detail is going to be key.

  26. Cindey

    I was recently diagnosed with AP. I’ve had two bouts so far that put me in the hospital. MRI and latest blood work don’t show any sign of AP or even healing from AP. My GI doc has sent blood work off to test for the genetic mutation that causes hereditary pancreatitis and he’s looking for a hospital that can do an EUS. EUS is going to be hard on me because of my gastric bypass 8 years ago. I’m getting ready to start the fast/cleanse/food diary you recommend doing. Now, yes, I’m looking to the future but I have a question about red meat. Is the fat content in most red meat the reason it’s not tolerated or is there something else to it? Technically venison is red meat but it is WAY leaner than beef, about 1 g of fat per oz. compared to 5 g per oz of beef. I’ve always got packs of deer in the freezer and my dad just sent me 9 pints and 2 quarts that he canned. I realize, when I get to the point of added foods, I could just try it and see but I was wanting your opinion.
    Thank you so much for your website. I’ve gotten more info from here than from any of the docs I’ve seen.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Cindey, you’re welcome but you aren’t gonna like what I say which is I can’t tell you how much I miss venison and sourdough pancakes for breakfast! My grandpa used to cook me that for breakfast a lot when I was a kid and I continued eating it until I got sick. FAT content is a big thing with red meat. Venison, elk and moose have way less fat than beef or buffalo but like pork and lamb they just don’t work well for me. Now, I have to admit I have NOT tried vension, elk or moose since I dropped all red meat so I honestly don’t know if it may work for you AFTER you have totally healed up. I can tell you for a fact beef and pork did NOT work for me even after I healed. And to be honest, I’m a coward and do not have the courage to try vension, especially after my last acute attack 8 years ago that lasted 12 days and took over a month to feel half way decent again just because I missed “pork casings” on some turkey sausage.

  27. Ankush Agarwal

    hi there,

    firstly let me say thanks alot, ive really appreciated reading your info. Ive had chronic calcifying pancreatitis for a while. Without going into the full history, ive recently had a stent placed in the pancreatic duct, about 1 and a half months ago, im getting it removed in 3 weeks. However for the last week or so im having pains on spine and middle stomach. There’s no vomiting, no fever, amylase/lipase and wbc normal. Im also on circumin, grape fruit seed and grape seed extract. What do you think?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Ankush I don’t know. It could be symptoms of calcification. I must admit there is a lot I simply don’t know. The pain may also be caused by the stent. I’ve read where some folks have problems with stents. They move or have tissue grow around them, in them etc which seems to cause problems. I’m guessing that since you know that your amylase, lipase and white blood cell count were ok that you’ve talked with your doctor about it and he/she took a gander. What did the doc say?

  28. Boris

    Hi Health
    I would like to know what your body mass index is.
    I have chronic pancreatitis and I understand most people with this have are underweight, like me.
    Though I eat often, in small portions, take Creon, chew slowly and follow your diet, I keep losing weight
    Are you underweight too?
    What can we do about it?


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Boris. Yep losing weight at first is a problem. I don’t know what my BMI is actually. I’m 5’7″ and 155. So whatever that translates as is what it is. In regards to actual body fat i have no clue. Once you have healed up you should be able to tolerate some skinless chicken and white meat fish to get larger amounts of protein. You need protein to build muscle.

      Add on: I was curious so googled bmi calculator and did the first one on the page. it says my bmi is 24.5 so I am almost fat lol

  29. Tina Marie

    Hi health guy , I have a question for you I am really frustrated. I had seen a doctor in Umass worcester. He is the head of the GI clinic he did an EUS. He told me I have mild chronic pancreatitis and gave me a low fat diet and creon. I had seen him for upper back pain. I was concerned because my sister had pancreatic cancer and only symptom was back pain.i always had bloating on and off after eating . i had also gone to the emergency room for an unusual rythmatic pain or tightness in my upper abdomen along with upper back pain, but I have never had the pain people on this forum describe thank God.
    oh yeah I should mention I am not an alcoholic I did have a short period of time 3 years tops when I was young when I would go out on the weekends and tie one on, but never drank after that .
    Well I faithfully followed the low fat diet and took the creon. The creon made me feel so much worse, and was having worse bloating long story long I decided to see another doctor to manage my symptoms. I felt my doctor was very hard to communicate with.
    I went to Boston the doctor looked at my EUS and MRCP ( which came out perfectly normal). My EUS had only 3 markers. The doctor in Boston said he didn’t believe I have chronic pancreatitis he said I only had 3 markers and according to the rosemont study I needed at least 5 I think he said.He did another Mrcp ( normal) . He told me go ahead eat what I want . Still uncomfortable I asked for a secretin test. Well I had the test but for some reason I do not produce much fluid output so it came out not good but he said it was bcuz not enough fluid to be accurate. So he did a new EUS with secretin. The GI who did the EUS according to my doc was the best, now he said my pancreas is perfect no markers the secretin came back not good once again again he said for some reason which happens with some people I dont produce much fluid when tested so he is not really taking it into account although it came out bad.
    He said he’s sure I don’t have cp and does not want to do more testing . My current symptoms are bloating after meals 2 or 3 times a week, upper abdomen pain not a sharp pain though a mild one mostly on right but it can be in middle or on left as well that comes and discomfort in back thoracic again not sharp a tight discomfort and almost feels like a congestion or pressure at times in my upper abdomen and back
    I don’t know what to do next. im afraid to just ditch the diet. I’m wondering how can 2 top doctors have such polar opposite diagnosis’s I don’t know what to do next .cp is a very scary disease if the doctor in Boston is wrong I could really cause a lot of damage.
    Are there any other tests that might help accurately diagnosis early cp. Please whatever help you could give would be great!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Tina Marie – sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well I have a decent idea as to your frustration. I also know that when I was diagnosed I didn’t ask near enough questions. But … many doctors rely way to much on “criteria.” And there are 9 criteria for pancreatitis and most doctors believe you need 5 or more in order to confirm a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis how ever … some astute doctors are now finding that even minimal changes, especially after recurrent bouts of AP (acute pancreatitis) call for a diagnosis of minimal change chronic pancreatitis.

      Article 1
      Article 2

      There are more articles out there on minimal change pancreatitis however most doctors have yet to recognize the significance of minimal damage. Your original first diagnosis may be the correct one. Symptoms do not exist in a healthy (phyiscally and mentally) individual. Symptoms are a sign of sickness and disease. Where there’s smoke there’s fire. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, hangs out with ducks and looks kinda like a duck it is probably at least part duck.

      There are times doctors prescribe too much creon. Too much creon can cause unwanted symptoms. You may want to talk to your doc (first one) about lowering the dose. IF he is truly difficult to deal with smack him upside his head until he is better able to listen or you can always try a quality otc enzyme product which won’t be as strong and see how one or two at meal time work for you compared to the creon. IF one or two quality otc enzyme supplements help relieve the bloating or other digestive problems that occur after meals you’ll know that the creon was simply too strong at this time.

      When you get with your original doctor who diagnosed you with CP you might want to ask him why he feels you have CP and what caused it. I’m curious about cause because you haven’t mentioned any diagnosis of AP (acute pancreatitis). Those who have the gene variant that creates risk for alcoholic pancreatitis (you mentioned 3 years of fun) sometimes present with CP first. Autoimmune pancreatitis most often presents as CP first. It would be nice for you to know why your doc thinks you have it.

      I wouldn’t ditch the diet or drink alcohol. I’d try to find out more info from the doc and see if the creon dose can be adjusted.

      1. Tina Marie

        Hi health guy,
        Thankyou for the input and the articles. In response to your comment I have never had an acute pancreatic attack ever. The umass. Doc thinks it’s probably genetic. I didn’t do the genetic testing because their are drawbacks as far insurance complications.
        Like I said umass doc says 3 changes ( smart guy head of clinic) and doc who did second EUS I was told by my Boston GI is world reknowned and he says perfect EUS not one sign. I asked Boston GI how could my doc at umass an intelligent man be so wrong he said an EUS is just reading different areas of gray. He thinks it’s some sort of digestive issue IBS etc.,
        Symptoms being mild sensation of pain intermittent and fleeting throughout the day under rib cage right side , left side, and a 1 on pain scale but it’s there like I have an open sore inside in those spots
        And my back hurts off and on after meals more often like a pressure in thoracic spine area sometimes my spine itself hurts but then the pain will go completely away say in 20 or 30 minutes. that thappens on and off throughout the week and that’s more of a discomfort and of course the bloating after eating usually it happens with evening meal at least 4 times a week. I feel like because I do fit the cookie cutter symptoms of anything. Because that’s what doctors like to hear.
        I wish there was another test like the secretin, one that’s pretty accurate at diagnosing early chronic pancreatitis. I told my Boston doctor that I read you can have chronic pancreatitis with a normal EUS and he said at my age which is 54 you would see changes by now on EUS and assures me I don’t have it.
        Cp is not anything to ignore if he’s wrong. Ugh

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Tina I can’t tell you who is right. Like I said in my last response I’d try to get back with the original umass? doc and ask him why he thinks you have CP. What did he see while doing the EUS or what did the “doer” and “reader” see? Did he do the EUS or just read what the radiologist wrote? EUS, like any scan or test, is only as good as the person actually seeing and understanding what they see. That goes for the guy in boston too. However …

          It is possible that the guy in Boston is right and you could have some form of IBS which can be painful too. I’m not sure if your age has any bearing on CP damage unless you’ve had it for years without taking steps to curtail it. He still may be right. All I can tell you is that I had some weird twinges from time to time but what was really noteworthy is that my abdomen was extremely tender all the time. I could NOT stand to have anything, even a paperback book lay on it. It would cause pain and nausea. I never had motion sickness before but when I was sick, before i was able to heal, riding in the car sometimes made me sick as did running. Good luck Tina I hope you find out for sure what is wrong. 🙂

  30. John Robertson


    First off I’m glad that I found this website.

    Basically my story isnt something you havnt heard. I was getting bad cramps and the first doctors visit they thought my system was just getting backed up and I needed more fiber in my diet. 2 weeks later I woke up with some stomach pain and I said thats enough, something is wrong, I am going to the hospital. Sure enough the doctor said I had acute pancreatitis. My ultrasound, ct-scan and blood tests all came out good(which was a big relief for me) and he just said I had some small inflammation. The reason that caused the pancreatitis was that I was taking acutane (acne meds, for some of you who dont know) . As soon as I stopped taking the meds I was feeling great again, the only problem was the doctor only gave me instructions to just take the meds for pain and nausea. So what did I do? I continued to eat whatever I wanted. Of course last week was thanksgiving and my pancreas must have hated me because I stuffed myself with thanksgiving treats. Next couple days the pain had come back and landed right back in the hospital. This time the doctor put me on a liquid diet for a few days and I will be seeing a GI doctor next week.

    Im just glad that I found a diet I can stick by and hopefully will heal me. I consider myself as one of the lucky ones since it is just some mild pain and no throwing up or stomach aches.
    I think I am taking the appropriate steps to getting better but do you have any suggestions for me that might help otherwise?


    1. John Robertson

      Oh and I forgot to mention. No one has really said anything to me about exercise. I love playing basketball and thats my main form of exercise. When will it be okay to be doing gym activitie like this?

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        John you might want to give exercise a shot (if your abdomen isn’t tender) and see how it goes. If it doesn’t cause symptoms have fun.

    2. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi John, sorry to hear you have been drafted into the pancreatitis hall of pain. Pretty much everything I know and do to stay well can be found on this blog. I don’t think I have left anything out. Since you had a mild attack with what appeared to be no damage via scans your doc may have thought you’d skate but that thought has been debunked with your second attack. Second attacks usually mean 3rd’s and fourth’s etc if one doesn’t pay attention to diet. Good luck to you. I hope you heal up and enjoy life.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      I have had folks ask me that before Doug and I don’t know. I only use white unsweetened grapefruit juice. I can’t tell you if pink works or not. It’s somewhat different in chemical composition and may or may not contain the same phytonutrients in the same amounts as does the white.

  31. Wendy Laughery


    I’m really, really desperate… Father is on knocking on deaths door with Pancreatitis. The Doctors are totally clueless…he’s at home, bedridden. The swelling in his abdomen has subsided but he still has no appetite and his diarrhea is out of control. The Doctors just want to keep pumping him full of medication. He’s still on a lot of other medication such as Atenolol (angina), Ramipril (high blood pressure), Asprin & Lansoprazole (ulcers). I’m sure this isn’t helping any either…I just need to get him to eat, to eat something that’s not going to give him the diarrhea or hiccups.

    I’m heading home to Scotland to take care of him next week…I’m using everything I can on your website to keep him alive.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Wendy if he’s really sick with pancreatitis it might be a good idea to let him fast (go without food) and keep him hydrated (water) and try to eliminate the inflammation with a combination of fasting, Ibuprofen (800 mgs) and supplements grape seed extract, curcumin and vitamin C. Food is NOT a pancreatitis patients freind, especially when the person (your dad) is sick.

  32. john

    Hey so officially with your diet and supplements I have beat pancreatitis . my final MRI came back and it showed no damage or abnormalities to any part of my body. First off I’d like to say thanks for this website and the tips you have. If I didn’t read them I probably would have still been suffering now. I just have a few questions . I was taking the vitamin c and grape seed extract 4 times a day, should I still take it 4 times a day to be safe or should it now be a 1 time a day thing? Also will there be a point where I’ll be able to eat what I want again or is this something where I should follow a low fat diet ? Thanks !

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      AWESOME John!

      Q1 – I was taking the vitamin c and grape seed extract 4 times a day, should I still take it 4 times a day to be safe or should it now be a 1 time a day thing?
      Answer: I’d stay at at least 1 mgs for every pound of body weight coupled with the diet. So if you weigh 150 you want to take at least 150 mgs per day of grape seed to see how that works for you. If you start having symptoms increase the dose until you are good to go.

      Q2 – Also will there be a point where I’ll be able to eat what I want again or is this something where I should follow a low fat diet ?
      Answer: That is a tough question. One never knows the absolute correct answer. All I can say is if you have had more than ONE acute pancreatitis attack it is doubtful you’ll ever be able to do a normal diet without the risk of more damage. On this subject one has to do what one thinks best. It’s a crap shoot.

      Good luck man, stay well!

  33. John Robertson

    After pancreatitis how many times did you take your supplements. Did you still keep taking it 4x a day? Also is there any alternatives for cheese? I never really realized how much fat was in cheese.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      John I take mine three times a day now (100 mgs 3x daily). It may be about twice what I need but I don’t want anymore problems. It is best to spread the doses out so that the grape seed and vitamine C are always working through the pancreas. The only alternative I know for cheese is, well, nothing. There is soy cheese but it has as much fat as regular cheese. I don’t know what to tell you there. Someday they may make no fat cheese. It’ll probably taste like crap but who knows?

      1. Justin

        Hey guys,
        Particularly for John’s question about cheese. Yes! I found Kraft shredded cheddar and mozzarella both fat free! Also they make fat free American slices. I was a huge cheese eater before. I had to find something. The shredded actually doesn’t taste that bad. The slices are a little bland.
        I have found it at Kroger’s, Walmart, and Meijer. Hope this helps.


        1. The Health Guy Post author

          That is GOOD news Justin! It is obviously working ok for you? No problems? I’ll have to look for that stuff myself 🙂

          1. Justin

            Yeah, I have had no problems with it at all, I eat as much as I want of it. Hope it works for you too!

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            That’s GOOD news Justin. I can get away with some no fat milk so maybe some no fat cheese might work too. I appreciate the comment about the Kraft no fat cheese cuz I haven’t looked! Good find man!

          3. Anna

            Hi everyone
            delighted to have found this site its so informative!
            I would like to ask a question please ?
            As well as having cp ongoing 7 yrs now actually I’m having a bit of a flare up as I’m writing this! Could you suggest something other than ibroven as I cannot tolerate taking it!
            Many thanks Anna

          4. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Anna you might try 4 aspirin. I have. It doesn’t work quite as well as Ibuprofen but it works well. 325 mg tabs x 4 = 1300 mgs of aspirin ( for an acute pancreatitis attack) half that for lesser chronic pancreatitis inflammation. Grape seed extract (400 mgs), vitamin C (2000 mgs) and large doses of curcumin (1500 mgs) may also work for acute pancreatitis. Grape seed, curcumin, C and aspirin should be a good combo. Curcumin should be avoided if you have gallstones or SOD.

          5. Maria

            Hi Health Guy, I love cheese, I miss eating it…I use to eat Macaroni & Cheese I am afraid to the eat cheese since my acute pancreatitis send it me to the ER ,,,so it is fat free cheese there? I will go to Walmart also I love hot cocoa it is safe? I miss all those foods immensely …thanks HG

          6. The Health Guy Post author

            Maria – I love cheese too so I understand. I’ve had several people tell me they have found no fat cheese and it seems to work well for them. I have yet to find it in a store around here but when I do I’m gonna give it a shot myself. 🙂

            LOW Fat Hot Cocoa (chocolate)
            Ingredients you need:
            1/2 cup sugar
            1/4 cup HERSHEY’S Cocoa (2 grams of fat)
            Dash salt
            3/4 teaspoon ALCOHOL FREE vanilla extract
            4 cups (1 qt.) NO FAT milk
            1/3 cup hot water

            1. Stir together sugar, cocoa and salt in medium saucepan; stir in water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil. Boil and stir 2 minutes. Add milk; stirring constantly, heat to serving temperature. Do Not Boil.

            2. Remove from heat; add vanilla. Beat with rotary beater or whisk until foamy. Serve topped with marshmallows, if desired. Five 8-oz. servings.


            RICH, Dark LOW Fat Hot Cocoa (chocolate)
            Same as above but add an additional 2Tbsp of Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa (1 gram of fat)

            Whether you tolerate no fat milk or not you’ll have to find out if you want a cup of hot chocolate. As you’ll note this makes about a quart of hot chocolate (about 5 cups) so each cup has LESS than 1 gram of fat as far as I can figure 🙂

            Good luck, hope it works and you like it!

          7. Stacey Wykes

            Try nutritional yeast instead of cheese in recipes such as Mac and cheese. Has a similar taste to cheese without the fat

          8. Jane Hall

            Hi Stacey, I noticed that you said to substitute nutritional yeast for the cheese in the mac and cheese.
            I’m just wondering if I’m to add the milk and THEN the nutritional yeast but how much yeast to add?

          9. Stacey Wykes

            Hi Jane

            Sorry just read your message again but it depends how much Mac your cooking. Definitely not as much as normal cheese though a it’s quite strong. So try one tablespoon and taste if needed add another tablespoon. I taste test my cooking as I go.

            Stacey ?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Cindy – IF you are on certain meds such as statins to lower tri’s or cholesterol, or a heart drug such as a calcium channel blocker that is sometimes used to help SOD or certain other meds such Latuda for anxiety the answer is no. Grapefruit interacts unfavorably with certain drugs so if you are on meds you should ask your doctor and phamacist before taking it. If they give the green light you are probably ok. If you aren’t on any medications you should be good to go with grapefruit seed extract. It’s a great alternative for those who do NOT like grapefruit or grapefruit juice and it’s a lot cheaper too.

  34. Cindy Anderson

    Thankfully I take no meds ~ I love grapefruit juice and purchase the brand you recommended ~ this is my 1st episode totally NOT fun but I am on the mend however I do miss my occasional glass of Champagne ~

    Great website ~Thank you !

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Cindy – you are welcome and glad you like the site. Yes it is sad but champagne isn’t good for us. Just think of your grapefruit juice as a substitute 🙂

  35. Neal

    Hello Healrh guy! I was wondering if you can help with some information. I just had an MRI with contrast of my entire abdominal region. Pancreas is looking better. But what came back was abnormal blood flow to the portal vein. I do not drink at all. My Gastro doctor want me to follow up with an ultrasound and CT with contrast of my entire pelvic region which I have scheduled on February 3rd Do you know what this means and do you have reccommedations for me right away! Waiting for your reply. Thanks as always so much! Neal

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Neal, what exactly did the doc mean by abnormal blood flow to the portal vein? I’ve heard of portal hypertension but that is increased pressure might not necessarily mean flow. I have no suggestions except to ask the doc exactly what he/she means and why you have it. The next tests may be so the doc can determine the why and/or extent. Glad your pancreas is looking better! Hope the other is minor and things go well for you.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          You’re welcome. I don’t know. Depends upon the cause. You may not have it. The tests should help your doc determine what’s up.

  36. Woods

    Thanks so much. I’d like to forward this information along, but I don’t want to tick them off either. 🙁
    I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      You’re welcome. I can understand your concern. I often wonder myself – How could a story about someone who was sick with pancreatitis, someone who actually experienced healing tick someone off? It isn’t like you’re demanding they do the same. Yet some folks see it as “butting in.” Each person has to do what they feel is best for them but some folks do get upset when others try to help, especially with info they will never get from their doc. The way I look at it is I simply provide info on what I did and do. I tell everyone I am not a doc and that if someone does what I did and or still do they do it at their own risk and need to decide, for themselves, what is right for them. Life is full of choices and the choices we make determine our destiny, good or bad. Your friends husband sounds extremely ill. He may be to far gone, to damaged but who knows? I don’t. I believe that with God ALL things are possible (Matthew 19:26).

  37. Antonio

    Hi Health Guy.

    You’ve written above that “Chronic pancreatitis can turn ugly at any time and result in acute pancreatitis”.

    Would not it be the opposite?
    “ACUTE pancreatitis can turn ugly at any time and result in CHRONIC pancreatitis”.

    Thank’s in advance.


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Acute pancreatitis is always ugly. Most people have mild cases, some have moderate and about 20 – 25% have severe acute. Chronic comes in mild and severe as well and it is progressive in nature. Since the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis is already scarred and damaged acute pancreatitis is much more likely to occur and if severe can kill you. That to me is quite ugly, is it not? But …

      Let’s face it pancreatitis is just plain ugly in any form.

  38. Sam

    Hi Paul,

    Do you mean to say that after the water and juice fast upon reintroducing vegetables and or brown rice one should be symptom free? you mention abdominal tenderness taking longer to heal, did you find your abdomen was tender during this healing period even without a hand resting on it?

    Thank you for all that you do, and thank God you were/are able to do so

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Sam. heck without going back and reading exactly what I wrote I couldn’t say but I would think that many may be major symptom free after the 3 day fast, enema to clear out all offending previously eaten garbage and some organic juice. I noticed that MY major symptoms usually disappeared after fasting. That is why doctors make people go NPO. It seems to work but that doesn’t mean by any stretch of the imagination that someone is healed in that period of time. It take a fair while to heal a damaged pancreas.

      In regards to the abdominal tenderness I distinctly remember the tenderness when something pressed against my pancreas area but heck, I felt so crappy most of the time during the worst of times that I’m sure it was noticeable at other times yet since it didn’t create horrendous pain or my nemesis, nausea, I may have not committed it to memory. It was quite sometime before I noticed my abdomen wasn’t tender. So it isn’t or wasn’t for me an overnight thing.

  39. Amber Quinn

    I’m Currently lying in bed miserable with a pancreatitis attack. I’m trying hard not to go to the hospital. I just sent my husband to find me turmeric, grape seed and grapefruit juice. What is the dosage and regime?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Amber, I apologize I am late in reponding. Hopefully you are much better by now. IF it were me and IF we’re talking about acute pancreatitis, not simply a CP flare, I would be taking 800 mgs of Ibuprofen, 500 mgs of curcumin, 200 – 400 mgs of grape seed extract. The grape seed extract I use (Now Foods 100 mg vcap) contain vitamin C as well. IF that doesn’t get results in 60 – 90 minutes I would probably consider heading for the ER. Since it is difficult to determine whether an acute pancreatitis attack is severe, moderate or mild without certain tests it is wise to seek competent medical attention because severe acute pancreatitis can and does kill people. Get well Amber 🙂

      1. Jane Hall

        You said ” IF it were me and IF we’re talking about acute pancreatitis, not simply a CP flare, I would be taking 800 mgs of Ibuprofen, 500 mgs of curcumin, 200 – 400 mgs of grape seed extract. The grape seed extract I use (Now Foods 100 mg vcap) contain vitamin C as well. IF that doesn’t get results in 60 – 90 minutes I would probably consider heading for the ER.”
        I’m trying to figure out how a person can get that all down without throwing it all back up 20 minutes later. My last attack (it was only my 2nd one) found me vomiting longer and harder than the first time! I tried breaking Gravol up… didn’t stay down for long, then tried crushing it (about 2 hours later) and again, it only stayed down for about 20 minutes. It finally subsided by the 8th or 9th time of vomiting up bile… thank goodness… ’cause boy, that hurts!!
        I now know that next time (and I’m hoping there won’t BE a next time) means the ER for a shot to stop the vomiting.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Jane – I understand completely! I have two (2) kinds of antiemetics (nausea drugs) I keep on hand. One is compazine (prochlorperazine) in tablet form. The other is promethazine in suppository form. The promethazine is the first to be used because it is difficulty to vomit a suppositroy 🙂 Once I have the nausea under control THEN I take the the procholorperazine for more help and a lomger term and then the cocktail (Ibuprofen, curcumin, grape seed extract and VitC). So you might want to have your doc write you a prescription for one or even two antiemetics. I’m very fortunate I haven’t needed to use this course of action in a very long time. I still suggest that you and others go to the ER because it is difficult to tell whether the acute attack is mild or severe. I hope you don’t have to do any of it. 🙂

  40. CTB

    sup health guy! So this may be the wrong area, but I didn’t know where else to message you. First, HUGE shoutout on making this site, can’t thank you enough for not sugar coating things and providing your daily routine. Gives myself a perspective.
    Straight to my question:
    When first starting taking digestive enzymes, what was your lowest starting point? Like do I take per day, one per meal? I’m kind of being a wuss cuz my guts are a little sensitive and i’m essentially dropping acid tablets in there, ouch lol.
    I don’t think I’ve had pancreatitis, but my current GI is investigating EPI (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency) At first they wanted to diagnose my with bowel cancer or crohns but my colonoscopy/endoscopy was clear. I KNOW it has to do with my digestion, because eating fatty foods OR even carbs gives me a dull pain in the upper epigastric region of my abdomen, if I eat either the food essentially slides right back out undigested a few days later. (I believe the term steatorrhea.) Even before discovering your site I’ve been losing my damn mind as I tend to be comfortable eating only white meats, veggies/leafy greens, and low fructose fruit. And coconut oil kills me!, which looks awfully similar to your diet. Maybe I have all of the above diagnoses, at this point I don’t care, I can tell fats have a direct influence on my overall comfort level….

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi CTB – at least you do NOT have bowel cancer or crohn’s. Let me point out that finding the real problem (condition/disease) is important. So make sure your doctor looks until he/she find the real problem. Now to your question: Take pacreatic enzymes only with a meal. I started with one capsule. then two etc. The more fat or protein in the meal the more enzymes you may need. But start small and move up because you’re right enzymes are similar to acid. NEVER take on empty stomach. I hope your docs find what the problem is so you can address it and win. Good luck 🙂

      1. CTB

        Whoa thanks for the super quick reply! Yea, maybe I’m a lucky one but the pancreatin 4x are currently too powerful with 1/2 a capsule per meal, but i’ll tinker with it as I wait for my upcoming appointment.

        Another random question, with things like almonds and coconut products have you had to just completely avoid them, even if the fat content from them would be under your daily total fat percentage? Like do almonds give you the same reaction as if you were to take a shot of vodka or something?

        I ask because some of my smoothies would be just that much better if I could add 1 tbsp of almond butter, which would be 8g of fat. I’m sure it depends on the person, but your direct experience with this interests me. Thanks again, and yeah i’ll probably rant on here later this summer when they finally find a diagnosis. I just do much better low fat, low/medium carb, lots of dark greens and protein atm.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          CTB you may not need enzymes. I wouldn’t take them until you know for sure (firm diagnosis) what is wrong with you. So they looked at your small bowel for crohn’s and cancer right? Did they see anything that may have been evidence of celiac disease? Have you been tested for celiac disease? If not ask to be tested. Have they looked for gallstones? Or SOD (sphincter of Oddi dysfunction)? Have they checked your liver function? Ok, so let’s just say that maybe you have pancreatitis and it is acting more like chronic than acute. FAT and ALCOHOL are still the enemies. Your pancreas is the same as mine, looks about the same, about the same weight, shape and the basic functions (produce insulin, hormones and enzymes) are the same. The only thing that may be different is the degree of damage. That is where the “difference” comes in. The more damage the less fat and alcohol one tolerates. The problem lies in the fact that IF you score the big bad goof up and give yourself an acute attack, well, it could be the one that ends up killing you, damaging you so badly that if you survive you might wish you’d have died or at the least give you more damage to contend with. It is really important to find out what is actually wrong with you. Tell your doc to quite “guessing” and find out. Anyway …

          I stay away from high fat foods. It is much easier to do without than to go through some times that could be the worst of your/my life. BUT … again, we are guessing because nobody seems to know what your condition or illness might be. THAT is step one. Find out. IF your current doc can not get a firm, common sense diagnosis backed up by test results and science – go find one who can. They are few and far between but they are out there.

        2. john

          Just read your question as well. I beat pancreatitis using the health guys food guide. I know food can taste better but I stuck with no more than 8 g of fat. That helped me and also helped my digestive system. I was getting mucus on my stools due to my pancreas not digesting food well. I am fine now but granted my pancreatitis was due to medication. I think if you can make those low fatty food choices it will definitely help !

  41. CTB

    Yep, I just frustrated with the process as I’m currently seeing two separate GIs, I’ve already seen 3 others….

    Endoscopy/Colonoscopy/CT barium scan came back clean, no abnormalities with any of my organs. The first GI doc mentioned my duodenum looked highly suspicious for celiac, but when the biopsy came back normal he shot it down. Then my genetic test for celiac came back strong positive, he tested my blood for celiac, which came back negative. There was a mild elevation of eosinophils in one part of my colon, which considering how low the number was all GIs currently have agreed it can be related to food intolerances…… great

    I did take a fecal calprotectin test for inflammation and it came back weak positive…. the docs are scratching their heads as my calprotectin is so low that if it had been crohns this is the same number that’s compared to patients that are in full clinical remission without symptoms on heavy meds, which I take none. But at least they cant say its IBS anymore…The conclusion from that being something is irritating my insides, and they have no idea what.

    With my current GIs, one of them truly believes something is wrong with my duodenum, and wants to do ANOTHER endoscopy. I would like other tests for him to reaffirm that belief. Up until last week, it hasn’t even occurred for them to look at my pancreas or gallbladder (since the CT scan showed no scarring swelling, stones, etc..)
    My second GI doesn’t know what to believe, mumbling things like a rare form of IBD or celiac that won’t heal, I see him in exactly a month. Its of his opinion that I start steroids ASAP, with such a low level of inflammation it doesn’t see it a problem to perscribe steroids to hopefully knock it out.

    It is of my own opinion at this time it is influenced by my pancreas or gallbladder, all of the above, whatever.
    Shortly after eating I get a pinching/dull soreness in my upper right quadrant over the past few months. Otherwise I live a completely normal life, I sleep well and have no urgency or pain. However, what concerns me is my weight and bowel movements. I have noticed with high fat foods I get terrible gas and my stools can often be shaped but shiny or sludgy, IDK just nasty and not normal. And I for the life of me can’t gain anymore weight, I’m just stuck…

    Anyways you are absolutely right, there’s no point in me coming up with solutions to something they can’t find…. Its just so much of your diet and lifestyle correlate very closely to what I’ve had to come up with all on my own, and it’s always comforting to find another person who wishes docs would sometimes pull their head out of their @$$ and get to the point, 2 years of testing feels like a lifetime when you’re in college…. Thanks again and thank you for making this awesome blog! I’ll let you know

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      CTB = “The first GI doc mentioned my duodenum looked highly suspicious for celiac, but when the biopsy came back normal he shot it down. Then my genetic test for celiac came back strong positive, he tested my blood for celiac, which came back negative.” Celiac disease blood tests can be “false” negative>” This is especially true of the old tests and if the person has already went gluten free. If your “duodenum looked highly suspicious for celiac” and the genetic test came back positive your doctor should have had you eat a ton of gluten for 14 – 30 days and re-test your blood for antibodies. Learn more here. I think you have celiac disease. I have celiac disease. That is why I suggested getting tested. Your symptoms fit. Read this on testing and then scour the page. It is a pretty darn good site on celiac disease.

  42. tiara w

    Is there a fat free butter that can be used as a substitute when cooking to avoid pancreatic attacks?

  43. Sneha

    Hello The Health Guy, My husband is suffering from ACUTE NECRITISING PANCREATITIS (CTSI-6) from gall bladder stone and is admitted to hospital on 11/4/15 and still under ICU treatment. he developed acute kidney injury(renal failure) for which he was given dialysis SLED daily for 15 days(6 hrs each day). Now his condition has improved a bit, as dialysis has stopped. but his feeding is going on through Freka tube (he is given Peptamen 75ml/hr), apart from that coconut water, light vegetable soup, fruit juices are given orally. Presently, he is feeling very weak, at times his head spins, have high heart rate(above 120/min), respiratory distress– is this normal while recovering from acute necritising pancreatitis?? Doctors are saying that the damaged portion of his pancrease need to be eliminated by surgery, do you think opting for surgery will be wise??? Is there any other treatment procedure to cure such form of pancreatitis?? I AM VERY HELPLESS,, PLEASE GUIDE AND HELP.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Sneha I am sorry to hear about your husband. Sounds like he is having a very rough time and I know you are worried but this is a time when you need to trust in the doctors. Necrotising pancreatitis is nothing to fool with and is way above my knowledge level. I’m sorry I can’t help in this instance. All I can do is pray for you both. I know that isn’t what you wanted to hear but that is all I am able to offer. Sneha put your trust in God and His Son Jesus. Pray that they will guide the doctors to do everything right so your husband recovers nicely.

      1. Sneha

        Thankyou for your prayers…. I have faith in God that He will definitely let both of us see the happy times again after this tough phase.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          You are welcome Sneha. I would like to be able to help more but when there is necrosis, kidney failure and respiratory distress I am very hesitant to even suggest what I’d do if it were me. By the way is the necrotic tissie infected? Do they have him on antibiotics? Has he developed any pseudocysts? How much of his pancreas is necrotic?

          1. Sneha

            Yes, it is infected necrosis. From the very beginning he was given antibiotics. Till time there is no evidence of pseudocysts. According to the CTscan report his grade of acute necritising pancreatitis is 6, which means 50% or more than that of pancreas is necrotic.. He has revived from renal failure for last 12 days,as now his creatinine level are within normal limits and there is no requirement of dialysis anymore. Now his heart rate is high and there is respiratory distress at times. About the high heart rate doctors are saying that it is the effect of antibiotics(he is now given DORIPENEM). They have started giving him CREON too. All his medical reports are gradually doing better, as now the WBC count came down to 14930 from 47700 (normal below 10000), CRP is 16, which went up to 63. As he is terribly weak, doctors are not willing to go for the surgery, they instead prefer “wait and watch” theory. A little ray of light is the fact that he is not feeling any abdominal pain now without any form of painkiller. But I know that the disease is not an easy one,but very very tough… as situation can change anytime. But as I said I have faith in God and I believe my husband will definitely recover.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Watching and waiting is a good plan. IF they can kill the infection (it sounds like that is happening) and he can heal without surgery he has a much better chance of living without pain. Most everyone I have talked to who has had surgical removal of tissue (especially large amounts) usually live in more pain than those who do not have surgery. As of now all you have said sounds like GOOD news to me. Praise God!

  44. kgkrl

    Hello everyone. I’m glad I found this blog.

    I dont drink or smoke. My amylase, lipase in 2013 was normal. But I had been having acute pancreatitis attacks for the past 2 years without knowing it. I asked my doctor many times, but she always said I was just stressed out. I finally had to go to the ER last week. Thankfully they sent me home that same day. Is it possible to do that much damage to the pancreas in just 2 years??

    I have no idea what to eat since my attack. I am glad I saw this blog. Most of the foods listed by Mr Health guy was already on my diet. Except for the oils. I have a few questions about the diet. I know I have to stick to vegan diet for at least 6 months. After that, when I can eat chicken, white fish again, I have these questions:

    1) I used to marinate chicken, white fish with olive oil and fruit juices. Then I grill the chicken. Can anyone suggest a substitute for olive oil for the marinade?
    2) I also used to cook egg whites in a pan with a few drops of olive oil. Any suggestions, how to cook egg whites?

    Thank you and appreciate your help!


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Ferdinand have you been diagnosed with pancreatitis? Amylase and lipase are usually not normal during an acute pancreatitis attack. It doesn’t take two years to sustain damage. Horrendous damage can be done in days, even hours if the acute pancreatitis is severe. If you have NO symptoms (pain, nausea, etc) after 6 months of a strict, modified vegan diet (no oil or high fat vegan foods such as nuts, sauces, etc) you could try skinless chicken ( no oil or marinade). Cook egg whites in a good, non-stick pan, no oil.

  45. kgkrl

    also I have one more follow up question. As mentioned, I don’t smoke or drink alcohol. And the CT scans and ultrasound did not show gallstones.

    So what else could have damaged my pancreas?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Many things besides gallstones can cause acute pancreatitis (various drugs, high blood fat levels, illnesses, abdominal injury, sphincter of oddi dysfunction and more) which causes damage to the pancreas. Were you told you had pancreas damage or were you diagnosed with acute or chronc pancreatitis?

      1. kgkrl

        Hi Health guy.

        Thank you for your response. The diagnosis from the ER is acute pancreatitis. My lipase was >3000 on 5/11/2015. Thank GOD it went back down to <140 by 5/15.

        Can you please explain the difference between acute pancreatitis and pancreas damage? The doctors are not very clear when explaining things.

        Also, the doctor said two common causes of pancreatitis are gallstones and sphincter of oddi dysfunction. He said if the problem is gallstones, then we have to remove the gallbladder. If it is sphincter of oddi, an ERCP would be done to fix it.

        Have you had either of these procedures done? And are they guaranteed to stop any future attacks of pancreatitis.

        Thank you again for your answers in advance.


        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Ferdinand, it is perfectly fine to ask questions. Acute pancreatitis is sudden nflammation of the pancreas, the condition. Damage, and in this case we are talking pancreas damage, is the result of the pancreatic enzymes eating the pancreas during the acute attack. Yep gallstones are a common cause of acute pancreatitis. SOD, sphincter of oddi dysfunction is also a cause of acute pancreatitis. Sounds like you have a decent doctor. Most don’t even think of SOD. I’ve never had either procedure. Neither procedure can guarantee another attack will not occur. IF your pancreas has sustained enough damage you may always have problems and the sphincter of oddi procedure may cause another attack and works in only about 50% of cases. Do your research before you let them cut your sphincter. Surgery can actually make SOD worse (due to scar tissue).

          1. kgkrl

            thank you, thank you for your answers Mr. health guy.

            That is very disturbing that SOD procedure only works 50% of the time and causes scar tissue and can trigger another attack. I actually thought this procedure will stop any future attacks.

            so did you choose not to do any surgery, because you prefer to just eat the right foods? I’m just curious. Because as you know, doctors will push for surgery to make money, and I don’t even know how I can afford this surgery.

            Also, if anyone on this blog can read this. Please let me know your experience with gallbladder removal surgery. Or SOD procedure.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            You are welcome. Surgery is never without risk. Not long ago a person I know had gallbladder surgery. In and out the same day. A week later she was sicker than a dog. She ended up in the ER with a nasty infection. My father had gallbladder surgery. He had cancer and it found it’s way in to the gallbladder. He died on the table. They revived him but not soon enough and he had permanent brain damage. He died about a year later. Everyone seems to think surgeries are easy peasy, no problem, just take a nap and a few slices with a snip here and a snip there then a few stitches and you’re good to go. Mortality rate (death) can be from a small 1% to as high as 19% in ill older adults (article). Another article. More info.

            One has to realistically way the risk versus the benefits. Sometimes surgery is simply necessary to save lives or to realistically prevent a life threatening situation. Praise God I haven’t had either of those needs yet.

  46. Sneha

    Hello,The Health Guy, the freka tube of my husband has been removed today.They are giving him soft diet orally now. Can you please suggest me what kind of food he can eat and will be suitable for him? Today they have given him fish,is it right for him? or is it harmful?? I dont have complete faith in our medical system, also cant trust completely in there suggested diet. Can you imagine in so-called soft diet they have given him spicy curry. You have suggested vegan diet for the sufferers of pancreatitis, and knowing the extent of damage in my husband’s case, what kind of food you think is good for him now? Please suggest. I will ask the hospital authorities to give the food accordingly. Thankyou for your support.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Praise God! It sounds like your husband is improving 🙂 From what I remember they previously had him on fruit juices and vegetable broth is that correct? How did he tolerate the fish? It may be to soon for fish or skinless chicken. Both may contain to much fat for his damaged pancreas. About the curry – doesn’t curry contain turmeric? If so put a stop to the curry because tumeric can cause an increase of bile flow which could cause problems since he was diagnosed with gallstone pancreatitis. Even if they have taken his gallbladder out he may have been passing stones and sludge for years which may have caused scarring of his sphincter of oddi which could cause bile and digestive juices to back up into the pancreatic duct and cause another bout of acute pancreatitis. He certainly doesn’t need that. I’d go strictly with vegan foods. Leafy greens (spincah, chard, kale, etc), tubers (carrots, sweet potato, beets, etc), legumes (peas, beans, lentils), brown rice, and make sure nothing was cooked with or contained fat (butter, margarine, cooking oils, etc). No beef, pork, lamb, duck, goose or anything made with or containing them that means soups, broths etc. I’d also run down to the nearest health store and buy some grape seed extract and vitamin c with flavonoids. If he can drink white unsweetend grapefruit juice I’d get some of that too but check with his doctor to find out if he is on any medication that grapefruit juice will react with unfavorably. I’m thinking 200-250 mgs of grape seed extract 4x daily and 1000 mgs of C 4x daily. They will help eliminate the pancreas inflammation and promote healing. They may even help his immune system kill the bacteria causing the infected necrotic tissue. God bless you both Sneha 🙂

  47. Sneha

    Thankyou very much sir for this detailed suggestion. Yes previously they gave only fruit juices and veg soup. There is no question of tolerating fish,as he refused to have it. First of all because I asked not to eat any non veg product now(as I learnt from your page that it can be harmful) and secondly they did not gave him baked or boiled fish but spicy fish curry!!!!!!!!! And they call it soft diet!!!! He did not eat the curry too. Today a dietician came and suggested him to eat eggs and light chicken(skinless) soup, as his protien level is low and needs high protein diet. I am a bit tensed with this fact, thinking whether it will be good for him or not. I will keep in mind your suggestion of strictly vegan food and ask him to eat only the veg food. But what about his protein deficiency? How to meet that up?
    After a month, today my husband came out of his bed in ICU and walked a little with support, was smiling, looking fresh, was talking very freely and even wrote a poem!!!!! I am very happy and thankful to God.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hey COOL Sneha! I am glad to hear he is improving! Protein via egg whites. Fry them, scramble them (without using oil or butter etc) or hard boil the eggs and then peel them, cut them in half and scoop out the yolks. Each egg white has about 4 grams of protein (zero fat). You could also try no fat milk. Maybe one cup per day (8 grams of protein) to see how it works. Some people can tolerate no fat milk, others can not. Beans (red, kidney, black, white, navy), vegetarian beans. One cup boasts about 15 grams of protein (lentils have about the same). Peas and lima beans also have good quality protein just less than beans and lentils.

    2. kgkrl

      Hello Sneha. I am new to the blog and I saw your post. I cannot imagine your pain and your husband’s pain for the past 1 month. I am glad your husband was able to get up and walk. I hope he recovers completely.


  48. kgkrl

    Hi again Health guy,

    I am sorry for all my questions. I noticed on this blog, people were talking about stomach pain and back pain. But no one mentioned the color of the urine.

    My urine turned very dark yellow during my attack. Is this a common symptom of pancreatitis?


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      I don’t know if it is a common symptom of pancreatitis, it might be becuase it means you are dehydrated and if you have been vomiting you may very well become dehydrated. I just never noticed my urine during an attack. I was always in to much pain to worry about peeing.

      1. kgkrl

        thank you health guy. It just makes me curious that I noticed my pee change color, while other people don’t mention that. Because that could mean something else is happening, not just pancreatitis.

        I am sorry about your pain… I have felt it too. I hope neither one of us or the others experience another attack. I am very scared and depressed, that is why I am posting on this blog to find some comfort.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          I don’t have any pain praise God! Yet, we (those who have pancreatitis) are all just a meal away from disaster so I understand your fear, depression and need for comfort. I have a great relationship with God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit so I give all my fear, depression and need for comfort to Him in prayer and he handles it for me( 1 Peter 5:7). I can’t even imagine going through some of what I have gone through without Almighty God, His Son and His angels watching over me, comforting and protecting me. Psalm 91 is full of comfort for those who believe and trust in God. He’s my rock, my fortress, my protector, my comforter and my God. He loves me and He loves you too. 🙂

          1. kgkrl

            Hello Health guy,

            I am not a very religious person. Maybe this is my reminder to look to a greater power.

            Regarding your comment that we are one meal away from disaster. If we stay away from fat and oil, what are the chances that we can still live a long full life?

            Or is it the case that once a person gets pancreatitis once, then we are gone after a few years, even if we follow a strict diet?

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hey, it’s true. Food is not your friend if you have had enough damage done to your pancreas. And unfortunately you could adhere to a perfect diet, one that works for you, allows you to heal and then you cheat. You eat banned foods (beef, pork, high fat deserts, etc) and think hahahahaha I’m cured and then bam! You have the worst acute pancreatitis attack of your life. Severe acute pancreatitis with organ failure and infected necrosis and in a few days you’re plant fertalizer. Yes, it could happen. BUT …

            You could also live 35 + years or more, just like me. You worry to much. Worrying will not do anything positive. If you want positive results take positive action. I trust in Almighty God, His Son and the fact that He takes care of me. He either showed, told or helped me find everything I have done past and present to live pain free and so far 36 years after my diagnosis of acute and chronic pancreatitis and for 26 years more than the doctor who diagnosed me said I might have. EVERYTHING He shared with me is on this blog. How to prep for and do a food diary correctly. What to eat and what not to eat. Where to find hidden sources of alcohol. How to improvise, adapt and overcome (ok, the U.S. Marine Corps helped with this one too). But everything you need to know to heal and live pain free or as pain free as possible and for as long as possible is on this blog.

            Don’t let fear beat you. Fear is your enemy just like food and alcohol. Fear will paralyze you. It will rob you of life. It causes depression and anxiety. Don’t let fear beat you. Instead learn what you can do to live and live! I’ve told you before that I understand your fear. It still, on occassion, creeps in to my brain and I ask God (pray) to have it leave. It does. I just give it all to Him and He handles it. You say you aren’t religious. Neither am I. I don’t believe in religion. Religion is man made. I believe in Almighty God, the creator of all things and I have a relationship with Him, His Son and the Holy Spirit. He protects me, He comforts me, He leads me to life saving or improving information. He gives His angels charge over me. You can have the same. All you have to do is ask (pray). I will keep you in my prayers. God bless you my friend 🙂

          3. kgkrl

            Hello health guy,

            yes you are right. I worry a lot but only because my doctor does not answer my questions. They only take my co-pay, talk to me for 10 minutes and shove me out the door.

            But thanks to you, I am learning a lot about this disease. Also, it is very reassuring that you have managed this disease for 36 years! That really gives me hope! 🙂

          4. The Health Guy Post author

            I hear what you say about doctors. It’s all about money for the majority of them. 10 minutes of their time, incorrect diagnosis, or if correct, very little or no explainations of what you can do or expect and a bill for $200 ha ha! Well not to worry! I’ll answer your questions as best I can 🙂

  49. Tt

    I agree about can’t do any of this without Christ
    Some days I do get depressed and overwhelmed than I take a minute and realize I am not alone
    Thanks for all your information

      1. Umut

        Firstly so excuse my bad english.
        Secondly thank you so much for you.Please believe me, you will go heaven because of you will survive the peoples life.I want to tel my story for you ;
        I was diagnosid AP on last January.From that day forward my pain never stop.
        I think i have gone six different doctor to solve my problem.
        No one is solved problem 🙁
        In this month i have it made EUS.Depending on the EUS, i am not CP but i am near of it doctor says.And she have given me Kreon and Lyrica for my pains.I use Lyrica
        twice a day(each one 150mg) and use Kreon three times a day(each one 25000 IU)
        I have married.İ am expect a twice childs.And i want leave for them :(.My psychology so bad from a 4 months.I have started to antidepressants.Your advanture give me power.I would like to you answer my some qestions.There are my questions(please answer 🙂 )

        – Your blog is too big.Where should i start ? Give me schedule for it 🙂
        – I have read your titled “DIET” article.Than you so much for this article.But how can i make daily diet program clock clock.

        Thank you so much in advance.

        My Best Regards,

        Umut SAHIN

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Umut, don’t worry about your English. You are doing fine. I should have answered this comment first but I think most of your questions are answered in your other comment. If not ask me what I didn’t cover. As far as the blog being big, well, read it one chunk at a time. Take small chunks and learn. But don’t take to long cuz the diet info is really important. The supplement info is real important as well. If you have questions ask … Like I said I answered 3 or 4 in your other comment.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      What claims are you talking about Angela? IF I claim something you can usually find a link somewhere pointing to scientific evidence. However, I do grab stuff out of thin air and spin it in to a series of fortunate guesses at times. Why do you ask?

  50. kgkrl

    Hi Health Guy,

    YOu mentioned gallstones or SOD are common reasons for pancreatitis. So what is the relationship between fats/oils to gallstones and SOD and pancreatitis?

    Also for many years I ate fats and oil with no issue. Then one day last week, I eat french fries and I get acute pancreatitis. Can you explain why all of a sudden I am not able to tolerate fatty foods anymore?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Oils are nothing but liquid fat. Fat causes irritation or inflammation in the pancreas as well as the sphincter of oddi if someone has SOD. Fat also causes more bile to flow which can dislodge or eject gallstones that end up getting stuck in the common bile duct or even the pancreatic duct and cause pancreatitis. Every organ system in the biliary tree (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, SO), if diseased in some way, is affected by fat in a negative way. In your case I can only guess because I don’t recall WHY you originally had your first acute pancreatitis attack. But those french fries may have been the last fat straw and caused your gallbladder to eject stones or sludge that became lodged in your common bile duct or pancreatic duct or if you have SOD caused your scarred SO to get angry and tighten up causing bile and digestive juice to back up into your pancreatic duct causing an AP or it was just the last fat straw that inflamed your pancreas enough to activate your enzymes while they were still in your pancreas instead of in your small intestines. Those are three possibilities. Like I said I don’t remember your exact case. But hopefully you’ll begin to eat better food choices. 🙂

      1. kgkrl

        thank you for you’re detailed explanation again health guy! 🙂

        You mentioned sludge. Some people on this blog have said that the ultrasound did not find gallstones. The same is true for me, they cannot find gallstones.

        So that leaves one other possibility — sludge. Is there a test to show 100% sure if a person has sludge or not?

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          You’re welcome. If they can’t find gallstones there are four (4) possible reasons for that. 1) you don’t have them and never did. 2) They had been previously ejected and at the time of testing there were none present. 3) The tech doing the ultrasound or other test didn’t do it correctly. 4) The doctor reading the test missed them. #1 or #2 are the most probable. Sludge shows up in most cases if it’s there. It too may have already been ejected. I don’t know of any medical test with 100% accuracy.

  51. Umut

    Hi Health Guy,

    Thank you so much for your polite approach.Please don’t angry and hit me 🙂 but i want to ask more question for you ;
    1-) Have you ever take/try/hear liquid curcumin extract and/or grape seed extract? If yes do you advice them?
    2-) Can we eat and include our diet program below listed foods?
    lentil, soy beans and it’s prodcuts(like as tofu), bread(also please refer whick kind of bread), light milk, greece yogurt
    3-) and the last one, which kind of dessert can we eat?

    Thank you so much in advance.Have a good day and a time.


    Umut SAHIN

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Umut I can’t hit you my arms aren’t that long 🙂 anyway I’d never do that, besides I told you to ask any questions you wanted or about something I didn’t cover in the other comments. Ok, here we go …

      1) I’ve never heard of liquid curcumin. That certainly doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I have heard of liquid grape seed extract. I can’t see but one problem with either. Most liquid grape seed contains alcohol. Why? I have no clue but alcohol is a no-no. I’ve only found one liquid grape seed extract that didn’t contain alcohol and it is available on Amazon but it isn’t cheap! ONE ounce for 14.84? Compared to a bottle of grape seed extract that can dole out over 600 mgs of grape seed daily for a month for $18-$19 the liquid grape seed price is highway robbery! So if you use either make sure to read the labels and avoid any formula with alcohol.

      2) Lentils and other legumes such as beans(red, white, black, Navy, pinto, lima) or peas are fine. Soybeans and soy products on the other hand contain way to much fat. One cup of soy beans contains 15 grams of fat. And soy nuts (roasted beans) are even worse! One cup has like 37 grams of fat! It’s too bad because they are an excellent source of high protein. Breads are all different. If you are talking commercial, store bread you need to read the labels for ingredients (lard is not good) and the amount of fat per slice. Most commercial bread has about 2 grams of fat per slice. If you have it available no-fat milk might work. Greek yogurt, I have never even tried it or read a label. It all hinges on fat content.

      3) Fruit for desert, maybe a cookie too if it doesn’t contain a lot of fat grams or vanilla extract which contains alcohol.

      Have a good day 🙂

  52. Umut

    Hi Health Guy,

    Thank you so much for your quick response.This is super.Have you twitter or facebook page?

    Last, last, last questions 🙂

    1-) 2 months ago i have been oparated gallblader surgery.(Doctor’s said that maybe gallstone affect my pancreas then i’ve done pancreatitits).According to do this information, can i use curcumin extract?
    2-) I have keep in mind your sugesstions like that no fat diet(at the start of diet no meat and pure vegetable) with suppleements(grape seed extract, vitamin c, curcumin extract, veg and fruit juices).How many times later i feel good healty situaiton in your opinion?
    3-) why the doctors and dietician said that to me don’t eat Lentils and legumes.Is it difficult to digest ? Does tire my pancres ?
    4-) Can i drink tea and coffee? ıs there any limit of it ? (darki light etc…)

    Thank you sooooo much 🙂 and be happy an your both 2 life…



    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Umut you are welcome 🙂 Yes I have a facebook page. Just get on FB and search “pancreatitis cure.” The name of the page is erroneous. There is no cure for chronic pancreatitis and most people who have more than just one mild acute pancreatitis attack usually end up with CP. Anyway …

      1) Good question. I wish I had a good answer. I have a “maybe” answer because … SOD (sphincter of oddi dysfunction) is common in women who have had gallstones and gallbladder surgery. Curcumin and/or turmeric do not get along well with those who have SOD. SOD causes acute pancreatitis so if you’ve been told that you have SOD stay away from curcumin. And there is always a possibility that a stone is still in the “system” somewhere, lurking. Curcumin and turmeric both increase bile flow which can dislodge a lurking stone left behind during GB surgery. That increased bile flow is also what causes the shphincter of oddi to get angry. BUT, you could always try curcumin or use turmeric in cooking and see how it goes. IF you have no symptoms from it you may be ok with using curcumin.

      2) If you adhere to a proper diet and take enough grape seed extract, vitamin C and if you can take curcumin you should see some improvement in a week or two. Maybe sooner, maybe later. When it comes to healing everyone is different. Some folks heal fast, some heal slow, especially if they are heavily damaged. Don’t worry if you can’t take curcumin. Grape seed extract and C work great (600 – 800 mgs of grape seed in 3-4 daily doses of 200 mgs each and 1000 mgs of C 4x daily). 200 – 400 mgs of ibuprofen daily for a week, to help rid your pancreas of inflammation, would also speed up things. But I can’t give you an exact time frame.

      3) Doctors and dieticians do not have a clue when it comes to a diet for pancreatitis. In that area most are dumber than a bag of barber hair. Lentils and legumes (not soybeans – to much fat) are excellent sources of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals and are perfectly fine for a pancreatitis diet. I eat them all the time. I make vegetarian chili or chili with ground chicken and loads of chili powder and other spices that give it heat and zing! I also make baked beans, etc. Beans, lentils and peas are great! About 1 gram of plant fat (polyunsaturated) and 17 grams of protein in cranberry beans. Other beans have about the same amout of fat with maybe a tad less protein. Lentils have about 18 grams of protein and 1 gram of fat in one cup.

      4) Tea, especially green tea is excellent. Black tea is fine too. Coffee is fine. I drink a ton of it daily 🙂

  53. Umut

    Dear Health Guy,
    Thank you so mucht for polite, long and understandable answers.

    Doctor’s never said me that i’m SOD.I have only operationed for my remove gallbladder because of the stones.Now i don’t have gallbladder.But may be i have SOD now 🙂 who knows :).
    Ok.I won’t use curcumin/turmeric and for a length of time(maybe 1×500 mg a day).

    My grape seed extract only 100mg/each.For then will i must 6×100 ?
    My grape seed brand solgar.Kindly could you advice me your brand for grape seed?

    My vitamin C brand GNC 1000mg.I will agree your advices then i take 1000 mgs of C 4x daily.
    Anyway, Kindly could you advice me your brand for C?

    I have never use to ibuprofen.I think this is painkiller.
    But i don’t understand how painkiller block pancreas of inflammation.Please explain it
    Must i use it every day or a only one week(200 – 400 mgs of ibuprofen daily)?

    All One Powder Multiple Vitamins & Minerals, Fruit Antioxidant Formula don’t be found in my country.Maybe i can buy it on via internet.

    Thank you again everythink.


    Umut SAHİN

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Umut you are welcome. Ok, just because you had gallbladder disease and had it out doesn’t mean you also have SOD. I just brought the possibility up because it is more common in women than men, especially women who have had gallstones and also have had their GB removed. I use Now Foods grape seed extract 100 mgs Vcaps (200) because they are gluten free and each cap also contains 330 mgs of vitamin C but your Solgar brand is a quality product however I believe Now Foods grape seed is less expensive or the same price for double the amount of capsules. I get 200 Vcaps for around $19 from Amazon. I also use Nature Made or Nature’s Way vitamin C. One quality vitamin C product is as good as the next. GNC is a fine, quality line of products.

      Ibuprofen is an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory). It is used for slight to moderate pain (headaches, arthritis, etc) but it shines like a bright star when it comes to inflammation of the pancreas. In high doses 800 mgs – 1200 mgs it will actually resolve an acute pancreatitis attack because it resolves the inflammation. 800 mgs usually resolves symptoms in 60-90 minutes. In low doses, 200 mgs to 400 mgs per day for a week to 10 days Ibuprofen (advil, motrin) will help eliminate the inflammation of chronic pancreatitis or the residual inflammation of AP which in turn resolves symptoms, usually. Do you have to use Ibuprofen? No. In fact you don’t have to use anything I do. It is all up to you. I only used it for acute pancreatitis. It’s an awesome inflammation fighter. I wouldn’t use it, even in small doses, for much longer than a couple weeks. It may be a miracle drug for pancreatitis but it isn’t safe. It can cause bleeding, like aspirin. Ibuprofen has been known to cause heart attack in high doses and when used for long periods and it can also damage the kidneys over time. So short-term use is the ticket. If Amazon ships to your country you can get All One Powder Multiple Vitamins & Minerals, Fruit Antioxidant Formula from amazon.

  54. kgkrl

    Hi health guy,

    You wrote in one of the posts:

    “SOD (sphincter of oddi dysfunction) is common in women who have had gallstones and gallbladder surgery. ”

    I am confused! I thought the gallbladder is removed, so gallstones or sludge cannot block the ducts which can cause pancreatitis.

    But you are saying after removing the gallbladder, then you have a high chance of getting SOD?? And once you get SOD, then you will have even more pancreatitis attacks?

    This means, you will suffer from pancreatitis even if you remove your gallbladeer or not?? Can you please explain.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      People who have gallstones usually eject them from time to time. When that happens they are spit from the gallbladder into the common bile duct and travel down the common bile duct until they pass through the SO (sphincter of oddi) and into the duodenum. Gallstones can be sharp and when they pass through the SO can cut it. The same holds true for sludge because sludge is nothing more than small stones. Picture sand. Sand is nothing more than small bits of sharp rock. When the sand passes through the SO it “sands” it like sand paper does wood. Both stones and sludge can create scarring which narrows the SO. If enough scarring develops it becomes difficult for even the digestive juices to go through the SO into the duodenum. At that point SOD is almost a given so even though someone has had their gallbladder removed the sphincter of oddi has sustained damage from the previous gallstone and sludge ejections. Thus one can still have problems after gallbladder surgery due to SOD. SOD can and does cause pancreatitis. Anyway that is one reason I have figured out that SOD can occur. Then there is the gentic issue which has nothing to do with gallstones or sludge and is simply a malfucntion of the SO. In this situation the patient may also have other sphincters within the body that do not work properly either. Physcians can diagnose sphincter of oddi dysfunction using blood tests, ultrasound and if they see something like a dilated duct or scarring a surgeon will want to do an ERCP with sphincter of Oddi manometry. That can also cause acute pancreatitis. Then they try medications to help SOD. If that doesn’t work a surgeon may want to do a sphincterotomy which can achieve some good results but carries a high risk of complication (up to 15%) which include acute pancreatitis, even death. So it is used only as a last resort. I’ve read where the sphincterotomy can cause additional scarring and may fail a lot. Here’s more info on SOD. And more

      1. kgkrl

        Hi health guy. If I understood you correctly, so it seems to prevent further ejections of stones or sludge and scarring the sphincter of oddi even more, it is good advice to remove the gallbladder?

        But even after removal of gallbladder if the sphincter is already damaged from previous attacks, then I might have to take a chance on the sphincterotomy as a last resort.

        I am thinking that I should have my gallbladder removed to eliminate the chances of any future stones and sludge build up. Then just stick to a no fat, no oil diet and and pray that the sphincter does not start having problems.

        I know you said removing the gallbladder is risky. But I feel, if I don’t have it removed, then the sludge and stone will just keep building up every few months or so.

        Do you agree or disagree with my thinking? Since you have survived this disease for 36 years, your opinion really counts a lot!

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          First off IF I remember correctly you had mentioned that your doctor said “If it is gallstones … If it is SOD” that this and that should happen, so, it would be prudent to find out what the cause of your acute pancreatitis was exactly. I’m not outrageously fond of most doctors but usually they don’t do surgical procedures without a good verifiable reason. So cross the bridge of what surgical procedure might be appropriate when you actually come to it. I can’t advise on what you should do, especially when it comes to surgery. I walk a real gray line as it is on this blog and the last thing I want, when so many people are beginning to learn what works to heal their pancreas and are finding resolution or at least relief, is to get slapped with a cease and desist order and/or get prosecuted for practicing medicine without a license. You need to make your own decisions about treatment. I can only explain what I have done or pass on information I find that may be of interest. Surgery or any type of surgical procedure on or to any portion of the biliary tree isn’t one of those things I have experienced. If it were me I’d join a pancreatitis support group and ask questions aimed at those who may have had the procedures you are interested in and asking them about their experience, outcome, satisfaction and if they’d do it again.

        2. The Health Guy Post author

          Say I just found some info you might be interested in. I don’t want you to worry. It is just a possible answer to a question you asked me ealier about your urine changing color, getting darker wasn’t? Anyway a cyst can do that. Read here.

          1. kgkrl

            Hi health guy. Do you know of a website of a good pancreatitis support group?

            The more I read about this disease, the more I get depressed. Just don’t understand why I don’t drink or smoke and this happens. I guess some are just genetically programmed to get this disease. As you said to me before, I have to stop worrying and think positive and keep praying.

            I am going to have an EUS soon, I am hoping to find more detailed answers soon.

            Thank you again and enjoy your 3 day weekend.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            I don’t think there are “good support groups” but … If you are on Facebook simply search “pancreatitis support.” That should bring up several. Then there is a site called Experience Project, another called CureZone, another called Topix. The results of the EUS should shed light.

          3. kgkrl

            ok thanks for the links for support groups health guy!

      1. kgkrl

        I actually have not tried the fat free cream cheese health guy. I’m so afraid it will trigger another attack, coz I remember you said, even if it says “fat free”, it may still be dangerous.

        That’s why I wanted to see if anyone has tried it. 🙂

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          LOL you are learning! Labels lie but I can drink a little fat free milk without problems so it depends a lot on the product itself. It is entirely possible that certain products, and the cream chese could be one, are fairly safe. Soups that say fat free or 99% fat free yet contain beef or pork are whole different story. I wouldn’t eat those for any reason.

          1. kgkrl

            health guy, have you been able to keep weight with your diet. I only been on the no fat, no oil diet for 3 weeks and already lost 5 lbs. I have always been thin, now it’s worse that I can’t have cookies or cake anymore.

            any suggestions on how to gain weight?

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Yeah, I’m stable. Protein. Legumes (beans, peas and lentils) are protein rich. Egg whites are protein rich. Once you heal up and can add skinless chicken, turkey, fish to your diet that will enhance your protein intake as well. If you can tolerate fat free milk that is another good source of protein.

          3. kgkrl

            one more thing health guy. My coworker said his wife also had acute pancreatitis attacks. I asked what his wife eats, she has been on a vegetarian diet and has not had an attack for years. But she still uses olive oil on her salads. Is that really possible? Or is she just playing russian roulette and could have a bad attack from olive oil?

          4. The Health Guy Post author

            Once you heal you can always try some olive oil. If your damage wasn’t to bad you may be ok with a small amount now and then. I don’t do well with it. You might. It all depends on how much damage your pancreas sustained. If you only had one mild acute attack, with little damage and watch your p’s & q’s so that you heal totally, you may be one who can eat anything again some day. I have read where that happens.

          5. kgkrl

            thanks health guy. I am not taking any chances…. I am following your diet as if my life depends on it!

            You said I can eat more fat free protein when I am “healed”. How do I know am I am healed? Is that when my lipase/amylase is back to normal?

          6. The Health Guy Post author

            No I said fat free protein such as egg whites, legumes (red, black, white, pinto beans, peas, lentils, blackeyed peas, garbonzo beans) are fine while healing and maybe fat free milk, the milk in small amounts, because even fat free dairy may not work for some due to a pesky phosphoprotein called casien that is found in all dairy products. Casien, like fat, causes inflammation.

            You’ll know that you are healing or healed when you are no longer sick (no symptoms) and you no longer have abdominal tenderness.

          7. kgkrl

            thank you for the clarification health guy. You really are a constant companion… during these dark times. When even my own doctors are out having a great 3 day weekend…. while I am alone going crazy out of my mind looking for answers. May blessings come your way for your kindness to strangers. 🙂

  55. kgkrl

    hi health guy. You mentioned grapefruit juice. Can you please confirm if grapefruit juice can cause kidney stones or not? I saw some articles saying it has high oxalate content that can turn in to kidney stones.

  56. Umut

    Dear The Health Guy,

    I hope you are well and everythink goes good for you.

    I want to ask you some foods are trustworthy or not.This is the list ;

    – Mushroom
    – Honey
    – only %0,15 (per 100 gr) light milk
    – rice
    – pasta (spaghetti)
    – Sugar

    Thank you so much in advance.



    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Umut 🙂 all except the milk should be fine. The milk needs to be fat free and even then some people do not tolerate it well. Pasta without oil or and without sauces that have oil, cream, meat or other high fat stuff should be fine. Hope you are doing better.

  57. Umut

    Dear The Health Guy,

    Last question 🙂 (my questions never endig LOL)

    All spices are trustable food for us?

    Thank you so much in advance.



  58. kgkrl

    health guy. Does your stomach make gurgling noises? Even if I just eat oatmeal or brown rice… my stomach makes loud gurgling noises a few hours after I eat. I don’t feel pain, but the load noise freaks me out. My doctors say, its just normal noises the stomach makes, and also some remaining side effects of my acute attack.

    But I wonder if there is something else going on. What are your thoughts?

  59. Umut

    Dear The Health Guy,

    Again me.You never escape away from me :p: 🙂

    I have new questions for you.Kindly please answer ;

    1-) Yesterday i have read your “Pancreatitis Food Diary: Creating Your Pancreatitis Food Diary” topic.I have seen there “FASTING for 3 – 5 days, no food, just water” issue.This is so difficult for me.Because i am getting some medicines like that antidepressan.And also i have lost weigt to much because of pancreatitis.If i don’t make this FASTING method to my body never get heal my pancreas ? Sorry my bad english.I hope you understand.

    2-) I want to get too much heal my pancreas and no more symptons.For that, today i am starting no fat(maybe only i will get fat from the breads and vegetables), no meat, no oil diet.I will get 4×1000 mg C vitamin+3*300 mg Grape seed extract+ No curcumin (because of my gallbladder has been operated only for 3 months.And i have scared now maybe i am SOD or maybe not.But i am scared then i don’t want to use curcumin a while)+juicing.Now coming question.I am scared not being able never heal too much.If i take care of my diet and took my supplements (only grape seed+c vitamin)+ and drink veg+fruit juice –> am I definitely heal? .What is your other offers for this illness.I know this is maybe stupid question. But believe me i want to /need hear friendly tone.Because i am very bad situation for a psychologically.

    3-) I am eating 7 meal a day.3 main, 4 snack.In snack meals i only eat fruits.From starting today i drink only fruit+vegetables juice for this 4 snack meals.What is your suggestion for main and snack meal counts and with regard to content ?

    4-) I am a office engineer.I have taken all my snacks and lunch meals take near with me.We don’t have juicer in the office (and also don’t have kitchen in it).If i ready my 3 snack juice meal a day in advance night, is this good or not for my healty ?

    5-) Do you eat bread for near your solid foods in your meals ? Which kind of bread do you prefer to me? Because if i don’t eat bread, i am not full up.

    6-) Do we eat our fruits with a solid type from time to time? If yes can we must use digestive enzym with near of it like that creon 10.000 ?

    I know this is long list.Please don’t angry with me.I hope you answer with me.Thank you so much for in advance.

    My Best Regards,


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Umut 🙂

      1) The food diary prep really is important for one reason. It takes days, sometimes weeks (certain fats and proteins) to clear food from the intestinal tract yet by fasting for 3 – 5 days and then flushing all the previously eaten foods out of the digestive tract you shorten that duration and many times that action alone will give pain and symptom relief simply because offending foods are flush, literally, down the toilet. Once this is accomplished your biliary and bowel system should be clean. This allows for a much better realization between what foods offend and those that are safe. If your system has not been clean out it could take weeks to get rid of the previously eaten foods, many of which may be the source of your suffering. Yet, if you can NOT do this fast and “flush” due to medical reasons (insulin dependant diabetic for example) one must improvise and simply begin with a modified vegan meal regimen and hope for the best results possible.

      2) I understand your concern about curcumin since you had GB issues. That is why I posted a seperate post about avoiding curcumin if someone has GB issues or SOD. I can’t guarantee healing. NOBODY can guarantee healing. When someone guarantees healing get it in writing. Unless they are Almighty God (who can guarantee healing) they most likely won’t sign the document. 🙂 But, if you do everything right your chances of healing are very good. Others have, I have, so why not you? Just remember IF, you have CP (I don’t remember if you do) there is NO cure for CP. You may get to the point you feel almost normal yet you are NOT cured and if you CHEAT by eating foods that you should not eat you may very well find yourself miserable and in pain.

      3) In regard to the number of meal counts per day just eat as many as you are able while staying within a total of 25 fat grams per day including snacks.

      4) That should be fine

      5) I make my own bread so I avoid certain grains that make me ill due to celiac disease. All you have to do is read the labels, watch the fat content and look for offending ingredients such as lard (beef or pork fat). Most manufacturers don’t use lard anymore but I have seen it on labels so look.

      6) If you are on creon take as your doc recommends. You may have to call him/her and ask whether you take it with any meal or snack or just with protein and fat (solid foods).

      And you’re welcome. If I didn’t answer anything completely let me know 🙂

  60. Umut

    Dear The Health Guy,

    Thank you so much again your explanations.My new questions for you 🙂 ;

    1-) I don’t understand “food diary prep” sufficiently.I am indicating “food diary prep” on the below.If i say wrong thing please correct my mistakes ;

    – First ;
    3-5 days no food, no tea, no coffee no everything except water.İs it right ?
    Also can we use our mandotory medicenes (as like a antidepressant) in the meanwhile ?
    Can we must our supplements(as like grape seed extract, vitamin C etc.) when we are in “food diary prep” ?

    – Second ;
    After the “food diary prep” we must flushing step.

    Now we are be as clean as a whistle starkly 🙂

    – Third ;

    .Then we eat 1 food every 48 hours ? Then other 48 hours we eat another 1 food.Then other 48 hours we eat another 1 food ………….Then this turn it goes like this.

    I don’t understand above stage clearly.For examle first 48 hours i eat only potatoes.If potatoes don’t hurt me, other 48 hours i eat potatoes+carrot.If potatoes+carrot don’t hurt me, other 48 hours i eat potatoes+carrot+other food –> İs it right? Please explain me simply.

    2-) When you take your digestive enzyms ? Only for eating protein and fat ? Are you taking your digestive enzyms with eating solid fruits ? What is your digestive enzyms brand?

    3-) Doctors and nutritionists said that peoples must eat who are in CP little by little but frequently.
    Is it right for you ?
    Are you eating little by little but frequently ?
    How many meal are you eating ?
    Is ” Little by little but frequently” eating form healty for our pancreas or not ?

    Thank you so much in advance,

    My Best Regards,


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Umut 🙂

      1) coffee and tea are fine. Medicines should be fine. Definitely take the supplements. after 3 days flush your system with an enema or ten. Yes, then you should be clean 🙂 Then one food at a time (vegan food, greens, legumes, rice, fruit etc). Yes, you understand. first food (your choice) potaotes. If after 48 hours of eating potaoes and juice you are good to go, note it in your diary and move to carrots, then maybe rice, or celery, etc. make notes about everything you experience during the 48 – 72 hours of eating the new food. When you are healed up and try fish or skinless poultry the time frame for digestion increases to about a week or 10 days. Animal proteins and fat take longer to digest than plant proteins.

      2) I only take enzymes with meals that contain protein and fat. I have never had a need for them with juice, green leafy vegetables or tubers like potatoes, carrots, beets etc. BUT I think you said you are on creon so ask your doc.

      3) Yes, when you are not healed little, more frequent meals are probably better however, if you do not feel well it may be better not to eat. I found that out the hard way. I usually eat twice a day and snack on fruit etc.

  61. kgkrl

    hi health guy.

    So I read your blog again and you said “chronic pancreatitis can lead to acute pancreatitis”.

    When I was at the ER, my diagnosis was acute pancreatitis. So please explain, I thought you have to have chronic pancreatitis first that leads to acute pancratitis?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      NO – People who have chronic pancreatitis already have an inflamed pancreas it just isn’t acute BUT if they eat bad foods (high fat) or drink alcohol they could soon suffer another acute attack. Most people usually have acute first and the CP follows. However there are circumstance where that isn’t the case.

      1. kgkrl

        ok thanks. I already had 2 acute attacks. Praying and hoping it does not turn into CP

          1. kgkrl

            health guy. You wrote that people with only one mild acute attack have been known to recover and never have problems ever again.

            How about 2 attacks (mine were pretty mild). How many acute attacks does it normally take before it turns into chronic pancreatitis.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            I don’t know. I had so many in my worst 3 years (1979 – 81) I can’t remember them all.

          3. kgkrl

            ok thanks health guy. I hope the no fat no oil diet you suggested prevents another attack. Even then I am not so sure… even if I only eat fruits and veggies, I still get scared when I eat.

            But I do think of your experience and you are doing great with this diet… so that gives me hope.

            I have to say that since this new diet, my stools are loose, but they do sink to the bottom. I know if stools float and are oily then thats a really bad sign. Are your stools loose too? Or are they formed like dog poop? (sorry if this question sounds gross)

          4. The Health Guy Post author

            No my stools are just fine. By the way, I remebered something that might interest you. You had asked me about urine color. If it was dark yellow while you were sick it could have been due to the gallbladder issues. GB issues can cause jaundice. Jaundice can turn your urin a dark yellow. If your stools were clay colored, tan, orangish that would also indicate jaundice. If your skin had an organish or yellowish tint that also indicates jaundice and of course if the whites of your eyes are yellow that is an almost guaranteed sign of jaundice. So a touch of jaundice may have caused the change in urine color BUT dehydration does the same thing to urine, the dark yellow color change.

  62. kgkrl

    hi health guy. You did not respond to my last question. Maybe you are just fed up of all my questions. 🙂 But I hope you are okay and just too busy to respond.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      I’m fine. But yes, 3-4-5-6-7 comments per day are little much. Try putting your questions into a list and comment with that list of question every now and then. If you are lonely join an online dating site or start a home business or find hobby that you can share with a friend. I’m more than willing to help but again 5-10 comments per day gets real old, real fast.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Good question Lee. Are you allergic to ALL NSAIDS? Naproxen might be useful but may not work as well as Ibuprofen and the doses amounts are not the same.

  63. Barbara washington

    I take these meds a multi vitamin folic acid. Vitamin b1 biotin amlodipine d3 and carvedilol can I still take the grape seed curvumim and vitamin c and drink grapefruit juice?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Barbara, the grape seed extract, vitamin C and curcumin should be fine. Amlodipine is a calcium chammel blocker and they usually do NOT go well with grapefruit. Carvedilol is a beta blocker which may or may not be ok. You should check with your doctor and pharmacist for any known interactions with grape seed extract, curcumin and grapefruit juice just to be safe – BEFORE – you use any of the supplements or grapefruit juice. BUT I’d say probably NO on the grapefruit products. I hope things work out for you 🙂

  64. ginny

    Hi I find this website very informative, I just find it hard to believe that most people with questions or comments don’t have to much to say about alcohol being a issue it’s a issue with me that’s how they say I got pancreastis in the first place about 20 years ago.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Ginny – yep according to the white coats alcohol is one of the leading causes however, gallstones are actually the leading cause so gallstones and alcohol but that isn’t all that causes pancreatitis. Prescription drugs are a more sinister cause than people are told with the worst being statins, antidepressants, immunosuppressants, diabetes meds, and some blood pressure meds. Then there is high blood fat levels, abdominal injuries, medical procedures (ERCP), autoimmune disease and more. So in fact, there are probably more NON-alcoholics, than alcoholics that have pancreatitis.

  65. ginny

    Hi , I”ve been on viokase then they switched it to creon for 18 years. To help me digest food. My first bad attack that landed me in the hospital was 20 years ago, when I woke up after 3 days had tubes coming out everywhere, they said I came close to dying. I never heard of pancretitis till then any way didn’t drink for 10 years, then I had a few and thought I guess I can drink again. Well its been another 10 years,Been in pain on and off but nothing like before until lately. Very bloaty same pain as before . I,ve kept it to myself haven’t drank in Well this is my 3rd day. Still have pain after I eat or have coffee. Thinking I should fast. I know I,ve playing Russian roulette for a couple of years. I think I need to go back to church get off the pity pot and get strong if I want to live according to your website! I guess I cant wait till the close ones in my life quit. Its so tempting when your around it. But I threw away anything I liked and I know its my choice to stop at a store. I never realized how important diet can be I thought it was just the booze thanks for sharing your info I know its not good but I might have alittle ice cream at night until I get a little stronger without the alcohol. sorry if this was too long, Ginny ps if I stay in pain would you go to the drs?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Ginny – yea alcohol is deadly. Fat is just as bad. Those are the two enemies of a damaged pancreas. So it is wise to stop drinking alcohol and eating fat, especially fat from beef, pork, lamb, duck, goose, dairy, and processed crap (mayo etc). 5 grams of fat per meal, 25 grams daily total is a goal to shoot for as a target. It is always wise to seek professional help when you are sick.

    1. Polly

      Also, I know you mentioned no coconut. But what about coconut water or coconut juice?

    2. The Health Guy Post author

      Polly most soy products are full of fat. Check fat content on labels. I don’t recommend usage cuz like I said, fat content is usually way to high.

      1. Polly

        Thanks for your quick response. It’s my husband who got pancreatitis. I’m hoping it’s not chronic. He started having abdominal pain 3 weeks ago. Went to see his primary care 2 weeks ago, without trying to diagnose him, the doctor said it was just heartburn, and prescribed him acid blocker. And then last week I had to take him to ER since the pain got worse. The ER doctor found that he has pancreatitis (based on blood work result and ultrasound), and told him to be on juice diet for 2 days and then he should be fine. After that, he tried to have little bit of salmon and chicken salad, he was still in pain. Went to his follow up appointment with his primary care 2 days ago, his doctor cannot figured out what’s wrong with him and what caused the pancreatitis, and can only refer him to a gastroenterology. Right now we have to wait for his 7/1 endoscopy appointment to find out what’s happening inside.
        I wish I’ve read your article sooner than today… I let him had some almond milk this morning and of course that gave him pain right away… just found out from your article that no nuts at all, so I guess almond milk is out of the question. I’ll check the content for soy milk and rice milk and see if there’s any fat content. Thanks again.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          You’re welcome Polly. Hopefully someone will find out why he had pancreatitis and how much damage was done. Good luck to you both 🙂

          1. Polly

            Just went to his appointment today but I’m not satisfied with what the doctor have done. When he went in, we made sure to tell the doctor that the ER doctor mentioned that he got pancreatitis from the blood work result and ultrasound. The doctor looked at his blood result and confirmed that it was abnormal. After 45 mins, they called me to the recovery room and said he was all done already. The doctor said they found some inflammation in his stomach so it was just a minor gastritis (and got biopsy from his stomach). I asked the doctor if she has checked on his pancreas, and she said no need for now…. she told him to just take carafate for now, and if he still have pain, they will then do MRI to scan the pancreas… I thought the endoscopy can also do ultrasound on the pancreas when the scope is in his stomach. I don’t understand why the doctor didn’t check on his pancreas when she already confirmed that his blood work showed the problem as well…. so frustrating.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Ah ha! you are finding out why they call their business a practice! Unfortunately practice doesn’t make perfect, especially when it isn’t perfect practice. If something happens you may have grounds for a malpractice suit.

        2. kgkrl

          hi polly. if the doctor said he only has gastritis then that is good news. It is much better than having pancreatitis. May I ask what was your husband’s lipase and amylase when he was at the ER? Also, can you describe the location of the stomach pain. And lastly, did they find any gallstones during the ultrasound? If not, that is also good news, because gallstones is one of the causes of pancreatitis.

          1. Polly

            Hi kgkrl.
            The doctor at GI lab didn’t even bother to take a look at his pancreas, that’s why I’m worried…
            When he was at the ER, his Lipase was at 78, so the ER doctor said his pancreas seems like having problem. And after doing the ultrasound, no gallstone was found, but the doc said his pancreas was elevated, so that’s pancreatitis. Normally 2 to 3 hours after he ate, his upper abdominal has stabbing pain. If it’s really only gastritis, that will be a lot easier to fix. I’m just worried when the GI doctor didn’t even bother to take a look at his pancreas and just finalized it that way…

  66. Jessica Dutra

    Hi Health guy!

    I have been reading many of your posts repeatedly since my hospital stay, including your other sites. Your knowledge and experience had been extremely helpful, thank you. I was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis a little over two weeks ago, my lipase levels were 21,800 when I was admitted. I was in the hospital for 4 days on a clear liquid diet but didn’t eat any of their crap food and just drank water for about 24 hours and then was able to add fresh organic apple juice and carrot juice. I was discharged with levels of 9,000 and little to no pain. My CT scan showed obvious inflammation of the pancreas and no signs of pseudocysts or blockages but the GI thinks its gallbladder. After one week from being discharged my Lipase levels were at 2,500 (that was a week ago). I don’t have nausea unless I try to get brave (did once and I learned my lesson, I had half a sprouted wheat bagel with some Jam and that night I had the worst stomach ache that made me feel sick). I have been taking the GSE since the hospital and vitamin C recently. I started off drinking juice (carrot, apple, grapefruit and green juice all fresh) smoothies, and one meal replacement a day called raw meal from garden of life (I’m breastfeeding and I’m ALWAYS HUNGRY), potatoes and lettuce because that is all I could tolerate without causing discomfort. I try adding food as slowly as possible but the hunger pangs kick in pretty strong.

    Other than my story I’m curious to know if some discomfort is normal? Does it mean I need to back off or is it all part of the healing process? I want to eat so badly and my appetite is crazy huge. I haven’t experienced vomiting just slight nausea in the beginning and when I ate the bagel. It’s been about two days with little to no discomfort but when I feel it I know exactly what it is.

    This is all confusing and a bit sad especially when caring for two babies but you have made this easier to understand and except, seriously the best information is right here! I’ve followed a vegan diet for years (not low fat though) so this hasn’t been too difficult other than not being able to eat enough.

    Thank you Thank you Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jessica – it takes a while to heal up and inflamed pancreas. So if that “raw meal from garden of life”, which looks like the best meal replacement I have ever seen for pancreatitis patients, good job on locating and choosing that particular product, seriously good job! Anyway if that’s going over well just keep eating that, fresh juice etc, maybe try some cooked veggies and rice (skip the bagel) and see how it goes. Any discomfort (nausea, pain) is an indication your pancreas isn’t quite ready for whatever it was you ate. I appreciate the thanks and you’re welcome. Be patient. Hunger is a good sign but be patient. Like I said it really does take a while to heal from acute pancreatitis, unless it was extremely mild. 🙂

    2. kgkrl

      Hi Jessica,

      very sorry about your hospital stay. Just follow the list of food that health guy put on his website and try a small meal at a time. Then if you are okay, a few hours later, try another small meal. oatmeal is really good, it keeps you full for many hours.

  67. Laura

    Hey there, love your site and that you take the time to help so many of us suffering!
    5 years ago I was hospitalized severely dehydrated, they took every test imaginable (upper, lower, biopsy, ct scan, gall bladder nuclear test,ulcer test, etc) hooked me up to iv’s and then released me 2 days later. I fired my old doctor and my new GP doctor looked at my labs and symptoms and said I had pancreatitis and gave me pancreatic enzymes. I took them for 2 years and then changed my diet drastically.
    About once a year I have an attack when I go off my diet. Only go to the doc when absolutely can’t take the pain and have at different times been diagnosed with ibs, gastritis, or they just don’t know. They always think it is my gall bladder and it never is after many horrible tests. So here I am watching 4th of July fireworks on tv since I’m in too much pain to go anywhere. I tell you all this because I am wondering if it is actually pancreatitis since I was only diagnosed once from a GP doctor and everyone since then other doctors don’t agree.
    I have lost a lot of weight since then, eating healthy and small portions and exercising. But last Friday, I ate fast food had a candy bar and even chips the same day. I haven’t ate that junk for a very long time. Started with diarrhea that afternoon, then every time I ate and drank, for three days horrible pain every time something went in my mouth. so barely sipped water and ate watermelon for those 3 days.
    Now, a week later, my upper abdomen hurts after I eat meat, mostly red meat and a little with chicken. So much that I can’t eat for one or two meals afterward. After I eat the meat, 20 to 40 minutes later I have excruciating pain in upper abdomen that makes me moan, I can feel it moving down to my stomach which then also makes me double up. After about 20 minutes of moaning and whimpering it either turns into a constant pain in upper abdomen for a day or causes diarrhea with intermittent pain. The pain goes to my back sometimes and I am belching and hiccuping a lot. Husband talked me into going to the doc and he is setting up an appointment with a specialist. I know he is going to make me go through the torture tests since I am in a new city now.
    Sorry this is getting so long, I hope I am not alone and wondering if this is a typical pancreatitis attack or something else. What are your thoughts? I am dedicated to keeping a strict diet and going to find some grape seed extract as well. I will let you know what the doctors ‘think’ it is. Any additional advice is appreciated. Happy 4th!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Laura – sounds like you need to overhaul your diet. Red meat doesn’t work. Red meat, pork, lamb, duck will kill you or make you wish you were dead. Make sure you invst time reading this blog in regards to diet. Diet is EXTREMELY important if you do have pancreatitis. It sounds like pancreatitis to me you should head to the ER and have them do blood work (amylase/lipase/wbc) to find out. If you still have your gallbladder it could be that as well or SOD (sphincter of oddi dysfunction). But since you are in pain now would be a good time to get blood work done since it’s definitely been long enough for your enzyme levels to elevate. Good luck, get well, watch the diet, get off the red meat and other bad foods. 🙂

    2. kgkrl

      Hello laura. Sorry to hear your pain, we have all suffered from that and some continue to suffer.

      As health guy said, if your lipase and amylase are very high, that would mean you have pancreatitis.

      It is very hard to find out what is causing the pancreatitis. But from what my doctors have told me, the 2 main reasons are gallbladder/gallstones and drinking too much alcohol.

      What exactly did the doctors find when they looked at your gallbladder? Did they find any gallstones or sludge? Some of the tests the doctors can do to find gallstones or sludge are ultrasound, an MRCP, or an endoscopic ultrasound.

      1. Dees

        Hi Health Guy

        I have a pain in my left rib. I have had it for like 7 months now. It is dull ache, that does not go away. It some times goes to the right side and feels better when I press against it and fold my arms. I am very worried that it is pancreatitus. What do I do? I have done blood tests and ultrasounds and all were found. I had a mild inflammation in the stomach.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Dees you really do need to find out what the problem is. Try another doctor. I can’t diagnose you. Mild inflamation in the stomach? The stomach isn’t your pancreas. IF it were me I’d find a doctor and get diagnosed, with a diagnosis that makes sense. In other words a person doesn’t have gastritis for 7 months (example of what docs say when they don’t know and don’t think it’s worth looking). Find a doc who 1) listens 2) can actually diagnose properly. You might have pancreatitis but your symptoms aren’t slapping me in the face. IF someone has actually done blood work (amylase and lipase) while you were sick and in pain and nothing, not even a slight elevation in enzymes occurred it is really unlikely that it’s pancreatitis but … I’m not a doc and there is always a possibility that you have a form such as autoimmune pancreatitis that actually starts out with weird and/or mild symptoms.

  68. Alex Kautzman

    I have MEN-Type 1 (pituitary, parathyroid & pancreas tumors). My pancreas tumors are malignant Neuroendocrine. I had a Whipple surgery in Oct (head of pancreas gallbladder duodenum & bile ducts). left a bunch of “little guys” in the tail to try & keep the remaining pancreas as long as possible. Whipp 6mo later I keep having reoccurring pancreatitis. Multiple times a month and trying to avoid hospitalization. Post Whipple surgery I changed my diet- no red meat, fried foods, milk, fats etc so you can imagine my frustration to why I keep getting pancreatitis! Up for suggestions Thanks! Alex

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Alex sorry to hear you are not well and are suffering. Tell me, what do you mean by: “left a bunch of “little guys” in the tail.” IF that means you still have tumors in the tail of your pancreas my first guess about the recurring poancreatitis would be because of the remaining cancer tumors. Panc cancer causes acute pancreatitis. If you mean something else by “little guys” – maybe Islet cells? Please explain.

      1. Alex Kautzman

        Hi Health Guy! Thanks for the reply! Sorry for the curt last post- I had it super long & they made me cut it down lol Yes, the “little guys” I call them are my small Neuroendocrine Cancer tumors we left in the remaining half of my pancreas. My Endo says they don’t think the tumors have anything to do with my reoccurring pancreatitis but who knows! I also read hyperparathyroidism leads to chron panc. So maybe after I get my parathyroid tumors out then my pancreas can heal? Also, where do I get your supplements that cured the amazing story of the guy with the feeding tube at thanksgiving. I’m getting worse and worse and could use any suggestions before needing to entirely remove the remaining half of my pancreas. I do understand that having cancer is a little different but who knows right. Thank you so much!!:) -Alex

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Alex you can find the info on all the supplements I use, the ones the wife of the guy with the feeding tube used (same ones) on this blog under the category for supplements. IF you are currently in pain and feeling like crap simply write down the names of the supplements (grape seed extract, vit c, and curcumin) and go to a local health store and buy “stand alone” supplements. That means the product labels state ONLY grape seed extract, curcumin and vit c. Make sure the grape seed is at least 90% polyphenols and the curcumin is 95% curcuminoids.

          IF it were me I’d do this: I’d imagine you’ll need some healthy doses to get results so buy enough of each to get the job done for at least 30 days. I guessing you’ll need between 800 – 1000 mgs per day of grape seed spread over 4 doses, 1500 – 2000 mgs curcumin again spread over 4 doses and 2000 – 4000 mgs of vit c again spread over 4 doses. Just remember I can NOT prescribe I am NOT a doctor and I’m just telling you what I’d do. You have to do what you think is best and …

          IF you are still eating a regular high fat diet that needs to be changed as well. You can find a bunch of my diet info on this blog as well. Keep us posted on your progress. Good luck and I wish you better health Alex. 🙂

          1. Alex Kautzman

            Thank you!!!
            I stopped eating red meat, fried foods, all fats and sugar over a year ago when I was diagnosed. I have Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 & it runs in my family so we knew what to expect with all of the genetic pancreas surgeries. Thankfully I have been on this modified vegan/ Pescatarian diet for a year now (unwillingly) but unfortunately I keep getting pancreatitis in my remaining half pancreas. I will definitely try the supplements and will keep my fingers crossed. Thank you so much! -Alex

  69. KM

    Hi Healthy Guy,

    I am reading your blog – literally every word, every comment – in hopes of helping heal my father who just experienced his first pancreas attack. He’s been diagnosed with Acute Pancreatitis. He’s a red meat eating, Jim Beam swilling cowboy and it’s insane how drastic this condition has changed his life. He was hospitalized last Tuesday for 6 days before going home. I promise to read everything before asking questions so as to not waste your time. Thank you for your dedication to helping people with this blog. It is such a wealth of information and I am extremely grateful for this resource. I’m going to be sure that my pop reads this as well. I’m trying to figure out where to begin.

    Kind regards,


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      You’re welcome KM. It is a fair amount of info to digest. I hope your father quits drinking, begins a correct diet and starts using the supplements. It could make a HUGE difference in the quality of his life. Good luck. I f you have questions please, feel free to ask. 🙂

  70. Tricia

    Hello there, very insightful read.
    I was diagnosed with pancreatitis 7 years ago, have had several attacks, most recent 4 weeks ago with lipase being 5000. The Drs can not find the cause, I don’t drink. They are guessing now that is caused from acidic foods, such as apples, lemons, oranges, pineapples, beetroot etc
    I don’t really eat, I’m on a good day if I eat one meal a day, I just don’t see the point and am to scared!
    Can you please possibly shed some light for me. I’m back at hospital next week to see a surgeon as they are talking about removing the lower part of my bile duct?!
    I look forward to your reply 🙂 x

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Tricia. Your doctor is wrong. Acidic foods don’t cause pancreatitis. The foods you just mentioned are safe. What isn’t safe are FAT and alcohol. In fact the foods you listed are full of polyphenols (anti inflammatory phytonutrients) which actually protect the pancreas. Removing the lower part of your bile duct? WHY would they do that? Do you have cancer? Or do you have SOD (sphincter of oddi dysfunction)? Heck you said they don’t even know the cause. I’d be asking some real pointed questions as to WHY they want to remove anything, what the guaratees are that it will help and what the risks are. Ask them is it was them in your shoes would they let someone remove their anatomy when they don’t even know what is causing your pancreatitis let alone how to make it go away or at least better? I already know the answers to those questions but you need to find out for yourself. You should also find out exactly what the procedure is called and then research it. The risks and benefits. Don’t ever be afraid to question a doctor. They call their business a “practice” for a reason. Some are REALLY good but those REALLY good doctors are few and far between and most have no clue how to treat pancreatitis, they guess.

      1. miroslav

        Hello my friend.My gallbladder was removed and I now I have a lot of gas in my stomach.The doctor prescribe me medicine that is made from gelatin to remove the gas.Is gelatin a fat?Is it safe to take it?
        I lost a lot of weight and I eat white bread to gain weight.But when I eat bread I feel pain in pancreas.Is white bread the reason for the pains?I also eat 200 g per day chicken breast.i dont know if the chicken is the reason for pains or white bread.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Miroslav! Wow, no gallbladder now huh? When did you have that done? I’ve heard recovery can take a few weeks and sometimes there are unpleasant symptoms while the body adjusts to missing the part. Gelatin should be fine. Is the chicken breast skinless? If it is it should be ok as long as it isn’t breaded & fried in oil (like fried chicken). The bread should be ok too but read the label. Look at fat content and ingredients. Sometimes bread is made with lard. Lard (from beef and pork) is not good. Other than that it may be it’s just to soon for you to eat certain things without some difficulty. I know you said you’ve lost some weight but get well. Don’t worry about weight. You can regain the weight. Focus on getting healed first.

          1. miroslav

            I have a terrible bloating and flatuance now.Also I can not eat at all if I dont take digestive enzymes.I think gallbladder removal was a huge mistake.I thought that gallbladder inflames pancreas because I have pancreatitic pains with no reason-I did not eat something else or drink.But without gallbladder I still have pancreatic pains-thanks to your advice I take GSE and the pains disappeare.
            I want to ask you something-doctor prescribe me also medicine which contain 800 mg virgin castor oil in serving amount per day.I must take it twice-400 mg virgin oil per serving.Is it safe this amount of oil?

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Miroslav, wow, why would any doctor prescribe castor oil for a patient with pancreatitis?! How long have you been taking that crap? Man that is pure pancreas poison. It’s way to much FAT! If you have been taking that while you’ve been having your pain THAT is probably WHY you have pain. Doctors are so brain dead when it comes to pancreatitis. Anyway, no my friend. Keep away from that stuff (Castor oil).

  71. miroslav

    Thanks for the advice.Castor oil was prescribed for flatulence.But now I again have pancreatic pain-probably due to castor oil.Instead i think to take fennel seed for flatulence and simethicone.You are right-doctors are so stupid.One professor said that my pains are due to herniated disk .I have herniated disk since 1997 and the pain is tottally different from pancreatic pain.Other doctor-one of the best in Bulgariaq said that the pain is in my head and I must go to psychiatrist.
    What do you think about fennel seed and simethicone?After the gallbllader removal I have really bad flatulence.

  72. miroslav

    Now I see that there is 15 g fat in 100 g fennel seed.I take 3 g per day -6 times with 480 mg pill per serving.
    What do you think about my diet?Every day I eat:500 g white rice/I used to eat brown rice but it is not good for flatulence/,500 g white bread/I must gain weight because my weight is 57 kg and 172 height.I used to be 90 kg before first attack/,6 eggs white,200 g skinless chicken breast.I eat that amount of food in 6 meals per day.i used to eat a lot of apples but they are not good for flatulence.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      I think you should worry more about getting well. Your flatulence may dissappear after your body adjusts to not having a gallbladder. It may take several months for that adjustment to take place. In the mean time focus more on what you can eat without getting sick. If you take out everything that might cause gas you won’t have any nutritious safe foods to eat. Worry more about nutrition and healing your body and less about gas.

  73. miroslav

    What do you think about taking ox bile supplements?I read that it is good for people with gallbladder removal.But I am confused because it digest fat and I am on low fat diet due to your advice.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Probably ok Miroslav cuz ox bile is in Now Super Enzymes which I use daily when I eat. I don’t know if ox bile by itself is beneficial because of GB removal.

      1. Maria

        Hello Health Guy: I use to take Fish Oil 1000mg ,after the Acute Pancreatitis , I am stopped taking it, it is safe to start taking it? Thanks ,(be good to yourself)

        1. Toni

          I take NOW plant enzymes due to pork allergy. I tried NOW ox bile one and it makes me sick and creon is made with pork which makes me sick.

        2. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Maria – I wouldn’t take fish oil supplements. Too much fat even when you’ve healed your pancreas. Instead (if you want omega 3’s) try white meat fish (cod, pollock, rock fish, halibut, sea bass, perch, etc). All have some omega 3’s and are rich in protein 🙂

          1. Maria

            Thanks HG ,I will not take the Fish Oil ,yeas I eat a lot of fish except (salmon) after you said it is saturated of oil…. thanks ,God bless !

  74. Gail

    I have to tell you what happened after I went to see my GP after being hospitalized for acute pancreatitis. I had been reading your blog as I recovered at home, I raised my concern about taking Tramadol with my anti-depressants. He laughed it off and said I ‘read too much on the Internet and I’d be better off to stop all the research’. I told him I’d been in pain for 15 years – told I had IBS, it was gallbladder (had it out 5 years ago – pain still severe), NASH, all in my head. Copious research and pain location led me to suspect SOD or pancreas. I went to see a digestive and liver disorders specialist at IU and he did an ERCP with manometry. I signed a consent form before the procedure, allowing the surgeon to explore the second sphincter if the first sphincter was ok. He also warned about the risk of pancreatitis. I agreed – I needed an answer. First sphincter was fine – when he arrived at the second sphincter, he discovered it was tightly locked shut and that I had a complete pancreas Divisum. Took him 2 hours and 15 minutes to stent it open. I got very ill later that night and was hospitalized a week – it was awful but expected. Back to the visit with the GP – he scolded me for ‘trying to find an answer to the pain’. Congratulated me and said now I can flip off all the doctors who didn’t believe me. He is no longer my physician and YOU are absolutely right – they call it a ‘practice’ for a reason. I’ve bought all the supplements you recommended and begun taking them. Really hurt over all this but feeling more empowered because knowing the WHY gives you power! I’m glad I was my own advocate and did research – I have a condition that will require lifetime care and support and valuable info. in this blog to help me stay the course. Thank you for reading this update. You are awesome.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Ahh shucks Gail thanks for the kind words. 🙂 …. however sorry to hear you have SOD and Pancreas Divisum. The good news is I have read where stenting sometimes cures Pancreas Divisum and sometimes not. Hopefully it completely handles yours but then you still have the SOD to contend with but the good news is that SOD responds well to a low fat diet as well. So with proper diligence towards diet you could lead a fairly normal life. Also …

      Calcium channel blockers (heart drug) seem to help “Agents such as calcium channel blockers and long-acting nitrates have been shown to reduce sphincter of Oddi basal pressure and improve symptoms. However, there are several drawbacks to medical therapy. First, side effects may be seen in up to one-third of patients. Second, a response rate of only about 75% is expected in patients with the spastic-type of sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. Third, medical therapy utilizing muscle-relaxing agents is not expected to be effective in the patient with papillary stenosis.” read whole John Hopkins pdf here.

  75. miroslav

    My friend I want to ask you something.Unfortunatelly yesterday I have mild pancreatic attack.I am on a low fat diet,and I am taking GSE extract three times per day.I dont know the reason for that attack.I think it may be due to fennel seed which I take for bloating and gas.I read that fennel seed have estrogen and too much estrogen is not good for pancreatitis,especially men.Fennel seed really helps me with bloating and flatulence.Could you tell me what to do?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hiya Miroslav 🙂 say I don’t know much about fennel seed. I don’t use it. All I know is what you know about it and I only know that because I just read up on it lol. 1 serving which is a tbsp (6 grams), according to the data contains 1 fat gram. Unless you are using 6 – 10 times the amount in a tbsp I doubt it’s your culprit. Fennel seed is full of essential oils. Anethole, found in essential oil may have some bearing on your problem. Anethole is an ether. Some ethers are used as solvents and others were used as local and/or general anesthetics (diethyl ether). To much Anethole could possibly be dangerous. You should do more research on fennel seed and it’s active, medicinal components.

      1. miroslav

        My friend I nave another pancreatic attack these days.I dont know why-I am on a low fat diet,I am taking enzymes and GSE.Every time before GSE saved me but this time it give a little relief.I take 1 g per day GSE and and it helps me temporaly and then the pain is back again.The old,nasty pancreatic pain.My wife is pregnant but I think I will not see my child.I dont think I will be live when it is born.In Mondey I will make MRI to see if there problem with ducts of pancreas.I want to ask you something-I have a lot of gas,I can hear it,just in the place where is my pain.Is it possible the colon full with gas to sqeeze the pancreas and to inflame it?
        I am so desperate my friend-probably the destiny is decided to be sick forever.I cant handle that pain-it is nightmare.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Miroslav – sorry – wasn’t online for a few days. I am sorry to hear you are having trouble again. There has to be something that is triggering those attacks. What exactly are you calling a low-fat diet? Are you eating any foods that I wouldn’t such as red meat, pork, lamb, duck, mayo, butter etc? Are you taking any prescription medications? How did MRI Go?

          1. miroslav

            I eat only white bread,rice,eggs white,pottatoes and chicken breast with no skin.And cucumbers and tomatoes.Nothing else.This is my diet for months and I have no trouble.Last two attacks were when I took vitamin B-probably I am the only man in world who have pancreattitis due to vitamin B.But this time I did not take vitamin B.
            The only other drug I take is simethicon for bloating.But I have taken it for two months wihout problem.I have terrible bloating and gases and I have severe pain due to gas.i can not handle without simethicon.
            The worst thing is that GSE give me temporaly relief and I take about 1800 mg per day.Last times when I was in pancreatitis attack I took 1000 mg per day and in next day I was pain free.But now is different.
            The other possibility is to have sphyncter of ODDI spasm.But my sphyncter of ODDI is cut due to ERCP,and I also have no gallbllader.
            I did not make MRI because due to gallblader surgery I have metal clips in my body and doctors said it could be dangerous.
            I dont know what to do-I think my end is close.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Miroslav you are definitely an enigma my friend. I can tell you with about 99.5% certainty that it is highly doubtful that vitamin b or other vitamins (C, D, A, etc) cause or excerbate pancreatitis. However … “due to gallblader surgery I have metal clips in my body” your comment about metal clips intrigues me. WHY do you have metal clips still in your body? I’ve never heard of that for gallbladder surgery but then again I don’t profess to know everything. In fact, I know very little. Do you meant clips or stents? I’m just asking because IF you actually meant stents those could be the problem. I’ve heard of them moving to different locations causing problems. Anyway, it might be time to check with your doctor and find out what is actually wrong.

          3. miroslav

            My friend I have metal clips,not stents.In every laparoscopyc gallbladder surgery doctors put clips.I did blood tests and they showed that everything is normal.But I think that my amylase levels are normal only because of GSE.I read that GSE decreases amylase levels.
            Unfortunately I am in constant pain and terrible bloating and flatulence.Do you think that gases might be the reason for my pancreatitis attack at the moment?Is it possible the bowel full wih gas to press the pancreas?I am afraid to take curcumin because i have SOD.But now I dont have gallbladder and I have done sphincterotomy ERCP-do you think curcumin will be a problem?I cant take NSAID because when I took celebrex I had the worst pancreatitis atack in my lifei thought that I will die.I am afraid to take iboprofen for that reason.

          4. The Health Guy Post author

            Do you set off metal detectors? Just kidding 🙂 Anyway I don’t recall you mentioning you had SOD before. SOD and the sphincterotomy could be the reason you have pain and other issues. And no, people with SOD should NOT use curcumin. About NSAIDS – Here’s an article you should read regarding NSAIDS and the extremely small possibility of NSAID induced pancreatitis. ONE possible case out of 48,000+ in an Italian study and then there are some other study facts too. VERY small risk compared to opiates (morphine and/or derivatives). Ibuprofen isn’t even mentioned. I’ve never found any evidence from any credible source that depicts Ibuprofen as a possible cause of acute pancreatitis. But one has to do what they think best. By the way since you have SOD opiates should be avoided. Opiates will actually cause the SO to spasm which inturn often causes acute pancreatitis. They (doctors) used to administer a test called the Nardi test to diagnose SOD and that test was morphine and prostigmine in combination which caused the SO to spasm and very often caused acute pancreatitis.

          5. Robert Tuite

            HG, as I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, my acute and now chronic pancreatitis (80 pct of pancreas removed due to necrosis) was idiopathic. However, If there was one possible culprit it was a fatty diet and elevated triglycerides (not off the charts by any means). I came across something that indicated Niacin (vitamin B3) can reduce triglycerides. It can be purchased as an OTC supplement. Do you know of anything that would support this. Also, fibrates can supposedly help. I’m assuming fibrates are things like Metamucil. In trying to work the fat out of my diet, but do you think these things can help as well? Thanks, Rob

          6. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Rob – yes Niacin can reduce triglyceride levels. No fibrates are not fiber (Metamucil, ect). Fibrates are derived from fibric acid. You can read about them here. Unless you have extremely high tris (1000+) there is no need. Diet (normal foods) has never been associated as being a cause of pancreatitis (alcohol is an exception). Diet exacerbates pancreas inflammation once one has had acute pancreatitis but as far as a cause, not likely. Alcohol, gallstones (includes sludge), some prescription drugs, abdominal trauma, some autoimmune diseases, some viral infections, some surgical procedures, Cystic fibrosis, SOD, hypercalcemia, hypertriglyceridemia and Pancreatic cancer are the most common causes.

        2. Neal Borenstein

          So sorry about your pain Miroslav. Have you tried what The Health Guy recommends Ibprofen in higher doses for pain? Also are you taking the vitamin C and Cucermin and Grafefruit Seed Extract along with the Grape Seed Extract? I try not to eat a whole lot of real foods and do protein shakes! I mix 20 grams of chocolate protein with the vitamin and mineral powder The Health Guy has on his site along with fiber and a product called Greens First…then I add all frozen pineapple, mango, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and a handful of spinach. I then add a bunch of water and blend it in my Nutri Bullet Blender. Then freeze it overnight. I eat it everyday for breakfast and it’s like eating ice cream!!! The best thing in the world you could eat!!! Give it a try!

          1. The Health Guy Post author

            Neal that sounds tasty! I’m serious. I’m gonna have to try that recipe. It is amazing what can be concocted with some imagination. Thanks for posting that. 🙂

          2. Robert Tuite

            To Misrolav, I hope I spelled that right. I read your post about the pain you’ve been in and my thoughts and prayers are with you. After 4 years of battling CP, one 9 month hospitalization, another 3 week hospital and 2 major surgeries, I’m familiar with the pain. I don’t know if this will be useful, but I certainly hope so. The psychology of CP is every bit as daunting at times as the physical stuff. I know that a bout of pain – short or extended can take me from feeling optimistic and coping to having the those very negative thoughts start taking over and it can happen very quickly. The pain just brings out the worst and scariest thoughts. To the extent I can ward off the worry, the anxiety and keep that ‘runaway thought train’ from taking over, the better I deal with the pain. The level of pain I feel sometimes seems directly related to and exacerbated by the mental stuff. Anything you can do to stay positive will help immensely. Reaching out on this blog, staying connected to family and friends, praying if that’s part of your belief system, listening to your favorite music and just taking it ‘one day at a time’ can really help. I know that may all sound like common sense and even trite, but the pain makes it easy to forget all these things. You don’t know me from Adam, but I’ll be praying for you. If there is one thing I’ve learned about CP, ‘it’s what a difference a day can make’. When things seem overwhelming and you lose some of your hope, remember that others are thinking about you, praying for you and wishing you get better as quickly as possible and you are not alone. It may defy logic, but our pain and suffering have a redemptive quality. It can make us more profound and compassionate people in the long run. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Take Care. Rob

  76. linda

    Hi, I’m really, really desperate…..l have only just been diagnosed with Pancreatitis. l callaspsted on holiday, only 45 miles away from home, did not know l had it and was air ambulance to Southampton hospital, having a mini heart attack on way, after being diagnosed with A P spending a week in intensive care and 3 more weeks on pancreatitis ward, my pancreatitus has died, l have gallstones in the ducts and 9 others stones rattling around,so a lovely colour of yellow,blood plates are 3 times higher then they should be, my stomach has been affected as well liver ha spotting. they tried twice to operate but too ill and too much inflammation. after 10 days told to eat full size meals, which l could not and lied, l,m a ceolic and dairy intolerance which did not help, l have been told that l,m dibetic type 2 so now on insulin as well. l been sent home to recover, with only take creaon with every meal, told low fat diet, no other info. l,ve been home 2 weeks and l still cant eat, stressing out big time, 1/4 cup of veg soup is most l get down, if l am lucky, as feeling sick and being sick, is a big problem drinking is sort of ok.
    your site has been a god send as my Doctors are kind but don’t understand and basically totally clueless… l,m mainly, bedridden. The swelling in my abdomen has subsided a little but still in a great discomfort, l have worked out that l,ve lost 2 1/2 stone in weight, ( 8 weeks) diarrhea at first and but not got anything and don’t know if l should take anyhing and what to take?, but to be honest not sure theres any food in me. l,m sleeping a lot. and suffereing with a lot of tummy and back ache The Doctors just want to keep pumping him full of medication. l,m still on a lot of other medication such as Ramipril (high blood pressure),Bumetanide / Asprin ( blood plates) & omeprazole ( gesto resistant) and metoclopramide (nausea and vomiting). due to a long term back/ nerve disability in my lower back and both legs, l am also on Butrans 10gms patches. I’m sure this isn’t helping any either… sorry a bit long winded but a bit relieved that others have sadly experienced this and l was not going out of my mind and husbands, also being over emotional. thank you, l have a starting point now to work with. before going back into hospital soon for operations.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Linda – dang you don’t sound like you feel at all well. Just for your own info Ramipril and other drugs in the same class (captopril, enalapril, and lisinopril) have been known (not common) to cause acute pancreatitis. The same holds true for omeprazole. Celiac disease can also cause acute pancreatitis [1],[2].

      I’ll pray that God takes care of you.

      1) Patients with celiac disease have an increased risk for pancreatitis – article
      2) Celiac Disease and Malabsorptive Disorders – article (last paragraph under “clinical manifestations”)

      1. Joy

        Hi Health Guy..

        Just wanted to check is drinking probiotics can cause pacreatitis attack? I have been on and off for pacreatitis issue. I have been drinking digest gold +probiotics to support my digestion and it seems helpful. But i read somewhere that probiotics can trigger pancreatitis attack

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Joy I am sorry I have taken so long to respond. Probiotics seem to be a controversial issue. I don’t use them.

  77. Katie

    Hi Health Guy,

    On July 17th I had my gallbladder out due to stones and enlarged lymph nodes. On July 20th, I was in the ER for extreme pain. Worst pain of my life. I was misdiagnosed and had a bike leak that was not caught for four days. I had an ercp with two biliary stents placed. After being discharged from the hospital I developed awful lowers back pain, vomiting, and could not tolerate any food at all. I lost 25 pounds in 7 days. I assumed I had pancreatitis. Both of my MDs were on vacation, when the surgeon finally saw me a week and a half into symptoms- my amylase was normal and my lipase was over 400. The surgeon said my body was just reacting to the foriegn body of the stents and I did not have pancreatitis. I am still in a lot of lower back pain, it has been 6 weeks since my ERCP. I keep calling my physicians and they say it is the stents. The biliary stents are to be removed in 6 days. But I still believe I am suffering from pancreatitis. Any thoughts?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Katie – sorry you aren’t well. I don’t know much about “stenting” side effects. Your lipase levels aren’t to high (not 5 times the upper limit of normal). THAT fact does not necessisarily rule out pancreatitis since, even though rare, there have been cases of acute pancreatitis with little or no elevation in lipase (they actually killed this patient with a procedure). Trypsin is actually the premo gold diagnostic enzyme but few medical centers have the capability to test for it from what I understand. So it’s possible that you may have pancreatitis. It’s also possible the doctors are right. I’m not qualified to diagnose.

  78. Educated Dietitian

    A Registered Dietitian is the only person who is considered an “:EXPERT” in nutrition. LOOK IT UP.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Bobby – I don’t eat a lot of refined sugar. In fact I don’t eat white sugar, candy or drink soda pop. That doesn’t mean there are any indications that white sugar causes pancreas problems unless of course you happen to be diabetic however … Sugar (white sugar) and HFC (high fructose corn syrup) are inflammatory so it might be wise to abstain especially since there has been alligations that HFC causes cancer and it is well known that cancer feeds on sugar. This may be especially wise for those who have CP since CP increases pancreatic cancer risk.

  79. Robert Tuite

    Who are you who wrote this. I desparately need to talk or communicate with you.
    I had 80 pct of pancreas removed in 2011. Another major surgery to repair what was left of my pancreatic duct which is now severely constricted based on recent MRI at MAYO clinic and no one talks about diet which I now think is the only thing that may save my life. I’m 62, but I have a 16,19,22 year old kids and I want to be around for them. I was not a big drinker!!!!
    My severe case of Necrotic Pancreatitis landed me in a coma in the ICU for 3 weeks and I didn’t go home for 9 months.
    I’m now insulin dependent and slowly losing more weight. I’m 6ft1 at 150 lbs. I was 225 when this all started. I’m terrified of losing more weight. I got as low as 139 a year after the surgery and it was very scary. I would like desparately to speak with you. Your diet ideas sound intuitively the best plan I’ve heard, but I’m concerned about making the transition and losing even more weight. Please let me know if we can speak or communicate via email or something. Thank You!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Robert 🙂 – it definitely sounds like you have had some serious issues and been through some nightmare times. To answer your question “Who are you who wrote this” – I’m just a guy Robert. Nobody special. Just a guy who has had some experience (personally) with pancreatitis but not nearly as bad as your experience. I’m sorry you had to go through that nightmare. From what you have told me I would imagine you are on creon or a similar prescription enzyme formula. Are you on other prescription medications (pain meds, nausea meds etc) besides insulin and enzymes? Do you know why you had severe acute pancreatitis?

      1. Robert Tuite

        Thank you for responding! My pancreatitis was Ideopathic – undiagnosed. I did not have any of the standard risk factors. Not a heavy drinker by any means, my cholesterol and tryglycerides were slightly elevated for a number of years, but again not off the charts. Genetics? I always had a sweet tooth and sometimes I think I might have just worn it out. My first attack of acute pancreatitis came in July of 2010. Hospitalized for 4 days, but back in work after 2 weeks. It take several months before I felt normal. I had a second attack a year later and it was a whopper. My sense is that many people have acute periodic attacks over many years or months, but don’t have that major one on the second round. 6 months after the first attack they found a pseudo cyst, but said that statistically that was not significant. They recommended a low fat, high fiber diet but nothing really stringent. I cut back on the consumption of red meet, ate more salad but didn’t make dramatic changes. I never had a drink after that first attack and have still not touched a drop. I wasn’t pre-diabetic, but I did have that belly fat issue. I weighed about 230 when these attacks occured, but at 6ft1 inch, I was not obese. I needed to lose 20 lbs. now I weigh 150 and need to gain 10 or 20 lbs. I take 8 capsules of Zenpep daily, Miralax daily, about 20 mg of pain med daily down from 60 each time I was released from the hospital. I take insulin using Novalog Flexpen which started about a year ago after a glucose tolerance test revealed my BS was spiking and not coming down. My A1c had slowly creeped up to 6.9 but it’s back down to 5.8. I think the docs were fooled by my fasting labs and thought my 20 pct of pancreas was more efficient than it really was. My spleen was also removed, but I still have my gallbladder. I’m down about 20 lbs in the last year which coincides with the start of insulin, but this round of weight loss preceded the insulin. My pain is daily, but intermittent. I often wake up with it, but once I start moving around it subsides. Comes and goes throughout the day, does spike when I eat, but not always. Seen a to return in the evening, and eventually subsides by late evening. The overall pattern is fairly consistent but within that on any given day there are fluctuations. Some meals, fattier ones do see to bring in the pain. I’m never nauseous, but went through months of it while hospitalized. Sofran was my best friend for a while. I occasionally get diarrhea, but most of the time I’ll have one maybe two bulky bm’s with some straining. Don’t think I have narcotic bowel, but if I’m in less pain and take less meds, bm’s are a little easier. It’s a very delicate balance. Eat, pain, pain meds, constipation in this self constant loop. My pain can spike to a 3,4 or even 5 occasionally. I pull back on eating and the whole loop re-adjusts and starts over. I had this MRI a month ago that revealed my pancreatic duct is severely restricted. Another surgery to remove the rest of my pancreas is apparently too dangerous. Plus my pancreas is still functioning a little and they thought it should just be left alone. Over time they think it will stop functioning altogether and morph into a fibrous mass. They think that may actually improve the pain. It could take another year, maybe longer. I do have a fair amount of gas, I don’t appear to have stentorhrea. That’s a whole lot for you to digest – no pun intended. I’m desparately to find the right diet, gain some weight, get off the pain meds, keep the a as controlled and improve my quality of life and live for as long as I can. I read your information and it just resonated with me. I’ve googled a 1000 different topics and phrases and your site just happened to come up. You are so right about the lack of knowledge and bad or conflicting info out there. It took me a year to get into see the folks at Mayo, but still the focus was not on diet which I now believe is the most critical aspect of my care and which has been the area least focused on by all the Drs I’ve seen. The one Nutrionist I’ve been able to see was extremely well intentioned but I just don’t think she had the experience. She was ok with a higher fat diet(still low by normal standards) but not nearly as stringent as your plan. She thought it would help get some weight on me, but I don’t think she was plugged into how bad it could be for my remaining pancreas. The endocrinologist is a great, but I think she is used to treating your standard Type 2 diabetics and since my A1c appears under control, I think she feels she has done her job. She’s not totally unaware of this post pancreatectomy syndrome stuff, but it’s clearly a relatively small portion of her practice. Thank you again. That maybe the longest post you’ve ever seen and if you’ve had time to read it all, I’m truly grateful!!! Robert

        1. Robert Tuite

          I proof read my msg and there were quite a few mistakes. I want to control my Blood Sugar along with weight gain, reduce pain and get off pain meds. I started losing this last 20 lbs about 14 mths ago and started on insulin 12 months ago, so the weight loss had started prior to beginning insulin. I believe the weight loss is part metabolic with all the stuff I have going on or not going because my pancreas is just about gone. It’s also psychological in that, associating pain with eating just suppresses your appetite. It’s almost unconscious, but I know it’s part of it. Also, counting carbs and insulin injections just act as a restraint on my eating. I think perhaps I should be on an insulin pump and that would make eating more seamless and less of a production and mgmt issue. I do think the metabolic stuff is still at the heart of the weight loss. I really wish I had found your information after the first attack, although I honestly don’t know if I would have had an appreciation for how serious a situation I was potentially dealing with. At the time, I know my biggest concern was pancreatic cancer and it’s relationship to an attack of acute pancreatitis. At the time, the information on that seem to say they were not highly correlated unless you had been a long time sufferer or had the alcohol history. It was wishful thinking in hindsight in conjunction with the somewhat non-chalent attitude of the Drs., but I thought and hoped it was a once in a lifetime event and I survived and it wasn’t destined to ever happen again. Thank you again. Robert

          1. Robert Tuite

            HG, do you recommend a particular brand of grape seed extract, and the other supplements you recommend? I go into GNC occasionally and their products are so expensive. I live on SSDI. TY Rob

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Rob if I could only afford one product I’d choose NOW Foods Grape Seed Extract 100 mg Vcaps because they contain 100 mgs of grape seed extract and 300+ mgs of vit C in each cap. You get a twofer. Start out slow with one cap per day, for several days … then two, then three then 4 and so on until you work up to a dose that works for you. I’ll be blunt with your history and pancreas condition it’s gonna take a lot of grape seed daily to see improvement. Just work up to it. The good news is that supposedly grape seed also helps diabetics keep their eye sight and can also improve diabetic neuropathy.

          3. Robert Tuite

            HG, thanks for the Grape Seed Extract recommendation. The reason I asked the cholesterol question is I’ve always associated shellfish with high cholesterol.
            I bought myself 12 beautiful large cooked shrimp the other night and twice now I’ve made a meal of eating 4 shrimp with some broccoli or salad. I’m never 100 pct sure of why I feel anything I feel, but I don’t think the shrimp agreed with me and my pain seemed elevated and that’s when I made the connection between other fats, cholesterol and the pancreas. Your answer seemed to say, that from a long term perspective cholesterol would only be a concern if it were super elevated which mine is not. I may just pass on the shrimp for now and buy some of the other fish you recommend – Talapia, Catfish, etc.. The one thing that I rarely if ever have an issue with is chicken. It is my standby. I’m thinking chicken 4 or five times a week at dinner and fish the other days. Ty Rob

          4. The Health Guy Post author

            Rob what did you put on your salad? Shrimp is a safe bet in fact 100 grams (about 10 large shrimp) has only one (1) grams of fat, far less than chicken. Something else that people don’t understand and need to get their head wrapped around is that what you eat right now doesn’t always cause an immediate response. Sometimes it does, often the response comes 24 – 72 hours later. Anyway, you have to do what you think is right for you. And … with only 20% of a pancreas maybe, just maybe things that don’t affect others with less damage may affect you but I really doubt it. But, the more I learn the more I realize I don’t know much lol 🙂

          5. Robert Tuite

            HG, like I said, I can rarely make any clear connections between what I eat and how I feel. There have been times that high fat things ‘seem’ to bring on some additional pain. After two surgeries, I was still told that occasional lean red meat was still ok. I ate a burger which was 90 pct lean and it seemed to bring on some pain. It could have been something else.
            I’ve been in some additional pain the last few weeks. Sometimes I just think it’s stress. This news I got from Mayo a few ago about the ‘severely’ constricted pancreatic duct has me unnerved a little and I’ve just been at a loss of what to do about it. I’m getting afraid to eat anything. I’ve always been a milk drinker, but I cut back dramatically. I’ve tried Soy Milk and was getting comfortable with it when I found out it has something called Carageenan which can cause inflamation and is implicated in other things. I did not appreciate the fact that things can have a delayed reaction like that until finding it on your site. With only 10 to 20 pct of my pancreas left, I sometimes wonder if it matters what I eat and yet I know on another level there is some optimum diet for me and it’s just been a struggle finding it. I think what drew me to your site was some of the intro about how much info is out there and how either unreliable or confusing it all can be. If there is anything true about this CP stuff is there are no simple answers. In the last 4 years, other than the Zenpep, I haven’t had one doctor tell me that I should take any kind of supplements, (I take that back, one Dr told me I should take some vitamin D) but I know intuitively there must be things that can help. It occured to me today that perhaps they’re all afraid to recommend supplements because if someone has a bad reaction they could be held liable so they simply refuse to recommend anything other than prescription drugs. Is there anything to that notion, or am I just getting too skeptical. I think I’m actually in the midst of a ‘flare up’ and should probably just rest the ‘cranky panky’. I didn’t invent that phrase, but it seems to fit. I happen to like shrimp and have eaten it since all this started, but these were 4 very good size shrimp and I thought maybe I overdid it, but it made me curious about the cholesterol vs fat issue. If I got it straight, cholesterol although a ‘lipid’ is a very different substance with a more complex chemical structure and a very different way it affects us vs fat. Not eating or eating very little has helped bring the pain under control, but then I lose some weight each time. I’m venting and even whining a little, but lately I feel a little backed into a corner when it comes to diet. I’m not giving up by any means! I’ve had many ups and downs these last 4.5 years and I’m convinced better times are ahead. At the same time, trying hard how to live more in the ‘precious present’. Ty again and in particular for turning inquiries around quickly. Rob

          6. The Health Guy Post author

            Hey Rob – I understand your frustration and fear – Somewhat, I think. I don’t have your damage. And I am not so naive’ that I don’t recognize that there is a difference in your experience vs mine. Heck I have my whole pancreas. I totally believe that one pancreas is just like another. They do the same exact jobs BUT … you don’t have your whole pancreas and that’s where the difference lies. Those with extensive damage are going to tolerate far less than those who have little damage. THAT is where the difference lies, in the extent of damage. BUT here’s the thing … fat and alcohol are the main enemies and red meat is NOT good. Pork is NOT good. IF it isn’t good for me and makes me and others sick when I or they do NOT have near the damage you have it simply stands to reason it sure ain’t good for you. People eat burgers and swear they are perfectly safe and get sick the next day after eating grapes, which are wonderfully safe, full of anti inflammatory phytonutrients (polyphenols) and they blame the grapes. They give up grapes, good safe food and keep eating the red meat which is the real problem. Like I said you got to do what you got to do but if you sincerely want to feel better and avoid more damage then change your diet. It really is simple. But people don’t want to give up foods they love. Heck I didn’t want to either but it all boils down to this …

            Do you like being sick? What do you suppose could happen if you have another acute attack? Is eating your favorite foods worth it?

            Most foods are NOT your friends Rob.

          7. Robert Tuite

            HG, I would eat ‘explitive’ on toast if I thought it would make me feel better. Lol.
            The thought of another AP attack is scary. I don’t dwell on it, but on bad days, those memories rear their ugly heads. As I said in my first or second msg. When I read your blog, it made more sense to me than anything I had seen before. I have been putting pen to paper to use your guidelines to design something that provides about 2500 calories a day. At that level my weight had stabilized a few months back but it was still full of stuff that was not good. I have to overlay your guidelines onto a whole new shopping list at the supermarket and create a daily meal plan that gives 2 or 3 alternatives for each major meal and then good healthy snacks. I’ve been told I should be a graiser which also makes sense. That gets a little complicated from an insulin perspective and I have to be careful not to ‘stockpile’ which simply means timing things right so that insulin I take icw one thing I eat doesn’t get stored. What can happen is the next insulin dose ends up combining with the previous dose and it can drop your BS dramatically. I might have 80 carbs worth of insulin stored or 8 units combined and going to work on my last meal or snack which was only 30 carbs. It’s happened to me two or three times and the next thing I know, my BS is down around 50 or 60. I’m curious, are you very regimented about how many times you eat each day and do you always eat your meals at the same time each day? Rob

          8. The Health Guy Post author

            Yep I understand you have a balancing act with the insulin issue. I’m really glad I don’t have to contend with that issue. That ‘explitive’ on toast doesn’t sound real tastey lol 🙂 I have no set eating schedule. I eat only when I’m hungry. So I’m NOT a die hard 3 meal a day guy. I usually only have one or two meals a day. I snack on organic veggie juice, bananas, kiwi and apples etc. I don’t worry about calorie consumption. I eat safe proteins (egg whites, beans, lentils, fish, skinless chicken, some skinless turkey), veggies and whole fruits. I never juice fruits. I do drink oceanspray white unsweetened grapefruit juice but that’s it for fruit juices.

          9. Robert Tuite

            HG, I found the Grape Seed extract you mentioned and will order it iine. In the meantime, I found some at CVS and bought 50 capsules of 100 mg. I also bought Tumeric and was about to buy Curcumin but held off. I decided I should introduce them one at a time just in case one doesn’t agree with me. I started with the Grapeseed. Is that a resonae strategy or do you have any other suggestions about introducing new supplements or food items. Take Care. Rob

          10. The Health Guy Post author

            Starting one at a time is fine Rob. Grape seed is the one to start with. You’re good to go. Start out with small doses and work up until you see improvement. Then increase some more until you see the results you want.

        2. The Health Guy Post author

          Read it all Robert but there is no need to be grateful. It is good to vent. Sometimes it even helps. 🙂 I’m just going to tell you what you probably already know, no sugar coating. I would guess that with your amount of damage you will likely encounter problems the rest of your life unless God steps in and completely heals you. I have read some scholar type articles that suggest the pancreas can possibly renew, regenerate small amounts of damage but regenerating 80% of a pancreas would be an incredible feat that only God could perform. That doesn’t mean you can’t find some relief and healing.

          I think you are right about diet being key. IF it were me I wouldn’t worry about weight loss right now unless it were to become extreme. If it were me I’d focus on elimnating any residual inflammation and trying to avoid at all cost any further damage. I would also add the supplements (grape seed extract, curcumin and vit C) along with ibuprofen or aspirin to help relieve inflammation. Ibuprofen only for pain flairs and to help resolve the inflammation initially. Then aspirin daily to control the inflammation along with grape seed, curcumin and C.

          Since you are insulin dependant fasting is most likely not a good idea. I have to admit I am NOT knowledgable when it comes to diabetes. I have only basic knowledge. I thinking juicing may be beneficial for enhanced nutrients BUT NOT FRUIT juicing. That would only spike your blood sugar because juicing fruits only creates a juice full of sugar. Instead, small amounts of organic veggie juice should be safe. Veggies contain sugar as well but not in the amounts that fruits contain. I’d still watch my blood sugar after drinking veggie juice to see what the blood sugar does with veggie juice. From what I understand proteins (skinless white meat chicken, turkey and white meat fish) complex carbs (raw veggies, legumes like beans, peas, lentils) seem to be a diabetics friend and help stabilize blood sugar. They are also as low in fat as possible for animal protein sources. I don’t know how much food you can tolerate at one time but egg whites provide a good, zero fat source of protein. 9 scambled gives 36 grams of protein with zero fat, zero cholesterol. Each egg white provides approximately 4 grams of protein. You could eat 9 egg whites and a half of a chicken breast for lunch, the other half for dinner etc and have eaten about 90 grams of protein while consuming only 6 grams of fat. Veggies and other safe foods like wheat, rice, corn etc all have protein with a small amount of fat.

          You’ll have to figure out what works best for you with your challenges. If you have questions just ask. I’ll do my best to provide answers. 🙂

          1. Robert Tuite

            TY – I think your dead on with the inflamation control. I did not realize aspirin could help there. You’re also accurate in that my Pancreas won’t regenerate – unless God steps in which I haven’t ruled out. The question this past month was to remove the rest of my pancreas or just live with what I have despite the fact my pancreatic duct is very constricted. The surgeons at Mayo I saw a few weeks ago after an extensive MRI said removing the rest is too dangerous from a surgical perspective. 5 to 10 pct chance I would not survive the surgery and that was an unacceptable risk. So now it’s all about reducing the pain, protecting what’s left and doing everything I can within the current parameters to improve my quality of life. A big challenge has been taking diet guidelines, and I think yours are very good, and just translating them into things I can buy at the store and make into meals with enough of everything (calories, nutrients, etc.) I need. I’ve been told to be careful about too much fat as well as protein. Both apparently stimulate the pancreas and I want to stimulate it as little as possible. I will try your supplement suggestions. How much Grape Seed extract for instance is safe or reasonable?
            What is your typical breakfast for instance? I’m curious about how many calories you take in daily? I’ll try to keep my messages shorter and just ask specifics about your diet. I was eating between 2000 and 2500 calories a day and still losing weight. Do you eat oatmeal? I eat Fiber One with some berries or Whole Toast with some peanut butter (I saw that you suggest no peanut butter). With the ok of a Nutrionist, I was eating a qtr cup of walnuts a day for the 190 calories and only 3 carbs. My guess is you would stay away because they have too much fat, albeit better than animal fat. I was eating an ounce of Swiss Cheese because it was 100 calories and maybe 1 carb. Again, you recommend no cheese and I think your right because it’s just plain bad for what’s left of my pancreas. So I have to find replacements without giving up too many calories. Because eating can bring in pain, I was looking for things that were high in calories but low in carbs. Fiber is important as well because of constipation . I think your suggestions regarding juice were good as. The only juice I drink is a Qtr cup of OJ that I mix my Miralax in. I is tried to buy some bottled veggie juice just yesterday and read the label. They had pineapple juice and Apple juice mixed it so I put in back. I’ll stop there. Rob

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Rob, on a pancreas friendly diet (low, low fat) it is going to be difficult to consume huge amounts of calories. We could eat a pound of veggies and get very few calories. Most of the calories in a normal diet come from fat and sugar. Sugar isn’t a problem for me but it is for you since you are diabetic. And you’re right, peanut butter, nuts and cheese have way to much fat. No matter how good the fat might be (nuts, olive oil, flax seed etc) it is still fat. Fat is not our friend. In fact, if you adopt the mindset of eating to survive instead of living to eat (most people) it dramatically helps a damaged pancreas. Once you get rid of the bad foods you should (no promises) start to feel better. MOST of your questions (diet, foods to eat, breakfast ideas, supplements, how to take the supplements, etc) are answered in various blog posts that you can find in the “category” section.

            IF it were me I’d go buy a juicer. Oh, wait I did do that lol 🙂 you can get a cheapie black and decker to start for $30. I started there. It’s a good little juicer but you have to cut up most veggies so they’ll fit into the extractor. But you’ll find out whether juicing provides any benefit for you. That store bought oj is nothing but sugar. Good if you’re going into insulin shock but not so good nutritionally. Veggie juice made with a mix of organic tomato, kale, spinach, watercress, beets, carrots, cucumber and celery is much better and full of fresh, live, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

            Oatmeal is excellent. It of course offers fiber so do raw veggies (full of live enzymes, vitamins, mineral and phytonutrients). The more RAW veggies you consume the better in regards to nutrition because cooking kills off most of the nturients. Cooked beans, peas and lentils are an excellent no fat protein and fiber sources.

            I don’t know who told you protein is bad but they obviously don’t have pancreatitis or are still sick and have no clue what is good and what isn’t. Protein, even large amounts 100+ grams per day has not made me sick but fat sure does. Red meat, pork, lamb, duck, cooking oil (ALL oil), mayo, gravies, sauces, anything (nuts, flax, avocado, coconut) high in fat is bad. Plant based fat (polyunsaturated) seems to be the most tolerable. Saturated (animal, dairy) and monounsaturated fats (nuts, olive oil, etc) not so much. Now that I’ve disputed the “to much protein” thing it may be because of your diabetic issue. Some conditions such as kidney disease require less protein and diabetes may be one of those? So IF I now have egg on my face because of the diabetic issue I will happily recant and say that I could be wrong depending upon other illnesses or conditions.

            Grape seed extract is non-toxic. Some folks get some “purging” symptoms when first starting any powerful antioxidants. This happens because body toxins are being purged to quickly. It’s best to start out slow and work up in dosage until you see results. I’ve taken over 1,000 mgs of grape seed per day with no problems, just good results. I’ve known others who have taken 3 times as much as me with no problems. Curcumin is different. It can irritate the stomach and cause nausea and vomiting in high doses. It won’t kill you but it can make you sick. I wouldn’t take more than 1500 mgs per day. Vitamin C is non-toxic. I’ve taken 10,000 mgs per day for a month and had no adverse effects. However, I worked up to that dose. I don’t see where that amount is needed. 3000 – 5000 mgs of C per day should be sufficient for most people. I do 3,000 mgs per day. Hears a unique benefit I have found with the amounts of grape seed and C I take – I haven’t had a cold or flu for YEARS! But work up in dosage on all supplements. Always start out small and work up in dosage.

  80. Bobby Bridges

    I was takeing Atorvastatin,generic Lipotar, I was told this caused my pancreatitis I do not take any meds at this time. had a cat scan three weeks ago and was informed that i lost half of my pancreas. My original question to you was how much sugar intake,if any can I have.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Bobby – “My original question to you was how much sugar intake,if any can I have.” My answer: “I don’t eat a lot of refined sugar. In fact I don’t eat white sugar, candy or drink soda pop. That doesn’t mean there are any indications that white sugar causes pancreas problems unless of course you happen to be diabetic” that means you can eat sugar. Sugar shouldn’t cause problems unless you happen to be diabetic. Sugar does not contain fat and unless it is one of the sugar alcohols (sorbitol etc) which is used in dried fruits and some other products sugar doesn’t contain alcohol either. I don’t think it’s a good idea to eat a lot of refined sugars but my reasons have nothing to do with sugar making symptoms of pancreatitis worse. Some sugar in your coffee or on ceral or whatever shouldn’t be a problem. Should you sit and eat a cup of sugar? Probably not. Does that answer your question?

  81. Ben

    My mother had a case of acute pancreatitis a few days ago. It wasnt severe as far as i can tell. She was in and out of the hospital in 4 days and eating doctor appointed foods for the last 2 days with minimal to no side effects. She is out now and we’re in a shady area of “we don’t want to feed her anything that could make it worse but at the same time she needs nutrients.” Is it possible for you to recommend a day to day diet (breakfast/lunch/dinner); a quick summary, while we fine tune her diet in the days and weeks to come? Just so she will still receive the nutrients she needs while not making her ap worse.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Ben sorry to hear your mom has joined the ranks of those who can say they have joined the pancreatitis hall of pain but the good news is that is she has had only one mild attack she could be well very soon and live the rest of her life like a normal human. About 80% of people who have one mild acute pancreatitis attack never have another. If she doesn’t have an underlying problem that either caused her attack or continues to put her in harms way (diabetes and on diabetes drugs, gallstones, etc). In regards to diet ideas go to “categories on the right side of this blog and seach for the section “pancreatitis diet.” You should find what you’re looking for there.

  82. Amol

    I am 26 years old right now and have had chronic calcified pancreatitis since the age of 11. I must let you know that your blog, tips and the advice you are giving is great and helpful to many people. I just wanted to add a few pills which could help everybody ease of their fight with this terrible disease like it did for me. I am no doctor but a big time victim of this disorder.

    1st med is a pancreas enzyme supplement named “Digemax” manufactured in India. This is the best supplement for maintaining the regular exocrine functions with correct timing and dosage of taking the pills. Really worked wonders for me.

    2nd med is an ayurvedic one and is related to liver. It’s named as Liv-52 from Himalaya and also manufactured in India. This improves your liver function with 2 tabs a day without any side effects. I can nowdigest slight more fat than before.

    Still, as you have correctly written, fat diet , exercise and abstinence from alcohol are the key to good life with pancreatitis.

    I hope this helps anyone in need as it helped me and didn’t have had any painful episode since the last 8-10 years. Malnutrition, diabetes are a few things that I still have to combat with but that has to be managed by hook or crook.

    I wish everyone all the best and hope nobody including our worst enemies would go through all this. Get well soon!

    With best regards

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Thanks Amol for your input. For those who read this blog and live in India it may truly be beneficial info. I hope you continue to heal, stay well, even thrive. 🙂

      1. Avi

        True. The mentioned medicine helps. Digimax is a good enzyme. It really helps. Being in India, I felt I am the only one facing such trauma. Now I realize so many are facing this pain. I am somewhat better now with Zero oil low fat diet, totally vegan, grape fruit extract, Digimax enzymes, wheat grass juice. Now I realize what junk food I was eating throughout my life. Forgotten what my grandfather grandmother used to eat. We are supposed to eat plant proteins not animal protein I guess. Your diet chart is awesome and really appreciate your suggestions to all of us. Many folks just forgets about it ones the pain subsides and I think we should all share the recovery techniques so that people don’t suffer the extreme pain. I would like to add ” WHEAT GRASS JUICE”. I feel and have the belief that it can heal. Let’s all heal. I pray to God that nobody suffer from CP/AP.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Avi – glad to hear you are feeling a little better. I agree. Wheat grass juice would most likely be beneficial since it is high in nutrients with zero fat. Keep healing. Get well and stay well. 🙂

  83. Mohamed

    Hi The health Guy,

    I was lucky enough to find this amazing blog while I was in the hospital being under IV fluids for the second time this year.

    In February 2015, I felt a sudden upper abdominal pain that radiates into my back. It was accompanied with nausea and vomiting. My Lipase and Amylase blood tests showed high values (more than 3 folds) so I was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. I entered the hospital for eight days where I was treated using IV fluids and pain medications.

    In August 2015, I had nausea and vomiting after a fatty meal. I did Amylase and Lipase test which showed high values but without abdominal pain. I did it the following day but it showed normal values. I did a CT scan but it showed that everything is normal.

    In September 2015, the attack re-occurred after a smoked salmon sandwich. Both Lipase and Amylase showed high values again with upper abdominal pain and vomiting. I did a CT scan which concluded that I have inflammation in my pancreas. I entered the hospital again for eight days and then followed with anti-biotic for five days. I did an MRCP which suggested that I have a congenital pancreatic divisum which is the main reason behind my repeated attacks.

    What advice you want to give to me? Can I overcome this with diet and supplements or I have to go for an endoscope?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Pancreas Divisum is actually a birth defect. From what I have read in many cases they can now join the the duct ends via a surgical procedure. Whether it is a cure or not depends on how much damage you’ve sustained previously. Whether diet and supplements will improve the condition or not I have no idea. Sorry I am not more help.

  84. Barb tobert

    My daughter has been having problems like this for over 10 years. What are your thoughts on the “whipple” operation. I believe you have to actually have tumors or something as far as getting that operation but just curious in your thoughts on that? I think it’s basically the same as breast cancer as far as getting it out then you don’t have to worry about cancer down the road.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Barb – Actually some surgeons perform the “whipple” to relieve the pain in chronic pancreatitis patients. Unfortunately it often doesn’t work, even makes their life more miserable because that surgery fillets a person’s insides like they were a fish. I’ve only talked with a couple people who have undergone that surgery yet all were in more pain a year after the surgery than they were previous to the surgery. IF your daughter is thinking of possibly doing ANY unnecessary procedure (if not done she’ll still live) to really think hard, do an incredible amount of research including joining forums and/or support groups to find others who have had that particular procedure and then ask them the key question – would they do it again? An informed decision is a better decision.

    2. Alex

      Hi Barb! Do not listen to non-doctors opinions about the whipple surgery. I had a Whipple surgery a year ago from a world renown surgeon in Boston and it worked. I’m 27 and had 4 diff whipple surgeons opinions from across the country. feel free to contact me anytime with questions. I would love to give advice. Lots of love. – Alex. “”

    3. The Health Guy Post author

      Hey Barb – Alex says you should never listen to non-doctor advice and I’m sure he has his reasons. In fact many times that is great advice. I’m glad he’s doing well yet out of the 3 people that have now said they had the whipple done (responses I’ve read) only one is happy so far, Alex, and he is only one year out. I usually never allow an email to be posted in comments but you wanted info and he’s willing to give it so there ya go. BUT …

      IF it were me and it isn’t – from what I’ve read and I’ve read a lot – the only way it might be done on me is if I was goona die without it, a last resort. But now you have ONE guy who has had the procedure and is happy so far. It would still be very prudent to ask others who have had it done if they would do it again. In fact …

      I’d ask as many people as I could find, who were/are willing to talk about their procedure, so that I could get a good idea of the potential success ratio. But, like always, the decision is actually your daughter’s if she is of age or yours if she is not. I wish you and your daughter good luck. Just one passing thought …

      I was a member of several pancreatitis support groups at one time and there was a female doctor who was looking forward to being tested for TP/AIT qualification. In other words she was a doctor that had no idea how to heal without surgery. She is like most doctors. No clue when it comes to healing a damaged pancreas, except antibiotics and a scalpel. And don’t get me wrong because in some instances of severe acute pancreatitis antibiotics and surgery (debriding, resection, etc) to remove necrotic infected tissue are necessary to save lives. Unfortunately I run into too many of these folks and most I hear from are not well. They may be alive but they certainly aren’t as happy as Alex. Yet …

      There are a number of people that read this blog who are healing, feeling better and looking forward to a good life without having to get filleted. You may want to spend some time reading the comments from those who are beating pancreatitis with diet and supplements. Not all heal. Nothing is 100%, unless God intervenes. Alex may have had no choice but to have a “whipple procedure.” Maybe he had pancreatic cancer. I don’t know. You’d have to ask him. Oh and …

      This is from a “doctor site”: “the procedure has a success rate of 70-80 percent in treating chronic pancreatitis.” Read more here. That of course means that at least 20 – 30 % of the procedures turn out unsucessful and mentions nothing about the lasting complications someone could endure because of the procedure.

      This “doctor article” says: “Surgery is also becoming increasingly important in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. The main goals of surgery are the relief of intractable pain and decompression of adjacent organs. Modifications to the Whipple procedure to preserve anatomic and functional structures have led to complete pain relief in about 75%–82%. Long-term pain relief and excellent long-term survival have also been documented. In addition, surgical treatment of chronic pancreatitis using a resectional procedure is associated with a very low mortality of less than 3%. While no apparent difference in mortality rates has been found among standard PD, PPPD and DPPHR, the duodenal-preserving procedures are associated with significantly lower morbidity rates, ranging between 9% and 22%.” Read the whole article here

      If you notice there is no mention of ratio percentages in the long-term relief area. Long-term is more than one year. Since the whipple is mostly done on pancreatic cancer patients and since most of them die within 5 years that doesn’t say much for it’s lomg-term success, at least not in PC. Find and ask people who have had it done for chronic pancreatitis pain and symptom relief, who are 2- 5 years out, and see if they are as happy as Alex and if they’d do it again. Then you’ll be getting good info.

      1. Alex

        First off, I am a woman. Kinda ruins your whole post huh lol Secondly, of course Barb would do research into the surgery and ask top surgeons. Who would not do research into a massive surgery? Silly. And I never said it was for everyone. That is insane to assume. I said anyone can email me to hear my experience. I never said it was easy; you literally know nothing of my situation yet assume to know. You say you’ve “talked” to 3 total people who have had the whipple, including myself. You need some more opinions. What are their ages? Cancer? Metastasis? Obesity? Other health issues? Anyways talking about the whipple surgery and my PERSONAL experience, not just what someone has “heard” isn’t something to be shortly talked about. It is a long discussion with lots of questions and discussion all options. All I want to do is help people like Barb and her daughter therefore I chimed in for once to give my opinion on something I’ve personally dealt with. “Only a year” is incorrect assumption btw. It gets easier, not harder. Three of my family members have had successful whipples. There is a lot that goes in to considering that surgery. Proper steps, if not already taken would be MRI, EUS, ERCP of any biopsies etc before even discussing it. However, I am sure Barb has talked to her daughter’s doc about all of this. I am always here to help anyway I can. Btw, I have followed your blog respectfully for the last 10 months and have gotten great tips. So no reason to get mad at anyone trying to give their own personal surgery advice on something you have not experienced yourself. No hard feelings of course. Sincerely, Alexandra “Alex”.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Alex – I wasn’t mad lol. Trust me, you’d know if I was 🙂 And I’m sorry for thinking you were a guy. And I’m glad your whipple went well. I don’t recall assuming to know anything about your situation except that you were male lol. In fact I recall explicitly stating that I didn’t know why you had a whipple and that Barb would have to ask you. The other two people I have talked at length with were in a support group on facebook so I chatted with them at length via the messenger thing. One had a whipple to save her life after a severe bout of acute pancreatitis or so she said and the other for pain relief. Neither had a good experience, with one actually stating she wished she had died because her life was nothing but pain and vomiting since her surgery. The other was good for about a year then the pain came back so there are two failures out of three. Yet I have read (not personally talked with) where others have had more difficulty after. It’s good to know that for whatever reason you had yours that it worked out well for you and your other family members. Heck it is good to hear of someone who actually is better after surgery, any surgery involving the pancreas. I don’t hear that often, in fact I can’t recall very many good stories at all. However, I imagine most who visit this site are not well. Heck I know that IF I weren’t authoring this blog and I were well (which I am) I wouldn’t be online looking for ways the heal to my pancreas. And I wasn’t assuming to know your specific condition or story. In fact here are my exact words: “Alex may have had no choice but to have a “whipple procedure.” Maybe he had pancreatic cancer. I don’t know. You’d have to ask him.” The only thing I am guilty of assuming Alexandria is that you were male and for that I apologize. Anyway – thanks for following my blog. And no, I’m not mad, I don’t harbor hard feeling. I wish you nothing but the best life has to offer. 🙂

  85. Rob

    Thanks for the great info! I have AC and that’s that. I will avoid another bout of that craziness at all cost. My most recent trip up and down the mountain of pain lasted over a week with four days in the hospital. I’m all over this life change because dying soon isn’t on my bucket list.

    My question is… Is the dangerous foods list absolute or are there exceptions? For example…if a salad dressing is low fat/fat free would that be ok?

    Thanks again.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Rob – Nothing is absolute EXCEPT FAT and Alcohol inflame the pancreas (in those who have pancreatitis). I have no clue how it’s possible to make oil fat free. By the way what is AC? Anyway … IF this is your FIRST acute pancreatitis attack and you don’t have some underlying reason that would cause recurrent AP the diet is extremely important BECAUSE … if you heal properly you may not have to live the rest of your life like me and others. You may be able to eat normally. Supposedly about 80% of those who suffer ONE mild acute pancreatitis attack heal with no lasting reprecussions – THAT would be a good thing Rob. So, knowing what I know now, IF it were me with the chance to ead a normal life I’d do EVERYTHING possible to avoid another recurrence while healing. Good luck to you. I sincerely hope you heal up totally and never have to deal with pancreatitis again 🙂

      1. Rob Jo

        Typo…should have read AP. However, this is one of several episodes I’ve had over the past few years, this most recent one being the worst and the first to be correctly diagnosed. I’m not taking any chances and defaulting to the Pancreatitis diet.

        Thanks again for the info.

  86. Robert Tuite

    Dear Health Guy, you responded to a post to Rob, but I think you had the wrong Rob. We traded msgs a couple of months ago. I had 80 pct of pancreas removed. No choice, it was that or die. Four years later, and I battle with pain weight loss and an insulin dependent. It’s been tough and I spent 9 months straight in the hospital. I had the vomiting and just about any statins you can think of. I had 10 tubes in me at one point. No picnic, but I’m glad to be alive!! Don’t ever give up!!

    Rob from Florida

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      I’m not sure if I’m mixed up lol – there are several Robs, Roberts, Bobs etc that comment on here. I remember you. You are a trooper and I hope you are feeling better, a little at least.

      1. Robert Tuite

        Hi, thanks for getting back to me. Still struggling with the weight and some pain, but on the whole feeling ok. I’ve been I to see some docs at Mayo clinic and had a new MRI. My pancreatic duct is severely constricted and that may be causing some of the issues. However, since I have so little pancreas left, they don’t think I’m at risk of any really serious flare ups. Mayo has an extensive pain mgmt program that I will be participating in which I think is going to be very useful. Any in long term chronic pain from their CP might want to look into it. Very informative 13 min video on YouTube. Google Dr. Sletten Mayo Jacksonville. People come from all over to participate.
        Take Care. Rob from Florida

  87. Jennifer McKay

    I struggled for 7 years, in and out of the hospital, before finally receiving an official “chronic pancreatitis” diagnosis (which was just given to me November 6th of this year by the doctor who performed my second celiac block). Since that date, I have been following this diet TO THE LETTER, even on Thanksgiving! I feel so much better, and The Healthy Guy is right – you will need a complete mindset change. Of course I would have loved some ham, pie, or casserole, but the freedom from pain is SO much better than food!! To anyone contemplating whether this extreme diet change will help, I say TRY IT!! Don’t live in pain.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Awesome Jennifer! I am so pleased to hear you have found relief! I understand how difficult and restrictive the diet is but like you said it beats pain (not to mention the other symptoms)! Keep up the good work and it should only get better. 🙂

  88. Valkata


    That’s the greatest thing I found on Internet so far. Thanks a lot for all that.

    My story is this. I was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis last week by my GP. Still has to be confirmed by gastro(something)logist but I’m pretty sure it’s just a matter of technicality. I kind of have no any doubts considering the history of 20 years of alcohol misuse and set of the symptoms I have. The pains are still mild and I never had an acute pancreatic attack. Which of cause is absolutely great and I’m very eager to do everything I can to keep it the way it is now.

    I have a question though, the answer to which I was unable to find so far. Why CP is considered uncurable? Whats the difference from AP if it doesn’t have genitical background? I kind of think that it is sort of same but kind of worse in certain way. Sort of more gradual damage caused due to more prolonged period of time. I asume, that abstinence from food during AP attack gives some rest to pancreas and let’s it to heal, or I’m wrong? Not every one who had AP ended up having CP. Or AP is in some way damagewise different from CP? I’m completely new to this thing, but I assume that pancreas can’t heal in the case of CP because few days without food is kind of not enough due to more extensive damage sustained. Or I’m wrong again? What if, for example to stick to your proposed diet and at certain point to abstain from food (only water) for 3 or 4 weeks? I know it sounds crazy but there are people who have done that (and longer) and I’m pretty sure that with some training it definetely can be done. I’m not a big fan of holistic medicine but if abstinence from food helps in the case of AP, maybe consideribly longer period will allow pancreas to heal in the case of CP?

    P.S. English is not my native language so excuse me if I messed up with grammar.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hey Valkata – don’t worry about your English grammar you did great! Heck I can’t even speak English well and it’s my native language! Anyway let try to answer your questions.

      1 – Why CP is considered uncurable?
      Answer: CP is almost ALWAYS diagnosed due to damage. Scarring, beading, ductal changes, tissue destruction via calcification that can be seen via CT or EUS and supposedly that stuff doesn’t respond to healing which of course would indicate the patient will continue to suffer the rest of his/her life.

      2 – Whats the difference from AP if it doesn’t have genitical background?
      Answer: The differenc between Cp and AP is mostly symptoms and tissue destruction. AP can (severe acute) cause extensive pancreatic damage in a very short time and that damage almost ALWAYS results in CP. MILD AP can cause enough damage (after to many attacks) to cause CP. CP does, over more years of inflammation create even more damage and can become as painful and debilitating, in severe advanced cases as an attack of AP (imagine constant unberable pain). So yes, you are right – nore gradual damage over time.

      3 – I asume, that abstinence from food during AP attack gives some rest to pancreas and let’s it to heal, or I’m wrong?
      Answer: No – you are absolutely CORRECT!

      4 – Not every one who had AP ended up having CP. Or AP is in some way damagewise different from CP?
      Answer: Correct again. From what I have READ 80% of AP cases heal up and present no further problems for the patient. Whether this is entirely true or not I have no idea. I have a tendency to doubt the 8o% claim BUT I sincerely hope that most people who suffer one MILD attack of AP can and do heal with no further complications.

      5 – I’m completely new to this thing, but I assume that pancreas can’t heal in the case of CP because few days without food is kind of not enough due to more extensive damage sustained. Or I’m wrong again?
      Answer: Yes, No, maybe? I highly suspect that IF the damage is NOT extensive that when fasting the pain will disappear. It did with me. BUT I have NOT had any surgical procedures that have removed any portion of my pancreas and to my knowledge I have no clacification both of which can create symptoms that may never resolve.

      6 – What if, for example to stick to your proposed diet and at certain point to abstain from food (only water) for 3 or 4 weeks?
      Answer: Abstaining from food for 3 – 4 weeks could, depending upon health condition, kill you. 2 weeks is pushing it for a healthy person. 3 – 4 weeks is really pushing the envelope. However there has been documented evidence that people have survived up to 73 days without food before dying. What one must understand is THAT is rare. Most people will die sooner. Amd … IF you are already health compromised, sooner yet. It also depends upon actual body weight at the time of fasting. IF one is already terribly skinny and malnourished due to illness it wouldn’t even be prudent to fast for a couple days.

  89. Andrea M.

    The reason why I ask about soy is because my nutritionist wants me to get more fat in my diet Basically I’m on a no fat diet. 4 months in and I still have pain at times. I just found out that the soy milk I was drinking had vanilla extract in it sigh! No wonder. I have taken that out recently. I am my wits end. I just need to do your diary recommendation.

    So I have questions about almond milk, it’s nuts but in milk form. The package says 2.5 grams of fat. That’s good unless your saying that no nuts period. Same goes for peanut butter powder and reduced fat coconut and fat free dressings. The fat grams or its just these foods period cause the body doesn’t break them down easy?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Andrea I merely throw out guidelines. What works for me. That’s why the diary is so important. One it pretty much proves that grapes, veggies etc don’t cause pain or AP UNLESS someone is really ill in which case eating anything isn’t a good idea but the biggest reason for the diary is that some people will tolerate more fat than others. Some will tolerate less. It all depends upon damage extent and at what point they are in healing. Fat and alcohol are the two enemies.

      1. Andrea M.

        I feel really stupid! Yes you did say dairy that’s why I took out cheese and cow’s milk. I thought that if I had soy and almond milk that it wasn’t dairy. What was I thinking. The definition of Tofu is a food made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into soft white blocks. Oh for pete’s sake, no wonder I am not getting better and have been struggling. I was drinking soy milk and eating tofu and edamame. smh

        So now it comes back to fat. So do you feel that 10% of fat from calories is mandatory for the body? Or do you feel that a person’s body will be okay with 5%?

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Andrea, not to worry it isn’t your fault AND you are learning. By the way (i’m not trying to be a butthead) soy isn’t dairy – Dairy comes from cows, goats etc. Soy comes from a bean, soy beans. I have no clue why they call it soy milk, maybe to confuse people or try to make us think it tastes like milk instead of something I just threw up lol Anyway …

          Ya! Cut out that high fat soy stuff and you should begin to feel better and watch the SOY sauce too! It contains as much as 2% alcohol. However you can get alcohol free soy sauce now but the name escapes me at the moment.

          I don’t know about fat percentages – I just know that IF you are still sick your meals should NOT contain more than 5 grams of fat and you should NOT exceed 25 grams of fat per day (including snacks). Hope you are feeling better real soon! 🙂

      2. GI Troubles

        God Bless you Health Guy! I don’t know how I never found you over the past few years. I really thought I’d read everything!

        Long story short had gallbladder issue… took about 5 years before it gave me pancreatitis and had it out in 2012. Was doing really well until Feb 2015… looking back 2014 was a difficult year, ate inappropriately and stopped taking my supplements since I was well. DOH! I’ve been struggling all year with 2 bouts pancreatitis and now SOD… maybe… Mayo Clinic thinks SOD is a catch all bucket when Dr’s run out of ideas. Have EUS scheduled in Jan 2016. Anyway I started Grape seed 3 days ago, no Curcumin at this time (until SOD figured out- it is a great pain reliever), and PSI Nausea bands on both wrists. I haven’t taken Nausea meds in those 3 days, first time since Feb. It makes me happy to not be nauseated and not have the foggy head from nausea meds. I also stopped taking the pain medicines. I do take Amitriptyline at night to sleep or I’d never sleep. I’m working my way off the Bentyl… it’s super rough on me and contributes to nausea.

        Note I am not celiac but gluten intolerant… sad news most shredded cheese are coated with flour to shred so tread lightly. Dairy is not my friend!

        I also avoid soy and cruciferous veggies/grapefruit due to Hypothyroidism. The diet you recommend is pretty close to what I should be doing anyway. I do take Metagenics Glucose Control shakes (not inexpensive) but it was the only one dietician and I could find without soy or pork (allergy)… One I ordered said Soy replaced with Rice and Pea protein only to have soy oil added on the back label after it arrived 🙁

        I feel for everyone! I’ve had horrible nurses who don’t know anything accuse me of being alcoholic… never had more than couple glasses a week and none since Feb! I’ll look out for the hidden alcohol in sauces, etc. One GI told me that condiments were not my friend.

        I did want to mention I’m of that sort that thinks everything you put on your skin absorbs into the body so I did away with lanolin (lamb fat) lotions and only use coconut oil as a moisturizer. I also like essential oils… your feet are the biggest organ on the body, so I do try
        out the tummy friendly ones like fennel, digesteze (varies by vendor – everyone has a tummy blend).

        I’m still having pain upper right quadrant under rib and back that could be due to SOD… time will tell. I can only testify that I’m feeling better with the Grape seed, probiotics and plant enzyme (NOW brand) that I already was taking. I like NOW they tend to be gluten and pork free. I also dug out my Christopher’s Lower Bowel and Quick Colon cleanse from back in 2012 (let’s not talk about the expiration date)… anyway it works better than the prescription!

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Bethani – Thanks for the blessing! I can always use that. I’m glad you have had success with grape seed extract. It’s good stuff! And SOD may NOT be off the path because Gstones cut the SO causing scar tissue which in turn causes the SO to spasm hence SOD. And I’ve actually spoken (online chat) with several people with SOD and ALL had Gstanes prviously with most being women (3 out of 4). It seems to be partcularily common in women who have has Gstones and had their Gbladder removed! What the catch is there I have no clue and neither does anyone else except that by the time docs figure your Gbladder should go you’ve passed enough stones to harm the SO. Quote: “I’m still having pain upper right quadrant under rib and back that could be due to SOD” and you are right the SO is in that area about 2 – 3 inches down from rib cage, right side. Pancreas pain would be higher up. So lucky you! Don’t be surprised if you are diagnosed with SOD because it sounds very plausable. Good luck, God bless and have a safe and Merry Christmas!

  90. Bethani

    I forgot to ask what you think about acid vs alkaline for treating pancreatitis

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Bethani – I don’t know what raifications an alkaline diet plays BUT MY diet is alkaline so … it is common sense that makes me choose alkaline vs acid. That doesn’t mean no fruit like lemons etc cuz lemons, believe it or not alkalize the body even though they are extremely acidic. If that isn’t a brain twister huh?

  91. rachael ferreira

    can you drink any kind of grapefruit juice or just the white?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hih Rachael – you can drink any kind of grapefruit juice BUT I do NOT know if pink or ruby red grapefruit juice works like white grapefruit juice. The fruits are a tad different.

      1. Beach Lady

        I could not find white grapefruit so I tried red and I felt better that same day! It works…

  92. Jon

    The Health Guy:

    I found your post to be full of some good information but quite biased. To say that there are “ifs” or “maybes” is simply false. Everyone with pancreatitis is different, THAT is s fact. Some have worse episodes than others and some can tolerate certain food more than others– EVEN ALCOHOL. Perhaps in your situation, your pancreas is hyper-sensitive and your strict diet rule is the only thing that works for you. I had one of the worst episodes they had ever seen yet here I am today able to eat many of the foods that you have said are forbidden, including alcohol in moderate amounts. For my pancreas, moderation is key. As long as I am keeping good balance of protein, fats and carbs I can still even enjoy a “cheat meal”.

    To simply tell people that there is no possibility of any other diet than the one you have prescribed is presumptuous and incorrect.

    There is hope, folks, that you may be able to enjoy the foods you like, just in moderation. Perhaps that is not in the cards for some of you, but for many I believe it is. I’m a living, healthy example.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jon I usually don’t approve comments from idiots but in your case I’ll make an exception because …

      I quote: “I had one of the worst episodes they had ever seen yet here I am today able to eat many of the foods that you have said are forbidden, including alcohol in moderate amounts.” One of the worst episodes huh? Tell me, how much of your pancreas was affected? Did you experience necrosis? Infection? Organ failure? What about debridment or resecection (usually done in the worst cases to save a life and/or remove necrotic tissue). Were you on life support? IF none of those was in your past the chances of you having “one of the worst episodes” is very remote indeed but each of us likes to think we are a “special case.”

      IF you truly did have a case of severe acute pancreatitis and are drinking alcohol you should consider having your head examined because obviously you did suffer organ failure (your brain is dead). Now – do me a favor – go peddle your bullshit somewhere else and have a very pleasant day 🙂

      1. Robert Tuite

        Icw the debate regarding still being able to drink some Alchohol. I don’t want to gang up, but if you’ve not spent a month in the ICU on life support, not had 80 pct of your pancreas removed, not become insulin dependent, not spent 9 strait months in the hospital on a feeding tube, nauseous everyday and so weak you couldn’t walk for 5 months, not been in so much pain the last alternative was Ketamine which basically separates your brain from your body so you don’t know your in agony, I then you’ve not had the most serious of bout of AP. If you had those things and are still drinking, your a better man than me Gunga Din. I for one don’t believe my AP/CP had anything to do with Alchohol and my diagnosis was ‘Ideopathic’, but if there is .00000000001 chance that Alchohol could bring back anything close to what I went through, I would rather get bitten by a King Cobra.
        I think you may have had a bad experience, but I don’t think you know what you’re talking about in this case or you’re just crazy and looking to kill yourself by even sniffing Alchohol. However, it’s your life unless of course you have others who love and depend on you. In that case, why would you even consider taking the chance. Chalk one up for the Health Guy!

      2. Jon

        “Bullshit”? I think you missed my point. My point is that YOUR diet works for YOU and, and perhaps for some others. It does not necessarily apply to me or many others that have experienced acute pancreatitis. From your response, you are clearly biased and most likely narcissistic. You believe your way is the only way. I’m here to tell you and everyone else that cares that there is POSSIBLY hope to be able to enjoy the foods and drinks they like, it all depends on THEIR pancreas, not yours. Again, many who experience acute pancreatitis are able to drink alcohol and a different diet than your “elite” one. And yet again, I am a healthy, LIVING example. Scorn and insult me all you like, but what I have said is indisputable.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Whatever Jon – your thoughts and what you are doing would be so very dangerous for me and others like me that it’s simply ludicrous for me to even approve this comment but hey it’s YOUR life. And like I said, I doubt seriously that you had one of the worst cases seen unless you live in a very small town and your country doctor hadn’t seen any cases of moderate or severe acute pancreatitis. Some people can tolerate more fat than others. I imagine that some could even skate with alcohol consumption for a time but Jon your suggestions could actually cause someone who isn’t as well as you to eat and drink trigger foods, have another attack of acute pancreatitis which if severe enough (you know, one of the worst cases seen) end up killing them or maiming them so badly they wished they were dead. Do you really want to be responsible for that possibility? I don’t think you actually understand the severity of this condition called pancreatitis and certainly not the highly volatile aspects of the condition. And as for what you said being indisputable? ANYTHING is disputable especially when it comes to suggestions, comments and or opinions that not only do NOT make common sense but even contradict the latest information from medical experts who specialize in disease of the pancreas. All I can say is this …

          Good luck to you. I hope you never have a problem doing what you do or suggest. BUT there are people who visit this site who are actually feeling better than they have in a long time and I simply can not allow your carelessness to harm them in any way. So from now on I will no longer approve your comments. You can call me “clearly biased and most likely narcissistic” if that pleases you and makes you feel triumphant but …

          I won’t allow crap information that may harm someone on this blog. There is WAY to much of that online as it is. So …

          This is good bye, good luck, and stay well. 🙂

        2. Jane Hall

          I, for one am not willing to play “Russian roulette” with my body to find out “can I have some of this, some of that, maybe just a drink or two??” One round of pancreatitis was enough for me… natural childbirth was a breeze! Just hope you’re close enough to a hospital when “round two” surprisingly jumps on your back next time Jon.

  93. miroslav

    Hello my friend.Now I feel better because of your advice.I think the most important key to beat pancreatitis is grape seed extract.It is a micarle.Nothing else helps me.Now I take almost 3 g per day with no side effects.When I feel pain I just increase the dose and the pain is gone.And of course the low fat diet is very important.
    I want to share my experience how to gain weight.For a year I have to eat 6 teimes per day just to keep my body weight.My weight was 58 kg and I could not gain a gram.Now my weight is 66 kg.I drink a lot of cola and pepsi -3-4 litres per day with no side effect.If someone want to gain weight that is the key.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hey Miroslav! It is GREAT to hear you are feeling better! Grape seed extract is awesome stuff and different people need different amounts to achieve the results they need. A little guy like me might not need as much as a guy who is 6’5″, 240 lbs. OR someone with a lot of damage will probably need more than someone with little damage. It’s a crap shoot but when that right amount is found cool things happen. And yes diet is extrememly important. In regards to your weight gain – if soda pop works it is cool! 🙂

      1. Toni

        Hi Health Guy – I used your advise and started the grape seed about a month ago. Prior to that they said my pancreas showed damage from couple bouts of pancreatitis… post taking grape seed they saw no damage to my pancreas when they did a EUS.

        I still have the problem with spincter of oddi dysfunction… can’t have everything.

        I have been coffee and wine free for almost a year now. I will never have alcohol again. Maybe some day I can have coffee which is what I miss. Now I just sniff everyone else’s coffee lol

        On a side note I realized my cold/sinus meds had alcohol base DOH! Au revior Chicken Madiera, Chicken Marsala, vanilla with alcohol, even if they say it cooks out I don’t ever want to do that again!
        SOD is no fun but going to start some pain management… oh what fun!

        Anyway I refer a lot of people to your page. I like the no nonsense approach.

        Love ya and your site!

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Thank you Toni for the kind words! I appreciate it. I have a question – why do you avoid coffee? I drink a ton of it and it is full of polyphenols (anti-inflammatory phytochemicals) that may help heal the pancreas. I’m just curious – does it exacerbate your SOD or did someone just say that you should avoid it?

          1. Toni

            Everything inflames my SOD. Maybe I’ll be able to have coffee after pain management. They think some kind of medication can turn off the pain signals to that area. There’s not much I can tolerate eating at this time

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hey Toni – sorry – that’s gotta suck. SOD is suppose to respond well to a low fat diet but I must admit I know just enough about SOD to be dangerous BUT with that said everything I have read tells me it may also respond to the supplements that heal the pancreas (grape seed extract and Vit C). IF it were me I’d be trying a low fat diet coupled with grape seed extract, Vit C and Ibuprofen. I’d treat it just like I do my pancreatitis and see what happens. I hope you find something that helps.

  94. Christopher Brunsdon

    Lying in hospital recovering from my second acute pancreatic attack, I’ve enjoyed this article.

    I’m blessed to have access to multiple medical experts for my condition including dieticians. I do agree with you that one cannot trust the advice of those that have not suffered.

    I would add that a proper dietician would help motivate and monitor your progress. While mine could not prevent my second attack, she did manage to delay it and prevent it from being as fatal as the first one.

    She also helped pick up underlying health issues that has also been a life safer – mainly cholesterol.

    I’ve learnt these last 18 months that pancreatitis need not be a curse that sucks the joy out of live. Instead I feel its rebooted my life. I’ve found healthier alternative’s to partying and take aways that give me more pleasure.

    Remember that life is short but it’s the longest thing you will ever do.

    Keep well and have a happy day.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Christopher – I’m not trying to be rude or argumentative and I certainly hope you recover without any serious after effects BUT IF your dietician was all that good chances are (unless you have an underlying condition that causes AP that hasn’t been properly addressed) you would NOT be in the hospital now suffering another attack. Since I really prefer NOT to be in your current situation I’ll stick with what I do. Get well and learn to stay well. 🙂

  95. Arshi

    hello I’ve read that olive oil is good when u have pancreatitis…why do you say otherwise

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Arshi – Olive oil may be healthy for most people but it’s still oil and oil is pure FAT. FAT is the enemy. I wrote a post somewhere on this blog that describes why fat is not our friend. You can always try it and find out how it works for you. You may tolerate it better than I do. Fish oil is healthy too but the same holds true. It’s oil and oil is pure fat.

  96. KimberlyB

    Thank you for the wealth of information. I had my gallbladder removed in 1997, shortly after I had the same horrible pain and ended up in the Er. They explained to me that I probably still had stones left in the duct. I never had any more problems like that again. So I went about my business eating pretty much what ever I felt like. 5 days ago I had this horrible pain in my back and thought I was constipated. Brushed it off thinking that I may have over done it doing yoga. Uninformed me decided to take some coconut oil and drink hot lemon water. Pain got worse so I had a glass of wine thinking that it would relax the muscles. I was in so much pain after that I went to the ER I thought I was having a heart attack, they did blood work and let me know that it was pancreatitis and my level was over 7000. They admitted me for 2 days and treated me like I was an alcoholic. Now I do like to have a couple of beers or a glass of wine after work, but not excessive and never daily. When released my home care instructions stated No Alcohol, and to follow a high protein, high carbo, low fat diet.
    I came home jumped on the computer and “thank god” that I found your site. Now I know exactly what I did wrong that day and what to do from here. One question- coconut water, is it okay to drink?
    Thank you once again for sharing your knowledge and experience. I will follow it.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Kimberly – sorry to hear you know about and have joined our little “pancreatitis hall of pain” club. Coconut water, not to be confused with coconut milk, is fat free and should be perfectly fine IN NORMAL doses. Infact it’s full of potassium. BUT …

      Don’t get carried away drinking it. There are reports of people in India dying from the over consumption of coconut water. Probably due to hyperkalemia – too much potassium.

  97. Sarah

    Hi Paul
    Thank you so much…bestie just diagnosed and until I rammed your post down his throat (only thing he can stomach at the moment), he’s seen no hope. Literally into to day 2 of just water and supplements – not much change as yet but he will stick to it! Just wanting to know when he’s able to start solids again, are seeds and honey ok – trying to flavour boost a few recipes is all.
    Again, thankyou so much for your suggestions……he will beat it !

  98. Pam goodman

    Last night was an OK night, I took a Gas-X because of some pain I had been feeling all day long off and on and two ibuprofen, and I slept all night. Day five of night sweats, although they are not as severe. It was the first night that Tony and I had dinner together, although we did not eat the same food. I still ate my beep soup and he ate hot pockets. But at least we sat together. We are still sleeping separately because of my night sweats, and hopefully before he goes away this coming Saturday we can sleep together sometime this week. It all depends upon the night sweats. So, today I am working on creating notes for my Gastro appointment on Wednesday and on QuickBooks for Tony because I have a Thursday appointment with an accountant for that. So far, so good, it is 12 noon. I opened up my jar of raw honey and I’m drinking some herbal tea. I also ate a half of a small sweet potato for lunch. No pain so far. So here are my notes: Trip to the ER on March 9, 2016. Severe pancreatic attack, although the ER diagnosed me with gastritis. The same thing happened in 2008 when I went in with a similar pancreatic attack and was diagnosed with colitis. The protocol was pretty much the same-fluids, a mild pain medicine, a Protonix equivalent, a G.I. cocktail, and sent me home with and two prescriptions for Protonix and Carafate. Blood tests came back pretty much normal, with the exception of my AST of 38. My bilirubin, amylase, and lipase levels were normal. There was an abnormality in my white blood cell count. Urine tested 1+, abnormal. Five days later I am still in distress. Diet has completely changed, withheld food for four days. On a liquid diet of smoothies and beet juice soup. Taking nutritional supplements of a multivitamin, milk thistle, grape seed extract, digestive enzymes, curcumin, extra vitamin C, niacin, probiotics. Drinking tons of water with lemon, white grapefruit juice, organic apple cider vinegar with V8 throughout the day. Morning drink consists of water, 1 teaspoon baking soda with fresh lemon. Afternoon lunch: smoothie made with raw papaya, aloe vera juice, organic apple, carrot, pineapple juices, cinnamon. Dinner: soup made with veggie broth, spinach, raw beets, Apple cider vinegar, turmeric. Digestive enzymes taken before every meal. Snacks: applesauce with cinnamon, an orange or apple, ginger chews, maybe a baked sweet potato quarter (roasted in yummy sesame oil). Other symptoms are nausea, extreme night sweats, intermittent stabbing pain that radiates to the right portion of upper back.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Pam – sorry I’m running behind in answering comments. Unless you have previously been diagnosed with pancreatitis I’m guessing it probably isn’t your problem. It is rare when pancreatic enzymes are not elevated during acute pancreatitis and are frequently elevated with CP flairs. Unless your pancreas is so damaged that it no longer produces enzymes you most likely have something else. The night sweats should concern your doc. Hopefully you have been re-evaluated by now. IF not get a complete re-evaluation and stress the night sweats. Night sweats are not a normal sympton of pancreatitis.

  99. Beach Lady

    Dear Healthy Guy;
    Thank you so much for all of your posts. I have been spending the better part of the week reading all of the information contained in your blog posts. I have been following your regimen pretty much exactly as you recommended, with the addition of a few things, and I am happy to say that I am slowly but surely getting better. This is a slow and excruciatingly painful process, but I am determined to beat this monster down. On this fifth day of post-ER, I am attempting to add solid food back into my diet. I am going to be very careful not to upset the apple cart and do exactly as you said-add one food at a time. I have been living on smoothies, beet soup, and ACV mixed with V8 for the past four days. I did manage to squeeze in an occasional orange, grapefruit, apple sauce, or ginger chew, but that has been the extent of my food intake. Needless to say, I am starving and would die for a piece of anything right now. The grapefruit juice really did help me, along with a few other things that I would like to share. I am hoping that somebody out there might find my comments useful, just the same way I did yours. Without learning from you, I would still be writhing in pain on the floor. I thank you so much for that. The ER did the traditional protocol of IV fluids, pain meds, Protonix, a prescription for antacids, and then they patted me on the head and sent me home to die. My incorrect diagnosis was gastritis, by the way, and they told me that my blood tests were “pretty much normal”, and that I should make a follow-up appointment with my primary care doctor. They also put on my discharge papers that I was “improved” upon discharge, when I had told them that my pain was a 10 out of 10 and that it had not improved at all while in the ER. And with a pain in between your breast bone like someone is stabbing you with a knife and twisting it, that sounds like pancreatitis to me. Now, I may have gallbladder or other issues, but I will know better after I meet with the gastroenterologist on Wednesday. I am fortunate in that I am not overweight, have always eaten pretty well, am not addicted to red meats or donuts, but my problem has been alcohol. I understand that it is a common denominator with pancreatitis. When this pancreatitis monster reared its ugly head, I threw away every ounce of alcohol in my house. I know this sounds like a cliché, but I will never touch another drop of alcohol again. This pain was by far the worst pain that I have ever experienced in my life. It is day five, and I am still not out of the woods yet. At least I did not spend even one night in the hospital, and I am lucky that I have had the opportunity to nurse myself back to health at home. So, let me share with you what has been working for me in addition to what you suggested: in the morning when I take my grape seed extract, vitamin C, and Curcumin, I also pinch my nose and down a mixture of 8 ounces of water, 1 teaspoon baking soda, and the juice of a whole lemon. Gross, but effective. I also make a daily smoothie out of fresh papaya, aloe vera juice, organic grapefruit, carrot, apple, and sometimes pineapple juices, and I add cinnamon to taste. The aloe vera juice is disgusting, but all of the other juices mask the flavor. The combination of papaya and aloe together are supposed to be a magical potion, as well as the baking soda and lemon combination. I never knew what a papaya was until last week, and now I find myself even eating a few of the peppery seeds. You have to be careful, though, because too many of the seeds can cause stomach upset even though they are packed full of good nutrients. The seeds are also used for parasite cleanses, so I’ve heard. I also purchased some organic raw honey, and I use that on raw ginger slices when I feel an attack coming on. It really helps calm my stomach down. Ginger chews are OK, but fresh ginger is much better. I thought that “organic” was just an expensive hoax, but now I do try to buy whatever I can organically. I don’t get too crazy with it, but I do what I can afford and what makes good sense. Well, these are just my two cents. I wanted to hopefully reach out there to someone who is suffering from this terrible and debilitating disease, and to demonstrate that there are things that you can do to make yourself better. I guess the number one best thing I can do for myself is to NEVER touch alcohol again. The “teacher-by-day, cocktail waitress-by night” party girl lifestyle from long ago finally caught up with me. I admit it. It was fun while it lasted, but now I am paying the price and I wish I could have done things differently. Time to move forward and get this tummy healed!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Beach Lady – alcohol can cause problems. “they told me that my blood tests were “pretty much normal” – did they check your enzyme levels? IF so, it is really rare for pancreatic enzymes to stay “normal” during an acute pancreatitis attack, unless they were taken too early or too late. They usually don’t elevate for at least 4 hours after symptoms start. IF you get bad again be sure to get re-evaluated. Thanks for your kind words and great comment. I wish you better health 🙂

  100. Janet Eggins

    This is an ever so interesting question and answer and article read. My brother arrives today and yas recently experienced his 1st attack. He spent near 3 weeks in hospital and has a very slow recovery from the pain, however he is much much better. For fear of cooking something wrong for him tonight, his 1st nights stay, would a plate of vegetables and is ‘tin salmon’ ok? I don’t want to be the reason for his 2nd chronic attack.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Janet Eggins – sorry I am slow answering comments. It is difficult to answer your question with any accuracy simply because I don’t know how long ago he experienced his attack, how much damage he incurred or how healed up he is. I would guess that by now you probably have an answer to your question.

  101. Darrell Summers

    THANK YOU for this site! I have been dealing with pancreatitis for the past decade. I have had three long hospital stays (the last one was July 2015), along with countless ER visits. We have finally figured out the primary cause of my attacks is high triglycerides, most likely hereditary. I have read so many nutrition books that my head is swimming in competing perspectives, from low fat/high carb plans to high fat/low carb plans. Each has some merit, but nothing has really given me a solid plan to address chronic (and sometimes acute) pancreatitis. After reading this page, it is clear that fat is something I must avoid at all costs. However, I am also concerned about a high carb diet, as this spike my insulin response and results in higher triglycerides. It feels like a paradox that I cannot escape. Do you have any suggestions for a low fat/low carb approach to managing pancreatitis? I’ve recently read Sugarbusters, just finished The Primal Blueprint (which I appreciate the overall paleo approach, but cannot follow their high fat recommendations), and two of my doctors have recommended Forks Over Knives, which I’m about to start reading. I will most likely hybrid nutrition between all of these, but through a filter of the foods that you recommend eating and avoiding. Pancreatitis scares me, and you’re writing style and presentation is exactly what I need to read to stress the life-long journey of managing this disease. Thanks again for everything that you have put together here. I will certainly read every page (more than once). And I appreciate any advice that you can offer on low fat/low carb nutrition options.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Darrell Summers I have to admit that I am NOT a wizard when it comes to blood fat level knowledge in regards to what exactly can and does increase blood fats so I had to look for info. Here is what I have found from legit and usually accurate sources:

      1 – PubMed “It was notable that minimal stimulation of fatty acid synthesis occurred with higher fat diets (>30%) or with 10% fat diets enriched in complex carbohydrate.”

      The above tells me that complex carbs (not simple carbs like sugar, soda pop, white potatoes, white rice, white bread, white flour, etc) work well. That means that complex carbs (vegetables, legumes, WHOLE grains, etc) should be an excellent choice. There is a significant difference between simple carbs and complex carbs. Dump the simple carbs and high fat foods and see how your blood fat levels respond. Mine are really low but then I don’t have a hereditary issue either.

  102. Marilyn Book

    Hi. Thank you for the kick in the pants about diet. After 29 years of ulcerative colitis and being well controlled with meds and diet, 5 years ago the pain started. 1 year ago they finally believed me and started me on enzymes (creon) but I thought that meant I could eat anything. NO I can’t and I sit here in discomfort after a week of my self pity party saying darn it I will eat what I want. Was it worth it? NOPE. Back to the 5 grams, no dairy, no fat but because of the colitis no aspirin or ibuprofin and the colitis does not like tylenol. I have to watch the veg and fruit intake so to my main stand bys tuna (in water) and chicken breast. My concern has been that without red meat which I have maybe once every week or two, I tend to get anemic. Any suggestions?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Marilyn – you’re welcome lol 🙂 About the anemia – red meat just doesn’t work with a damaged pancreas so get yourself a good multi vitamin-mineral formula like the one I suggest on the supplements page of this blog or some other formula you like and a good vitamin b12 methylcobalamin sublingual. Take the vitamin-mineral formula daily and the B12 addition about 2-3 times per week and you should have the anemia problem under control. Make sure whatever formula you get has the B12 in the form of methylcobalamin.

  103. Bob Stayen

    Hi Paul
    Been doing your diet and trying to get myself well enough to start eating some meat.
    I have lost over 40 pounds in he last 4 months.I am 6’1″ 125 pounds now.When I look into the mirror I look like walking dead man nothing but bone.What I am wondering is how much weight can a person lose before they die?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Bob – are you still feeling rotten? I mean pancreas wise? You definitely need to begin gaining some weight. I’m 5’7″ and weigh 20 pounds more than you! The diet is difficult to gain weight on so you need to eat more protein. IF you are feeling better (pancreas wise) you should focus on more protein.

    2. miroslav

      Hi Bob.I had the same problem-I am 5 f 8 i and I my weght was 121 lb.Now it is 150 lb.I gained weght because I eat a lot of white bread and drink Coca cola,Pepsi exc.You can drink also fruit juices with sugar.That help me.

  104. Kat Remedi

    Are you there? Old posts. I need to know if you know anything about the pancreatic drug Creon. I look forward to possibly hearing back soon.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Kat – Creon is a prescription enzyme formula to help you break down your foods. Many people who stop by this blog use it and most get good results. I have never been on it.

  105. Lisa

    I don’t see my questions on here but I did email you and have a few more.

    I just reread your story and you are actually cured of chronic pancreatitis? So your pancreas has no damage (reversed the damage) now due to following this diet- life style? Just curious.
    I am in the very beginning stages with no pain and a little damage. My doctor said a 3 at the most on the scale of 1-10. I found this by accident sort of. So I have had no alcohol whatsoever (was not a big drinker anyway) and I stopped any soda(drank one everyday- mountain dew the worst) and have tried to eat healthier. Eating is my biggest challenge – I also really do not want to lose any weight either.

    My biggest question is — can you actually reverse the damage? I started taking grapeseed standardized extract (does not have vitamin c with it and says100mg) Curcumin (it is solar full spectrum Curcumin 60mg) and vitamin C (1000mg) then a mulitvitamin as well. Is this enough? I am going to change to your brands I just wanted them the day I found out and ran down to High Health. I am confused on amounts to take. Do you think I am taking enough?

    The only thing I have not gotten yet is the enzyme supplement. I started getting mixed reviews on that and want your opinion.
    Would you recommend taking MSM as a enzyme because it says it can break down scar tissue in the body. I believe I only have scar tissue (doctor said my pancreas is full of less then 1mm flecks of scar tissue throughout) but no blocked ducts and NO inflamation (although I thought Chronic Pancreatitis meant I have constant inflamation ?) he said I don’t have any but since I have damage I fit the criteria for chronic pancreatitis. I am just desperate to stop this before it gets worse. The scar tissue thing concerns me because I keloid so it makes sense to try to go with a enzyme that could help me with that as well.

    Mine is not a autoimmune situation (I was tested) I think I am the familial type that is predisposed to it. I think I DID drink enough (5 drinks a week) and ate whatever I wanted and it just caught up with me. Everything says you cannot stop the progression but it sounds like you actually reversed yours? Am I reading that right? It is weird if this happened for you – why are you not a case study or something? They need answers so bad- why do they not keep a eye on you and see what can really help people out there.

    Thank you for your response in advance. I am amazed at your story. I started reading all this and was devastated to get this diagnosis but also feel blessed that I have no pain or symptoms. I feel for all of these people suffering so much. It is so sad.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Lisa – yes God has blessed me richly. It’s a long story and I won’t bore you with the details but yes I was diagnosed with AP/CP in 1979 by an astute doc. The doc I have now is another very good doc and he did a CT of my pancreas in about 2005 and it was clean – then I ate some bad stuff and had a horrible acute attack that lasted for 12 days and took a couple months to recover from decently. I haven’t had a CT since but I can tell you it did more damage. Wheteher that damage is again totally healed yet or not I don’t know. I know some foods that I could previously eat are no longer tolerable. Milk no longer works for me on a daily basis, not even non fat. So am I CURED? NO. I’m just healed and pain free. Hopefully I can avoid stupid mistakes and stay that way.

      On my about page is a testimony of a woman who followed my diet and supplement regimen and the scarring that showed on her previous ultrasound no longer showed on a CT scan she had after being on my regimen for about a year. Hopefully she is still clear and well. Is she cured? I highly doubt it, just healed or was at the time she wrote her testimony. So …

      1) In answer your most important question: “can you actually reverse the damage?” Yes, I believe it can be done.
      2) Next question that pertains to your supplements: “Do you think I am taking enough?” When you start out it is best to start slow and build up. Change up on a weekly basis by ADDING a daily dose until you are taking each supplement 3-4 times daily. Once you either hit the 4x daily mark, if your symptoms haven’t totally resolved then you can begin adding to each dosage (one at a time, one week at a time) until you do see resolution of all symptoms. Then simply stay at that optimum dosage for about a year and see what transpires. The supplements COUPLED with the low, low fat diet should offer significant results but there is no guarantee.

      3) “The only thing I have not gotten yet is the enzyme supplement. I started getting mixed reviews on that and want your opinion.” I use them. I believe in certain individuals they are necessary. IF you find that you become nauseated 10 – 30 minutes after a meal chances are you may need them. IF you try them and that nausea after meals disappears you’ll know you need them 🙂

      4) “Would you recommend taking MSM as a enzyme because it says it can break down scar tissue in the body.” I have never used MSM and am not familiar enough with MSM to give an intelligent opinion.

      5) “although I thought Chronic Pancreatitis meant I have constant inflamation?” Many times that is the case. CP is usually diagnosed due to the presence of verifiable damage that will or is producing inflammation. That is why it is so important to do everything possible to eliminate any current inflammation, keep it eliminated and prevent another bout of inflammation.

      6) “Everything says you cannot stop the progression but it sounds like you actually reversed yours? Am I reading that right?” Yes. I believe that is exactly what happened otherwise how do you explain damage on one CT and a “clear” scan the next? And I am not the only one now who has experienced the same results.

      7) “why are you not a case study or something?” First off most doctors don’t recognize what is right in front of them. Heck I went through 14 before one did the right tests and figured out I had AP/CP. A case study? LOL They don’t want to know how to heal and cure they want to MANAGE conditions and disease. That’s where the money is at.

      Ok … now I see that you currently have no pain or symptoms so let me regroup and adjust what I said in the #2 question answer. IF it were me I’d at least double what you are currently taking so that your pancreas etc gets bathed twice a day. That is to say I’d do the doses you are doing but do them at least twice a day. That with diet should keep you good to go but 3 times per day would be better and may increase the chances of regeneration or whatever you want to call it. Keep me posted I’d like to hear a year from now that you are good to go and clear 🙂

    2. The Health Guy Post author

      And another thing Lisa – you have to understand that I don’t have faith in the medical community. I was in the ER seven (7) times with acute pancreatitis. CLASSIC symptoms (severe pain, nausea, back pain, difficulty breathing, etc) and nobody recognized AP. No ER doc tested my amylase and lipase. They never did an ultrasound or Ct. One ER doc gave me meperidine (demerol) and when it did NOTHING he sent me home with the directions to come back if it got worse! LMAO how did that idiot think it was going to get worse when a shot of demerol didn’t even phase the pain? The doc who finally diagnosed me asked how many times I’d had the same symptoms and I told him about the 7 ER visits and double that amount of home situations and he said: “You should be dead.” I found that kinda encouraging lol. But the guy did his job. He found the problem but almost to late. I Praise God for keeping me alive!

      If you want to read about one of the coolest Miracles I have had told to me read this post.

      1. Lisa

        HI Again,

        Ok a couple more questions and comments for you.
        Mine was -found by chance being I am 100% symptom free. I have never had 1 symptom – never AP never anything. He told me that although my pancreas is NOT inflamed and I have no pain I am still diagnosed with chronic due to some other characteristics. (some damage to the pancreas).
        He told me that CT Scans and MRi are NOT accurate for this condition. Nothing will tell you what it is like a scope down in the area to see what is really in there. My CT Scan (with contrast) had shown 3 cysts- one 3×7 mm , 1 4-5 mm and 1 1-2 mm) . My first doctor wrote it off as a previous case of previous pancreatitis (which If I had I don’t recall) This doctor however said if there are 3 cysts there are probably multiple because of how the CT Scans work (they get sliced up). So he took control and suggested to scope it to make sure. When they went down they found no 3×7 mm cysts (I guess it magically disappeared) and nothing bigger then a mm but they were throughout. So my challenge is a little different. I am trying to cure myself by figuring out how to rid my pancreas of these scar tissue flakes and heal this condition I was unaware of or prevent it from progressing into this horrible condition that I keep reading about. These people are in horrendous pain. Have you ever had a scope done?
        I read that this MSM breaks up scar tissue and can actually rid the body of it (I also keloid). It sounds like along with you grapeseed, churchmen and vitamin c it could work. Should I take this MSM along with your enzyme supplement? My doctor of course says I do not need it if I don’t hurt. I guess he thinks I should wait to feel like everyone else does. No thank you!
        As far as you being a case study. There has to be doctors out there that truly want to cure it. There has to be people who really work on these things. I mean you could have just had doctors that were not experienced in this at all and did not understand. This seems to be a mysterious part of the body that no one gets.
        Anyway I am having another endoscopy in 2 years and I have 2 years to get rid of this crap in my body. I will you know how it goes. In the meantime- your vitamins, MSM, prayers and no alcohol 🙂 Thank you for your communication regarding this. It is so great that you have taken the time to help people. You are a blessing to us all.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Lisa – yeah I was scoped (endoscopy). Ct with contrast is, by most knowing radiological experts, the “gold standard” in pancreatitis diagnosis. Another test EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) seems to be better at seeing small changes and diagnosing minimal change chronic pancreatitis. MRCP is also good. ERCP is dangerous with 10-11% complication rate, most of which is post ERCP acute pancreatitis. No test is 100% accurate. And taking an actual peek is obviously going to offer a different view. And hopefully they looked at your pancreas instead of another organ! Just kidding 🙂 One has to also consider that any test including a scoped view is only as good as the doc on the scope and/or reading the photos.

          I see no reason why you couldn’t take MSM (again I don’t know much about MSM) along with the other supplements but you may not need the enzymes. Heck if you are symptom free why take a supplement that won’t address or prevent the real issue (inflammation)? I found a great test to determine whether someone actually will benefit from taking enzymes is to take notes after each meal and record when nausea begins. If it starts 10 – 30 minutes after eating, enzymes in the proper dose, usually take care of that problem. BUT if you do not experience nausea after eating the chances of actually needing enzyme supplementation is remote.

          I look forward to a good report 🙂

          1. Lisa

            My hope is the breakdown of the scar tissue it appears that I may have. I was not sure if an enzyme would help with that. I did not know what enzymes really did (sounds like inflamation help) so I will not do that.
            I also am not sure what test I had done I thought is was a endoscopic ultrasound. They went down and looked (I hope at the right organ- now your scaring me!). I do not know what a ERCP or a MRCP are. I guess I will find that out as well.
            Thanks again

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Lisa I was only joking about the right organ thing lol 🙂 Enzymes help digest foods. They break down proteins, fats, carbs, sugars etc. Your pancreas produces them in enough amounts but when it is damaged it can produce less thus the need for enzymes. Endoscopic ultrasound is a good test.

  106. Stacey

    Hi Health Guy,

    Ok I’ve been very ill for about 7 weeks was admitted to hospital for 4 days at Easter. I’ve been diagnosed with gastritis by the hospital but I believe my Gp that I could have pancreatitis. Symptoms are lots of pain under ribs, stomach and radiating to my back, nausea, had racing heart. I’ve done the nil by mouth for 72 hrs, then only veges. If I try to eat anything else I just feel nauseas. I’ve started the grape seed extract and it seems I can handle it (I have a bladder condition called interstitial cystitis which means there are a lot of vitamins I can’t take) then I will start no acid vitamin c tomorrow. My question is I am hungry now the nausea has settled. thank you so much for your website I believe it is s huge help to a lot of very sick people.

    My questions is would egg whites and oats be okay yet? I’m worried I’m not getting enough protein ect just eating vegetables and I’m also getting headaches because I’m not eating enough carbs.

    Thanking you

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Stacey – you’re welcome. You can always try the egg whites and/or oatmeal and see how you tolerate it. Eventhough they are usually safe foods for pancreatitis sufferers when the pancreas is still inflamed anything can be “the straw the breaks the camel’s back” so to speak. I hope you feel better soon 🙂

      1. Stacey

        Hi again, well I had some rice with mushroom and a little potato earlier and I’m in a lot of pain right now. It wasn’t a huge amount just a desert bowl full because I was hungry. Now aching all up my back and I feel like I have a really bad flu. I’m feeling very alone right now and pretty devastated. I try to be positive 90 % of the time but when I’m in pain it’s pretty hard. Any encouragement would be really welcomed.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Stacey – sorry to hear you are still having difficulty. When the pancreas is inflamed ANYTHING can cause problems (the straw that breaks the camel’s back thing). IF it were me I’d fast for a few days, take 200 – 400 mgs of ibuprofen daily, grape seed extract, vit C, curcumin and drink lots of water. I wouldn’t eat until I was REALLY hungry and then I’d start with veggie juice for a couple days to see how that went. If you don’t have a juicer low sodium V8 works. Then I’d try a little safe solid food again.

          1. stacey

            Hi Health Guy, thank you for your advice and support. I’m pleased to report I am feeling much much better than last post. My pain has reduced a lot thanks to following your advice. I’ve had no nausea for 3/4 days. Im able to eat vegetables and oats for breakfast and egg whites. Having no fat of course. I’m taking grape seed extract and vitamin c. I will try the curcumin next. I’m also taking Meds to reduce stomach acid and this is also helping significantly. Just wanted you to know things are getting so much better and for anyone suffering pancreatitis follow the Health Guys advice strictly and you can feel well again. Good luck and know your not alone.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Stacey – I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better! THAT is awesome! Glory to God! 🙂

          3. Stacey

            Hi health guy!

            Hope this message finds you well. Do you have any experience with a medication called motilium – domperidone (active ingredient)? I had an endoscopy done yesterday and my stomach is okay in as much as no ulcers etc but my Dr gave me a script for this medication. She said it will help with nausea and will help move food through my stomach quicker. Drs try to help, but you’re the only person who has been able to give me relief thus far. So I’d value your opinion on whether this medication is good for pancreatitis.

            Thanking you

          4. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Stacey – I have to admit I had never heard of this particular drug so I had to google it lol. It is used for nausea and vomiting so if you need help with those issues it may be worth a try to see if it helps. Here’s more info on it. And more here.

  107. Mia Inge

    Hello! This may be a question with an obvious answer but what are your thoughts on drinking Kombucha Tea while recovering from acute pancreatitis? Due to a long list of severe food allergies I’m limited on what liquids I can consume. There are enzymes in kombucha that I can’t get in any other form, which should help aid in digestion. However, it’s fermented and I’m worried about it hindering my recovery or causing another attack.

    Thank you!


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Mia – Kombucha Tea contains alcohol. That is NOT a good idea. Since Kombucha Tea is made with tea both black and green it would be much more beneficial to simply drink regular tea or green tea. I’d go with green tea because of the many polyphenols it offers which help reduce inflammation.

      1. Mia Inge

        Thank you! I’ve been sticking to the strict diet plan but still having pain except when doing clear liquids only. The pain also spikes when I experience extreme stress. I just had an upper scope done two days ago that caused what felt like an acute pancreatic attack. I woke up in the recovery room screaming and crying in pain. They had to give me morphine and fentanyl to calm it down. They took my blood and checked levels, but the results were normal. The doctor is thinking I have chronic pancreatitis caused by an autoimmune disorder, but was unsure due to my normal lab work. I have Celiac’s Disease, Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency, extreme food allergies, Interstitial Cystitis, Asthma, GERD, gastroparesis, and issues with a sliding hiatal hernia. Is it normal for someone with autoimmune pancreatitis (type 2) to have normal blood work? Would I need to do the clear liquids diet for a longer period of time than just a couple days? I’ve been switching between liquids and pureed foods for the last 6 weeks with little improvement.



        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Mia Inge – Sounds like you haven’t been having a fun time. Sorry. Now to answer your questions …

          1) “Is it normal for someone with autoimmune pancreatitis (type 2) to have normal blood work?”
          I’ve read case studies where pancreatic enzymes did NOT elevate. None of the cases I have read verified the origin as being autoimmune. IF there is enough inflammation of the pancreas enzymes usually rise with acute pancreatitis having the highest elevations vs CP.

          2) “Would I need to do the clear liquids diet for a longer period of time than just a couple days?”
          It is entirely possible that fasting (no food) for more than a couple of days may prove to be beneficial. I’ve found it necessary to fast, in several instances after the worst acute attacks, for a week or more. That’s a bit much but it did help my pancreas to rest and heal.

          I hope you feel better soon.

        2. Natolie

          I was told after my last pancreatic attack that the blood work was fine. However my good friend, a Surgeon, told me a long time ago that the test that is use to ascertain whether the pancreas is OK is ‘lipase’ is not a good indication re, health of the pancreas. However, in Emergency care it is the gold standard, even though this well respected surgeon disagreed.

          1. The Health Guy Post author

            Natolie – your surgeon is right. Elevated enzyme levels (lipase, amylase, trypsin) do NOT tell the condition of the pancreas (damage) but they do indicate acute pancreatitis when elevated enough and suggest a CP flair when slightyly elevated. And yet that isn’t always true in cases of CP where the pancreas is so damaged that it no longer produces enzymes. CT scans, EUS and MRCP are more useful in seeing actual damage. BUT – Nothing is perfect lol.

    2. Usman

      green tea of different flavours … but for me the best thing that worked was .. chicken’s broth/strew .. 🙂 good taste … gives energy …. and almost harmless .. will take health’s guy input on this too …

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      If salmon works for you Vicki then it’s good. Salmon, makerel, sardines, tuna etc (cold water oily fish) have more fish oil (fat) that other types of fish but if they work for you that’s a good thing 🙂

  108. Jackie

    Thank you so much for your information Health Guy. I was lucky to have been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis early so the pain has not gotten as severe as some, and I definitely hope to not make it any worse! I’ve gradually been discovering how right you are on everything you’re saying. I’m a chef and I’ve been having a mild attack for a few days .. I think thats an indictation I can’t even have a little taste of the dishes I’m cooking. I’m going to use your advice on going vegan and absolutely no fat for 6 months and hopefully heal.
    Enzyme supplements .. my doctor put me on them but he also thinks I can take them and eat a little fat. Im not so sure theyre helping much anymore. In your experience have they helped with digesting a little bit of fat?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Jackie – You’re welcome. Prescription enzymes like creon are used to replace the enzymes your pancreas may not be producing as efficiently as it once did. They usually do a great job however can cause some side effects, usually when the dose is too high. I’m NOT suggesting that’s your problem just giving info. And yes, they help digest fat but I do NOT know if that matters. It should help but a pancreas that is inflamed (chronic) needs to be calmed and the inflammation eliminated so damage can heal. Fat simply irritates the pancreas and causes more inflammation once it has been damaged.

  109. Cindy Horton

    Thank you for all this information! My question is, how can I get a printed copy of all of this? My 91yr old Mother can not use the computer but needs to be able to read this information. She has acute pancreatitis and is just getting over another attack. I tried several different ways to print it and it won’t let me.
    Thank you for your time.

  110. Bill

    Thank you for the cocktail for AP. Thank you for the diet. Thank you for being honest and blunt. I’ve never had a plan outside of starvation for when AP symptoms arose, and while on vacation with the family I had a flare up (yes I was bad). I almost drove myself to the hospital and made everyone as miserable as I was, but the ibuprofen, grapseed extract and cumcurin did the trick (I needed a second dose after 2 hours.

    I’ve been told my numerous attacks over the years was from medications I was on, gallbladder crystals, and finally high triglycerides. The attacks don’t snyc up with any one reason, but I know that if I start eating cheese or drinking wine, I’m in for a world of hurt. The diabettis doc told me if I gave up carbs then the triglycerides would go down and I would be fine, and to eat a low fat diet with the exception of almonds because they are ok…. Well, I’m still on vacation (but behaving) and happy that I finally have a diet plan. Thanks again.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Bill – you are welcome. I’m glad to hear the cocktail works for you too. Alcohol and Fat are the two big enemies you must avoid in order to heal and stay well.

  111. Cindy Horton

    Thank you, it did print!:) I have one question, I found an enzyme for my Mom from Vitamin Discount Center called Superzymes. It has more of all the ingredients, Betaine Hydrochloride-330mg, Pepsin 1:15000-130mg, Bromelain 1:10-260mg, Papain NF-260mg, Ox bile extract 260mg, Pancreatin USP 4x 500mg, Amylase 50,000 USP units, Protease 50,000 USP units, Lipase 8,500 USP Units.
    She was on Creon but it was SO expensive and these had the same thing only more. I was wondering what you think about these compared to what you take. The only thing my Mom says is she thinks these make her hungry. She is just getting over another attack, second one in the last 2 months. Before that she went 6 months, don’t understand that but I think she got lax in her diet. But at 91 I want to stop these attacks so I printed out EVERYTHING I could from your site and she is now reading it, so hopefully we can put your advise into action and stop the next one.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Cindy – that looks like a very fine enzyme formulation. I may even check them out and try them because the formulation looks stronger than what I currently use and so I may need to use less. Thanks. 🙂

  112. Greg Hunsicker

    Hi Health Guy, I happened upon your entry here when exploring healthy eating alternatives for my pancreas. I happened to see you mentioned the rare birth defect known as, Pancreatic Divisum and it made me want to share my story somewhat with you. Since, I have it! lol

    I actually didn’t get diagnosed with anything for years, it’s just not something doctors really look for, since it’s so rare. The issue was though, I really didn’t have a single pancreatic attack up until I hit about 27. This was due to me actually not liking much meats and being a picky eater. The only reason I finally had an attack, was because I met my new wife and she was getting me to try new things. Which was fine, because I absolutely love her cooking.

    The first attack happened in 2013, I thought it was gas to be honest at first. I’ve always had bad gas bubbles, even when I was a baby. Kind of runs on my dad’s side of the family, but it kept getting worse. I tried everything to get rid of the pain, laying on my back, limiting my food intake, trying to go to the bathroom. But nothing was working. Finally, my wife told me she’d knock me unconscious and drag me to the hospital if I didn’t agree to go. So we went to a local, small hospital.

    They actually didn’t seem to interested and just gave me some pain medication, they didn’t look much further into it. Thank god my wife is just as stubborn as I am. It only took her a day, to go to her moms, and then force me to the bigger hospital; a 45 minute drive away.

    By now, I’d been having a pancreatitis attack, for 4 days and had no idea. The doctors immediately recognized the symptoms and started running tests. My enzyme count, was well close to over 8000, failure levels. So I was put on no food, an IV drip and some great pain meds lol.

    I actually don’t remember much about the first 4 days I was in the hospital. When I started feeling better, I started getting back the results of the tons and tons of tests they had ran. To have someone never have a pancreatitis attack and then suddenly have one so bad that it got close to making the pancreas fail. Well that’s pretty crazy.

    The 5th day, was the day of revelation. I had no idea, but I had a team of 4 doctors working on my case. They all entered my room and was very excited. That’s when I got told, I have a Pancreatic Divisum, a super rare birth defect that’s not commonly found. I was told, it’s possible that it’s genetic and that some of my relatives might have it. That’s when I thought about, ALL of my dads side of the family, the males. Have bad bowl and gas issues. I’ve yet to be able to convince them to go to a doctor and get there pancreas checked out, but it’s a high probability they all have the same thing.

    Interesting things to note about having a Pancreatic Divisum. The Pancreas is always in an overactive state. The pancreas has two valves that feed into the intestines. A major and a minor. You can guess which one is bigger and smaller by the name. In most cases, the minor doesn’t go anywhere or connect to anything. In my case, I have the little more involved one. My Major isn’t connected to anything and I’m only left with my minor. A lot of doctors actually haven’t heard about it either, you usually have to explain it to them and then they go back and do research. Sometimes if I’m in the hospital, they like to bring med students by, so I can teach them about my condition. Since so little is known about the birth defect. Because of that, I like to learn more and more about it, just so I can help doctors and students understand the effects having this defect can have.

    For one, because the pancreas is always in an overactive state, I’m very susceptible to pancreatitis. It’s also not something that comes on slowly, it’ll happen fast, very suddenly and escalate very quickly. If I’m having an episode, I don’t have a choice, I HAVE to go to a hospital. Last time, my counts were over 4000+. For reference, a normal pancreatic enzyme count is around 350, at max. My counts escalate very rapidly and I have to have the reference of the enzyme counts in order to help myself get better. This last time though, I just chose to get a prescription for pain meds and go home. I probably should have stayed at the hospital, but we had new kittens I wanted to take care of.

    Two, I should always try and get better in a hospital. Because my pancreas goes absolutely insane at weird things sometimes. It’s hard to tell if I’m getting better or not on my own. Without the enzyme counts, I can’t tell.

    Three!, woo hoo, we’re going to 3 lol. Having a pancreatic divisum effects quite a few things in your digestive process. I end up getting dehydrated faster than normal people. My bowl movements are almost always runny or soft. It’s rare to have hard, and if I do have hard, that means something insanely wrong is happening. I eat small meals, throughout the day. Sometimes going to 4 – 5 small meals. This helps actually quite a bit, since I’m not over loading my body all in one go.

    Four, I have constant pain, which is probably why I don’t notice it sometimes. I’m stubborn, and I get used to it. My wife has actually gotten pretty good at noticing symptoms, things I do unconsciously when I begin to have an attack and I don’t know it yet. She’s also the one that tries to force me into healthier eating habits, which I should probably do more often, but I’m stubborn and I like certain cheat foods. Having this deformity, I should NEVER cheat on my diet. SO I usually pay for it later lol

    That’s all I can kind of think about for now, I’m actually thinking about going into the hospital here in the next couple of days since I haven’t been feeling to right recently. Feel free to ask me any questions about this strange yet rare birth defect. I’ll try and answer to the best of my ability. 🙂

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hey Greg – sorry to hear you have pancreas divisum. It is fairly rare. I have several people who follow me in various places (blogs, facebook, twitter, etc) who suffer from pancreas divisum. One was a woman of great fortitude who was in the Navy for years. Last I heard from her she was going to retire early due to the fact Navy food doesn’t help her condition. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  113. Avi

    Hi- I am 36 years old. I am suffering from Chronic pancreatitis for last 4 years with multiple visits to hospitals. I had my gall bladder removed in 2012. I had undergone ERCP stenting in my pancreas CBT. Then the stent was removed in 2014. In Dec 2015 I had angioplasty for GI bleeding of artery.
    I suffer every day, every minute with upper abdominal and radiating back pain. I cannot have much food. Pain is too much to bear. I am fully down psychologically, my social, work life has gone for a toss.
    I have started wheat grass treatment. I have lost 30 kg in last 10 months and my haemoglobin had gone down to 4.5. Now it’s 9.4 .
    modern Doctors are saying I need to live with this chronic pancreatitis for life. There is no cure. They are saying my pancreas is nearly dead and slowly it will calcify and be removed. It reminds me of Steve jobs who died of this experiment and by, leaving vegan diet I mean..
    I am really scared and I am worried about my loans , family, my daughter..
    Every day I am suffering…. I read through all books of Dale Carnegie, Colin Campbell, Ur blogs, B , juicer man, john McDougall, utube videos.
    I am just fed up and do not have any solution for my daily pain.
    I am confused that one way modern medical business is greedy and killing humans. One way vegan diet can cure. YOUR DIET CAN CURE…Wheat grass can cure…but I am confused… I do not see any change trying everything…
    But my question is Can Chronic Pancreatitis be cured?????? Can pancreas grow back to normal after series of acute pancreatitis episodes (10 in my case)???? IS IT POSSIBLE TO REVERSE CHRONIC PANCREATITIS?????
    I CAN DO ANYTHING TO COME OUT OF MY MISERY…. I just want to eat food properly and live a normal life…

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Avi – No, there is no cure for CP. I THINK that the pancreas can in SOME instances replace scar tissue with good tissue. Some people who have followed what I do have seen these types of changes on CT after being on the diet and supplements for a year or so and have commented about the healing BUT … it does NOT seem to happen for everyone. I am guessing it has a lot to do with exactly how much damage was done, where that damage was done and how well they adhere to what I do. Yet …

      There seem to be a surprising number who do heal, feel much better, find symptom relief and so on. I would call it a “seeking for remission.” By that I mean if everything is done right I think CP can be put into what could only be called a state of remission where it simply doesn’t progress as it normally would when someone doesn’t use proper diet and certain supplements to halt the progress. So “IS IT POSSIBLE TO REVERSE CHRONIC PANCREATITIS?????” I think it is possible. Otherwise how does one explain the disappearance of scar tissue that was previously there? BUT can it be CURED? I do NOT think so, not by man. But what is impossible for man is entirly possible for God.

      I understand your fear. Been there, done that. Others have as well. The whole situation sucks. The good news is that I THINK almost anyone with proper diet and supplements can at least find some relief from pain and other symptoms (nausea, vomiting, etc). Will everyone heal? No. But some will, some have already. I THINK (again that word that basically means “I don’t know”) it depends upon YOUR damage and how unshakable your fortitutde is enabling you to completely change your eating lifestyle and actually DO what it takes to possibly heal.

      1. Avi

        Thanks for your comments and really appreciate the advice. To be very frank it’s 100 times better advice than any doctor who are just minting money. I am starting to believe that I will be all well one day. Diet is the key. After going totally vegan with fresh vegetables and fruits I see a change. Wheat grass juice is helping me to stay fresh and strong and guess reducing my inflammation in my pancreas. Chewing Tarmaric raw is also helping with fresh lime juice. I guess wheat grass juice has 150 minerals. Green apple, black grapes, also helping me..
        Anyways, my worst nightmare came back today when I eat brown bread with garlic butter and egg noodles. I am back to my pain and I am writing back with frustration in my emergency ward…..
        Guess even a small quantity of dairy and some oil has landed me back to square one.
        I have come across your post on Tramadol. I have been using every day for last 1year. You have scared the shit out of me. I guess Tramadol has created more damage. Hope that I am not bleeding internally now? Also was curious how grape seed can help me? Is it raw seeds or tablet? What type of grape juice should I go for? Black, green, red..

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hey Avi – I didn’t intend for the post on tramadol to scare people. All drugs carry risk. Ok, you have found out that a damaged pancreas doesn’t tolerate fats to well so I won’t belabor that point. Grape seed extract usually comes in capsules. It is extremely anti-inflammatory thus reducing the inflammation of the pancreas. It also helps with nausea. Get well and stay well.

  114. Natolie

    Firstly, I am going to get on your diet immediately. Prayed and you are the result. Thank you a million times over. I was diagonized with a large tumour on my pancreas in 2000. I opted for surgery and thankfully it was benign. Told by surgeon there was a likelihood of diabetes and developed that five years later; in 2015 was diagnosed with pancreatitis. When having an attack I end up in Emergency and a morphine drip, fast for five days just with clear fluids including low fat chicken broth. I recently found out from an Emergency room doctor who was an expert in diabetes that diet is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT in avoiding future pancreatitis attacks. He is the first doctor that has admitted that to me. Now you have driven that home. I have good rapport with my body and what foods disagree with me and avoid when attacks occur. As difficult as it is to make changes, being pain free and able to have More quality or life is worth at least a try. Secret is to Just Do It. It might seem more expensive, but when I sat down and worked out the costs of eating non GMO products, organic and hormone-free meats, vegetables and fruits rather than processed foods and the rest that is bad for you… Really it comes out cheaper as you eat less and feel so much better.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Natolie – It sounds like you have had some rough times. Lord willing that will change. Thanks for visiting and sharing. If you have questions feel free to ask. 🙂

  115. nabhendu hait

    Hi..! The Health guy. I really loved the way you have written info about the diet. I got my first pancreatitis attack on December,2015 on my 18th birthday around midnight and the first attack the pain was great truly great. Doctors told me that the pain was Due to acute pancreatitis. After having several tests I am that 1% guy whose reason of pancreatitis is unknown.Although I never ever,ever and ever drunk in my life still somehow everyone asked the same question. It took atleast 3 weeks to recover and after that even having a diet with zero fat and oil,there were 3 more attacks of pancreatitis in Jan end,March and early May. I noticed that the time span between the attacks has increased from 1 month to 3 months gap. Although the pain was less compared to the first one and the recovery time also,but still I am worried.Due to the attacks I had to give my college life and just relax because of my Weight loss and weak body. I just want to know that is there any risk due to number of attacks..? Or slowly the gap will increase and there will be no more further attacks. Mostly I don’t care much about the food outside, but is there any hope in future years that atleast I would able to eat the homemade food which I used to eat. ? Or I have to stick to with this diet for my life. ???
    Fun fact: if you notice, my every pancreatitis attack I miss the first show of great movies like Star Wars,Deadpool, Captain America and every time I have to wait for DVDs to be released. ^_^

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Nabhendu Hait – Thanks for the kind words. I’m glad you like the site 🙂 Sorry to hear you have joined the pancreatitis hall of pain. Since you have had recurrent attacks I would think there is an underlying reason that has not been discovered. Your question: “Mostly I don’t care much about the food outside, but is there any hope in future years that atleast I would able to eat the homemade food which I used to eat. ? Or I have to stick to with this diet for my life. ???” I have to say I don’t know. Each recurrent attack causes more damage. The result is the potential possibility that CP (chronic pancreatitis) could be the end result. It is important, if possible, to discover WHY your acute pancreatitis attacks have occurred and rectify the problem if possible.

  116. Isabelle

    Hi tank you for your blog sorry for my english i am a french from Québec .I had a mild acute attack 2 months ago it was not the first attack but i was the first acute ,i would like to know if it is normal to feel tired and weak after 2 months ,is it normal to feel pain and not always after i eat but sometimes 1 or 2 days later ,is it normal after 2 moths to have difficulty eating skinless chicken it seem that i can eat vegetable,fruit ,egg white ,wheat ,bean without problem.Next week i am suppose to have a echo-endoscopy it is a good exam for the pancreas.How long does it take for the pancreas to heal ,at the hospital they did a scan and a mri and there was no sign of complication.
    tank you again and sorry for my bad english
    god bless

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Isabelle – no need to apologize for your English. Your English is MUCH, MUCH better than my French! You may not be healed enough yet for your pancreas to tolerate the fat in chicken. I am guessing that because you seem to tolerate things with no fat. It does take time to heal and feeling like dung for a month or two after an attack is not uncommon, especially if it was not the first one. And yes it is normal to feel pain and other symptoms 24 – 72 hours AFTER consuming a food that doesn’t work, especially if it is an animal protein type food. It is best to go vegan for like 3 – 6 months before trying animal proteins. God Bless you back Isabelle. 🙂

  117. Katherine

    Wow! That is fantatic information. Thank you. I’m also coeliac andchave had 3 acute attacks in 3 yrs. Im currently recovering from my third in hospital. I definately wasn’t eating alll the correct things…. thank you?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Katherine – sorry to hear you are currently not well and have been suffering with acute pancreatitis. Hopefully you will be much better soon. 🙂

  118. LNolan

    Hello,what about salad is that safe to eat? Romaine lettuce okay? What about salad dressings and tomatoes? What about white albacore tuna fish from a can in water?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi LNolan – ALL salad greens, vegetables and fruits are fine. Dressings not so much. Salad dressing is usually full of fat (oils, etc). You can use rice wine vinager, lime juice, lemon juice etc to make salads taste better. You can also experiment and create your own fat free dresings (no alcohol, no oils, no fat). Tuna may or may not work. It depends how damaged you were or still are. Oily fish (tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout, etc) may not work. White meat fish such as bass, perch, rockfish, cod, pollock etc work better, have a lot less fat yet still provide quality protein.

      1. LNolan

        Thank you so much. I will update with story and will most likely have more questions. Very happy I found your site!

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          LNolan – you are very welcome. And please, feel free to ask questions anytime. If I know the answer I’ll tell you. If I don’t I’ll tell you that too (I might even look up the answer and link you to it).

  119. Nuris Tavarez

    First of all thank you sooo much for all your wonderful and insightful information on beating pancreatitis! I had my first AP attach in August 2015. I was told by ER doc that in fact it was AP although Lipase and Amylase just 150 and 96, also increased WBC at the time. CT was clear no abnormalities. They sent me home with just pain killers and 4 hours in ER. My journey had just began. My symptoms, pain in stomach, nausea , lethargy and back pain never went away. I visited my GI who scheduled more bloodwork, another CT, a HIDA Scan with Kinevac and an MRCP with Kinevac. All were normal except Hida Scan showed my Gallbladder just functioning at 20%. So they removed my gallbladder in Sept 2015. I only had relief for about 2 weeks and the pain, nausea and back discomfort came right back and now accompanied with diarrhea. Back to the ER about 3 more times in the next few months with some Docs telling me I no longer had AP as my levels were all good and all testing was normal, although I still had all the symptoms. I was referred to a Reumotalogist who also excluded autoimmune pancreatitis. I then was at a loss but still super sick. I have always been very thin and petite weighing just 106lbs when healthy and by Feb 2016 I was down to 83lbs!!!! I was then admitted for the 6th time in Feb and had an EUS which also was normal. Fecal Fat test shows normal as well as negative for Celiac & Chrons per blood tests and Colonoscopy & Endoscopy with Biopsies. I switched GI in March and he is also at a loss doesn’t feel comfortable in diagnosing me with even minimal change Pancreatitis as all tests are normal but I still feel terrible and have bad flare ups. I am on Zenpep and in addition have just started your supplements: Grape Seed already at 6 per day, as well as Vitamin C at 1k per day and strictly fat free with lots of fruits and veggies. Weight up to 91bs now. Did not order the Curcumin as I do have ovarian fibroids and read that it is contraindicated if you have fibroids. Should I seek a different GI at this point? Don’t think there are any other tests out there I haven’t had done at this point! I am very frustrated to say the least, my life has changed drastically not to mention the impact on my husband and our son. Thanks, Nuris 😉

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Nuris Tavarez – Sorry to hear you haven’t been well and have joined our group (hall of pancreatitis).

      1) “Should I seek a different GI at this point?”
      Are you feeling better since implementing the diet and supplements? IF you have seen improvement I’d keep doing what you are doing and just be happy I’m getting better. IF the diet and supplements are NOT helping within a few weeks you may want to consider making another appt with your current GI and letting him/her go to work to hopefully find out what is wrong. On the other hand if the diet and supplements are working (it may take a few weeks) it could be you have residual inflammation left over from the AP and may heal up and never have another problem but then, maybe not. IF you get better and stop the diet and supplements and find yourself ill again it would then be prudent to seek medical help again to explain what happened (you got well, then sick again). I really don’t advise you to do what I just said because it could be dangerous. The last thing you need is another AP attack.

      1. Nuris Tavarez

        Health Guy: Thanks for your suggestions on my initial question regarding getting a final definite diagnosis. I did in fact had my GI refer me to Dr. Forsmark a pancreatic spectialist (whom I believe you replied to an article he wrote on diagnosing minimal change pancreatitis). On the down side, my appointment with Dr. Forsmark is not until October 2016…..2 months away 🙁 I did in fact improve for about 2 months but am currently having another flare up inspite of continuing all your suggested supplements and diet. I was afraid of being low on protein so I was eating a lot of beans every day and I think it just was too heavy on my stomach. I am now back to square one on clears for a few days. Once I get better hopefully by this weekend I will start on the veggie juices ect…. I really want to thank you again on all your research and assistance with this debilitating disease. Once I see Dr. Forsmark I will be sure to post updates. Thanks again Mr. Health Guy 😉

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Nuris Tavarez – you’re welcome. Sometimes even usually safe foods are not safe in large quantities. Especially if you have damaged acinar cells, the cells that produce protease which breaks down proteins. If you are taking enzymes you may need more. If you are on prescription enzymes, such as creon, ask your doc. You may need to take more grape seed extract as well. I often find that people do not take enough and once they increase they feel better. Diet is kinda constant, few variables. Fat is bad, alcohol is bad. But the amount of supplements are simply a “crap shoot.” It’s hit and miss. Test and test. The more damage one has the more of the supplements are going to be needed and the less fat one is usually able to tolerate. Keep in touch and let us know how your appt with the pancreas doc goes.

  120. Jane Hall

    You sir, are my new hero… and I’m just so thankful that I found this site!

    First attack last Monday at midnight, few days in hospital, home by Thurs. and spent Fri. moping around feeling sorry for myself. Woke up Sat. to a new accepting me and determined to find more info online and voila… I found you! 🙂
    I’ve copied my vitamin list to pick up, the list of yes and no’s to post on the fridge and I’m heading out shortly to shop for my new foods. I expect this is going to take a few hours since I now have to read EVERY label that’ll be going into my cart but hey, this is just a new chapter in my life. I’ve already done the cancer thing and my motto is “I’m too good to let something like that take me down!” 😉

    I am wondering something though… is it okay if I make my own chicken broth from a whole chicken? I have an amazing crock-pot recipe that I’d like to keep using. I ALWAYS fine strain my broth afterwards and then chill it overnight to take all the fat off. This way I can make soups, stews, gravies etc. without the awful fat. Can I still do this?

    Thank you again… I don’t think you realize just HOW MUCH you’ve helped all of us!
    Big hug to you. 🙂

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jane Hall – Thanks for the kind words 🙂 You asked: “I am wondering something though… is it okay if I make my own chicken broth from a whole chicken? I have an amazing crock-pot recipe that I’d like to keep using. I ALWAYS fine strain my broth afterwards and then chill it overnight to take all the fat off. This way I can make soups, stews, gravies etc. without the awful fat. Can I still do this?” Jane you can always try it and see if it works for you. Did they determine why you had the acute pancreatitis attack? People can often heal from one mild attack and never again have problems so if that truly was attack number one, you have no underlying conditions that could cause more and you heal up properly you may not have any more problems. That would be a good thing 🙂

      1. Jane Hall

        Sir, the pain was so bad the first time around that I’m not about to tempt fate with trying anything off the list ever again. I am not a wimp or a sucky-girl about pain but this scared my family when I truly was “brought to my knees” last Monday.
        I do however think I’ll stay with this chicken recipe. My family likes my soups and gravies ’cause they’re not oily or greasy. 🙂
        I AM going to miss good old peanut butter though… but what about the powdered? I’m in Canada with access to an organic product that is 1.5 gr of fat per 2 tbsp. I could have a pb & j for lunch (I even found light rye bread with no fat or oil) !! 🙂
        I do seriously agree with you about READING LABELS! While shopping, I couldn’t believe the amount of products that say they have 0 fat but if you read the ingredients… there it is, a listing of a particular oil. Sneaky buggers!
        Maybe you should do a cookbook. 😉

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Jane – you are making some great finds! I have never seen PB with only 1.5 grams of fat per TWO (2) table spoons. If memory serves me correctly most PBs contain 16 grams of fat per table spoon and 2 would equal 32 grams! At 1.5 grams of fat for 2 table spoons I’d give it a try to see if it worked cuz I LOVE peanut butter! And bread with no oil or fat? THAT is another great find! We amy not be able to get your “finds” here in the USA but what are the brand names? People could look in their stores to see if they can get them. Thanks Jane – good info! 🙂

          1. Jane Hall

            The bread is a “light” rye that I found at the giant grocery store and I DO KNOW that they sell the powdered peanut butter on Amazon. We have a Bulk Barn store in the city that sells it in organic powdered form. I just haven’t gotten over there yet to actually SEE the list of ingredients yet.
            Just had my check up last week… Doc said blood work and physical are good for a 60 year old. 😉 I asked about my Lipase level last week and he said it was 2500 (darn!!). I’ve started the grape seed extract and vit C that you recommended but when does the “constant tummy ache” go away? When I get home from work, I just want my heat pack. Oh, and I’m also doing the 800 mg Ibuprofen for pain while I’m at work.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Jane – your doc said “blood work and physical are good for a 60 year old” – no kidding? Lipase at 2500? I’d find me another doc lol Obviously you have some inflammation going on there. I mean lipase at 2500 signifies acute pancreatitis. I’d be calling and asking again about that lipase reading. IF it is not a mistake you may want to get some help at the ER, especially if you are still sick.

          3. Jane Hall

            Ohhh, darn… my fault that I explained things that way.
            My blood work was done a week BEFORE the pancreatic attack prior to the usual upcoming physical. The Lipase reading came from the doctor who ordered the ultra sound and more blood work when I was admitted to the hospital from the ER.
            But I’m VERY HAPPY to say that I have absolutely no pain whatsoever now… even after eating. 🙂 I’m doing smaller meals, totally fat free and certainly not starving myself but I’m enjoying the weight loss… woo hoo! 😉
            I even found a totally fat free recipe for dressing / dip from Jamie Oliver.
            Maybe you should add a site where we could exchange recipe ideas… I’m sure some people thought it was the end of the world when they saw the “NO-NO” list of foods. I was so depressed for a few days while living on fluids and ibuprofen… thinking my life had just about ended! Now, I know better and to be truthful, I FEEL a lot better with this new diet of fat free foods. 😀
            PS. Do I still increase my grape seed extract to 2 now and then 3 in another week? I thought this was only for actual pain.

          4. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Jane – hey if you are doing good on just one grape seed extract maybe that is all you need. You’ll know if you need more but twice per day wouldn’t hurt the healing process. Glad to hear you are better! 🙂

          5. Jane Hall

            Cannot believe I just found a recipe to make my own Ricotta cheese using 2% milk (which is 2.5 gr fat per 1 cup)!!! YESSSS!! 😀

  121. Just Meandthecats

    About how much fiber should be in the diet? Is there such a thing as “too much”, and if so, what is it?
    Are black-eye peas ok to eat?
    Why do so many of the other people giving out pancreatitis info (medical people included) all say no smoking, and in a few cases to avoid 2nd hand smoke too?
    Also, what’s your take on this:
    Hoping you are all well, or quickly getting well.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Just Meandthecats! We all know fiber is great for us and digestion. If my memory serves me correctly we actually need about 35 grams of fiber per day to keep our bowels moving at optimum levels. Can you get too much fiber? I suppose but I doubt the average person gets enough let alone too much. Black-eyed peas are great. Full of fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals with zero fat. Smoking is not good. Smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals most of which are bad and can cause cancer. In the case of those who suffer with pancreatitis, especially the chronic form which elevates our risk of pancratic cancer, the last thing we need to do is smoke. However, I should not preach against smoking because I myself am stupid and smoke. I need to rectify that. They say it is never too late. lol 🙂

  122. KMC

    Hello. I am 27 and 5 weeks ago had AP, Dr said my pancreas was 3 times its normal size. I was in the hospital for about 48 hours. All that the Dr told me was no alcohol, start to eat normal and if it hurts, stop eating it. They did find sludge in my gallbladder, but further testing said that my bile ducts were working at 89% so no concern. First few days out of the hospital were painful and I could barely eat and rarely slept. Now I feel much better with very minimal pain every now and then under my ribs for a few minutes. I am eating a lot healthier and NO alcohol but had no idea I needed to severely decrease fat for 6 months. How do I know if my attack was mild or moderate? How do I know if I develop CP? It is so nice to read these comments and gain insight. Everyone in my life expected me to be back at it the day I was released! Also so thankful to know there are actual diet guidelines instead of eating until it hurts…
    Thank you!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi KMC – sorry to hear you have been ill with acute pancreatitis. You obviously had a mild case otherwise you’d still be in the hospital sicker than a dog. The good news is that IF there is no underlying cause (gallstones they missed because they’d already passed and where there is sludge there is often stones), some autoimmune disease, or genetic predisposition you could heal totally from your attack and never experience another issue. THAT would be a good thing right? Eating, if you still have pain and symptoms may not be the best idea. If it were me I’d be fasting (no food), drinking plenty of water for hydration.

  123. Toni

    About 6 months ago my co-workers sister in law came down with Pancreatitis in Costa Rica. She was released after a week and told to follow very strict diet. The day she went home she fried a fish for husband, ate the whole thing, and ended up back in the hospital. I shared this website with him to share with her.

    About 2 weeks ago she passed away unexpectedly, she was in her early 30’s. I have to believe it’s because she refused to alter her diet. This is a reminder for folks when you know you have a health issue, you have to make life changes!

    While I can’t take ibuprofen, I do follow the other suggestions by the Healthy Guy. I have some other issues spincther of oddi dysfunction aka ampulla of vital dysfunction and billiard duct remains inflamed. I have pain daily but as long as my pancreas is not angry I an deal with anything! I have pain under right rib into my back from the SOD which is constant that varies intensity.

    I’m low fat, fiber, sugar, no pork, soy, gluten or whey. I have found 1 shake I can drink most frequently Metagenics Ultra Glucose Control it doesn’t bother me most of the time but it’s super expensive.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Toni – thanks for sharing that story. Many people think I am anal. Heck, I think I’m anal but the fact still remains that those of us who suffer from pancreatitis can die from the condition, unexpectedly, in a matter of hours, sometimes. Even with my anal diet I (nor any other person with CP) can’t ever be positively sure that my next meal won’t be my last! The time clock can run out with the next meal. I’m not trying to scare anyone. It’s simply a fact that I like to forget. So, I place everything in God’s loving hands and try to be fearless and worry free 🙂

  124. Marla Nelson

    Thank you! I just had my first acute attack last week and I was really confused on what to eat. I ate 6 strawberries the day after my release from the hospital and I thought I was going to die! I am on liquids for as long as I can stand it. I am losing weight which I’ve been trying to do for 20 years but I feel safe with my broth, hot tea, Greek yogurt, and simple salad. I saved this article to my phone and I am using it until I figure out what works for me. Thank you and stay well. I am 46, African American woman, and I love life!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Marla – you’re most welcome. But thank God cuz without Him the info wouldn’t be available 🙂 I hope the info helps and you find healing 🙂

  125. Karen Darden

    Twenty years with Chronic pancreatitis and this is the best article I have seen. I too fell off the wagon last week and enjoyed French Fries, three days of water before the pain subsided. I am also GF and a diabetic. I know your menu battle well. Thank goodness I like to cook!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Karen – glad you liked the article 🙂 Falling off the diet wagon isn’t a good thing as you know. I hope you feel better soon and stay well! Thanks for visiting 🙂

  126. Anna

    So, in other words, I can have one chicken tender per meal, or one ounce which is around an ounce. I thought I would steam the chicken and have it will rice and broccoli or beans….

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Anna – one chicken tender (I’m visualizing one little strip of meat) isn’t much but if that is all you tolerate it’s better than being sick. One skinless chicken breast has about 5 grams of fat (lot more meat than one tender) and the rice, beans and broccoli have zero or close.

  127. Jim Trimble

    Hi Health Guy! Have just spent hours reading your blog and am hugely impressed by all of the great info, all the time and effort you put into this, and your wonderful balance between no-nonsense tough guy and caring and supportive mensch – my story is like so many others i have read about here – 2 bouts of AP in 2012 with the second one leading to 2 weeks in the hospital and removal of my gallbladder as a precautionary measure – I was told by doctors at exit “eat whatever you can tolerate” – so I went back to my usual all American diet because i didn’t seem to have any problems tolerating it – until the last 6 months or so as AC appears to have turned into CP as I have had recurring bouts of abdominal pain with the latest lasting days rather than hours as they had in the past – my doctor now says that given recurring pain and 2 large pseudocysts from the years ago AC that surgery – either stenting or resection – are the only options for me – having read all of this I think there may be another option – all you have to say here makes a lot of sense and seems worth a try before going under the knife – let me know what you think and I’ll let you know how it goes – thanks again for the inspiration!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jim – sorry to hear you have joined our club (the pancreatitis hall of pain). You’re welcome for any inspiration 🙂 I can only tell you that MOST not all, but most of the people who I have had the opportunity to chat with who have had surgery usually have a lot more pain than those who do not have surgery. A few have had surgery and are way better than they were before so to me – it’s a real crap shoot. I would do everything I possibly could (and I have) to avoid another attack of AP which could lead to the need for some type of surgery. If I had pseudocysts I would definitely try diet and supplements to eliminate inflammation and see if the pseudocysts drain themselves once the inflammation is under control. Whether that happens for you or not I can’t say. You may end up needing to have them drained surgically. There was another person, not long ago, who had one drained and she was MUCH better after. So it’s up to you. Your doc may be right. You have to do what you think is best. I know I’m not much help or inspirational in this particular matter but I’m not a doc and I really can’t give people advice. I hope you find relief and improvement in your health. I’m sorry I’m not more help. 🙁

  128. Jane Hall

    I bought a small amount of the powdered PB to try. The ingredients say; dehydrated ground organic peanuts. Going to try a toasted english muffin, mashed banana on top and sprinkling some of that powdered PB to see how it tastes. If the gut is good, I’ll let you know… ’cause then the next step will be trying to make PB cookies!!! (if they don’t turn out, the squirrels will eat them 😉 )

    1. Stacey Wykes

      Hi Jane,
      Sure no probs.
      I do my big bake 2 ways
      First way- I cut up potato, pumpkin, sweet potato, cauliflower (big sizes) and whole mushrooms, and I take a whole bell pepper and cut it into 4 even size large pieces. I put these items into an oven bag then I put in about a 1/4 cup of water in so the vegetables have a bit of water and they don’t dry out, then sprinkle with mixed herbs, pepper and powdered vegetable stock (nil fat). Tie up the bag and cook in a hot oven until cooked – my oven it’s about 35/40 mins. The trick is to cut your harder veges smaller so they cook quicker because your cauliflower, mushroom and bell pepper will. You don’t want your soft veges over cooked or your hard veggies under cooked. Really tasty, my family love them too.

      Second way- this is for baking potatoes ect with egg whites. I cut up several pieces of potato, sweet potato and or pumpkin. place in a freezer bag with one whole egg white, add salt and rosemary. Massage veges to coat evenly with the mixture. Place non stick baking paper in an oven dish and using tongs take your veges out of the freezer bag and place your veges on the baking paper. Again cut veges a bit smaller than normal bake size so they cook quicker. Usually I do half an hour on 190 c or about 370 f in a fan forced oven. Using a non stick spatula I turn the veges at about 20 mins then cook for the remaining 10 mins. The veges should lift off the baking paper when you turn them, fairly easily. Crispy and yum!

      I usually do this recipe on a Sunday and then refrigerate them. It gives me veges to snack on when I feel like it. Or you can eat some straight away and you can pop some in the fridge once cooled.

      Hope this helps. I have an awesome vege soup if you’re interested…
      Stacey ?

      1. Jane Hall

        OMG Stacey… thank you!!! This sounds like a really tasty recipe, so good that I had to print it out so I wouldn’t forget! I would love your soup recipe too please. I love soup, especially in the winter time. 🙂

        1. Stacey Wykes

          Hi Jane,
          Super easy,

          Stacey’s Vegetable soup
          6 small Potatoes cut in quarters
          2 Carrots diced
          I large piece of butternut Pumpkin diced
          1 long piece Celery chopped,
          3 large gloves fresh Garlic minced,
          1/4 whole Cabbage chopped,
          1 1/2 cups Cauliflower,
          1 1/2 cups Broccoli
          2 large Silver Beat leaves
          Handful of Green Beans
          4 inches of the White end of a Leek
          Handful fresh Basil chopped
          1 vege stock cube
          1 chicken stock cube
          (we have a brand here called Massel has 0% fat. I have no troubles using this)
          Salt and pepper to garnish before serving.

          sauté leek and garlic first in 3 tablespoons water. Once soft and a little brown add the rest of your chopped veges
          Cover with water and add both stock cubes broken up,
          Simmer for approx 2 hours. Don’t worry about how long the veges are cooked as the water in the soup retains the vitamins and it gives soup a nice consistency at end.

          Bon appetiet!!

          1. Stacey Wykes

            Hi Jane,
            You’re so very welcome. Makes me smile to think your enjoying your bowl of hot tasty soup ?

      2. Jane Hall

        Oh and when you say pumpkin… do you mean “jack-o-lantern / halloween” type pumpkin or do you mean a squash of some type. We ALWAYS have some type of squash available in Ontario, Canada.

        1. Stacey Wykes

          Hi Jane,
          I usually use butternut pumpkin but I don’t think it would matter too much. Also I should of mentioned I use a Tupperware thin slicer to get the pumpkin, zucchini, sliced nice and thinly so it cooks better.

          Also have you made any risottos? You can do any sort of rissotto. Last night I did pea and snapper (fish). Or another fav is mushroom. I use no fat stock in this recipe and have no troubles ie nausea or pain. Just be sure to skip parmasean cheese which is normally used. You don’t need the cheese anyway once you’ve used stock, garlic and onion and yummy veges.
          Message me if you have any questions.
          Stacey ?

          1. Toni

            I use sugar pumpkins which are available in the Fall. I have also used butternut squash which you can find already diced in a lot of stores. I saw a trick to cook then sliced in half and then scoop out the squash or pumpkin…. otherwise they are so hard to peel.

            I’ve made a veggie lasagna with gluten free noodles and a white sauce made with chicken stalk. You can put most any veggie in. My dog begs for the pumpkin and squash. I’ve used ground chicken and ground turkey and spices to resemble that of sausage without all the fat.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Toni I understand you might be interested in submitting recipes that will be placed on this site so others can enjoy some quality, hopefully safe food. I have an idea from just reading your short comment to Stacey that you have a good grasp on the diet so if you want to participate (your name will be on your recipe posts/pages) simply send me your email (will not be published) via the recipe post comment thread and I’ll email you info so we’re on the same page. 🙂

      3. Stacey Wykes

        Jane, if you find your potato cooks before your sweet potato. I forgot to add I microwave my sweet potatoes once cut up for 4 mins with some water. This just softens the sweet potato before cooking. But make sure you let the sweet potato cool before putting it in the mixture with the potatoes. Hope that makes sense lol

  129. Antara

    Hi! I’m only 14, but I was diagnosed with pancreatitis last week, after suffering for about 8 months. Your website really helped me figure out what I can and cannot eat, so thank you! I’ve been on a similar diet for some time now, but I have not managed to be completely pain free. I’m going to start the diet you recommended now, and I really hope it helps.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Antara – I hope it helps you too. I hate seeing kids (to me you’re still a kid cuz I’m old lol) suffer with this stuff.

  130. Jane Hall

    STACEY WYKES and TONI… have you ladies ever thought about a website recipe page? There are a lot of people trying to get around the “no fat” way of cooking.

    1. Stacey Wykes

      Hi Jane, yes it’s something I’ve thought about. I think it would bring people some joy back to their lives if they can eat fat free tasty foods. I will look into it or maybe HG can add a section in his website?

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Stacey I was thinking of adding recipe pages (a whole category) if some of you ladies with creative cooking skills will do the actual recipes (write them down) send them to me and I’ll add pics and post them after I check them out lol. I’m a passable camp cook but for delectable table fare I am sorely lacking in skill. I don’t measure anything I just dump and sometimes my dog won’t even eat my stuff. But then she’s a picky eater lol

        1. Stacey Wykes

          Hi HG,

          Sounds like a fantastic idea to me. I will write down all my recipes I have (6 I can think of off the top of my head) and send them through but probably won’t get this done in next few days as I have work, but I’ll def. get them to you before the weekends over. Camp cooking is Yummy! Some of my fav memories are around a camp oven lol

      2. Stacey Wykes

        Hi Jane

        I’d add the nutritional yeast last. Use corn flour to thicken your sauce though if needed. Remember it’s not the exact same as cheese, but it’s quite good. Hope this helps let me know how you go.

        Stacey ?

        1. Jane Hall

          Thanks again Stacey! Yep, I’m a cornstarch (corn flour) girl. 🙂

  131. Heather

    My mom drinks crystal light drinks all day long. She is in the hospital now with an acute attack. What are your thoughts?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Heather sorry to hear about your mom. I checked some Crystal Light drinks (not nearly all) and in those I have checked out I can’t see anything wrong with them. Yet some do contain SOY LECITHIN and lecithin is fat (oil) which is used as an emulsifier in a lot of products. So even though Crystal Light products are supposedly fat free if she drinks a ton of it that may be the problem – maybe, not sure. There are some “fat free products” like cooking sprays that say 0 fat on the label but more than a small squirt actually does contain fat grams. For example Pam organic olive oil spray is supposedly fat free with a 1/5th of a second spray. Do you know how fast 1/5th of a second goes by? So, sometimes “fat free” is very deceiving!

  132. Kimberly

    To the lady that was asking about fat-free cheese Trader Joe’s has a good selection of fat-free Cheese’s. I tried making my own but it’s much easier to buy it.
    To the ladies that are sharing all the recipes have you tried Thai or Indian recipes yet? They are packed with flavor don’t have to be made with oil and they’ve got a lot of beneficial herbs for pancreatitis. Believe it or not they are fairly simple to prepare you’ll be surprised.
    I’ve even started making my own ice cream I mixed fat-free sweetened condensed milk with fat-free evaporated milk put a little vanilla in it or whatever flavoring you prefer it’s absolutely delicious.

    1. Stacey Wykes

      Kimberly, I have some receipes/ideas re international cuisine. If you have recipes ask HG if you can share with us. Icecream sounds yummy!

  133. Kimberly

    PS about the cocoa look for kosher Coco. All other Coco’s are made with gelatin watch your gelatin because it is made with pork fat. You would be surprised how many products have gelatin in it so unless it has the kosher mark on it stay away from gelatin products. I had to learn that the hard way. Hopefully I will spare somebody else the pain that I’ve had to go through.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Kimberly – seriously? I did NOT know that. Thanks I learned something! I checked my cocoa, Hershey’s, says 100% cacao on the front and the ingredients: Cocoa. Nothing else. My Hershey’s Special Dark is pretty much the same except “Cocoa processed with alkali.” Hmmm that should be good for people lmao BUT I see nothing about gelatin under the ingredients. I’m wondering if Hershey’s Cocoa contains gelatin why aren’t they required to put it on the label? (Just thinking out loud) – OK …

      I gotta read about how cocoa is made and check if cocoa is actually made with gelatin and sold to folks like Hershey’s and nobody knows about the gelatin. Dang that would suck! Thanks again Kimberly. I really had no clue!

      1. Kimberly

        I use a Keurig coffee maker I made the mistake of popping in a Mocha Cafe K-cup, big mistake there was gelatin in it. Also I found that some jellies have gelatin in them too so you really have to watch the gelatin. Gelatin is used in a lot of things with thickening agents.
        I work in the food and beverage industry and I have learned so much from my Jewish guests.
        Hershey’s cocoa powder is great. My rule is when in doubt look for the kosher symbol. It will save you a lot of pain. Even marshmallows I love marshmallows! I found the jet puff marshmallow in the jar is gelatin free and fat-free. It also Bears the kosher symbol on it.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hey Kimberly – I do, I sincerely appreciate the info on gelatin because I had forgotten where it came from. So your point is great and well taken! 🙂

          1. Kimberly

            Has anyone tried an air fryer yet? And if so any recommendations would be helpful.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hey Kimberly I have never used one but they look like a cool appliance. Here’s a couple reviews:




            If you notice on the last one the woman says you need to use oil – I’m wondering why? Maybe the machine dries food out. So one would really need to talk with someone who knows and that isn’t me lol

          1. Stacey Wykes

            Hi All,

            There isn’t much talk on here how everyone feels in general? I’m not talking about AP more CP. Obviously if your experiencing AP your very sick indeed but if you have CP how do you feel? The reason I say this is because I feel quite good in the mornings after a big sleep but if I do too much physically, by the afternoon I feel so sore and generally run down and really tired. When it’s bad, it’s like that feeling you have when you get the flu. My body aches all over and you feel so tired. Does anyone else get the same? Or the other thing I’ve noticed I can start feeling really good all day long for a few days then I do too much housework because I think right I’m feeling better now I can make up for lost chores. Then wham I feel really sore and tired again. Just wondering if any of you guys and girls feel the same and if it’s normal?
            Stacey ?

          2. Toni

            I have cp and sphincter of oddi dysfunction
            So I’m always in pain just varying degrees. My daughter has been in the hospital since Thursday with cyclical vomiting syndrome so I’ve been there a lot I’m more tired and in more pain. It’s sad when you miss just having a cranky panky there’s no relief from sod. I’ve done all the procedures and meds so I’m mostly drinking metagenics ultra glucose control but I threw it up at the hospital yesterday. I really wanted to crawl into her bed lol. Hormonal changes can cause flare ups for me as well.

            If I turn back time after first panky attack I ate lean and juiced everyday then a couple years later I’m working and busy with travel etc gluten free tater tots were my undoing and occasional glass of wine because they never told me to….now I have chronic panky

            Oh yeah in that between time I taught weight watchers and exercised crazy. Now I’m just not able to eat much and have to rely on my shakes. I know how to cook healthy I just can’t eat it

            Peace out and be well!

          3. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Toni I am so sorry to hear about your daughter and your illness as well. Ok, I’m gonna jump in where angels fear to tread because …

            “I’m mostly drinking metagenics ultra glucose control but I threw it up at the hospital yesterday.”

            That stuff you are drinking may be the problem because each serving of metagenics ultra glucose control contains 8 grams of fat. The fat comes from sunflower seed oil. That stuff would probably make me sick too. I KNOW it would make me sick if I drank it once a day, every day. Twice a day would probably make me wish I were dead. A dysfunctional SO is highly sensitive to fat – just like a damaged pancreas and you have both. Fat causes the SO to spasm. Take my 2 cents for what it may be worth lol 🙂

          4. Stacey Wykes

            Hi Toni,

            Sorry to hear your affected so much by these 2 medical conditions and it must be hard on you with your daughter also being ill. I don’t blame you for wanting to crawl into the hospital bed yourself. Listen to HG’s advice, because I think for a lot of people, myself included it’s the only things that works. If I listened to my Dr id be eating salmon and beef steaks and still be as sick as a dog. One thing I know for sure is fat and alcohol are my enemies.

            I dont know much about sphincter of oddi but it sounds very tough going. It must be very frustrating for you.

            I am going to see a Natropath soon. I really think they can help especially when medical profession either give up on you or don’t care. They work on the belief given the right tools ie diet and supplements the body can heal itself (in most cases). Have you ever been to one? It’s not that far from HG’s experience with his diet and supplement regime. Just a thought.

            I hope you have a better week. I sure know pain and sickness aren’t much fun but hopefully you can get to a better place health wise soon and tame the cranky panky 🙂


  134. Delece Blake

    Hi, This was very informative. I had my first pancreatic episode in Nov. 2015 at 53 years of age. I have had stomach issues since childhood and saw many doctors with none ever providing a solid explanation for my issues. Princess Pancreas put stomach issues in perspective for me. Stubbornly, months later I have been seeking a physician in my area just for a physical. Through diet trial and error these past few months I’ve come to understand that feeling good is up to me at this point. I have enough normal aging pains to deal with without killing myself via my meals. Tomorrow is a new day for diet and exercise. I will keep you posted on my improvement and success!

  135. Jen

    Hi Health Guy. I read somewhere that calcium intake and hence osteoporosis can be a problem for people with CP due to malabsorption. Do you know anything that would help this. Is juicing a good way of getting the body to absorb calcium?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jen – yep IF one has malabsortion issues from any cause calcium deficiency can result. But that is not the only deficiency.

      One can also become deficient in vitamins A, K, E, D, B12, the other B vitamins, calcium, potassium and more.

      IF the digestive tract or digestive process becomes impaired enough all kinds of nutrients can be lost and one, with extensive disease, could actually starve to death. Now, don’t get all worried about starvation etc.

      THAT is NOT likely to happen.

      But to answer your question you may want to see if you tolerate no fat milk, no fat yogurt and/or no fat cheese. I believe there is also no fat cottage cheese. All of these sources will provide the necessary calcium. The no fat milk is mostlikely the best solution if you tolerate it well because it also contains vitamin D and calcium needs D for absorption.

      Also the max amount of calcium the body can absorb at one time is 500 mgs. So supplements that offer more than that are useless. I’d try the no fat milk and see if you tolerate one or two 8 ounce glasses per day. That with other foods should give you enough calcium. Be sure to choose only safe, low fat, no fat foods.

  136. Jen

    Thank you. This is one scary disease. How can one tel if they have malabsorption issues?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Jen – a doc would be the one who would ultimately decie (diagnose) malabsorption issues but some signs for those who have pancreatitis are digestive discomfort shortly after eating due the need for enzymes, smelly, floating stools (steatorrhea).

  137. Jen

    Thanks. I did have that but the floating stools seem to have improved since I have started a plant based diet. Do you know if malabsorption can improve if I stick to plants or is the malabsorption here to stay?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      I would guess improvement would be based upon the underlying condition that caused it in the first place. If the underlying condition improves it would be reasonable to conclude that the malabsorption issue would improve as well. Yet, that may not be the actual case result.

  138. Karen Wannenburg

    Hi There. I collapsed 2 weeks ago and was rushed to hospital with acute pancreatitis (first time – had no idea). Turns out mine is genetic with a combination of diabetes and high cholesterol. I was in ICU for a week and nearly died. Had a nutritionist meet with me in the hospital and give me a Diabetes Diet to follow. This includes meat, fish, some oils, etc. I have been home for 2 weeks now and feel really good. I unfortunately have a large pseudocyst growing on my pancreas so have to go and have that removed in a few weeks. I’m curious what your thoughts are about my diet since I am feeling so good (still on lots of meds)? I think your page is great btw! Thanks, Karen

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Karen Wannenburg – sorry to hear you have had the pleasure of joining the pancreatitis hall of pain. “I’m curious what your thoughts are about my diet since I am feeling so good (still on lots of meds)?” Frankly, I am AMAZED you feel good on that high fat diet. Especially with a large pseudocyst. I know your diet would make me sick and I’m well lol – BUT here’s the deal …

      I’m not a doctor. You have a challenge I do not have which is Diabetes and high cholesterol(which a high fat diet isn’t gonna help lower). I also think that dieticians know nothing when it comes to pancreatitis (personal opinion). They always put panc patients on diets with way to much fat and tell them it’s ok to eat dangerous foods. But like I said I’m not a doc nor a dietician and you are feeling good, for now, so why rock the boat? I hope you don’t end up worse than you are right now. Heck, I hope you heal up totally and come back and say I’m an idiot! lol 🙂

      1. Karen Wannenburg

        Hi There, Thanks so much for responding! I guess I’m just playing it by ear at the moment. I had all the doctors really puzzled as they have never seen my kind of pancreatitis before. When I checked myself out of hospital they all tried to convince me that I was going to die if I went home, but as soon as I got home I started getting better.
        I honestly feel fabulous at the moment, not like a sick person at all, and just want this cyst out of my body now. I found your site so interesting, especially all the stories from other people. If it’s okay I’m going to keep reading and maybe chirp up now and then with questions, as I find you really insightful. My diet is so low fat compared to what it used to be (even with the red meat, etc.), combined with the meds I’m still on, that might be what is making me feel good. As I said – playing it all by ear and hopefully my unique form allows me to have the odd indulgence. I guess trial and error will tell, but I have promised myself I will NEVER end up in that dark place in intensive care again – not for the fainthearted!
        Thanks again and keep going – I think you’re absolutely wonderful!

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          No problem Karen feel free to “chirp up” anytime with questions. If I know the answer I’ll tell you. If I don’t I’ll tell you that too and if the subject piques my curiousity I’ll probably go looking for the answer. So …

          What type of pancreatitis did they say you were lucky enough to contract? “Turns out mine is genetic with a combination of diabetes and high cholesterol” I’m guessing it’s hereditary blood fats called Familial hypertriglyceridemia or you have hereditary pancreatitis which can (often does) result in diabetes and the uncontrolled diabetes caused high blood fats (which diabetes can do). IF it’s Familial hypertriglyceridemia when those blood fats get high enough (usually 1000+) it does cause acute pancreatitis.

          With a nice sized pseudocyst you obviously suffered a severe acute attack so your damage is most likely fairly extensive. Anyway …

          Does anyone else in your family have a history of pancreatitis or high blood fats? Did they do any genetic testing for mutations in the PRSS1 gene (causes hereditary pancreatitis)?

          P.S. Thanks for the kind words 🙂

  139. Karen Wannenburg

    Hey There,
    I honestly don’t know (I don’t think the doctors do). I had type 2 diabetes from my dad’s side of the family, and high cholesterol from my mom’s. I am now type 1 and am injecting insulin twice a day. My whole system was completely out of whack – they tested my cholesterol 3 times because they thought it was a mistake being as high as it was (highest they’ve ever recorded), my triglycerides were off the charts, my sugar was very high, my sodium was very low and I now suffer from hypertension with my bp not dropping below 200 over about 120 the entire time I was in hospital.
    I put my hand up to not looking after my diabetes and being really irresponsible with it, but the doctors claim it played a small role in the actual pancreatitis. I don’t think the amount of fatty foods and junk I was eating helped matters much though.
    I’ve asked everybody in the family, and nobody has ever had pancreatitis before. Is chronic pancreatitis where it just keeps coming back? Can I have this one bout of acute pancreatitis, change my lifestyle and hopefully never have another one? Staring death in the face was not a fun experience!
    Thanks much, Karen

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Karen – Let me answer your questions and remember I’m not a doctor, I can’t prescribe treatment, I can ONLY share what I have found works …

      1) “Is chronic pancreatitis where it just keeps coming back?”
      Chronic pancreatitis most often happens due to damage. And in your case since you had a severe acute attack which has led to a large pseudocyst you will most likely develope it. That isn’t a 100% surety but if you didn’t I’d be so amazed I’d probably have to chalk you up as an anomaly! The good news is this …

      Even though there is no cure for CP (chronic pancreatitis) there is, I believe, what can be termed “remission.” This remission or reversal can ONLY happen when things are done right. And IF things are done right that large pseudocyst may resolve by itself (MAY resolve – not guaranteed – you may have to have it drained). This resolution of the pseudocyst and “remission” of CP could or will only happen if the inflammation is totally eliminated. Total elimination takes work and a strict, almost anal adherence, to a regimen of both a low, low fat diet devoid of “trigger” foods (red meat, pork anything HIGH fat), anti-inflammatories (Ibuprofen) and certain supplements (read all about supplements). Resolving the inflammation and keeping it resolved is an absolute necessity.

      2) “Can I have this one bout of acute pancreatitis, change my lifestyle and hopefully never have another one?”
      I can’t guarantee anything but the goal is to ONE (1) never have another acute attack, two (2) resolve the inflammation, three (3) heal your pancreas four, (4) keep CP from occurring if possible or at bay and in your case five (5) eliminate the pseudocyst.

      IF it were me I’d go to the nearest health store a buy some supplements. The following three (3) supplements are imperative. They also need to be “stand alone” formulas, formulas with ONLY the ONE ingredient WITHOUT extra stuff that could be toxic in large doses.

      1) Grape seed extract. This is the work horse anti-inflammatory. This is the ONLY product that can have another ingredient(s) with it and that ONLY other ingredient is vitamin C or another compound called pycnogenol (french maritime pine bark extract). IF you can find grape seed extract coupled with pycnognol (pine bark extract) that is the premo formula but it is hard to find and very expensive compared to pure grape seed extract. Pure grape seed extract gets the job done for a lot less money.

      I’d start with 100 mgs of grape seed 2x daily and work up (weekly) to 4 times daily and then I’d DOUBLE the doses to 200 mgs 4 x daily. If I needed more I’d simply increase dosage until I felt GOOD results.

      2) Vitamin C. Vit C is highly anti-inflammatory and helps grape seed extract do its job better. I’d start at 1000 mgs 2 x daily and work up (weekly) to 4 – 5 times daily.

      3) Curcumin. Curcumin comes from the Indian spice turmeric. It is highly anti-inflammatory and is as powerful as prescription anti-inflammatories in large doses. BUT too much curcumin can cause stomach issues (nausea and vomiting). So stick with a lower dose (400 – 500 mgs) 3 x maybe 4 x daily.

      These three supplements SHOULD help you heal but …

      Diet is extremely important.

      I know you said you are feeling great with what you are currently eating but you also said you are on a lot of drugs (pain meds?). I’m wondering how you’d feel without those drugs? IF it were me I’d take some different steps in regards to diet. Being insulin dependant it would NOT be wise for you to fast. So some steps need to be skipped and improvisations implemented. I’d simply get rid of all “trigger” foods and high fat no-nos. You can read more about a proper, low fat pancreatitis diet in this category.

      As ALWAYS what you personally do Karen is your decision. I hope you are soon well, fully recovered and in good health. 🙂

  140. Karen Wannenburg

    What fantastic advice – thank you so much! I’m going to go and get those supplements asap!
    I have to have the pseudocyst removed in about 3 weeks, but my ultrasound earlier this week showed that aside from the cyst my pancreas is 100% back to normal – I might just be that anomaly (yes please!). I also stopped taking the pain meds within 2 days of being home – hate the way they make me feel, and I am now completely pain free. Considering I was near death in intensive care 2 weeks ago I think I’m doing pretty well. The doctors are all quite flummoxed by me! The only meds I’m on are to lower my cholesterol and something specifically aimed at my pancreas (and of course my insulin). I certainly feel very, very lucky – both to be alive and to have healed so quickly.
    I am definitely going to include those supplements into my everyday routine from now on – you seriously rock, thank you again!!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Thank you Karen – now my hat doesn’t fit lol anyway I’m glad you are getting your cyst drained or removed. They can become infected. And you are an amazing anomaly! I can’t think of another soul who has a pseudocyst that doesn’t have pain. And there have been many that cruise this blog or my FB sites. All I can say is that the good Lord is sure taking care of you. 🙂 You should join the forums and keep everyone posted as to your progress. You can register here. Then check your email and activate your account by clicking the activation link. You can then login, set up your profile with pics, create topics you want to talk about, make friends (friend people), communicate via private message, and more.

      1. Karen Wannenburg

        Hi Health Guy – sorry to be a pain, but I’ve tried to register and have requested the activation email numerous times and it just isn’t being sent. Is there another way? Thanks so much – Karen

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hey Karen – no problem. I activated you – I THINK – lol try setting up your profile and let me know if things work. No I wonder if others are having the same problems.

          1. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG,

            Follow up from specialist appointment. She doesn’t think I have Pancreatitis (she admits though that I have gall stones but she says they’re not blocking anything) she thinks my stomach is having trouble emptying and is producing too much stomach acid. She asked me to take metoclopramide 10 mg. 1 tablet 20/30 minutes before each meal. She can’t explain the back pain and why I can’t stomach fat without experiencing nausea and pain. She said if not better in 2 weeks to take 2 tablets instead of 1 before each meal. If I’m not better in 6/8 weeks we will talk about removing my gall bladder. I told her my concerns about my massive weight loss I’m now only 114 pounds – I was 164 pounds and the fact i can’t handle any fat. Do you think if this is my gall bladder could I have a mild case of pancreatitis and could it be from the gallbladder? And therefore should I be pushing for my gall bladder to be taken out if it’s potentially causing the pancreatitis. I don’t want to end up with CP. I’m feeling confused and like this is all over my head. But I want to be proactive in my treatment. Please help HG.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Stacey – were you originally diagnosed with pancreatitis (I’m sorry I don’t remember)? Just because stones are not stuck somewhere now (common bile duct for example) doesn’t mean they weren’t when you had the illness. Gallstones are a common cause of acute pancreatitis. They pass from the GB and get stuck in the common bile duct or pancreatic duct or both and cause AP.

            Gallbladder issues, like pancreatitis, are made worse with a diet high in fat. Sometimes it doesn’t even take that much fat. I have a step sister who had a proorly functioning GB and almost anything with fat made her ill. She had it removed and has been well ever since. They never saw or found stones in her GB or ducts. Her GB just didn’t work properly and became inflamed easily. By the way inflammation of the gallbladder, Cholecystitis, can be very painful and sometimes become life threatening. I’m not saying you have Cholecystitis or gallbladder issues. I’m just relaying information. Yet, let’s face it … if she (specialist) SAW gallstones I’d certainly have to think that would be the logical reasons for whatever symptoms you have. I have this picture of a person hitting their head on a wall for some reason. I’ve never understood the reasoning behind trying to slam a square peg into a round hole when the round peg fits so nicely. Doctors are such weird little things. lol 🙂

          3. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG,

            Yes you nailed it… Butting my head very hard against that wall. I’m sure you know & understand the “Frustration” of being very unwell for an extended period and still they (Drs) haven’t figured it out.

            My story goes like this. Became generally unwell and tender tummy back in February this year with some back pain. Went to my Dr he said I could have ulcer or pancreatitis so he put me on pantoprazole and ran blood tests on my amylase and lipase levels both were fine. Did an ultrasound on my pancreas and gallbladder and both showed no inflammation. No gallstones at this point. After 1 week I was feeling great again. After 1 month on the pantoprazole I then ceased the tablets, as my Dr asked me to. Result, I got very unwell again and ended up at the local hospitals ER. 4 day stay, nil by mouth, symptoms improved and was able to get me eating again, so I was sent home. 2 weeks later still not great but then got very unwell again, but didn’t go to ER tried to get myself through it. At this point I was still eating “good fats” like salmon daily. Around this time I found your website (as my Dr had mentioned I might have pancreatitis) so I decided to try no fat (obviously I wasnt drinking alcohol anyway) and it did seem to help my situation with nauseas and pain. Continued to be very unwell for about 8 weeks. Since then I’ve continued very low fat diet, still on the pantoprazole, taking vit c and grape seed extract. Also my GP ordered a second ultrasound 3 weeks ago and it now showed gallstones present and sludge in the gallbladder.

            These are the things I know.
            When I lay on my right side it hurts. Do you think that sounds like GB? Would I get pain lying on my right side from pancreatitis?
            I know when I eat fat I feel very nauseas.
            I have pain daily.

            Back when I was very sick my symptoms were nausea, pain in the stomach and back, racing pulse. After I was discharged from hospital I went back for endoscopy which showed inflammation to the stomach, but no ulcers. Diagnosis was Gastritis. I haven’t read anywhere gastritis causes inability to eat fat though in diet. Don’t know I could be wrong.

            I just want to know what’s wrong with me. If it’s pancreatitis or gallbladder or gastritis. Thinking I’ll push for gallbladder removal that way if I get better I’ll know that’s what it is. I’ll be closer to finding out if it’s a square peg or a round one.

            Sorry for long post HG


          4. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Stacey – You asked: “When I lay on my right side it hurts. Do you think that sounds like GB? Would I get pain lying on my right side from pancreatitis?
            I know when I eat fat I feel very nauseas.
            I have pain daily.”

            Could be either one. You may have had mild acute pancreatitis when “Back when I was very sick my symptoms were nausea, pain in the stomach and back, racing pulse.” Gastritis can be severe but whether it is as severe as even a mild AP attack I do NOT know, but, I highly doubt it. I’d still vote for gallstones (which can definitely cause pancreatitis). Possibly SOD (sphincter of oddi dysfunction) which can also cause AP.

            Hope you feel better soon 🙂

          5. Stacey Wykes

            Thank you HG for your thoughts it means a lot that you are so knowledgeable and not living in denial like Drs. Because my blood levels were all in the “normal” (I’m going to ask my Dr for the no’s as nobody has actually told me what they were) range and my scans of my pancreas were okay Drs will not consider pancreatitis at all. In the meantime they’re not saying it’s my gall bladder either despite evidence of gallstones. I did wonder about SOD especially as curcumin seems to do something weird. It definitely helps with inflammation but I also feel it ramps up stomach acid because my stomach feels more acidic when I take it.

            Two more questions if I may then I’ll leave you alone. Would drugs that reduce stomach acid have a big impact on pancreatitis? Because when I try to stop taking the pantoprazole my symptoms get much worse. And secondly does pancreatitis causes gastritis?

            Sorry to pick your brains so much.

            Stacey ?

          6. The Health Guy Post author

            Hey Stacey – PPIs (panttoprazole is one) seem to have a pancreatic anti-secretory effect which means they evidently help reduce the secretion o enzymes. Now one would THINK this may be beneficial for panc patients but according to this small study the results were anything to write home about. Yet doctors often prrescribe PPIs to panc patients so there must be some reason that I am not aware of? I certainly hope there is a good one because PPIs have been shown to actually cause AP. This scholar article also states that PPIs (page 80-81 bottom right paragraph) are almost worthless for AP. I guess what I’m saying is MAYBE you have another issue that the PPI is addressing or I simply have not found the knowledge necessary to answer your question regarding why the PPI helps your symptoms IF you do have pancreatic involvement.

            I’m batting 1000 here – I have no clue whether or not pancreatitis causes gastritis. I know that gastritis makes one nauseous and puke and pncreatitis does the same so who knows?

          7. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG,
            Once again thank you for the info. I do appreciate that you try and find valid information to pass on.
            I don’t know what to do to be perfectly honest. I guess all I can really do is talk to my GP and my specialist and try to manage my symptoms. Not sure if they will recommend the removal of my gallbladder and whether this wouldn’t cause more problems down the track i don’t know. But I do know your diet recommendations and supplements are helping, so that and a few prayers to the heavens, will get me through this. Just feel like I’m running around in circles a lot of the time.
            Thank you again.

          8. Stacey Wykes

            You’ve been a big help and your support is very kind.

          9. The Health Guy Post author

            Thanks Stacey 🙂 Say can you post your Mushroom Risotto recipe in the forums? There is a forum now for panc recepies 🙂

          10. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG
            Yes sorry I did the Mushroom rissotto recipe from my iPhone. I’ll jump on the laptop tonight. Is it posted at the moment or do I need to retype it all ?

  141. Danielle

    Hi this was a really interesting read thank you. I am in hospital currently with acute appendicitis (first time) but have been getting the pain on and off for over a year before this big attack. MRI said not chronic pancreatitis and doc says may never happen again. Been advised low fat diet also. They said i need some fat cheese etc but I’m worried to eat ANY fat if that might happen again. Is it chronic pancreatitis that you would need to cut pretty much all fat out or should I do that anyway? I dont eat meat already. Had gallbladder out 3 years ago and problems on and off since. Thank you for the info.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Danielle – First I’m guessing “acute appendicitis” was meant as acute pancreatitis otherwise they should have removed your appendix and you should be fine soon 🙂

      I’d want to know why I had an acute pancreatitis attack. There is always a reason. The pancreas doesn’t wake up one morning saying “Gee, I feel like making trouble for Danielle so I’m gonna make her sick.” There is ALWAYS a reason. The most common are gallstones and alcohol (those with a genetic mutation in the p.N34S in SPINK1). Genetic mutations seem to predispose people to acute pancreatitis. Thus one doesn’t NEED to be an acoholic to actually have alcoholic pancreatitis. I am NOT saying you have alcoholic pancreatitis. I am saying there is ALWAYS a reason for acute pancreatitis and a genetic mutation is one of them. Then …

      There is the fact you are female, have had gallbladder issues AND have had your gallbladder removed. That gives you all three (3) criteria for POSSIBLE sphincter of oddi dysfunction which can and does cause acute pancreatitis. I am NOT saying you have that either. I’m not a doctor and can’t diagnose. I’m just “thowing out” thoughts and ideas. There are medications that cause AP. There are autoimmune diseases that cause AP. There are various other potential reasons for your acute attack – BUT – Again …

      The point is I’d want to KNOW why I had an acute attack so that every step could be taken to help ensure I never had another one. I do NOT believe in “Idiopathic” pancreatitis. That is simply a term used by those who do NOT know and do NOT want to pursue the real reason for the disease. AND by not finding the REAL cause potentially leaves the patient (me, you, anybody) in a situation that may lead to another acute attack. Anyway …

      Knowing what I now know, IF I were you I’d go low, low fat, modified vegan (no fat, no meat, no oil) for a month or two in order to let my pancreas completely heal. IF your docs can find no apparent reason (underlying condition) for the attack and you feel GOOD again, then you could start adding back normal foods watching carefully to see what happens.

      I’m sorry you are ill and hope you are soon well and never have another problem 🙂

      1. Danielle

        Ooops yes. I meant pancreatitis. I had my appendix out three weeks ago too.. it’s been a long old month! That’s really interesting – sphincter of oddi was thrown into conversation a few months back – consultant wanted to exhaust.other avenues first as the procedure to diagnose it can cause pancreatitis. … ironic! he then decided after finding excessive bile in my stomach that band or.adhesions may be causing blockage (which is when appendix got taken away too) and that if none were found (adhesions were found but not causing restriction) IBS was to be the diagnosis. No more mention of sphincter at all. The hospital here though did say that no gallstones were found in bile duct but there could have been stone(s) there and they passed and have caused pancreatitis? I assume that would mean though they had been sitting there for the past year and have just now moved and caused this. The pain was relentless rather than short bursts ever day or two so could that be plausible? My bloods are all now coming.back fine and they say my pancreas has no damage from MRCP results. I am calling my consultant tomorrow who doesn’t know I’ve been here yet to go and meet with him. I’m not accepting IBS for this. Should I consider the test for sphincter possibly or knowing you have it won’t change anything and not risk pancreatitis again. I’m scared either way and I just want to get back to being a mum who doesn’t collapse crying on the floor at any given moment ? thanks so much for any advice its nice to hear from someone who knows how it feels not just how it reads. Ps I don’t drink or smoke. Am veg but will swap to vegan quite happily to never have this pain again. Out of interest. Is the sphincter of oddi thing something that responds to free fromfat diet or Is it somerhing that would require surgical intervention if you did have a diagnosis of it?

        Thank you again truly for responding.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Wow Danielle – it does sound like you have had a very long month. And yes diagnosing sod can cause acute pancreatitis. So can the surgical treatment (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with manometry and sphincterotomy), in fact it can cause death.

          Yes, gallstones can pass, get stuck, cause problems (pancreatitis), get unstuck and then go on their merry way out the common bile duct and into the small intestine and through the tunnel and out the shute and so never show up on scans. You said “My bloods are all now coming.back fine” were the enzyme levels (amylase and lipase) elevated earlier indicating pancreatitis or is this the first blood work?

          SOD will often respond to a low fat diet (from what I have read). I imagine heavy doses of grape seed extract and vitamin C would help as well. By the way IF you have SOD (not saying you do) opiods (morphine, etc) used for pain can cause the spincter of oddi to spasm.

          I can’t tell you what to do inregards to SOD testing. It is dangerous. Knowing what little I know I probaly wouldn’t have it done but that’s me, not you. You have to do what you think is right for you. BUT before I did anything involving any type of invasive treatment I’d thoroughly research it and learn everything I could before making a decision one way or another. If I didn’t answer all the questions or you have more just ask.

          1. Danielle

            Yes when I was admitted they took bloods on arrival and enzyme levels elevated, i dont know what they were, i was shocked they werent going to send me home with antacids and eave me out the door!. They just said pancreatitis there and then and kept me in.

            I had morphine 10mg in the ambulance and it took everything away..lucky me! From what I can make out (either extreme tiredness or drug concoction is making me a bit slow!) those results came down quickly and are back to normal. I had blood taken from the artery to check for (I think) severity and was not severe ap. I have had blood taken every day since checking for a host of things I can’t remember. I really don’t want to have any more procedures carried out at all. I will stick to low fat and speak to my consultant armed with a lot more information and feeling a lot more determined! Thank you ☺

          2. Karen Wannenburg

            Oo – ow – arterial blood samples are the worst! I had to have them every morning, they call them “blood gas levels” and there was only one nurse who could actually get the artery in my wrist each time. Needless to say I soon refused any of the others to take and wait for that nurse!
            You are so lucky the morphine worked for you. After 3 days on it I begged them to take me off it. The hallucinations were so horrific I was happier with the pain. Even after they stopped giving it to me it took about 2 days for me to stop feeling the effects.

  142. Danielle

    Ow I know Karen… They spent ages poking around before giving up and trying again in an hour. I’d never even heard of having blood taken from artery… just as well I was oblivious. Next attempt was straight in though ? I had a bad reaction to one of the anti sickness drugs but.. touch wood… I can tolerate other drugs. Heres hoping I won’t need them again. Have been refered to a bilary specialist to discuss a possible endoscopic ultrasound. In the mean time I’m scrutinizing every bit of food for any signs of day!! I didnt say before I was previoulsy diagnosed with bile acid malabsorption. Is this of any significance. I cant get my head around what that actually is?

  143. kr820

    Glad to have found this site. I am just now embarking on the pancreatic “thing”. Ran my own bloodwork because doctors failed to bother. After a year of left-central chest pain that worsened after fatty foods, 5 minutes of googling encouraged me to run Pancreas tests on my own. Found my Lipase to be pushing 90 (high) and my Amylase just at the top of the range. Fortunately CA 19-9 is very low (4). I have an appointment with an out-of-network pancreas expert because the waiting period to see a Gastro in network is 3 months (un-freaking-believable). And I have the expensive PPO plan too.

    I wanted to comment – its no surprise to me that you also have Celiac. I do as well. Came literally out of nowhere after a new CMV infection as an adult (40 yrs old). I was very sick for about 6-8 months before my CMV infection numbers went down to normal . Now I’m left with tons of gastrointestinal problems, celiac, food intolerances, mushy stool 100% of the time, an eGFR that tanked from 115 to 71 during that 8 month period. And now this aching, stabbing pain that radiates from my left side (under my pectoral) toward the center of my chest. It never seems to radiate to my back however.

    Endoscopy revealed a tiny (size of a BB) stomach erosion and I assumed the pain was from that. But noticing my stool changes, I realized something was not being excreted into my intestines to digest my food properly anymore. That got me thinking about the pancreas. One of the few organs I know nothing about.

    In any case I wanted to comment that you having Celiac seems relevant for some reason. Its clear there’s something more generalized going on in both of us. Maybe its autoimmunity. I have generalized inflammatory reactions that go on throughout my body in a migrating pattern. Random sh*t from tendonitis in my fingers one month, to skin manifestations another month, to GERD for another 6 weeks, to muscle twitching all over, etc etc. It just seems to migrate around the body and annoy every doctor I talk to. Quitting the gluten took care of 90% of my issues, but I have had a VERY high fat diet the last few years (believing it to be good for you).

    I am convinced that my pancrease is clogged for some reason. I guess next step is to ask for an ultrasound / X ray? Im not doing an abdominal CT if I don’t need it.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi kr820 – ya celiac disease is systemic and will actually attack other organs not just the small intestines. It can have childhood onset or adult onset (usually middle age and often follows a trama of some sort and CMV would likely qualify). Unfortunately even though celiac disease can be latent it isn’t harmless. And all the while it is asymptomatic it is still reeking havoc possibly causing symptoms that are not picked up on the average docs radar. Celiac disease can cause neurologic, reproductive and organ damage yet never show classic symptoms. It can also manifest as pancreatitis. Anyway, a lipase level of 90 doesn’t necessarily point to pancreatitis. In fact celiac disease (section 2) can raise lipase levels. It can also cause liver enzymes AST and ALT to elevate (when it attacks the liver). Now …

      I am NOT saying that a lipase elevation of 90 does NOT mean your pancreas isn’t involved because there have been instances of acute pancreatitis without lipase elevation at all or low elevations and yet the patient was suffering severe acute pancreatitis. However, trust me, you would be so sick there would be no doubt you needed help. I’m serious. IF you ever have acute pancreatitis you’ll know. I’m no pussy and it’s the most horrible pain I’ve ever encountered. I’ve had a Marine brother who was shot and said he’d rather be shot again than have another acute attack. I’ve had women say they’d rather have 4 kids in a row than go through another attack. IF you are that ill I’d suggest an ER visit.

  144. kr820

    I wanted to edit my first post to add this, but its pending moderation so I just wanted to add: Jane above asks about bone broth from a chicken. This is almost 100% liquid fat. That’s the entire purpose of it actually. I have been hearing for along time that bone broth is great for people with Celiac, to heal the Gut. So I finally made my own last month. Aside from the 1 inch layer of animal fat that coagulates on the top, the entire crock pot was full of tendons and other fatty animal material. I honestly think broth is the absolute worst thing a person with pancreatitis could put in their body – but I am interested in being corrected. In fact, before I even knew I had pancreas issues, I was drinking the stuff and just grossed out by how coagulated and fatty it is. I know the tendons are supposed to be good for you (collagen, etc) but isn’t that pure fat?

    1. Jane Hall

      Hi kr820, Jane here. When I make my chicken broth, I use 2 whole organic chickens stuffed with herbs. Then there is also the onion, carrots and such that go into the water that just about totally covers the chicken. I make it in a slow cooker overnight, remove the meat from the bones, snap the bones and everything (except the meat {and that yucky skin}) goes back in to slow cook for another 12 hours or so. I also add some veggie and chicken no-fat stock. Afterwards, I put everything through a very fine sieve to drain, leaving only the liquid. I put it into a fridge for a day and then just take all the fat off the top. This is the bone broth that I like and also use to cook with. Hope that helps you.

  145. Danielle

    Thanks very much. Your site is really very useful. I’ve adopted a very low fat diet, alcohol and smoking were out already, and touch wood it’s early days… but I had been getting pains nearly every day before the ones that put me in hosp with AP… So far I have not experienced any pains ☺ I’m sticking low fat until I know a definite cause for it but I’ll almost certainly stick to this diet regardless. Having cut out caffeine I actually have more energy now! Baby steps. Thank you for your honest and to the point articles. I wish everyone speedy recoveries and / or pain free days x

  146. Autumn Boston

    This is my second stay in the hospital in 3 months for acute pancreatitis. Your article was very informative. I will give those supplements a try. And even the vegan diet.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Autumn – sorry to hear you have joined the club (the pancreatitis hall of pain). Do they know WHY you have had a recurrent attack? I’d be holding their feet to the fire to find out.

  147. Karen Wannenburg

    Hi Health Guy. Went and saw the surgeon yesterday and he says my cyst is actually quite small, and even though is causing a bit of discomfort now, he thinks there is a good chance my body will absorb it. Best news I’ve had in weeks!! I went to the health store and stocked up on Grape Seed Extract, Vitamin C and Curcumin, all of which I have just taken for the first time. Am feeling really positive that this is going to work – thanks again for the awesome advice!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hey Karen THAT IS awesome news! I would certainly rather let a cyst disappear by itself than have surgury. So let’s hope that is exactly what happens! If you watch your diet, avoid alcohol like the plague and take those supplements I bet you’ll see some great results. You’re welcome to any info I have. Make it (healing) happen 🙂

  148. Loren

    My gi doc tells me my ap was caused by sluggs in the gaul blatter , when the pancreas swelling goes down they can remove the gallbladder and I can eat anything I want.
    What say you?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Loren – Your doc is most likely correct. If he/she saw sludge via scans that was likely the cause or stones that had already passed and no longer showed because they had passed. Either way if this was your first attack and it was mild and no serious damage shows you could very well heal up have your GB removed (get rid of future stone/sludge cause) and never have anothe problem I would certainly hope for that! 🙂

  149. Loren

    my atack was in March of this year, as you have suggested I have stayed oun a low fat diet, however I’ve lost 25 lbs since. Can’t figure how to gain some of it back . From 175 to 150 , I really miss bar ribs and Mex food.but I’m not going to spend any more time in the hospital.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Loren – all i can suggest is to eat as much safe protein as you can tolerate (beans, lentils, peas, egg whites, white meat fish). It is difficult to keep weight up when on a low fat diet.

  150. Dave Mallett

    I just got out out of the hospital for a 12 day stay with Pancreatitis where my lipase levels were above 15,000.
    They confirmed I have a large tumor on my pancreas that thankfully isn’t cancerous.
    While I wait as my insurance is making me jump through hoops to get the surgery to remove the tumor I have been discharged to home and am now having a difficult time findng things to eat.
    I’m already malnourished and have electrolyte and fluid disorder.I have never been a “Vegan” or “Organic” believer or practicer because to be honest I like Meat. Ive never enjoyed any kind of seafood or fish. My diet prior to this most recent episode was admittedly atrocious by many standards. Pizza and fast food. No alcohol. Very little dairy (mostly in cheese form).

    I’m still getting the ache from my pancreas and what foods I have eaten. Mostly pedialyte and ice pops and jello. But I can’t survive like this.

    Is there any advice anyone could give me until I’m able to have my surgery? I can’t really cook at all so my options are limited. I’m willing to try and cook but i would be lying if i said i knew my way around a kitchen.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Dave – It sounds like you’ve been having some rough road. It also sounds like you may have more ahead. I don’t know what advice you are seeking. A damaged pancreas usually does not like high fat foods (pizza, fast food), it doesn’t like red meat (beef, lamb, sheep, goat, moose, elk, deer, antilope or any other red mystery meat), pork, duck, goose nor high fat foods such as oil, mayo, butter, margarine, nuts, seeds, chips, dips, gravies, greasy/oily foods, etc. So, avoiding those types of foods is prudent unless you want more pain and suffering. Learning how to cook will be a huge benefit to you otherwise you are at the mercy of whomever prepares your food and trust me that is not a good thing. Now …

      Once you have your surgery, that benign tumor is excised and you heal up you may be one of the lucky few who are able to resume a normal diet. Yet, you may want to prepare for the worst scenario (not being able to eat normally again) while hoping for the best. This blog contains most of the info you need in regards to diet (what to eat, what not to eat). All you need to do is read, learn and implement. Keep us posted on your progress. If you have specific questions feel free to ask.

      1. Dave Mallett

        Thank you for your insight! Once I have the surgery I will give an update on my condition. Currently I’m back in the hospital on TPN because I had lost so much weight. My body couldn’t tolerate clear liquids, ice pops, jello or even babyfood so the nutritionist told me to go back to the ER because there was nothing that could be done.
        The ONLY thing my body even somewhat tolerated was frozen whipped banana’s. They melted in my mouth and cause little to no digestion pain as well as gave me some of the potassium I so desperstely needed.
        I read your blog and tried to use that as a basis to form my diet but ultimately my condition was too severe.
        I have my fingers crossed that the surgery will rectify the pancreas problems that have plagued me for years and that my appetite and eating tolerance will improve.
        Thank you for your support on this troublesome time!

  151. Karen Wannenburg

    Hey HG – quick question for you. I just reread this page and I see you mention how good grapefruit juice is. Like a glass a day good? I am taking all my supplements and still feeling so much better, and am going for another ultrasound and to see the docs on Tuesday. I’m not sure if grapefruit juice is good with my diabetes, but am going to find out. The thought of an ice cold glass is actually incredibly appealing!
    Keep well, Karen

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Karen – IF I remember correctly you are on narcotics. BEFORE you drink grapefruit juice ask your doc! Call your pharmacist too. Grapefruit juice can cause REAL BAD adverse reactions when mixed with certain drugs. I drank (still do) a lot of it. I go through 32 – 64 ounces a day. It is amazing stuff for the pancreas IF it is safe for you to drink. DO NOT drink it without checking with your doc if you are on meds!

      1. Karen Wannenburg

        thanks for the response – a question to add to my list for Tuesday! Have an awesome weekend

  152. Karen Wannenburg

    So I went for my ultrasound and doctors’ visits today, and my pseudocyst is almost gone, and everything is looking fantastic! I’m going to keep up with the supplements – thanks again for the awesome recommendation. It was the good news I’ve been needing to hear – no surgery and am feeling fantastic!! Thanks HG!!

  153. Ruby

    Great site. Very down to earth waiting for surgeon to give me a date for op on my “tiny tumour” within my pancreas. I’m doing the juicing and following diet you suggest for pancreatitis. Wish me luck.

  154. Edith Cox

    Hi I had gastric bypass and suffer from chronic pancreatitis. I drink protein shakes using unsweetened almond milk. Is that ok?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Edith – I don’t drink it. It usually contains too much fat but if yours doesn’t and it is not causing issues then maybe it’s fine. IF you are still sick you may want to stop it and see if you begin to feel better. That will tell you whether you should or should not drink it.

  155. Maria

    Andrew : Is funny that you are complaining about the HG info. and yet, still you are reading this site information…….I am comfortable reading and listen HG ! it works for me indeed!

      1. Stacey Wykes

        Well it’s understandable most people would be angry. Prob good to delete and keep the website a happy positive place 🙂

          1. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG

            So it’s officially not my gallbladder. What other health problems can cause extreme nausea and pain in the stomach & back, plus racing pulse, chills, feeling like death basically, dehydration, black stools which indicates internal bleeding.

            Any thoughts?

            Stacey. ?

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Stacey – WHO said it isn’t your gallbladder? Let me quote “Well I had my Hida scan last Wednesday (in a machine for 2.5 hours whilst pictures were taken) the Nurse and technician performing the test said my gall bladder is inflamed and I have sludge.” Ok they aren’t doctors but if they perform that test often they likely know how to read what they see so my question is: How can the gallbladder be inflamed with visual sludge and the gallbladder not be involved? Sounds to me like you were passing gallstones, maybe even had acute pancreatitis (except you said blood levels were normal), maybe SOD, But stones passing could have scraped the common bile duct or cut the SO on expulsion and caused a little bleeding (I’m GUESSING here). I’m sorry I don’t remember – when you were sickest did you go to the ER? Did they draw blood and check enzymes then?

          3. Stacey Wykes

            I was sickest back in March went to ER they ran blood tests and my lipase and amylase levels were normal (maybe I can try and find out exactly what it was to be normal) I ended up in hospital for 5 days nil by mouth. Went home was eating salmon and chicken relapsed had another major attack of incredible pain and nausea. Didn’t go to ER had by this time realized hospital staff didn’t have a clue.

            The new GP I went to who ordered the tests said Hida scan was normal. He’s only sent me an email at this stage (I’ll try get an appointment to find out more info). But I don’t see how sludge can be normal? Especially when the person performing the test said it didn’t look good to him. Ggrrhhh these medical people are so frustrating at times!!! I bet if they were the ones in pain, unable to eat most food because of nausea, they’d be wanting to get a definitive answer. I really feel I had an acute pancreatitis attack because I had all the symptoms bar the elevated enzymes. If I eat fat I get nauseas straight after. I wouldn’t even dare touch alcohol.

          4. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Stacey – my first question is how long had you been symptomatic when they drew blood to test enzyme elevations? It usually takes 4 hours into an attack for lipase to elevate and 2 hours for amylase. So, if you had only been symptomatic for a couple hours it is entirely possible the elevations had not occurred yet. Did they do a CT scan or any scan while in the ER? One case study proves it is entirely possible (not common) to have acute pancreatitis without an elevation of lipase. Read the first paragraph. Read the case study and you’ll note they also killed the guy with treatment.

            They must have suspected AP or they wouldn’t have kept you in the hospital 5 days NPO. Someone may have actually been thinking “if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, smells like a duck and looks like a duck” that it just might be a duck. Did they redraw blood at anytime during those 5 days? It sound incredibly suspicious to me. What you have acts like pancreatitis.

          5. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG
            I had 3 blood tests in hospital all normal levels of Lipase/amylase & 2 or 3 blood tests done by my GP when I was symptomatic.

          6. The Health Guy Post author

            Stacey – I do NOT know what to tell you. It could be gallbladder issues only and be thankful if that is all it is cuz you could have that sucker taken out (before real damage is done) and never have another issue. It could also be SOD in which case you may have rough road for a long time or at least off and on. I wish I could be more help but I simply do not have any more ideas or thoughts except do what it takes to find out what the problem actually is (weigh the benfits vs cons when making your decision).

          7. Kimberly

            Stacy and HG, I just got back from a hospital stay. It was the worst attack ever. It started about 3 p.m. last Sunday. I took my supplements and ibuprofen, as recommended by you, drank my grapefruit juice. At about 6 p.m. I was begging to go to the ER it was that bad. While I was there they ran a CAT scan with contrast and they also had me drink a clear drink that was the most horrible thing I’ve ever had, and got deathly ill from later. They said I had an upper intestinal blockage. And reserved a room for me gave me an NG Tube. They ran blood tests two to three times a day. My levels stayed in the norm. when I was released the doctor told me that I did not have pancreatitis I had surgical scar tissue around my upper intestines that was causing the blockage. I have already had my gallbladder out so that’s out of the question. They did a cat-scan of my liver and pancreas and they said it looks beautiful there’s no scar tissues no cysts nothing. Could a blockage cause a false pancreatitis attack? My March visit my levels were above 10000. I’m still going to stick to the diet and supplements they’re working for me. I also want to thank you again for all the beautiful work you do and the selflessness you put into your site. You have been a true blessing to many.

          8. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Kimberly – geeez sounds like you had a rough time. No fun. “They said I had an upper intestinal blockage” that may be why the Ibuprofen and supplements didn’t help. I doubt that cocktail does anything for a blockage. And I have read where they can be extremely painful. Sounds like a seperate incident (enzyme levels high in March but nothing this time) that wasn’t at all fun. I hope you are well and happy soon 🙂

          9. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG,

            I just am at a loss as to what’s happening to me and if the expert Drs don’t know then it’s going to be a battle ahead for me. All I know is if I eat fat I feel pain and nauseas.

            I can only hope and pray it’s my gall bladder and I will be really pushing my specialist Dr in a months time to see if she can explain how it could be gastritis and be fat related?

            I can’t tell you enough how much I’ve appreciated your time, thoughts and ideas. If it weren’t for you, I don’t know what state I’d be in. I will take your advice and do what it takes and I will weigh up all pros and cons.

            Thank you again.


          10. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Stacey – yep it could be all GB related. The gallbladder can make for some unpleasant days and nights. My step sister got to where she couldn’t eat much of anything without getting sick and so she had it removed and has been fine ever since. I don’t know whether fat has anything to do with gastritis or not. Sorry no help there.

          11. Kimberly

            Hi Stacy, that sounds exactly how I felt when I discovered my gallbladder that needed to go. The worst thing for a bad gallbladder is fat. I used to drink a lot of lemon water while I was waiting for my surgery, for some reason it helped. But fats and alcohol are the worst for a bad gallbladder. It’s time for that baby to go. I waited so long be due to the fact that I don’t like surgery that the doctor said mine disintegrated in his hand when he was taking it out. Don’t wait like I did. I felt so much better when it was over and done. To this day I don’t know why I waited so long to have it done.

          12. Stacey Wykes

            Hi Kimberly,

            Thanks for touching base. You said my story sounds like yours. Can I ask a few questions if that’s ok? Do you have pancreatitus? Did you get pain in your back when your gall bladder was sick? I get pain both on the left and right side of my back but no real pain on my right front where gall bladder is mainly pain in my tummy. But the scans said I have sludge so I wonder if this sludge is just causing constant irritation to my tummy by leaking bile constantly? I can’t handle even the slightest bit of fat without getting bad nausea, was that same for you? So frustrating!! as you would know. Gastroenterologist appt not till 26th Oct. I’ll be pushing hard for answers.


          13. Kimberly

            I am so sorry you’re feeling like that Stacy. It is miserable. Yes I had pain that radiated into the back that was unbearable. I was getting sick all the time. When I was first diagnosed I was pregnant. So I put it off for a few years .your gallbladder will keep making stones. I had my gallbladder taken out about 20 years ago and I had my first pancreatitis attack this past March. I don’t know if I damaged my pancreas by keeping my gallbladder as long as I did but my advice to you is to get it out. I’ve had two other friends that also had gallstones. One of them lost a lot of weight because she couldn’t eat anything. And then nauseous this is all part of it. I am so sorry you’re going through that.

          14. Stacey Wykes

            Hi Kimberly

            Thank you for your kind words. I really really believe it’s my gall bladder too (I presently have sludge and small stones) I have an appointment with my specialist on the 26th October so I will be telling her that. As far as I know only the gall bladder and the pancreas are affected by fat consumption. As my lipase and amylase levels are always fine and my scans are also fine I do not think pancreatitus is my problem. It may of been back in March, when I had a horrendous attack of the worst pain and nausea ever, but as HG said that could of been caused by a stone that got stuck but then shifted.

            Convincing my Dr will be the hard task. I had a hida scan which showed my gallbladder is working albeit not properly because nausea and pain every day is not pleasant or normal.

            Wish me luck I will need it.


          15. The Health Guy Post author

            High fat also affects those with SOD (sphincter of oddi dysfunctin). And SOD responds to a low fat diet. The biliary tree is all connected and seems to like and dislike the same things, especiallyy when one of them is not functioning properly.

          16. Stacey Wykes

            Valid point HG I will keep that in the forefront of my mind also. I believe sod to be very painful like a back up of juices because the Sod valve clamps shut. Not sure if I’ve had sod pain. Ive had pain under my ribs and central stomach area in the beginning, I’ve had nausea, back pain, even had pain in my right shoulder. If it’s now my gallbladder – I know I didn’t have “Sludge” in the beginning, that came only in the last ultrasound about 2 months ago. But apparently sludge can appear from sudden weight loss which has been drastic. For me I’ve actually lost over 35% of my total body weight since becoming ill. Could be all connected HG like you said and could of been one thing in the beginning like pancreatitus (minimal change?) and now it’s something else. Funnily enough my pain has disappeared for the last 3 days but I’m still getting a bit of nausea and this is usually when my tummy is empty. When I eat the nausea seems to feel better.

            Oh the puzzle of it all. Does my head in sometimes.

          17. Stacey Wykes

            I’m impressed HG a very famous Australian song and a very famous Mr Dusty. I hear you loud and clear. I would love to be sitting by that fire with a drink and having a sing along. For some reason unbeknown to us God wants us to be the sober ones. ?

          18. Stacey Wykes

            Hi Kimberly

            Thank you and same for you. It’s so reassuring that we can all make contact and keep giving each other support and share our experiences. Makes it bearable to know there are people on here who know exactly what you are going through.


          19. Stacey Wykes

            Hi Kimberly

            Sorry did you feel yucky nauseas when you laid down?

            Stacey 🙂

          20. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG

            Well to be that sick from fat, I’d think either GB or Pancreas but gastritis has been thrown in by the supposed experts. This far they’ve not been so interested in the fact I cannot tolerate fat. I have spoken to a few people lately who said same that they were sick from their gall bladder and it was horrible until they had it out. I’ll be sure to keep you posted when and if I get anywhere with Drs appointments etc.

            Stacey 😉

          21. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG

            Just me again. I know I’m being a pain and youre busy but do you think if my lipase and amylase levels have always been normal and not elevated that it’s not pancreatitis? Even though I cannot tolerate fat or alcohol? Have nausea if I do and pain radiating to my back.


          22. The Health Guy Post author

            Stacey – does alcohol cause problems? If so it isn’t just GB issues. As far as I know alcohol has no impact upon the gallbladder or the SO.

          23. Stacey Wykes


            I am not game at all to touch alcohol. But in the beginning (just before I was in the ER) I noticed feeling nauseas after a few drinks. Our kids had 2 big 21st birthdays in one week and we had 3 nights of drinks and dinner over that week. I was by no means an every day drinker but I could have quite a few if we had a party or get together with friends. I would have several drinks over several hours. Since March I’ve had no alcohol.


          24. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG

            Did you feel sick when you layed flat in bed? I’ve gone an bought a wedge pillow to sleep on cause I feel better layed propped up instead of laying flat. is that normal for pancreatitus?


          25. The Health Guy Post author

            Yes, I did at times. I’d get nauseous. I couldn’t rest my arm across my abdomen. That caused nausea and slight pain as well.

          26. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG,

            How long did it take for you to follow the diet and supplements before you had no symptoms? 6 months, 1 year ?


          27. The Health Guy Post author

            Stacey I don’t remember exactly. IF memory serves me correctly it seems to me I started the supplements and in about six months stopped my doctor prescribed meds. I was using compazine almost daily for quite sometime (years), another drug called robinul (years) and 800 mgs of Ibuprofen for bad days. But the Ibuprofen was just kept on hand “in case” because I stopped having AP after I started drinking a lot of grapefruit juice (Praise God!). I had been on my diet for a long time before the supplements. Diet didn’t totally heal me. Diet combined with the supplements did the trick. So like I said about 6 months.

          28. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG,

            Found this info on a 12,000 mg grape seed extract it’s a popular brand of vitamins in Oz called blackmores.

            Procyanidins equivalent to dry seed 12 grams (12,000 mg).

            Does this relate to anything you know of over there in the States?


          29. The Health Guy Post author

            Stacey – 12,000 mgs is a ton of grape seed. I don’t know of anyone who has taken that much. Is that the whole bottle or just one pill? 🙂

          30. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG,

            That’s in one pill. It’s says vitis vinifera (grape seed) equavilant to dry seed 12 g (12,000) standardised to contain procyanidins 95 mg.


        1. Avi

          Absolutely, I totally second with Stacey and Maria. Scrap/Bar that guy…too much negativity.. HG -you have changed lives of numerous folks like me; in the whole WWW your site/blog is the only piece of info which are keeping folks like us to stay alive and try to live a decent life… with positivity and motivation … and very correct/ factual information to tackle pancreatitis…

    1. Maria

      HG . Be the big man here…..forget to answer to this guy his satiric words ,he doesn’t know who you are , he is a THROLL ! I for sure trust in your experience having the problems we have in terms of Pancreatitis illness, I don’t know what this guy want really, create a chaos ? or just having nothing to do? don’t read his messages ,just delete it without not even reading it! we all your info. I really don’t know what will happened to me , I had been following your information and I am doing better than before …keep the good word ,Blessings , Maria

  156. Sharon Storemski

    First of all I want to thank you for this!! I just got out of the hospital (5 days in) was my first “known real” attack, had small ones and thought it was just stomach aches. I have gallstones and now pancreatitis :/ The doctors sucked, they gave me tons of morphine, tons of tests, tons of juice and then on day four, they brought me baked chicken and mashed potatoes, while still in the hospital. I got home yesterday and ate more chicken and mashed potatoes because I thought it was safe, wrong! I should have stayed on the liquid diet :/ I used to be about 130-140lbs and over the last few months have gone down to 118lbs (5’6″) and look (especially after the hospital stay) like a meth addict! I just want to again thank you for this page!!! I will keep reading all the questions/answers and tomorrow going to buy supplements and will then start ordering from you! 🙂

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Sharon – you’re welcome. Sorry to hear you have joined the pancreatitis hall of pain. The good news is IF you haven’t sustain a lot of damage and you decide to have your gallbladder removed to get rid of the risk of more acute pancreatitis attacks that you could heal up and never have another problem. Of course that depends upon the damage sustained by your AP. Did your docs suggest GB removal?

      1. Sharon Storemski

        It’s all such a blur but before I was discharged, I asked if they were going to take the gallbladder and he said not at this time. I have a follow up in a few weeks, so I guess we will know then! 🙂 I have a quick question, I do smoke, was very heavy a week ago, now trying to quit, does the smoking agitate the pain? Also, I bought all the supplements yesterday and last night was the first night my stomach didn’t hurt…. THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I will be reordering through your page next, I hate to go out hahaha One last thing, is chocolate a no no? I’m a junk food person and snacker and I can only take so much fruit and carrot sticks LOL 🙂 🙂

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Sharon – GLAD to hear you had a night that was pain free! THAT’s a GOOD thing! I smoke. It isn’t smart for those with CP (chronic pancreatitis) because CP increases the risk of pancreatic cancer and smoking doesn’t help that risk at all BUT I can’t directly point a finger at smoking ever causing me pain or any other symptom directly related to pancreatitis. But is it wise? NO. About that chocolate …

          IF you are asking about a nice ooy gooy chocolate bar, brownies, cookies etc … ummm that is not a good idea. Way to much fat. Hot chocolate can be an ok thing made the right way. I have a recipe up somewhere, hang on … here ya go hot chocolate that should work ok.

          Like I said previously, you may have the opportunity to heal completely especially if you get rid of the risk factor (your gallbladder). Healing completely and never having to worry about diet and supplements ever again would be my choice hands down. Junk food isn’t gonna get you there so stay away from high fat, worthless food (junk). Stay away from anything high in fat for now. High fat also irritates the gallbladder and if stones are present (once you begin making stones I have never read anything that says it stops or can be stopped) your GB will start spitting them out dramatically increasing your chances of another AP attack and more damage. Ya, I know not what you wanted to hear but …

          Anal retentive caution now could mean a normal life later. 🙂

          1. Sharon Storemski

            Do you happen to have a sample of your daily diet? Like where do you get your fat, protein and everything from? I’m scared to try chicken again and everything I am buying is no fat but I read you need some fat in your diet. Tonight I had a turkey, mustard and lettuce sandwich on whole wheat bread, not even sure if that was healthy but man it tasted good to eat food! 🙂 🙂 Again, thank you for all of your help!!!

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Sharon that trukey sandwich – how did that work for you? I love turkey and if turkey works for you chicken (which has less fat) should work too. I really don’t have a sample menu but there are pages with sample meals. There is one with several breakfast samples. I’ve been thinking of finishing a lunch and dinner menu sample page. Just haven’t done it. 🙂

    2. Maria

      Hi Sharon : same happened to me , they took my gallbladder, had stones , last year they took some stones from my liver, and got acute pancreatitis ,we had been to the same situation. I know how you feeling ,I lost 17 lbs. already from I am 117 lbs. just went to the Dr. last week for something else (had a virus) and they weight it me ……I am in a low fat diet ,to keep my pancreas safe …I learned a lot from the HG site ,bless him I can say thanks to his experience and the site I am here feeling better ! hope you feel better, just take care of yourself please ,we know how you feel ,it is not a laughing matter having Pancreatitis ,good luck .Maria

  157. Susan Beatty

    My daughter is pregnant, is there a liquid supplement she could drink during her pregnancy?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Susan – my best recommendation is a multi called ALL ONE. It isn’t too cheap but it is the most comprehensive multi vitamin/mineral antioxidant formula I know of and she could mix it in orange juice (I did – tastes good). You can probably get it at any health store. IF a multi (prenatal type vitamin) wasn’t what you were asking about just be more specific and I’ll answer again.

  158. Kathy

    Hi again, HG. Hubby had 1st acute attack on 9/12/16. His lipase was 23K (yes, thousand). Spent 3 days on IVs (not set to pump fast enuf – urine was brown on night 2. He drank a ton of water that night and day 3 and urine looked better on release. Been in pain but better since then. Did liquids for 5 days home. He has horribly high triglycerides (been that way all his life, but ignored it), so think that may have been culprit. In any case, he has lost 15 lbs since the attack. Doing mostly fat free, lower sugar diet, lots of veggies, brown rice, lentils but not a lot of meat. Obviously not enuf calories. Added pasta and a bunch more supplements yesterday plus more juice (fruit, unfortunately) and he is in high pain again. Did give him 4 ibuprofen a bit ago. Question – what can he eat to stop weight loss? Did also switch to whole grains only for bread and pasta. Not eating more than 2 slices of bread a day, yesterday was 1st for pasta in hopes of stopping weight loss. Probably need to drop back on supplements to basics (grape seed, fish oil, Bs, red reishi mushroom) and more of a liquid diet for a few days – which means more weight loss, which he can not afford. Drinks skim milk, no cheese in new diet. Does eggs. Advice? Thanks

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Kathy – Dump the fish oil (too much fat) and egg yolks (5 grams of fat per yolk). I’d also go to no fat milk. I know everyone worries about weight loss. I worry about pancreas damage. Healing the damage is #1 priority. Gain weight back when healed. White meat fish (cod, pollock, bass, talapia, rock fish) is a great protein source with enough fat to make everything work but usually not enough to anger the pancreas. Egg whites are good protein too. Go to the health store and get grape seed extract, vit C and curcumin. You want stand-alone products. That means the formulas contain nothing else. I’d start at 200 mgs of grape seed 4x daily, 1000mgs of vit C 4x daily and 500 mgs of curcumin 3x daily. See how he is in a week. I’d do Ibuprofen when needed but I’d limit doses to a max of twice daily.

      1. Kathy

        HG, he is doing the grape seed 2x/day, read to add gradually. 4x is ok with grapefruit seed extract 250 mg 2x/day? Read omega-3 good for AP. Better from fish than oils due to fats?


        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Kathy – are we talking grapefruit seed or grape seed – they are different. If grapefruit seed that is way to much BUT … If grape seed extract yes it is best to go slow but if I recall I said that cuz he isn’t very well so thought it may not make a difference except in helping him feel better. I’d not do omega 3’s in oil flax seed or any other high fat source or from fish unless it is white meat fish (way less oily) such as cod, pollock, bass, rock fish etc

          1. Kathy

            Both. He is currently taking them 4x/day and the grapefruit seed extract is the 250 mg. He just did the 4x for the first time yesterday. Also did the red reishi mushroom caplet 4x. No issues noticed yesterday as far as the stomach goes. He actually did not need to do the crackers last night and slept well on his stomach (trying to learn to sleep on his back – going to take a while!).

          2. Kathy

            Yes, he is doing much better. He absolutely has to have snacks/small meals along the way. This is a totally different life style – he used to go all day without eating. He is in constant pain from a bad back and also has inner ear problems that cause bad headaches with barometric changes, so he rarely has an appetite. He is doing a great job of paying attention to putting something in his stomach and the pain level from the APA is way down, if not gone, most of the time. Still staying very low fat and sugar.

            Again, thank you for sharing all of your wonderful information.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Lilly Pakkiri – regular milk (to me) is any milk that comes from an animal. It doesn’t work. NO Fat cow’s milk works for many people. NO OILS, none, zip nada.

  159. Barbara Dantone

    Question on supplemental pancreatic enzymes: Are these safe for me to take even though my levels of amylase and lipase are already 5 times higher than normal?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Barbara – I’d wait until you know you need enzymes. What is your doctor doing to get you well? Isn’t he or she concerned with your levels? Are you currently in the hospital?

      1. Barbara Dantone

        Hello Health Guy-Thank you for your prompt response! Let me say that I searched for Pancreatic Diet and one of the choices was your blog. After looking at several other suggested links, it was very apparent to me that your information is extremely valuable and therefore a source of much needed comfort and support for all those who subscribe and communicate with you.
        My primary physician ordered lab tests and a CT scan back in March 2016 when I first complained of stomach pain, nausea, and weight loss. The CT scan did now show any abnormalities with my pancreas or gallbladder at that time. However, the labs revealed “slightly” elevated levels (3xs over) of the amylase and lipase. We then started a follow up program for more labs on a 1-2 month basis. Each time, both levels continued to rise again “slightly”. In June she referred me to a gastroenterologist who ordered more labs in July which reported the enzymes as then about 4 times over normal. However, he said he believed the problem was not with my pancreas but with my colon instead. So, he did a colonoscopy and endoscopy done in August where he also took several stomach tissue samples sent to pathology and tested for grain allergies. All results were negative. At the follow up appointment, I asked him about possible dietary changes or any other ameliorative/preventative actions I could take. His answer was ” No need to change anything. Just keep doing what you’re doing” while we “keep watching the lab results”. He went on to say that the abnormal labs might just be “red herrings”.
        I had another follow up appointment with my primary doctor 2 days later. When I related to her the specialist’s comments and told her I wasn’t buying his suggestion about “red herrings”, she agreed. She ordered an extensive blood and urine workup and told me to stop taking all my vitamins – again no dietary instructions. The lab results were devastating. As of early Oct. the levels of both enzymes are now over 5 times above normal. The symptoms continue daily. She referred me to another gastroenterologist for a “2nd opinion” and also requested insurance approval to have an abdominal MRCP done. The approval has been given but I have not been given a date for the procedure despite 2 phone calls to her assistant.
        Sorry to drop such a lengthy explanation. Currently, I have an appointment for a 2nd specialist opinion in mid Dec. and 1 week later another follow up with the original gastroenterologist. I have yet to receive a diagnosis or treatment program from any “professional”. I am not in the hospital and do pray I do not end up there while waiting for further tests and their results.
        So, in the meantime, I am researching how to change and improve my diet firstly because that is something that I can and will do immediately following your guidelines. Hence, my question about adding the supplemental Pancreatic enzyme support as my goal is to get mine to start heading downward, not go up. I plan to order the Grape Seed pills and perhaps the Tumeric if not the Pancreatics. My budget is tight so wanting to make the right choice.
        I also have diabetes controlled by diet and minimum once daily dose of Metformin ER. A1C is 6.0. I don’t drink or smoke but I do LOVE coffee!
        I know there are a lot of demands for your time and I certainly appreciate your spending some of it with me. Thank you for all that you share. XOXOXO
        Sincerely, Barbara

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Barbara – Thank you for the kind words 🙂 I wouldn’t be so hasty as to disregard “the red herring” thing. Testing for grain allergies or a disease such as celiac disease often throw off false negatives or positives. That may be what he was referring to and could be a possibility. I wouldn’t discount his thoughts yet because celiac disease (for example) can manifest as pancreatitis. IF you were to go gluten free the test may never be positive (example only). He may be simply trying to cover all the bases. However, lipase 5 times upper normal, definitely indicates a need for help. In regards to costs, I know supplements can be a drain on budgets, I’d look for Now Foods grape seed extract 100 mg veggie caps (200). You get 100 mgs of grape seed extract and 300 mgs of vitamin C in one (1) cap. So it’s a great bang for the buck at around $17-$18 per bottle at Amazon. I’d just try that first and see if it works for you. Start at a low dose and work up. I hope you get diagnosed and fixed up.

  160. Alex

    Hi health guy,

    I have two questions for you…

    I was wondering If prune juice is ok when you have pancreatitis. Since its a dry fruit i was wondering if the natural sorbitol (sugar alcohol) content is too high. In other words do you ever drink it and have you ever had problems with it ? The reason why im asking is beaceuse I have chronic constipation along with my pancreatitis and was hoping prune juice would help with this.

    My second question Is when you where still sick with pancreatitis how where you able to sleep well ? I have been following your regimen for quite a while now (fasting, diet, supplements) and it has helped quite alot. However, I noticed that sleep is the last thing that really triggers my pancreas to get inflamed. Sometime when i wake up in the middle of the night my pancreas swells and then i cant fall back a sleep and I know that that swelling is 100% due to not having slept enough because i have been on the strict regimen you suggest. If i lack sleep for several days in a row my pancreas really starts to swell. I was wondering If you also used to experience the same thing ? and If you have any suggestions regarding this problem?

    Thanks in advance for your help 🙂

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Alex – I have drank prune juice. It didn’t seem to cause problems. IF I remember correctly I drank it because it is high in potassium, Vitamin A, B6 and magnesium. Unfortunately I can’t say I really like it. So I didn’t drink it for long. It’s not bad, just not great. But it is healthy.

      I have to admit sleeping has never been a problem for me unless I was in pain or nauseated I could sleep. Lack of sleep isn’t good because it is during sleep that our bodies usually repair themselves. However I do recall waking in the morning on several occasions with pain. The only thing I can think of is that either it was something I ate (that I shouldn’t have eaten) or I possibly slept in a position that squished my pancreas and irritated it. I apologize I don’t have a definitive answer.

      1. Alex

        Hi healthguy,

        Thanks for the reply. I tried the prune juice in low doses and seemed to fine in the end. Perhaps ill drink it once in a while :). Concerning sleep I have just tried melatonin and ativan sublingual (it was my last resort was not sleeping well for over a year). The doc at the ER prescribed me both. I did some research to make sure none of the two were a red flag for pancreatitis and it turns out melatonin has antioxidant properties so it wont hurt and the ativan has not been associated with pancreatitis as of yet. I used both two nights in a row and its working great, i stay asleep and if i wake up i manage to fall back asleep and prevent my pancreas to swell. Im so shocked, these were probably one of the most restfull nights ive had in a year to two years. It really seems that lack of sleep was a definite trigger for me. Anyhow thanks for your sharing insight 🙂

  161. Wendy Dianne

    Hello Health Guy …….Dr. Have not confirmed Pancratitus but after reading your bog I’m almost 100% sure ….. I’ve been given the run around over the years and no one has given me answers . Usually my episodes were mild and didn’t last long , however recently I started feeling nauseated and that relentless pain in the back radiating around to the stomach has been much worse,

    A question …. I’m on Nstural Thyroid Hormone ( source pigs) I am wondering if this is causing the flare up …. as Pork is such a no no one your blog,

    What do I do to get my Dr. To listen , right now I’m going for acupuncture which gives me mild relief.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Wendy – sorry to hear you are not well. I know how frustrating it can be to be ill and not know for sure why. All I can say is to keep trying to get diagnosed. If you feel ill go to the ER. That may be your best shot. Now for your other question: “I’m on Nstural Thyroid Hormone ( source pigs) I am wondering if this is causing the flare up …. as Pork is such a no no one your blog” I doubt the hormone has anything to do with it BUT I could always be wrong!

      1. Liz

        I’m having a SERIOUS problem getting my Dr to listen to me!! Last October I was telling him about a recurring pain on my right side. He ignored me. By the middle of Dec, I’d had enough & told him the pain was really bothering me. He had the audacity to look me in the eye and told me he thought the pain was of an “emotional” nature!! I was SO angry & insisted he send me for a CT scan. I had the scan the end of January, and LOL and behold, my left kidney was the size of a football. I had to have major surgery within two weeks. I still don’t know if the kidney will reduce to its original size. It hasn’t so far, and my surgery was last March!! Now I have to go back to this Dr about my current illness. Bone crushing nausea, stomach pain/right side, extreme fatigue and I’ve lost SO much weight these past two months (20lbs). I did mention my symptoms to him two weeks ago; his answer was, perhaps I have Fibromyalgia. Now I’m in serious trouble and after doing some research, my symptoms match EXACTLY to Pancreatitis!! I guess my only option is to the ER. My last visit there was a disaster. I’m sitting in the waiting room, wracked in pain from this HUGE kidney, and they kept me sitting there 9 HOURS!! That’s the good old Canadian healthcare system for you. It’s absolutely shameful. Our Physicians here are here for ONE THING, to make as much money as they can. They sure as hell don’t care about patients. When you go to visit your family Dr, there’s a notice posted that states he will only address ONE SYMPTOM per visit!! That would be laughable if it wasn’t so bloody sad. Gone are the days when you told the Dr how you were feeling. Now they just want you out the door ASAP & it’s on to the next sucker. Bloody disgraceful.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Liz – I don’t know a lot about the Canadian healthcare system but what I do know sounds cheesy at best. And the doctor who suggested Fibromyalgia may not be totally crazy (check out the possible symptoms). Can you go to another doctor? Are you close to the U.S.A. so you could go across the border and get better care?

  162. Mike

    Great website, I’ve learned a lot from it. I had my first acute attack in April 2014 from alcohol (I was 24 at the time to give you an idea how much I was drinking) which landed me in the hospital. Most pain I’ve ever been in, in my life. I completely gave up drinking and after a few months pretty much all of the lingering effects went away and after a while I really started getting careless with my diet. Which lead me to last weekend when I ate extremely poorly and ended up triggering a flare up. Trying to avoid hospitalization again led me to your website. I have been fasting for almost 4 days now, only drinking water and taking plenty of grape seed extract (800-1000 mgs per day) and curcumin (1000 mgs per day). It’s difficult to tell when to go back to eating because when I’m not eating I’m in little to no pain. My fear is that if I start eating again it’ll send me back to square one and possibly the er, which is the absolute last place I want to be. If I’m in little to no pain while fasting do you think it would be okay to go back to eating? I’m considering trying your vegetable broth recipe tomorrow to start. Even if it causes a little pain I don’t intend to go to the E.R. unless it’s severe. I’ll just stick to a diet and see if it improves. Do you think this would be a good plan or do you think I should start-over with fasting if I’m in pain from eating tomorrow? Many-thanks for this website, I intend to take on a fully vegan diet after this is over with.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Mike – Sorry to hear you have joined the pancreatitis hall of pain. If it’s been for days and you are feeling better but not yet pain free I’d increase the dose of grape seed to 1200 – 1400 mgs per day and the curcumin to 1500 and fast another day, maybe two to see if the pain disappeared. Then the broth or veggie juice for a few days (see how that goes). If everything is ok then I’d try some usually safe solid foods such as rice, veggies, egg whites etc. Small amounts of food at first. Vegan or modified vegan (egg whites + vegan) for a few months wouldn’t hurt.

      1. Mike

        Thanks so much for the quick response. I’m upping my dosage of both today. I’m really in no pain (aside from underneath my left shoulder blade which I have read is associated with pancreatitis but has been almost ever-present since my first attack years ago) so like I said it’s hard to decide when to go back to eating. I suppose I will give it another day. Thanks for the great advice, I have egg whites and a magic bullet but intend on buying a juicer. Would a strawberry/banana/pineapple/kale mix be okay do you think? Regards!

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Mike – I think that strawberry/banana/pineapple/kale mix would be awesome. Bananas don’t juice well but they go great in smoothies.

  163. Rachel hingston

    I have just been diagnosed with pancreatites after 2 bad attacts, 3 months apart (never really went away!). I also have coeliacs disease and am looking for some guidance. I knew what I had 2 days in to an attacts. The doctor told me that I didn’t look like the sort of person to have pancreatites and gave me a bottle of gaviscon. 2 days later back in with the same symptoms and straight on to morpheme and bloods confirmed pancreatitis. This time on my bad attacts a ambulance as called as I was being sick everywhere and couldn’t stay still because for the pain. A week later and lots of test and it confirmed again pancreatitis. I can’t believe how little doctors seem to know about the condition and all they focus on is your alcohol intake and mine is minimal. They just can’t get past it. Doing some research myself I found that coeliacs disease and pancreatites can be linked.
    I am looking for some advice as I feel the doctors just don’t have a clue how to make me better. Any advice welcome

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Rachel – yep celiac disease is not just associated or linked with acute pancreatitis. Celiac disease can manifest as pancreatitis (last paragraph under “clinical manifestations”). More here. More here

      I’m a celiac too Rachel and celiac disease is undoubtedly why I also have pancreatitis. Doctors are learning it is just a very slow learning curve. Most still think that the only causes of of pancreatitis are gallstones and alcohol. They also think the only organ affected by celiac disease is the small intestines (villi) when in fact it is systemic. Unfortunately it is their patients who suffer from their lack of knowledge.

      There is no cure for celiac disease and simply going gluten free doesn’t stop the disease completely but it does allow the intestinal villi to heal in most cases which eliminates the majority of symptoms in the majority of patients. Celiac disease has been known to attack the heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, kidneys, reproductive system and nerves. It causes intestinal cancer and lymphoma.

      Now that said most people respond well to the gluten free diet which in turn helps lower risks. Invest some time on this site in order to learn about diet and supplements that can help heal the pancreas and lower the risk of more problems.

  164. Karen Wannenburg

    Hi Health Guy. Well, we made the move and emigrated to the States 2 months ago, and of course with all the accessible food that tastes fantastic and is bad for me I have fallen into bad habits. Been feeling fine although aware I was putting some weight back on, then yesterday my stomach was incredibly bloated and painful. I ate a little steamed broccoli for supper so that I could take my meds but felt a lot of nausea. I’ve woken up this morning and the bloating seems to have gone down and the pain is less, but still there. Going to go vegan today, take all my supplements and I’m sure it will be okay. I just wanted to thank you for giving me the tools to deal with this (and maybe treat this as my confession because I need to get my act together!).

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Karen – welcome to the USA! I was kinda thinking you might find out that you needed to make some dietary changes. It is amazing you didn’t end up back in the ER. How is your pseudocyst doing?

      1. Karen Wannenburg

        As far as I know the cyst is gone. I actually have my first doctor’s appointment here tomorrow – boy does she have her work cut out for her! I haven’t had any tests or anything done since leaving South Africa, so am quite anxious to make sure everything is okay. I feel even better today and am so grateful my body told me to quit and gives me the warning signs. Having a borderline addiction to food my whole life makes this a very hard adjustment, especially here, but I gots to do what I gots to do!!

          1. Karen Wannenburg

            Thanks! Now to continue to stay away from the pizza and the chinese food and the fried chicken. My diet has been incredibly high fat and unhealthy since I’ve gotten here, and it is amazing how quickly I feel better as soon as I stop that. I still eat a lot of the things you can’t, as long as I keep it fairly low fat it seems to be okay. Thanks again for everything you do

  165. kylie

    If you’re still trying to figure out your triggers, some things that trigger my chronic acute pancreatitis are caffeine, carbonation in any drink, acidic foods/drinks like pineapple and lemon. Also, this might just be me but I’ve found that a lot of exercise in a short amount of time can bring on an awful attack.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Kylie – I am going to guess that you have never really followed the steps necessary to find out the truth because every single listing (caffeine, carbonation in any drink, acidic foods/drinks like pineapple and lemon) should be safe. IF you are still eating a normal or close to normal diet you actually couldn’t know what is or isn’t causing (triggering) your pain. The ONLY way you can know for sure (or close to it) is to do a food diary, including the necessary prep before hand.

  166. Desire Rodriguez

    Hello , I’m so new to this and with no real resources to go to and figure out what I can eat. I had a terrible episode and was hospitalized for 5 days. They stated my pancreas numbers were 6500 when I came in. So after reading my question would be what about dairy?
    I’ve been very strict no fats etc. I will be having my gall bladder removed because they also found stones, & the hope is to prevent that stuff from causing another pancreatic attack.
    Any information you can send my way is appreciated. They mentioned low fat I was curious about cottage cheese, yogurt, skim milk, & jellos.
    Also, what about turkey bacon?
    Thank you so much!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Desire Rodriguez – I’m sorry to hear you have joined the pancreatitis hall of pain. A low fat, even no fat diet is extremely important when wanting to heal from acute pancreatitis. In answer to your questions: “I was curious about cottage cheese, yogurt, skim milk, & jellos. Also, what about turkey bacon?” There are NO FAT versions of cottage cheese, yogurt and milk that many people tolerate well. Look for them in the store. Turkey bacon is high in fat. You should probably avoid it. Jello should be alright.

  167. Joan beezer

    Please could you tell me if it is ok to have coconut sugar as I am following everything but still getting pain through the night .thankyou for the helpful tips I really beiveve you are right on everything.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Joan – I would stay away from coconut sugar. I use very little processed sugar period compared to most people because it is inflammatory. What I do use (when I use sugar) is the dark brown, less processed variety. I am big on molasses and raw, pure, unfiltered honey. Both sweeten, both contain nutrients that processed white sugar does not. If you still have symptoms after stopping the coconut sugar look at everything you eat for fat content. IF you have a lot of damage you’ll likely tolerate less fat than others who have less damage. If you haven’t done the food diary prep and started a food diary you may want to consider that as well. Doing a food diary (after fast and cleansing) is the ONLY way to tell what is really safe for you to eat.

      1. Joan beezer

        Oh dear I thought I was safe as it’s unrefined but I will stay away from it now a if that doesn’t work I’ll do the food diary I was wondering why as it’s been over a month and still very uncomfortable so Thankyou I really appreciate this site it’s been a godsend for me.

          1. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG,

            Any ideas on Christmas Day treats? Turkey breast no skin comes to mind. But what about a yummy fat free dessert?

            Merry Christmas ?

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Skinless turkey breast should be ok Stacey. I make a “crustless” pumpkin pie. I use Libby’s canned pumpkin pie mix and use one whole egg plus TWO egg whites instead of two whole eggs to reduce fat. I use no fat milk (about half of what it calls for) and bake it in a 9 inch glass pie pan (following directions on can) until it is done. It’s really quite good. But I am sure with your talent you can whip up some tasty no fat treats and deserts lol Merry Christmas! 🙂

          3. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG

            Ok well funny you say that because I’ve come up with a dessert. No fat no alcohol tiramisu !! I’ve found these Italian biscuits that have only .2 grams of fat per biscuit so I calculate that 1 slice of this tiramisu would have approximately 4 biscuits ie .8 grams of fat. So I’ll soak the biscuits in coffee then I’ll make a no fat cream. We have an awesome no fat yoghurt and no fat cottage cheese in Oz that I can tolerate so I’ll put these through a food processor with a little stieva for sweetness. Then I’ll layer the biscuits, no fat cream, and sifted cocoa (prob will fit two complete layers in my dish) and refrigerate over night. Bellissimo!

            Your recipes sounds gooood. Because we have different brands here I think I saw a pumpkin pie product at the grocery store a little while back. I’ll give it a whirl because I loooove my fruit and veges and anything that’s different but safe I’m up for. 🙂 lol

            Merry Christmas ?

          4. The Health Guy Post author

            Stacey – that tiramisu (had never heard of it before – had to look it up) sounds great! I wish I could have the real thing because that looks and sounds simply amazing but alas, not to be so if your fat free, no alcohol recipe turns out all I can say is yummy! By the way on that “crustless” pumpkin pie – I do NOT use oil. The glass pan seems to work really well with nothing sticking. Of course a non-stick pie pan would work.

    2. dheesha

      my son 14 year is suffering from pancreatic divisum , stent has been placed, aft 3 months (ie) noe stent has removed ,but still some time pain, whts the reasons, pain come because of food, pls tell me food diet chat fromhim.

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Hi dheesha – pancreas divisum is difficult to treat simply because it is a birth defect where the pancreatic duct did not form properly (it’s in two pieces instead of one long duct). Diet (low fat) and supplements (to reduce potential of inflammation) can help but as far as I know there is no cure that actually works at this time. One this page that you responded on is a list of usually safe foods that you can use to form a diet plan for your son.

        1. Stacey Wykes

          Hi HG,

          Have you tried dried peanut butter it’s very low in fat wondering if you think it would be okay?

          Thanks ?

          1. The Health Guy Post author

            I haven’t tried it Stacey. Never even seen it but someone did mention it before. Hey you can always try it and find out whether you tolerate it or not. Or you can be safe and avoid it.

          2. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG

            Yep you were right I tried it and I’m in pain tonight. That’s it for me not trying anything new for a long while I’m happy with what I can work with safe food wise. Also I tried the creon – ouch!! Not sure if I told you I have another chronic inflammatory condition called interstitial cystitis (look it up if you have time). My bladder is aching tonight. So looks like creon is a no go zone for me.


          3. The Health Guy Post author

            That’s a tough way to learn but … At least you know about both and whether or not using either is worth it.

          4. Stacey Wykes

            Hi health guy ?

            Would you say fatigue is a common side effect of pancreatitis? Like body aches and feeling like you have the flu? I read up on chronic pancreatitis and it doesn’t pop up much but this is a significant symptom for me. Last 2 days no nausea, no pain in tummy, but a lot of fatigue.

            Stacey 🙂

          5. The Health Guy Post author

            Yes, fatigue seems to be a very common symptom especially in those with impaired digestion due to the destruction of acinar cells. The good news is that research states that acinar cells can regenerate once the inflammation is resolved. I should write a post regarding acinar cell regeneration because it brings realistic hope to those who suffer.

  168. Jimmy Wilson

    Hi, can I ask you about post recovery foods and drinks? Is it OK to drink coconut water and eat mashed bananas? How do I get enough protein and carbohydrates to take me through the day? I’m 6’2″ and feeling quite week. I suppose skimmed milk is out of the question? Thanks, you’re blog is very useful.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jimmy – low sodium V8 juice works well. If you have your own juicer fresh organic veggie juice is even better. I’d stay away from coconut water. Mashed bananas should be fine (not to ripe). There is a list of usually safe foods on this page you have commented on including good sources of no fat and low fat proteins and complex carbs.

  169. Stacey Wykes

    Hey HG

    Does sound yummy!! Maybe I should put a fat free vegan website together and you could have a link from your website. What do you think ?


  170. Stacey Wykes

    That’s reassuring to know, I’ve been trying to eat more protein so my digestion is being more challenged. Last blood tests all vitamins were excellent but protein was low. If u write about it let me know I’d be interested to see what it means as I tried googling it. Something to do with pancreas enzymes destroying a Acinar cells?

  171. Keira storey

    Thanks for explaining how you did, I understood that, straight to the point no messing, also learnt so things that will help thankyou

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jeff – I drink a lot of coffee. It does not seem to bother me. I wrote an article that is posted somewhere on this site about coffee. Hope you have a happy, blessed new year 🙂

  172. Carol Krentzman

    I also have gallbladder disease. My Chiropractor says that my congested gallbladder caused my pancreatitis. And suggested I take 1Tbl olive oil with lemon every night and this will heal the root of it. What do you think? Also grains are inflammatory. Whenever I eat them I get gallbladder/pancreas pain.

  173. Rachel Santillli

    You say include plant base fats but avoid avocado? Which is it? What other plant based fats do you refer to then?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Rachel – plant based fat is also known as polyunsaturated fat. Avocado has all 3 fat types (saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated). Most of the fat from avocado is saturated and monounsaturated. Both of which should be very limited in a pancreatitis diet. Coconut is also off the list because it is extremely high in saturated fat.

  174. shivam

    hey health guy this is shivam i”m feeling some lite pain sometimes in my pancreas can u please tell that how much time it will take to recover as i was hospitalized for a week 5 months ago and now i started suffering from constipation which made my stomach feel so heavy

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Shivam – some people heal fast others take more time. It all depends on the amount of damage. I wish I could give you a better answer but I can not. You may want to check in with your doc and get his thoughts.

  175. Pam

    Hi! Your website is a gift to many! Thank you. I’m having mild pancreatitis symptoms after passing some gallstones. Gallstones were really painful and starting to bother the pancreas. I had an abdominal CT at ER that showed nothing, labs good, but I’m a nurse and a massage therapist and I knew that I had some. A gallbladder flush removed 4 large , hard stones. (I did nothing by mouth for 3 days right after gallstone flush bc pancreas was irritated and sore, went to vegetable juice for a couple days, then had symptoms when I added grapefruit juice, grapefruit seed extract , and malic acid.) malic acid softens gallstones so they’re easier to pass. I’m back on water again and pancreas symptoms are coming down nicely, but still have pain. Did you take your supplements when you were on an acute attack? Or did you wait until your water only diet resolved pain before adding supplements? I’m doing my best to avoid ERCP. I see gastroenterologist soon and planning on MRCP since it’s noninvasive. A little more detail about how you manage acute attack would be helpful. P.s. All my labs are good. My doc checked everything, even enzymes and triglycerides, ca 19-9, sugar, lots more. Can’t imagine the pain of acute attack with elevated enzymes! The pain I’ve had has been bad enough. I sympathize. I’m doing my best to prevent damage to my pancreas. Also, I get reflux from just one 200 mg ibuprofen so NSAIDS aren’t really an option for me.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Pam – glad you like the site and thanks for the kind words. Sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well. I’m GUESSING that since you did a flush which usually uses olive oil and some citrus such as lemon juice, grapefruit juice etc that doing grapefruit juice and grapefruit seed extract may have irritated your gallbladder or even caused it to try to expel more stones or sludge. All of the oil used for the flush may not have passed yet (yes high fat foods process more slowly) and the addition of citrus may have initiated another “expelling.” It’s just a guess.

      Question #1: “Did you take your supplements when you were on an acute attack? Or did you wait until your water only diet resolved pain before adding supplements?”
      Answer: I’ve done both. BUT since you are a nurse when you think you are having an acute attack you should be in the ER. I do NOT recommend trying to overcome an acute attack at home. Just because I’m an idiot (don’t trust ER docs due to too many bad experiences) doesn’t mean I think people should stay away from the ER or treat themselves in a possible life threatening situation. The problem is that is it extremely difficult to determine whether the attack is mild or severe until it may be too late. Doctors have difficulty even with their tests and criteria so a person at home has almost zero chance of making a correct call. Acute pancreatitis is an issue for the ER staff.

      In regards to supplements my two work horses are vitamin C and grape seed extract. Curcumin is awesome (almost as good as NSAIDS for relieving pain and inflammation) but not for those with gallstones, sludge or SOD. It could actually make things worse because it increases bile flow which could cause the GB to expel stones/sludge or the SO to spasm. Neither grape seed extract or Vitamin C do that yet are excellent for fighting inflammation. And when the inflammation resolves so do the symptoms.

      1. Stacey Wykes

        Hi HG,

        Do you think vitamin c from calcium ascorbate would be okay? I can’t take regular vitamin C it’s too acidic for my interstitial cystitis. Been meaning to ask you for a while. One Dr told me to be wary as taking this type of vitamin c may cause clogging of arteries. But then lots of people especially elderly take calcium for Osto.

        Stacey ?

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Stacey – the doc is right. Those who take calcium supplements (from calcium in certain forms) may increase their risk of clogged arteries. It may be safer for you to just do plain grape seed extract and avoid vitamin c and curcumin. Or get your C from food sources (oranges, grapefruit, etc). IF you can tolerate grapefruit and are not on meds that would interact I’d opt for it cuz it helps protect the pancreas.

          1. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG

            I agree with you. I eat plenty of fruit and veges lots of Vit C in this old body I think ? Don’t want to create another serious problem from trying to fix another.

      2. Pam

        Would grape seed extract cause this release of fat from the gallbladder like the grapefruit seed extract? Would it irritate the gallbladder?

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Pam it shouldn’t. Grapes are not citrus fruit. Citrus fruit (oranges, lemons, grapefruit) + oil cause the gallbladder to contract and expel stones.

          1. Stacey Wykes

            Hi HG & Pam

            This caught my eye. I suspected the grape seed extract may have been upsetting my gall bladder too as I have ha super tummy pain and ultra sound showed sludge and stones. I’ve stopped the GSE and my pain and burning has gone down a lot. I know HG I was on a very strong dose only because in Australia that’s all you seem to be able to get 20,000 mg. crazy hey! So I’m going to order the ones you recommend HG see how they go but the ones I have been taking a way too strong.

            Pam did you have any of the above gallbladder problems above?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Robert – here’s a list of the supplements I recommend. You can get them all at your local health store. When choosing grape seed extract, curcumin and vitamin C you want “stand-alone” formulas so you can take high doses without worrying about lethal toxicity from some other vitamin, mineral etc. Grapefruit juice is great BUT it does NOT play well with other medications so if you are on any medication check with your doctor BEFORE drinking it or eating grapefruit.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Alice – Instead of taking of probiotic you might want to consider Greek yogurt (no fat) and see if that works for you. That way you get some protein, vitamins and minerals as well.

  176. Sara

    Last week I had acute pancreatits. For 4 days before the attack I had this “hunger pain” in my stomach and have had serious indigestion for a few months. Went out to eat the night before, didn’t even eat my dinner or drink my alcoholic drink (I asked for water after that). The next morning at 2:305am the attack started. It wasn’t too bad but by 4am I was hurting SOOO bad & was puking uncontrollably. Thankfully my mom lives close by & I tell her I need to go to the ER. I thought it was my gallbladder bc the pain was right under my right rib cage. After a few hours in the ER, a ultra sound, CT scan, urine tests & lots of blood work they admitted me to the hospital. They weren’t sure what was wrong with me but by God I was in some serious pain. I was cruled up in a ball, crying & puking. I felt like I was dieing & I felt like a helpless little girl. 4 days in the hospital, 3 of them I didn’t eat or drink anything (I wasn’t allowed to). They finally told me they believe it was an acute pancreatits attack. Since then I have been sticking to a low fat/no fat diet. But I’m not happy I can’t have a steak or butter or cookies or candy bars (I normally don’t eat chocolate but now that I can’t, I really want it lol). I eat lots of fruits & veggies now, I eat pretty much only chicken now. But i need more dinner meals. (My boyfriend has been a good sport & has been doing this diet with me besides cutting out the butter & cookies, he’s doing great). I have been sticking to diet I just need some new ideas for meals & snacks.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Sara – thanks for sharing. Sorry you joined the pancreatitis hall of pain. It sucks don’t it? It’s great that you have a supportive and flexible boyfriend. I’m really weak (so is this site) in the recipe department. I just make stuff. Some tastes great, some not so much lol All I can say is to take what is usually safe (foods on the safe list) and experiment.

      1. Toni

        Hello Folks – I’ve been meaning to reply for many months with some recipes that I’ve been successful with for pancreatitis but I have other health issues as well, so I’ve not gotten to it. I don’t eat much these days, so I don’t have many go to recipes. 🙂 I can not eat fruit, dairy, gluten, pork, soy, most vegetables, sometimes chicken, etc. I stay low fat, low sugar, and low fiber because of my multiple health issues while avoiding junk carbohydrates.

        I cross post this site with many chat rooms because I really like the information even though I currently can not follow all the advice due to SOD Spinchter of Oddi Dysfunction and Gastroparesis, etc. Everything is hit and miss with my SOD. I can eat something for weeks and then it’ll cause a flare out of the blue.

        So what do I do? I cross reference information about what to eat to keep my pancreas happy with what to eat for other conditions and disqualify foods that I know will make me have a cranky panky.

        Here’s a couple of sites to consider and there are 100’s of others. I don’t have IBS but a lot of people find relief with FODMAP diet… I have a cookbook. Gastroparesis sites can be helpful because the recipes are generally very mild and incredibly easily digestible.

        I think it’s really important to follow the Healthy Guy advice. Nutritionists and Dieticians will frequently just say to blend all your food 🙁 Or drink a supplement meal replacement which is laden in sugar.

        For me the key is to introduce 1 new food and wait several days and then try another. It can take several days to see what will cause a flare. I find since you have already not been eating anything, it’s easy to start a food elimination diet and diary.

        I know it’s overwhelming but this is just how it is now, embrace it and move on. Nobody has ever died from not drinking alcohol, eating steak, or eating fried foods! But people have died from eating them.

        I’ve ordered Trucup coffee which is low acid by processing with water steam instead of chemicals as I really miss coffee. I’ve seen a lot of coffee substitutes but a lot of wheat or barley in them???

        Lastly, the road ahead is bumpy, it’ll be hard to get family and friends to comprehend the changes you need to make are permanent as eventually 1 pancreatitis attack will lead to another. Try to be patient when even those closest to you try to offer alcohol or foods that’ll make you really sick. They just don’t get it, forgive them and take care of yourself. 🙂

  177. Sarah

    Hi and thank you for this wonderful site! When you told that ripe bananas caused you pain and that xylitol and maltitol and others with the -ol in the end means that they contain somekind of alcohol I started to wonder what about polyphenols? Does it mean there’s alcohol in them? I’m definitely not a chemist but just wondering. That’s a scary thought. I mean polyfenols are in everything, berries, veggies, grains..Could that be the reason why so many nutritionists say don’t eat berries, fruits, tea, wholegrain etc? This is so confusing. What’s your opinion?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Sarah – that is very astute of you! You are the first to recognize the existence of an alcohol molecule in polyphenols. I’m not a chemist either. All I know is that the molecule doesn’t cause problems. I can honestly say that grape seed extract is an absolute wonder formula for fighting inflammation, taming an angry pancreas (symptoms etc) and healing. I’ve used it for years. There is a vast difference between polyphenols (grape seed extract) and an overripe banana. But great eye and great question!

      1. Sarah

        Thanks for your kind words.I`m just trying to cope with this illness and trying to understand the triggers is my way of dealing with it. Maybe hunting molecules isn`t the best approach to this issue, but I`m trying to do the best I can to prevent any more damage. Still curious what do you think about resveratrol (also that damn molecule thing…)? Sources of resveratrol in food include the skin of grapes, blueberries, raspberries, mulberries,lingonberry and senna (wikipedia). It`s also found in pine extract drink, which is very popular here in North Europe. It`s said to have many health benefits and for example many cancer patients use it. I´m just not sure should I try it or not. Opinion?

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Sarah – I understand your concern; trust me I have been there as well. In regards to resveratrol there is no need to buy that particular supplement because it is found in grape seed extract. So you only need to buy grape seed extract which is much cheaper and you also get resveratrol. Pine bark extract is very similar to grape seed extract. It contains very similar phytochemicals including the polyphenol flavonoids called Proanthocyanidins (OPCs). OPCs have extremely powerful anti-inflammatory properties and help to resolve the inflammation. Grape seed extract offers the best solution for least amount of money. Add in vitamin C and curcumin (curcumin is extremely anti-inflammatory and vitamin C helps prolong grape seeds activity) and you have a cocktail that will work wonders. Feel free to ask questions anytime 🙂

  178. Diane Martinez

    Best, honest, informative information yet!!! My god thank reaffirmed my experience and now I have real hope by actual diet modification!!

  179. Zan Welch

    I am 6i years old. I was in the hospital with pancretitus from July till Dec 23. Then I came home. I went back the end of March for surgery on a puesdo cyst. I don’t know if I spelled that correctly I am sure I did not. I saw where some of you messages said they had some kind cyst,and I am sure it was the same thing I just spelled it wrong. While I was in the hospital they put me on daloated( sorry wrong spelling) for 2 weeks and then proceed. I got addicted to the drugs, but that’s another story. They took out my gallbladder. Drained the cyst, and I was still sick. Finally they called a surgeon in he did surgery and put a drain in. I got better after that but I never felt great. I had to get on suboxone to get me off the drugs. I started out using.2 films now I am down to 1/2. I hope I can get off this. I have an occasional bout with pancreatitis but I am so depressed since all of this and I saw where you said people are sick 5 to 10 years it makes me feel better. I have ordered the 3 supplements on because everything you say makes sense to me. My husband thinks it’s a rip-off but I am going to take them. To have read all the comments for some reason I felt better. For the first time I felt I have some hope. I thought I was the only one who was like this. I know now that there are other people out there suffering like me. My Dr. We’re terrible. They never told me this could be ongoing, you have enlightened me and I am thankful to you. Are they any groups out there that I could join where I could talk to people. My thanks to you and I would like to follow it. If there is any other thing you can tell me that might help could help me please tell me.i feel it was a miracle I found you. Thank God for you. Thank God for leading me to you it was no accident. Zan

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Zan – It sounds like you have had some horrible times. Spelling doesn’t matter to me I know what the cyst is and also the drug. Narcotics like dilaudid are addictive unfortunately. It’s bad enough to have had severe acute pancreatitis, having to deal with the complications (your pseudocyst) and then also an addiction to pain meds. The good news is that you are alive! This is God’s site. He told me to create it. So it may certainly be that you found this site because of Him. I can understand your husband’s thoughts. But hopefully you’ll see great results and know that the regimen that the Lord led me to learn is definitely not a rip-off in fact here is a great story (Steve experienced God’s knowledge) that may help you find hope. I’ll pray that God blesses you with better health 🙂

  180. Linda Guieb

    I read with great interest your article. I have just been diagnosed with pancreatitis and was so confused. Eat this, don’t eat it, very lost, until I found Thank you for giving me hope & the tools to face this. I go in 2/23/17 for a MRCP. I also have been dealing with non Hodgkin’s lymphoma since 2001, been in remission for 6 years now.

  181. Zan Welch

    I got 2 of my supplements today. The grape seed extract and the car cumin 95 what is the dosage per day for each of these

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Zan it is best to start off slow. What dose are the grape seed 100 mg, 250? If the curcumin is Jarrows 95 it should be 500 mg per cap. I’d start with one a day of each and work up until you see relief or the results you are looking for.

      1. Zan Welch

        The c1000 is 1000 MG. The grape seed is 100 MG. Curcumin is 500 MG. Should I get higher MG. How long does it take till you see a difference. I know it’s not a few days. Just give me and estimate

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Zan – supplement doses and time seeing results vary from person to person. Your supplements are fine. Work up on doses until you feel results. I’d say thirty (30) days approx because you are just starting and need to go slow (weekly dose increases). You could increase the grape seed extract to two caps daily ( 1 cap twice daily) in a couple days and then to 3x daily, then 4x daily and then add another cap to each dose every few days until you see results. Increase the vit C one (1) tab/cap weekly and the same with curcumin until you hit 4,000 mgs of daily C and 2000 mgs of curcumin daily in like 4 doses. IF you notice unpleasant side effects (detox) back off on doses. Then increase again once your body is able to handle it. But once you hit 4,000 mgs of C and 2000 mgs of curcumin then, only if needed, increase the grape seed extract until you see the results you need. I hope I explained that ok. So, it may take you 60 – 90 days to really get dialed in.

          1. Maria

            Hello HG ,I have to repeat again ,how grateful I am for your information, in this site , I have been following you for more than one year we exchange mails and all your articles had been very helpful , currently I am doing much better taking all the supplements you advised! I have a question I am confused ,I m taking Grapefruit Seed Extract 125 Mg for one year now but I get confused about which is the one? I read a message from you to one of the sufferers here in this panel ,you said Grape seed extract…do I am taking the right one it is the same ? the Grapefruit Seed Extract is helping me ,but I would like to be sure about it! You don’t imagine how grateful I am to find your sit it had been such tremendous help in my life ,I was confused ,scared, lost ,,sick , and after I found you ,everything went okay … God put you in this earth for some reason ! .God bless you …..Maria

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Thank you Maria! God bless you back 🙂 Grapefruit seed extract is great especially if you don’t like grapefruit juice (or grapefruit). In a small study grapefruit seed extract was used on mice who were chemically induced to have pancreatitis. The study showed that the mice, given grapefruit seed extract, had pancreas protection via the extract. So grapefruit obviously contains a chemical or chemicals that actually protect the pancreas. Grape seed extract is a lot different. Grape seed extract comes from grapes (the seeds), not grapefruit. Grape seed extract is highly anti-inflammatory and helps resolve pancreas inflammation and symptoms. I like grapefruit itself and GF juice so I eat and drink my grapefruit but I also take grape seed extract daily.

  182. brittney

    I have been having issues with my pancreas for almost a year now due to having Cystic Fibrosis. I have done the dieting thing then stopped then back to the dieting and so on the cycle has gone.. It is so hard to cook for yourself then turn around and cook dinner for your family because what your eating totally grosses them out. Do you have any kid friendly recipes that you may suggest i try for my daughter? I have recently had n attack and have totally cut out everything that is “bad” for my body in high hopes that i begin to feel better soon

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Brittney = sorry to hear you have been ill. I know it sucks 🙁 I am no use to you in regards to recipes for kids. I’m not a good recipe guy. I just throw stuff together. Sometimes it is great, sometimes my dog wouldn’t eat it 🙂

      1. Toni

        Hi Brittney – I went through the same struggle cooking for kids many years ago. I personally used a Foreman grill and made very lean chicken and veggies for myself as well as smoothies (I have continuing health issues from gallbladder removal – sphincter of oddi dysfunction, so thankfully my children are grown). Consider looking at some recipes online for FODMAP, Gluten-free, etc. there’s tons of easy recipes out there now that are kid friendly. has filters for “healthy”, “gluten free” etc. to make things easier as well.

        I’ve been watching Rocco Dispirto Eat This Not That where he makes over foods making them less fat, salt, etc. but family themed. I think his story is he was a chef, overweight and cholesterol was out of hand, so he chose to revamp recipes instead of going on prescriptions and lost 50 or so pounds.

        I might not be able to eat much these days but I still watch cooking shows lol 🙂

  183. maria

    Thanks HG thanks for your quick response ,now…. I am confused and senile indeed! should I take Grape seed instead of Grapefruit seed extract ? or can I take both ? sounds to me that Grape seed is good since it will help the pancreas for the inflammation …what brand should use it? …I check your supplements that is how I got the info. for the ones I actually use ! Be good to yourself …..

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Maria – You can take both. IF you are on medications you need to check with your doc about taking grapefruit (the seed extract, juice, etc) because it does NOT play well with prescription medications. IF I could only take ONE supplement it would be grape seed extract. Any brand of pure grape seed extract is good. Avoid grape seed extract formulations that have other ingredients. Grape seed extract in combination with vitamin C is fine (Now Foods Brand) in fact it is great. Take care, be blessed and get well 🙂

      1. Maria

        Thank you soo much HG for your quick response! actually I am not in meds. so I will be able to take both of them now, and finally I understood the whole thing about it .Blessings ,Maria

  184. Don Barnett

    Thank you for posting this, it may have saved my life. I wasn’t sure what was going on, it the symptoms were nearly identical. It turns out that I’ve got a tumor choking off my bile duct. The he supplements and diet advice have allowed me to regain strength and weight as I go into the fight of my life.
    Thank you!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Don – you’re welcome. I’m sorry to hear you are going into a tough battle. Would you mind if I prayed for you?

      1. Don Barnett

        Please do! Even though I’m in the early stages, it seems only a liver transplant will give me a chance to see my child graduate from grade school. I’ll take all the help I can get! Thank you.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          You got it Don. You and a bunch of others are on my list and I have also given your name to various people outside this site as as one who is needing prayer. Stay strong and courageous!

  185. Brenda

    Just been diagnosed with Chronic Pancreatitis 2 weeks ago through EUS. Have been in pain for 5 months. Upper back and upper stomach area. Along with nausea. Can’t get back in with doctor till April 20. After 6 days of clear liquids with no pain relief nurse says to go on low fat, Zofran and Vicodin. So much to process. Praying, crying and depressed. Thank you for your blog and your success. Have lost weight. Just don’t feel like eating. The doctor did a pain block but only lasted a few days. Please tell me there is hope me. I am 62 and have never drank alcohol or smoked.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Brenda – there is always hope. A low fat diet without any “trigger foods” should help after a time. There are also supplements that work wonders in conjunction with the low fat diet. You can find all the info on this site (check the “categories” on the right side of the page). By the way – if you don’t feel like eating, don’t eat. I learned the hard way that eating just for eating sake or to please people (family, friends, etc) was not a good idea when I didn’t feel good. With CP food (especially high fat food) is no longer your friend.

  186. Jennifer

    thanks for the usefull info. i went into the hospital on saturday and my lipase was over 10,000. turns out i have a cystic mass on my pancreas

  187. Melanie mellars

    They said I have cp cause I had a Ct scan. I have calcification and so I’m doing your diet, supplements. Did blood work and stool test I will know next week.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Melanie – Keep me posted as to how diet and supplements work for you. If you have questions ask and I’ll help all I can. 🙂

  188. Fey

    Dear healthguy.. God bless you.. i did not know about grape seed extract till i found you.. thank you.. but i am sad to say i cannot follow your supplements recommendations in total.. im suffering from systemic fungal infection that i cannot seem to get rid of for years now.. small gall stones.. gerd and gastritis.. and lately my pancreas has been affected since feb.. it is not secreting enzymes so i have to take enzymes with meals.. i cannot take any solid foods now without getting sick.. nausea.. swollen heavy dull pain in pancreas that radiates to the back.. seperate pain on the right that radiates now to right shoulder and down to wrist and a swollen right pain in the front and back ard the kidney area on right side.. i itch when eating anything sweet frm the fungal infection.. i get pain and feel very ill with solid foods.. i even seem to get till from drinking plain filtered water.. vit causes gastric pain.. most foods causes acid burns now bad and a bitter taste in my mouth.. its been over two months now i have hardly been eating or drinking bcos to eat or drink is to suffer the swollen pain.. im down to a few cups of juices a day.. no water and nothing else.. my doc wont admit me cos only enzyme lvls are low and im not in great pain and i have been ill since 2003 with digestive issues and have not died.. at times when suffering alot i wished i had rather haha.. anyone with any ideas on what to eat please help me.. no solid foods.. no plain water.. no sugar.. i was down to veg juices and avocadoes and coconut and now i find out those are two no nos haha.. my limited menu has been cut due to gerd and esp my too ill and tired to do anything.. esp since i really know not what to do.. no one else ard me seems to be having my physical ills but me and that makes things worse since i cannot get anyones support.. not fam not friends not medical.. i cannot take vit c and cucurmin cos of gastric and gallstones but bought it anyway.. thorne vit c and cucurmin i forgot the brand.. forgetfulness an effect of candida.. grapeseed i bought resevage bcos that was only 1 of 2 brands that used org grapes and i was worried abt the high lvls of toxic stuff in normal grape seed and tried looking for info but could not find any.. only found grapefruit processing toxic or something like that.. i am still looking for an ans.. are the high lvls of pesticides and other toxic substances present in grapes and grapefruits that are not organic.. present in the supplements we buy? Anyway.. over 13 yrs of illness has worn my family down financially so we are kinda living month to month.. yet i had to the purer supplements which cost more bcos my system esp immune is really not well at all.. needless to say my family is really upset with the cost of my illnesses.. i do not blame them and feel really sorry.. but still not sure what to do as this is the first time in 13 yrs that i have not bounced back to relative good heath after an attack ‘period’ and this is the first time my pancreas is involved.. so im told by doc but have had the pancreas pain on and off for over 2 yrs but nvr knew it was pancreas.. so here i am.. i know life goes on but any advice would be much appreciated as my limited diet has been cut badly due to the fungal infection that is persistent and slowly but surely wrecking my immune system and im going downhill.. sorry for sounding so morose.. its been suffering..

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Fey – If you have Candidiasis (been diagnosed) your doc should know that it can be treated successfully with antifungal drugs coupled with a no sugar diet and probiotics. The no sugar diet is difficult because sugar is in almost everything (it occurs naturally in some form in almost everything but meat). Since you have gallstones I’d suggest sticking with grape seed extract and avoiding curcumin (turmeric). You might also ask your doc for some nausea meds. I wish I could help more. God bless you back. IF I come up with some brainstorm Idea I’ll add to this.

  189. Brian

    Hi Paul,
    Thanks again for the great site, so much information. The PG diet is still working. Thank god. I am curious as to your views and experiences with coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil use on a limited basis as ones body continue to heal from a bout of acute attacks, most recent was in early January.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Brian, oil is oil and all oil is pure fat. Once you have healed up you could test a small amount and see how you tolerate it. I’d be cautious, especially at first. Hang in there it does take time to heal.

  190. Kelli

    My husband is having AP at the moment, I really need help learning how to cook for him, I feel like our family should all eat like this so I don’t have to cook separate meals. So as of now…. clear liquids for 72 hours then try V8 juice? When can he start to eat solid food i.e. brown rice fruits and veggies? Also what exactly are the supplements?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Kelli – sorry to hear about your husband. If he is currently in AP he should be in the ER and definitely not eating. But introducing food after AP is a stair-step type transition or should be. Once all pain and symptoms have resolved V8 juice (low sodium) would be a good place to start. See how he tolerates juice before moving into solid foods. If juice causes no problems then I might try some plain rice with salt and pepper (small portion) plus juice. No symptoms? Try some green vegetables (steamed, no oil or butter or mystery fat) and juice. Then rice and veggies and juice. Move up slowly in food groups and portion size. Think vegan BUT no fat, no alcohol for a while (it takes time to heal up). The supplements that do the most to resolve inflammation are grape seed extract, curcumin and vitamin C. Ibuprofen is also very helpful.

      1. Kelli

        Thank you so much for the reply it’s so helpful!! What is the dosage for the supplements?

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Kelli – you’re welcome 🙂 Supplement dosage depends upon the individual. Some need more than others. It is best to start out with low doses and work up until you find the right dose for you. It is also usually better to increase doses by the number of times per day (spreading the benefits out over the day) instead of doubling or tripling one dose.

  191. Mark

    Hi Paul,
    I initially had many questions about the food diary prep and eating plan, but scouring your site for the last two weeks I find that most of the information I need is already here. My list of questions has therefore been considerably shortened. In preparing for my upcoming food diary prep, it appears that it will take a considerable amount of time–the fasting, clean out, and reintroduction of one food at a time. I’ve been trying to get the time factor straight in my head, as I don’t have a whole lot of vacation time! Working while on a starvation diet isn’t going to work for me, so I’m looking for shortcuts, if possible. Hey, I gotta work.
    My plan includes reintroducing a ‘core’ of foods that provide energy that I can live on, like brown rice and potatoes, while I gradually introduce other foods. Questions:
    In spite of the fact that we are all different and may have different triggers, it seems to me that the work of others may be helpful in generating my own safe list. Would such information be posted anywhere? (I admit that I haven’t yet looked at your Facebook page, nor have I completed reading all the posts and comments on this website.)
    What foods did you personally reintroduce after completing the fast?
    Were you able to complete your food diary the first time, or did it take more than one attempt?
    How advantageous is it to reintroduce foods that you suspect might be AP/CP triggers? If red meats, not to mention fats and alcohol, are on the no-no list, reintroducing them could be dangerous.
    According to the post above, all vegetables and most fruits are safe to consume. Do you or anyone you know of have or had problems with any fruits or vegetables?
    Were there any surprises on your personal food diary? Any foods you suspected were probably safe that turned out not to be, and vice versa?
    Do you have knowledge of the degree of success your readers and followers have had with their own food diaries? If so, is this information posted anywhere?
    Thanks again, Paul. I look forward to your response, as always. BTW, my doctor suggested a low fat diet, but could offer no specifics. Probably not a surprise to you.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Mark you have some good questions.

      #1 – “In spite of the fact that we are all different and may have different triggers, it seems to me that the work of others may be helpful in generating my own safe list. Would such information be posted anywhere?”
      Answer: I tried doing a forum on this site but it never worked properly so I guess the answer is – not unless you can find what you’re looking for in comments.

      #2 – “What foods did you personally reintroduce after completing the fast?”
      Answer: I started with vegetable juice. Then to fruits and veggies, beans, peas, apples, bananas, peaches etc – you can start with any food with no fat or very, very low fat.

      #3 – “Were you able to complete your food diary the first time, or did it take more than one attempt?”
      Answer: It was a work in progress but once I started I never started over, at least not totally. Just back to the fast a few times when I wasn’t feeling well after eating something that didn’t work well.

      #4 – “How advantageous is it to reintroduce foods that you suspect might be AP/CP triggers? If red meats, not to mention fats and alcohol, are on the no-no list, reintroducing them could be dangerous.”
      Answer: You are right. Reintroducing foods that are known triggers (red meat, pork, oil, other high fat foods) could be very dangerous. Yet, there are those that swear they do okay with red meat but I just cringe thinking of what could happen eventually.

      #5 – “According to the post above, all vegetables and most fruits are safe to consume. Do you or anyone you know of have or had problems with any fruits or vegetables?”
      Answer: I’ve heard all kinds of things. Cabbage caused my AP, grapes gave me AP, etc. Here’s the deal … I’ve heard those things from people who frequent support groups and have never cleansed and done a diary. Unless someone has fasted, cleansed their system of ALL previously eaten food and started a diary how would they know for sure what caused what? I can only say that soybeans, avocado, coconut and over-ripe bananas don’t work for me. I have had problems with over-ripe bananas. The sugar turns to alcohol so when they start to spot I avoid them. You can peel and over-ripe banana and smell the alcohol. Other fruits would also pose a problem if they are over-ripe. Think of peach brandy etc 🙂

      #6 – “Were there any surprises on your personal food diary? Any foods you suspected were probably safe that turned out not to be, and vice versa?”
      Answer: Not really. Once I found out fat and alcohol were the major bad guys it wasn’t hard to figure out what was probably bad and what may work. The hard part was figuring out how much fat was too much (at one time or too often).

      #7 – “Do you have knowledge of the degree of success your readers and followers have had with their own food diaries? If so, is this information posted anywhere?”
      Answer: No. I have no knowledge in regards to how successful any of the info on this site is for others. Yes, I get some really cool comments (good results) but I have never done anything to measure the benefit or results. I’ve been thinking of doing a testimony page but the last time I had a thought (the forum) it didn’t turn out well lol

  192. Mark

    Hi Paul,
    I started the fast 24 hours ago. Been eating ultra low fat for the last four weeks with all foods in the safe category. With the exception of last Saturday, when I stupidly added some fat to a meal, I’ve had minor and decreasing issues with pain and nausea during that time. I credit the diet and supplements for that.
    Question: I’ve been having some minor pain just below the sternum this morning, even though I’ve been fasting for a day. I have not had pain like this since last week. I thought pain was supposed to disappear during the fast? Could there be another issue going on? Perhaps not drinking enough water? Your thoughts please, and thank you.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Mark – that pain could still be from residual inflammation. Fasting is a tremendous help yet nothing is 100% effective. And it’s only been 24 hours right? Be patient, It takes time (weeks or even months) to heal. The 3 – 4 day fast is a great start especially when coupled with 200 – 400 mgs of Ibuprofen 2x daily and the supplements. More water may or may not help but you do need to stay hydrated.

  193. Ashley Renee Faulconer

    I suffer from drug induced pancreatitis so taking anything for the pain makes mine worse I also have elevated liver enzymes what supplements do you use for your pancreatitis

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Ashley – I use grape seed extract (a lot). It is my work horse supplement. I also use vitamin C and curcumin. Since Vitamin C is ALL made from corn and corn causes a “celiac response” for me I have had to go a different way in order to get it which is rose hips. But for most people, including most celiacs, regular vitamin C is great. So, grape seed extract (not oil), curcumin and vitamin C. Curcumin, in appropriate doses, can be as pain relieving as anti-inflammatory drugs.

  194. Mark

    Hi Paul,
    I wanted to give you an update. Last weekend I completed a three day fast. I ended the fast with juicing and then started the slow process of reintroducing solid food, sticking to a strict vegan regimen. After two days the pain and nausea decreased, and after five stopped altogether. I felt great. Then, on day six, nausea and pain started in again which I was finally able to knock down with the cocktail, ibuprofen, and grapefruit juice. I’m still not sure what caused the attack. Questions:
    1. Is it normal for the process to seem like ‘two steps forward, one step back?’
    2. I’m currently up to 800 mg. of grape seed extract and 1500 mg curcumin, 4000 mg Vitamin C. I’ve megadosed Vitamin C many times in the past and am not concerned with taking too much, but what about the other two? Is it possible to take too much GSE? Is there a safe limit? Should I bump it up?
    3. I would guess that in case of a setback I should fall back to the foods on my safe list and start anew. Or would it be better to start at square one with juice and then introduce food again?
    4. I’ve had gastritis and ulcers in the past, and am concerned with taking ibuprofen on a regular basis. Would taking a low dose (200-400 mg.) daily have any benefit?

    In an unrelated matter, the low back pain I’ve experienced for years disappeared after the fast. Weird, huh?

    I’ve also discovered that if I am in pain, lying on my back gives me temporary relief, even after I get up.

    The fact that I felt great after five days was starting to give me a false sense of security, I guess. I have to keep reminding myself that this is a long process and success should be measured in terms of months and years, rather than days.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Mark – sorry I’m slow responding. I have no good excuse lol. Ok, let’s answer your questions.

      #1 – Yes, I believe it is. Introducing solid food is hit and miss. Even if it is normally safe foods an inflamed pancreas will often object.
      #2 – It is possible to take too much grape seed extract, curcumin and C. Especially for those knew to the supplements. They are all extremely powerful antioxidants, especially grape seed extract and curcumin. So taking high doses too fast can cause detox symptoms (nausea and more). Too much curcumin can cause nausea and vomiting so I’d limit it to a max of 2 – 3000 mgs daily. Sometimes people simply need to fast again (while taking the supplements and maybe low dose Ibuprofen) to resolve any inflammation that may have arisen again.
      #3 – See number two.
      #4 yes low dose Ibuprofen for a day or two (even longer if necessary) could definitely benefit but it can irritate the stomach so watch out for symptoms. Take with some kind of SAFE food if possible.

      Don’t give up. You experienced good days. More are to come. Stay away from unsafe foods.

      1. Mark

        Hi Paul,
        No worries about the response. Hell, you’re faster than my doctor! And I think you deserve a life.
        I have experienced nausea after taking the cocktail. I’ll try taking it with a bit of food next time.
        I wondered about a mini-fast for a day or two if the symptoms continue. Thanks for the recommendation.
        I mentioned to you in an earlier message that I have yet to be formally diagnosed. Getting in to see a specialist takes a bit of time but I finally have an appointment Friday in San Francisco. A bit of a drive but definitely better than waiting four months. I hope to get the ball rolling for a diagnosis!
        And thanks for the encouragement. I think all of us here would agree that you’re a godsend; putting all this information together, for free, and answering questions? Priceless. God bless you, Paul, and good night.

  195. Mark

    Hi Paul,
    Well, I saw the gastroenterologist two weeks ago. He was not impressed by my bloodwork–initial lipase of 63, follow-up of 57, but he prescribed the first round of tests–CT scan and specific blood and fecal work. In addition to checking the pancreas, he also ordered a range of other tests to check for parasites and celiac disease. I had all these tests last week and the results came in today–all negative. Everything on the report was listed as ‘unremarkable.’ I guess I should be relieved at that but I’m still having some pain and nausea episodes. Nothing like at the beginning, but I’m still having issues. Gastro doc wants to schedule upper and lower GI next.
    I have read elsewhere on this site (I think; there’s a lot of information here!) that mild cases may be difficult to detect. The gastroenterologist told me that lipase levels in most pancreatitis cases are way higher than my numbers. I agreed with him, but if I was truly healthy they should not be elevated at all.
    Your thoughts, please?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Mark – I bet you’re frustrated. The thing is low ULN lipase levels WITH acute pancreatitis are rare. Low ULN (upper limits of normal) lipase levels with CHRONIC pancreatitis are more common. There are other conditions that can cause low, minor increases in lipase (peptic ulcers, celiac disease and other hepatobiliary disorders). You obviously have a problem but it may not be pancreatitis OR you are in the early stages of possible chronic pancreatitis due to a genetic variant. Unfortunately I don’t know. Sorry I can’t help more.

    2. The Health Guy Post author

      Mark – sphincter of oddi dysfunction can also raise lipase and amylase levels a little, so can gallstones passing or gallbladder inflammation

      1. Mark

        Good morning, Paul–
        It’s a great day to be alive. Frustration? Indeed. So far all the tests seem to lead away from CP. I have to admit that I was led to your site based upon my GP’s belief that my elevated lipase was pancreas related. In fact, it was he who recommended a low fat diet, digestive enzymes, abstinence from alcohol and a suggestion to get in to see a gastroenterologist. My GP made no other conclusion, in spite of my lifelong crappy digestion. From my research of peer-reviewed journals and various websites I’ve discovered that pancreatitis is not the only disease that can cause elevated lipase levels. I do have a history of peptic ulcer disease, acid reflux, and chronic gastritis that only adds to the fun. And you’re quite right–some of these diseases have also been known to raise lipase levels, according to most sources.
        I find it interesting to note that most of my symptoms, especially my lifelong reflux (!) have resolved when following a very low fat (VLF), mostly vegan, diet. Of course, VLF is recommended in a gastritis diet as well, something I just couldn’t seem to follow the last few years. Hey, I’m human. Sometimes we don’t always make the best dietary choices. I do believe that a modified vegan diet is the way to go. In most respects, I haven’t felt this good in years.
        It’s not over yet, however. I do have a consult with the gastroenterologist who will no doubt recommend an upper and lower GI series to rule out any other complications. I’ll bring your suggestions, above, to his attention.
        Thanks again, Paul. You’re help has been most invaluable.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          You’re most welcome Mark always glad to be of service 🙂 Say, I can’t remember but a lot of the symptoms you have COULD be celiac disease (not sayin it is) so IF you have not been tested do the blood work. BUT CD does raise lipase. It can also raise liver enzymes. It can cause reflux and various other things. Anyway keep me posted I’m curious to how things turn out.

          1. Mark

            Hey Paul,
            Test results for celiac were negative. For the last few days my symptoms have been mainly nausea, persistent and debilitating nausea, that come and go in waves. I have found that digestive enzymes help with that, although I don’t take enzymes with every bite of food I put in my mouth. Maybe I should. Do you take enzymes with every meal, or just main (big) meals?

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Mark – I just do big meals but since I have digestive issues I should probably take them every meal.

  196. Anna Reeder

    My mom has been dealing with pancreatitis for 8 months. Drs say she can eat whatever but she is constantly throwing up. Trying to get her to change her diet and this was very helpful. I was wondering about juices- like grape or apple- are these ok to add to this diet. Drs also want her to drink Ensure drinks but they have about 6g of fat so should those be out? My mom is 69 and her pancreatitis was acute with necrosis. Any insight would be appreciated.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Anna – It would likely be a good thing to have her fast for a couple days, maybe three (no food just water). Go to the local health store and get her some grape seed extract, curcumin and vitamin C and start her on those. Call her doctor and get a prescription for phenergan (anti-nausea drug). After 3 days of fasting she should see improvement in nausea and vomiting. Then try juice (low soduim V8) or if you have a juicer juice some organic vegetables and make juice. Grape and apple juice should be fine. Then after a day or so on just juice and if she is not vomiting slowly introduce safe, solid food in small amounts to see how she tolerates rice, veggies, beans etc with absolutely ZERO fat. Use salt and pepper for seasoning. The only ensure that is safe is ensure clear.

  197. Steve

    I like your approach and perspective, HG. I’ve been diagnosed with Calcified Chronic Pancreatitis and have diet questions. If I stop eating egg yolk, what would be a nutritional substitute, and what are the main nutrients involved? How do you prepare your eggs? Is it ok to eat egg whites everyday? Also, would eating bile-enhancing foods help my condition? And, are there home remedies for my condition? I hope I’m not too greedy with your time. Thank you for helping. Ever think about running for office?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Steve – No politics for me lol – the egg has long been toted as the “perfect food” and it may well be since it is used to nourish the growing embryo but ONE whole, large egg can have as much as 7 grams of fat and that fat is all in the yolk. Of course that is where most of the nutrients are as well including approximately 3 grams of protein but the egg white still has 4 grams of protein with ZERO fat. Cod fish (Pacific) is a great replacement food. Cod boasts tons of nutrients, and in larger amounts. Of course a fillet is a lot more food than one egg. Cod also supplies Omega 3’s. Cod isn’t perfect but considering one fillet boasts 21 grams of protein along with all the other nutrients and only ONE fat gram it is almost the perfect food for those who suffer with pancreatitis. Pollock is also very good. Other white meat fish such as bass, perch, crappie are also good choices.

      You can eat egg whites every day for protein. 4 provide 16 grams of protein and a few other nutrients but one needs more than egg whites. Legumes (beans, peas, lentils) are a great source of protein and other nutrients.

      Various foods are bile enhancing (increase bile flow). The spice turmeric (from which curcumin is made) increases bile flow. This may or may not be a benefit. It is definitely NOT a benefit for those who have SOD or gallbladder issues.

      Home remedies that usually produce a reduction and in some cases even total resolution of pain and symptoms are diet, supplements (grape seed extract, vitamin C and curcumin) and Ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory drug) when needed. Usually when the inflammation resolves so do symptoms. With calcification present the challenge is more difficult, especially in advanced cases.

  198. Mark

    Hi Paul,
    Well, I finally got a diagnosis. As you suspected, it’s not pancreatitis. I have moderate gastritis. There was also evidence of peptic ulcers which are healing or have healed. (Ironically, I was diagnosed with gastritis and ulcers in 2013 but was asymptomatic at that time.) My research on elevated lipase levels indicated that peptic ulcer disease can indeed raise lipase. That, coupled with the nausea and abdominal pain, led my GP to suspect I might have pancreatitis. I have since fired her, as my gastroenterologist said he would never voice a suspicion without proof by appropriate tests. Smart guy.
    While I’m glad I don’t have CP, gastritis and ulcers are worrisome nonetheless. And this is my second diagnosis in four years. My symptoms, though, have slowly abated over the last couple of months, and I credit the modified vegan diet and the supplements you recommend, which I continue to take, in reduced quantities, every day. Juicing, especially carrot and spinach juice, seems to have helped tremendously. For now, I’ll continue the diet; I have attempted to reintroduce meat but it just doesn’t sit very well. There is considerable evidence that gastritis and ulcers may be caused by low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria).

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Mark – Thanks for the update. It is good to hear that it isn’t pancreatitis. Ulcers and gastritis can heal enabling you to live a normal life. Have you been checked for H. Pylori? It can cause ulcers. And it can be destroyed.

      1. Mark

        Hi Paul,
        You are well read, my friend. Not many folks outside the ulcer realm are aware of the H. pylori connection. To date I’ve been tested three times–twice by biopsy (endoscopy) and once with the urea breath test. All negative. I mentioned in an earlier post (up above, somewhere) that my lifelong problem with heartburn literally vanished once I adopted the modified vegan, low fat diet. And the gastritis, whose main symptoms are that scary mid-abdominal pain coupled with nausea, is reduced to almost nothing. I get a flare of nausea whenever I try to reintroduce meat. So for now, I’m a vegetarian, as it seems to work keeping the symptoms at bay. And oddly, I really don’t miss meat. I’m glad to be without pain. And I didn’t even have to start the drugs (PPIs–dangerous) the gastroenterologist prescribed!

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Mark – thanks for the kind words. It sounds like you are on track and things are better. Have you ever tried Mylanta or a similar formula to coat and protect those ulcers and keep the acid low? If not it may be worth a try.

          1. Mark

            Hi Paul,
            I’ve been on PPIs in the past and they do work well for the healing of ulcers. Gastritis, not so well. As my acid reflux has been a lifelong ordeal, I’ve tried just about everything. Yes, I’ve tried Mylanta. It works in the short term for acid reflux but seems to have no long term effect on either gastritis or ulcers. As I’ve stated previously, the modified vegan, low-fat diet has worked wonders at alleviating most of my reflux and gastritis symptoms, so I continue to go in that direction. Another of the things I’ve learned from you, and thanks!
            This past week I tried reintroducing beef into my diet, very slowly, with the addition of digestive enzymes. The reflux came back. A lack of stomach acid and digestive enzymes may be the cause of the indigestion. Small amounts of chicken and fish appear to be okay, so I’ll have to be careful with meat. As I prefer to be pain free, the mostly vegetarian diet works for me. I have reintroduced eggs successfully, although I don’t eat them every day.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hey Mark – If the diet works all I can say is keep with it because being pain free is a good thing 🙂

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Susie – frankly I don’t think soft drinks cause any problem. It’s fat and alcohol that are the two main enemies.

  199. BRAM

    HI, I havent been able to find much on pancreatic enzyme supplements like creon. From what I have read, they will will allow you to rest the pancreas and still eat foods with some fats (not fast food). Have you had any experience with supplemental enzymes? Would having these not be like resting your pancreas when you dont eat or eat/drink or eat only foods with zero fat? Thank you

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Bram – I have never taken Creon but I have used enzymes. They do help if you need them but are a lot less powerful than Creon. They help but the only way to really “rest” the pancreas is to fast.

      1. Jon G

        Thanks. Starting feeling really nauseous yesterday after having pancakes with maple syrup (low fat). Still feeling sick today so I’ll probably lay off of the protein shakes for now. Any idea if high sugar foods can also cause symptoms?

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Jon – how did you make and cook the pancakes? Did the batter contain oil or anything else that may not be a good thing or did you cook with oil? Just asking. Some people do not tolerate protein shakes.

          1. Jon G

            The batter itself didn’t contain any oil in it, although I used about half a tablespoon of vegetable oil which has never affected me like this before. The pancake mix had been open for a few years and expired back in March, but I don’t think it would make me sick this long. Only thing I can think of is the sugar from the pancake syrup stressed my pancreas and my body is still trying to recover :S

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Old mix, which could have contained ingredients (egg yolk and or shortening) that didn’t set well. Plus using oil to cook the cakes with didn’t help.

  200. Maria Mercer

    Hello HG I just read the comment from the Mike the “TROLL” it got my attention when I saw his photo at the message lol ! it is sad we have that kind of losers in our very professional ,informative, serious ,interesting site ..I cannot believe we have now to deal with people like this clown it is sad indeed , they are lite rats they are all over the place I hope we will will be able ERADICATE “pronto” he doesn’t belong at our site indeed ,I am doing well my Pancreas problem is under control ,I feel I should let you know on my progress …i hope you can do so something drastic about this troll ,we not need something like that in our site that will smear our productive information in your site ..Blessings ,Maria

  201. Sandy S

    IHi there, I’ve been vegan for 9 years, follow a low fat diet since being diagnosed with idiopathic pancreatitis, and had my first acute pancreatitis attack which put me in the ICU and hospital for a week. I am so thankful for your post. I had the occasional glass of wine, now no more alcohol. I do love tofu though, your thoughts on it? Too much fat, or is it acceptable?

  202. Sandy S

    Healthy Guy, thanks again for your wonderful website and ideas. I have been a low fat, or fat free vegan for 8 years, and I was intrigued by your pumpkin custard. I did find an alternative, and I hope you don’t mind me sharing the link. It does contain sugar, but it’s absolutely delicious. I used regular canned pumpkin, not pumpkin pie mix. To see the recipe copy and paste this addy into your browser:

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Sandy S – recipe looks ok except that soy milk usually has too much fat, vanilla contains alcohol and even though cooking spray says no fat most contain some because oils are not fat free, they are oil and oil is fat and the propellant usually contains some alcohol. If it works for you that is awesome because it does sound tasty 🙂

  203. Sandy S

    Health Guy-I did not use cooking spray, and my soy milk unsweetened is 1.5 g fat per serving so I feel like I’m okay there. I didn’t use vanilla because of the alcohol, didn’t miss it!

  204. Suzette Mallett

    I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to find this site! Looking forward to gleaning from you and learning the do’s and dont’s!!! My questions will follow….. Seeing hope, in this acute pancreatitis road I’ll walk!

  205. Gwenyth Santagate

    OK .. issues here. Had acute pancreatitis attack in September. Docs said caused by gallstones so removed my gallbladder. In the meantime, the CAT and Ultrasound showed GERD, Diverticulosis, Ulcers, cysts on kidneys, cysts on liver and mild cirrhosis of the liver (and I don’t drink now — was having a glass of white wine/Chardonnay an evening with dinner prior to the pancreatitis/gallstone event) … I also had ruptured appendix back in February that had been brewing/oozing since November beforehand. Same CATs, same ultrasounds and none of the GERD, cysts, gallstones, etc. were noted then. I eat mostly raw veggies, fruits (organic) and organically raised chicken; some white fish (cold Atlantic Cod or Haddock) etc. I juice BUT, my “bad girl” includes maybe a couple of dark chocolate pieces after dinner at night or a couple/3 cookies. I dropped breads, pastries, wheat, starches (no potatoes, no rice) a couple of years ago. I’ve had IBS most of my life (over 60), had bleeding ulcers about 5 years ago; and am lactose intolerant. So … between all the ‘conditions” … one says eat this but not that and the other says to eat that but not this and it leaves me with very little options of what to eat. I am not a big person and I get regular exercise (farm/horses/alot of walking and lifting and shoveling and throwing) … Kind of at my wits end here. Have had a couple of diverticulitis attacks; the last one just this past week.

    Any suggestions?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Gwenyth – I am sorry to say I really don’t have any suggestions except to say that you need to find out what is the core enemy (disease or condition) because something is obviously wrong to be causing all those varied conditions/symptoms.

  206. Linda

    Finally……someone who completely understands pancreatitis!!!!!
    I’m going to go by your diet religiously……just want to ask you , what do you suggest as a good beverage?? I have been drinking unsweetened and no caffeine iced tea with lots of lemon……is this good?
    And also what are your dosages on your supplements,and is there a specific brand that you recommend?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Linda – Tea with lemon is great. Coffee is fine too. I drink both. Water is good. The supplements, including suggestions on how to take them, are listed on a post. Look to the right of this site for the categories section and use the drop down box to navigate.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi JOAN – all are fine. ALL veggies (greens, tubers, legumes, etc) except soybeans (high fat) are fine. It is what you put on veggies or how you cook them (again what is put on them) that may make them not good.

  207. Carol Radcliffe

    I’m 65 and just came home from the hospital with a diagnosis of pancreatitis and had a stent put in. I have no idea where the stent is. It was put in during an endoscopy and has to come out in 4 was. I started out with pain in my lower back in the groin area then down my leg. Then it was evident I was nauseated due to stomach ache but my problem now is trying to eat is fine to be on a bland horrible diet, it’s just if I drink water, eat jello, cream of wheat, anything goes right through me! I don’t hear of anyone running to the bathroom like me? Could I have a differential diagnosis that someone didn’t pick up? Although my tests say I have a high sgot, sgpt, & lanaise test. I’m afraid to go out in case I have to go to the bathroom.
    Carol Radcliffe

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Carol – some people do have a problem with diarrhea. Whether it could be due to some other condition that wasn’t discovered that may have even caused your acute pancreatitis is always possible. For example Celiac Disease causes diarrhea (often very bad) and can manifest as acute pancreatitis. There are other conditions/diseases that cause diarrhea and could also cause AP as well. BUT, like I said, some people experience excessive diarrhea from AP.

  208. Maureen

    Too bad too sad if like me after a bowel Perforation you can no longer eat raw nice clean veges or even salads and the taste of spinach especially cooked makes you throw up ?! Plus nuts berries etc are totally out of the question due to Diverticular Disease! Not much else left to remotely survive on!! But what puzzles me too in this expert persons article is that NO ONE ELSE IN THE WHOLE WORLD should be listened too except him or her! I wonder if they also suffer from Pancreatitis or not or are selling something! Feeling pretty cynical today!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Maureen – don’t take this wrong but I don’t care what you think. You can listen to whomever you please (how’s that working for you?) or eat whatever you like or can tolerate with all your digestive issues. Oh and yes! I’m getting rich on supplement commissions from Amazon – I mean I get a whopping 4% of the sales price which could be as much as $2 – $4 per order. Hot damn I’ve struck a gold mine here lol

  209. Edwin Hofmann-Smith

    I had undiagnosed pancreatitis for 5 months after abdominal surgery, then it got worse and was finally diagnosed after I went to the ER. After that I had 3 more attacks with hospitalization which thankfully resolved nicely with IV fluid and nothing by mouth. I had no risk factors (heavy alcohol, high blood fats, or gallstones) for pancreatitis, so the doctors had no clue as to cause or treatment. Finally my gastroenterologist did a test for autoimmune pancreatitis (serum IgG4) that was significantly though mildly elevated. Bingo. That fits because about two years earlier I had an autoimmune disease called temporal arteritis that was quickly controlled by prednisone. Autoimmune pancreatitis is also usually quickly controlled by prednisone. It is also often accompanied by liver problems that cause troublesome itching (which I had), and I also had mild fevers which I also experienced with my temporal arteritis and I believe is also good evidence of an autoimmune condition. My own condition has been good since I started avoiding my potential food triggers (eggs and dairy diagnosed by testing for antibodies to foods in blood serum). I did a few castor oil packs, and I have been supplementing with a lot of things including grape seed extract. (I don’t seem to tolerate curcumin.)
    I’m a big proponent of diagnosis. That is, finding out as much as you can regarding the specific causation. My case might be a good example though I didn’t seem to need a course of prednisone. Most of you know that prednisone is a steroid and has multiple adverse effects when it is used chronically, but if it works with a short course – like a month or two, I’d say it might be worth it. You can do other healing and preventive measures as you taper off the prednisone. So while autoimmunity is an uncommon cause of pancreatitis, it is being recognized more and more. I’d also guess that if Advil or aspirin tends to control symptoms, you should consider autoimmunity as a cause and prednisone as a treatment.

  210. elene bastear

    please advise what you recommend for cooking if you can’t use any oils etc. does something like Pam spray work.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Elene – I just use quality non-stick pans but there are people who browse this site that have mentioned they use a little Pam with good results. I’m skeptical of it (I avoid anything that is oil) but if you tolerate it that could be a good thing for you. Be cautious.

  211. Jen

    thank u so much for ur info!! I have been diagnosed a few months ago.. I finally put the alcohol I try to eat..but cannttt..even when i kno i..should?? I need energy to get out of bed..walk the a mom to my 2 young kids.. Should I keep trying to eat (something good) at least once a day or..?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jen – I am sorry to hear you have joined the club but glad to hear you have quit alcohol. How long have you been alcohol free? Eating is difficult when your pancreas is still inflamed and you are sick. Food is not your friend when your pancreas is inflamed. Sometimes the best thing to do is fast for several days. This gives the pancreas time to rest and heal. Invest time reading the articles on this site. You’ll learn everything I have done to heal and stay healed.

  212. Victoria

    How do you feel about ground turkey? I only used ground beef 2-3 times a year for a certain recipe my family loves. Otherwise I only use ground turkey for everything.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Victoria – ground turkey breast is usually fine. Dark meat on both chicken and turkey can have too much fat content for some folks.

  213. sarath

    hii healthy guy-iam sarath i have chronic pancreatitis since 4 years.since last year i have a very severe pain so i started juicing diet after a week i started feeling better its been 2 months on juicing completely fine i use slow jucier.i also take question is can i do it for life time alon with organic protein of garden of greens.and multivitamin juices

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi sarath – I am glad to hear you are feeling better! Good news is always welcome. Yes, I would think you could do what you are doing for life. Just make sure you are eating enough protein and a good variety of veggie juices and/or veggies.

  214. Ciara Slayton

    Hi! My name is Ciara! I have pancreatitis due to pancreatic divisum (I was born with it.) I have been eating normal foods and getting some slight discomfort but nothing crazy I went to the docs and my lipase is 174 the normal is 0-84 I am going to do the low fat diet since I found that out but do I tolerate foods different since mine is from pancreatic divisum or how does that work exactly? And I actually heard adding small doses of coconut oil to your morning smoothies is ok because it doesn’t use the pancreatic enzymes to break it down since it’s an MCT oil not sure how true that is but please let me know what you think! Thanks!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Ciara – pancreas divisum is an interesting condition in that a large number of people who have it never experience symptoms. How that happens I have no clue. Since it is basically a pancreatic duct that has a section missing one would think the enzymes would always back up and cause problems but that doesn’t seem to be the case and … in those who do become symptomatic it is really difficult to help them for the reason I just mentioned. I’ve read where a really good surgeon, in some cases, can stent/or create a bridge to bring the duct together thereby fixing the problem. I do not recommend any kind of oil. Oil is fat and fat more often than not causes inflammation in a damaged pancreas. If you are beginning to be symptomatic I’d suggest avoiding fat and alcohol.

  215. Marina

    Thank you so much for this blog. I was discharged from hospital today after a 3 night stay due to an acute attack. I’m on the ‘less than 90 day’ list for surgery to remove my gallbladder. All your advice here is so helpful. The low fat diet is really scary, as I’m such a foodie. I would do anything to avoid another attack though!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Marina – You’re welcome. I’m sorry to hear you have been ill. If you have a question I’ll do my best to answer.

  216. Lynn B

    Hi- have you ever tried MCT oil? It is not digested by the hepatobiliary system. I seem to tolerate this form of fat just fine despite pancreatitis. I follow a recipe found on the blog ‘don’t waste the crumbs’ to make no-fail mayo using MCT oil. From that I can make coleslaw dressing and ranch. Really adds to my quality of life being able to still have salads- with dressings!

  217. Bob N.

    I had an attack of acute pancreatitis on April 9, 2018. I was in the hospital for 5 days, nil by mouth, and taking Dilaudid for the extreme pain. Cause? “Idiopathic.” When I was admitted, my lipase count was 10,000 (it was back down to 48 when I was discharged). Home recovering for another 2 weeks. Lost about 20 pounds. Two months later, I’m pretty much fully recovered. I’m a 63 year old white male, not an alcoholic but a regular drinker on weekends for many years. That, plus a relatively high fat diet and stress are the likely culprits (though I suspect there’s a genetic component also). I’ve resolved never to drink alcohol again as a precaution–that’s relatively easy (I’m not alcohol-dependent)–but changing my diet has been more challenging. Any suggestions?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Bob N. – I am sorry to hear you had a rough time. I know it sucks. It is probably wise to quit alcohol since the docs have no clue why you AP’ed. Are you on any prescribed meds that could be the culprit (diabetes, heart, etc)? The suggestion I have is to gut out the change in diet for at least 6 months to allow your pancreas to heal completely because IF there is no underlying condition that could be the problem and you refrain from alcohol just in case you have that genetic variant … if you do everything right you could heal up and never have another problem. According to the medical community about 80% of mild AP cases heal completely with no recurrence so that would be good right?

      1. Bob N.

        Yeah, it was no picnic but I feel pretty well now and I am watching my diet. I know the odds are in my favor for not having another attack if I take the necessary precautions. I just hope I’m part of the 80%. Thanks.

  218. Sandy

    Bob N, I am a plant eater, have always eaten low fat, and have now given up all oils. I saute’ in water or veggie broth. I spent a week in the hospital with acute pancreatitis, I take pancreatic enzymes, no alcohol since the day I was admitted (not much of a drinker even then), and am once again dealing with my pancreas. I have did water for 24 hours when the pain started, at for one day, pain came back and again on a liquid diet. Can’t afford to lose more weight, but I don’t want to go back to the hospital. I, like you, am idiopathic. My GI told me that I can’t prevent another attack, but I’m hoping to prevent another hospitalization. Glad you’re going to give up the alcohol. If The Health Guy doesn’t mind I would like to recommend the Forks Over Knives group on Facebook. It’s a whole food, plant based group with no oil allowed. The recipes and stories are inspirational and they might be helpful to you as you work through this. I feel your pain, and I’m so sorry.

  219. Sandy

    Bob, my hospitalization was in October, now June and another episode is here, Sorry I wasn’t specific in my previous comment.

  220. Shaukat

    Which oil is better for acute pancreatitis, normal coconut oil or virgin coconut oil.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Shaukat – IF you are currently suffering with acute pancreatitis you should seek medical care (ER) and shouldn’t be eating, especially oil which is pure fat. IF you have recently been released from medical care (ER) you shouldn’t be eating oil. So my answer is I would not use either one.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Yes Lupe bell peppers are fine just don’t stuff them with goodies (yum) that are full of fat (pork, beef, bacon, cheese, oil etc). You could stuff them with fish, sea food, or ground chicken breast.

  221. Rob Furlong

    Health Guy

    I ordered some Ocean Spray white grapefruit and what I got was a combo of red and white. Ocean Spray website shows they don’t make the pure white anymore. Any problem with the combo?

    Also, after several days of feeling almost symptom free, I woke up feeling a bit unwell which later turned into nausea tho not severe, just enough to make me feel a bit ill. And some mild mid-back pain it’s like a sore muscle). Should I assume its something I ate, or do pancreatitis symptoms like this come and go irregularly? Either or both? Thanks for your blog.

    Rob Furlong

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Rob – I am gonna answer your 3 comment questions in this one comment answer. Yes, Ocean Spray has now combined white with some other juice (ruby red?) and so there is no longer a “white” grapefruit juice by Ocean Spray. It seems to be just as effective. I have no complaints.

      You said in another comment: ” Expeller-Pressed RBD Canola Oil. Bad since it’s oil? It’s in a lot of food and I’ve used the spray canola oil for making my egg while omelette. It’s in a lot of humus products which I thought would be ok.”

      Oil is simply not good for a damaged pancreas. I am well (healed up) and I can not use oil of any kind, no matter how cool it is nutritionally for those who do not have a damaged pancreas, without having some symptoms (usually nausea, sometimes nausea combined with slight pain.) Peanut butter which I love does the same thing. Some people will tolerate fats, some won’t. I would GUESS that your nausea was caused by the canola oil. IF it were me, and it is, I’d get a good, quality non-stick pan (I have) and forget using oil.

    2. Kathy

      Safeway has 100% white grapefruit juice under the Safeway brand.. Albertson’s is owned by the same company, so it might be found there.

  222. Rob Furlong

    Sorry to bother you, BUT do you mean ever single oil ever invented such a garlic oil, spice oil, soybean oil. Motor oil. I suspect your answer is yes. I am just going thru my cabinets for things going to the food bank. 🙂

  223. Tuya Reynolds

    I would like to thank you , thank you, thank you for advise to take 3 supplements , grape seed, curcumin and vitamin C , i think it really helps my pancrease with rite food . Wish u long healthy life , bless your kind heart.

  224. Marcia

    Hi, i was just diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis cambridge level 1. Im so overwhelmed. I am reading this page and try to imagine how will be my life after starting a full new life style. I love to cook, i enjoyed food and always cooked at home after work for my family. I guess this will be a slow learning process for me and my family, also i would have to cook two versions of same food, the pancreatitis diet one and the normal food. I wonder how do you strike a balance when you are cooking (warm lunches/dinners) for more than one?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Marcia – sorry to hear you have CP. Yes, it will be a lifestyle change for sure. That is why so many people who have families choose to fall on their sword so to speak and stay sick. I can’t tell you any easy way to do what it takes to help stay well, even heal and live pain free. It is difficult. I don’t have a magic bullet to share. I am sorry.

    2. Toni Stevens

      Marcia it’s a lot easier to make one version of foods. This will not only be a lot easier but cut down on temptation to eat the other foods. You’ve a great opportunity to go to your foodie roots and cook with herbs, produce, citrus, etc really bringing fresh wonderful flavors. At my house we eat what I make low fat, gluten free, and low sugar, when out and about the family indulges in fatty, rich, not so healthy foods. It was a long road to get past family whining. I know what works for me, so I take with me or order a light fish or chicken dish when I’m out. I have a lot more issues than just my pancreas, so I’m much more limited in food choices.

      Some recipe tips I’ve found helpful are Kate Scarlatas blog about low Fodmap to which I still modify down fats, etc and the same goes for Rocco Dispirato’s Eat This, Not That.

      I’m happy to say after dealing with this for a decade, my husband is finally on board to healthy eating after gaining and losing the same 60 -100 lbs. He doesn’t have a cranky panky but his knees hurt and hiatal hernia hurt, cholesterol, triglycerides were up, etc.He kept going for the starvation diets instead of life style change.

      You can do this! It’ll just take a bit more experimenting and modifying recipes, think of it as a taste adventure! Do some reading on Arrowroot starch as a thickener, root vegetables and squash become sweet when roasted, most veggies taste terrific when sautéed with garlic, invest in a few fresh herbs as well as spices Herbs de Provence is great on egg whites, Cumin and pepper flakes are great for Thai and Mexican dishes, Egg white meringue cookies are fun as well as clouds filled with berries, etc. I use my well seasoned cast iron and copper pots with water, juice or broth for sautéing.

  225. Toni Stevens

    I forgot to add my favorite item in the kitchen is my Vitamixer. I roast all manner of veggies and whirl it around with water in my Vitamixer for creamy soups and dips without any cream at all! I’ve added it back into soups and stews to thicken as well. I can whirl up fruits and chill or mix in ice for sorbets and I can even get away with adding a bit of almond milk. Homemade mole sauce, salsa, salsa verde, etc all made low fat (look up vegan recipes and modify as needed). Lastly, I finally added an Instapot for at home and to take on vacation it really infuses flavors (also have a traditional pressure cooker). Cooking chicken bone in makes it a lot more moist but a pain to pick out those little bones, so one time use cheesecloth is terrific! I throw in everything tie it up and pot in pot with water and then I pick the chicken out after cooled and pitche the bones and any aromatics for fantastic broth to which I add new veggies.

  226. Michelle

    I’ve been reading so many things my head is spinning. My 81 yr old father in law has been sick for awhile. 2/3 of his pancreas was removed a few years ago, not cancerous. The past few months it seems he’s have pancreatitis attacks. Lots of tests have been run already with no answers. Sooooo, the family is trying to get a good diet going for him.
    I really like this site and maybe you have stated your “credentials” somewhere but I haven’t seen them.
    Respectfully, how do you/can you back this information?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Michelle – There are various pages on this site that tell about me. The “about me” page. The TOS (terms of service) page. There are also various posts that mention things about me. BUT what you need to understand most is that I am NOT a doctor. I’m just a guy. And I understand your concern and interest in credentials. I have none.

  227. Michelle

    I feel really dumb. I just found the information on you on your home page.

  228. Lynn

    Are tofu products safe? Also what about non fat dairy such as no fat sour cream and yogurt?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Lynn – Soybean products like tofu, soy milk, soy cheese, soy beans have too much fat. I’d find something else to eat. No fat dairy works for a lot of folks. So all I can say is try it and see how it affects you. Remember it often takes a couples days to see if a food works for you or not. Sometimes foods make your pancreas rebel quickly but usually not. The only things that get an almost immediate response in me or used to was bacon and bacon fat and other very high fat foods. The rest usually took 24 – 72 hours to show up as nausea or pain or both.

      1. Lynn

        Thank you for your response and for all the helpful information provided here.
        It helps so much to read the info and be able to dialogue and benefit from the questions and experiences of others.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Lynn sorry for the wait I moved my site to another server/hosting company and it took a little longer than thought. You’re welcome. I hope the info helps you. 🙂

  229. Christina

    My husband has been working through a nutrition protocol for the last few months in an attempt to heal a severe adrenal fatigue issue. The mainstay of the protocol is chicken broth with all fat and skin removed prior to cooking. But now I understand I am now dealing with pancreatitis. As such, you recommend mainly a vegetarian diet (eliminating all fats) which he would be completely fine with. However, as he needs to continue addressing the adrenal fatigue issue, can you tell me if the issue with chicken broth would be the protein content or any remaining fat content? If it is the fat, would I be okay with consuming organic non-fat chicken broth? Thank you for all of your work in sharing your experience with others!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Christina – yeah the issue is the fat in the broth. Broth with little or preferably no fat should be better.

  230. Sarah

    Thanks for the detailed article on the pancreatic diet. Does banana drink also included in this diet? I read it here

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Sarah – I just checked out the drink and it looks very similar to one I make for myself so it should be fine. You can also add berries (strawberries, blue berries, black, etc etc etc) and kiwi fruit which makes an outstanding smoothie stuff with nutrients and ZERO fat

  231. Wade

    I know You say no red meat, which beef is totally understandable. However, have you looked into venison (white tail deer) ? The nutrition facts looks like a person could have small portions to break the monotony of chicken.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Wade – I tried it for sometime. Finally had to quit. Sad day cuz I love venison. BUT you may get by with it. Wild game does have less fat. Maybe I just ate too much at a time. Be cautious.

      1. Wade

        Appreciate the Info that You’ve put out there. Have been following what you did and have been pain free for 3 days now, best I’ve felt in 6 months. It’s cool that I came up with a lot of what you’re saying through my own research and You confirmed my suspicions when I stumbled on your site. I’m only 30 but I plan to make it to 100 if possible. God Bless and I’ll keep You in my Prayers Health Guy!

  232. Stacy

    Hi, Thanks for your work. I have had, I believe, 6 months of chronic epigastric pain. I had a few episodes in 2016 but not as long. I had an EUS done and was told my pancreas looked good. Went back to eating like I use to. I do have a history of drinking but I couldn’t imagine it would lead to this. With that said I have not had a drink in a year. In December the pain started and I though I would ride it out. The pain is still here. I have a CT scan and another EUS and was told my pancreas is fine. My Doctor will not officially diagnose CP. However, she did prescribe creon to see if helps. I have not used yet. I am trying your diet. I fasted for 4 days. I tried V8 but I didn’t think it reacted well. I do have acid reflux. I started with banana and did well. I actually felt good for two days and I drank a smoothie 2 days in a row from a local shop. It was strawberries and apple juice kiwi juice. Now I do feel well again. The only thing I am thinking is alcohol sweeter. So I am fasting again.

    I have several questions.

    She said to take 2 creons with each meal. Should I only start with one?

    Did you say that it was bad to take Calcium pills?

    Once I come off the fast, can I start with Plant Fusion or Boost.?

    What are the tricky names in labels? I am now looking at labels for everything. I am looking at frozen soft pretzel label and it looks safe.

    I am sure there is more to ask but I cant think of any.


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Stacy – sorry you have been experiencing some unwanted health issues. Now to your questions:
      1) She said to take 2 creons with each meal. Should I only start with one?
      Answer: You should ask her, your doctor, this question and what she considers a meal. And whether you should take two with a snack or smoothie or just a regular meal sized meal. Whether one would be appropriate for smaller meals etc.

      2) Did you say that it was bad to take Calcium pills?
      Answer: I don’t recall what I said in regards to calcium. Some people need supplements, most don’t. Calcium supplementation is controversial but adults probably shouldn’t take more than 1000 mgs a day if they do supplement unless a doctor says different.

      3) Once I come off the fast, can I start with Plant Fusion or Boost.?
      Answer: Watch the fat content and where that fat comes from. A lot of those protein supplements contain oil. Oil is pure fat. I don’t care how good the oil is suppose to be for us – Oil is not good for an inflamed pancreas. Oil is not good for a damaged pancreas. Be careful of ALL oils. Lethicin is soybean oil. Fats and alcohol are the two main enemies. So avoid alcohol and limit fat intake drastically. It is good to read labels. Keep doing so.

      4) What are the tricky names in labels? I am now looking at labels for everything. I am looking at frozen soft pretzel label and it looks safe.
      Answer: Remember the two enemies, fat and alcohol. Alcohol is usually easy to spot by looking for the OL at the end of words. Ethenol, sorbitol, etc. Fats are a little tougher to pick out. Lard, oil, shortening, butter, margarine, mayo, then there are foods high in fat such as cream, avocado, coconut, soy and soybeans, nuts, seeds (chia, flax, sunflower, etc) pork, duck, goose, lamb, beef and more. It takes time to learn. Basically if it tastes really good it is gonna make you sick lol

  233. Isabel Pantoja

    Hello! I’m just coming across your page and it is very informative. I was curious what you thought about almond milk or rice milk?? I also just suffered from ap and am recovering. When I do start eating/liquid diet what do you think is best for juicing? Is orange juice ok? I know it can be acidic and may harm the pancreas.. thank you!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Isabel – I apologize for my slow response. Almond milk and rice milk may contain oil often described as lethicin which may have too much fat content for some people. Usually 2 or 3 grams of fat are ok. Staying around 5 grams of fat per meal and 25 grams or less per day is usually workable for most people. However some folks with more damage or certain types of damage may do better with less fat and still others will tolerate more fat. It depends upon the individual and the amount of damage.

  234. Erin

    Hi, I first starting reading your site about 5 years ago, but never posted. Back then I had a bad case of Acute Pancreatitis due to drinking. I had quit for about a year, but went back to drinking. All of sudden two weeks ago I had massive pains in my left upper back that felt like I was being stabbed with a sharp object. The ER thinks its just muscular pain. My stool has been just a big clump, stick with a foul smell. The color is dark brown. Can this be chronic pancreatitis or Cancer?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Erin – I don’t know. I had a similar pain once. Like you described a knife in my upper center back. I called a chiropractor and some how made it to my car and drove there and he got me in took exrays of my neck and an old injury had calcified with the calcification wrapping around some nerves. He was able to break it loose, pain resolved and hasn’t been back. So mine was not pancreas related. Sorry I can’t be of more help but IF it were me I would probably get another opinion, especially if it happens again.

  235. Dzeky

    Hi. I have a question for you….what do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Dzeky … sorry I am responding late. I am whole foodplant based with some animal products. Modified vegan is what I call it. You can find the answers you need on this site. You might also consider joining my support group.

  236. Jill

    I’m glad I found your site. I had my gallbladder removed in 2019 after dealing with pain for years. I’d end up in the ER and they’d tell me “it’s probably your gallbladder” but nothing else. The first time they said my bile duct was enlarged as if a stone had passed through, but there was no evidence of stones. Anyway, they removed it, and that’s where shit got insane. I went gluten free shortly after surgery which cleared up my weird adult onset acne and a rash I had on my hands/arms. I’ve basically had continuous diarrhea since 2019, but sometimes it does let up. Occasionally I’ll get a burning upper stomach sensation that I can sometimes resolve with slippery elm and milk thistle (I was sure my liver was destroyed). Because of the pandemic, I was afraid (germs!) to eat any food other than my own for the past two years… so I didn’t eat anything unless it came from my own kitchen. I still ate greasy food, but at least I made it myself and knew what went into it! Finally, about 2 months ago, I decided my anxiety was foolish and controlling my life and I started eating outside food again. Fast food, mexican takeout, gluten free pizza from dominoes (knowing full well there’s cross-contamination). All this to say, last week I started having that upper abdominal burn again, and nothing was touching it. I’d fast for the first half of the day, then feel better by night and eat a regular meal of whatever I wanted. Two nights ago I really pushed it and made some gluten free chicken tenders (dipped in whole milk then GF flour and GF breadcrumbs then deep fried and covered in spicy buffalo sauce dipped in homemade ranch made almost entirely of mayo and whole milk) and it got me. All day yesterday I was in terrible pain. It started with that upper abdominal burn, then intense pain to the left that radiated to my back and some nausea. I also couldn’t stop peeing, which I didn’t understand. I thought maybe it was bile reflux – something that I’ve had before since the gallbladder surgery, so I tried to eat a bite of an apple and a bite of a ripe banana (now after reading through your site I see that the alcohol was probably there!) and it put me in even more pain so I knew it wasn’t just bile reflux. I suffered all day yesterday and this morning first thing I passed a glob of fat in my stool. I finally went to an urgent care today and told them about my symptoms. The “doctor” did a urinalysis and said it was clear, and that she could run bloodwork but she didn’t think it was necessary. I said yes, please do for my peace of mind. They drew two tubes then came back and said my sodium was low which meant I was dehydrated. I said well what about my amylase/lipase? She said I didn’t run those, you don’t need them. I said then what is this? She said possibly a viral stomach bug from something I ate. I can’t believe this is our medical system. Anyway, I called around to a lot of places and didn’t get any answers – I made an appt with my primary doc for wednesday but who knows if my levels will still be elevated by then. All this to say, I haven’t had anything to eat since those two bites of fruit yesterday AM and I’m starving. Everything sounds good, I would love to even open a can of peas or kidney beans and eat them straight out of the can, that’s how hungry I am! Even the bottle of mustard is looking good… I would seriously eat a spoonful right now. I do feel better now since I’ve been fasting with just water. I hope this means I can heal from this but I’m not sure since I’ve basically been pushing down my symptoms for years. Anyway, that was a lot of random info and I hope you’re still doing well and I appreciate this resource you’ve created for others.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jill, sorry to hear you have had some unpleasant health issues. Some people who have their gallbladder removed experience what’s called “dumping syndrome.” Yes, running to the toilet after eating can be common for those people. The medical profession often makes one think their “practice” should be called “MoronsRUs.” Sounds like you need to find a good doctor and/or go to the ER when you are really ill and ask for a lipase and amylase blood draw.

  237. Brenda Lyman

    I had small bowel blockage lap surgery a year ago (abdominal adhesions). Took a long time to recover and got buy with taking ginger with every meal, which I eat mostly vegetarian, very little meat and garden of life protein shakes. Can’t gain any lost weight…92lb senior 69. I can tell when I eat something I shouldn’t as I have to cut back to green juice diet til better. Have not been diagnosed with Pancreatitis but have small gallbladder polyp. every emergency room visit dr can’t find anything and don’t believe me. several questions:
    I heard MCT oil is easy on pancreas and latest research said some fat is ok…what is the limit?
    have gotten relief from CBD oil and recently discovered Tudca. Also caster oil hot packs. Already take your 3 supplements but need increase vit C from 2000 to 3000MG. I quit eating eggs due to gall bladder but you say whites ok–will they not irritate gallbladder?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Brenda … sorry to hear you are not well. I apologize for the slow response. I’ve found doctors don’t believe in anything they know nothing about, which is a lot even though they seem to think they are omnipotent little gods. Some are really good but the majority are useless. What doctor found the gallbladder polyp? You should ask how important that polyp is and what his plan might be for future care. I’d also get him to write something in your file and then keep copies of your file in case of another ER visit. Don’t be afraid to be your own advocate, firm, polite but firm in what you expect. You can also ask to see the hospital advocate. Now … regarding the gallbladder. It is different from the pancreas in that foods that are normally safe for a damaged pancreas will still tick off your gallbladder cuz everything you eat causes bile to flow and bile flow can irritate a slow working gallbladder or cause it to spit stones and sludge. The stones and sludge can be a problem because gallstones/sludge are the #1 cause of acute pancreatitis even though most doctors still think it’s alcohol. The sphincter of oddi can also be dysfunctional causing problems as well. This is even more difficult for doctors to figure out cuz again they don’t know everything or even as much as they think they do. MCT oil is supposedly processed differently than other oils by someway bypassing the pancreas and thereby not causing enzyme release. I find that hard to believe. Oil is oil and I stay away. As a result I am not sick often unless I eat something I know I shouldn’t eat. I try to limit fat intake to 5 grams or less per meal, 25 grams daily including snacks etc. Hope you are better soon. IF you have any more questions please ask. I’ll do my best to answer but I don’t know everything. I may have to tell you I don’t know.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Sarath! Yes. Fruits are good. Except for avocado and coconut. Both of those are high fat and need to be avoided or taken in very small amounts.


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