Pictures Of The Pancreas

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Here are some pictures of the pancreas so you can learn what it looks like, where it sits in your body both of which will explain why you hurt is the places you do when you are ill with an inflamed pancreas. The pancreas has 4 general regions head, neck, body, tail but there is also the Uncinate Process or Hook. The uncinate hooks around two very important blood vessels, the superior mesenteric artery and the superior mesenteric vein.  It leans towards the back of the abdomen and to the left

Fig 1



This picture shows the various parts of the pancreas (Uncinate or Hook, Head, Neck, Body, Tail)

Fig 2

Anatomy of the pancreas


This picture shows the Uncinate or Hook wrapping around two very important blood vessels, the superior mesenteric artery and the superior mesenteric vein.

Fig 3
