The KEY to Beating Chronic Pancreatitis: STOP the Inflammation!

By | July 3, 2014
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soap-box-harpingThe key to beating chronic pancreatitis is to STOP the inflammation. I’m gonna harp at you about this until you “get it.” It is absolutely imperative to stop the pancreas inflammation in order to beat BOTH acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis.

Nothing else matters.


It is inflammation that is responsible for all the damage. Ok, it is actually the digestion of the pancreas by its own digestive juices that create the damage BUT …

It is INFLAMMATION that is responsible.

Stop The Pancreas Inflammation

The Key To Beating PancreatitisThe pancreas inflammation is directly tied to the pain. Once the inflammation resolves, so does the pain and usually most of the other symptoms of acute and/or chronic pancreatitis as well.

MY first goal to achieve during an acute pancreatitis attack is to STOP the pain by STOPPING the INFLAMMATION. That is WHY I swallow 1300 mgs of aspirin or 800 mgs of Ibuprofen, 200 – 300 mgs of grape seed extract and 500 mgs of curcumin during an acute pancreatitis attack. All THREE cocktail ingredients are HIGHLY anti-inflammatory.

nausea-vomitingIf you have nausea and/or vomiting you have to stop the nausea and vomiting first so you can keep down my anti-inflammatory cocktail. Phenergan suppositories are good for that.

NOTE: If for some reason the cocktail doesn’t stop the attack within 60-90 minutes you should be going to the ER because there may be some complications that can NOT be dealt with at home.

If you have chronic pancreatic pain, you have chronic inflammation. The inflammation is caused by:

1) The food you eat (fat content)
2) The alcohol you consume

Narcotics only mask the pain. They DO NOT stop the inflammation which is causing the pain. In order to STOP the pain you MUST stop the inflammation. Pancreatic tissue can regenerate that is why I have had several people tell me that their CT scans have improved after starting my regimen (read this page) but this regeneration can not take place until the inflammation is completely resolved.

Beating Chronic Pancreatitis

Beating Chronic PancreatitisHow do you stop or resolve the inflammation?

I did it using my regimen. I won’t promise or guarantee results the same or even similar to mine. In fact, IF you do what I have done and still do, you do it at your own risk.  How might you beat chronic pancreatitis?

1) Diet. You adhere to MY Pancreatitis Diet (find it in previous posts). If you have pain you need to become a vegan (No meat of any kind or any type of food prepared with meat, this includes broths. No dairy, No fat, No oil). This may not be a lifetime thing. It depends on the damage you have and whether or not it heals up properly. If you continue to do what you have always done I guarantee your pancreas will stay inflamed. Ok …

Vegans use oil to cook, you don’t. No oil. No fat. Nothing that looks like, smells like or walks like fat. Fat and alcohol are the two enemies you need to eliminate.

supplements2) Supplements – You consume 300 – 800mgs of grapeseed extract (100mgs to 200mgs 3-4 X Daily), at least 500mgs of curcumin (preferably 1000, 500 2 X daily) and at least 1000 mgs of vitamin C DAILY. You may also need to take a GOOD enzyme supplement with pancreatin 4X 15-20 minutes before every meal if you have malabsorption issues. A QUALITY multivitamin supplement with B12 is needed, especially while on the vegan diet. Do not buy a product with the B12 called cyanocobalamin. Cyanocobalamin is super cheap B12. Cyanide used in the extraction process. Methylcobalamin is the best. You NEED B12 when on a vegan diet because B12 can only be consumed naturally by eating meat and dairy.

3) Anti-inflammatories (Ibuprofen, aspirin) – These are needed to eliminate or at least reduce the inflammation and pain. Large amounts are usually not needed for chronic pancreatitis like with acute. Increase the amount of grape seed and curcumin instead if 200 – 400 mgs of Ibuprofen isn’t sufficient for the chronic pain.

Once you have adhered to the regimen for however long it takes to become pain-free you continue with the vegan diet until you have been pain-free for at least 6 months. Then and ONLY then …

You may begin to add in some LIGHT fat to your diet and see how it goes. But your days of red meat, pork, lamb and any form of alcohol are OVER.

Just because you become pain-free doe NOT mean you are cured. There is NO cure for Pancreatitis. Once you have it – you are ALWAYS at risk. So …

For the rest of your life you will be on the regimen, diet and supplements unless of course you want to have pain or worse.

The choice is this …

Stop the Inflammation or DIE

Pancreatitis KillsNo sense beating around the bush.

Those are your options. Chronic pancreatitis can shorten your life. Acute pancreatitis (severe acute with complications) kills up to 30%, many within days and it is definitely not a fun way to die. Others live for years with intractable pain due to surgical procedures to save their life. So …

Granted you may not die tomorrow if you don’t change your lifestyle and stop the inflammation. You may be lucky and suffer for YEARS before having that acute pancreatitis attack that leads to necrosis, infection, internal bleeding, organ failure and death. Or maybe the medical establishment will get you totally hooked on narcotics, slice open your pancreas (various procedures) or even remove it completely before you die. That sounds wonderful doesn’t it?

Yes, I am blunt and sarcastic, maybe even rude and obnoxious but I am doing my damn best to get you to understand how critically important it is to STOP the damage of acute and or chronic pancreatitis and you can ONLY do that by stopping the INFLAMMATION and keeping it stopped!

If you ever come up with a better plan that doesn’t include surgery, please, let me know. So …

What do you think? Do you want to live, maybe pain free like me or at least a lot more improved than you are right now? If so you need to learn a lot and here’s your homework. Start here


134 thoughts on “The KEY to Beating Chronic Pancreatitis: STOP the Inflammation!

  1. Wendy Laughery

    If you can’t cook with oil or fats, what do you use? Clarified butter like Ghee?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Wendy you just have to get some really good non-stick pans and other cookware and learn to cook things without oil. I can fry potatoes in a good non-stick pan, fry egg whites, make an egg white omlette, etc. I’ve learned to cook everything without using oil of any kind. I don’t use substitutes like cooking sprays either. That non-stick cookware is the secret.

      1. Brian Morris

        Yes no butter no oil none stick pans but have ? I have two silver dollar size ulsers can not do ibeprofine it kills me like heart burn what would be good sup ?

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Brian – the only possible substitute for Ibuprofen that may not cause problems for your ulcers would be either grape seed extract or curcumin or both. Curcumin in proper doses is almost as effective as powerful NSAIDS like Ibuprofen.

      2. Tina Dunham

        Trying to register.. Link being diverted to drop down topics. Can you help me register?

  2. Viktoriya (Ukraine)

    Oh, I didn’t know that I can use Ibuprofen for treating my CP. I thouht it was only for AP. Once I give birth I will try it. It’s a good thing I reread this article 🙂

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Yep Ibuprofen works in both situations to resolve inflammation. You may only need small doses for CP (200 – 400 mgs once or twice daily) for a short time like 7 – 10 days to help resolve the inflammation. It should be used in conjunction with grape seed extract, curcumin, vit C and a proper low fat diet.

  3. Jen

    Hello from Canada,

    Mid February I started to have left side abdominal pain radiating around my back and to the right. It was strongest on left side. When I’d lay down at night the pain would increase to an 8 of 10 that I couldn’t sleep and felt so nauseous that I would spend 5 hrs at the toilet. Although still bad, the pain would let up enough for me to sleep. This happened for 3 nights. I ended up at the ER where they did an ultrasound and CBC blood work. Ultrasound showed sludge and 1.3 cm stone. they said my blood was normal.

    The pain continued with only 24 hr water only diet helping. My doc referred me to a surgeon. My parents flew me to their place in the us to care for me while I waited. I had an attack with vomiting, 10 of 10 pain, left side to back. I begged them to take me to ER but they said it would ruin my hubby and I (financially) so they flew me home after my water only diet finally started to reduce pain. I tried to get in to my doctor who was hooked who ordered an ultrasound and bloods. Ultrasound shoed the stone and bloods normal. She sent the surgeon an urgent request. Food is definitely a trigger (chocolate, cheese cake, salad dressing for sure). I never drank an ounce of alcohol, I drink almond milk or water only (reflux issues). I had a scope to check for ulcers. All good. I had my gallbladder out in April. I’m still having major left sided back pain after eating. I had a colonoscopy after my son (unrelated issues). It was normal.

    Do you have any insight or advice?

    I keep asking about pancreatitis. They say the blood work doesn’t support it. I have a beautiful one boy and two year old girl. Im terrified by the life expectancy by medical sites about chronic pancreatitis. I want to see my kids grow up and without pain preferably. I’m terrified.

    Thank you for your research and experience. I imagine it gives many people hope 🙂

    33 yr old Mom of two, Jen

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jen, sorry to hear you are ill and worse dealing with idiot doctors (like I did). From what you have written t sounds to me like there is a real good chance you have suffered acute pancreatitis due to gallstones and sludge. IF the doctors only ordered a CBC there isn’t much in that test to even point to acute pancreatitis unless you have severe acute with necrotic infection in which case your white blood cells would be elevated. IF they didn’t check your pancreatic enzymes (amylase and lipase) while you were there after viewing a fairly decent stone and sludge via ultrasound you really have some morons to contend with. Sorry, I don’t have a fondness for most M.D.’s. The fact that a water fast helped relieve the symptoms, that your pain was in the area of the pancreas tail with pain radiating to your back, your nausea and vomiting, ALL point to acute pancreatitis. Heck, it’s as close to classic as it gets! So the next time you ask your doc about pancreatitis, ask also what blood work was done, when it was done (sometimes if done to early enzymes have not had time to rise) so you can figure out how long you’d been actually sick with symptoms BEFORE the blood work was done. It USUALLY takes 3-5 hours of pain and agony before your pancreatic enzymes begin to elevate. IF you had only been symptomatic for 30 minutes to and hour when you arrived at the ER and were admitted quickly and they drew your blood soon after admittance your enzymes may NOT have had time to elevate. Anyway …

      Since you have already had your GB removed, yet still have pain, obviously there is residual effects. Which again points to pancreas damage. Just my $.35 cents worth of opinion 🙂

      1. jen

        Thank you for your response. I’ve pushed for an MRI but the closest one is July 10. what would you do at this point I have pain still.

        Also, it’s pretty scary stuff reading about pancreatitis. I have two babies at home and the stuff I read is scary. Anything you can say about that?

        I could go to Emerg and insist on a CT before hand but that’s it. I’m really, really scared about my life and longevity. Everytime I hold my kids, I cry. My husband thinks everything is fine even though I tell him I know it’s not.

        Thank you! its 430 AM here and I’m up reading on this.

        Oh finally, how high is the back pain for you.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Jen, you’re welcome. Yea pancreatitis is kinda scary so I understand your fear. The problem is that doing anything that may stop the inflammation is going to have an effect on any tests. Doctors have a hard enough time trying to diagnose pancreatitis, in most cases. I RARELY hear of people being diagnosed right the first time yet it has happened. People have commented that they were diagnosed right the first time. Anyway …

          Going in to the ER unless you are symptomatic, like the time you were at your parents, is probably not going to produce optimum results. The MRI you are scheduled for may shed some light. The right blood work at the right time would also be useful but again that almost always requires an acute attack which isn’t the best of things to have happen. It’s a crap shoot.

          I don’t have pain any more, praise God! BUT when I did have attacks the pain would be dead center, just at my lower ribs and it would at times (not always) radiate straight through to my back (not left or right, straight through). Height was the same as front pain. So I never had pain on the left or right, during an attack. It was always dead center.

          1. jen

            With that said, should I do you water diet 3-5 days then liquid then do diet with supplements. I’d like to heal, not let more and more damage occur? Thanks for your advice. Doctors aren’t helping. I feel quite alone suffering.

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Jen … I suppose you could if that is what you want to do. The only problem I can see is that you don’t have a firm diagnosis. I keep thinking what IF it’s not pancreatitis? But then you have a valid point regarding more damage if it is pancreatitis. Your call 🙂

        2. Faith

          You are seriously over reacting about the life expectancy of CP .it isn’t cancer you aren’t going to die in the foreseeable future especially when the only diagnosis you have is the one you got from google so to say you sit and cry when you hold your babies is a massive over reaction . Most people with CP live very long lives and if you are just going to sit around thinking your going to die your just depriving not only yourself but children as well of a life .also having your gallbladder out does not mean you can’t get gallstones still

  4. John Wrobel

    OK Healthy Guy, you saved me before and haven’t had a pancreas attack since until…. I’ve had this pain (only upon movement) on my right side lower rib cage. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn’t, my point is it isn’t constant and only when I bend forward or stretch backward in a certain fashion but located in the same spot each time. I can push on the area with my hands and feel no pain at all. So I guess what I’m trying to figure out is, it is flaring up again? I started dosing with grapeseed extract 400-500 mg daily, vitamin C 1000 mg, Tumeric 95% 2000 mg and I always take the “All One” supplement you suggested daily as my “go to” daily supplement.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi John – The grape seed, curcumin and vitamin C need to be a daily routine (3 – 4 times daily) not just when you start getting sick. The vitamin supplement is also daily because many can’t eat enough food (without symptoms) to get what the body needs and then there are those with malabsorption issues due to damage. Diet and supplements, make them a lifestyle. As for the pain issue …

      You could have some inflamation in the head of your pancreas. Head is on the right, tail on the left. It could also be something else. Pulled muscle? Do anything lately that might have pulled something? Could be a colon issue. The ascending colon is on the right, transverse in fron, descending on the left. It could also be a duodenum issue. And like I said it could also be some minor inflammation in the head of your pancreas or your gallbladder. The GB is on the right (rib cage area). Where you ever diagnosed with GB issues (gallstones)? Any nausea or diarrhea? Constipation?

      1. John Wrobel

        Thanks for you response. No, didn’t strain any muscles, feels like either the pancreas issue I’ve had before ( but very dull) or IBS which I’ve also had before. Went to the doctor and he did blood work, waiting on that and ordered an ultrasound. During the exam he pushed way below my belly button and I felt some moderate pain unlike the dull pain in my right side which is what the IBS felt like. So I have been taking the supplements and got some fiber and anti gas because I felt really bloated and it helped a lot. I’m afraid to take the 800mg of ibuprofen so I did 400 but I’m not really in a lot of pain. We’ll see what the blood work says but I’m convinced its IBS.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          John, since you also have IBS I have to agree because symptoms (pain area) doesn’t match pancreatitis. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  5. Alexander Green

    You and this website are a lifesaver. I’m 25 years old and have been battling Acute Pancreatitis attacks since 2001. I haven’t consumed alcohol once in my life but I’m so happy to have all this information in one designated website, FINALLY! Thank you, can’t say it enough.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      I left a comment. I doubt it gets approved lol 🙂

      Here’s what I said:

      I was diagnosed in 1979 with acute and chronic pancreatitis. The doctor who finally figured out what was wrong with me said I might have 10 years left. 1979 – 1982 were incredibly horrible years. Then I figured out what doctors should have known years ago. Well, here I am, 36 years later, living pain free. I’ve been pain free for most of those years after 1982. All it took was correct knowledge and common sense.

      Y’all keep searching for magic pathways, new big pharma drugs or dangerous surgical procedures that will line your pockets while your patients suffer.

      Putting CP (chronic pancreatitis) into “remission” all boils down to knowing what it is (hint: inflammation) and attacking THAT problem with common sense solutions.

      The rest is simply garbage designed to keep the patient sick, paying for office visits, hospital vacations, surgical procedures and drugs.

      1. MerlinScorpio

        Thank you for this inspiring comment. Don’t know ifmyoy are still able to get these replies in email but did you get an early diagnosis or require enzymes at all how did it all go down?

  6. Jen F

    How long can it take to be pain free on the supplements and enzymes and diet? I have been doing this a month and I don’t feel any better. I am so discouraged after reading all the great testimonials.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Jen – There is no “time schedule.” Healing depends on the individual and the amount of pancreas damage. Some people may never become pain free, others will. It all depends on the individuals challenges and their commitment to healing (what they do and don’t do to promote healing). I know that is NOT what you wanted to hear but it’s the best I can do.

  7. Kasia

    Hi heres our story. In 2011 my mom had a bad case of AP. She had tubes in her abdomen for months while they did debriment to her pancreas. After this she was mostly ok until oct of this year when she got another attack. She mostly sticks to a los fat diet. Not much gluten either. There have been ups and downs but she continues to loose weight. What to do?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Kasia the weight loss is hard to avoid on a low fat diet. Couple that with being ill and it’s even more difficult. The only thing I can suggest is more safe protein (egg whites, beans, peas, lentils and IF she can tolerate skinless checken breast roasted with NO fat of any kind in cooking or prep). The more ill one is the more difficult diet and healing become. Grape seed extract in large amounts (800 – 1,000 mgs per day), Ibuprofen (200 – 800 mgs per doase depending upon pain), vit C (2500 – 5000 mgs per day) and curcumin 500 mgs 3x daily) ( Curcumin IF she doesn’t have SOD or gallbladder issues) should be extremely helpful. Keep us posted regarding her progress Kasia. Good luck! 🙂

  8. Debbie T

    2 questions: 1) doesn’t our bodies require some fat for survival in our diet and 2) what type of salad dressings do you use? Vinegars are okay right?(without oil)

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Debbie – Yes the body does require some fat in the diet in order to obsorb fat soluble vitamins (A, K, D, E etc). And the human body actually burns fat for energy. 5 grams of fat per meal with a total of 25 grams of fat per day is somewhat on the extreme low side but that’s what it takes to help heal the pancreas and avoid inflammation. So far I haven’t starved to death (over 30 years) so it must be workable. It’s either live in pain, cause more damage or worse or live on a little fat. Vinegars are fine. Rice wine vinegar is safe and tasty on salad. Lime juice is good too on a salad of cucumber, tomato, celery, green pepper and cilantro.

      1. baby carmel

        hi,i have recurrent pancreatitis,had 6 episodes of er scenes.last admitted over a week still on a 90 day prescription med.would it be safe to try your regimen for anti-inflammation after the 90th day? and also is a spoonful of apple cider vinegar into a hot cup of water safe to drink? and is a little extra virgin olive oil not a good substitute for cooking? i’m from the philippines and it is really hard to find fat-free and gluten-free food here,unless i go vegan all the way after 30 yrs of eating meat=( the advising me for ercp since they found out in ct scan that i have a possible whatsoever that’s blocking my pancreatic duct and that’s hella expensive. I’m hopeless to even imagine of the cost since i don’t have insurance and a job now.i’m watchful of my diet but still i eat steamed fish,grilled chicken breast and sauteed mixed veggies with lil soysauce to taste.i’m still learning to research and search for an acceptable food that can’t upset my gut.

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi baby carmel _ IF it were me I’d call my doc and ask if I could take Ibuprofen now (with your 90 day med). The supplements usually do not interact with drugs except blood thinners and I highly doubt you are on those for AP. Apple cider vinager is fine. No on the olive oil. Ok, I just re-read and see you may have gallstones (something on CT blocking your pancreatic duct. You need to get that rectified. That blockage NEEDS to be removed. Unless you are a celiac eating gluten free is not beneficial. Red meat and pork a are out. Soy sauce contains alcohol. It is out (should not be used). Everything (well ok, almost everything) you need to know is on this site. Invest time reading. Good luck – get that stone removed.

  9. claire Ironside

    Hi Health Guy,

    I previously read your “beating chronic pancreatitis regimen” or “MY pancreatitis diet”, but I am currently struggling to find it on your site. I recall you did a period of nothing by mouth, then I think drinking grape fruit juice, then vegetable juice but can’t quite remember details. I would be really grateful if you could please help me locate the details.

    Many thanks and kind regards, Claire

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Claire – you can find a bunch of diet info under categories (diet) The supplement info can be found here You can also find the same info or most of it under the menu. Good reading to you 🙂

  10. claire

    Hello again, I’m stressing out over finding your regimen for beating pancreatitis. I am a mum of 2 young children with little spare time. I keep trawling your sites and reading the same info over and over! I want to start my pancreas purge asap. I know this will be a drastic measure over the next 6 months but its those early weeks/ months I am keen to know what you did. Please direct me to the page where you listed the details of your extended regimen with nil by mouth, grape fruit juice, then veg juice. Many thanks, Claire

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hey Claire – This Page explains what to do after an acute attack but it also links to the food diary info and supplements. This page explains the basics about a proper diet. It also links to the main diet page. This page talks about grapefruit seed extract and grapefruit juice. If you need more ask me or brouse the “categories” dropdown tab. Thanks for being one of my blog visitors. 🙂

  11. Claire

    Hi HG, am I going mad… I don’t think I am? I’m sure I read about a much more drastic regimen that lasted for 6 months and would mean you should expect to loose a lot of muscle tissue. Over the past 6 months I have fasted 6 times for between 3-6 days, I felt much better after fasting, but have soon gone back to feeling unwell. My diet was initially low fat, small meals of bland food with a max of 5 grams of fat. I derailed on a few occasions ate some drilled chicken, another time avocado another cod and several times just too much food over a short period, all triggering massive pain. I am gluten intolerant but started eating wheat again after discovering my gluten free alternatives contained a lot of fat so stopped eating them. Wheat used to cause tiredness and bloating but now much more serious abdominal pain and acid reflux. My diet for the past month has been gluten free and the modified vegan you suggested, no nuts or seeds… pretty dull!!! I’m taking lots of supplements and getting protein from a vegan rice supplement, Thankfully only mild pain but I’m still having periods of feeling generally unwell. I want to do this fasting rehab for my pancreas properly and fix myself as best as I can. Please advise me on what you did. You’ve out lived the predictions and I want to too. Please feel free to contact me via my e-mail address. Many thanks, Claire

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hey Claire – I hear ya – dull is well, dull and I have to admit after 30 + years it is really dull but when I think of the alternative (a nice, thick slab of prime rib, baked potato with sour cream and chives, a bountiful salad with chunky blue cheese dressing) and then the acute pancreatitis attack that would probably come after I settle for dull. Hey if you are gluten intolerant eating wheat, barley and rye isn’t going to help you. And …

      The first 6 months I recommend drinking fresh organic juice (veggie) and eating a modified vegan meal plan (no high fat foods that vegans use such as oil, nuts, seeds, coconut, avocado, etc) but with the addition of egg whites (animal protein which vegans don’t eat). You can actually doctor up an egg white omelette with various spices, veggies (tomato, onion, celery, spinach, salt, pepper, capers) and make it taste good! And really, everything I did to get well and/or still do to stay well is on this site, somewhere. I’m gonna make a page that will sorta serve as a guide for new folks so they don’t have to read about 70 pages and posts to get the right start. Anyway, later, when you feel better and that’s the main goal …

      You can make a garlic, lemon juice and caper sauce for cod fish that is pretty good. You can make an apricot sauce for cod too. And there are things one can do with poultry (skinless breasts) such as using lemon, pepper, salt and hot spicey mustard to liven meals up. But first …

      You need to do what it takes to heal as much as is possible for you.

      1. neal borenstein

        I use lots of salsa on my fish and chicken……Salsa without a doubt the best option for fat free eating on chicken fish turkey, etc….occasionally I will do aturkey burger made from white meat turkey only, Jenio has them and they are pretty good…even ketchup is fat free…on fat free/gluten free corn tortillas is really great,,,A nice baked potato–salt-pepper, mash it butter or sour cream needed….

          1. neal borenstein

            Been doing better..I have an episode hear and there about every 2 or 3 weeks.. But I can live with it….I actually use something called suboxone for pain..which helps a lot….Also been having good luck with Carafate-the liquid form–it actually tastes a little bubble gummy and coats the stomach,,I used to have an issue with narcotics back in the day, and because of my gastric bypass surgery I cant do advil, aleve or ibuprofen, Suboxone works great for pain and you cant take too much of it because it wont work after 16 mgs. .. I use between 4 and 8 mgs a day… My weight has gone back up from 163 to 171.. I exercise a tremendous amount and can run up to 6 miles a day. I try to eat mostly fat free..but do have a weakness when it comes to peanut butter which can get me in trouble,,,,, And at least 5 days a week, I usually skip weekends, I have my protein shake and add all sorts of stuff to it….Grape seed extract-500 mgs, Cucurmin, 2000 mgs vitamin C, and all sorts of fruits and vegetables,,,,the only fat that is in my shake is I use 1/6 of an avacado This is my breakfast…THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL YOU DO FOR SO MANY PEOPLE! IF YOU ARE EVER IN ARIZONA WOULD REALLY ENJOY MEETING YOU IN PERSON AND WOULD REALLY LIKE FOR YOU TO TRY TO EAT AT ONE OF MY RESTAURANTS. ITS ON ME… I CAN GET YOU A FRESH GLUTEN FREE BAGEL, WE CAN DO EGG WHITE OMELETTES, WE COOK OUR OWN TURKEY, CHICKEN, ALL FRESH TO ORDER..

          2. The Health Guy Post author

            Hey Neil glad to hear you are doing better. Next time I’m going to be in AZ I’ll take you up on your offer. Thank you 🙂

          3. neal borenstein

            The best part is I have been staying out of the hospital. I have to admit though without the suboxone I would have had to go to hospital on a few different occasions,(2 for sure). I have not been back to the hospital since Thanksgiving 2015..4 day stint..It just though seems lately I have been feeling better and with the suboxone Knowing that it has not let me down in fighting the pain off within 30 minutes, I have a real sense of freedom mentally….I don’t think I am going to get sick when I eat…..and their is a lot of freedom in that!

  12. Claire

    Haha – we don’t drill chicken in the UK we grilled chicken!

  13. Claire

    Ok still wondering about the old post I read. I intend to go all out in the next week, it’s currently the summer holidays in the UK so no need for rushing around over the next month. I will be going at this blind without any suggestions of how to do it. I’m quite nervious as I have already lost 46lbs over the past 6 months, I was very over weight so not a bad thing. I would really, really, really appreciate you sharing with me the time periods you spent fasting and then drinking juice. Again, please feel to share info via email address. Many thanks in anticipation of your help. Claire

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hey Claire – all that stuff should be in the links I gave you but you are not the only person who has some difficulty locating certain things on my site. I do too! lol. Anyway, I have tried my best to make navigation easy but the way I write is what can only be termed as haphazard. I jump from one thing to another and sometimes take the scenic route to where I originally wanted to go in a direct line. I apologize. I’m trying to create something that will hopefully fix the problem (nope not a book, that would be just as bad lol), but, who knows?

  14. Avi

    Hi Healthy Guy-
    Hope all is well at your side. I needed your suggestions in regards to ibuprofen. I could get 2 medicine in India. One is ibugesic plus(ibuprofen 400mg, paracetamol 325mg) from Cipla. Second one is brufen (ibuprofen 400mg) from Abbott. Which one is safe to use? When should it be taken? Daily? When to stop it.
    In regards to grape seed extract capsule I bought 500mg. Should I take it everyday with or without pain?
    In case of pancreas enzymes, I bought pan lipase 10000. How often should I need to take this? Do I need to continue lifelong?
    I was curious what are the daily medicines should I stick to so that I do not have more horrible AP attacks?
    I am a branded CP patient for last 2years:) lol.. With 14 AP attacks already… With gall bladder removed, ercp senting done. Angioplasty done due to bleeding and psuedocyst. Some how in last 6 months the psuedocyst disappeared. Don’t know where those vanished. I am into strictly vegan diet, no oil, no fat,.. Somehow I felt better a few weeks back and thought about eating some chicken rolls and that was the worst mistake.. As I was again floored and back in ER. I am just bit OK now to slowly getting the inflammation down.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Avi – WOW sorry to hear you had another ER visit. You were doing so well too. Keep us posted on how you are doing, please? Ok …

      IF it were me I’d choose brufen (ibuprofen 400mg) from Abbott. Neither is safe but Paracetamol (acetaminophen) aka tylenol, is known to cause liver damage, bad liver damage and it is USELESS for pancreatitis pain and inflammation. I never take Ibuprofen long term. I use 800 – 1000 mgs for acute attacks (usually stops them in 60 – 90 minutes). I buy Ibuprofen over the counter at the drug store (Walgreens). There are generic and brand name (Advil, Motrin, etc) choices here in the states and it comes in 200 mgs tabs. I’d use 200 – 400 mgs daily to handle any residual inflammation for about a week. One of your 400 mg prescription tabs should be perfect for CP flairs and/or residual inflammation. Two (2) = 800 mgs in one dose should work for an acute attack. Three (3) 1200 mgs at most for an acute attack.

      GREAT news about your psuedocyst(s)! “Some how in last 6 months the psuedocyst disappeared. Don’t know where those vanished.” … “I am into strictly vegan diet, no oil, no fat” – the vegan diet with NO fat may have helped a lot in making your psuedocyst(s) disappear. I hope they do NOT return due to this last AP attack.

      1. Avi

        Absolutely. Thank u so much my friend for the ibuprofen knowledge. Today I think I recovered 70%. Another 30% to go. Got back to work today. I pray to God the pseudocyst don’t again come back. Your inflammation reducer cocktail is absolutely Miracle. God has send you for sure:)
        God knows why the doctors don’t recommend ibuprofen. Guess the profit margin is nil. Good news is now I have thrown my pain killers tramadol and paracetamol out of my window. You are a life saver. Doctors were killing me with pain killers and paracetamol. Those bloody bastards don’t really care.
        I know it’s me and only myself who can cure my terrifying CP flare ups. Hope to quit the smoking habit and kick the butt . Also sticking to proper vegan diet, no oil, no fat. I just wished I followed the diet a year back and wished i never had touched alcohol. Alcohol is a killer socially and personally. It spoils lives. I had indeed spoiled mine. But now through you I see a pleasant light to drive for survival. I feel it’s never late to lead a decent good life with family and friends.
        Thank You again for the support both mentally and physically. You don’t find many good human being like yourself. I will try my best to follow your footsteps to enlighten as many people who are suffering daily in this world.
        One more thing, I came across this website, Facebook page, who are claiming to cure CP totally through special ayurveda medicine they have prepared mixing various compound named AMAR. It seems it takes 2years to prepare this medicine. Here is the website. Testimonials looks good.
        But unsure about this as when I contacted them, it seems they are charging a hefty sum. Some 400k Indian rupees. I don’t have any issues people making money but not so much for making common folks to shell out so much cash. Let me know your thoughts. Will wait for your suggestions before venturing out there. I don’t mind a month long Himalayan trip:)

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Avi I can’t give any suggestions about that site because I don’t know much about ayurveda medicine. Sorry. Wish I could be more help 🙂

        2. Claire

          Hi Avi, I had a look at this site, I think the key to their sucess is that they put you on an IV drip for a year so no need to eat. I’m trying a long fasting approach no possibility of an IV drip for me. If you have the cash you might be able to get this privately in the US? Don’t think you would need to do this for a year maybe 3 months?

  15. claire

    Hi I’m starting my fasting today. I’ve been on a modified vegan, low fat diet for 6 months, with several short periods of nothing by mouth. Initially I feel better after fasting, but my pain and general feeling of being unwell slowly returns and gets a little worse each day. No point in holding off any longer. I’m going for a long fasting approach. My plan is to completely fast with only water for 7 days. Then drink a combination of grape fruit juice and pineapple juice (both good for inflammation) for 6 weeks. At this point I will also start back on my supplements. From there I will drink fresh vegetable juice for a further 6 weeks. That takes me to 3 months of water then juice. For the next three months I will start to introduce whole vegetables, fruit and rice, plus a rice protein supplement. This will take me to 6 months of rest for my pancreas. For anyone who is interested, I will try and blog here as often as possible with updates of what I’m doing and how I’m getting on.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi ya Claire – Fasting is good. “I’m going for a long fasting approach. My plan is to completely fast with only water for 7 days.” 7 days is good if you are healthy enough to do it. I would NOT do any more than that if it were me. “Then drink a combination of grape fruit juice and pineapple juice (both good for inflammation) for 6 weeks.” 6 weeks on just those two fruit juices may be a bit too long. I’d also do veggie juice for the added nutrients. I’d also take the supplements during EVERY part of your fast. Grape seed extract and C fight inflammation. If you can do curcumin (no GB issues, no SOD) I’d do that too. But if you want to do what you have planned make sure you keep track of how you feel daily because your plan is quite radical. However, three (3) months of fasting (7 days of total fast initially) should definitely rest and help heal your pancreas and if you feel remarkably better at fasts end I definitely want to hear. Heck I want to hear how you are doing weekly. You know step-by-step because you are actually pioneering! BUT I would definitely do the supplements (grape seed extract, curcumin, C at least and preferrably a multi-vit/min as well) from the start. Good luck! 🙂

  16. Claire

    Today is the start of my fast, I had to put my plans on hold. My weight this morning is 136lbs, I’m annoyed as I’ve lost 8lbs over the past month. Thought I had gained weight, but must be that my belly is bloated. Water today and for the next week.

  17. Claire

    Day 3 – Yesterday (day 2) I woke feeling exhausted, shaky and lacking energy. When I have fasted previously, I would feel awful when waking around day 3/4 so earlier than previous experiences. After an hour and a half I felt better. I had noticed over the past month or so that I lack energy and my muscles don’t seem to have the strength they once did, I think this is going to be much harder than I first thought. Today I have woken slowly I lay in bed with the kids for and 40 minutes before getting up and am now able to get on with out the feeling of exhaustion that I had yesterday but still a little wobbly. have already noticed two outcomes from the fast, my belly is not so bloated and last night I was able to lye on my left side with out it being uncomfortable.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Claire I think you need to try some veggie juice. I’m glad that you aren’t as bloated and your left side seems less tender but being shaky, wobbly and feeling awful isn’t a good thing.

      1. Claire

        Only yesterday, this morning was much better and felt fine all day. Thank you for your concern.

  18. Claire

    Hi HG, I’ve now been fasting for 10 days, decided that completely fasting is the key to healing. I’ve lost a lot of weight, I’m now 124lbs, Too much exertion in the first few days was foolish. I developed a slight cold on day 4 and I am concerned that mucus I’m trying hard not to swallow, but some is inevitably getting in, is destroying all my efforts to rest my pancreas (mucus being protein). Was thinking I could possibly go for quite a few more days as in the last few days I’ve been feeling tired but good. Really unsure what is the best. Has this cold destroyed all my hard work? Don’t know what to do. Maybe continue with fast and start taking vitamins to rid the cold? I would greatly appreciate you sharing with me the true length of time you fasted for. Kind regards.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Claire – The longest I have fasted was around 3 – 4 weeks but I was sick (bad) and frankly did not feel like eating. It was NOT a TOTAL fast. I KNOW there wasn’t any solid food. But I snuck in juice and my veggie broth whenever I felt well enough. I should have been in the hospital because during that time I filled the toilet with blood (one time). But I lived so it’s all good lol. I seriously think you should be at least drinking juice now and I doubt mucus ruined your “pancreas resting” efforts. Most other fasts (water, supplements, only) have been only 3 – 4 days. You have to remember when I was sickest (first 3 years) I didn’t know anything about fasting as a treatment thing (I just didn’t eat cuz when I’m sick like that I don’t want to eat). I was dumb about most of this stuff. I learned some stuff about diet at various library visits but most things by “divine accident.” lol

  19. Claire

    Umm, you truly had a horribly difficult time at the beginning of your fight against pancreatitis. Thank goodness your instincts led you in the right direction. I recall reading about the hard times you suffered and subsequent agony’s you experienced when you changed your routines. You thankfully lived and learnt and I’m so very grateful that you decided to share your experiences.

    I really believe that fasting is the key to healing the pancreas. My conviction comes from reading the above blog by Avi on the successful approach they use in a clinic in India, the fact that it worked for you, even if your fasting was an accidental side affect of being sick, you out lived the predictions. The approach they take in NHS hospitals if you have a severe attack, you are put onto an IV drip until the inflammation has gone. Plus, my own previous fasting experiences, a feeling of wellness after fasting, though unfortunately short lived because I didn’t know about the juicing regime and slow reintroduction to food.

    I’m going to carry on fasting for as long as possible but will definitely stop at 21 days. I’ve done my research on fasting, I found the most unbiased information came from this essay “Long fasts: dangerous or beneficial” find at

    The basic gist is, if your body isn’t up to it, the dangers of fasting are in the first week. Then at the end when you are truly starving. After around a week into a fast you body settles down and burns your fat. Once that is gone you burn your muscle tissue and once your all out of muscle you are in starvation mode.

    My regret is that I didn’t do this months ago when I was over weight and had plenty of pounds to shed! Hey can’t change that, can only do what I can do.

    Sorry for the long ramble! I want you to know that I am truly thankful and grateful for your support, Claire

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hey Claire – you are most welcome. Thank you for sharing this fasting experience of yours because it may prove to others it really is a HUGE benefit in healing the pancreas. BUT as you pointed out fasting can be dangerous, especially for those who have lost an excessive amount of weight already or have conditions (insulin dependant diabetes for example) that would not make long fasts (even short ones) advisable.

      No worries about the rambling lol I do that a lot 🙂

      IF you haven’t signed up for the forums you should do that. Then remember to activate your acct via the email (you’ll be sent an activation link) you used to register.

      So … has your pain and symptoms subsided or resolved by fasting yet?

  20. Avi

    Hi Healthy guy – Again I am able to write to you now. As you may recall my earlier comments. I am as usual suffering from chronic pancreatitis and the main issue is I am loosing my mind due to extensive weight loss due to malabsorbtion. I am now 55kg with 6ft height and I am very weak. I have been trying everything to zero fat zero oil diet and also taking grape seed extract and curcumin. For daily pain I am using ibuprofen 400mg which gives me relief. But I am feeling so weak, I can’t walk properly, neither stand. Always lying in my bed for the past 1 month. I am just loosing my mind… Please help…. I am feeling so helpless.. Feels like I am traveling towards death… Slowly and very painful death.. Need your suggestions to tackle my helpless situation…. Hope to hear from you soon,

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hey Avi what exactly are you eating? Any fish? Chicken? If you are NOT eating any fish or chicken because you still have pain you may be low on vit B12. Get some “methylcobalamin” it is the best. And see if you tolerate white meat fish and skinless chicken. If that does not help you need to see your doc.

      1. Avi

        Hi Healthy guy,
        Well, to answer you correctly I am completely on liquid diet, totally vegan. Going for grape seed extract in the morning when I wake up. Then liquid oats, green tea, boiled potatoes with wheat bread. Then I glass of promogranate juice, 1glass Apple juice. For lunch I am having rice, dal potato pulp, 1glass of green pulp(spinach, coriander, whatever green leaf I get off course boiled) and 1 glass of butter milk. For evening snack, I take 2 wheat bread with pure strawberry jam(0.1g fat) with green tea. For dinner I take tomato soup, veg broths, rice pulp, veggies, 1 glass butter milk, 1 glass promogranate juice.
        I am fearing to take curcumin thinking it might react, I had a heartburn while I took 1000mg curcumin. Not sure if curcumin was the reason as I am having continuous pain. Still have 2 bottles of curcumin 475mg 120 tablets. My gall bladder is removed 4years back so fearing if curcumin will have adverse reaction after reading your blog on curcumin.
        I have no faith in my doctors as every time they give me opiate morphine and same old Bullshit that I have to live with it as my pancreas is completely damaged and follow the course of nature progress towards eventual death of pancreas and start using the time I have some 10years and accept the reality. Crazy Doctors says have any food I feel like with enzymes Creon 25000. So you can understand there is no use consulting these idiot doctors as they are making things worse as they are still catching up with their limited knowledge. Guess what when I told these doctors that I am having ibruffen they raised the alarm that I should stop it immediately as I will start having gi bleeding and stomach ulcer. So you can understand ur help and support is all I have and I believe in you.. Please help, support to keep me motivated as I am loosing my mind badly due to this 2years of continuous suffering.. It is taking toll on my mind and body.. It will be great if you can suggest daily breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner diet which I will follow diligently. I will be indebted to you if you give me a daily diet chart and other tips to keep myself out of pain and suffering. I really want to play with my daughter and have a normal life with my wife and work life balance. My mind is so clogged with pain and suffering, I can hardly have a decent conversation and daily life with my wife and daughter. They think I am purposely ignoring them and not understanding that my pain and suffering is making me have a grumpy mood always… Need your support Sir…

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Avi – man stop the butter milk. That stuff is FULL of fat! I can’t see any thing else you are doing that could be the cause of your pain UNLESS you are one of the few men who have SOD. Then curcumin in combination with the butter milk would indeed cause problems. But man I couldn’t drink butter milk. That stuff would make me sick because of the high fat. So if it were me I’d cut out the butter milk and add in egg whites, beans, lentils, peas, rice for more protein (cooked without oil) see how I felt in a week or two. IF I understand you correctly you have already stopped the curcumin so see if stopping the butter milk makes a difference if it does stay away from it. No whole milk either. NO fat milk (they have no fat milk here and I can drink it now and again) may be ok for more protein.

          1. Avi

            Thank you Sir, really appreciate it. Yes, butter milk I stopped from today. One crazy Doctor told me to have lot of buttermilk for my pancreatitis. I was having a feeling of bloating while I was having that but continued as doc told me to.. Thanks again for pointing that out. I will try the other stuff you have suggested. Hope my pain will subside. Will let u know in a weeks time how it goes for me..

          2. Avi

            Hi HG, –
            Not sure where can I start from. My luck has been very very bad when it’s comes to chronic pancreatitis. Last time 9 months ago it was spleen artery aneurysm. Now it’s more horrible with plural emulation with 4 liters of pseudocyst and pancreas juices stuck up in my right side chest lungs. On Monday I got admitted thinking flare up in pancreatitis. Also ibuprofen was not working. So decided to rush to ER. They did cat scan, and they inserted a small pipe and pig tail. Last 3 days they took out 4.4 liters of dark, deep red liquid, fluids. They did a biopsy and there is no infections nor TB. Now the pipe is removed now. It seems I am getting all complications that happens with 1% of total pancreatitis patients..

          3. The Health Guy Post author

            Ah man, Avi, I am so sorry you are having so much difficulty and pain. I’m not sure what I’d do in your case in regards to home treatment. I might try large doses of grape seed extract. Like 800 – 1000 mgs 4x per day and see if that helped over say two weeks. I might also do the same escalation in dose with Vitmin C (6000 – 8000 mgs a day) and curcumin (2500 mgs per day). I don’t know if that would help. I’d probably keep increasing the grape seed extract until I found a level that worked (I’m just thinking out loud lol). I wish you better days soon Avi. 🙂

          4. Avi

            I am wishing to god that I hope I don’t have SOD and other complications. I have stopped buttermilk and started curcumin ones in the morning. Currently there is not much of any issues or reaction I can see with curcumin. But for continuous backpain and upper abdominal pain due to chronic pancreatitis, will it be ok to carry on with 400mg Ibruffen to manage the pain? Its helping me to do my daily choirs.

          5. The Health Guy Post author

            Hi Avi – I THINK continuing with the Ibuprofen would be ok. For a short time. The grape seed and curcumin should take over soon. Especially since you have quit drinking the buttermilk. Curcumin is as good as anti-inflammatory meds. In larger doses it does the same job without risk of heart attack and bleeding. However, if you take to much it can cause stomach upset (nausea and vomiting). 1500 – 2500 milligrams daily should be ok for most people. I’m thinkin with the low fat diet and the right supplement doses you will be a happy camper 🙂

  21. Susie

    I have just found your site. I think from info I have found on another site that perhaps this horrible pain is due to what you describe. I have never been accurately diagnosed. Two back surgeries- that obviously have not solved the pain. So, I’m going to do what you ( and the other person’s web site) are describing. I’m wondering, besides the extracts daily, and the vegan diet.. what about drinking tea? I like to drink regular tea, also green tea, with fresh ginger and lemon? Are these ok? No sugar. Or is the caffeine in tea not ok?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Susie – tea is fine. Tea, both green and black contain helpful antioxidants. The same goes for coffee. Ginger and lemon are great! I don’t have issues with sugar. It is however inflammatory. Raw, pure honey is a much better choice. Molasses is a better choice. Stevia is fine too but doesn’t have the benefits of honey.

  22. Jason Kleiber

    I was diagnosed with pancreatitis earlier this summer. Since then I have been hospitalized 3 times and admitted once. It seems like the Drs just want to toss a bunch of meds at me and get me on my way. Taking all these pain meds has led me to feel like a zombie and not be able to enjoy everyday life. I recently tried medical marijuana for the pain and nausea and it helped. Have you or anyone on this page had success with this treatment?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Jason – I’ve never tried weed for pain and nausea simply because when I was younger I used to smoke weed and it actually gave me nausea. Of course I may have smoked too much lol Anyway, I have heard of others using it and getting good results.

  23. Ronnie O'Brien

    Hi my wife was diagnosed with pancreatitis a week ago. They did blood test and ct with contrast. She had been having pain starting in her back left side and radiating to her front left rib area. She retired a week ago Friday and of course at the party had too much to drink. This lead to excruciating pain which lead us to the ER for the test. They sent her home on Durga and nausea meds. It’s been a week and their has been little change. I just gave her 800 mg Motrin to see if that changes anything. She has no hope of becoming a vegan as her diet is very limited to what she will eat anyway. No meats to speak if no veggies no fish very few fruits. Do you think the Motrin will start to help and how long should we wait to see.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Ronnie – sorry to hear about your wife. That really sucks to retire and get sick. Unfortunately if she won’t eat foods that are somewhat safe (low fat) it may be difficult for her. You should know by now whether the Ibuprofen had good results. It takes time to heal. She may heal up and be fine despite her lack of a proper diet. I would urge her to reconsider her diet choices because it may determine the long-term outcome. You might also consider going to the health store and getting her some grape seed extract, vitamin C and curcumin. Those supplements should help the healing process.

  24. Ronnie O'Brien

    Her diet could become a problem not necessarily always high in fat but full of breads and cheese. She sees a gastroenterologist today. She told me that it feels like the ibuprofen has helped. We are not sure if there is a stone or what that could be causing this. The hospital did ct with contrast and blood test told us what she has gave her pain meds and nausea meds and kicked us to the street. Healthcare system sucks even with good insurance.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Ronnie – it would definitely be helpful to know what the actual cause was. Gallstones are the number one cause with alcohol running a close second. But it could be something else. It would be good to know what that cause is. I’d suggest you find a doc who will do what it takes to discover the real cause. For now it would be really beneficial for he long-term outcome to watch what she eats. IF eating is more important than her recovery I have no wondrous words of wisdom.

  25. Joanne

    Hi thank you for your information. What do you do when you travel? I really want to travel overseas again but obviously I am concerned about not finding the right foods to eat. Obviously the last thing you want to do is get so hungry that you eat something you shouldn’t and then get sick when you’re away from home. Any tips? Joanne from Australia.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Joanne – traveling or even eating out in your home area can be quite challenging. You have to be very careful of not only what you eat but how your food is prepared. The only way I know of is to give the cook explicit instructions not to cook your food on any grill, to use a clean pan, prepare your food without oil, butter, etc and explain why it is so important that the instructions are followed. Good luck!

  26. Martha Laskie

    Hi Mr. Health Guy – I have had pain off & on for years, gall bladder removed in 2014, and a year ago, the pain returned!! After a 3-week bout of really bad stuff, FINALLY somebody diagnosed pancreatitis. So now assembling my game plan, vegan, fat-free, etc. etc. Yours is the ONLY website that’s had any sensible, doable advice. My doctor said NOTHING (only “come back if it gets any worse…”) !!! Shopping for supplements, finding all sorts of conflicting reviews about Curcumin & Grape Seed extract. Can you save me some time & trouble and recommend a few good brands that actually give the product that they advertise on their label??? Thanks, Martha from Chicago

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Martha – sorry to hear you have joined the pancreatitis hall of pain 🙁 I too have heard that line “come back if it gets worse.” On the right hand side of this site is a “drop down” category list. In that list you’ll see a category that deals with supplements. Somewhere in that section is a post that lists all the supplements I have used and/or still use. You’ll see the grape seed extract and curcumin. I hope you feel better soon!

  27. princeloki2013

    Hi THG, I’ve been experiencing nausea since last Wednesday (so 6 days so far), which was not a symptom prior. Before it was primarily “just” upper abdominal pain. Any advice for getting rid of the nausea? And would taking Creon or pancreatic enzymes help? I stopped taking them after my GI doctor said I didn’t have it a few months ago.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      If you have been diagnosed with pancreatitis ask your doc for nausea meds. Promethazine is really good so is prochlorperazine. The enzymes might help but I know good nausea meds work.

  28. Donna Fisher

    Dear Health Guy I never thought I would be writing or ever have the experience I had last night. I was honest to goodness visited by an angel. I was wide awake and totally conscious. Really strange , yet beautiful experience. I am not overly religious, believe in a combination of beliefs more than any set religion, yet I do believe in God, Jesus and Angels , demons and hell and Satan. None can exist without the other. Now, back to my reason for writhing to you. When this happened I had been googling for over 3 years , begging to find a dietician (my doctors are some of the best and were trying to help me find on that could actually do one for pancreas patients. All I really know about mine is that the doc says that my pancreas had literally digested a portion of itself and had totally used up ny fat cells and has been working on my muscle cells to the point I am malnourished. Went through doctors thinking I had an eating disorder and not listening when I swore to them I love to eat and do eat and do not care about what size I may be. Treated as though I was crazy until a great doctor saw me to check my gall bladdar. She referred me to UAB in Birmingham AL where they have some of the bests pancreas doctors in the world. They have me on 240000 units of creon 3 pills 3 times a day and that seems to have helpe some. I knew that I needed to change eating but, had no clue what or how I was supposed to adjust my food with the meds or what foods would hurt or help. Have gradually gotten even wore with up swings here and there. When my angel experience ( for lack o a better description) I sat up and immediately tped into google – same thing I had typed hundreds of times before and was let straight to you. I immediately got Gax X. What A God send that has been the last 24 hours. I also changed a few things in my eating today. Luckily my massive allerigies already had me away from a lot of the stuff that is bad for it and I have felt stronger and in less pain today than I have been for years. I do not know or care what others may think of my experience and I know many will think I am a lunatic. However, I am a testament to the power that touched me and led me to your site. I Thank you for your time and effort to help and be here for those of us who have so desprately been in need of guidance with this awful condition. I am going to get the supplements you suggest and try all of your suggestions, as I have learned more from this blog and both from you and those who have made comments that I feel have cleared the way for true hope of having at least a better quality of life with my family. Today I tried having no yolks in my eggs for breakfast, grits with a tiny bit of really low fat cheese just for a tiny bit of flavor, no butter and dry toast. I ate it all , Taking the gax x before eating and then actually had an appetite and deserve for food that I have not had in over 2 years. It ws wonderful and have ate Fresh fruit, strawberries and grapes , soup , a sandwich with mustard instead of mayo and have had none of the pain I have been having at every bite of anything I ate so that I had reached the point of not wanting to eat for fear of the agonizing pain. Having two kids, multiple collapsed and damaged discs in neck and back do not even come close to the pain, just so people know who do not have it. This has been one of the best days of my life since my pancreas problems begin and have now want food again and and actually looking forward to the great meal my husband and son are planning for me with. Thank goodness I am pretty much a Vegan anyway just due to my personal likes and allergies so I am used to doing without the junk foods anyway. Please keep this site going and Thank You for giving us some common sense , straight up answers to questions that no one who hasn’t dealt with tis on a personal level could know. God called on you and you answered. I know that one day , in some way , you will be greatly rewarded for this. I also know that an Angel heard my call and was sent to lead me to your help. Once again, Thank you for giving me hope and faith that I can still have some good days to make memories with my grandchild and family. God Bless YOu and All the patients you help !

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Donna – what a cool story (the Angel thing)! Thanks for sharing and thank you for the kind words but ALL the glory is God’s! He is a marvelous, merciful heavenly Father and I truly believe that He does in fact lead people to this site. After all He told me to create it. 🙂 I sincerely hope that the information He led me to find and share will continue to help you in your journey to healing. God bless you!

  29. Alok

    Go for Yoga + Ayurveda. It helped me a lot. Now I am leading a normal life..only Ayurveda has cure of pancreatitis.

    1. Natalie Davis

      Do you mean you saw a practitioner? You just ate for your dosha and not necessarily low fat?

  30. Natalie Davis

    Is it fat for everyone? My fat absorption tests are normal. My elastase is very low. So maybe my pancreas is actually struggling to digest protein or carbs more than fat and I need to limit those? I was vegan for 2 years before i found out i have chronic pancreatitis. I figured the huge daily raw salads were hard on it since difficult to digest.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Natalie – most people with a damaged pancreas do not tolerate fat well. Some don’t tolerate a lot of protein either, especially animal protein but I bet that boils down to fat content too since most protein also carries fat

  31. maggie

    how many mg do you recommend of curcumin and grapeseed extract for chronic pancreatitis?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Maggie – The dosage of supplements depends upon the person (weight and pancreas damage). So in this area people differ. It is best to start out with low doses and then slowly work up until you can really FEEL the benefits which means your symptoms either resolve or become less. The only reason for working up is that grape seed extract, curcumin and vitamin C are all very powerful antioxidants and so they purge the body of “free radicals” and toxins. IF you move the toxins out to rapidly it can make you feel ill (detox symptoms). People who are ill already don’t need to feel more ill yet some may not even notice because they already are ill – yeah I know what I just said sounded like a contradiction. It is just better to start slowly and move up so IF you have never taken grape seed extract or curcumin you may want to start with 100 – 200 mg of grape seed extract daily – if 200 I’d do TWO separate doses (one morning, one evening), with curcumin the lowest dose you can find to start and then work up. I’d work up dosage on a weekly basis.

  32. Fernando

    Hello health guy! My name is Fernando and I am so grateful to you for this website. My mom had her first pancreatic attack in Nov. of last year where she was taken to ER. She’s had a few more since. The last one being last week. I just started her on your regimen as of yesterday. At first, I had her on a paleo diet because I thought grains were the culprit, but, like I said, she still had pancreatitis episodes. I’m wondering, if you don’t mind my asking, when was the last time you had a pancreatitis episode? Do you experience any symptoms? Also, since I’ve started doing a lot of research on pancreatitis, I get a lot of conflicting information and almost everything I read concludes to cancer, which has me frightened most of the time. Your website is the first to give me some kind of hope. If my mom follows your recommendations to a T, do you think it’s possible she can still lead a long, healthy life? One last question, do you have any thoughts on Dr. Sebi’s methods?

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Fernando – sorry to hear your mom isn’t well. The paleo diet is way too high in fat for a damaged pancreas. Now I’ll answer your questions …

      1) “when was the last time you had a pancreatitis episode? Do you experience any symptoms?” I had an acute attack about 4 five years ago after eating way too much high fat food. The last attack before that was in 2005 or 2006 I think. I do NOT like to point out my indiscretions (cheating on diet) because I DO NOT want people to think “well he does it and he’s still a live” BECAUSE one of these days my cheating may be my undoing. And yes when I cheat even in small quantities I often regret it – so take heed … do NOT cheat! IF I did NOT cheat I would probably never have another issue.

      2) Don’t worry about cancer. Even if she develops chronic pancreatitis the chances of your mother dying from pancreatic cancer are very small. Pancreatitis increases the risk but it is not a done deal thing.

      3) “If my mom follows your recommendations to a T, do you think it’s possible she can still lead a long, healthy life?” Absolutely. I give no guarantees they don’t exist in the area of health issues. Anything can happen but if she does what is necessary to heal she may be fine for years to come.

      4) “do you have any thoughts on Dr. Sebi’s methods?” No. I have never been interested enough to look at his methods. So I have no educated opinion or guess.

  33. Joseph Delgado

    I recently was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis while I was hospitalized I am having little to no pain now
    no pain when i am not eating just a little uncomfortable pain when I eat
    It was caused by my alcohol addiction I was in and out of the hospital since I was twenty years old with acute pancreatitis was told to stop but did not listen
    I’m 29 now and only a week and some days sober
    Do I have to take the enima after the 3-5 day fast?
    Do you ever have a cheat meal?
    I was diagnosed in the ER where the doctors assumed I have CP what if I were miss diagnosed should I get a second opinion?

      1. The Health Guy Post author

        Hi Joseph – sorry to hear you have been unwell for a time. I am glad to hear you are sober. It is extremely important that you stay sober. No alcohol, none, nada, zip. You can do the enima or not just depends on how determined you are to heal. The enima simply flushes you out fast and gets rid of any offending food or drink residue. Yes, I have cheated on my diet and twice I have paid for doing so. I wouldn’t suggest it. If you were diagnosed with CP, in an ER, after 9 years of acute pancreatitis due to drinking I wouldn’t waste my time getting second or third opinions. The pain will get worse if you do not take the appropriate action necessary to heal. There is NO cure for CP but you can heal and live without pain etc.

        1. Joseph Delgado

          I’m going to follow everything your doing step by step I’m glad I found this it’s really giving me hope
          Thank you

  34. Joseph Delgado

    One more thing I’m taking medications at the moment for cholesterol do I discontinue taking them
    And methylprednisolone as well

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Joseph I can NOT give you that kind of advice – in fact I can’t give advice in regards to medical conditions. I am not a doctor. You should ask your doc if those drugs could be the cause of your pancreatitis. Statins can be a cause. Again, ask your doc 🙂

  35. Claudia Malec

    Hello Health Guy…Here’s my story,,.i’ll try to make it brief. In 2008 got very sick with upper abdominal pain just below solar plexus that radiated to back. I also has episodes of flushing in my face and neck. Docs thought carcinoid cancer but all tests came back negative. Pain weakness etc continued..all tests/scans etc unremarkable. Huge weight loss. I am 5’9″ and ended up weighing 118. (I am now down to a skeletal 110) Last summer they did a hida scan and found my GB ejection fraction to be low…so they removed my GB. Justs before the surgery my lipase was elevated 30 points over the high limit. They made me fast the numbers went down and surgery was performed. No stones. Right after surgery, my lipase elevated again and I was told to fast. Then told my numbers are NOT significantly increased enough for a diagnosis of CP. Doctors at U of P refused to do another MRI…sent me home with prilosec and told me to keep increasing dosage.

    That brings me to today…I am in constant pain that radiates from RUQ through to the back (bra line) sometimes up the neck right side and down from right side just below ribs. I cannot gain weight and have lost a tremendous amount of muscle mass.

    I am terrified to juice fast because I am already very underweight. I am going to incorporate the curcumin…I was already taking the grape seed extract and vita C. I am in need of any guidance you may have to offer. I am writing this while in the midst of a bad flare. Did take two motrin….but only took the edge off. No vomiting..or diarrhea. I do have severe constipation with these flares…so increased magnesium and vita C.

    I am scared to death…any suggestions? BTW I am 57 and don’t drink. I have previously written to you for prayer.

    Kindest Regards, Claudia

  36. Claudia Malec

    PS…I am in constant daily pain to varying degrees. There is NEVER a day when I am pain free and with the pain comes migranes….ugh!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Claudia – I am sorry to hear you are still so ill. I have a ? – you were talking about the doctors at U of P are you speaking of the University of Pittsburg by chance? IF so what doctors? This guy is suppose to be really good.

  37. Claudia Malec

    Oh….and one more quick question. I was previously on creon and did not do well on it. I noticed the enzyme supplement you take (NOW) contains sulfites…First, do you think I would benefit from taking them and which brand would you suggest? Thank you in advance for your kindness.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Claudia – I use Now Foods Super Enzymes. They work for me. They have everything necessary just not in the amounts that Creon has. Creon is super strong, expensive and can cause more side effects. If your doc seems to think you need enzymes you could try what I use and see if they help.

  38. Karin

    Hi Paul
    I had a severe acute pancreatic attack November of 2017 was in hospital for nearly three weeks. Went for a sonar April 2018 and they saw calcification on the head and tail of the pancreas. Since the attack I can count painless days on one hand. I am taking Grapeseed extract 300mg twice daily and vitamin C 1000mg per day. I also have gallstones. I eat very very low fat meals i.e brown rice, broccoli and other veggies as well as some chicken breast and hake – all steamed and fresh fruits. I also take 1mg of salmon fish oil twice a day as my skin and hair gets vey dry as well as dry eyes. I sometimes take paracetamol for the pain but don’t know if there is any form of alcohol (because of the ol on the end??) in the tablet or if it can become a sort of alcohol in the body. Stress is also a big factor in my life. My question is what could I be doing wrong as I am still in pain? Thx for you advice and care for others with this disease.
    Karin (South Africa)

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Karin – I am saddened to hear that you have been ill and suffering. Part of the pain and other symptoms may be caused by the calcification. I was thinking that the fish oil is also a problem but 1 mg (are you sure it is only 1 mg?) shouldn’t be an issue. Usually fish oil is in 1 gram caps and that can be an issue. Oil is oil no matter how good it might be for a normal person with a normal pancreas oil almost always causes problems with a damaged pancreas. With the calcification it may take more grape seed extract to help with resolving inflammation. If it were me I’d try adding another 300 mgs for a 3x daily deal and increase the vitamin C also. Since you mentioned having gallstones those could also be an issue causing gallbladder inflammation and they could also pass and get stuck in the common bile or pancreatic duct causing more acute pancreatitis. Hopefully that doesn’t happen but there could be GB inflammation. That too may be helped with more grape seed extract so I’d Keep adding grape seed extract until I felt relief. I don’t know what you are calling low fat meals so I’d try to eat no more than 5 grams of fat per meal, 25 total grams daily. Some people can not even tolerate that much so it is an experimental task like supplement doses. One just has to find what works.

      1. Karin

        Hi Paul
        Thx so much for your info much appreciated. The fish oil supplements I take is 1000mg (1g) per tablet which iI space in between meals so as not to ingest more than 5mg of fat per meal. The nutritional info on the fish oil indicates salmon oil 1000mg of which 120mg is DHA , 180mg is EPA and 3,68mg of vitamin E. I stick to the 5mg or less per meal come hell or high water. I will increase my Grapeseed extract intake as you suggested. How much mg of vit C do you suggest I take per day?
        May you be blessed with another 30yrs being pain free! You give hope to all CP sufferers.
        God bless

        1. The Health Guy Post author

          Hi Karin – Thank you for the blessing! I need all I can get! Considering you mentioned “Since the attack I can count painless days on one hand” IF it were me I’d stop the fish oil for awhile (without increasing the supplement doses so it’s a viable test), a week or two, see if the pain improved. Then if there is some improvement but maybe still some pain I’d increase the grape seed extract one dose per day for 3 daily doses instead of two and increase the vitamin c to twice daily and see how that works. IF there was NO improvement dropping the fish oil I may consider adding it back and simply increasing the supplement doses until I saw relief. BUT maybe there is enough damage and calcification where you simply won’t tolerate even 5 grams of fat per meal and so it may be necessary to cut out the fish oil and some more fat content in order to find out if that helps. Finding that “sweet spot” combination of fat per meal and per day total and correct supplement doses is really a “try and see” experiment. You may have to, fast, cleanse, and then juice for a few days before starting solid food again. Do a food diary and start with ZERO FAT foods (cut out ALL fat for a time) and see if that resolves the pain and then slowly add some fat back in to your diet to see exactly how much you are able to tolerate. Let me know if anything works. I’d like to hear that you are pain free and I’ll ask the Lord to help you. 🙂

          1. Karin

            Hi Paul
            Thx so much for your suggestions. I will cut out the fish oil first for a week and see what happens. Will let you know if there is improvement.
            Thx for your blessings and may God bless you abundantly xx

          2. Karin

            Hi Paul
            Would just like to know what is your opinion on taking hydrolysed gelatin protein supplement (derived from bovine) as a daily supplement. I googled it on the website
            Anxiously awaiting your reply.
            God bless

          3. The Health Guy Post author

            Karin from what I read it is probably ok – no fat – but try small amounts first to see how you tolerate it.

  39. Nic Olson

    My first pancreatitis flare up was on Thanksgiving night 2019. Lost 10lbs in 4 days throwing up my Thanksgiving dinner. My second flare up was late June after having 3 beers two nights in a row. So no more alcohol for me, and I don’t miss it.
    Since then, I’ve been researching like crazy and I have to say that it’s good to get information from someone who has/had this debilitating (condition? Disease?) as opposed to a doctor who only treats for profit and never speaks of prevention. So thank you.
    Prior to all of this, I was practicing intermittent fasting of a 16:8 regiment and I’m wondering if this is no longer a good practice as currently a CP’er. Furthermore, I wonder if my intermittent fasting contributed to my current state. I can’t find any comprehensive information as it’s all conflicting. From it’s good for the pancreas to it increases diabetes.

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Nic – sorry to hear you are in the club. Fasting is a very GOOD practice. Fasting has tons of benefits but the biggest benefit for us (those with pancreatitis) is that fasting allows our pancreas to rest. In fact fasting (NPO) is one of the few GOOD things done in an ED/ER atmosphere. The 16:8 is perfect and can be easily sustained if necessary. One quality, no fat/low fat meal in 24 hrs is what I normally do personally and have done it for most of my pancreatitis life span. It seems to work out that way because I only eat when I am hungry. Sometimes I eat breakfast and another meal around 1500 but usually only veggie juice or nothing in the AM now, with the meal around 1500 these days. And IF I ever do have a small flare (from cheating on diet) I fast for several days (modified NPO) just staying hydrated with water and supplements. I sometimes fast and cleanse to give my pancreas rest and to eliminate any fat and/or toxins that may be offending without my knowing. Because, just like the article this comment of your is posted upon stopping the inflammation and keeping it resolved is the key to living pain free.

  40. Christine Cataldo

    Bread- have you ever had any trouble eating bread especially freshly baked bread? A few times I’ve had pain after eating low- fat meals. And I really wondered what could cause the flare. I gave up gluten for 30 days without any noticeable change in my pain so I’ve resolved gluten was okay me to eat. Yesterday I made bread from scratch and my pancreas is killing me! Also interestingly, my daughter who is 7 told me (who also has had pancreatitis) I am not eating your bread mom it heard my pancreas last time! Now I’m wondering if it isn’t the gluten but the alcohol in the bread…because my bread recipe calls for the dough to sit in the fridge for up to 7 days before baking… could it have alcohol in it?? It does have yeast in it. Have you heard anyone else say this or have you experienced this? I’m desperate to find out. Thanks!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Christine – that’s a great question. A bread dough that sits 7 days? Is it sourdough? Unless the recipe calls for alcohol the only other possibility would be fermentation making alcohol…just a sec let me do a quick search … YES! The yeast fermentation makes alcohol. Interesting! Now you know. Great question and you had the answer dialed in.

  41. RJ

    Hi Health Guy,

    First of all I would like to thank you for your wonderful blog and for providing this essential information. I fully understand that you are not a doctor and cannot diagnose. However, I would really appreciate your thoughts if you don’t mind.

    I have currently not been diagnosed with anything except IBS about 10 years ago. However, over the past 3 weeks I have been having some more worrisome symptoms. I have been having excessive gas and belching (more than usual) and it especially causes trouble at night time. I often wake up around 4-5am and my bowels are making all kinds of noises and producing lots of gas. This gas also makes me feel a bit nauseous at times. I did have diarrhoea when my symptoms first started although my movements are more solid now although very occasionally with floating bits (this could be down to the gas). The colour has generally been normal. Living with IBS I am used to my bowel movements being changeable to say the least. However, they haven’t been like this for such an extended period of time before. (Sorry for tmi lol) I have also been having some minor back pain, between the shoulder blades. Also underneath each shoulder blade when I breathe in deeply. This all came on after drinking too much alcohol.. stupid I know, this is what makes me worried it could be CP. However, so far my doctors have basically ruled it out.
    I have had an amylase test and a liver function test. My amylase was 29 which is on the low end of normal. Unfortunately, I can’t get a test for lipase unless I get referred to a specialist. I discussed this with my GP and he said if it was CP in his experience he would expect the Amylase to be at least slightly raised and so has basically ruled out AP & CP. However, reading through some of the posts and comments on your site makes me worried this is still a possibility. At the same time as the amylase they tested for calcium and my level was ever so slightly below normal. Doc said don’t worry about this, probs just a dietary thing, check again in a few months. My LFT came back normal with the exception of a slightly raised bilirubin. Doc said that this in isolation is probably nothing to worry about although he did say it could be gallbladder related. In fact, he said that from my results there is no evidence of any damage caused by alcohol. This has eased my mind a tiny bit but I still have my doubts. The first doc I spoke to was pretty convinced it was just down to IBS and anxiety. Throughout this whole time I have had basically no abdominal or epigastric pain. Only the mild back pain. It doesn’t seem to make much difference what I eat (amount of fat). I haven’t totally changed up my diet yet as I haven’t been diagnosed and don’t want to turn my life upside down unnecessarily. I have been eating more healthily but I haven’t totally cut out fat. I generally have an ok appetite these days, it is mainly between meals or at night and when I wake up that I have a bit of nausea associated with the gas. When I first found your site after reading everything I did kind of convince myself that CP is what it must be, so I did purchase the recommended supplements and ibuprofen because I was just desperate to see if they would help.
    (I know you say it is better to try and get diagnosed first, sorry HG). After taking them for a couple of weeks I can’t say I have seen much improvement, but like I say I haven’t eliminated fat from my diet. I have been referred to have an abdominal ultrasound but I will probably have to wait for a few weeks. The not knowing is killing me..

    In your opinion do you think my symptoms sound like CP? Would you suggest trying the diet even though I have not been diagnosed and the tests so far are normal? I suppose it could just be an extended IBS flair up or something else entirely but I just have this feeling that I can’t shake that it might be CP..

    Any thoughts or advice you can give would be much appreciated. Sorry for the long post and thank you for everything you’re doing!

    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi RJ I know it is frustrating to not know why you don’t feel well. Could it be CP? Yes. Could it be autoimmune pancreatitis? Yes. Could your pancreas be slightly inflamed thus causing all the symptoms? Yes. Could it be gallstones/sludge/GB disease? Yes. Could it be your liver? Maybe Could it be an inflammatory bowel disease? Yes. Rj I know you are frustrated but I just gave you an idea of how many different things off the top of my head it could be. Find a good doctor and let him or her do their thing and see what happens.

  42. Monica


    What are your thoughts about eating fish?


    1. The Health Guy Post author

      Hi Monica … fish is excellent. Some fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, etc may have too much fat from fish oil but white meat fish such as cod, pollock, halibut, white albacore tuna, bass, crappie, perch, etc are excellent and usually safe for most folks. A one serving can of white albacore tuna in water (not oil) has 29 grams of protein and 1 gram of fat. I eat a lot of fish and chicken breast and veggies.


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